General Index

( 135 GENERAL Abbesses endorsed Charter, 1, 8. Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustine ; African ; on King's Council ; School of Theodore and Adrian ; witnessed Charter, 3, 4, 7, 11. Aeaba, also Aebba or Domneva, mother of St. Mildred of Thanet, 1, 8. Aeana, endorsed Charter, 2, 13. Aethelfrid, witnessed Charter, 11. Aethelraed of Mercia ravaged W. Kent, 11. Aelhilmer of Beculver, 3, 7, 8. AUington Castle visited 1946. Description given by the Hon. Mrs. Horsfield and Mr. Horsfield, xl. Andrew, St., Rochester, 8. Archbishopric of Canterbury, nominations for, 665 ; 3, 6. Arch. Oant. XLVI, Copy of Charter, 2. Arch. Cant. XLVI, Nunnery at Hoo, 7. Arch. Cant. I, Sir E. Dering and Press Marks, 10. Arch. Cant. XLVT, " Port named Cilling ", 12. Arch. Oant, XXI, Churches, 20. Arch. Cant. XXIX, Ambree, Rochester, 54. Arch. Oant, XI, Indent, 58. Arch. Cant, LIX, Brass in Bethersden Church, 64. Arch. Cant. LIX, Canterbury Excavations, 69. Arch. Oant. XVII, Roman Pottery, 102. Arch. Oant. LVTII, Dover Excavations, 106. Arch. Oant. I I , Priory of Leeds, 110. Arch. Oant. LVI, Jew's Harps, 107. Appeal for Copies of Vol. LVTII, xl. " Armorial of English Peers," 1635, 32. ' Arms, Office of, exempt from Taxation, 29. Arundel, Thomas, Earl of, Earl Marshal, 30, 33, 34. Augustine, St., "Textus Adrianus", 3. Austen, 2 brass shields impaling Hales, 61. Ballards of Horton, Kent, 49. Bapchild, Council of, 7. Beaney Institute, The, Reference Library, 103. Bearsted, Council at, 696, 6. t Beda notes the learning of Tobias, 11. Belgic black ware found at Orpington, 101 ; at Manston, Thanet, 109. ) INDEX Belgic combed ware, 70, 77, 94-96. Belgic Rubbish Pit, An Early : Mill Hill, Deal; by W. P. D. Stebbing, 125, 126. Beorhtweald, Archbishop, 1, 6, 8 ; on King's Council, 11, 13 ; encouraged missionaries, 11. Beornheard, Witness to Charter, 3, 11, 14 ; on King's Council, 11. Berhtuualdus See Beorhtweald. Bethersden Church : Brass to Lidia Chut 64. Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum, 4. Birley, Mr. E. : Report on mortarium stamps, 100. Blight, J. H. of Watford, details of Belgic urn, 109, 110. Blood money for King Mull, 6. Bluemantle, Herald, 24. Boghurst Family, The : Tomb in Strood Old Church, showing arms : Ledgers in St. Margaret's, Rochester, 109 : Later represented by Caddel. Bolton, Edmund wrote Elements of Armorie, also tract attributed to J. Philipot, 46. Boniface, famous missionary in Germany, 11. "Book of Seals" and JohnPhilipot, 134. Books specified in Wills : J. Philipot, 40; J. Moeer, 63 ; Pars Oculi, the 3 books by W. de Pagula, 1350, 64. Borough, Sir John, Garter King of Arms, 25, 36. Botolph St., Ruxley ; Ruined church, 18. Boxley Abbey visited in 1946 : Described by Mr. EUiston-Erwood, xl. Boyle, Mr. John, Town Clerk of Canterbury ; Hon. Sec. of Canterbury Excavation Society, 103, xii. Bradbourne visited in 1946 : Described by Dr. R. G. Hatton and Staff, xl. Brasses Bracket, Indent of, 55-57. Brasses from Orpington, 2 Palimpsest, Plates, 119, Notes, 118, 119. British Museum, 1. British Museum and Brass of John Gower, 119 : on Lambeth Delf Plate, 122. Broad, Mrs. : Permission to dig in Watling St., 100. Bronze finds in Canterbury : Brooch, Bells, Bracelet, Coins, 84. 136 GENERAL INDEX Browne, Richard: Indent, his will, wives, executors, witnesses, 68, 59. Buckingham, Duke of, Lord Warden of Cinque Ports, Constable of Dover Castle, 38, 47. Bunco's MS., Extracts from the City Records, 103. Burgate Street, Site in ; Plan showing excavated area, 68. Caedwalla ravaged Kent, 7. Calligraphy as evidence, 9. Canterbury Excavation Committee, 68 ; Acknowledgments and thanks, 100. Canterbury Excavations in 1945 : by Audrey Williams, F.S.A., 10 Plates, 16 plans and illustrations, 68-100. 1. Site in Burgate Street (reasons for selection), 68-87. 2. Site in Watling Street, 87-100. Canterbury,* People of, burned King Mull, 6. Canterbury, Roman. The City of Durovernum, 103. Canterbury, Riding Gate, Beercart Lane, 92, 93 ; visited in 1946, xl. Castor Ware found at Orpington, 101. Charlton, Church Tower, 22. Charter of King Wihtred, date and place of origin, 1 ; considerations of authenticity, 2-13 ; historical importance, 8, 9 ; transcription, 13, 14. Children shipped to Flanders for Education, 37. Ohiselhurst, 44. Christ Church, Canterbury, 7, 8. Churches of Kent immune from taxation, 6, 7. Churchill, Mr. Winston Spencer, O.M., C.H., M.P., Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, now Hon. Member of the K.A.S. and Vice-President of the Society, xxxviii. Chut, Lidia, Brass in Bethersden Church, 64. Cilling, near Faversham, birthplace of Charter, 1, 3, 5, 12 ; Manor and Port, 12. Clare Hall, Cambridge : Fellowship for natives of Kent, 44. Cliffe at Hoo : Coffin-shaped slab to Jone, 2 brass stops remain,- 54 ; Council, 7 ; Rectors, 67. Clinch, Mr. C. W. : Permission to dig in Watling St., 100. Coins found in Canterbury : Claudius I, 70 ; Antoninus Pius, 82 ; Septimius Severus, 84 ; Tetricus I, 86 ; Roman coins enumerated, 98; found at Orpington, 101. College of Arms, 24. C/A, contraction for, 24. Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas, Bart., now Vice-President of the K.A.S. : Valuable work re Ancient Registers, xxxviii. Cooling or Cowlyng, indents, possible grave of Richard Browne, 58. Cooper (Canterbury) Ltd., Frank, accommodation provided for tools, etc., 100. Coppyng, Joshua of Canterbury insulted Series Marsh, 1634, 39. Corder, Mr. P. : Report on coarse ware, 100. Council, The King's, or Witenagemot, 10. Court, Mr. Percy, permission to dig in Burgate St., 100. Craik, Mr. C. C, permission to dig in Burgate St., 100. Cranbrook Verger, The Note Book of a, 111-117. Crawford, Earl of, Bibliotheca Lindesiana, 32. Cray, Foots, 44. Cray, North, St. Botolph, Ruxley, united, 19 ; fittings transferred after bomb damage, 19. Cray, River : Roman coin found, 101. C.R.C. : Review of " The Heraldry of Canterbury Cathedral". 127. Cuichelm refused Bishopric, 11. Curtis and Harvey Ltd., Messrs., and Powder Mills, 66. Cyniad or Cynyad otherwise Cyneheard or Cyne-weard, 12. " Cynincges Cua Lond ", " The King's Cattle Pastures ", 12. Dartford Antiquarian Society, xii. Davenport, Robert, churchwarden of Davington, sentenced for murder, 38. D'Elboux, R. H., 24. D'Elboux, R. H., M.C, M.A., F.S.A. : Some Kentish Indents, II, 6 illustrations, 54-64. D'Elboux, R. H. : Note on Armorial Lambeth Delf Plate, 121. D'Elboux, R. H. : Strood Old Church, 108-109. Dering, Sir Edward, famous in Kentish History, 10 ; established system of Press Marks, 1638, 10. Devils, Offerings to, 7. D.G. ! Review of Gothic England, by John Harvey, 129-131. Dover Castle, Constables of, Plate I, II, 46, 47. Dover, Excavations at, 1946, under Mrs. Murray-Threipland, pottery, enamel brooch found, 106. GENERAL INDEX 137 Drapers' Company, 27, 28. i Durovernum, The City of, excavations, 103 ; Note on Brass of John Gower, 118, 119. Eadilfridi, witness to Charter, 14. | Ecca, witness to Charter, 11. Egerton : Saxon and Medieval finds, I 108. ; Eland, G., Esq., F.S.A. : Description of I Mass Vestments on Brass to J. i Morden, 64. Eldridge, A. : Report of Finds from the Orpington District by The Orpington and District Historical and Record Society, 101. Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 31 ; Commissioned " Armorial of English Peers ", 32. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. : Plans of, and brief Architectural Notes on Kent Churches, Part I I ; Maplescombe, St. Nicholas, Harbledown (Norman Hospital Church), St. Bartholomew, Chatham, St. Botolph, Ruxley, St. Nicholas, Plumstead, : 4 Plates, 3 Plans, 15-23. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. : Report ! of Finds and of Excavations in the Borough of Woolwich, 101-102. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. : Two palimpsest Brasses from Orpington Church, Plate, 118; Notes, 118, 119 ; An Armorial Lambeth Delf Plate, 121 ; Note, 121 ; Further Notes on Jew's Harps, 107, 108 ; Sketch; Two incised slabs from Lesnes Abbey, Erith, illustration, 119-121. Eltham : Intervention by J. Philipot on behalf of Mrs. Philipot buried in Chancel, 43 ; Almhouses founded by T. Philipot, 44. Emberton, Bucks. : Brass to J. Morden, 1410, 64. Emperor Charles V, had Illuminated copy of the Statutes of the Order of the Garter, 49. Endorsements of Charter, 9. Erith Church : Brass of Roger Sender of Lesnes Abbey, 121. Excavations at Dover, 1946, by W.P.D.S.; Donations wanted, 106. Excavations, See Canterbury Excavations. Exeter Cathedral, Musicians' Gallery, 107. Faversham Powder Mills and its Storekeeper, 65-67. Ferman, Arms of, 109. Financial MSS., Window-Tax, Hearth- Tax, etc., 104. Finch pedigree, 45. Findlay, Major, Manager of Powder Mills in Napoleonic Wars, 67. Finds in Canterbury : From deposits : 1. Burgate St. site, Coins, Pottery, Glass, Bronze, Roman, Medieval, 76-87 ; 2. Watling St. site, 87 ; Roman, 94-98 ; Medieval, 98-100. Fisher, C. E. : Photographs of Heraldry in Canterbury Cathedral, 127. Fisher of Kent : Pioneer Lithographer, 54 ; Illustration of coffin slab, 54 ; Drawings of Indents, 60 ; Drawings of John Gower's Brass, 119. Flint Implements from Farnborough, Plate, 123; Axe, arrowheads, etc., 122-125. Floods in X I I I Century, 21. Florence of Worcester on Bishop Tobias, 11. Flower, William, Norroy King of Arms, 41. Folkestone, Mayor of, 25, 26. Frere, Mr. Sheppard, supervisor of Excavations in Roman Canterbury, 103, xl. Frindesbury, Vicar of, 60, 61. Gardiner, Mrs. Dorothy, 25. Gamer, Professor, on English Delf, 122. Garter Herald, 24. Gemmund, Bishop of Rochester, 1, 8, 13 ; on King's Council, 11 ; Rebuilt See, 11. Gilford, Sir John, legatee of John Moeer, also Guldeford of Halden in Rolvenden, 63. Glasgow, Ardeer near, 66. Glass finds in Canterbury, 83, 86, 87. Glover, Robert, Somerset Herald, 41. Glover, Thomas, alias Tanner : Indent with 3 wives ; his Will, 60. Glover, William, Gentleman Usher to James I ; daughter Susan m. John Philipot, 41. " Godfrey Roll " in Heralds' College, 49. Godfrey, Thomas, of Hoddiford in Sellinge, m. 1. Margaret Lambarde, 2. Sarah Hes, 121. Gossage, churchwarden : Built Tower to St. Nicholas, Plumstead, 22. " Gothic England " by John Harvey : Review by D.G., 129-131. Gower, John : Drawing from Brass, Plate, Notes, 118, 119 ; Possibly monastic spoil, 119. Grant Duff, Mrs. Ursula, 125. 138 GENER.A L INDEX Greenaway and Newberry, Messrs., Architects for Restoration of St. Nicholas, Plumstead, 22. Griffin, Ralph, F.S.A., The late : Heraldry of Canterbury Cathedral, 127 ;' See Vol. 66, Archaeologia. Guildford, See Gilford, 63. Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 16. Hadrian, the African monk, rebuilt Church in Britain, 11. Hagana, witness to Charter, 11, 14. Hales, Humphrey, Herald of York, 24. Hall & Sons, Messrs. John : Purchased Powder Mills, 66. Hamblin Smith, Miss K. : Permission to dig in Watling St., 100. Harbledown, Hospital Church of St. Nicholas, Plate I, 15, 16 ; Receipts 16th Century, 104. Harden, D. B. : Report on Roman glass, 100. Harlakenden, Henry,


Obituary Thomas Geoffry Lucas


Frontispiece 1946