Ash Wills - Ire to Oxt

( 49 ) ASH WILLS.* BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. JAMES IBEIAND. 18 Sept. 1475. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 2s.; altar of St. Mary there 20d.; and to reparation in the church called Eoodloft 20d.; towards buying one Processional 6s. 8d.; and for the Chapel of St. Mary in the church two candlesticks of latyn, price 40s. Ex'ors : Isabella my sister and "William Sprot. My sister have the residue, also my tenement for her life, then sold and the money disposed for our souls, half in Ash Church and half in St. Dunstan's outside Canterbury. Probate 25 Oct. 1475. (W., fol. 66.) REV. JOHN IEELAND. 19 April 1519. Buried in the churchyard against my master's tomb.f To the reparation of the church 3s. 4c?.; to every light 4sd.; and to the high altar 20d. To the highways beside St. Thomas's Cross 6s. 8d. My brother's wife in Sandwich a red coverlet and pair of sheets; my brother Hew Ireland 6s. 8d.; my sister Maud Skinner 10s. High altar of the church of Selby 20d., and to the reparation of that church 3s. 4>d. To the church of Ash two kine for an obit yearly, and the same to Selby Church. My hostess Joan Young have 6s. 8d., and Alice Young 20d. and a sheet. A priest sing for my soul, friends, etc., half a year in Ash Church and have 5 marcs. To the high altar a sheet for an altar cloth, to Our Lady altar a sheet and my best coverlet, and a sheet to each of the altars of St. John, St. Thomas, and St. Katherine. To the painting of the new Tabernacle of Our Lady 12d. Ex'ors: Simon G-ason and Joane Young. Witnesses: Sir John Hobson, Simon Gason, Sir James G-arnett. Probate 4 July 1519. (W., fol. 153.) RICHAHD JOHN, husbandman. 24 June 1484. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20d., and to the fabric of the church 3s. id. Son Stephen have six ewes, daughters Margaret and Isabel each a cow and six ewes. Ex'ors: * Continued from Vol. XXSV., p. 35. t John Ireland was Chantry-priest of the Septvans Chantry. See will of Alice Downing, 1511. VOX.. XXXVI. E 50 ASH WILLS. Wife Joan, William Penny, William Ilent. Wife Joan have for life the income from all my lands and tenements, then son Nicholas have my tenement at Couperstreet with one acre of marsh, and a barn with half a rod of land; son Stephen one acre of land formerly Contreys; son Henry one acre of land at Downings, and half an acre at Tye; son William my messuage and six acres of land; sons John and Robert five acres at North Downe. Witnesses: William Peny, William Ilent, Laurence John, Thomas Stokes. Probate 15 July 1484. (W., fol. 79.) WILLIAM JOHN. 27 Dec. 1510. Buried in the churchyard. To the reparations of the church 12 ewes, and to the Chapel of Richborough 13s.


Minster in Sheppey: Notes on Two Brasses in the Church


A Roman Cemetery Discovered at Ospringe 1920