General Index

( 78 ) GENERAL Accounts, 1943, xl. Addle Hill, Baynard's Castle, 16. " Affeerers," fixers of fines, 21. Albard, Agnes, 23. Allen, P. S., printer, 35. All Saints', Canterbury, 16. All Saints' chapel, Thanet, 1, 2, 10, 11. Ancient Monuments Inspectorate, 70. Andrewe, Isabella, 23. Anglo-Saxon, with Dark Ages period, panel of experts for, 70. Antiquaries, Society of, 4, 12. " Argier, captives in," brief for, 29. Atkins, Rev. Paul, Vicar of Chart next Sutton ; pamphlet reviewed, 76. atte Broke, Bicardus, 23. atte Grove, Johanna, 25. atte Hamme, Johanna, 25. atte Hille, Johanna, 25. atte Stone, Thomas, 24. atte Welle, Matilda, 23 ; Robertus, 26. atte Wode, Johannes, 24. atte Wood, Alicia, 24. Aula, John de, of Canterbury, 2. Badecok, Johanna, 26. Bagnold, late Col. A. H., C.B., C.M.G., R.E., 44. Balliol College, 12. Banes, Seeraery, 30. Barnewell, Johannes, 22. Bartholomew Pair, 64. Barton, Elizabeth, 34, 35. Bearsted church, 68. Beaumont College, Windsor, Farnborough Court Rolls in Museum, 21. Bedwyn, prebend of, 11. Bennett, Mr. G. C, xxxviii. Bennison, Mrs., 28. Berkeley church, Glos., 32. Bertha, wife of Ethelbert, 73. Betford, Robertus, 22. Bexley Heath, 47, 60. Birch, Will, 30. Birkhead, Henry, 16, 18. Bishop's Clift, brief for, 28. Blackheath, 60. Blackie, Rt. Rev. Ernest M., death recorded, xxxvii. Blean, 51; wood for salt-works obtained from, 52, 53, 67. Bobi, Piedmont, brief for, 32. Bokere, Johannes, 24. Bolle, Johannes, BorgheaMw-, 23. Bond, M. F., M.A.; A Farnborough (Kent) Court Roll of 1408, 21-26. Bone, John, 30. INDEX Boniface, Pope, 5 ; nominated John de Langton Archdeacon of Canterbury, 6, 8. Borman, brief receiver, 27. " bors-ealdor," village constable, 21. Bottlyer, rector of Cuxton, 62. Boughton, " called Bocton or Bocton Bleen," 67, 68. Bourne, Canterbury, 2. Bovisvilla, Bernard de, 9, 10. Bowes, Antho., 30. Bowles, Margarett, of Deal, 31. Bowles, Tob., 30. Bowser, Rev. Canon E. D., rector of Deal, 32. Boys, Will, deputy brief receiver, 30, 31. Brachi, Mr. P., xxxviii. Bradninch, brief for, 28. Bradshaw, Henry, of Wye, 16. Breadsall, rector of, 3. Breche, Johanni, 24. Bredgar church, 68. Bridger, Mr. P., 29. Bridgman's, stone masons, Lewes, 71. Briefs in St. Leonard's and St. George's parishes in Deal in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., 26-33. Bronze Age, with Neolithic and Iron Age period, panel of experts for, 70. Brothers, Tho., 30. Brough under Stainmore, 3. Broughin, brief for, 27. Browne, Edward, Headmaster of King's School, Canterbury, 16, 17. Buckingham Wall, near Horse Perry, London, 58. Bull Inn, Shooters Hill, 44, 45, 46. Burgate Lane, Canterbury, excavations adjacent to, 69. Bushell, Ann and Mary, 29. Cresar, Dr., Physician of Rochester, 63. Cagot, Roberto, 23. Camden, Marquess, death recorded, xxxvii. Canterbury Excavation Committee, precis of report, by Mrs. Audrey Williams M.A., 69. Canterbury Pilgrimage in 1723, A, by V. J. Torr, 56-68. Canterbury, Red Lion, 67. Carles, Johannes, 24. " Carolus Triumphans," by Oxinden, 20. Carpenter, Ricardus, 23. GENERAL INDEX 79 Carter, Johanna, 24. Carter, John, 30. Carter, Rev. Nicolas, perpetual curate of St. George's, Deal, 26, 31, 32. Casing Street, 45. Cat, Isabella, 23. Cave, Prof. A. J. E., R.C.S., Dark Age burial on Barham Downs, 71. Cawill, 29. Cazalet, Lt.-Col. Victor, M.P., death recorded, xxxvii. Ceci, Mr. J., xxxvii. Chalk, brief for, 33. Chambers, Rev., vicar of Dartford, 60. Charcheweye, Johannes, 25. Charibert, King of Paris, 73. Charing, 10. Charnock, 67. Chaucer, 67, 68. Chichele, ancestor of Wm. Roper, 49. Chichester, dean of, 6. Chilston, Viscount, xxxix. Chislet, boundary-edge of Blean Wood, 52. Church Briefs, or licences, 26. Church Street, site of manor house of Northwood, later Whitstable, 53. Ciss, Richard, 30. Clark, Jno., deputy pilot, 28. Clement, Johannis, 24. Clement V., Pope, 8-10. Cliff,-brief for, 28. Clun church, brief for, 27. Cobb, William, 30. Cobham, 57 ; brasses at chur h, 58, 62, 63 j ancient college, and Hall at, 63. Cobham, Johannes Warner of, 25. Cook, Dr. F. W., E.S.A., death recorded, xxxvii, 15, 16, 17. Codeham's Corner, 55. Cok, Agnes, 23, also Ricardus, 23. Coleshill, Berks., rector of, 9. Colgate, Thomas, 22. " Colledges of Philadelphia and New York," 32. Common Pines, 22. Compton family, 75. Compton, Walter, Esq., parohments owned by, recent discovery of, 75. Cook, Ricardus, 23. Cooke, " Absolution," 67. Copenhagen, appeal for Protestants in, Costen, Jas., 29. Counoll for British Archaeology, 69; Constitution of, 70. County Sooieties, extension of soheme, 70. Coupere, Johanna, 26. Cowper, poet, 26. Cox, Isabella, 23. Cozens, antiquary, 68. Cranbrook, Briefs in the parish of, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32 ; church, 33. Cuckeston, i.e. Cuxton, 62. Culmer, John, 29. Cuxton, 57, 61, 62. Dallin, Rev. Thomas, freeholder and incumbent of Shooters Hill parish church, 46, 47. Danvers, Willielmus, 23. Darington, Nicholas, Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge, 35. Dark Age burial on Barham Downs, report by Prof. A. J. E. Cave, 71. Dark Ages, with Anglo-Saxon period, panel of experts for, 70. Dartford, 59 ; Bull Inn at, 60 ; cricket at, 56, 61. Deal, Chapel Registers, 31 ; increase in population, 30. de Langton, John, rector of Reculver, subsequently Bishop of Chichester, 1. D'Elboux, R. H., Notes on Repairs at Knole, 71. Denne, Danl., 30. Dering, John, executed with Henry Gold, 35. Diaper, Tryphenee, 29. Dickens, Charles, 45. Diggers, 29. Directory for Public Worship, attack on, 13. Dixwell, Sir Basil, 17 ; Madam Eliz., 20. Dodeham, alias Northwood, 51 ; identification in Domesday Book of, 55. Donne, Johannes, 25. Dover, Discoveries at, Notes on, 74; excavations at Clarence Street and Guildhall Vaults reveal fifteenth century remains, 74; Milestone Caf<5, Delph tiles found at, 74; St. Martin's Church, older walls found, 74; Borough authorities, acknowledgments to, 74 ; brief for captives of, 28. Druce, Mr. G. C, F.S.A., 48, 50. Drye, Ricardus, 23 ; Robertus, 22. Dunkirk,'52, 53. " Dutohess of Dorset," account rendered to, 71. Dyngellsmylle, 23. Eadred, King, grant to Heresige, 52. Eagle, St. John's College magazine, 36. Edmund HaU, Oxford, 63. Edred, King, gift of Reculver, 1. Edward I, presented Reoulver benefice to Langton, 3 ; to Simon of Faversham, 9. 80 GENE " Eikon Basilike," an Epithalamium, 17. EUlston-Erwood, F. C, xxxvii; Two Coats of Arms from Kent in London, 44-50.. Eltham, route to Dover, 44. Ensdell, Robert, brief for, 27. Esshe, i.e. Ash, 24. Estsutton, i.e. East Sutton, 25. Ethelbert, King of Kent, 73. Eupardus, bishop of Autun, 73. Evans, late Sir Arthur, 73. Eynsford, brief for, 33. Farnborough (Kent), A Court RoU of 1408, transcribed and extended by M. F. Bond, M.A., 21-25. Farningham church, 50. Faversham, brief for fishermen of, 33 ; Church Street, 66 ; Court Street, 65 ; James I I at, 66 ; Napleton brass at, 68 ; Royal Manor and Hundred of, 52, 53 ; salt-works at, 51 ; Ship Inn at, 65 ; Simon of, 1. Faussett, Rev. Bryan, antiquary, 68, 74. Fering, Richard, archdeacon of Canterbury, later Archbishop of Dublin, 6. Fesdyng, Johannes, 22. fiasham, Sam., 30. ffassome, Tho. and wife, 29. fiox, Thomas, 30. Howler, Michael, of Chart, brief for, 28. Field, John, printer, 16. Flemyng, Johannem and Margarett, 23. Folkestone fishery, brief for, 33. Foghill, Rotulandus, 23. Francis, bishop of Rochester, 60. Fulbert family's church, 55. Fulbert of Douvre in the Bessin, owner of Northwood, 54, 55. Fuller, 34. Gage, Mrs., widow, 29. Gairdner, Prof., Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, 1534, 34. Gardiner, Dorothy, Henry Oxinden's Authorship, 13-20. Geoffrey of Brampton, notary, 10. Gerard, Henry, rector of Deal, 30. Geter, Walterus, 23. Gibbs, Jas., architect, 69, 68. Gisborough, brief for, 27. Gloucestershire Manorial Rolls for Manor of Hartpury, Recovery in Kent of, 74. Glover, Anthony, chapel-warden, 31. Glovere, Johannes, 25. Gnat, Alicia, 24. Gnat, Robertus, 24. Godnestone, or Goodnestone, 25. INDEX Godyng, Ricardus, 23. Gold, Henry, Fellow of St. John's Cambridge, secretary and chaplain to Arch. Warham, vicar of Ospringe and Hayes, 34; Sermon preached by, 34-43: by Whatmore, L. E., M.A. Gold medalet of Leudard the Bishop, The; oldest English gold coin, Notes on,72-74. Gonell, friend of Erasmus, 35. Goodsall, Robt., 53, 55. Gookin, John, 29. Gordon-Canning, Capt. R. C, M.C, lord of the manor of Hartpury, owner of parchments found at Upper Deal, acknowledgments to, 75. Goscelin, historian, 73. Graham, Rose, Sidelights on the Rectors and Parishioners of Reculver from register of Arfchbishop Winchelsey, 1-12. Grantesete, Andrew de, 11. Grantham, brief for, 27. Graunt, Peter, 29. Graveney, Napleton brass at, 68. Gravesend brief, 33. Greenwich, 44, 45, 59. Grove, Johanna, 25. Gunnis, Mr. Henry S., xxxviii. Guston, near Dover, 16. Haigh, Rev. Daniel, 73. Hankeslond, Georgius, 23. Harbledown, 68 ; leper hospital, 2. Harley, Lord, 2nd Earl of Oxford, 66; journeys in Kent of, 58-67 ; chronicler possibly secretary of, 56. Harley, Anne, second wife of Sir Robert Harley, 62. Hartlepool, brief for repair of harbour at, 27. Hartpury, Glos., Court Rolls found and identified, 74. Harris, Dr., 68. Harrison, Sir Edward, xxxvii. Harvey, John H., his book Henry Yevele, reviewed, 76. Harwich, 51, 53-55; salt-making at, 62. Haselhersh, Williehnus, borgheaMw. 22. Haselherssh, Agnes, 23. Hasted, 68. Hawlcsley, Jno., deputy brief receiver, 27. Hayes, Middlesex, vicar of, 34. Heale, Jnp., brief for, 27. Heresige, 62. Herewic, i.e. Harwich, salt-works, 51. Heme, 63; ohapel of, 1, 10, 11. HernehUl, 52, 53. Hert, Henricus, 25. GENERAL INDEX 81 High House, Lenham, appeal for funds for preservation as almshouse, xxxviii. Hillsborough, fragments of ancient stone cross in church at, 4. Hinxton, brief for, 27. Hirst, Martin, of Canterbury, 29. Historical MSS. Commission, 56, 58. Hoath, chapel of, 1, 10. Hobday, Mrs. Mary, also Sarah, 29. Hokynden, Wiuielmus, 23. Holbein, portrait of Warham, 56, 59. Hollingbourne church, 68. " Holy Maid of Kent," 34. Honywood, Anthony, xxxviii. Horewold, Johanna, 25. Horn, Williehnus, 23. Home, Tho., churchwarden, 30. Home, Wm., 29. Horseman, builder of Dartford hospital, 60. Hosellwood, Edward, 30. Howard, Francis, 16. Hudson, Abra. H., 30. Hugh de ?, 11. Hughes, Robt., 30. " Huitre staple," suggested origin of Whitstable, 63. Hulck, Ben., 29 ; Wm., 29. Hulk, George, 30. Hypocritae Finis, 13, 14. Hythe church, brief for, 33. Ibbot, Mr. E., minister, 28 ; Rector of Deale, 29. Eborne, Jno., brief receiver, 27. Ightham manor, diary, xxxvii. Ileden, skeletal remains at, 71. Illustrations Fund, 1943, xliv. Inhumation Cemetery No. 4, Victoria County History, 69. Iron Age, with Bronze and Neolithic periods, panel of experts for, 70. Isleham, Cambs., brief for, 28. Jacob, Henry, pastor, Fellow of Merton, 16. Jacob, Inglardus, 22. Jafie, Dr. E., 22. James n , at Faversham, 68. Jaspar, Ricardus, 24. Jefry, Robert, 30. Jenkin, John, 29. Jenkin, Mary and Susan, 29; also Jno. and Mary, 29. " Jobus Triumphans," work of Oxinden, 15, 17. John de H., 11. Johnston, the late P. M., F.S.A., 48. Jones, schoolmaster at Dartford, 60. ^ugg> powder-mill owner, 65. Juxon, Archbishop, 58. Kemsyng, Katerina, 23. Kene, 49. Kentish Briefs, tabular statement of, in registers of Deal and Cranbrook, 33. Kentish Express, xxxviii. Key, Canon F. F., xxxviii. Keys, 67. Kilwardby, Archbishop, 1, 2. King's Letters, or Licences, 26. Kitchin, Mr. John, xxxix. Knighte, Mr. Hen., 29. Knocker, H. W., Esq., 22. Knolles, Sir Robt., bequest for Rochester bridge, 61. Knollys, 49. Knowler, Tho. and Geo., 29. Knpwlton church, 17. Kybbeworth, John de Langton's proctor, 7. Laker, History of Deal, 31. Lambeth Palace, visit to, 56, 58. Lancaster, Liberty of the Duchy of, 22 ; manor of Farnborough annexed by, 22. Lane, Joseph, chapel-warden, 30, 31. Lanfranc, Archbishop, 1. Langton, chancellor to Edward I, 3 ; received tithes of Reculver, 5, 6 ; excommunicated, but reinstated by Curia, consecrated Bishop of Chichester, 7. Lansdowne MS. 874, 58. Lea-Wilson, Rev. H. W., vicar of St. George's, Deal, 32. Lebreto, Bernard Ezii de, Archdeacon of Canterbury, 8. Leche, Henricus, 22 ; Johanna, 23. Lee, John, 30. Leeds, Dr. E. T., Keeper of Ashmolean Museum, 73. Leicestershire, early brief for damage by fire, 26. Leland, John, antiquary, 3. Lenham, grant of, in 946, 62. Leudardus Eps., i.e. Leudard the Bishop, chaplain to Queen Bertha, his inscription on gold medalet, 73. Levison, owner of Whorne's Place, 62. Lewis, antiquary, 68. Lincoln, dean of, 6. Linton church, 68. Little Mote, Eynsford, 50. Livett, Canon G. M., xxxviii. Local Secretaries, K.A.S., list of, x. Longforth, Dr., vicar of Ospringe, 34. Lords Ordainers, 10. Lorens, Ricardus, 23. Louvain, 35. Lowe, Bishop, monument of, 63. 82 GENERAL INDEX Lower Deal, duty on coal to raise chapel-of-ease fund, 31. Ludd, John, Headmaster of King's School, Canterbury, 16. Luddenham, 68. Luithard, Bishop, also Letard or Leudardus, chaplain to Queen Bertha, inscription on ancient medalet, 73. Luke, Master, chancellor to Peckham, 3. Lullyngston, Court Roll, 24. Luneberg, arms of, 46. Lymne, 53. Maidstone bridge, 57. Margate, 45. Marsham family, monuments of, 62. Martin, Master, commissary to Archbishop Winchelsey, 5, 6, 7. Martin's Shop, Canterbury, second century coins and pottery fragments found, 69. Martyrs' Field, Canterbury, trial trenches cut, 69. " Master Walter . . . ", woolpacker, 62. Masters, Mary de, widow, 29. Mawerne, WiUielmus, 24. Maxwell, David, printer, 17. May, Jno. and Sarah, 29. May, Tho., deputy brief receiver, 27. Mayer Collection of Kent Antiquities, including Luithard's gold medalet, in Liverpool Museum, 74. Mayster, Johanna, 23. Mediaeval period, panel of experts for, 70. Medway Oyster Dredgers, brief for, 33. Mellere, Andreus, 23. Members, List of, K.A.S., xix-xxxiv. Merovingian coins, similar to gold medalet, 74. Merrywether, Isabella, 29. Mersham, gift of estate by Ethelbert, 51. Mesolithic, with Palaeolithic period, panel of experts for, 70. " Mr. Extra," agent for C. Parsons, 71. " Mr. F.'s Aunt," 45. Millison, Gab., 30. Ministry of Works, reports to, by Regional Groups, 70. Miscellaneous Notes, 71-76. Mocket, Jno., 29. Mokedyssh, Thomas, 23. Moldavia, Philippen Colony, 32. " Monasticon Fevershamense," written by Southouse, 67. Monkton Marches, Thanet, xxxviii. Monumentum Sepulchrale, description of Kentish Antiquities in Mayer Collection, 74. More, Margaret, 49. More, Sir Thomas, 47, 49 ; children of, 35. Mosman, Jno., deputy brief receiver, 27. Mum, Wm., brief for, 27. Mumbray, Tho., 29 ; Will, 30. Nailstone, Leics., rector of, 8. Napleton, lawyer, of Faversham, 65 ; brasses of family, 68. Nassau, arms of, 46. Neale, Jas., churchwarden, 30. Neale, John, curate of Guston, 16. Neale, Richard, 30. Nedham, Marchmont, 16. Neolithic, with Bronze and Iron Age periods, panel of experts for, 70. Nethersole, Wm., 16. Newcombe, Thos., printer, 16. Neweman, Johannes, 24. Newenden, brief for, 33. Newington church, 68. Newman, John, 57, 65. Nicholas TV, Pope, 2, 3. Nicholas of Tingwick, Physician to Edward I, rector of Reculver, 1, 9 ; appointment opposed b y Clement V, 10 ; physician to Prior Eastry, 12. Nicholl, Jos., 30. Nichols, Chas., 18. Nivernum, possible reference on gold medalet, 73. Norman, ffran., deputy brief receiver, 27, 28. Northgate, Canterbury, hospital, 1,- 2. North Kent Brewery, Plumstead, Coat of Arms given to Bull Inn, Shooters Hill, by WiUiam i n now in their possession, 44. Northwood, 51 ; manor of Heme, 53 ; later known as Dodeham, finally Whitstable, 54, 55. Norttens, Roger, 26. Notes on the History of the Parish and Church of Chart next Sutton, by Rev. Paul Atkins, pamphlet reviewed, 76. Nye, Thos., rector of Aldington, 12. Nyles, Jno., Cpl., 29. Ockman, WUl, 30. Off a, King, 61. Officers, List of, K.A.S., viii, ix. Old Swinford, parish of, 32. Origins of Whitstable, The, by Gordon Ward, F.S.A., 51-56. Osborne, Dorothy, 20. Osborne, Jno., brief for, 27. Ospringe, 34, 65, 67. Otham church, 68. Oxinden, Jas., 14. GENERAL INDEX 83 Oxinden, Henry, authorship of, by Dorothy Gardiner, 13-20. Oxinden, Richard, grandson to Henry, 16. Oxinden, Thos., 15, 17. PalaeoUthic, with MesoUthic, period, panel of experts for, 70. Paretree, 29. Parsons, C, stone-mason, Lewes, 71. Parsons, Henry, 30. PascaU, Johannes, 24. Paxton, Edmund, book-seller, 16. Peace of Ryswick, 45. Peachey, a " sea mark," 60. Peckham, Archbishop, 2, 3, 10. Peers, Sir Chas., 3, 4, 12. Peirce, John, 16. Pennington, Thos., son-in-law of Nicolas Carter, 31. Pepys, 26. Peyton, Dorothy, 17, 20. Pickle, John, 30. PUgrym, Alicia, 25 ; Johannes, 26. Pittock, Eliz., widow ; Wm., 29. Plot, Dr., 62. Pluck's Gutter, pottery, sherds, etc. found, xxxviii. Poole, brief for, 28. Poole, Capt. Jno., 29. Pope, Jno., deputy brief receiver, 27. Porter, Johanna and Johannes, 24. Porto, Cardinal Bishop of, 2. Potts, Canon R. TJ., 71. Powlescray, i.e. St. Paul's Cray, 23. Price, unsuccessful applicant for preferment to Dartford church, 60. Primrose, Henry A., of Deal, 31. Prince Charles, 59. Prince Consort, 45. PubUc Record Office, repair of Hartpury Court RoUs, and tracing of owner by, 74. Puritan Ministry, attack on, 13. Pye, John and Tho., 30. Queen Anne, Coat of Arms, 45, 46. Rainham church, 68. Randolf, Johannes, 24. Reade, Johanna, 25. Reader, John, 16. Records Branch, K.A.S., x. Reculver, boundary-edge, 52 ; Great Cross, 3, 4, 12. Reculver, Sidelights on the Rectors and Parishioners of, from the Register of Archbishop Winchelsey, by Rose Graham, 1-12 (Ulust.). Rede, Simon, 25. Reference Library, K.A.S., acquisitions, xxxvii. Regional Groups, Constitution of and contributions for, 70. Register of Daniel Rough, xxxviii. Religionis Funus, by Henry Oxinden, 13, 15. Renaissance period, panel of" experts for, 70. Repairs at Knole, account for, 71. Report, K.A.S., 1943, xxxvii. Reports, 69. Reviews : Notes on the History of the parish and church of Chart next Sutton, by Rev. Paul Atkins; and Henry Yevele—The life of an English Architect, by John H. Harvey, 76, 77. Reygnold, Thomas, 25. Reynolds, Archbishop, 11, 12. Reynolds, Richard, monk, 35. Ridley, Robert, 35. Roach Smith, C., reported find of gold coins in 1844, 72, 73. Roberta, 24. Robyn, Johannes, 25. Rochester, Bishop of, 7. Rochester, Cathedral of, 57, 60 ; bridge at, 57 ; Crown Inn at, 61. Rolvenden, brief for, 33. Roman Road to Dover, 44. Romano-British period, panel of experts for, 70. Roper family, arms of, 47 ; Anthony, of Farningham, 50 ; John, father of Wm., 49 ; Margaret, 47, 49 ; WUliam, son-in-law of Sir Thomas More, owner of WeU HaU, 47, 49. Ropere, Thomas, 24. Ross, Alexander, 16. Royal Numismatic Society, report, 72. Rules, K.A.S., xiii-xviii. Rust, Martha, 29. " RW (Headclerk)," employed by May & Parsons, stonemasons, 71. Rydere, Richard le, 2. Saarbruck church and school, 32. Safiery, Jeffery, 30. St. Augustine, burial place of, 73. St. Augustine's Monastery, gift of books by Simon of Faversham, 8. St. George's, Canterbury, church and Gate, 69. St. George's, Deal, 32. St. Gregory, burial place of, 73. St. Leger, Dudley, 30. St. Leonard's parish, Deal, 32. St. Martin's churchyard, find of gold coins, 1844, 72 ; probable site where medalet was struck, 74. St. Mary Aldermary, 34. St. Mary Magdalene Priory, Tonbridge, probable site near signal box, xxxviii. 84 GENI St. Michel!, Balteshazzar, Jr., 29. St. Neots, Hunts., 34. St. Nicholas in Thanet, chapel of, 1, 2, 10, 11. St. Olave's, Hart Street, 26. St. Paul's, dean of, 7. SS. Peter and Paul, Canterbury, abbey church of, 73. Salisbury, 11, 12 ; Bishop of, 7 ; dean of, 6. " SaUey," captives from, brief for, 28. Salman, Wilhelmus, 25. " Salts," Whitstable, site of ancient industry, 51. Samjon, EUz., of London, 29. Saxon period, skeletal remains, 71. Scarlet, Thos., senior pUot, 29. Scarlett, John, 30. Scodynton, AUcia, 25. ScottesmyUe, 24. Scruggs, 29. Seasalter, origin of, 51 ; salt-making at, 51, 52 ; mention in Domesday, 54 ; History of, by R. GoodsaU, 53. Sergeant, Johannes, 22. Selden, 16. Sermon of Henry Gold, Vicar of Ospringe, 1525-1527, preached before Archbishop Warham, by L. E. Whatmore, 34-43. " Sevenhokes," 71. SheUe, Johannes, 22. Shire Hall, Gloucester, repository of Manorial Rolls found at "Upper Deal, 75. m Shooters HiU; Bull Inn, Royal Coat of Arms from (Ulust.), 44 ; Assembly Rooms used as school, then as chapel, 47, 59. Shrawdine, Salop, 32. SibUl, Thos., of Eynsford, 50. Simon of Gaunt, Bishop, 11. Simon of Faversham, scholar and theologian, rector of Harrow and Reculver, archdeacon of Canterbury, _ 7, 8 ; death of, 9. Sittingbourne, 57 ; church, brief for, 57. Smale, Agnes, 23. Smetham, Mr. Henry, xxxvii. Smith, Daniel, parish clerk, 29; Edward, searcher, 29 ; Hen., deputy brief receiver, 28; Jno.,30; Ja., brief receiver, 27;' Richd. "Vinkner," 29. Snoad, Wm., 30. Snodland, Roman walling found at gas works, xxxviii. Societies in union with K.A.S., list of, xi, xii. Society for Propagation of the Gospel, coUection for, 32. Soles, Edward, 30. INDEX S.E. Regional Group, consisting of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, arranged, 70. Southern Rly., Chief Engineer of, xxxviii. Southey, poet, 26. Southouse,' author of " Monasticon Fevershamense," 67. Sprules, Miss Lilian, xxxvii. Squire, Wm., 1st perpetual curate of Deal, 31. Stake, Dionisia, 23 ; Deonisius, 22. Stebbing, W. P. D., Briefs in St. Leonard's and St. George's Parishes in Deal in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 26-33. Stebbing, Mr. W. P. D., xxxviii. Sterling, 32. Stonar, xxxviii. Stone, Tho., churchwarden, 29. Stonebridge, 61. Stones, Mr., Churchwarden, 29. Stourbridge, damage to church, 32. " Stowerbridge," chapel of ease, 32. Strickland, Mr. R. W., death recorded, xxxvii. Strood, 61, 63. Swale, Swalecliffe, 52, 53 ; History of, by R. GoodsaU, 63. Swetemouth, Johannes, 22. Swithinbank, Mr. B. W., xxxvii. Tankerton, formerly Herewic, or Harwich, 52. Tarbutt, W., 26. Tassell, deputy brief receiver, 28. Tate, Mr. W. E., F.R.Hist.S., 32. TattershaU family, early owners of Well HaU, arms of, 48, 49. Taverner, Jno., 29. Theghe, Thomas, 23. Thomas of Astley, rector of Reculver, 12. Thomas of Chartham, rector of Reculver, 5, 6 ; death of, 7. Thomas, Mr. Chas., xxxvii. " Tho. Knorler, Gent.", 26. Thorpe, Dr., F.S.A., physician of Rochester, 58, 61, 67, 68. Titus, Capt. Jno., 28. Tolhurst, Brian, Esq., 22. Tomlin, J. W. S., Canon, 71. Tomlinson, Major F. W., F.S.A., Hon. Sec. Canterbury Excavation Committee, 69. Tonbridge Station yard, briok-lined chamber found, xxxviii. Torr, V. J., A Canterbury Pilgrimage in 1723, 66-68. Travers, John Mount, 30. Trepitt, Johanna, 25. Tudely church, brief for, 33. GENERAL INDEX 85 TuUie, Dr. Thos., Principal of St. Edmund HaU, 14, 15. TunstaU church, 68. Turner, John, woolpacker, tomb at Cuxton, 62. Tumour, Johannes, 23 ; Ricardus, 23. Turnpike Trust, work on Shooters HUl, 44. Two Coats of Arms from Kent in London, by F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A., 44-50 (illust.). Tyndale, 35. UUock, Henry, rector of Mongham, 29. Dhderdown, John, 30. Upchuroh, brief for, 33. Upper Deal, ancient parchments found, 74; 29. VaUance, Aymer, F.S.A., death recorded, xxxvn. Verdyng, Johanna, 23. " view of Frankpledge," thus styled in 1408, 21. VUlar, Piedmont, brief for, 32. Vinogradoff, 21. Wake, Archbishop, at Deal, 31. Walbrond, Ricardus, 23. Walkelyn, Johannes, 23. Walker, Tho., deputy brief receiver, 27. WaUinger, Arthur, 30. WaUs, Richard, 29. Walter of Maidstone, 8. Wantsum, salt-making at mouth of, 52. Ward, Gordon, F.S.A., The Origins of Whitstable, 51-56. Warehome church, brief for, 33. fVarham, Archbishop, 34, 35 ; portrait of, 56, 59. Warly, Lee, Oxinden's great grandson, 15. Warner, Johannes, 25. iVasyngweUe, grant of land by Aethelberht, 51. iVatling Street, 44; narrowness of, 57. iVatts's Hospital, Rochester, his reasons for excluding solicitors from charity, 64. Well Hall, the Story of its House and Grounds, by F. C. EUiston-Erwood, F.S.A., 47. VeU HaU, Eltham, home of Wm. Roper, 47. Welhawe, in Eynesford, 50. WeUs, John de Langton, as Treasurer of Cathedral of, 5. West Mailing church, brief for, 33. Westwood, 52. Weymouth, brief for, 28. Whatmore, L. E., M.A., A Sermon of Henry Gold, vicar of Ospringe, 1525-27, preached before Archbishop Warham, 34-43. Wheatley, Canon S. W., F.S.A., xxxvii. Whitstable, derivation of name, 51 ; History of, by R. GoodsaU, 53; Whitstable Times, 54. " White Staple," the Hundred of, 53 ; meeting place at boundary post, 53. White, Matildam, 23 ; Philippus, 23. Whi(t)ing, Cha., 30. Whittaker, Thos., printer, 13. Whittowres, i.e. Tanners, 25. Whorne's Place, 62. Wihthead, WiUiam, 30. WUdes, John, 30. WiUiam III, presented Royal Coat of Arms to BuU Inn, Shooters HUl, 44 ; stayed at inn, 45 ; Declaration read at Faversham, 65. Williams, Mrs. Audrey, M.A., compiler of Report of Canterbury Excavation Committee, 69. WiUiams, Dr. Thos., of Elham, 68. Williams, Thos., purchaser of poem, 16. WUliamson, Sir Joseph, Bart., donor of School for Mathematics at Chatham, 64. Winchelsey, Archbishop, 1 ; consecration at Aquila, 3; Visitation to Reculver, 4 ; inducted Thomas of Chartham to Reculver, 5. Wood, Robert, 30. Woodman, Constant, widow, 29. Woodrifie, 29. Woolwich Borough Council, pubUshers of. Well HaU, by F. C. EUiston- Erwood, 47. Woolwich Garrison, 47. Wraylott, John, of Colchester, brief for, 27. Wright, Rev. A. K. W., xxxvii. Yarmouth, 3. Yonge, Ricardus, 24.




Frontispiece 1943