Eastry Wills - Owr to Wol (concluded)

( 35 ) EASTRY WILLS (concluded). BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. WILLIAM OWRE, yeoman. 9 April 1541. Buried in the church in the alye there where John Owre my late father lieth and Elisabeth my mother, as conveniently may be. High altar for tithes 3-id and of Woodnesborough 3-4ci. Wife Joan 100 marcs (£66-13-4ii) and all household stuff in my house called Goore wherein I dwell. William Church yeoman have my cloth gown furred with bouge and lamb. Thomas Sherwood my gown furred with tawny chamlet. My cousin John Frende of Walton, my best coat, and to William Andrew of Woodnesborough my second best coat and to Thomasine his wife a quarter of barley. Roger Church my nevewe 20 ewes. Elisabeth daughter of John Frende of Walton a cow at her marriage. William Cocke my godson £6-13-4ci when 21, under condition he abide with my Ex'or until 21. William, John, Joan, children of John Baker deceased, 2 kine each. Residue to Ex'or to pay debts etc, and overplus to Richard, William, John, Thomas, Alexander, and Stephen, my sons when 21 ; each heir to the other, and sons to be in the custody of my Ex'or,—Thomas Hamond of Nonington, my brother (sic). Lands and tenements in Eastrye, Woodnesborough, Worde, Sholden, and Deal. Son Richard when 21 the messuage called Goore with all lands meadows woods etc in Eastrye and Woodnesborough, and to his heirs for ever ; also 10 acres of arable land in Eastrye late bought from John Huggen, yeoman; 7 acre at Lymmydge Hill in Eastrye ; and all lands late bought from Richard Frinde and William Andrew in Stone Cross and Downe end ; all lands in the field called Stereteem; lands called Stottenborough now in the occupation of Oliver Goddard. Also all lands in Worde late in the occupation of Richard Afforde ; 7 acres in a close called Weamys in Woodnesborough ; 40 acres of pasture in Sholden. Richard to pay his brother Thomas £100. Son William when 21, my messuage called Silston with all lands etc ; also 7 acres behind Blackeland Bush about Fillenden Close in Woodnesborough ; 2 acres in Worde 3 36 EASTRY WILLS. beside Brewars Bridge over the Delf belonging to Sandwich ; 40 acres of pasture in Sholden in the Range ; a messuage with garden and half a barn in the field called Wattylgate in Eastrye, late bought from William Andrew ; a little house in Sandwich in the parish of St Clement, in which Peter Lyce cutler now dwells. William to pay his brother Alexander £100. Son John when 21 my place called Silleston with all lands etc in Eastrye and Woodnesborough, late bought from Thomas Mayehewe of Lincolnshire, esquire ; 16 acres called Harland in Woodnesborough late bought from Richard Watts ; 40 acres of pasture in the Range in Sholden ; a yearly rent of 26-8d out of a tenement with lands called Napcester in Norborne. John to pay his brother Stephen £100. My Ex'or have the letting out of my lands, etc, for the best advantage of my sons. Witnesses :— Thomas Sherwood, John Paine smith, John Goldoune, yeoman, all of Eastrye, Richard Frinde of Goodneston yeoman, John Sarys, recorder of Sandwich. [Probate 22 Dec. 1541.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 45, 72.) THOMAS ODLEY. 24 Nov. 1494. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d. Residue after paying debts etc, to wife Alice and William Barrett, my Ex'ors. My wife have for her life my messuage sometime called Wenstons, 1\ acres of land at Wenston Cross, with two little crofts called the hether croft and Sanotons at Wenston, and the fuel wood thereupon, also half a yard of land at Haukelynch at Worth against the chalk-pit, with easement of the garden for herbs at the place we now dwell in. After her death Peter Darby and John Frend of Walton, junior, to deliver estate to my next heir. After my death the place where we live to be sold and the money disposed for my burying etc, and if John Odley my son will buy the place, he to have it 40/- within the price of any man. [Probate 29 May 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 148.) ALICE ODLEY, widow. 18 June 1499. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d; and to the church a coverlet and table cloth of diaper. Katherine daughter of my son 2 ells of new cloth. John Odley of Northboume a brass pot. Residue after paying debts etc, to Thomas Cantes and John Clarke my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. [Probate 25 June 1499.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 37.) EASTRY WILLS. 37 WILLIAM PARAMORE. 24 Oct. 1529. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20d; and to the lights of Our Lady, St John, and St Margaret, to each half a seame of barley. Residue half to my wife Katherine and half among my children. Ex'ors :—Wife Katherine and son Sawfere (sic). Wife have my house with a garden at Ash, until son Saffery (sic) and daughter Custance are 17, then equally to them. Wife have for life my house in Eastry, then equally to my sons Robert and Harry in fee simple. Son Thomas the acre called Horseacre in fee simple. Son John the house bought from Robert Sharpe. Witnesses :—Mr Robert Cooper,1 doctor of musick, Sir John Young, curate there, John Adam. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 79.) JOHN PARRAMORE. 1 May 1552. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people at my burial 13-id. Wife Anne £10, a cow, and all such stuff she brought to me, releasing her right to dower to John and William my sons in their lands. Daughters, Agnes, Alice, Susan, each £5 at their marriage. Peter Cantice my brother (sic) my best russet coat. Residue after paying debts equally to my sons. Ex'or:—Son John with Thomas Shererd overseer. Son John have the messuage I now dwell in with barn, housing, etc, and pasture land, and to his lawful heirs, if no issue to my son William. Wife have the tenement with garden next to the vicarage for her life, then to son William and his lawful heirs. Son William the little tenement and garden of 12 perches called Nether Knowle, and to his lawful issue, if no issue to son John and his issue. Witnesses :—William Parker, John Bett, Alexander Pysing, Thomas Hunt. [Probate 28 Nov. 1552.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 10.) THOMAS PARKER. 16 Feb. 1508-9. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20ci ; and to the mending of the way by the church wall a seame of barley. Residue to wife Cristian. Ex'ors :—Thomas Parker of Hame, and John Parker of Updon my sons. Wife have my lands, tenements, etc. for life, then John Parker of Updon a tenement standing against the cross and 14 acres of land in 1 Robert Cooper was rector of Great Mongeham to 1526, then exchanged to Snargate 1626-39, also a Canon of Wingham 1511-30. 38 EASTRY WILLS. Eastry and Hamme, whereof 2 acres are at Brambilhelle ; 2 acres 3 rods at Updon; a little garden in Hamme ; one acre by the Millborough the highway east, 6 acres by the Millborough east to the lands of Roger Lichfield, gent. Son Thomas Parker of Hamme, after the death of my wife have the tenement where I dwell and a little barn. Witnesses:—Thomas Assho, vicar, Thomas Nethersole, William Frenne. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 124.) RICHARD PARKER of Harrenden. 23 July 1524. Buried in the churchyard. High altar a seame of wheat and barley. Son Thomas 5 seames of wheat and barley, a milch cow, bullock, and horse. Sons John, Edward, and Richard each have 5 seames of wheat and barley, 12 sheep, cow, bullock, and horse. Wife Joane all lands until son Thomas is 21. Residue to my wife my Ex'or, with Thomas Parker and John Huggen overseers. Witnesses :—John Huggen, Robert Salle. [Probate 24 Oct. 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 54.) THOMAS PARKER, yeoman. 7 June 1539. Buried in the church as most convenient. To the curate of the church for my tithes 10/-. Reparation of the church 40/-; towards mending the Rood loft in Hamme church 2Q-8d ; mending the highway between Hamme church and Newegate of Sandwich £35. Joan daughter of my brother, now wife of John Adenne £10, and to her sister Cecelly wife of John Roger £10, and her sister Alice wife of John Forstall £10. Joan my daughter wife of Richard Whitfield £20. Joan Sillett my servant half my household stuff, 2 kine, 6 ewes ; Isabel Keler my servant 2 ewes ; John Culverhouse my servant 5 ewes. John Parker of Sandwich, tailor 20/- ; and John Igulden of Sandwich 20/-. Residue affer paying debts etc. to Oliver Goddard of Eastry, yeoman, and my daughter Cristian his wife, my Ex'ors. Witnesses:—-William Stoone, John Culverhouse, John Igulden, Richard Hanley of Sandwich. [Probate 8 Nov. 1539.] (Con. Vol. 17, fol. 46.) ROGER PENY. 25 January 1507-8. Buried in the churchyard beside my mother. High altar for tithes 12d. Residue after paying debts to wife Juliane, who with William Roger of Raynes, Ex'ors. EASTRY WILLS. 39 Wife have my tenement called Barfield and 7 acres of land, and to her heirs etc. for ever. Residue of lands to be sold and money disposed for my soul. Witnesses :—Thomas Nethersole, WilHam Frenne, Thomas Parker of Ham. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 58.) JOHN PYSING, of Selveston, senior. 6 Sept. 1498. Buried in the churchyard before the west door of Our Lady chapel. Reparation of the new Bells 20ci, Light of Our Lady chapel one ewe. Son John my best sangwen gown. Wife Agnes my great chest for her life, then to be sold and the money to the reparation of the church. That 5 loads of stone be laid in the church lane beside Cecly Clerk's tenement. Ex'or—Wife Agnes and have residue. Wife have my tenement with all lands for a year after my death, then to son Thomas, except the new house next to the gate to my wife, after her death to son Thomas. [Probate 18 Feb. 1498-9.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 6.) JOHN PYSING. 28 July . . . . Buried in the churchyard. A red cloke to my brother Thomas. Residue after paying debts etc. to John Frinne and Thomas Meknes my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Thomas Froode, John Osse. [Probate 11 Oct. 1500.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 4.) ROBERT PYSING. 5 May 1502. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8d. Residue after paying debts etc. to my parents [not named] my Ex'ors. [Probate 26 July 1502]. (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 40.) WrLLiAM PYSING, of Statenborough. 23 May 1513. Buried in the churchyard. Son William my best coat. Residue after paying debts to wife Isabella who with John Roffe my Ex'ors. Lands, and tenements at Statingborgh (sic) to wife for life, then to son William and his lawful issue, if no issue then at his death to be sold, and money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :—Saphire Cottinden chaplain, Richard Whitefield, Patrick Froste, Thomas Roger. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 131.) 40 EASTRY WILLS. WDLLIAM PYSING, husbandman. 19 March 1552-3. Buried in the churchyard. Agnes Pysing daughter of my son 3-4^ ; William son of Richard Pysing Z-id. Residue to wife Alice, and have one room at the north end of the house or 4/- yearly during her life, free to come and go to the fire. Ex'or—Son Saunder Pysing, and have the house I dwell in with all lands for his life, if he die without lawful male issue, then to my son Richard. Witnesses :—Thomas Whitfield, Richard Ower, Sapher Paramore, John Landay, Alice Pysing. [Probate 24 May 1556.] (Con. Vol. 26, fol. 107.) ISABELLA PYTTOCK. . . . . 1548. Administration to the goods of Isabella Pyttock of Eastry. To Thomas Scott of Sandwich. Bond— Christopher Scott of Sandwich. (Con. Act., Vol. 1 fol. 80.) HARRY ROGER. 3 March 1499-1500. Buried in the churchyard beside my father and mother. High altar 3-id ; reparation of the church works 20c?. Wife Juliane1 all my moveable goods. Residue to William Roger my brother, and Thomas Parker of Hame my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Thomas Roger my father now dead, was Feoffee of my lands and tenements, which I have given by deed to my Ex'ors, paying to my wife yearly 10/- out of the same in Bettishanger. My part of the same in Eastrey or Bettishanger to be sold, and money to pay debts, etc., and after the death of my wife to John son of William Roger 40/-, and to Thomas son of Nicholas Roger 40/-, any residue for my soul. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 6, fol. 22.) JULIANE ROGER. 12 January 1504-5. Buried in the church beside Peter Derby sometime my husband [Died 1497]. High altar 20d; mending of the highway by the church wall a seame of barley. Juliane Derby my god-daughter my best girdle and a bullock. To each child of myson Thomas a seame of barley in the hands of Thomas Parker of Hamme. Residue after paying debts etc, to my son Thomas Derby my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Dom John, curate, John Bone. [Probate 6 April 1505.] (Con. Vol. 8, fol. 53.) 1 Juliane was widow of Peter Derby who died 1497. EASTRY WILLS. 41 THOMAS ROGER. 12 Feb. 1543-4. Administration to the goods of Thomas Roger. To Elisabeth, relict. Bonds—Henry Rogers of Sholdon yeoman, and Thomas Pache, gent, in £20. Inventory £17-15/-. (Con. Act. Vol. 1, fol. 43.) JOHN ROGER. 8 Aug. 1552. Buried in the churchyard among the stock (sic) of my ancestors. To the poor peoples box 3-id. Christian my daughter £5. If wife with child then £3-6-8d to the child, but if both die then to Richard, Anthony, Thomas, Elisabeth, my three brothers and sister equally. Residue to wife Joan who with my father Roger my Ex'ors, with John Walker of Goodneston, overseer. Witnesses :—John Orgurs, vicar, Roger Church, John Walker, John Eyton. [Probate 8 Oct. 1552.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 1.) WILLIAM ROLE. 15 May 1551. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Margaret have all my goods after paying debts, etc. Witnesses :—William Wollett, William Parker, Edward Pittock. [Probate 9 June 1551.] (Con. Vol. 23, fol. 42.) JOHN SHARPE. 10 March 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard. As many new boards as shall make the utter church-gate. Son Robert 2 horses and 2\ quarters of barley, and daughters Margery and Joan each a young heifer and 2 sheep. Residue to wife Cristian who with Robert Frinne, Ex'ors. Wife have for life my tenement called Bayles with 9 acres, also 5 yards of land in Gore, then to son Robert and his lawful issue. After my death Robert have 6 acres at Hamme and i \ acres at Wenston. Denis my daughter half an acre at Gore and half an acre at Wenston. [Probate 8 July 1499.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 40.) WILLIAM SHARP. 10 Sept. 1501. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12il Reparation of the church of Wat'ham (sic) the 3-id in the hands of William Sharp. Residue after paying debts, etc., to Magister Thomas Asshowe, cleric, and John Arrowe my Ex'ors. Robert Sharp my brother's son have my house and 4 acres of land, and 42 EASTRY WILLS. to his heirs etc., paying unto Cristian Sharp 2/- yearly, and after her death paying to my Ex'ors every year 6-8d for 20 years for an Obit. [Probate 31 January 1501-2.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 13.) THOMAS SKAPYS. 8 April 1498. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St. John Baptist 12d ; reparation of the vestments 3-4ci. Cristian Skapys my sister a red cow. Residue to Henry Roper and Richard Wickam my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. [Probate 12 Sept. 1498.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 206.) WLLLIAM SlMONDS. 27 April 1511. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d ; and to the painting of Peter and Paul if the parish paint them within a year 20d. Saunder Berton my host have my second gown and his wife my wife's kirtle. John Watts and Nicholas Shifday have 6-8d, and be my Ex'ors to pay debts etc. That 8 acres of land at West Langdon be sold, the money to my daughters [no names] at their marriage, if both die then disposed for our souls. Also my daughters have all moveables at their marriage. Witnesses :—Sir Saffer, Thomas Nethersole, Thomas Moknesse, Thomas Bene. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 23.) WILLIAM SUTTON. 9 August 1464. Buried in the church of St. Mary of Eastry. High altar iOd ; and to repair one bell £5 ; to the work (opus) of the church £6-13-4d Thomas Odle, Richard Gonne and his son Peter 6-8cZ each. John Olde and William Hame iOd each. To repair the road between the church of Wodenesbergh and Sandwich 20/-; and the road between Eastry and Sandwich 20/-. Joan, Cristine, and Beatrice my daughters £3-6-8d each. Residue after paying debts etc. to wife Margery, who with John Whitefield my Ex'ors. Feoffees of my lands, tenements :— Richard Oxinden of Wingham and Thomas Watts of Wodensbergh. Wife Margery have the same for life, then the tenement at Lukkisbote in Sandwich, and all lands in the culage1 of Harynden, 5 rods of land at Felyden in Baronia, and one acre at Westhinwelde, to Cristine my daughter and her assigns for ever. The 1 Culage is probably from the French " cueillage," a levy of taxes and was payable by tenants to one who had seignorial rights over a district, EASTRY WILLS. 43 messuage at Selveston and all lands on the west side of the Drove which leads to Selveston Cross as far as Burstreet, and all lands on the west side of the road which leads to Selveston Cross as far as Brodstreet, to daughter Joan and her heirs etc. for ever. The messuage called Wellys and all lands on the east side of the Drove which leads from Selveston Cross as far as Borstreet, and all lands on the east side of the road which leads from Selveston Cross as far as Brodstreet, to daughter Beatrice and her heirs etc. for ever. Each daughter heir to the other, but if all die under age, then Richard Oxinden and Thomas Watte sell the same, and dispose the money in pious uses for our souls. [Probate 12 Sept. 1464.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 143.) MARGERY SUTTON, widow. 12 May 1557. Buried in the churchyard. Joan Nethersole have all my goods and be my Ex'or. Witnesses :—John Paramore, smith, Robert Frinde, Thomas Benet, priest and curate there. [Probate 30 Oct. 1558.] (Con. Vol. 26, fol. 169.) RICHARD THOMLYN. 20 Sept. 1490. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id. Residue after paying debts to wife Joan who with Thomas Rutland my Ex'ors. Wife have the tenement in which I dwell, with a virgate of land, for her life, then sold and money disposed for my soul and friends. The messuage in which son Richard dwells to be sold after my death, the money to pay debts, etc. and Richard if he will buy the same. Witnesses :—Thomas Assho, cleric, Elisabeth Carter. [Probate . . . . 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 276.) JOHN WHESTON. 3 May 1461. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or—Wife Katherine and have tenement where we dwell and 9 acres of land near the Wind Mill for her life, then sold and money disposed for our souls. [Probate 17 May 1462.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 68.) JOHN WHITEEIELD. 21 January 1507-8. Buried in the church. High altar 16ci. Son John have my messuage at Nether Knoll and land called Howting with water right, and not to sell the same, except to John, senior, or Richard my sons. Son Thomas 2 acres of land at Stone Cross, giving to my son John easement to the water from 44 EASTRY WILLS. the spring. Son Andrew 40/-. My " nepotes " the sons of Andrew, Thomas, and John Whitefield, one ewe each. Agnes Whitefield my servant a cow and 12 ewes. Sons John, senior, and Richard all lands, tenements, rents, services, in Eastry, Northboume, and Deal. Ex'ors:—Sons John, senior, and Richard. Witnesses :—Magister Thomas Assho, cleric, vicar there, Magister Maletecam, cleric. [Probate 26 Feb. 1507-8.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 119.) JOHN WHITEFIELD . 2 Oct. 1513. Buried in the churchyard beside my father. High altar 6-8ci. Clement Kirke clerk of the parish 12ci To the making of a new Rood Loft when it shall be done 20 /-. To maintain the Light of St. Mary every year at the discretion of my brother Richard ; and to the Light of St. Anthony a taper (sic). Wife Agnes have for her jointure, 11 acres of land sometime called Clerks, and the tenement called Clerks, for her life, then to my brother Richard and his heirs for ever. Also wife have for life ,the tenement which Thomas Cantes inherited, then to my son Thomas, if he die without lawful issue to my brother Richard. Also wife have 40 sheep, 3 kine, and £3-6-8d Thomas my brother a bullock. Ex'or :—Richard my brother. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 32.) ANDREW WITTEIELD.1 11 January 1523-4. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d ; and to the Rood Loft 2/-. Son Thomas have 5 rods of land. Daughter Elisabeth 12 ewes and a calf, her mother have them for four years ; if Elisabeth die then to be sold and money disposed for our souls. All household stuff to wife. Residue to wife Alice and son Thomas my Ex'ors, with my brother Richard overseer. [Probate 27 June 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 30.) RICHARD WHITEFIELD, yeoman. 14 May 1545. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3-id to the reparations of the church 20/-. Repair of the highway between Staitingborough and Bukland 10/-. Daughter Elisabeth £40 at her marriage, and 2 kine, 2 horses, 25 wethers, 25 ewes. Daughter Agnes £30 at her marriage and 2 kine. Wife Joan2 2 kine, 40/-, half my household stuff, the loft in the north 1 Son of John Whitefield, who died 1508. a Joan was daughter of Thomas Parker, who died 1539. EASTRY WILLS. 45 end of my house at Selston, and one of the chambers at that end, with free licence (sic) to the fire and to her bed. John Whitfield senior, 5 ewes, 5 quarters of barley, one of wheat and my house at Deale. William Whitfield 5 ewes, 4 quarters of barley, one of wheat, and my house in which John Oliver dwells. Richard Whitfield 4 quarters of barley and one of wheat. Ex'or—Thomas son of John Whitfield my brother, with Oliver Goddard overseer. The £30 in the hands of John Whitfield at Eche to be paid to my Ex'or to help pay debts etc. Lands, tenements in Eastry, Wodnesborough, Worth, Northboume, Goodneston. Thomas son of John Whitfield my brother, have my messuages at Selston, Streting, and Staetyngborough, with half the barn, and all lands to the same in Eastry; 5 acres in Wodnesborough, whereof 3 acres are at a place called Blakney Busshe, 1 acre 3 rods called Romans acre, and 1 rod at Phillenden Dolke, and 6 acres called Long Lease in Worth. Elisabeth my daughter my messuage at Som'felde in which Henry Church dwells, with all lands in Wodnesborough, Goodneston and Staple, and to her heirs for ever. Also the pasturage of 3 kine at Gortoffe in Worth. Agnes my daughter my messuage at Tyknest with all lands in Northbourne, Wodnesborough, and Goodneston in occupation of the same Henry Church. Wife Joan the tenement and garden at Eastry street called Nether Knoll, and 12 acres at Butts and King's Lynch, for her life, then the 12 acres to daughter Elisabeth ; and the tenement and garden to Thomas Whitfield and his heirs. Thomas Whitfield 3 acres at Houtyngs and Popes head. Daughter Elisabeth 2 acres called Gyles Meade, and she shall change with Oliver Goddard for other lands as they can agree. [Probate 2 June 1545.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 9.) JOHN WHITEEELDE, senior. 21 May 1546. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20ci ; reparation of the church 20c?. Beatrice Poore my daughter 20/-, and Edward Poore have my lease of 3 acres hired from Henry Rogers for 6 years, paying 6/- yearly. Ex'or—Wife Agnes and have my goods to pay debts etc. Wife have all lands and tenements in Eastry and Deal until Thomas my son is 18, then Thomas have the tenement next unto the Sole, the highway east, and a cow pasture bought from John Hogen and Thomas Tery and to his heirs and assigns. Wife have the tenement I dwell in 46 EASTRY WILLS. for life, then to son Thomas. Cristian my daughter at her marriage my tenement in Deal, and to her heirs. Mentions brothers William and Richard Whitefield. Witnesses :—William Church of Swaynes, John Hogen, Gilbert Spell, John Eaton, Thomas Richard. [Probate 7 July 1546.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 67.) RICHARD WIKHAM. 29 March 1509. Buried in the churchyard. Daughter Joan all household stuff when 18, and to be in the custody of John Saunder my Ex'or. When Joan is 18 to receive from my brothers Robert and Henry Wikham 5 marcs,if not paid Joan to enter the house at Shepdiswold (sic) with the lands that were my father's. [Probate 30 July 1509.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 145.) WELLIAM WOLLET, yeoman. 28 Aug. 1551. Buried in the church. Wife Alice all my land in Romney Marsh until son Robert is 21, then to Robert and his heirs for ever. Son Robert £20 when 21. Wife have my lands in Wodnesborough called Buckeland Barnes until son Daniel is 21 then to him and his heirs for ever. Also Daniel have £20 when 21. Wife have my marsh land beside Pinnocke Wall until Daniel is 21, then to him. Wife have my house at Chilton with all lands etc. in Alkham and River, except the little tenement called Wolver ton, until son Ingram is 21, then to him and his heirs for ever. Also Ingram have £20 when 21 Wife have my tenement in the town of Dover until Ingram is 21, then to him. Each son heir to the others. Boniface Husband my servant have the little tenement at Wolverton and to his heirs. Daughters Frysewith and Jane £50 each at marriage or when 21. Ex'or—Wife Alice and have residue, with my brother Richard overseer. Witnesses :—John Gaynsford, Thomas Hunt. [Probate 9 Oct. 1551.] (Con. Vol. 23, fol. 47.) JOHN WOODMAN. 17 June 1549. Buried in the churchyard. My sister Hunt 20d John Hunt 20d. Residue to my four children Thomas, Robert, William, Margery when 18. Ex'ors—My brothers Arnold and Thomas. Witnesses—John Watson, priest, John Ussher, Edward Browne. [Probate 16 Sept. 1549.] (Con. Vol. 22, fol. 38.) EASTRY WILLS. 47 ARNOLD WOODMAN. 8 Feb. 1555-6. Buried in the churchyard. Wife [no name] have 2 red kine, half my household stuff, and 40/-. Hunt's widow my sister 6-8il Elisabeth Woodman &-8d. Residue to my children. No Ex'or. Witnesses—Edward Browne, Gilbert Spell, John Whitfield. [Probate 25 Feb. 1555-6 with administration to the relict (not named).] (Con. Vol. 26, fol. 11.) JOHN WOLWICH. 14 May 1490. Buried in the churchyard. Residue of goods after paying debts etc. to wife Margaret, who with Thomas Rutland my Ex'ors. Wife have my messuage for life, then to son William paying to his brother [no name] 6-8d Witnesses :— Dom. Nicholas Archer, John Frinne, senior, William Wolwich. [Probate 20 Sept. 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 260.) WILLIAM WOLWICH. 2 Feb. 1491-2. Buried in the churchyard of St. Mary of Eastry. Ex'or—Wife Beatrice and have residue. Wife have my messuage with lands in Walton and to her heirs for ever, paying yearly to my mother 4/-. Witnesses :—John Parker, chaplain, Peter James, Thomas Whitelok, Thomas Rutland. [Probate 11 Feb. 1492-3.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 338.)


The De Aldehams


A Crucifix from West Farleigh