Kent Records Society Notice

75 lttnt IB,ecor􀀍6 􀀎ocitt􀀏. rHE REGISTER OF DANIEL ROUGH. Transcribed and edited by K. M. Elisabeth Murray, M.A., B.Litt., F.R.Hist.S. Records Branch, 1944. This notice must necessarily be brief, as Volume XVI of Kent &ecords, The RegiBter of Daniel ROWJh, was not published in time for it iio be reviewed at length in the present volume of Archreologi.a Oanti.ana. Daniel Rough was the Town Clerk of New Romney in the reign of ll:dward III, and Register, which is preserved in the Library of 3t. Catharine's College, Cambridge, covers the period from 1353 to 1380. rhe entries in the Register range over a wide variety of topics and show ;he diversity of the business with which the 14th century Bailiff, J urats i.nd Barons of New Romney concerned themselves. In addition to the &egister proper, the volume contains an Anglo-French version of the :Justumal, instructions for auditing manorial accounts, and a collection :>f precedents for legal and other documents. Most of the entries are in Anglo-French or Latin, but the Editor has prefixed to each an l.dequate explanatory note in English. The Records Branch were fortunate in obtaining the services of Miss K. E. M. Murray, the author of The Oonstitutional History of the !Jinque Ports, as special editor of the volume. The editing could not !:lave been in better hands. Her Introduction; which sets the matters 􀅏ecorded in the Register against the wider background of the history of 􀅐he 14th century town and port to which they belong, is of particular interest. It is hoped to include a fuller review of Rougli'B Register in volume LVII of Archreologi.a Cantiana.



