Milton next Sittingbourne Wills-III
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Some Early Kentish Wills
Some Documents concerning the building of Cowling (Cooling) Castle and Cobham College
( 36 ) MILTON WILLS (NEXT SITTINGBOURNE)—III. BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. (Continued from Vol. XLV, p. 30.) EDWARD JONES. 14 January 1549-50. Administration to his goods granted to Isabelle his widow. Bonds :—Ralph Thomas of Borden, and WUUam Peper of WormeshUl, yeomen, in £66-13-4& (A. Act. Vol. 9, fol. 182.) THOMAS JONSON. 11 May 1482. Buried in the churchyard. To repair the Light before the Crucifix %d, Light of St. Mary Qd, of St. James 4c?. The parish-chaplain 6d, parish-clerk &d, the sacrist 2d. Margaret my daughter 20/-. Helen Buns 20/-. Each Ex'or and Feoffee 6-8d. Residue to wife Joan, John Bromfeild, WUliam HUls, my Ex'ors, to pay debts. Wife have my messuage for life then to son WiUiam at 24 and his heirs. [Probate 23 May 1482.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 401.) GARARD JOHNSON. 20 Feb 1527-8. Buried in the churchyard. A Wasshe [40 bushels] of oysters at my burying day and month's day, with a dozen of bread and kilderkin of beer. Thomas my brother a quarter of my ketch and half of my great Boat with a dragge, he' labouring in my craft with my wife untU my debts be paid. Residue after paying debts to whe Elisabeth to find my children, if she marry to have one part and three parts to my three chUdren (no names). Ex'or—EUsabeth my wife with Thomas Austen vicar and Robert Ruffin overseers. [Probate 6 August 1528.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 186.) JOHN JOYE. 20 AprU 1524. Buried in the churchyard. Wife to have the best chamber as it standeth with free going to every place of the MILTON WILLS. 37 house necessary, U she marry then to my son John. Son George and daughter Joan each have two seames of barley, daughters Katherine and Juliane 6-8d. Residue to Ex'ors :—wife Anne and son John, with Richard Milne and Richard Bochiar overseers. Son John the house I dwell in and to his heirs, paying to my wife £6-13-4d! and to my son George 26-8d. Witnesses :— Thomas Austen vicar, Richard Bocher. [Probate 8 June 1524.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 111.) JOHN JOYE. 28 March 1543. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Alice my house at the Cross in which I dwell for hfe, then to John my eldest son and John my youngest son their heirs assigns for ever. Daughters—Joan, Alice, Agnes, 20/- each at their marriage. Residue to wife AUee my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Henry Brome parish-priest, John Dyne, Thomas Heyward. [Probate 25 June 1543.] (A. Vol. 23, fol. 182.) THOMAS KENT. 14 July 1508. Probate to his Exor—Dom Amphebel Nott, curate of Newington. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 159.) ROBERT KNIGHT. 28 Oct. 1482. Buried in the churchyard. The parish-clerk and sacrist 4d each. Residue to wife Alice my Ex'or. Messuage at Chalkwell be sold to pay debts and dispose for my soul. [Probate 3 July 1483.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 457.) ANTHONY KYERE. 6 Novem. 1557. Will nuncupative made before Witnesses —Thomas Pers and Lawrance White, as foUows :—If I five unto to-morrow morning I will declare my WUl in writing, but if I do die before then I do give unto my whe aU my goods, and I pray you Witness the same. No Ex'or appointed, so Administration to Joan his widow. Bonds:—WUliam Hartinge and John Waterman, yeomen, in £40. (A. Act. Vol. 12, fol. 105.) JOHN LAOYE. . . . 1550. Buried in the earth. Wife (no name) be Ex'or and have my house and garden in fee simple for ever, and 38 MILTON WELLS. all my moveables. Henry Lacye my brother 6-8d. Witnesses :— Raffe Poste, John Godfrey. [No Probate date.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 265.) THOMAS LAKE. 8 March 1482-3. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :—WUe Joan and have residue to pay debts, and my messuage at the Grene. LProbate 14 May 1483.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 444.) JOHN LAKE. 13 Oct 1537. Buried in the church-porch door. Daughter Dionise a cow, the three pewter plates and dishes I brought from London, a chest of wainscot, latton candlestick. Sons Richard and Thomas all moveables at my tenement at Borden, each to pay my daughter Denise 20/-. Ex'or :—Wife (not named) and have residue to pay debts. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, WUUam Fige, John Butley. [Probate 9 May 1538.] (A. Vol. 21, fol. 161.) THOMAS LAKE. 25 March 1556. Buried in the churchyard. Charitye and Susane my daughters each £4 at their marriage or when 21. Son Richard ten quarters of wheat and barley, when 21, if he die to the child my wife is with U a son, but if a ghl equally to my daughters, or U dead to Thomas Lake son of my brother. Ahce Dawlye daughter of my sister 4 0 / - at her marriage or 21. Residue after paying debts to wife Katherine my Ex'or, with Raynolde Cowche overseer. Witnesses :—WiUiam Cowcheman, Jeoffrey Clarke. [Probate 22 April 1556.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 236.) JAMES LETMAN. 23 Sept 1503. Buried in the churchyard in the place where wife Elisabeth choose. High altar 3-4d. Reparation of the church 13-4d. To the high altar five eUs of diaper ; to the altar of St. John Baptist, and of St. James, each four ells. A chaplain celebrate in the Chapel of St. John for quarter of a year 33-4d. Residue to wife EUsabeth and James Letman junior my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—Dom WiUiam Petite vicar, John Bery, WiUiam Raynold, James Letman. [Probate . . . Novem 1503.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 79.) MILTON WILLS. 39 JAMES LONDON. 13 May 1474. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Robige my Ex'or. Wife have my messuage in which I dwell for life, and if she be with chUd to the same and heirs for ever, if the boy die before his mother then at her death Alice Brekenoke my sister have the same for life, then be sold and money disposed in the church for our souls, parents. If Ahce die before my wife then to her daughter Elisabeth Brekenoke, in default to Lawrance Brekenoke son of my sister. [Probate 16 June 1474.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 314.) JOHN LORDE. 20 January 1530-1. Buried in the churchyard. To the buying of the new Bell 12d. Son John a great brass pot. Residue to wife Agnes my Ex'or, also my house with garden for her hfe, then sold the money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :— Thomas Austen vicar, Garrard Husse, WiUiam Harte. [Probate 18 May 1536.] (A. Vol. 20, fol. 232.) JOHN MAAS. 6 March 1460-1. Wife Alianora have messuage in the town of Milton for life, then to my son Thomas and his lawful issue, in default to be sold and for a priest to celebrate in the church half a year for my soul, whe, parents, and all the faithful departed 66-8^, the residue to the work of the church and bad roads. Also wife have for hfe another messuage in which AHce my daughter dwells, then to Alice for her life and her lawful issue, in default to be sold and money disposed as from the chief messuage. Wife AUanora and Thomas Durant during their fives keep in the church my anniversary, disposing 2 / - yearly. [No Witnesses or Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 270.) WILLIAM MAAS.1 18 January 1464-5. Buried in the churchyard in the procession path before the west door. High altar for tithes 3Ad. To the parish-priest, parish-clerk, and sacrist 4i each. Joane Catlot at her marriage 6-8d. Light of St. Mary a bushel of barley. Residue to wife Felice and Henry Maas my brother my Ex'ors, to pay debts and dispose for my soul. Feoffees :—Peter Dingley vicar, WiUiam Stevin, John Bole, WilHam Baker. Wife Fefice 1 William Maas, shipman, a follower of John Cade, 1460, had pardon. Arch. Cant., VII, 267. 40 MILTON WILLS. have the place in which I dwell, the messuage purchased of John MUys, a shop in the market-place bought from Henry Maas, two fish shamels [portable stalls] and two tanner shamels in the market-place, a barn and colver [pigeon] house bought from John Milys, the hemp-plot at Jawles, 5£ acres and three day-works of land behind Middelton vicarage, three rods behind the parsonage, one acre and a rod in Holt field bought from John Teteman and James Triplowe, four acres at Quynton street, during life of Fefice, and if she be with chUd—a son, after her death to him in fee simple, but if a ghl then to Joan my daughter and the ghl in fee simple at 18 ; but if no child or the same die before 18, then to Harry Maas my brother in fee simple, under condition he dispose for our souls 4 0 / - in the highway between Quynton street and the church ; also 4 0 / - for a pah of sUver candlesticks to the altar of Middelton church, and to Iwade church 20/-, to Upchurch 6-8d. Also Felice occupy and receive all profits from a messuage and lands at Quinton Street which were Richard Medemans, during the Hfe of Joan PeUe mother of FeHce, finding her meat, drink, clothes, and 6-8d yearly. Harry Maas have the place which Richard King dwells in, and the shop bought of Higham in fee simple, when Harry hath found a priest to sing half a year in Middelton church and hah a year in Bradgare church for my soul, John Pelle, Cristin Fowler; and made a Tabernacle over Our Lady altar in Middelton church, between Our Lady and St. John Baptist, after the manner of the high altar, and stoles [stools] in the south side of the church, that is the Tabernacle and stoles to the value of £6-6-8«L In alms for four years 26-8d of bUletts [wood] among the poor on the morrow after St. Thomas day of Ynde [21 Decern]. To the marriage of Joan my daughter £26-13-4e£, if she die before marriage then FeHce my wife have half the money, Joan Cattelote 6-8d, six poor maidens to their marriage 6-8d each, to Halstow church Q-8d, to the stone Cross in the Market-place 6-8c?, to the Friars in Canterbury, Sandwich, Ailesford, 6-8d each, every Spital House between Sandwich and St. George's barr 12d, Bobbing church 6-8d ; any residue to keep my Obit and in works of charity. [No Witness names or Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 155.) HENRY MASS. 28 May 1506. Probate to his WUl to his Ex'or, Joana his widow. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 148.) MILTON WILLS. 41 HENRY MARCALL. . . . 1550. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Anne aU my goods to pay my debts and be Ex'or, with Denis Bradley overseer. Wife have my houses in fee simple. Witnesses :— Denis Bradley, WUham Cotinge, Robert Raymond. [Probate 1 Feb. 1556-7.] (Con. Vol. 32, fol. 261.) JOHN MARCHANT. 1 Novem. 1536. Buried in Milton church. High altar for tithes 4/-. Toward a new frame for the Bells 10/-. Whe Thomasine all the tenements houses and wharf late bought from the Feoffees of RaUHaymond. Joanemysister£6-13-4i. Cousin John Marchant of Sheppey 10/-. To repair the highways 10/-. EHsabeth Catlote my servant £3-6-8d. Ex'or :—Wife Thomasine and have residue to pay my debts, etc. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, John Seeth senior, John Reder, John Potage, Thomas Hayward. [Probate 11 Decern. 1538.] [Con. Vol. 17, fol. 27.) THOMAS MARTIN. 5 Sept 1487. Buried in the churchyard. Isabelle Martin wife of Robert Dedeman. Residue to wife Cristiane and WUham Mason my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Wife have my messuage caUed Glovers with garden and orchard for hfe, then to son Thomas and his heirs, if he die without lawful issue be sold the money in works of charity and 6-8dia repair of bad roads. Thomas to pay to the marriage of his two sisters (no names) 40/-. [No Witnesses or Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 4, fol. 157.) JOHN MARTIN. 23 July 1493. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Joan while she five provide two wax tapers yearly burning one before the Image of St. Mary in the choir, the other before the Image of St. Anne next the altar of St. James. Rose and Margaret my daughters each 40/-. Wife have my tenement in St. John's holde whUst she fives, then to my sons Thomas, Richard, WUliam, if they die before my wife, then at her death be sold, and a priest celebrate for our souls 33-4flI, the residue to the work (fabrice) of the church. Wife have a certain boat (cimbam) caUed the George and another caUed a Skeye. Son Thomas a boat caUed the Mary. 42 MILTON WILLS. Son Richard 20/-. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or. Witnesses : John Walshe1 curate, John Rigman, James Clement, John Burgis. [Probate 6 Novem 1493.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 383.) THOMAS MARTIN. 5 June 1511. Administration to his goods granted to Thomas Gladwin, of MUton. (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 174.) ADRIAN MARTEN, Brewer. 9 Oct 1513. Buried in the churchyard near the door of the House of St. James. To the priest of St. James 12^. Residue after debts paid to whe Margaret my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, Thomas Gladwin. Cason Martin my brother and my sister Elene have my house and lands caUed Cot'kaye beside Catis. [Probate 22 Novem 1513.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 168.) WILLIAM MERIALL. 17 June 1506. Administration of his goods granted to FeHce his widow. (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 148.) CRISTINA MERLMAN. 26 January 1502-3. Buried in the churchyard. Daughter Matilda my best cloke, girdle, and prayer beads. Joan Gladwen my second cloke, best tunic, and set of prayer beads. Katherine Debnam a feather bed. Residue after debts paid to Robert Debnam and Thomas Gladwen my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Witness :—WUliam Scott2 my curate. [Probate 15 Feb 1502-3.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 256.) ADAM MESSENGER. 6 Oct 1487. Buried in the churchyard of Milton. That 4 lbs. of wax be made in one taper and burn before the Image of St. Lawrance in BaxchUd church every Sunday and double Feasts, as long as it will endure. Ex'or :—Thomas Messenger and have residue, also my messuage with lands in BaxchUd, and to his heirs assigns for ever. (Probate 12 Decern. 1487.) (A. Vol. 4, fol. 129.) 1 John Walshe, a Witness to Wills between 1493 and 1501. 2 William Scott, a Witness to Wills between October, 1501, and April, 1506. MILTON WILLS. 43 THOMAS MASSANGER. 5 June 1490. Buried in MUton churchyard. Joane Poer of BakchUde 3-4d, and to dwell in and occupy my house at Bakchilde bought from Adam Massanger, for one year after my death without any payment. Residue after debts paid to whe Marion for her own use and to dispose for my soul. Ex'ors :— Whe Marion and John Bromfield. My whe if she does not marry have all my lands tenements in Milton and Bakchilde, and to heirs assigns for ever, but if she marry have the same for Hfe, then to WUHam and Thomas my two sons and their lawful issue, in default to be sold by my Feoffee Sampson Sayer by the oversight of the churchwardens of MUton, the money—to a priest to sing for our souls for quarter of a year in the church 38-4d, the residue in charitable deeds of alms and prayer, and mending roads. [No Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 254.) RICHARD MTLNAR. No Date. Buried in the churchyard. To amend the high cartway between Chalkwell and Raymunds door 10/- the next summer after my departing ; and the pathway leading from Sayerfield gate unto Sayer's field 3-4d, the high street way from Hart's garden unto Raynolds Cornell (sic) 3-4d. The Friars Observants of Canterbury 10/- to sing a trental for my soul. Sons Roger and Robert £5 each when 22, and if the child my wife now goes with is a son £5 when 22, if a ghl at her marriage £3-6-8«!. My brother WilHam Coting 6-8d, and his sons WUHam and Thomas 3-4d. To the Friars of Aylesford 6-8d. Ex'ors :—Whe Katherine and Richard Underwood. Residue after debts paid to my wife. Nicholas Andrew my servant 3-4d. That the ferme of two acres in Westland be disposed in an Obit yearly in the church for 20 years, then my son or sons have the same in fee simple, and if all my sons die to be sold and Q-8d to the reparation of Skigbye church in Notts, and residue in good works. Wife have the house in which I dwell for Hfe then to my sons and their lawful issue, in default be sold the money disposed for our souls. [Probate 7 Novem 1526.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 222.) ROBERT MOONE. 10 Sept 1473. Buried in the churchyard. Daughter FeHce 26-8d. A priest celebrate in the church for my soul, parents, 44 MILTON WILLS. quarter of a year, 33-4d. Wife Margaret have the messuage in which I dwell and to her assigns for ever. Residue to wife Margaret my Ex'or. [Probate 10 Novem 1473.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 210.) JOHN MOSTON or WALKER. 15 May 1521. Administration to his goods granted to Ralph Hayman. (A. Act. Vol. 5, fol. 110.) WrLLIAM NEWCOME. . . . 1519. Buried in the churchyard. To the Light of Our Lady in the Chapel of St. John Baptist 5 lbs. of wax; and of St. George 1 lb. of wax. Residue to EHsabeth widow of Thomas Newcome and WilHam his son my Ex'ors, with WUHam Tunbrige overseer. Witnesses:—Robert Wever, WUHam PickhiU, William Sutton. [Probate 1 July 1519.] (A. Vol. 14, fol. 27.) EDWARD NORDEN. 2 Feb 1535-6. Buried in the churchyard. All residue to my wife (no name) my Ex'or, to pay debts. WUe have my house caUed the George in Siddingbourne. Witnesses:—Thomas Austen vicar, William Estland, John Adamson. [Probate 14 June 1536.] (A. Vol. 20, fol. 236.) THOMAS NORTON. 14 Novem 1558. Administration to his goods granted to Joane his widow. Bonds :—Thomas HUls of Sittingbourne, and John Lyllie of Canterbury, surgeon, in £20. (A. Act. Vol. 13, fol. 67.) JOHN ORGATE. 16 April 1499. Buried in the churchyard. Residue of goods after paying debts to wife Joan1 my Ex'or, with Henry BoU overseer. Wife have tenement and garden with a barn at Grene for life, doing repahs, after her death to John Ricman senior and Harry at Way my Feoffees, they to defiver the same to John my son and his lawful issue, in default to be sold the money :—to Richard Boll 40/-, to the church of MUton to buy two sUver cruets 66-8^, to the making of a tabernacle of St. John 6-8d, to amend the way from Boxes gate to Bobbing GQ-8d, the residue 1 Joan was sister to Henry Boll who died 1501. MILTON WILLS. 45 disposed for our souls in the church. Witnesses :—James Tayler, Harry Massie. [Probate 18 Decern 1499.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 187.) . . . PARKYN.1 16 Novem 1484. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :—WUe Joan and have residue to dispose for my soul, parents, benefactors. Witnesses:—Peter Dingley vicar, Dom WilHam ClovUe parishchaplain. [Probate 3 March 1484-5.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 36.) BEATRISE PAYN. 18 March 1500-1. Buried in the churchyard, and to the church my best and longest towel to be a houseling towel for the parishioners. AUee Payn, 3 pewter platters, sawcers, etc. Residue to Joan Groveherst, gentlewoman, and WilHam Steven my brother, my Ex'ors, to pay debts, etc. WUliam Steven have my tenement with garden in the town of Middelton, betwixt tenements of WUham Bratt and John Orgate, and to his heirs assigns, keeping a yearly Obit of 4 / - in the church for seven years, for my soul, husband, parents. Witnesses :—John Walshe, curate, Nicholas Stede. [Probate 13 April 1501.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 172.) JOHN READS. 8 April 1537. My house in the market place of MUton be sold, the money—to my god-daughter Katherine Browning 40/-, my cousin Dorothy Browning 46-8^, Ahce Philpott 20/-, Joan Browning 10/-, WilHam Pett 10/-. My house in the town of Milton and houses in North Street to my wife during her life, then sold the money as above, and 12c? every Sunday as long as possible. Residue of goods to wife Isabe my Ex'or, with John Lacey overseer. Witnesses:—John Thorneton, Christopher Suacy servant to Sir John Norton. [Probate 2 May 1550.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 3.) ISABELL READE, widow. 2 May 1550. Joan Sharpe my sister's daughter my Say kirtle, and John Sharpe son of my sister 13-4d. Residue at discretion of John Thornton and Thomas Borden my Ex'ors, to 1 A Thomas Parkyn was a Witness to the Will of John Cokke, 14 April 1474. 46 MILTON WILLS. discharge the WUl of my husband and mine. The house I dweU in and the houses at North Street be sold, the money to fulfil my husband's WUl. Witnesses :—WUham Horting, John Gaystone, Mathew Dygons. [Probate 6 May 1550.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 10.) PETER RICHEMAN. 11 AprU 1499. Buried in the churchyard. Son John have my tenement and to his heirs assigns for ever, and my boat (cimbam) with all thereto. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or. [Probate 15 May 1499.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 94, 95.) JOHN RYKMAN, senior. 27 March 1500. AHce Rykman daughter of my brother at her marriage 40/-, if she die before to her sisters (no names). To the parish-clerk 2/-, and John Toree sacrist ]2d. To the making of a Tabernacle over St. John the Baptist 20/-. To the making of the Image of St. Clement Q-8d. Elenor Walter, Joan Revee, Joan Hunt, at their marriage each 20/-. WUHam West the hah of one sleye with aU utensUs thereto. WUHam Lawrence one sleye (? boat) caUed Felomena at next Easter. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife EHanore and Thomas Cheseman her son, my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul, with John Rykman my brother overseer, he to have 6-8^. Wife have the tenement and place I dwell in and such other houses and gardens purchased from John Richeman, and to her heirs assigns for ever. Also wffe have for life the tenement bought from John Pystok, then to Thomas son of John Rykman my brother and his lawful issue, in default to AHce sister of Thomas and her lawful issue, in default to be sold, the money to a priest to sing in MUton church for my soul, wffe, and all christian souls. If sold, to be sold to the wardens of Milton church. Witnesses :—John Walsh curate there, John P'kyn, Henry Weye. [Probate 29 Oct 1500.] (Con. Vol. 6, fol. 3.) JOHN RYKMAN. 16 Novem. 1512. Buried in the churchyard. To St. Christopher a taper of 1 lb. Wife Rose have the house I dwell in with the gardens, etc., and at her marriage or death, my Feoffees— Thomas Thomas and Richard Miller sell the same, and pay to Cicille my daughter £5, and do for our souls 100 masses. Also MILTON WILLS. 47 wUe have a house called Merteins, at her marriage or death to Anne my daughter. WUe have a boat called "God's grace" to give or sell, with aU thereto, two dreges, two basts, two ankers, two gabeUs (? cables) with all the setts (? nets). If Rose my wife and Garrard Lambard can agree that he be partner with her between this and Easter next, and U she wUl seU the boat to Garrard he to have it 2 0 / - less than any other man. Wife have a boat caUed " Gregorie " with all thereto two dreges, two gabeUs, two saUs, two ankers, and a Uttle boat called LyteU Crussyen. WUe find a priest to sing in MiddUton church 60 masses. Ex'or— WUe Rose with WiUiam Thomas overseer. [Probate 15 Decern 1512.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 127.) WILLIAM ROSE, MiUer. 11 March 1545-6. Daughter Anne a featherbed with aU thereto, 6 platters and dishes of pewter, and £3 at her marriage. All my other goods, debts, the lease of my MiUs in Faversham and MUton to wife EHsabeth my Ex'or. Witnesses :—John Scorey vicar [1545-51], Thomas Burden of Chalkewell. [Probate 16 Sept 1550.] (A. Vol. 27, fols. 214, 262.) ROBERT RUFFYNE, senior, Yeoman. 10 July 1549. Buried in the churchyard under the window of late nigh unto the altar of St. James. To four poor waterman that wUl bear my body to the church 4d each. WUe AHce all my moveable goods in Milton parish, my house and homestaU [ =farmhouse with buildings, etc.] I dweU in for Hfe U my widow, after her death to son John and his lawful issue. If AHce marry she to avoid the house 14 days before her marriage, and son John to take possession to his own use. Son Robert and to his lawful issue my house he now dwells in, paying to his mother 13-4d! yearly. Son Augustine and his lawful issue my house at the gutt [drain, or road ?] by the water-side in which Thomas Jenning now dweUs, and the new shop over the way, paying his mother 2 5 / - yearly. Each son heir to the other, but U aU die without lawful issue then to be sold by Thomas Master, Symon Spacherst, WUUam Coting, the money haU to amendment of the high-ways, haU to poor people and poor maidens marriage. If wUe marry aU moveables given to her be divided, haU to my whe and hah to my sons. Every year there be bestowed by my wUe to poor people in bread, cheese, and drink 7/-, U wtfe refuse then by 48 MUTON WILLS. Ex'ors—my sons John and Austin. My boat called the Christopher for six weeks after my death on two market days be proclaimed in MUton market, that whosoever wUl give most money shall have him (sic) and so be sold, the money divided among my wUe and three sons. Sons John and Augustine have five boats, one named Jesus, two new boats on the water, the fourth and fifth a dredging skeye and a Uttle cocke boat, with aU thereto. If wife Ahce remain a widow, to have hah the profits from them, and my wUe find John and Augustine sufficient meat drink lodging and apparel untU they are 24. My sons never to sell the five boats but occupy together as long as they hve or the boats endure. Son John to pay the wages to Coppine my apprentice who shall serve his years with my wUe. The cupboard in the chamber, hall, and parlour, the counter table in the parlour with the forms and long table in the hall, shall remain in my house for the use of him that possesses the same. Ex'ors :—Sons John and Augustine, with son Robert overseer. Witnesses:—Thomas Maister, Simon Spacherst, WUUam Coting. [Probate 30 May 1551.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 109.) JOHN ROUFFYN, Mariner. 7 June 1557. Buried in the churchyard. AHce Holman £20. My boats be sold, except the new Cocke to Ralph Jeny, the money to the poor for seven years at Trinitytide. WUUam Rouffyn son of my brother £20 when 22. All household stuff to my brother and AHce Holman. My father (sic) Arthur Holman all my wood, and with my brother Robert Rouffyn. Ex'ors. Witnesses :—Dom Nicholas Blanche priest, WiUiam Harman. [Probate 19 June 1557.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 293.) ROBERT RILEY. 22 Novem. 1526. Administration to his goods, to Agnes his widow. (A. Act. Vol. 5A, fol. 55.) THOMAS SAYER. 17 July 1494. Buried in the churchyard beside my two wives, and Ex'ors buy a competent stone to He upon my grave above the ground two foot or more, and my name and my two wives be graven upon the same stone. To the works of Middleton church £3-6-8c?. Joan and AHce daughters of my brother Sayer MILTON WILLS. 49 each £3-6-8d! when 18. WUham Essex my servant 20/-, WUHam Lake 10/-, John Essex my godson 10/-, and every other servant 6-8ei!. The Friars of Eyhsforth [Aylesford] 10/- so that they say a trental of masses for my soul. WUe AHce all my grain, wood, and household stuff, the hanging clothes in the hall, table and bed in the parlour, the bed with apparel in my own chamber, for her Hfe then to son Sampson. Residue after debts, etc., paid to son Sampson. Ex'ors :—John Bromefield and John Bery each to have 6-8d. Son Sampson have all lands, messuages, tenements, shamells [portable staUs], shops, meadows, pastures, rents, reversions, services, in the Hundred of Middelton, except the house I now dwell in with barn, stables, gardens, on the east side of the Town of Middelton, and to the heirs and assigns of Sampson for ever. WUe have for Hfe the house I now dweU in with barn, etc., doing repahs, then to son Sampson. When my brother Robert Sayer hath expended the money he has by the sale of his house, then Sampson pay my brother yearly 4 0 / - for his hfe. [Probate 25 Sept. 1495.] (A. Vol. 6, fol. 122.) ROBERT SAYER. 26 August 1500. Buried in the churchyard. Son Thomas a red cloak with hood, the fourth part of all my goods and 40/-. My daughter (no name) the best bed with all thereto, £3, and the third part of my goods. Thomas Keylog my best cloak, and his vriie Joan 20/-. A priest celebrate for my soul in the church and have 33-4^. Ex'or:—John Bery, he to have 6-8d. Witnesses :—John Walshe curate, Thomas Keylog, Henry Wey. [Probate 15 Decern 1500.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 41.) JOHN SEMAN. 25 June 1490. Buried in the churchyard. WUe have my tenement to give or sell as it pleases her. Residue disposed for my soul by wife Joan my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Dom. John Perot, Thomas Clenche, John Flawne. [Probate 25 Sept 1490.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 242.) JOHN SEDE. 17 Sept 1503. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after paying debts to whe AHce my Ex'or. Witnesses:—WUHam Scott, chaplain, Henry Weye. [Probate 14 Feb 1503-4.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 290.) 7 50 MILTON WILLS. JAMES SETH. 15 January 1531-2. Buried in the churchyard. Isabel my daughter £6-13-4d when 20. WUe Joane £56-13-4^ the residue of 100 marcs (£66-13-4^) given by my father unto her at marriage. Residue after debts paid to wUe Joan my Ex'or, with my father John Seth and Edmund Seth my brother overseers. Witnesses :— Thomas Austen vicar, John Seth senior, John Lacye. [Probate 13 March 1531-2.] (A. Vol. 19, fol. 178.) JOHN SEETHE, senior. 6 Sept 1539. Buried in Milton church beside my first wUe. To the building of the steeple of Stooke £3-6-8d. Denis Drury 40/- at her marriage. WUe (no name) £20 and all her household stuff which she brought unto me, her meat and drink with a chamber for her and her maid. To the Anker of Canterbury 3-4d. Residue to son John my Ex'or with Edward Westby overseer. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, Henry Bollyn. [No Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 21, fol. 184.) JOHN SETHE,1 gent. 19 July 1557. Buried in the church beside my wUe. To the reparation of the church 40/-, and to the poor 40/-. Residue to son Thomas my Ex'or, with Nicholas Mortone vicar, overseer. Ahce Benison my house in North Street, and other lands tenements to son Thomas and his lawful issue. [Probate 10 August 1557.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 295.) THOMAS SETHE, gent. 11 August 1557. Buried beside my grandfather. To buy necessaries for the church 20/-, and to the poor of the town 40/-. Reparation of the clock 10/-. Agnes Marten 53-4d, WUHam Mablet 66-8c? when 21, Sara Harte 10/-. The debt between me and Richard Harte be fully forgiven. Every man servant in my house 20d, and every woman servant 12c?. Richard Raceforthe and Richard Harte my lease which my father had of Mr. Asshelie of 27 acres of land. Robert Sawken my right in Little Holbrought during the rest of the lease. Residue after debts etc. paid to John Stede senior my Ex'or, with Nicholas Morton vicar of the town overseer. Elinor Mablet widow have my house with garden 1 John Sethe in 1542 contributed £4 to a loan to Henry VIII.— Arch. Cant., XI, 399. MILTON WILLS. 51 and orchard in North Street in which WilHam Halpeney dweUs for her Hfe, then to WUUam Mablet her son and his heirs. Walter Harbackenden my cousin all lands tenements in the Town of Middelton which were my father's. Mr. Ralph TerreU have the seat or Manor House of Totington with lands and woods thereto, also my lands at Eccles as by a deed from John Warcopp. Witnesses :—Nicholas Morton vicar, WUHam Thomas. [Probate 5 Sept. 1557.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 296.) WILLIAM SHARPE. 29 April 1508. Buried in the churchyard. A priest to sing a trental of masses in the church for my soul 10/-. To the gUding of the Tabernacle of Our Lady 6-8d. Light of Our Lady of Pity 1 lb. of wax for seven years, and my burial tapers my wUe dispose to what fights she wiU. Son Richard £10 to be delivered by Joan my wUe to Robert Browne, he to pay 40/- yearly to my son. Thomas Sharpe my brother 20/-. Residue to wUe Joan my Ex'or. [Probate 11 Sept 1508.] (A. Vol. 11, fol. 38.) JOHN SHEPPARD, or Loggett, MUler. 12 Decern 1545. Buried in the churchyard. WUe Alice have the lease of my Mill with all profits for my term of years, for the keeping of my chUdren, but U she die my overseers John Yong senior and Robert Wodiet have the remainder of my years, keeping my two children and cause them to be learned in some honest occupation at the age of 13 years, and give to my daughter Thomasine 2 0 / - at her marriage, and to son George when he comes out of his apprenticeship £4 to begin his occupation. Residue of goods and my debts to wUe AHce my Ex'or. Witnesses :—John Scorey vicar [1545-51], Richard Parker, WUham Mereman. [Probate 24 Sept. 1546.] (A. Vol. 24, fol. 32.) (To be concluded.)