Notes on the Family of Twysden and Twisden
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Recent Discoveries in the Archives of Canterbury Cathedral
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( 43 ) NOTES ON THE FAMILY OF TWYSDEN AND TWISDEN. together with a List and brief Description of the Family Portraits bequeathed to the Kent Archceological Society by the late Sir John Ramskill Twisden, 12th and last Bart., prepared1 by RONALD G. HATTON, C.B.E., D.SC, E.R.S., AND THE REVD. CHRISTOPHER H. HATTON, O.S.B. EXTRACT from the last TKMU anb Uestament of Sir John Ramskill Twisden, Baronet, 29.11.1929. "11. I 3Bequeatb to my Executors aU my portraits of members of "Twysden and Twisden family and of persons related to that famUy "hereinafter caUed " my Family Portraits " UPON TRUST to dehver to "the Trustees for the time being of the National Portrait GaUery to be "exhibited there— "(First) either the two miniatures framed together of Sir WUham "Twysden first Baronet of Boydon HaU and his Wife or in heu thereof "the portrait in oUs of the same Sir WUham " (Secondly) one of the portraits of Sir Roger Twysden Second Baronet "of Roydon HaU. " (Thirdly) One of the Portraits of Sh Thomas Twisden First Baronet of "Bradbourne. " (Fourthly) One of the portraits of Dr. John Twisden their brother. " (Fifthly) The portrait of Colonel Matthew Thomhnson and " (Sixthly) such other of my Family Portraits as the Trustees for the " time being of the said Gallery may desire to have and subject to the "foregoing bequests my Executors shaU hold the remainder of my "FamUy Portraits UPON TRUST for the Kent Archaeological Society "provided that my Executors shaU be satisfied that such Society can "make proper provision for their custody but if my Executors shall not " be so satisfied or failing the acceptance thereof by the said Society my "Exeoutors shaU hold the remainder of my FamUy Portraits UPON "TRUST for the Corporation of Maidstone for their Museum upon the "same conditions as to provision being made for their custody but in " case my Executors shaU not be satisfied as aforesaid or failing the 1 Sources : The . Family of Twysden and Twisden—their History and archives from an original by Sir John Ramskill Twisden, 12th Baronet of Bradbourne; completed by C. H. Dudley Ward, D.S.O., M.C. John Murray, Albemarle Street, London, W. 1939. "Catalogue ofTheBradbournPictures" (Z.K. 1863) and the "ManuscriptCataloguecompiledbySirJohnRamskillTwisden," 1912,