The Beck Find: Prehistoric and Roman site on the foreshore at Minnis Bay, Report and Catalogue

( 191 ) THE BECK FIND. PREHISTORIC AND ROMAN SITE ON THE FORESHORE AT MINNIS BAY. REPORT AND CATALOGUE BY MAJOR, P. H. G. POWELLCOTTON AND G. F. PINFOLD. IN AprU of 1938, James Beck, a resident of Birchington and a Scholar at King's School, Canterbury, aged 14 years, found a series of 8 holes sunk M the chalk on the foreshore of Minnis Bay, Bhchington, and covered at Mgh tide. Six of the eight holes were chcMar, or nearly so, and measured 2 ft. 10 M. to 4 ft. 3 in. in diameter, and 10 in. to 3 ft. 8 in. M depth. Another was 2 ft. 3 M. square and the remaining one oblong 8 ft. by 2 ft. 6 M. and 1 ft. deep. They contaMed 1 unbroken miUstone-Uke slab 38 in. across by 4 | in. thick, with a central hole, 4£ M. in dia., half of the upper stone of a quern 13 in. in dia. and 3 | in. thick (Plates I and II), and fragments of others, one complete New Forest type two-handled jug with flowing decoration in shp on shoulder and bulge (Plate III, No. 2), 2 other pots almost perfect, numerous pot sherds including 2 pieces of Samian ware, and misceUaneous material.1 In the explorations of these holes Beck received much help from Miss AntoMette PoweU-Cotton. She actuaUy recovered the twohandled jug. DETAILS OF THE EIGHT HOLES WITH THEIR, CONTENTS. No. 1.—Irregular shape (3ft. 10M. by 4ft. 3M.), average diameter 3 ft. 8 in., depth 2 ft. 5 M. (Plate I). Covered by the miUstone-lMe slab. Underneath were found a fine red ware pot with remaMs of white shp (Plate III, No. 3), and 2 fragments of Samian ware, the only pieces found. Pieces of wood and horses' teeth. 1 The perfect jug, the restored pots, fragments, bones, millstone-like slab, and half a quern are preserved in the Powell-Cotton Museum. 192 THE BECK FIND. No. 2.—Circular 2 ft. 10 M. diameter, depth 3 ft. 6 in. No wood. SmaU potsherds. About hah of a slab as in No. 1. No. 3.—Circular 4 ft. diameter, depth 2 ft. 10 M. No wood. WMejar, 2 handled, unbroken, New Forest type (?) (Plate III), half of red ware colour-coated dish (Plate IV), half of black ware pot of 4th c. type. Pieces of stone as m No. 1. Part of upper stone of a quern. No. 4.—Circular 4 ft. 3 M., diameter, depth 1 ft. 4 in. Quantity of sticks with straw below. No stone. No. 5.—Circular 4 ft. 1M. diameter, depth 10 M. Curved pieces of wood resembhng barrel staves. No stone. No. 6.—Oblong 8 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in., depth 1 ft. Chalk only. No. 7.—Circular 2 ft. 10 in. diameter, depth 1 ft. 8 in. Chalk only. No. 8.—Square with 2 ft. 3 M. sides, depth 2 ft. 6 in. Wood none. Grey Belgic vase (Plate III, No. 1). Base of rough-cast beaker, 1st c. A.D. About hah of a quern. Oyster and snail shehs, food bones, washed Mnts, nodMes of iron pyrites. Signs of burning M several of the holes. Springs M tiiree—fresh or salt ? Some of the holes may possibly be the bottoms of wells. The height of the chalk chff nearest to these holes is 20 ft. 6 M. In August Beck found a further series of some 16 holes, or rather irregular depressions in the chalk foreshore farther west (Plate V). These contaMed quantities of bones, wood, and wattle flooring, and post holes Mdicating hut sites and paUsadMg ; pot sherds of six different types, and a hoard of late bronze age implements, the latter aU together (Plan PI. V.). Those from which objects have been recovered are as foUows: A. 3 M. to 1 ft. deep. Bronze hoard. B. Bones of deer and pottery. Deer skuU. PLATE II. ROMAN MILLSTONE, AND QUERN, (?) Minnis Bay, April 1938. 1 2 3 PLATE ECL BELGIC AND ROMAN POTTERY, (restored, except WTine Jar, New Forest type, which is perfect). Minnis Bay, April 1938. c'l'M'1 ! ' ' I ' l ' - PLATE IV. ROMAN BOWL, MINNIS BAY, BIRCHINGTON. S**tJS& P**' C.MA.JLK > • ? f ^ t v * . C t . s f W M * « i**L* »*** S u s s fllff i , 2iO 1**ft» f*"» E*«t>*$ **»"*A -» p»««**fe* OtWWSC »*T Hwlti L hMMLI ~w j*«C*A Ml M ft«J M M »»KT<"** MM I PLATE V. PLAN OF BRONZE AGE SITE, MINNIS BAY. THE BECK PIND. 193 C. Much wood. D. Sherds of smaU pot. E. Pottery and wood, and one very smaU piece of bronze. F. Pottery sherds and bones. G. Wood and bones. H. Bones of ox, wood. K. Pottery, wood, right hah0 of human lower jaw. L. Bones aU over site. Fhnts, pottery and mass of wood, probably the roof and flooring of a hut. M. HeatMg stones, pot bouers, bones and a few pieces of wood. Rammed clay and chalk. N. Bones, impressions of ferns and other plants in clay. 0. Large pot. Beck has made the suggestion that this is the site of a bronze age fishMg viUage Mult round an open space on the bank of a stream that flowed out at Minnis Bay when the land was at a higher level, but the hoard cannot belong to the long subsequent history of the site. CertaMly the site, the pits, and the occupied areas are MgMy important on the question of the relative level of the land and the sea over the extended period shown by the finds. From the period of the hoard with its associated fragment of a late bronze age cordoned Bucket Urn (Plate VI, No. 49) occupation is carried on tMough the 1st c. B.C., with coarse hand-made mcipient foot-ring pots, to the 1st c. A.D. with Belgic material and on to a 2nd c. period with Samian sherds (Hole No. 1); finally closMg M the 3rd-4th c. with a colour-coated dish, a hard baked 2-handled jug of New Forest type and a roughly made black ware jar. These were found M Hole No. 3. The composition of the hoard is much later than the hoard found M BirohMgton M 1904 and described in The Antiquaries' Journal, Vol. IV, No. 3, July, 1924, page 220. The site of that hoard was tirree-quarters of a rmle farther inland and may have been on the bank of the same stream. 194 THE BECK PIND. This Minnis Bay late Bronze Age site has also been examined by Mr. C. F. C. Hawkes of the British Museum, with the help of Mr. F. H. Worsfold and others. There is no doubt that it wiU prove to be of the greatest importance in the evolution of the cMture of the immigrants from the Continent who occupied it. A critical survey is to appear M the ProceedMgs of the Prehistoric Society. It is with great regret that the authors must record the death on January 27th of the discoverer of the Hoard, a most keen and promising young archaeologist. 11 111*11111 14 15 n 18 19 20 ^^ f 31 32 33 34 35 1 St ,- ^ - JflT i $ -ooo ' - C "\ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ft " M. ,!•»» 25 26 45 46 36: 37 38 391 40 49 PLATE VI. 47 asi ' •' ' THE BECK HOARD OF BRONZE AGE CELTS, etc., Minnis Bay, Birehington, 1938. 15 20 18 M-i,'i.',rrp, \ ) 14 1' PLATE VII. THE BECK FIND : BRONZE AGE CELTS. 25 26 27 I I .INCHES ' ' • I ' t ' l11!1! 1 I ' l ' l I |f PLATE VIII. THE BECK FIND : BRONZE AGE PALSTAVES. "THE BECK FIND." (PLATE VI.) A late Bronze Age Hoard of Celts and other implements found in a pit on the Foreshore, Minnis Bay, Bhchington by G. J. D'A. Beck. Midsummer 1938. No. 1 2 3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 10 11 Name. Copper, rough lump Chape of Sword Scabbard Sword Dagger blade, tip Dagger blade, tip Dagger, socket only Dagger, middle section Dagger, middle section Dagger, base Knife blade Knife, base only Total length. 3f in. — 14* in. 2fin. 3 | in. l&in. 2 in. 2 * in. 4£in. 6 * in. 2£in. Length Blade. — 11| in. —. — — — Width Blade. 2 * in. If in. l * i n . fin. Jin. }|in. l | i n . 1-fein. 11 in. Hin. Inside Socket. — — If in. — — — —• , ' I l£in. Width outside socket. .— •— H in. by J in. —. — ft in. . —' t — i I ! Weight. 14f ozs. 1 oz. 12£ ozs. J oz. 1J ozs. Joz. 2 ozs. 2f ozs. 5 ozs. 3f ozs. 1£ ozs. Remarks. Roughly smelted. Cast with 2 small rivet holes, rounded form. Cast with 6 rivet holes, socketed, Hog's back mid-rib. Cast, hog's back mid rib. Cast, hog's back, mid rib. Cast, with hole both sides, traces of 2 lines at end. Fragment, middle section, hog back mid rib, bent. Fragment, middle section, hog back mid rib, very sharp edges. Hilt of dagger, tang broken off, cast with 2 holes, hog's back mid rib. Cast with small knob one side, rivet shaped, tang broken off. Cast with small knob one side, rivet shaped, back strengthened with a double rib. w w Q w M CO Name. Total length. Length Blade. *12 Celt, square 4fin. — 2^- in. socketed (Plate TO, 12) *13 Ditto 4fin. — 2* in. (Plate VII, 13) *14 Ditto 3-}£ in. — 2| in. (Plate VTI, 14) *15 Ditto 3* in. — 2 in. (Plate VLT, 15) .. Inside Socket. Width outside socket. Weight. Remarks. CD 2-| in. 3iin. l # b y l & i n . If by If in. 14f ozs. 15£ ozs. Ifbyl-ft-in. 10 J ozs. 2£in. If by 1J in. 7 ozs. WeU preserved, large loop roughly cast, both sides have 3 paraUel ribs widely spaced and linked at upper end with coUar. Yorkshire type (?) mould marks weU defined. WeU preserved, large loop well formed, both sides 3 paraUel ribs widely spaced and linked to a horizontal bar below eoUar. Yorkshire type (?) mould marks well defined. WeU preserved, cutting edge chipped, loop good, both sides have 3 paraUel ribs linked to a horizontal bar below eoUar, which is roughly east. Yorkshire type, mould marks weU defined. Blade slightly corroded, cutting edge much chipped, loop normal, slight collar with horizontal bar below, no paraUel ribs, mould marks showing. Not Yorkshire type, edge of blade crescent shaped. w is W tel Q w a No. *16 *17 *18 *19 *20 1 Name. Celt, square socketed (Plate VLT, 16) Ditto (Plate VLC, 17) Ditto (Plate VLL 18) Ditto (Plate VH, 19); Celt, square socketed (Plate VII, 20) Total length. 2£in. 4f in. 4ft in. 4 in. 4^-in. Length Blade. — — — Width Blade. l j i n. 2iin. 2£in. l i t in. l ^ i n . Inside Socket. If in. 3 in. 2Jin. 3£in. 3 in. Width outside socket. Weight. Remarks. l£by l&in. If by If in. If by If in. 3 ozs. l f t by LJhi. 1^-by Hin. 11£ ozs. 6 j ozs. Good preservation, ends of blade hooked, cutting edge chipped, stout loop, 3 paraUel ribs linked to ill-defined coUar, no horizontal bar, mould marks showing. Corroded one side, loop and coUar roughly cast, 3 paraUel ribs linked to a horizontal bar below ^ coUar. Yorkshire type, tfl mould marks showing fef and much to one side. y Fair preservation, loop and y collar roughly cast, air Q hole under loop and 2 W air holes on opposite ,_, side, 4 paraUel ribs link- 3 ed to coUar, mould £3 marks weU defined. P Good preservation, largest loop with weU formed coUar, 3 horizontal bars below collar, no paraUel ribs, mould marks showing, not Yorkshire type. Fair preservation, loop normal, coUar normal with horizontal bar below, no paraUel ribs, |_j socket badly spUt, CO mould marks showing. ""-I Not Yorkshire type. No. *21 *22 *23 *24 25 26 Name. Ditto (Plate VII, 21) Ditto Ditto Celt, square socketed Palstave (Plate V m , 25) Ditto (Plate V n i , 26) Total length. 4f in. 2J in. l * i n . I l l in. 2|in. 5& in. 6^-in. Length Blade. — — — 3 in. 2|in. Width Blade. IS in. — — J 2 in. l * i n . Hin. l&in. Inside Socket. 3f- in. — — — 2 # i n . 3^-in. Width outside socket. 1-| by If in. If by 1-in. — Weight. lOf ozs. If ozs. f oz. 6f ozs. 4f ozs. 15 ozs. 1H o zs. Remarks. Good preservation, loop normal; both sides have distinct crossed ribs, flanked on either side by bent ribs, linked to a horizontal bar below coUar; mould marks weU defined. Welsh type. Cutting edge chipped. 2 fragments of socket. Blade only, very badly broken, faulty east (?) Blade with socket broken off, cutting edge much broken. In this socket was packed aU of No. 42. 13 pieces and the smaUest of the five rings, No. 41. Enfolding wing type with loop, weU preserved, blade edge fair, mould marks sfight. Winged type with loop, fair preservation, one wing broken off, base very square, blade edge good, mould marks showing. CO 00 3 tel W Q w fed No. 27 28 *29 *30 31 Name. Ditto (Plate Vin, 27) Palstave ? Adze shaped (Plate VIH, 28) Spear, socket only Spear head Hammer Total length. 5$- in. If in. 4 $ in. 3 in. Length Blade. 2 * in. 21 in. 3 ^ in. Width Blade. I f t i n. 1& in. l&in. l £ °y if in. -a Inside Socket. 3-&in. 4 in. Hin. Width outside socket. # in. t i n . H by 1 -}g in. Weight. 12£ ozs. 14J ozs. H ozs. 2f ozs. 8 ozs. Remarks. Enfolding wing type with loop, poor condition, 2 wings opposite sides broken off, base broken, loop good, blade edge much chipped, mould marks showing. Enfolding wing type with loop, broken in two pieces, ? if same axe, one wing broken off, loop good, blade curved, mould marks showing. Hole 1 in. either side from end of socket, no sign of ornamentation. Socketed either side, weU preserved, hog back type of mid rib, pin hole &in. fromend of socket. Three engraved horizontal lines just above the holes, mould marks slight. WeU preserved, socketed hammer, end rounded longways, socket opening flanged merging into slight horizontal band, mould marks slight. 1-3 W W Q w O CO CO No. 32 33 34 35 Name. Chisel Borer Gouge Gouge Total length. 2ft in. 3f in. 3^-in. 3 ^ in. Length Blade. 2^ in. Width Blade. l&in. i by & in. fin. ft in. Inside Socket. I f t i n. Hin. 2£in. 2£in. Width outside socket. f by ft in. f by -fc m. ft b y 1 in- 1 by ft in. Weight. If ozs. If ozs. 2J ozs. 2f ozs. Remarks. WeU preserved, socketed, no coUar, opening shghtly expanded, cutting edge good, mould marks slight. WeU preserved, socketed, opening shghtly expanded, blade flat and pointed, of equal thickness throughout. No mould marks. WeU preserved, socketed, slight coUar, cutting edge perfect, no mould marks. WeU preserved, socketed, no coUar, opening shghtly expanded, more solidly cast than No. 34. Cutting edge perfect. Slight mould marks. No. 36 37 38 39 40 41 Name. Bracelet, portion only Ditto Ditto Anklet (?) portion only Anklet (?) Rings (5) A. B. C. D. E. Total length. 4* in. 3£in. 4^ in. 5£in. 4 in. _ — — — Circumference. Hin. fin. l i n . If in. — — — — Diameter. 3 in. 2Jin. bent 3^ in. 2fin. Hin. l | i n . l&in. •& in. A in- Width. — — — — — Weight. H o zs. -f oz. f oz. 11 ozs. I oz. — — — Remarks. Cast sohd, ornamented with 2 short cuts at equal intervals both sides, end plain. Cast sohd, ornamented single cuts at regular intervals, turned end. Cast sohd, ornamented herring bone lines at intervals, end turned, nearly complete. Cast hoUow, ornamented with 15 lines close together and then 3 spaced lines, flat disc at end, about half of an anklet. Cast soUd, no sign of ornament, flat disc at end, about half an anklet. Thick, thumb (?) cast hoUow. Cast sohd, oval section (not a finger ring). Cast sohd, oval section, bent (not a finger ring). Beadlike, cast soUd. Cast, like wire, bent round, not a butt join. i-3 M fed W fed Q W fed (S3 O No. 42 Name. Belt (?) ornaments 13 bits Total length. Circumference. Diameter. Width. Weight. Remarks. 6 discs, hammered very thin, varying from £ in. to £ in. dia.: ornamented with 3 concentric circles, 2 tangs to each (3 broken off). 1 small similar ornament (1 tang broken off). 5 fragments, thin cast bronze. 1 fragment very thin wrought bronze, traces of ornamental lines. •3 W fed W fed Q w fed No. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Name. Ornament Belt buckle ? Wire (piece) Knife, tip ? Anklet ? (bit of) Ornament Fragment, sickle (?) Pottery (fragment) Deer skuU Deer horn (fragment) Total length. 2 * in. 2* in. 2£in. 2 in. 2$ in. 4^ in. 5 | by 4 | in. — 1ft by fin. Width. 1-fein. ft in. ft in. l&in. — — Weight. foz. foz. foz. i o z . H ozs. — — Remarks. Cast sohd in one piece, one ring above another of equal size, a further portion broken off. Fish hook shape, ornamented with cross cuts. Cast, poor condition. Cast hoUow, smaU portion only. Fragment of cast bronze rim (?) of a circular object. Cast, much corroded. Very coarse black pottery, much flint mixed in paste. The Up is flat and 2J in. below it a cordon £ in. wide with 5 finger tip Frontal and basal portion only, horns chopped off. SmaU fragment of Red-deer horn. H3 M fed fcd fed Q W Those marked * are similar to specimens in the Minster Hoard. B.M. Bronze Age Guide, p. 45, and Plate III.


A Custumal of New Romney

