
1958 £ 40 30 2 5 77 18 149 47 1 1,284 21 3 £1,600 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE .ACCOUNT FOR THE YE.AR E)}'lDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1959. To Grouts: Maidstone T.C.: Services of Curator Maidst-oue Museum Auxiliary Fund P. J. Tester-Excavations .. i\hs. E. V. Piercy Fox J.H.Mouey i\hs. C. Lebo.n ,, Fire and Burglary hisurauce ,, Printing, Stationery and Postages ,, Subscri!tions: C.B. : •. Royal Arch. Inst. British Arch. Inst. . . Friends of Canterbmy Cathedral .. Friends of Rochester Cathedral .. Suffolk Records Society Harleian Society .. ,, Sundri,es ,, Library Expenses Publications: 1958 Volume (Balance of cost) 1959 Estimated Cost .. ,, Collector's Commission ,, Written off "Twysden Not,is" £ s. d. 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 0 1 10 0 2 12 6 13 5 6 37 2 4 221 6 6 1,200 0 0 £ s. d. 1958 £ s. d. £ 803 By Annual Subsc?tions 1959 832 6 0 83 Received in A vance .. 71 3 0 903 9 0 21 Arrears .. 35 1 0 907 110 0 0 35 Entrance Fees 36 ,, Sales of Publications 17 16 0 103 Interest on Investments 153 14 11 38 ,, Interest on Bank Deposit .. 45 Donations to Publications Fund 160 ,, Grant to Publications Fund .. 14 Donations to General Fund .. 160 Grant Kent Education Committ,ie 36 Excursions Account Income Tax Repayment 1 Miscellaneous Receipts . . . . 76 ,, Excess of Extenditure over Income (C arried to alance Sheet l .. 50 7 10 1,421 6 6 18 6 9 7 15 0 £1,779 7 0 £1,600 £ s. rl. 938 10 0 36 0 0 96 11 6 107 2 7 24 6 11 35 3 10 93 0 0 9 5 0 150 0 0 7 10 7 92 2 9 4 3 189 9 7 £1,779 7 0


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 74


The Descent of the Manor of Evegate in Smeeth with Some Account of its Lords