
122 MISOELLANEOUS NOTES. &e"iew. Notes on the History of Sholden during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. By John Lawrey. Messrs. T. F. Pain &i Sons, Deal. No date [1946]. ls. Tms small book of only eighteen pages of matter is mainly given up to some account of several of the local families and their houses ; and of the Vicars. To its limited extent it preserves for us various details which the author must have taken a good deal of trouble to collect but in a publication like this it seems a pity that more was not done in consulting the standard authorities and in approaching those with local knowledge. We should have liked to see more use made of the earlier parish records, and certainly mention of the architecture of the church and the old farm houses. The parish, so long under Northbourne, has had an uneventful history, while Deal on one side and Sandwich on the other dominated its social history. Editorially more supervision was needed. W.P.D.S.


Miscellaneous Notes


General Index