Kent Archives Office Accessions 1956 - 57

KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE ACCESSIONS, 1956-57 THE principal accessions received in the County Archives Office between 1st August, 1956, and 31st July, 1957, have been : SEWERS RECORDS Levels of Teynham, Tonge, Luddenham and Isle of Elmley [Cat. Mk. S/T] deposited by Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board. Commissions, etc., 1722-1923 ; order books and draft minutes, 1749-1934 ; inquisitions, 1852-55 ; expenditors' accounts, 1663-1934 ; plans and sections, 1843-67. Iwade and Milton Levels [Cat. Mk. S/I] deposited by the same. Commissions, 1901 ; minutes, 1901-32. East Kent Marshes [Cat. Mk. S/EK] deposited by the same. Accounts, 1861-1934 ; maps, c. 1900. North Kent Sewers [Cat. Mk. S/NK] deposited by Kent River Board. (a) Lombards WaU to Gravesend Bridge.—Inquisitions, 1865, 1882. (6) Gravesend Bridge to Sheerness and Penshurst.—Papers concerning Commissions, c. 1715-c. 1781 ; court papers, 1661-1800 ; presentments, 1639-1769 ; ordinances, 1639-1751 ; expenditors' papers, 1639-1713 ; correspondence, 1706-1800. PAROCHIAL RECORDS (a) Diocese of Canterbury—Frinsted [Cat. Mk. P151]. Overseers' rates, 1874-76 ; accounts, 1831-36. Hartlip [Cat. Mk. P175]. Churchwardens' accounts, 1635-46. MUstead [Cat. Mk. P250]. Overseers' rates and accounts, 1688- 1848 ; rates, 1848-1921 ; watch rates, 1850-56 ; valuation lists, 1860-93. WormshUl [Cat. Mk. P404]. Overseers' rates, 1881-84 ; surveyors' rates, 1836-47 ; accounts, 1845-46. (b) Diocese of Rochester—Birling [Cat. Mk. P29J. Registers, 1558-1821, with gap in burials, 1658-1712. Saint Paul's Cray [Cat. Mk. P104]. Registers, 1580-1812 ; churchwardens' rates and accounts, 1817-36 ; minutes of fire brigade, 1843-74. Darenth [Cat. Mk. P109]. Registers, 1678-1812 ; churchwardens' rates and accounts, 1763-1842. 219 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Eynsford [Cat. Mk. P139]. Registers, 1538-1862, including terrier of charity lands, 1635. High Halstow [Cat. Mk. P167]. Registers, 1653-1812, marriages to 1866. Higham [Cat. Mk. P185]. Register, 1653-1743, with notes of charitable briefs. Hoo AU HaUows [Cat. Mk. P188]. Register, 1629-1795, with notes of charitable briefs ; churchwardens' notes and accounts, 1555-1650 ; overseers' rates and accounts, 1601-1760. Hoo Saint Mary [Cat. Mk. P189]. Registers, 1695-1812, with note of earher missing records. Horton Kirby [Cat. Mk. P193]. Registers, 1671-1823 ; vestry minutes, 1752-1815 ; perambulation, 1734. Trottiscliffe [Cat. Mk. P373]. Register, 1540-1812. Wouldham [Cat. Mk. P405]. Registers, 1538-1920, marriages to 1938, burials to .1951 ; churchwardens' accounts, 1783-1924 ; vestry book, 1857-1925. SCHOOL RECORDS Minute books of about 28 schools, 1863-1939 [Cat. Mk. C/EL]. NONCONFORMIST RECORDS Minute books of Folkestone Adult Schools [Cat. Mk. N/AS 1] deposited by Folkestone Preparative Meeting of Society of Friends : men's school, 1897-1900 ; women's school, 1928-39. ESTATE AND FAMILY ARCHIVES Akers-Douglas MSS. [Cat. Mk. U564] deposited by the Rt. Hon. the Viscount ChUston. Over 2,000 pohtical letters, 1878-1915, received by Aretas Akers- Douglas (M.P. 1880-1911, Home Secretary 1902-5) ; personal and political letter books, 1875-1911 ; diaries, 1873-1925 ; press cuttings, 1885-1911. [These papers are not yet generally available for research.] Darnley MSS. [Cat. Mk. U565, U601] deposited by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Darnley and purchased through the sale room. Manorial documents. Cobhambury in Cobham, 1595-1661 ; Gravesend including watercourt, 1591, 1595 ; Shorne, 1813-22. Title deeds. About 1,500 for Cobham, Chalk, Cuxton, Shorne and district, 1250-1885. Family papers. Settlements, wiUs, etc. of Hornsby and Bhgh families, 1737-1800 ; letters and papers of 1st Earl of Clarendon, 1630-96 ; grant of dukedom of Richmond to Duke of Lenox, 1641 ; inventories of goods at Cobham, 1672, London, 1728. 220 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Estate papers. Rentals, 1718-1925 ; bills, bonds and receipts, 1355-1801 ; estimate books, 1855-1928 ; game books, 1809-1900. Accounts. Estate accounts, 1720-1950 ; ledgers, 1789-1900 ; farm accounts, 1783-1907. Official papers. Deed relating to case in Court of Chivalry, 1392 ; appointment and transfer of duties of sheriff, 1378-88 ; instructions to ambassadors to HoUand, 1407 ; defence instructions by lord lieutenant, 1558. Legal papers. Cobham estate, 1647-1701. Ecclesiastical and Charity papers. Papers concerning Cobham College, 1380-1420. Maps. Cobham HaU, 1641-1758 ; Cobham, 1759-1851 ; Cliffe, 1692 ; Cuxton, 1759-1820 ; Strood, 1774, 1820 ; Gravesend, 1693, 1718 ; Shorne, 1744, 1785 ; proposed sewer at Dymchurch, c. 1600. Tylden MSS. [Cat. Mk. U593] deposited by Messrs. Holt, Beever & Kinsey, London, W.C.I. Manorial documents. Hoggeshaw alias Milstead, c. 1562-1624. Title deeds. About 370 for MUstead, Hartlip, Yalding, Brenchley and adjacent parishes, c. 1230-1902. FamUy papers. Settlements and testamentary papers of Tylden and Manby famUies, 1614-1805 ; commonplace book of Richard Tylden, 1714-79. Accounts. Estate and farming accounts, 1663-1868, including notes on rotation of crops, 1750-1853. Legal papers. Tylden, Manby and other famUies, 1578-1736. Official papers. MUstead taxation assessments, 1666-91. Charity papers. Deeds of charities for MUstead, Frinsted and Borden, 1553-1756. Twysden MSS. [Cat. Mk. U47/47] (additional) transferred by Kent Archseological Society from Maidstone Museum. Manorial documents. Rentals of manor of Chatham, 1726, 1737. Official papers. Diary of Sir Roger Twysden as justice of the peace, 1635-1672. Miscellaneous. Papers of Sir Roger Twysden, bound in a volume with biographical and other notes, seventeenth century. Radnor MSS. [Cat. Mk. U270] (additional) deposited by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Radnor. Manorial documents. Folkestone, 1858-1896. Honywood MSS. [Cat. Mk. U221] (additional) deposited by Essex Record Office. Title deeds. Deeds, WUls, and abstracts of manor of Sibton, Lymmge, etc., 1686-1814. Official papers. Accounts of expenses of FUmer Honywood at Kent Elections, 1802. 221 18 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Chapman MSS. [Cat. Mk. U619] deposited by J. E. Chapman, Esq. Manorial documents. Ruxley and North Cray, 1655-1803. Title deeds. St. Paul's Cray, St. Mary Cray, Eynsford and Chislehurst, 1565-1876. Estate papers. Papers and correspondence, 1726-1864. Miscellaneous. Deposited or presented by Messrs. Emmerson, Brown & Brown, Sandwich, the Town Clerk, Nottingham, Miss D. E. Johnston, Lt.-Col. R. J. N. Solly, E. M. Gibson, Esq., and the executors of Edwin Hart, Esq. Manorial documents. Knowlton, 1565-1928 ; Northbourne, 1698- 1928 ; Northcourt and Southcourt in TUmanstone, 1579-1926 ; Sandown in Worth and Sandwich, 1542-1928 [Cat. Mk. U562] ; North Court and Lower Hardres, 1623-1778 [Cat. Mk. U599]. Title deeds. 80 deeds for Appledore, 1581-1871 [U575] ; 30 deeds for Chislet and Reculver, 1525-1709 [U569]. Official papers. Manuscript notebook of Sir Edward Dering as a justice of the peace, 1626-35 [U570]. MisceUaneous. Survey of property held in chief, compUed by an antiquary from Public Records, c. 1625 [U570]. TRANSCRIPTS Cordon Ward [Cat. Mk. TR 584] purchased from Dr. Gordon Ward. Transcripts, articles, pamphlets, newspaper cuttings, photographs, etc. concerning Kentish Charters and Anglo-Saxon Kent and England in general. One-inch O.S. maps marked to show Weald and Andred Forest, with Anglo-Saxon settlements, churches, sites, and Domesday manors, Roman period to 1100. Set of six-inch O.S. maps showing Bronze Age and later sites, with farm and field names, estate boundaries, etc., superimposed. Index of places named on six-inch O.S. maps. Oneinch O.S. maps marked to show Domesday Kent. 222


A Chest of Thirteenth-Century Type from Wormshill Church


Researches and Discoveries in Kent 1957