William Lambarde's Pedigree Notes

PAERIA i^C William Lnmhnrdi PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM LAMBARDE, in the possession of Major Gore Lambarde. ( 131 ) WILLIAM LAMBARDE'S PEDIGREE NOTES. Communicated by BRIGADIER GENERAL FANE LAMBARDE, C.M.G., D.S.O. AMONGST his notes, WiUiam Lambarde left a few connected with the pedigrees of his own, or his wives' relations. He married three times : first, on 11th September, 1570, Jane Multon, who died 21st September, 1573 ; second, on 14th March, 1582-3, Sylvester Dene, who died 1st September, 1587 ; and third, on 13th April, 1592, Margaret Payne,, who survived him. For these see Arch. Cant., Vol. V. His notes are as foUow :— 1. Pedigree Note by William Lambarde, 1586. Thomas Lumbarde (alias Lambarde) of Ledbury in Herefordshire that lyved after 29th Henry VI, had issue William : whoe amongst others had theise issues John Lambarde etc. Thomas, that dyed a scholar at Oxforde without issue. Elizabeth, married to John Bond of Ledbury, and by him had Anne, marryed to John Goodriche of . . . . in Gloucestershire and hath issues I * John of Ledbury, who hath James Charles, of London, Draper. Margaret Elizabethe married to Thomas Wyckyn, of London, Draper. Margery died without Dorothie Margaret Barberie William Thomas Giles married to Moorcrofte. The said Anne, married to Goodriche, hath issue Christian, married to John Nicolson, of London, ourryer, and hath Bridget, married to John Jobbyns hath issues Mary Anne John William Sylvester, married to William Wylkyns, hath Thomas Richard John Jasper Anne Lambarde Margaret Catherine Edward 1 3 2 WILLIAM LAMBARDE'S PEDIGREE NOTES. 2. The Pedigree of John Downe, of London, 1576—by W. Lambarde. John Downe, of London, grocer, the sonne of William Downe and of Joane Multon, had 3 wives, one after another, and died in the year 1657 leaving issue by Elizabeth his first wife William Downe died before his father. John Downe outlived his father and died at Yalldinge An0 1566 without Elizabeth, married to Henry Cuffe. Margerye, married to John Swane dyed 1563 without issue. Joane, marryed to Thomas Langton. issue. Elizabeth his second wife Martha, marryed to Edward Stevenson, and after to Doctor Gesippe. Margery Asshley his 3rd wife Mary, married to Thomas Whettenhall. Thomas, dyed after his father without issue anno, dom : 1564. Anne, dyed after her father leaving a young childe. Meryam, of Boughton Monchelsey, Mason. John, married Margaret Payne Chylde which died before Baptisme (N.B. Margaret was afterwards m'1 to Richard Reader and William Lambarde —F.L.) Eleanor had by John Clarke her 1st husband I John and by Mychael Startop her 2'1 husband Julian, married to John Reader, brother to Richard William Agnes Mary She was afterwards married to Goughe. 4. John Payne, of Frittenden, yeoman, marryed Jane the daughter of Robert Coucheman, of Frittenden, clothyer Robert, marryed to Dionise I Nicholas, marryed to Agnes Crofton Elizabeth, marryed to John Mascall Margaret, married to Walter Reader, brother to Richard Reader. Peter married to Burdon. Robert Richarde Margaret, first married to John Meriam after that to Richard Reader and lastly to William Lambarde. William Tobias Jane 5. WILLIAM LAMBARDE S P E D I G R E E NOTES. Reader, of 133 John Richard Walter William Woodwarde= Richard= Robert d.s.p. William, of Chydyngstone Richard Woodwarde= of Ashford, which died 1517 Joane Crowe Edward Woodwarde, of Ashford, married Margaret y° d a u : and heir to Tutor of Stoke (m'1. afterwards Edward White) by her he had the manor there yet called Tutors. It was sold by his son William to John Wylkyns who was succeeded by his cousin and heir George Wilkins. Jo]i hn Elizabeth Alice md. Fusse of Ashford William; d. 1583 or 1584. =Margaret Ashyrst Edward Thomas Diana William Danyel Dyonise Dorothe Reignold married to Baker NOTES TO THE ABOVE. Particulars of the wives of William Lambarde may be found in the Lambarde Diary published in Vol. I I of Misc. Gen. et Heraldica. In Pedigree No. 1, the descent from John Lambarde is printed in Arch. Can., Vol. V. In it, it may be noted that Giles, the brother of William, married Margaret Stevenson who afterwards married Humphrey Wyndham. I do not know if there was any connection between her and the Stevenson of Pedigree No. 2. I have not collated Pedigree No. 3 with the History of the Kentish family of Merriam in the Society's Library a t Maidstone, which is noted in Arch. Cant., Vol. XXVII. This name appears several times in the Goudhurst Parish Registers. Pedigree No. 6 corrects and amplifies both Hasted and Berry. Hasted gives an earlier reference to the Woodwards under Hadlow. In Arch. Cant., Vol. XVI, is a reference to their house a t Ashford. And in Vol. XXVIII is a note to the effect that Edward Woodward who died in 1528 wishes to be buried beside his father in Ashford Church. Again in Vol. X X X I , in Notes from the lost " Register of Stoke," are many entries connected with the Wylkyns family referred to here both in Pedigrees No. 1 and No. 6. The marriage in 1576 of George Wilkins to Elizabeth Woodward is interesting, as showing, apparently, a more intimate connection between the families than merely the transference of property referred to in Pedigree No. 6. The last of the Multon family married a daughter of Whettenhall of Peckham—this in connection with Pedigree No. 2. Edward Woodward died in 1528 a n d his widow married Edward White ; and their grand daughter Sylvester was William Lambarde's second wife.


Rochester Cathedral Heraldry before A.D. 1800


The Lambarde Cup