Annual Report and Accounts for the Year 1944

ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1944. ( xxxiii REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1944. THE Council present their eighty-sixth Report with the Accounts for 1944. It is with satisfaction that they are able to report, for the first time since 1939, an increase in the membership, from 751 to 763. There is much ground to be regained in this direction and they look with confidence to all members of the Society to be active in obtaining new members, especially as the opportunity for the revival of archreology may be not too distant. The Council note with regret the death during the year of the Lord Axchbishop of Canterbury, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., D.Litt., a Vice President of the Society, of the Right Hon. Lord Justice Luxmoore, one of the Trustees, and of Mr.·Frank Godwin, a member of the Council. Major M. Teichman Darville, D.L., F .S.A., the President of the Society, has been appointed a Trustee and one vacancy remains to be filled. The General Meeting was held at Maidstone on 31st May. The President took the chair and between thirty and forty members attended the morning meeting, whilst a considerably larger number of members and their friends were present at the afternoon lectures. The lecturers were Mr. W. P. D. Stabbing, who addressed the meeting on the Letters of the Rev. Nichol,e,s Carter, D.D., to his daughter Elizabeth, between 1729 and 1773, and Mr. A. L. Congreve who spoke on The Survival of the Wolf in Great Britain. Both addresses were heard with interest and the lecturers were heartily thanked. A generous gift of Kent books and papers from the library of the late Mr. George S. Elgood, R.I., R.O.I., who was a member of the Society for over thirty years, has been received his niece, Miss Jane 0. S. Elgood, who stated that her uncle had desired her to offer them to the Society. Among the books, a list of which is given below, are duplicates of volumes already in the Society's librai;y and Miss Elgood has suggested that any duplicates which the Society does not wish to keep may be passed on to " branch societies i n Kent, or individual workers ", or wherever tliey will be useful. The list of books is as follows, volumes already in the Society's library being marked with an asterisk :- Darts' Canterbury, 1726, Dart's Westminster Abbey, Hasted's History of Kent (octavo edition, 12 volumes), Kentish Gen€a,logies, Wm. Berry, 1830, Philipot's Kent, 2nd Edition, 1776 (two copies), MS.Index to Philipot's Visitation of Kent, MS. Visitation of Kent, 1619, from MS. copy in the Surrenden Library, copy made by Philipot, Rouge Dragon, Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, No. 1, History and Antiquities of Tunstall, by 3 xxxiv REPORT, 1944. E. R. Mores, 1780, Lesnes Abbey, A. W. Clapham, 1915, Thorpe's Registrum Rofjense, 1769, lnde:c to Monumental Inscriptions in Thorpe's Registrum Roffense, Memorials of Old ]font, Ditchfield and Clinch, 1907, Knole House, Lionel Sackville West, 1906, Sketch of Knole and the Sackville Family, John Bridgeman, 1817, History of Salehurst, L. J. Hodson, 1914, Tenterden, Old and New, J. Ellis Mace, 1902, Denton ne,ar Gravesend, G. M. Arnold, Beckenham, Past and Present, R. Borrowman, 1910, The Story of Royal Flltham, R. R. C. Gregory, 1909, Teynham Manor and Hundred, M:rs. E. Selby, 1936, The Manor of Minster (Thanet), H. W. Aldred, 1889, Lays and Legends of the Weald of Kent, Lilian Winser, The Sidneys of Penshurst, Philip Sidney, 1901, History and Topography of Wye, W. S. Morris, 1842, Kentish· Heraldry, MS., Blazon only, Families in Alphabetical Order, Heraldica Gantiana (one volume of three), drawn by Richard Miles, 1842 (two copies), History of Gavelkind, Silas Taylor, 1663, Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent, 1576, Lambarde's Perammilation of Kent, 1596, History of the Abbey and Church of Faversham, Priory of Davington, Maison Dieu of Ospringe and Parish of Bocton Subt'U.8 le Bleyne, John Lewis, 1727, Memorials of Herne, Rev. J. R. Buchanan, 1888, The Stained Glass Windows of Nettlestead Church, W. E. Ball, 1908, Antiquarian Jottings relating to Bromley, Hayes, Keaton and West Wickham, G. Clinch, 1889, A Parcel of Kent, F. J. Harvey Darton, Rambles round Old Canterbury, Cross and Hall, 1882, The Parish Churches of the Diocese of Canterbury, T. H. Oyler, 1910, Cantermiry of our Grandfathers and of To-day1 Gordon Home, 1927, Loddenden and the Usbornes of Loddenden, H. S. Cowper, 1914, MS. Visitation of Kent, 1619, with additions in 1770 by Henry Howell, Gustumal Roffense, John Thorpe, 1788, MS. Church Notes, Kent, (4 vols. folio and 1 vol. royal quarto), *Views of Se,ats in Kent, T. Badeslade, c. 1720, *Hasted's History of Kent, vols. l to 5 (octavo edition), *Hasted's H i story of J(ent, continued by H. H. Drake, The Hundreds of Blackheath, 1886, * Flxcerpta Cantiana,­ Prospectus of a History of Kent, T. Streatfield, 1836, *Villare Cantianum, r. Philipot, 1659, *Charters of Cumbwell Priory, Kent, *History of St. Lawrence, Thanet, C. Cotton, 1895, *Memorials of Oanterbury Cathedtral, Woodruff and Danks, *Furley's History of the Weald of Kent, 1871, *Sutton Valence and East Sutton, Rev. J. Cave Browne, 1898, *History of Brasted, J. Cave Browne, 1874, *Luddesdown, a Kentish Manor, W. B. Peake, 1920, *Short History of Bapchild, Rev. H. F. Lord, 1926, *Cathedral and Monaste'f'IJ of St. Andrew, Rochester, W. H. St. John Hope, 1900, *History of Brickwall in Sussex with Northiam and Brede, A. L, Frewen, 1909, *Rambles in Kent, J.C. Cox, 1913, *Kentish Brasses, Vol. I., W. D. Belcher, 1888, *Report on Excavation of Roman Cemetery at Ospringe, Whiting, Hanley and May, 1931, *Hartley through the Ages, Bancks, 1927, *Ightham, 2nd edition, F. J. Bennett, 1917, *A Gomer of Kent, Ash next Sandwich, Pla.nche, 1864, *History and Antiquities of Dartford, Dunkin, 1844, *The Churches of Kent, Glynne, 1877, *The Churches of Kent, Sussex and Surrey, Hussey, 1852, *Bibliotheca Cantiana, J. Russell Smith, 1837, *Gentleman's Magazine Library, Part VI, Kent and Lancashire, Gomme, 1895, *History of Fordwich, Rev. C. E. Woodruff, 1895, *Dode, G. M. Arnold, 1005, *Monwmental Brasses in Kent, Griffin and Stephenson, 1922, *Guide tol(nole, J. H. Brady, 1839, *A Topographie or Survey of !Cent, Richard Kilburne, 1659 (two copies), *A Treatise of Gavellcind, "7illfom Somner, 1726, *Hist


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 58


The Lost Dens of Little Chart