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Miscellaneous Notes
Frontispiece 1947
GENERAL INDEX Actors, Lord Chandos' players, Lord Berkeley's players given solatium to relinquish performances, 98. Addington Park, The Long Barrow, 140. Aelle landed in Hampshire, cut Jutish dependencies and Hengest's Kingdom, 97. Aethelberfc, Bang of Kent, had power in London and Essex, fought at Wimbledon, 95. Agger, importance in tracing Roman Roads, 127-132. Air-photographs, 150, of whole of Kent, xii. Alban, Abbot, educated under Archbishop Theodore gave data to Hengest, 89. Algar, sons of, 157. Allen, Derek, re Coins, 35. Allen, Major, Air-photographs, 150. All Saints, Staplehurst, Plan 12, 49-52. Amherst Obelisk. Ancient Monument, 124. Ancient Monuments in Kent, by R. F. Jessup, F.S.A., 122-126. Andrews and Wren, 1768. Plan of Canterbury, 142. Animal remains found in Borden site, 152. Angell-Lane, early name for Butchery Lane, 11. Anker's Cell, All Saints, Staplehurst, 51. Antiquaries, Society of, 106. Antonine times, (See Canterbury Excavations, 1-45. Arch. Oant., Illustrations Eund, 1. Arch. Oant., See also References. Archceological News Letter, new monthly publication, 186. Archbishop of Canterbury, Peculiar Jurisdiction of, 57 ; Stigand, 157. Archives Office, County Hall, Maidstone, 67. Arnold, G. M., on Robert Pocock, 1822, 111. Arretine potter's stamp (C. Senti), 16 Ash, on Roman road, 131. Ashford Archseological Society revived, xliii. Atheling, King Edgar, 157. Augustus, Aureus struck 18 B.C., found, 148. Bamme, John and Joan, memorials in GiUingham, 167; Adam, goldsmith of London, 1431, 176. Barber Surgeons' Court Room. Picture of Vicary by Holbein, 185. Barrows, See Ancient Monuments, 123-125. Barrow, round. Otford Mount, 181. Battles fought by Hengest, 93. Battles, Aylesford, Rochester, 93, 94 ; Crayford, Fleet in Hampshire, 95. Bax, Alexander; of Faversham, will proved, 57; Inventory of will, 1701, 60-69 ; Bequests to Children, 68-69. Beam, High, 51. Bearsted, Church of Holy Cross, Plan 13, 62, 53; Beasts at angles of Tower, 52. Beaufitz, Family of, GiUingham, 160; Pedigree, 178. Beda, Monk of Jarrow, earliest ecclesiastical historian, mentions Hengest. Diedo. A.D. 731,89. Belgic Cremation Site, Stone, 153; Ditch, pre-Roman, 12, 16; Hill Fort, Lullingstone Park, 182; pottery found xliv; Settlement, Stone, Dartford, 183. Bensted, H., 1863. Map of country around Kits Coty house, 137. Beowulf, Saga of the Heroic Age in MS., 77, 79. Bexley, Excavations in Joydens Wood,' 133-134. Bibliography for Canterbury Excavations, 44. Bifrons, Saxon objects from, xlii. Birchenough, E., M.A. : Darent Valley Archseological Research, 180-183. Black Prince, Knighting of, 1325, 120. Blore. Late Mr. W. P., Librarian to the Dean and Chapter, Canterbury 105. * Bodleian Library, MS. relating to GiUingham, 160. Bone pin, 23. Borden. Coarse pottery from Iron Aee Site, 148-155. b Book bond, 67. Book Notiees by R. F. J. and Dorothy Gardiner, 186-189. Borough Green finds of Belgic and I " Patch Green " pottery, xliv. 195 GENERAL INDEX Bosanquet, Geoffrey : " Dover in 1066 " Extracts translated, 156-159. Boxley Rectory. Tithes granted to Vicary, 185. i Brade-Birks, Rev. Dr. S. G. thanked, 43. j Bridge, External slab with indent, 109. Bridge, John W., Famous Maidstone surgeon, 185. Brinkworth, Mr., Owner of Joydens Wood, Bexley, 133. Bronze Age Celt found in Ightham, ' xliv. Bronze finger-ring, 25, 35 ; key, 40; implements from Kent, in Glastonbury, 185. Bunce, Yeoman John, of Throwleigh, 60. Burgate Street, No. 47, Excavations, 5. Butchery Lane Buildings, See Canterbury Excavations, Figs. 1-18, Plates, I, I I ; Earlier names and derivation, 11. Canterbury Excavations, Christmas, 1945 and Easter, 1946. The Butchery Lane Buildings. By Audrey Williams, F.S.A. and Sheppard Frere, F.S.A., Figs. 1-18, i Plates I, II, 1-45. j Canterbury, Campanile destroyed, 1382, j 143; Consistory Court of, 57. 105; : Crypt, French Church, 104; Eight mounds or Roman tumuli, with map of positions, 141-147 ; Mayors of: William Watmer, Robert Wynne 1599, Joseph Colfe, Avery Sabine, 104; Town Crier, 104; Close contact with London, 103-104. Canterbury, A Mayor of, William Watmer, The Children's Friend. By Dorothy Gardiner, F.S.A., 98-105. Cantuarii in 1066, 157. Catigern, son of Vortigern, slain at Aylesford, 94. Cayles, John, appraiser, 72. Celadus of La Graufesenque, A.D. 60- 70, 13. Chambers, England Before the Norman Conquest, 89. Champayn, John, Campania, Champaine, or Champion noted in GiUingham Church, 179. Chancery, High Court of, Activities, 106. Chantry at TwidaU, GiUingham, demolished 1756, 171. Charcoal, Roman. Analysed, 8. Charles, Dr. Thomas, Founder of Museum, Chillington House, Maidstone, 135. Chiddingstone, Will of Dame Mary Seyliard, 57-60. Children's Friend. William Watmer, 98-105. Chilham, Indents with Inscriptions, 110, 111. Cinque Ports. Lord Warden grants compensation to Robert Beaufitz, 170. Claudian Samian Ware, 1, Neronian, 13. Clavering, John, family of. Memorial, 115. Cliffe-at-Hoo. Effigy of Eleanor de Clive, c. 1300, 106. Cnut the Great, c. A.D. 1000, 78. Cobham, Indents c. 1422, 113. Coins, 25, 26, 38, 40. Vespasian, 5 ; Hadrian, 8 ; Valens, 10, 19; Tetricus, 10, 18 ; Henry n , 10, 38 ; Stuart Coins, 11 ; Constantius, 14, 17, 19 ; Salonina. 16. Collins, Rev. A. H., M.A. Interpretation of sculptured panels, 48. Golvin, H. M., M.A. Excavations in Joydens Wood, Bexley, 133-134. Conyer, Yeoman James, of Faversham, gent., 60, 68. Conyngham, Marquess of, Saxon obj ects from Bifrons, xlii. Cooke, Richard, Chief Correspondent re Ancient Monuments, succeeded by Mr. R. F. Jessup, 122. Copenhagen and Beowulf MSS., 78, 79. Cornwall, I. W., B.A. Report on skeleton of infant disinterred in Roman Canterbury, 43-44. Corresponding Societies, List of, xiv. Cotton Collection, British Museum, 78. Couneer, C. R., F.S.A. : Glass and Monuments formerly in the Church ol GiUingham, 2 plates, 160-179. Court Brothers (Electrical Contractors) Ltd., thanked, 45. Crayford on River Darent, occupied by Hengest, 93, 94. Cresy, Edward, Architect, 64. Creye, Mariote de, c. 1300, Incised memorial, 106. Crown Property. Ancient Monuments, vested in Ministry of Works, 122-125. Croydon, Richard de, Citizen and Fishmonger of London, 173. Crundale, Altar tomb, incised, 108. Culmer, Richard, Cathedral News from Canterbury, 1644, 11. Cultivation in strips seen in Thanet, probably introduced by followers of Hengest, 91. 196 GENERAL INDEX Cunobeline. British King 5 B.O. coin found, 148. Dane John mound, 141. Darenth, Church of St. Margaret, Plan 11, 46-49. Darenth " Villa "or " Dye Works," 46. Darent Valley Archaeological Research. I Schedule of new discoveries in Darent Valley, 1947-1948, by E. i Greenfield, Lt.-Col. G. W. Meates i and E. Birchenough, M.A., 180-183. | Darnley, Lord, removed brass of ; Rauf de Cobham, 1781, 115. Dartford Museum, Upchurch and other ware from Joydens Wood. Plan of site, 133-134. Davenport, Edmund, gave black marble pavement, 1670, 49. Dean and Chapter, Canterbury, 105. D'Elboux, R. H., M.C, M.A., F.S.A., Some Kentish Indents III. Many illustrations, 1 Plate, 109-121 ; Assistance acknowledged, 108, 160. De Montfort, Hugo, With Odo at Dover Castle, 158. Dene Holes, Origin. Lenham, 184. " Dogg with a Coiler of Bells" on Brass of Alicia Beaufitz, 165 ; Brass of Isabel Beaufitz, 1419, 166. j Dover Castle and William the Conqueror, 156-159. Dover in 1066. Extracts translated by Geoffrey Bosanquet, from the " Gesta Guillelmi Ducis Normannorum." By William of Poictou, Archdeacon of Lisieux, 156-159. Druce, George Claridge, Obituary by R.F.J., 190. Dunham, Dr. K. C, Petrographical Report, Appendix I, 41-43. Dunning, Mr. G. C, F.S.A., identifies 13th century pottery, 134. Early English Text Society published text of A.S. Chronicle, 1941, 89. Early Iron Age Site at Borden, An, by F. H. Worsfold, F.S.A., 148-155. Earthquake destroyed Campanile of Canterbury Cathedral, 1382, 143. Ebbsfleet or Ypwines-fleot, landing place of Hengest, 91. Edmunds, Mr., thanked, 45. Eeles, Mr. F. C, supports theory of tower as at Kingsdown, 50. Effield, Sara, orphan, 99. Elliston-Erwood, F.C., F.S.A. : Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches. Part III, Darenth, Staplehurst, Bearsted and Horton Kirby. 4 Plans, 46-56. Report on Chapel at Hythe, xliii. Elveva of Salt Hill, widow of Randulf Pardic, 145. Enquiry for further incised slabs in Kent, 108. Eustace of Boulogne, Earl, rose in defence of Dover, pardoned by William, 158, 159. Evans, John H., F.S.A. : Smythe's Megalith, 135-140. Excavations in Joydens Wood, Bexley, by H. M. Colvin, M.A., 133-134. Excursion programme extended, xii. Fagg Edward, Tomb re-coloured, xliv. Faversham, Lease of School land, 67; Maior Juratts & Coialty, 67 ; Lease of parsonage, 68 ; Will of Alexander Bax 1701, witnesses, 60. Faversham, Lewis, Earl of, leased land, 67. Field Archaeology by R. J. C. Atkinson, 186 ; reviewed by R.F.J., 186. Finds. From Excavations in Canterbury, 19-41 ; A. From Pre-Building deposits ; B. From deposits contemporary with the Building ; C. From Post-Building deposits. Medieval and Recent, 38. Finn, King of Frisia, son of Folcwald, c. 449, Warred on by King Hnaef, 81; Hengest made truce, 82; Truce broken cf. Episode in Beowulf. Slain and palace looted, 84. Finnis and Sons, F. W., Cellars excavated for Roman remains, 1 ; thanked, 45. Finnsburh Fragment cf. Story of Hengest, 77 ; Town in Frisia, 81 ; Truce made between King Finn and Hengest, 82. Fin son of Folcwald, King of the Frisians, chief town Duurstadt, near Utrecht, 80. Fisher, Thomas, F.S.A., rubbings of brasses, 161. Fleet, William, appraiser, 72. Fletcher, A., of Canterbury, 102. Fowle, George, of Cobtree, Aylesford, 135 Frere Sheppard, F.S.A. and Audrey Williams, F.S.A. : Canterbury Excavations, Christmas, 1945, and Easter, 1946, The Butchery Lane Buildings, 1-45. 197 GENERAL INDEX Gallo-Belgic white ware, 28. Gardiner, Dorothy, F.S.A., A Mayor of Canterbury, William Watmer, the Children's Friend, 98-106. Gemott, John, provides for purchase of Candlestick in will, 1513, 63. George Beer and Rigden, Messrs., thanked, 45. Gildas, Churchman. Outlined events at time of Hengest, 90. GiUingham Church. Drawings of Brasses by Thomas Fisher ; Families : Beaufitz, Bamme, Haward, Paynter, Godfrey, 161-179. Glass and Monuments formerly in the Church of GiUingham, by C. R. Councer, F.S.A., 2 Plates, 160-179. Glass, Roman, 23, 31, 33. Gleeman's Tale, also called Widsith the " Wide Wanderer " small fragment of MS. re Hengest, 79. Glossary of words used in Inventories, 75, 76. Glynne, Sir Stephen, 49. Godferie, Godfraye, William, Wives Johane, Marrion, memorials in GiUingham, 167. Golding, Mr. A. J., F.S.A., 135 ; thanked for services as Hon. Librarian and Curator, xxxix. Good Books. Quarterly Bulletin, 187. Greenfield, E. : Darent Valley Archaeological Research, 180-183. GreenhiU, F. A., M.A., F.S.A.(Scot). An incised slab at West Wickham, illus., 106-108. Grensted, Professor, 51. Grinsell, L. V., Bronze implements at Glastonbury include palstave and axe from Kent, 185. Gunnis, Rupert, Inscription to George Jones, C.E. on tablet at Stoneleigh, 184. Guorthemer, son of Vortigern fought Hengest, killed Horsa, 90. Hamo, son of Roger, 143, 144. Harden, Mr. D. B., thanked, 45. Harrison, Benjamin, Memorial: Coldrum Long Barrow, 125. Harrison, Sir Edward, Report for 1947, xxxix-xliv ; Report on Bronze Age Celts found at Ightham, xliv. Hart's Delight Farm, treasure found, 148, 155. Harvey, John, The Plantagenets 1150- 1485, 187-189. Harvey, Yeoman Solomon, " of St. Pauls nigh the Citty of Canterbury ", 60. Hastings in 1066, 156. Haward, Mr. Thomas, Manor of Granche, 167; Memorial in GiUingham, 169. Hawkes, Prof. Christopher, thanked. 155. Hemmean, WiUiam, Executor, 1702,68, Hengest, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 77-97 ; Name means Stallion, 87, 88; Sources of history of, 77 ; Thane to King Hnaef, 82 ; A Jute from Jutland, 86 ; Reasons for sailing to Britain, 85 ; Landing in Thanet 449, Conquestof Kent, Defeated Vortigern, Further Battles, Brother Horsa, 87 ; May have adopted emblem of white Horse, 88 ; Conquests decimated by AeUe, 97. Heroic Age. Complete saga handed down, 78-97. Hickes, George, 1705 translated fragments re Hengest, 77-78. Higgs, Thomas, Appraiser, 68. High Halden, Churchyard tomb of Stephen Scott, 1601, 109. Hildeburh, wife to King Finn of Frisia, 80 ; Taken from Frisia by Hengest, 85. Hnaef of the Royal House of Denmark, 79, 81 ; Disputed with King Finn of Frisia concerning Hildeburh his sister, 80. Hoghutch, 74. Holbein, Picture of Thomas Vioary noted by Pepys, 185. Holy Cross, Bearsted, Plan 13, 52-53. Hoo, St. Werburgh, Indent of Wm. Alton, 117. Hornblende, See Petrographical Report, 41-43. Horsa (The Mare), brother to Hengest (The Stallion), perpetuated in Horsted, 77-97. Horton Castle or Court Lodge, 55. Horton Kirby, Church of St. Mary, Plan 14, 53-66; Reynold's Place destroyed in gale 1703, 55; Incised Slab c. 1320, 108. Huntingfield, John de, Rector of W. Wickham c. 1360, Memorial slab, 106-108. Huntingfield, Walter de, bought Manor and Advowson of W. Wickham 1321. Sir John pays aid for knighting of the Black Prince, 1325, 120. 198 GENERAL INDEX Illustrations, List of, vii. Image of the Crucifixion mentioned 1425 in Gal. Papal Register VII, 53. Incised Slab at West Wickham, An, by F. A. GreenhiU, M.A., F.S.A. (Scot.), illus., 106-108. Income and Expenditure Accounts etc., xlvi-xlix. Infant's Skeleton, Roman, 14 ; Appendix II, 43. Inventory of " Goods, CatteU, Chattells Debts and psonall Estate " of Dame Mary Seyliard, 57-76. Iron Age Treasure found at Borden, illus. Plate 148-155. Iron Work on door, All Saints, Staplehurst, 61. Jackson, Dr. J. Wilfrid, F.S.A., identifies bones, etc, 152. James the Second, Sovereign Lord, Titles of, 57. Jenkins, Messrs. F. and J. Boyle, Excavations for Roman Remains, 5. Jessup, Frank W. : Dene-Holes Again, 184. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A., Ancient Monuments in Kent, 122-125 ; Now Chief Correspondent for Kent re Ancient Monuments, 122 ; Reviews of Books, 186-187. Jones, George, C.E., Constructed Royal Military Canal, Shornclifie, d. 1845, 184. Jutes (Eotena, Ytum, Iutis), Hengest led band of Jutes, 86-87. Kent, Ancient Monuments in complete list, 122-125. Kent Churches, Part III, 46-56. Kentish Rag 15, Appendix I, 41 ; Extent of facies, 43. Kent, White Horse Emblem, 88. King Edgar Atheling, 157. King John, English Borough in reign of, 144. Kingsdown Church, 50. King's School Canterbury, Equipment of cloaks, doublet etc., 102-103. Kits Coty House, 137. Lambe of Leeds, Katherine, 1513 Indent at Sutton Valence, 119. Lambeth, Palace of, Contains Library of Archbishops of Canterbury, 77. Larkby, Mr. J. RusseU, Note on St. Mary, Horton Kirby, 1905, 56. Laudian Altar Rails, 49. Lesnes Abbey, incised slab c. 1360,108. Library Additions, List of Books, xl. Livett, Canon, on Eynsford, Arch. Cant. XLVI, 47. Livett, Canon, on St. Mary's, Horton Kirby, 56. Loughton, Essex, Hill fort, pottery, 150. Lubbock, Hon. Maurice, presented Lord Avebury's collection to Orpington, xliii. Lympne to Canterbury from Stone Street, Roman Road, 126. Maidstone Surgeon, Famous, Thomas Vicary, 185. Maison Dieu, Ancient Monuments, 124. Mann, Mr. J., thanked, 45. Margary, Ivan D., F.S.A. : Notes on Roman Roads in East Kent, 126-132; Lecture on Tracing Lost Roman Roads, xl. Margate, Incised Slab, 1588, 108. Martianus, Roman Emperor, Time of Hengest, 92. Martin, Jolin, Appraiser 1716, 72. Martin the Salter, 13th c. gave name to Salt HiU, 146. Martyr Smith, Mr. A., Surveyor of Excavation Sites, thanked, 45. Masons Armes, Att the Signe of, 66. Material, Roman re-used, source traceable, 46 ; Norman re-used, 53 ; Medieval re-used, 55-56. McCandlish, Mrs., Reports pottery find, xliii. Meates, Lt.-Col. G. W., Darent Valley. Archseologieal Research, 180-183. Medieval Wall Paintings, xliv. Medway River, in Hengest's battles, 93-94. Megalith Necropolis : Kits Coty House, Smythe, Coldrum, 135-140. Megaliths, See Ancient Monuments, 123-125 ; Smythe's, 135-140. Men of Kent swore • allegiance to WilUam the Conqueror, 94, 157. Military Canal, Royal, Inscription to Engineer, 184. Milton Creek saw last incursion of Belgae, 148. Miscellaneous Notes, 184 ; Dene-Holes Again, by F. W. Jessup, 184; Tablet on South Wall, Stoneleigh Church by Rupert Gunnis, 184; Bronze implements at Glastonbury by L. V. Grinsell, 185 ; A famous Maidstone Surgeon, by John W. Bridge, 185. Mommsen, historian, 90. 199 GENERAL INDEX Monuments, Ancient, in Kent. Complete List, 122-126. Mortarium, Finds in Canterbury Excavations, 25, 26, 31. MowU, John Hewitt, M.B.E.. Obituary by R.F.B.J., 194. ^National Trust, Ancient Monuments vested in, 123-125. Nennius. Authority on history at time of Hengest, 90. Newman, Sir George, Diocesan Commissary, 104. Nichol, E. Laurence, Sketch of Megalith, 136. Nonington, Incised Slab, c. 1526, 108. Norman Churches, See Notes on Kent Churches, 46-56. Norman pottery, 40. Northwood, Sir John, Land-owner in GiUingham, 177. Norton, Sir John, Arms impaled with Northwood, 177. Notes on Roman Roads in East Kent, by Ivan D. Margary, F.S.A., 126-132. Nothelm, Archbishop of Canterbury furnished data to Beda died c. 731, 89. Obituary: In Memory of George Claridge Druce by R.F.J., 190; In Memory of Charles Stokes by G.W., 190 ; In Memory of Charles Eveleigh Woodruff by W.G.U., 192 ; In Memory of John Hewitt Mowll, M.B.E., by R.F.B.J., 194. Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, In charge of Dover Castle, 157-168. O'Neil, Mr. B. H. St. J., thanked, 46. Ordnance Survey, 137. •Ospringe, Maison Dieu, xUii. •Oswald, Dr., Dates of pottery, 13, 45. Otterden, Incised Slab 1654, 108. Pardic, Randulf, Elveva of Salt Hill, widow of, 145. •" Patch Grove " pottery find, xliv. Pattenden, Thomas, of East Peckham, Inventory 1716, 72-74. Paynter, Mr. William, Manor of Eastcourt, 164 ; Anthony, died 1613, 164. iPeckham, East, Will of T. Pattenden, 72-74. Peristaliths, Chamber associated with, 140. IPetley, Ralph, Esq., married Jane Seyliard, 60. Philipot. John, Church Notes, 161. Phillips, C. W., F.S.A., Archaeology Officer of Ordnance Survey, 137. Pilbrow, James, Engineer, Drainage operation 1S67-8, 147. Pilgrim Trust, Bearing cost of cleaning 14th c. pillar, xhv. Pillar-Drum, fluted, 14. Pillbrow, Historian, Records Saxon Comb, 19. Pillowcoates, See Will of A. Bax., 61, ; 76. i Pillow-beer, 76. j Plague in Canterbury, 1609, 98. Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches, Part III, Darenth, Staplehurst, Bearsted, and Horton Kirby, by F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A., 4 Plans, 46-56. Plantagenets, The, 1150-1485. By j John Harvey. Reviewed by Dorothy Gardiner, 187-189. - Playstol, Village of, 148. Plummer, Charles, published edition of Beda's history at Oxford, 1896, 89. Podware House, 66, 76. Porfldo Rosso Antico, 42. Pottery found in Smythe's Megalith, 140. Pottery, Norman, 40 ; Rayleigh Castle 40; WatlingSt. 41; Coldrum, in Maidstone museum, 140; of the Iron Age or Pre-Roman found at Borden, 151-155; Pre-Roman, Fig. 16, 61. Roman Canterbury 1-45 Prentis, Mr. Francis of Milton, near TunstaU, 148. Purbeck Marble, 42 ; at Horton Kirby Church, 54. Purchas, historian 1619, 100. " Putlog Hole," 51. Quintain on the Green, Offham, Ancient Monument, 124. Rand, Mr. H. M., Information as to ancient Chamber and Brotherhood Wood, xlii. Records Branch, xiii. Reculver, Roman Road from Sturry, 127. References: Gentleman's Magazine, 1820, 47, 1868, 147; Dartford Antiquarian Society, 48, 54,133,134 ; Cat. Papal Register VII, 53 ; Transaction of St. Paul's Eco. Soe. Vol. I l l , 56; The Reliquary and Illustrated, Archceologist, Vol. XI, 56 ; Treasury of the Old Northern Tongues, 77 ; MS. of Beowulf, 78 ; Notes pub. by R. W. Chambers, Cambridge. 79 ; 200 GENERAL INDEX Baedae Opera Historica, 89, 94; AJS. Chronicle, 89, 93 ; The Parker Chronicle and Laws, 89 ; England before the Norman conquest, 89 ; Mommsen, 90 ; Birch, Gartularium Saxonicum, 95 ; Florence of Worcester, 96 ; Purchas in Microcosmus, 100 ; Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, 106,116 ; Hasted, 109 ; Faussett, 109, 111 ; Z. Cozens, 1791, 109 ; Thorpe, Reg. Roff., 117, 160; Belcher, 119 ; Geo. Clinch, Arch. Cant XVI, 120 ; Antiquarian Jottings, 120 ; Fielding's Records of Rochester, 121 ; Ordnance Survey, 126 ; R. F. Jessup, Antiquity, 127 ; C. Knox, Arch. Cant. LIV, 131, 132 ; Winbolt, Roman Folkestone, 131 ; Hogg, Arch. Cant. LIV, 133 ; Clement T. Smythe Collection, 136 ; Gostling's Walk, 141 ; V.C.H. Kent, 141, 156 ; J. Brent, Canterbury in the Olden Time, 141 ; Canterbury Psalter, 143 ; Arch. Cant. XIV, 147, VI, 162 ; Leland Itinerary, 147 ; Geo. Payne, Collectanea Cantiana, 1893, 148; Geographical Magazine VIII, 152 ; Prof. Gordon Childe, Bronze Age, 152 ; J. B. Ward Perkins, 153, 155 ; J. P. T. Burchell, Investigations at Lower Halstow, Kent, 154 ; Oesta Quillelmi Ducis Normannorum, 156 ; F. Michel, Ohroniques Anglo- Normandes 1836, 156 ; Andre du Chesne, HistoriaeNormannorum 1619, 156 ; Griffin and Stephenson, List of Monumental Brasses in Kent, 1922, 161 ; Hasted, 171 ; Guide to Antiquities of the Bronze Age, 1920, xliv ; Linear Earthworks : Methods of Field Survey, xliv. Reformation, Probable destruction of Crucifix in Holy Cross Church, Bearsted, 53. Report for year, 1947, xxxix-xUv. Reynold's Place, Horton Kirby, destroyed in great gale, Nov., 1703, 56. Riohbell, Coat of arms, Name found in Beokenham, 173. Roohester Cathedral, Incised Slab, c. 1325, 108. Rogers, Mr. Philip, of Freokleton Training College, 160. Roman Buildings, Shoreham, 181; Camp, Gills Wood, 182; Ditch System, Farningham, 180; Villa, Manor House, Farningham, 180; material re-used, source traceable, 46. Roman Remains, See Canterbury Excavations, 1-45 ; Mosaic flooring, Plate I. Colours and design, 9 ; Tesserae, See Ancient Monuments, 123-125. Roman Roads in East Kent, Notes on, by Ivan D. Margary, F.S.A., 126-132. Romney in 1066, 156. Rood, Low, 51. Rowes of Rowe's Place, Eccles, on Medway Coat-of-Arms, 116. Sabine, Avery, Thrice Mayor of Canterbury, 104. Saint Augustine's Abbey, mound in grounds, 142. St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury, 141. St. Margaret, Darenth, Plan 11, 46- 49. St. Mary, Horton Kirby, Plan 14, 53-56. Salcockeslane, Sunwineslane. Early names for Butchery Lane, 11. Salt Hill, A Lost Canterbury Tumulus, by William Urry, 141-147 ; disappeared after 1430, leaden coffin, 147. Samian, Potters' Stamps cf. The Finds, 19-41 ; Bowl, Fig. 11, 22 ; Ware from Bexley, 134. Sampson Family, of TwidaU in GiUingham, 1542,177. Schoolboy's Outfit under James I, lOS1.. / Scott Robertson, Canon, 148. j Scyldings, The, Royal House of Denmark, 81. Seares, Wm,, Masons Armes, 66. Seddon, Mr. J. P., F.R.I.B.A., Note on St. Mary's, Horton Kirby, 56. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Inventories, by Leslie Sherwood,. B.A., 57-76. Seyliard, Dame Mary buried, October 28th, 1685, 60 ; Dame Mary, will of; 57-60 ; Sir John buried at Eatonbridge, 60 ; Sir Thomas, Francis wife of, 60 ; Jane, sister of, 60. Shepherdswell, Manor of Westcourt, 156. Sheppey, Isle of, John Beaufitz 1337, 169. Sherwood, Leslie, B.A., Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Inventories, 57-76. Shoreham, Deanery of, 57, Inventories, 72, 74. Sighere, Lord of the Sicgas, Danes of the Frisian Isles, 79. Slabs, Incised, in Kent, List of, 106- 108. 201 GENERAL INDEX Smith, Mr. George, Surveyor at I Horton Kirby, 55. j Smythe's Megalith, by John H. Evans, F.S.A., 135-140. Solman, Henry, of Yalding, Inventory of Goods, Cattle and Chatties, 1706, 69-72. Some Kentish Indents, HI, by R. H. D'Elboux, M.C., M.A., F.S.A. Many illustrations, 1 Plate, 109-121. Sommer, William, 1640, Mentions : Dungill Mound, 141. Spire, Shingled, formerly at St. Mary, Horton Kirby, removed by Surveyor, 55. SpurreU, F. C. J., in 1881 found Romano-British pottery, 134. Stanford, John, Appraiser, 72. Stanhop, Coate of, or Thomas of | GiUingham 1381, 162 ; Beaufitz and j Stanhope's Armes, 163. Staplehurst, Church of AU Saints, Plan 12, 49-52. Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1066, 157. Stokes, Charles, Obituary, by G.W., 191 ; Hon Financial Secretary and Treasurer, xxxix. Stone Church, Richness might represent Cluny, 55. Stone, Kentish Rag, Purbeck Marble, Appendix I by Dr. K. C. Dunham, 41-43. Strood, Mariote de Crey, slab with canopy c. 1300, 106. Stukeley's " Ground Plot " 1776, 140. Stutfall Castle on Roman Road, 126. Sutton, Rauf de, Rector of Sutton Valence, 117. Sutton Valence, Indent e. 1326, Plate, 117. Taylor Brothers, thanked, 45. Thanet, settled in by Hengest and Horsa, 449, 89. Thorkelin, Icelander at Copenhagen, 78. Timber hutments of Canterbury, 18. Tin Coin, British, 35. Tomlinson, F. W., F.S.A., Acknowledgments of assistance given to Canterbury Excavation Committee, 45. Tomlinson, Major F. W., Saxon Objects from Bifrons, Information re Give-Ale Cottage. Site in Butchery Lane, Poor Priests' hospital, xlii. Tournettes, Blocks of Clay or " reels " used by potters, Plate, 151, 152, Tradesmen of Canterbury, their wares, 99. Trajan remains, 8. Tristram, Prof. E. W. as to repairs to Faversham Parish Church, xliv. Tufton, Baptist, Parish Clerk of GiUingham, 1769, 160 ; Original MS. in Bodleian Library ; Text, 162. TunstaU, Probable Celtic Camp, 148. TwidaU, Roger de, Manor of Twidall, also " Twydole ", 171. Twisden, Sir Thomas, Bradbourne vested property in National Trust, 125. Upchurch Ware discovered in Joydens Wood, 133. Urry, William, Salt Hill. A Lost Canterbury Tumulus, 141-147. Urry, Mr. W. G., Note on former nomenclature of Butchery Lane, 11. Valence, Aymer de, Lord of the Manor of Sutton Valence, 1319, 117. Valentinianus, Roman Emperor time of Hengest, 92. Vespasianic Samian Ware, 1, 2, 16. Vicary, Thomas, famous Surgeon advanced for services to King Henry VIII, 185. Vortigern, King of the Britons Invited Hengest, 90, 92 ; Allocated Thanet, 96. Walker, Rev. A. J., M.A., Architectural History of All Saints, Staplehurst, 49. Waller, Notes on West Wickham, 1837, 106-108. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A. : Hengest, 77-97. Warham, Archbishop, Shield in window at GiUingham, 177. Warren, Mr. Hazzledine, Finds, 150. Watchmen appointed at times of plague, 98. Watmer, William, A Mayor of Canterbury, The Children's Friend, 98- 106. Weales, A., Notes on Indent, 1875,121. Wealden Church, All Saints, Staplehurst, 49-52. Wealden Forest, 96. Wealdon Marble 43. Weldish, Thomas, of Preston next Faversham, 60; Appraiser, 68. Welsh or " Foreigners " defeated by Hengest, 96. West Kent Regiment, Emblem of White Horse, 88. Westwell, Inoised Slab, c. 1300, 106. 202 GENERAL INDEX Wheeler, Dr. R. E. M. Identifies Samian and other ware, 134. White, J., thanked re Pottery, 165. Wibbandun, Wimbledon, Battle of, 95. Wickham, West, Lennard Chapel, Incised marble slab showing priest in vestments, 106-108; Walter de Cestreford, Parson, 1327-1343, 121 ; Wauter de Hontingfeld, 120. Widsith or " The Wide Wanderer " in the Gleeman's Tale, 79. WiU of Alexander Bax of Faversham, 1701, 57 ; Dame Mary Seyliard, late of Chiddingstone, 1685, 57-60 ; John Gemott, 1613, 53. Wills and Packham Ltd. thanked, 148, 155. William, Duke of Normandy at Dover, 156-159. WiUiam of Poictou, Archdeacon of Lisieux, Chaplain to the Conqueror, 156-159. Williams, Audrey, F.S.A. and Sheppard Frere, F.S.A., Canterbury Excavations, Christmas, 1945 and, Easter, 1946, The Butchery Lane Buildings, Figs. 1-18, Plates, I, II, 1-45. Wilson, Mr. L. H., City Architect, Canterbury, 17. Windows, double-splayed at St. Margaret's, Darenth, 46 ; cf. with Swanscombe, West Peckham, 46. Wippedes fleot, probably Fleet, Hampshire, 95. Wollaston, Sir Gerald Woods, Lecture on Heraldry, xl. Woodland, G., thanked for scaledrawings of Pottery, 155. Woodruff, Charles Eveleigh, Obituary by W.G.U., 192. Worsfold, F. H., F.S.A., Early Iron Age Site at Borden, 148-155. Wyatt, Mr., Monumental Architect, 115. Wynne, Alderman Robert, Mayor of Canterbury 1599, died of plague. His 5 children befriended, 98-105. Yalding, H. Solman of, Inventory, 69-72. Yeandle, Rev. W. H., M.C, A.KC, Vicar of Holy Cross, Bearsted, 52. Ytene, Early English for New Forest from A. S. Eotena meaning Jute, 96. 203