
1954 :£ 109 18 77 41 6 10 778 17 6 66 £1,128 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1955 To Grants: Lyminge Excavation .. Maidstone T.C. Services of Curator Records Branch Museum AuxiliaryFund ,. Fire and Burglary Insurance .. Printing, Stationery a.nd Postages ., Miscellaneous Expenses: £ s. 50 0 40 0 10 0 30 0 Subscriptions 4 13 Sundries 24 0 .. Library ., Publications: 1954 Volume (excess of Estimate) .. 298 9 Less Ministry of Works Grant for Special Report 100 0 198 9 Index £380 17 2 . Less Aymer Vallance Legacy £100/13/8, S. M. Taylor Legacy £280 380 1 3 8 3 1955 Estimated Cost of Production .. 900 0 ., C-ollector's Commission ,, Deficit on Excursion Account ,, Exces of Income over Expenditoxe d. £ s. d. 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 17 5 6 54 16 9 6 9 28 14 3 I 17 9 2 0 2 6 0 1,098 12 8 18 5 3 --- --- £1,349 12 2 1954 £ 824 27 23 102 9 6 32 106 £1,128 £ s. By Annual Subscriptions, 1955 747 10 ,, Received in Advance ,, Arrears ,. Entrance Fees ,, Sales of Publications ,. Interest on Investments ,, Interest on Bank Deposit .. ,, Donations to A.C. Illustrations and Sustentation Fund ,. Donations to General Fund ,, Returned Income Tax Account ,. Excursions Accollll.t ,. Excess of Expenditure over Income (Carried to Balance Sheet) .. 26 11 31 18 d. £ s. d. l 6 0 805 19 7 22 10 0 31 15 l 102 11 10 24 9 10 24 6 0 3 0 0 105 15 3 4 l 9 225 2 10 £1,349 12 2 ·--=􀀅


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