General Index

( 123 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbey, Premonstratensian of West Langdon, similar architecture to Walmer and Lydden, 85. Abbeys in Kent: St. Augustine, Reculver, Dover, 19. Abbot Beornheah, five entries relating to, 22. Abbot Feologeld of Dover, later Archbishop, 19, 21. Abbots of Dover, Reculver, St. Augustine's, 21-28 Abrinciis, Simon de, held Honour of Folkestone, 85. Acleah, Council at, 805, 23. Adams, Richard, brass extant, 102. Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 674, 26. Aethelheah, Abbot of Reculver after King Cenulf of Mercia had seized revenues, 21, 28. Aethelheard, Mercian Archbishop at Council of Clovesho, 23. Aethilmer, Abbot of Reculver, 699, 27. Affeerers, 16. Agger or Embankment of Roman road, 33. Aldington Coastal range of hills, 30. Ale-conner, 16. Alfred, Duke, affairs settled, 871, 24. Alignments of Roman Roads, 29, 30. Allington Castle, Robert Gainsford of, 98. All Saints, Orpington, Plan 4, 5. Alsedeans public pathway, 15. Altar Tomb at Eastwell, 98. Alys, wife of Thomas, 2. Amber Green: Staplehurst, 7th, Alignment Roman Road, 30, 36. Ancient Monuments Department of H.M. Ministry of Works, 64. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, M.S.F., 24. Antiguaries Journal, Gibbon Family, 106. see also Monuments. Appledore, overrun by Danes, 23. Apsidal Aisleless Churches of Great Britain, by Dr. Fairweather, 4. Archosologia XXIX, Roman Villa, 34. Arch. Cant. X, XV, Roman Cemetery, 34, 46. Arch. Oant. XIII, All Saints, Orpington, 5. Arch. Cant. XVI, XLVI, St. Martin's, Eynesford, 3. Arch. Oant. XXXVII, Churches on Romney Marsh, 5. Arch. Cant. LV, Pottery, 70, 71, 76, 78. Arch. Cant. LVII, Court Rolls, Manor of Farnborough, 7. Arch. Cant. (1945), Wall of small bricks, 115. Arch. Jour. XCV, Proportions, 5. Archbishop Plegmund, 890, 22. Architectural Notes on Kent Churches, Plans of, and Brief, by F. C. Elliston- Erwood, F.S.A., (4 plans), 1-6. Architecture, Spurious Gothic, 93. Arts in Early England, The, 6. Arundell, Sir John of Trerice, 96; m. (1) Margaret, d. of Sir Hugh Courtenay, 97 ; (2) Ann, d. of Sir Walter Moyle, 96. Ash, Soil and acreage of, 82, 84. Ashdown, John of Hever, 121 Ashford—Godmersham Downs on 3rd. Roman Road, 29, 30. Ashtead, medieval ware, 74. AuberviUe, Estates in Oxney passed to family of Criol or Kerial, 85. AuberviUe, William, founded Abbey of W. Langdon, 84,91. Aubervilles, Norman family, 84. Augustine's Abbey, St., Canterbury, founded 606, 20. Austen, Francis, 17. Austen, George of Sevenoaks, 12, 17. Austins, S., bargain with Christchurch, 826, 23. Baegmund, Abbot of Reculver, 839, 28. Baere, Abbot of Reculver, may be Daene, 27. Bagshawe's Directory, 95. Baker, F., Esq., Middlesbro', 106. Banks, Sir Edward, purchased Oxney 1838, 92, 93. Banks, Major Herbert Delemark, died, 1937, 93. Banks, William John, cricketer, died, 1901, 93. Bapchild, Council of, 27. Barham, see Werheard's Will, 832, 24. Baron, Court, see Court Leet with Court Baron, 16. Barr, F. S., Esq. (Martin's Ltd.), 81. Barton Lands for endowment, 20. Basse, builder of St. Mary, Reculver, 20, 26. Bate, Joseph, fined, 1666, 15. Bates, Mrs. 81. Beardsworth, John, 103. Beaumont College, Old Windsor, 7, 14. 124 GENERAL INDEX Bede mentions Beorhtweald as Abbot of Racuulfe, 27; St. Augustine's consecrated, 20. Bennett, John and Bennett, Thomas, Stewards of Court Leet, 15. Beorhtweald, Abbot of Reculver, 679, 20, 26, 27. Beornheah, Abbot of Dover, 22, 25. Beornhelm, Last recorded Abbot of Reculver, c.890, 28. Beornwine, Abbot of Reculver, 826, 28. Beornwulf, Abbot of Dover, 24. Bethersden, Frid in, 106. Bethersden marble altar tomb, 96. Beult, river, marks Roman route, 34. Bewsborough, Hundred of, 84. Bexley, Kennington Lane, 1789, 12. Birch, Cartularum Saxonicum, see B. C.S.reDating of Charters, c. 747, 27. Birchall, John, rented Oxney Parsonage, 1539, 87. Bircholt, 84. Bird, Rev., St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 106. Bishopsbourne see "Werheard's WiU", 832, 24. Blackinden, Mistress, 87. Black Prince, Knighting of, 92. Blanche, daughter of King Henry IV, 92. Blandford, J. Harland, Farnborough and its Surroundings (1912), 7, 15. Bluebell Hill, see Route 1, 33. Bodiam, Roman Road, 40. Bond, James, Manor of Farnborough, 11. Bond, M. F., M.A., Farnborough Manor in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 7-18. Book of Grants, Duchy of Lancaster, 8. Borsholder, 16. Borstall, now Bostall, 107. Boughton Aluph, Buckwell in, 96. Boughton Monohelsea, monuments, 95, 96 ; Roman Road, 30 ; Wierton House Seat, 95. Bowls, medieval, excavated, 71, 77, 79. Boyton Court, 45, 46. Bracelet, bronze, Roman, 118, 120. Brand, Nathaniel, 15. Bregowin, Archbishop, 23. Brett, Dr. Thomas, 98. Bridge, John, grants Manor of Farnborough, 12, 18. Bridgewood Gate, North Downs Escarpment, 30, 32. Broad Street, New, London, 11. Bronze Age, evidence of, at Oxney, 84. Brooches, Kentish finds of, engraved, enamelled, 116, 117, 118. Broome, John, 10. Brown, Prof. Baldwin, The Arts in Early England, 6. Brian, Abbot of Dover, 761, 23, 27. Bungay Castle, Suffolk, medieval pottery, 71, 76. Burgate Lane, Canterbury, 64-69. Burleigh, John de, founded Chantry, 101. Burley, Manor of, 101. Butt-Gow, late Mr. R., marked Roman Road at Golford, 39. Caerwent, 69. Canterbury Excavations : September —October, 1944. Report by Mrs. Audrey Williams, F.S.A. Twelve illustrations, 64-81. Canterbury, Christ Church, James Oxney, 86; Consistory Court: Sir W. Moyle's Will, 99 ; Co-operative Society, 81 ; Excavations, 64, 65 ; Probate Court: Will of G. Jekyn of Oxney, 87 ; Cathedral Library records, 87; Begisters, Archdeaconry Court of, 107 ; See, Arms of, 111; St. Augustine's Abbey, 19, 20. Cases and Opinions, Duchy of Lancaster, §, 18. Cases and Opinions (1763-1801), 10. Cave, C.J. P., F.S.A., 106. Cemeteries, Roman, see Roman Cemeteries. Cenulf, King of Mercia seized revenues of Reculver, 800,28. Chacotte farm, Chelsfield, held on 3 " day's work ", 15. Charlton, Mr. O.J., 106. Charters, Kentish, witnessed by Kentish Abbots in order of foundation dates, 19. Charters, " I n civitate Racuulf", granted by King Hlothair, 26. Chelsfield Manor, held by Military Service, 7, 8, 14. Chelsfield, Population and Dwellings, 1821, 15. Chennell Park on Roman Route iii, 56. Chiddingfold, medieval glass tumbler, 76. Chiddingstone, Family Vault of Henry Streatfeild, 121, 122. Christ Church, Canterbury, James Oxney monk, 1479, 86; Bargain with St. Austin's, 23 ; Brotherhood of, 25; given Reculver lands, annexe in 1030, 28. Christie, Manson and Woods, sale of Farnborough, 1789, unsuccessful, 12. Church Historical Edition, see Florence of Worcester, 25. GENERAL INDEX 125 Churchill, Miss Irene, D.Phil., F.S.A., 7. Chut, Edward, of Bethersden, 1631, 106. Chute, Lydia, died, 1631, 106. Clarke and Sons, Ltd., E. publishers, 7. Cliffe, see " Werheard's Will ", 832, 24. Clovesho, Council of, 803, 23, 28. Coales, Mr. and Mrs. T., Manor House investigations, 114, 115. Cock, Dr., re Inscriptions, 106. Coins found in Canterbury, 69, 72, 74. Cole, Edmund, fined, 15. Commons Wastes, Heaths, Duchy, of Lancaster, 8. Conqueror, The, families came over with, 84. Conquest, The, Dover monastery refounded, 25. Cope, Thomas of Bexley, 12. Coppin, Joshua, Mayor of Deal, 1699, 114. Copyhold transfers made by Court Leet, 16. Cornwallis, Lord at Offham, xxxvii. Cotyngland, field at Eastwell left to Church, 99. Councer, C. R., F.S.A., The Medieval and Renaissance Painted Glass of Eastwell, 109-113; Notes on Brasses, 108. Councils at Acleah, Clovesho, Kent, Surrey, London, 23, 24. Court of Duchy Chamber, from 1485, 11. Courtenay, Archbishop William, at Saltwood Castle, 1387, 85. Court Leet with Court Baron, final, 1823, Election of the hay ward, borsholder, ale-conner, affeerers, 16- 18. Courts Leet at Farnborough, 7, 14-16. Court Rolls, Manor of Farnborough, 7 ; Taken by Lewis to Oxford in Commonwealth, sold, Discovered in London, 14, 15. Cowley, Mr. L. F . , 80. Craik, Mr. J . G., 81. Cranbrook Common on Roman Road, 34. Crawford, John, Steward of Farnborough Manor, 10, 14, 15. Crawford, O. G. S., F.S.A., see Plate ii. Crevequer, Daniel de, The Lord of Folkestone, 1166, 84,91. Criol or Kerial or Cryoll possessed AuberviUe Estate, 85, 92. Cromwell, Oliver, Survey of, 9. Cudaman, Abbot of Reculver, alias Duda, 22 ; see also Dudeman. Cuming, Rev. Gordon, Vicar of Dymchurch, 6. " Curia Visus Franci Plegii," 14. Daegmund, deacon atClovesho, 825,28; Abbot of Reculver, 863, 28; Abbot of St. Augustine, 883, 28. Daene, Abbot, 761, 27. Danes at Appledore and Milton, 893, probably destroyed Dover Abbey, 23 Darell, William, 103. Deal and Sandwich in 1945 and 1946, Research. Report by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S., 8 Plates, 114-115. D'Elboux, R. H., M.C, F.S.A., Some Kentish Indents, 95-108; Transcripts from Faussett, MSS., 113. Deneheah, Abbot of Raculfe or Abbot Daene, 27. Dering, Sir Edward, Eastwell monuments, 1628, 98. Dew ponds, 82. Dilly, Allen, 17. Dishes excavated, 71, 78. Documents, Courts Baron and Courts Leet at Farnborough, 16-18. Dover, Abbots of, 23 ; Brotherhood of, 25 ; Manor of Oxney near, 82 ; St. Martin's Abbey founded c.700,20; History of, 25; St. Mary in the Castle Church, 25. Downs foot—Maidstone North, 4th alignment, 30. Drivers, Messrs., Bartholomew Lane, 12. Dudeman, also Duda, Dudemon, Cudaman, Abbot of Reculver, 28. Dunning, Mr. G. C , 81. Dyke, Sir John of Farnborough Hall, 9. Dyke, Sir John Dixon, 9 ; Mr. John claimed escheat of Manor of Farnborough Hall, 10 ; Sir Thomas, 4th Baronet, 12 ; Sir Percival Hart, d. 1846, 12. Dymchurch, Vicar of, 5. Eadbeald, King, 616-640, 25. Eadbeorht, King, grants land, 761, 27. Eadmund, King of Kent, grants land, 784, 27. Eadsige, Archbishop, gives land to St. Augustine's, 1045, 25. Ealdbeorht, Abbot of Dover, 23. Eardulf, King of Kent grants land, c.747, 27. Eardwulf, priest of Christchurch, abbot of Dover, 24, 25. Earl Godwin, arbitrator, 25. Eastbridge Church, Romney Marsh, Plan 3. Eastwell Church, Indents, 96. Eastwell,'The Medieval and Renaissance Painted Glass of, by C. R. Councer, F.S.A., 109-113. 126 GENERAL INDEX Ecgbeorht, King, grants land to Basse, 26. Edolph, Sir Thomas, 92. Edmunds, Mr. F. H., 80. Edward I, Bed Book of, 84. Edward IV and Manor of Farnborough, 7. Edward IV, Coronation of Elizabeth Widvile, 96. Edward the Confessor, Charter for Oxney, 84. Edward, Prince of Wales, Arms and Insignia at Eastwell, 112. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A., Plans of, and brief Architectural Notes on Kent Churches, 1-6; St. Martin's Eynesford and Objections to scheme of growth of—Criticisms of dates of All Saints, Orpington. 6. Elm, Tho. records St. Ymar, 28. Enderby, H. M., Esq., O.B.E., 81. Enfield, Manor of, 12. England^, Die Heiligen by Prof. Liebermann, 20. Escarpment, greensand, at Sutton Valence, 30; on Downs used for alignment, 30. Escheat of George Inn, Farnborough, 10. Evans, John H., Problems of the Jutish Settlement, xxxv. Eynesford-cum-Southcourt, 10. Eynesford, St. Martin of Tours, Plan 2. Fairweather, Dr., Apsidal Aisleless Churches of Great Britain, 4. Farnaby, Sir John, disputed Manorial Rights, 12 ; Collaborated with P. Hart Dyke, 13, 17. Farnborough and its Surroundings, by J. Harland Blandford, 7, 15. Farnborough Fair, 8. Farnborough Hall, Right to the Royalty claimed, 9, 10. Farnborough Manor in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by M. F. Bond, M.A., 7-18. Farnborough, Population and Dwellings, 1821, 15. Faussett visited Eastwell, 1757, 109, 113; Kingsnorth, 1758, 101. Faversham Oyster Fishery, history of, 108. Feologeld, Abbot of Dover, later Archbishop, 832, 19, 22; Witness to 7 Charters, 23, 24; Probably a Mercian, 23. Fibulae and other Stray Finds from Kentish Sites by E. J. W. HHdyard, F.S.A., 116-120. FiUwoade, Roger and stolen mare, 14. Finch, Manor of Eastwell, 1560, 112. Fisher, John, story of, 10. Fitz Payne, Poynings Quartering, 112. Florence of Worcester and Liber de Hyda, 25. Fonte, Roger de, pardoned for death of William, son of Walter de Oxeneye, 91. Ford, old name for Godmersham Downs, 63. Ford, paved, unique Roman relic, 39. Ford, see Wrotham. Fordwich, dues on ship, granted, 27. ForstaU, William of East Langdon leaves 20d. to Oxney, 1534, 90. Frankpledge, View of, see " Curia Visus Franci Plegii ", 14. j Fuller, Rose, Owner of Oxney, 1777, 92. Gainsford, Robert of Allington, c. 1475, 98. Gamage, Barbara m. 1st Earl of Leicester, 122. Gardner, C. H. of Ringwould, 82-94. Genlada, River, 27. George Inn, Farnborough, Escheat claimed by John Dyke, 9, 10, 18. George I I I , Act of Parliament, 12. Gibbon, Elizabeth and The Hole, Rolvenden, 106. Gibbon, Robert descended from family of Sackford and Clan Gibbon, Ireland, 103. Gillmyn, Hamond, 108. Glass, Painted, of Eastwell, some from Wye, 109-113. Glass Painter, Peckett of York, 111. Glynne, East Mailing Church, 103. Godmersham and Godmersham Downs on Roman Road, 30, 33, 61. Godmersham Park, old name Ford, 63. Godric the Dean, 25. Godwin, Earl, arbitrator, 25. Graining on oak panels, plates, 115. Gravenev, see " Werheard's Will", 832, 24. Griffin, Ralph, see Inscriptions, 106. Grove, William, Vicar of B. Monohelsea, 96. Guichard, Dean of St. Mary, Reoulver, 28. Guildford Museum, 76. Gunnls, Rupert, Note on Henry Streatfeild and his Family Vault, 121, 122. Guston, above Oxney Bottom, 84. Gybbon, Robert, 106. Gyldeford, Edward of Halden, Rolvenden, Sheriff of Kent, 1438, Juliane his wife, his will, 103. Gylmyn, Robti, Inscription, 1498, 106. GENERAL INDEX 127 Haddon and Stubbs, Concilia, 27. Halden, John de, heiress Joane, 103. Hall, Thomas, and his land, 14. Ham, small acreage of, 84. Harden, Mr. D. B., 80. Hardman, the late F. W., Ll.D., F.S.A., see The Parish and Reputed Manor of Oxney near Dover, see also W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S., and C. H. Gardner of Ringwould, 82-94. Hareston, John, 17. Harpsfield, Archdeacon, visited Oxney, 1557, 87, 90. Harris, Lord, re W. J. Banks in " The History of Kent Cricket ", 93. Harrison, Sir Edward, xxxv-xxxviii. Harrow, see " Werheard's Will ", 832, 24. Hasted, Kent, Vol. I, 1778, 7 ; Evidence of Roman Roads, 44; Date of Norton memorial, 95 ; date of W. Parker's indent, 101 ; date of E. Gyldeford's indent, 103; Great Storm, 1779, 107 ; Oxney, 91. Hastings, Terminus of Roman Road, 29. Hayes, see " Werheard's Will ", 24. Hay ward, 16. Heahbeorht, Viceroy to Offa, Abbot of Reculver, possibly Heahberhct, Eadberte, 27. Hearth, excavated at Canterbury, 67. Heath, Francis, 15. Hedgerows mark Roman Roads, 57, 58. Hemsted on main Roman Road, 29. Henry IV, and Manor of Farnborough, 7, 103. Henry VII, Badge of Crown in Thornbush, 110. Henry VIII, Commissioner's Report, 86. Hereberht, Abbot, or laenbeorht or Heahbeorht, 27. Hildyard, E. J. W., F.S.A., Fibulae and Other Stray Finds from Kentish Sites, 116-120. Himar or Ymar, Saint of Reculver, 28. History of the County of Kent, 1830, 9. History of Dover, Statham, 25. Hlothair, King, 26. Hoath, 27. Hooktide or hokday, 107. Hokymour, Farmer of Oxney, 92. Holdsworth, Histoid of English Law, Horsted—Bridgewood Gate, 30, 31. Hull, M. R., F.S.A., 116. Hussey, the late Mr. Arthur, 82. Hwitraed or Hwitrede, Abbot of Reculver, 784, 27. Hyde Monastery, the Liber Vitae of, 20. laenbeorht, Abbot of St. Augustine's 762, 27. Iden Grove, Roman Ford at, Plate ii. Illustrations, vii. Indents, Some Kentish, by R. H. D'Elboux, M.C, F.S.A., 95-108; Found in B. Monohelsea Church, 95 ; in Eastwell Church, 96; Kingsnorth, 101 ; East Mailing, 102 ; Rolvenden, 103. Ireland, W. H., History of the County of Kent, 9. Iron District, Wealden, served by Roman Road, see Sussex Iron Works, 29 I.T.C., O.C. 12th., 81. Jefferson, Miss, 106. Jeken, James, also Jenkin, Jenkyn, parishioner of Oxney, 87 ; Will of, 1746, 88; occupied Oxney, 1810, 92 ; John, Will of, 1719, 88; John of Oxney, indicted for murder, 1632, 92. Jekyn, George, will of, 1586, 87, 90. Jenkyn, George, Visitation by Archdeacon Harpsfield, 1557, 87. Jewry in England, Aspects of Medieval, by the Rev. Canon A. B. Standen, xxxv. Joane, heiress of John de Halden, 103. Johnson, Doctor, Sophia Streatfeild friend of, 122. Jugs excavated at Canterbury, late 13th century, compare with Bungay Castle Group and Tyler Hill, 71-78. Jutish Settlement, Problems of the, by John H. Evans, xxxv. Kemp, John, Bishop of London, 1421- 25, Arms of, 109, 111; Bishop of Rochester, 1419-21, 112. Kent Cricket, The History of, by Lord Harris, 1907, 93. Kent, East, Roman Roads, 29. Kent under Mercian or Wessex influence, 21. Kent, West, Roman Roads in, 29. Kentish Abbots, List of important, 21 ; witnessed Kentish charters, 19. Kentish Place Names, Oxena gehay, 84. Kentish ragstone, 70. Keston, population, dwellings, 7, 12, 15. Key, bronze of Roman date, 118, 120. King Eadbeorht grants land, 761, 27. King Ecgbeorht grants land to Reoulver, 26. King Hlothair grants " Westan ae " 26. 128 GENERAL L INDEX King Wihtraed built St. Martin's Abbey, Dover, 20; charter witnessed, 26. Kingsnorth, Indents on Table Tomb, 101 ; on Roman Road, 29. Kingston and Orpington Churches not pre-conquest, 6 ; St. Giles, Plan I. Knocker, The late Captain H. W., F.S.A., 7, 18, xxxv. Lambeth Palace Library, Survey of Oxney, 87. Lamman, William, and Mrs. Lamman, 10, 14. Lamphawe, Chelsfield, 16. Lancaster, Dukes of, Edmund, Earl of, 7 ; Duchy of, 11, 12. Langdon Abbey, benefices belonging to, 85; at dissolution, values of compensation, 86; Advowsons of Churches, 86. Langdon, East, 82. Laud, Archbishop and Lease of Oxney, 1637, 88.' Lawrence, Archbishop, 20. Ledene (Lydden) advowson of, 84. Leet and Court Baron, combined, 16. Leicester medieval pottery, 71.. Leland Duncan, Testamenta Cantiana, 2. Lenham, Human Remains from, Note by V. J. Newbury, 1946, 120, xxxviii. Leofwine or Leuuin or Lifuin, Priest of Dover, Earl Godwin acts as Arbitrator for, Prebend of Charlton, 25, 26. Lewis, Steward, Farnborough, 14. Liber de Hyda, 25. Liber Vitae of Hyde Monastery, 20. Library additions, xxxvi. Liebermann, Prof., Die Heiligen Englands, gives story of St. Martin, 20. Little, the late, Dr. A. G., xxxv. Livett, Rev. Canon G. M., re Eynesford, 3 ; re Dymchurch, 5, 6. London Museum, xxxviii; Catalogue re pottery, 71. Lucas, Geoffry, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. plan of St. Nicholas, Oxney, with dimensions, etc., 90. Luccomb, John, 96. Luccomb, Luce or Elicia m. John Clerke of Ford in Wrotham, 96. Lullingstone, 7 ; Castle owned by Sir John Dixon Dyke, 9 ; Population and Dwellings, 1821, 15. Lychfield, Roger of Northbourne, 92. Lyminge, not a double Abbey, 19 ; land possessed by Beorhtweald, 26. Lympne, Terminus of Roman Road, 29. Maidstone County Hall, Rochester and Canterbury Wills deposited, 107; on main Roman Road, 29 ; medieval pottery, 71. Mailing, East, Indents in Church, 102. Malmayns, Richard, of Pluckley, 101. Mangravet Wood, Roman Road, 30 ; now a cemetery, 33. Mann, Mr., 80. Manor of Oxney, 82. Manor, requisites of a, 91. Maps, A-tr showing Roman Routes, 31-61. Margary, Ivan D., F.S.A., Roman Roads in West Kent, 23 illustrations, 29- 63. Margate from Ymar, Saint of St. Mary, Reculver, buried there, 28. Marsh, Wm., calls Coroner's inquest, 92. Martin, see Plan of Oxney, 83; Meretun tithes, 85, 93. Martin, Saint, 20. Martyrs Field, Romano-British Cemetery, 80. Mason, Frank, Esq., 81. Mattingley and Sydenham. Boman Imperial Coinage, 72. May, John, Banker of Deal, purchased Oxney, sold it to R. J. Roffey, 1827, 92. Meade, C. F., Guide to B. Monohelsea Church, 1913, 95. Medieval and Renaissance Painted Glass of Eastwell, by C R. Councer, F.S.A., 1 plate, 109-113. Medieval Pottery (Figures 6, 7, 8), 76, 77, 79. Mercia, Cenulf, King of, 800, 28. . Mercia, Feologeld, 23 ; influence over Kent, 21, 23. Middlesex, lands in 845, 24. Mildred Saint, Thanet, Nunnery of, 1038, 25. Milton, overrun by Danes, 23. Ministry of Works, Ancient Monuments Dept., 64. Minster in Thanet, 19. Miscellaneous Notes, 116-122. Mitchell Thomas, 17. Monasteries, see Abbots, Abbeys. Monumental Brass Society, Transactions of the, 106, 108, Monuments, ancient, Paved Ford at Iden, 39 ; The Southwark School, 95. Moyle, John, 98. Moyle, Sir Thomas, glass at Eastwell, 113. Moyle, Sir Walter, d. 1480, made K.B. by Edward IV, 98. Murray, Miss K. M. Elisabeth, xxxvii. GENERAL INDEX 129 Napoleonic Wars, depression after, 92. Neale's Gentlemen's Seats, 1818, 93. Needles, Pins, bronze, Roman, 118, 120. Newbury, V. J., Note on Human Remains from Lenham, 120. North, Lt.-Col. O. H., D.S.O., F.S.A., Objects from Canterbury, 116. Norton, Thomas, 15; Stephen or Richard, wife Margaret, 95 ; Stephen with sons, 1445, 95. Nuthall, Thomas of Crosby Square, 9, 17. Offa of Kent, 23, 27. Offham Green, Quintain, xxxvii. O'Neil, Mr. B. H. St. J , F.S.A, 80 ; Reports wanted by, xxxvii. Onomasticon by Searle, 26. Ordnance Survey Maps mark Roman Roads, 29 ; as Track of Ancient Road, 40; Southampton Offices bombed, 40; misleading tracks given, 44, 51. Orpington, All Saints, Plan 4, 5. Oswald, Dr. Felix, 80. Oswald and Price, Terra Sigillata of Samian Ware, 72. Oswulf, 22. Otford, copper coin found, xxxviii; see " Werheard's Will ", 832, 24. Ouse, river, 57. Oxene, John Site of, 91. Oxeneia, Robert de, 1166, 84. Oxeneye, William, killed by Roger de Fonte, 91. Oxney, Isle of, 51. Oxney near Dover, The Parish and Reputed Manor of, by the late F. W. Hardman, LL.D., F.S.A., W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S. and C H. Gardner of Ringwould, 3 plates, 2 plans, 82-94. Oxney, Boundaries, 82 ; Plan, 83 ; History in Bronze Age and Charter History, 84; St. Nicholas of Oxeney, 84, 89, 90; Details of ownership, 91-94. Oxney, James, Monk, d. 1604, 86; John, Grocer of London, 1409, 85 ; Salomon, Goldsmith, will proved 1483, 85. Palmstead in High Hardres, 27. Paramountcy, 10. Parish Begisters of Farnborough, Kent (1538-1812), 7. Parish and Reputed Manor of Oxney near Dover, The, by the late F. W. Hardman, Ll.D., F.SA., W.P.D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S. and C H. Gardner of Ringwould, 3 plates, 2 plans, 82-94. Parker, Wm., of Folkestone, murdered, 92. Parker, William, of Mercers Co., Sheriff of London, 1396, 101 ; William, will dated, 1421, 102. Parliamentary Surveys, see Oxney Plate II, (1) St. Nicholas Chapel ruins, (2) Part of ruins, 87. Parsons, Monuments, 1794, 95, 101. Parsons, Rev. Philip, Rector of Eastwell, 1776-1812, 109; Notes on painted glass, 113. Paul's Cray, see St. Paul's Cray. Pearson, Mr. R. H., Inscriptions, 106. Peck, Desiderata Curiosa, 98. Peckett of York, glass painter, 111. Penshurst inherited, 122. Percies held Manor of Eastwell, 96. Petrie, drawing of St. Martin's, Eynsford, 2. Pettit, Mrs. M., 81. Philipott, re Oxney, 91. Philipson, Robert, 101. Pilgrims' Way, 32, 33. Pins, needles from Canterbury, 118, 120. Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on Kent Churches. Part 1. Kingston, Eynesford, Eastbridge and Orpington by F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A., 1-6. Plans—Excavations in Canterbury, vii, viii ; Kentish Churches, 1-4 ; Manor of Oxney, 83. Plantagenet, otherwise Broom, 98. Plates—Canterbury Excavations, vii, v i i i ; Indents ; Oxney Court; Paved Ford at Iden Green ; Roman Roads in West Kent. Plegmund, Archbishop, 890, 22. Pluckley, Brass of Richard Malmayns, 101 ; Roman Road, 30. Pope, Nicholas IV, Tax mentions Oxene 1291, 84 ; confirmed, 1384, 85. Pottery found in Canterbury, 71-80 ; Roman, Samian and Coarse ware, Medieval, late 13th. century, 68; Decorations, 70. Powell, Bernard, 15. Poynings, Thomas, Lord, Owner of Oxney, 91; Richard, Lord Poynings, d. 1391, 9 1 ; Arms of, quartering Fitz Payne, 109, 112. Prebend of Charlton by Dover, 26. Proportions of Naves and Chancels, 6. Pulpit, Mural, All Saints, Orpington, 6. Pyddoke, Mr. Edward, xxxviii. Quelett of Gorewell, 108. Quintain at Offham Green, xxxvii. Raculfcestre, see Reculver. 1 3 0 GENEBt AL INDEX Reculver, Abbots of, 26; Lands given to Christchurch, 949, 28; St. Mary, Land for Abbey, given 669, consecrated, 670, 20. References ; B.C.S., Birch, Cartularum Saxonicum, 20-28 ; V.C.H., Victoria County History, 25 ; Church Historical Edition, 25 ; S.A.C., re River Ouse, 57 ; Hasted, History of Kent, 49, 57. Begister of Daniel Bough, Records Branch, xxxvii. Ralph, the late Dr. Arthur, F.S.A., Collection of Brooches, 116. Reports, Archseological, 116. Reports, Research about Deal and Sandwich in 1945 and 1946 by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S., 8 plates, 114, 115. Review, Notes on the History of Sholden during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by John Lawrey, W.P.D.S., 122. Reygate, John de, Justice in Eyre, 91. Richard Plantagenet, his story, 98. Richard III, The White boar, 98. Richborough, Roman beakers, 72. Ring, Bronze, Roman, 118, 120. Ringwould, Boundary of Oxney, 82 ; otherwise Kingwolde, 1616, 92. Rivers denoting roads, 57. Roads, Roman, 29-63. Rochester, Arms of See, 112; on Roman Road, 30, 31. Roffee, Richard, of Oxney, 1839, 89. Roffey, Richard John, bought Oxney, 1827, 92; sold it to Sir Edward Banks, c.1838, 93. Rokesley, Sir Richard de, 91. Rolvenden, indents in Church, 103. Boman Imperial Comage by Mattingly and Sydenham, 72. Roman Pottery, 73 ; Remains excavated at Canterbury, 64-81 ; Small finds in Kent, 116-120; Villa, 34; WaUed Cemetery, 44. Roman Roads in West Kent by Ivan D. Margary, F.S.A., 29-63 ; 3 Main Routes (1) Rochester to Hastings, (2) Maidstone to Lympne, (3) Hemstead to Canterbury, 23 illustrations. Romano-British Cemetery at Martyrs Field, 80. Romney Marsh, Eastbridge Church, Plan 3 ; Emergence of, 51 ; see " Werheard's Will ", 24. Rood Stair, 6. Rother, old name Limen, 51. Rouen, St. Julian, Proportions, 5. Rowse, A. L., Tudor Cornwall, 11. Rudston, Belknapp, monument to, 96. Russell, Francis, Duchy of Lancaster, 8 ; Letters from, 9, I I , 17. Rye, 74. Rysbrack, J. M. (1693-1770), Terracotta bust, 121. Sackfordg of SackfordHall, Suffolk, also Seckford, 103, 106. St. Augustine's Abbey, alias SS. Peter and Paul, Canterbury, site given 605, consecrated by Archbishop Lawrence, 606, 19 ; Peter, first Abbot, 20 ; Tithes of Oxney paid until 1240, 85. St. George's Street, Canterbury, excavations, Plate 1. St. Giles, Kingston, Plan 1. St. Julien, Rouen, proportions of, 5. St. Katharine, Chapel of, 4. St. Laurence Jewry, London, legacy to, 102. St. Martin's, Dover, Abbey founded c. 700, 20. St. Martin of Tours, Eynesford, Plan 2. St. Mary Cray, Pottery and charcoal found, xxxviii. St. Mary, Reculver, Land given by King Ecgbeorht, 670, 20; dispossessed, 949, 28; see also Reculver. St. Mildred in Thanet, Nunnery dispute, 25. St. Nicholas, Oxney, plan of ruin, dimensions, 89. St. Nicholas-at-Wade, Isle of Thanet, 26. St. Paul's Cray, population, dwellings, 7, 8, 15. Saint Ymar or Himar, buried at Margate, from whence name derived, Monk of Reculver, 28. Saltwood Castle, 85. Samian Ware, see Canterbury Excavations. Sandwich, Report on, 2 plates, 115. Saxon Abbots of Dover and Reculver, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 19-28. Scilduuic, land for Reculver Abbey, otherwise Schildwic, Schildwicford, Shelvingford in Hoath, 27. Scott Robertson, Canon, 3, 5. Searle, see Onomasticon, 26. Seasalter, Kent, Brass Inscription now in Victoria and Albert Museum, 106 ; Church of St. Alphage, demolished, 1845, 107 ; Great Storm, 1779, 107. Sedley, John of Scadbury, 1504, right of pasture, 92.; Sir John of Aylesford, 1620, 92. Selby, Robert, and wife Isuelt, 1478, 102. Seymour's Survey of Kent, 1776, 98. Shears, iron, Roman, lit), 120. GENERAL INDEX 131 Sherman, William, leases Oxney, 1637, 88. Shorne, only chalice brass in Kent at, 96. Sigefreth, arch-deacon, 22. Simon de Montfort, 7. Slyfield, Elizabeth, brass, 1597, 98. Snowt Weares, boundary to Faversham Oyster Fishery, 108. Soils and Sub-soils of Oxney, 82. Some Kentish Indents, by R. H. D'Elboux, M.C, F.S.A., 5 illustrations, 95-108. Somerville, Mr. R., Duchy of Lancaster, 7. Standen, Rev. Canon A. 0., Aspects of Medieval Jewry in England, xxxv. Stanford, Major J., and Mrs., Sandwich, 115. Staplehurst (Iden Bridge) on Roman Road, 30. Staples, intermediary in Manorial Rights, 13. Statham, History of Dover, 25. Stationery Office, H.M., Permission to use O.S. maps, 31. Stebbing, W.P.D., F.S.A., F.G.S., The Parish and Reputed Manor of Oxney near Dover, 3 plates, 2 plans, 82-94. Research about Deal and Sandwich in 1945 and 1946, Report, 8 plates 114-115 : Medieval Town of Stonar, xxxviii. Stokes, Mr. Charles, Treasurer, 5. Stonar, Medieval Town, xxxviii. Stone, John, Chronicle of, Priors and Monks of Christ Church, 86. Stour River, 62, 63 ; Valley, water courses, 82. Stowe, 1632, 101. Streatfeild, Henry and His Family Vault, Note by Rupert Gunnis, 121, 122 ; TO. Elizabeth Beard, 1704,121; daughter Sophia, collector of library classics, 122; son, Henry Streatfeild, TO. Lord Leicester's daughter, inherited Welsh estate, 122. Stubbs, see Haddon and Stubbs, 27. Styles, William, 17. Suffolk Inst. Arch. Proc, pottery jug, 71, 76. Surrey Arch. Coll., buff ware, Ashtead, 74. Survey of Oxney by Edward Boys, Daniel Shatterdon, esquires, Ralph Watts, George Northcote, gentleman, 1647, 87. Sussex, Arch Coll., buff ware, Rye, 74. Sussex ironworks, Roman Road served, 30, 40, 63. Sutton Valence, greensand escarpment, Roman Road, 30, 45, 46. Sydley, Mr., contribution towards Oxney Church, 1557, 87. Tame, Robert, paid aid for Oxney, 1402, 92. Tenterden, Manors of Morgue and Gatesden, 1454, 96 ; On Roman Road, 29, 33 ; St. Michael's Church, 30. Testamenta Cantiana, Leland Duncan, 2. Tertiary Age, Woolwich Beds of, 82. Tetricus, radiate coin, 66, 72, 74. Thanet sands, 82. Thomas, and Alys his wife, 2. Tithes for Oxney, 85. Tolhurst, Mr. Brian finds Court Rolls of Farnborough, 14, 17. Tomlinson, Major F. W., F.S.A. Hon. Sec. Canterbury Excavation Committee, 64, 81. Twickenham, see " Werheard's Will " 832, 24. Tyler Hill, medieval pottery, 71, 78, 80. Uthwatt, Lord and Lady, Restoration at Sandwich, 115. V.C.H., 25. Verulamium, Roman Wall, 69. Victoria County History of Kent, Roman Section, 29. Victoria and Albert Museum, 106. " Visus Franci plegii cum Curia " combined Leet and Court Baron, 15, Wagner, A. R., 106. Waldershare, 82. Walker, John, Vicar, 1470, Will dated. 1500, 96. WaU decoration found in Deal, Sandwich, 115. Wallpapers, Chinese design, 115. Walmer, advowson of, 84 ; Records of, 85. Walpole, Mr., Letters to, 8, 11. Walpole, Sir Edward, K.B., confused with Hon. Thomas Walpole, 9, 17. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A., Saxon Abbots of Dover and Reculver, 19. Ward, John, 8. Ward, John of Holwood House, acquired Farnborough 12 ; claimed paramountcy, 13. Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1503-32, Arms of, 111. Warren, Dr. William, President of Trinity Hall, 98. Water, raised by Donkey wheel at Oxney and Martin, 84. Wealden area of W. Kent, and iron, 29. 132 GENERAL INDEX Week Street, Maidstone on Roman Road, 33. Weever, re Inscription, 102. Werheard, Abbot of Dover, gave up lands enumerated in " Werheard's Will", 24; Great landowner, present at Royal Council, 24. Wernoth, Abbot of St. Augustine's c. 806, 21. Wessex charters with Canterbury witnesses, 22. Wessex influence over Kent, 21. Westan ae, in Isle of Thanet, 679, 26. Westenhanger, seat of the Aubervilles, 84. WestweU, see " Werheard's Will ", 24. Whitstable, Church of St. Alphage, 107. Whittle, Robert, Vicar of E. Mailing, 1679, 102. Wickham, West, 7, 12 ; fined, Population and Dwellings, 1821, 16. Widvile, Elizabeth, Coronation of, 96. Wierton House, Seat in B. Monohelsea Church, 95. Wihtraed, King, Presides Bapchild Council, built Minster at Dover, written records, 820, 20 ; Removes monies into Dover town, 25 ; Grants charter to Beorhtweald, 692, 26. Wiles and Son, Ltd., Colchester, 1933, Apsidal Aisleless Churches of Great Britain, 4. Wilford, Thomas, Sheriff of London, 101. Williams, Mrs. Audrey, F.S.A., Report of Canterbury Excavations : September- Oetober, 1944, 64-81. Wills, Margaret, wife to Sir W. Moyle, 1491, 98, 99 ; Sir Walter Moyle, 1479, 99 ; William Parker, 1421, 102; Edward Gyldeford, 103 ; Robert Gybbon, 1547, 106; R. Gylmyn, 1498, 107 ; Probate Court, Canterbury, 37 ; Consistory Court, Canterbury, 96. Wills, St. Giles, Kingston, Chapel of Our Lady, 2. Wills from Canterbury and Rochester now at County Hall, Maidstone, 107. Wilson, Henry, Parish Begisters of Farnborough, Kent, 7. Winchelsea, Earl of, 1720, 98. Windsor, Old, Beaumont College, 7. Winkeland Tithes, Oxney, 85. Woodnesborough, soil of, 82. Worcester, Florence of, 25. Wrotham, John Clerke of Ford in, 96. Wroxeter, sheaths for protection of axes found at, 118, 120. Wulfred, Archbishop, a Kentish man, conveys land, 811, 23 ; Followed by Feologeld, 24. Wye Gap, Wye Downs on Roman Route, 62. Wynne, Mr., of Farnborough, 9. Wynne, William, 17. Ymar, Saint, Monk of Reculver, buried at Margate, see also Himar, 28. Zouche, Lord, Lord Warden of Cinque Ports, (1615-1624), 92.




Frontispiece 1945