Kent Archives Office Accessions 1959 - 60

KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE ACCESSIONS, 1959-60 CINQUE PORTS Cinque Ports Confederation [Cat. Mk. CP] (on temporary deposit for three years). Brotherhood and Guestling : White and Black books, 1433-1957 ; minutes, commissions, circular letters, petitions, etc., 1536-1902. Custumals and related papers, c. 1600-1657. Cinque Ports Liberties : charters, 1327, 1634, 1685 ; agreement with Lord Warden, 1574 ; estreats, quieti, etc. 1610-1806. Naval and military papers including accounts for sending ship and hoy on the 1596 Cadiz expedition, 1522-1694. Lord Warden and Court of Shepway : papers, petitions, proceedings, etc., 1588-1934. Yarmouth Fair : proclamation, c. 1600 ; bailiffs' relations, 1582-1643 ; lists of ships, etc., 1550- 1660. Courts of the Lord Warden and Ofiice of Registrar [Cat. M.k CPw]. Commissions of Salvage, 1853, 1873 ; appointments of surrogates, etc., 1777-1899 ; Court of Admiralty : case papers, 1676, 1754-1906, court books, 1632-1741 ; Court of Chancery : court books, 1615-1762 ; Court of Lodemanage : commission, 1829, pUots' examination books, 1709-1853, hst of pUots, 1834-52, polling lists for masters of Lodemanage, 1806-43, papers and correspondence, 1810-50, returns of pUots' earnings, 1833-4 ; and of vessels pUoted, 1850-3, court books, 1721-3,1794-1851 ; Registrar : bread accounts for debtors' prison, 1814-48 ; permission for coursing in Dover Warren, 1741, misceUaneous papers, 1815-1916. BOROUGH RECORDS Bromley [Cat. Mk. Br]. 133 deeds of Bromley and Hayes, 1851- 1935 ; plans of old market haU and proposed rebuilding of Market Square, 1933. Deal [Cat. Mk. De]. Assembly minutes, 1710-1852 ; Watch Committee minutes, 1836-89 ; militia hsts, 1798—early 19th century ; Deal Canal Committee minutes, 1825 ; pavement commissioners, 1789-1874 ; cinque port records, 1803-57 ; borough court of record, 1707-1836 ; petty sessions, 1749-86, 1842-50 ; quarter sessions books, 1719-1899 ; oaths of allegiance, etc., 1714-1924 ; juror's hsts, 1836-95 ; counsels' opinions, 1717-1855 ; plans of workhouse, court haU, gaol, chapel and street plans, 1734,1890 ; accounts etc. of chapel, 1707-1830 ; minutes and accounts of Soup Kitchen Committee, 1851-1922 ; lists of freemen, 1699-1835 ; hsts of burgesses, 1860-1913 ; poU books, 1800-35 ; 171 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE apprenticeship indentures, 1765-1833 ; land tax assessments, 1722-71; 130 title deeds, 1534-1892 ; parish surveyors' accounts, 1839-58. Faversham [Cat. Mk. Fa]. Administration : Wardmote minutes, 1570-1835 ; pavement commissioners minutes, 1836-89. Cinque Port: Guestling minutes, summonses, writs from the Lord Warden and other papers, 1297-1327, 1574-1813. Finance: accounts of the chamberlain, mayor, governors of the almshouses, governors of the school, and of town droits and pubhc charities, 1569-1838 ; town compoti, 1304-5, 1322 ; bUls, receipts and vouchers, 1302-60, 1619-1820 ; misceUanea, 1300-52. Borough court of record : roUs, books, papers, writs of summons and jury hsts, 1510-1725. Quarter sessions and view of frankpledge : roU, 1571-97 ; recognizances, writs of summons, presentments and other frankpledge and sessions papers, 1551-c. 1940. Legal: writs, pleas, etc., concerning the suit with the abbot 1257-1310. Muster roUs and other mUitia papers, 1570-1786. Rates and taxes : taUages, 1321-7 ; lay subsidies, 15th century, 1564-1624 ; land tax, 1739-62 ; window tax, 1739-85. Title deeds from 1501. Mercers' Company : apprenticeship indentures, court books, day book and accounts, 1646-1835. P.AROOBXAL RECORDS (a) Diocese of Canterbury Goudhurst [Cat. Mk. P157 addnl.]. Churchwardens, 1757-1877 ; Vestry, 1831-58 ; surveyors, 1861-2 ; charities, c. 1860-1915. Mersham [Cat. Mk. P248]. Registers, 1558-1875 ; churchwardens, 1882-1920 ; vestry, 1783-1882 ; surveyors, 1695-1723 ; charities, 1824-1919. Westwell [Cat. Mk. P390]. Parochial register, 1893-1902 ; tithes, 1717-1935 ; churchwardens, 1697-1924 ; vestry, 1834-1909 ; overseers, 1663-1867 ; workhouse, 1792-1824 ; surveyors, 1786-1848. (b) Diocese of Rochester Brenchley [Cat. Mk. P45 addnl.]. Register transcript, 1560-1656 ; churchwardens, 1845-1902 ; vestry, 1824-37 ; overseers, 1635-1787 ; surveyors, 1820-2 ; charities, 1737-1908 ; tithes, 1717, 1897-1925 ; perambulation, 1647. Chalk [Cat. Mk. P77]. Registers, 1661-1812. Chiddingstone [Cat. Mk. P89]. Parish CouncU minutes, 1894-1949, accounts, 1895-1959, correspondence, 1930-42. Cliffe [Cat. Mk. P94]. Service registers, 1871-88 ; churchwardens, 1741-1921 ; vestry, 1743-1842 ; briefs, 1722-61 ; constable's report, 1850 ; overseers, 1728-1864 ; surveyors, 1805-1863 ; tithes, 1872 ; manor of West Cliffe, bye-laws for use of commons, 1811-58. 172 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Edenbridge [Cat. Mk. P131]. Overseers' vouchers, c. 1760-90. Greenhithe [Cat. Mk. P362B]. Registers, 1857-1958 ; papers concerning foundation of church, 1854-6 ; vestry, 1858-88 ; national school, 1872-1902. Hadlow [Cat. Mk. P163 addnl.]. Registers, 1558-1881 ; churchwardens, 1861-81; survey and perambulation, 1800, 1835 ; overseers, 1721-1887 ; visitation book, 1841-1912. High Halstow [Cat. Mk. P167 addnl.]. Register, 1813-74 ; churchwardens, 1894-1931 ; vestry, 1836-1945 ; national school, 1877-1948. Higham [Cat. Mk. P185 addnl.]. Registers : St. Mary, 1744-1903, St. John, 1862-1916 ; vestry, 1740-1921. Hildenborough [Cat. Mk.P371C]. Registers, 1844-1950 ; vestry, 1860- 1917 ; papers concerning building of church, 1842-4 ; P.C.C, 1920-6 ; statistics, 1911-1940 ; national school, 1847-1948 ; charity, 1886- 1924 ; tithes, 1901-27. Hoo St. Mary [Cat. Mk. P189 addnl.]. Register, 1813-37 : churchwardens, 1773-1874 ; proposed restoration, 1881 : overseers, 1744- 1863 ; surveyors, 1769-1848 ; national school, 1867-1946. Hoo St. TTer6ufyACCat.Mk.P190]. Registers, 1588-1600, 1640-1910 ; surveyors, 1841-1856. Ifield [Cat. Mk. P201] Parish meetmg, 1894-1935. Lamberhurst [Cat. Mk. P216]. Registers, 1564-1885 ; incumbent's correspondence, 1830-1 ; churchwardens, 1741-93, 1836-1927 ; vestry, 1745-1914, including select vestry, 1826-30 ; overseers, 1640-76, 1745-1835 ; charities, 1712-1836 ; tithes, 1837-41. Leigh [Cat.Mk.P223]. Registers, 1592-7,1639-1717; vestry, 1848-87; churchwardens, 1790-1920 ; overseers, 1731-1890 ; surveyors, 1768- 1859 ; charity deeds, 1468-1676. Northfleet [Cat. Mk. P270]. Tithes, 1913-33. Northfleet, Rosherville [Cat. Mk. P270B]. Registers, 1853-1954 ; visitation book, 1855-1921; deeds etc., concerning foundation of parish, 1852-3 ; statistics, 1906-35 ; churchwardens, 1896-1933 ; vestry, 1854-1938 ; P.C.C, 1937-51 ; charities, 1863-1936 national school, 1870-1948. Nurstead [Cat. Mk. P272]. Parish meeting, 1894-1932. Pembury [Cat. Mk. P286 addnl]. Vestry, 1874 ; overseers, 1820-35. Penshurst [Cat. Mk. P287]. Registers, 1558-1925 ; churchwardens, 1721-1880 ; vestry, 1825-80 ; overseers, 1709-1895 ; surveyors, 1777- 1862 ; perambulation, 1711 ; valuation hsts, 1828, 1846, 1870. Shipbourne [Cat. Mk. P334]. Overseers, 1752-1925 ; surveyors, 1810-41 ; valuation hsts, 1847-1920 ; parish councU, 1895-1916. Shorne [Cat. Mk. P336 addnl.]. Service registers, 1889-1950 ; churchwardens, 1873-1905, 1937-45 ; P.C.C, 1920-42 ; national school, 1908-10, 1925-47 ; charities, 1840-1946. 173 KENT .ARCHIVES OFFICE Strood [Cat. Mk. P150B]. Tithes, 1861-1936. Teston [Cat. Mk. P365]. Registers, 1538-1809 ; tithe apportionment, 1844. Tonbridge, St. Stephen [Cat. Mk. P371D). Churchwardens, 1858- 1930 : documents concerning building of church, 1851-3 ; charity, 1900- 34 ; map of the district chapelry, 1851. Trottiscliffe [Cat. Mk. P373 addnl.]. Registers, 1754-1884 ; tithes, 1858-1936 ; churchwardens, 1740-1909 ; vestry 1838-1921 ; overseers, 1734-1848 ; surveyors, 1814-58 ; music books, early 19th century. Tudeley with Capel [Cat. Mk. P374]. Registers, 1663-1812 ; churchwardens, 1744-1885 ; vestry, 1899-1925 ; overseers, 1820-42 ; surveyors, 1766-1853. CHARITY RECORDS Great Stone Bridge, Edenbridge [Cat. Mk. Chl8]. Minutes, 1825-81 ; correspondence, 1854-1924 ; accounts, 1595-1830 ; vouchers, 1725-39, 1878-1923 ; 20 trust deeds, 1568-1810 ; 82 deeds and leases of Bridge Estate, 1560-1911 ; plans of proposed bridge, etc., 19th century, and of Bridge Estate, 1864. EDUCATION RECORDS St. Paul's Cray County Primary School [Cat. Mk. C/ES 104]. Log books and admission registers, 1947-58. See also National Schools under PAROCHIAL RECORDS. TURNPIKE RECORDS Wadhurst and West Farleigh Trust [Cat. Mk. T5]. Minutes and accounts, 1765-88. Kippings Cross and Flimwell Trust [Cat. Mk. T16]. Minutes and accounts, 1795-1876. Hawkhurst Junction Trust [Cat. Mk. T17]. Minutes, 1842-73; accounts, i842-4, 1847-73. ESTATE AND FAMILY RECORDS Messrs. Thompson and Debenham, St. Albans [Cat. Mk, U720]. 51 deeds of Orpington, 1527-1682. Messrs. Walker Tempter and Thompson, Tonbridge [Cat. Mk. U746]. Manorial records for MUbrook ahas Somerden, 1689-1794: 300 deeds for Brenchley, Deptford, Gravesend, Halstead, MUton-next-Gravesend, Penshurst, etc. 1608-1875. Queenborough Corporation [Cat. Mk. U747]. 20 deeds for Queenborough and Eastchurch, 1709-1858. 174 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Messrs. Ibbett. Mosely, Card and Co. Tunbridge Wells [Cat. Mk. U749]. Court roUs for RusthaU in Tunbridge Wells, 1651-99, rental, 1758 ; 140 title deeds for Tunbridge WeUs and Speldhurst, 1635-1825; maps for Rolvenden and Tunbridge WeUs, 1740-1939. Thomson MSS. [Cat. Mk. U750] deposited by executors of Miss D. I. Thomson. Pedigree of Thomson of Sandwich, Petham, Lenham, Chartham and Hunts., 19th century. Messrs. Abell, Jackson and Reece, Worcester [Cat. Mk. U751]. Documents concerning mineral rights at Chestfield, Whitstable, 1913-25. Chilston MSS. [Cat. Mk. U673 addnl.] deposited by Lord ChUston. Numerous deeds for Lenham, Boughton Malherbe, Egerton, etc., 1538-1920 ; maps for ChUston estates in Lenham, etc., 1719-1821. Messrs. Snell and Co., Goudhurst [Cat. Mk. U769]. Manorial records for Marden hundred and manor, 1659-c. 1890, Goudhurst, 1689-1821, CombweU, 1619-1846, Bokmgfold, 1448-1728, Hoth, Grovehurst and Smeeths, 1887, Lamberhurst, c. 1890-1930, and Scotney, 1856. Osborne MSS. [Cat. Mk. U771] deposited by Brigadier 0. J. R. Orr. Deeds for Hartlip, Upchurch, Bobbing, Rainham, Stockbury, Detling, Newington and MUton, 1282-1910. Jessup MSS. [Cat. Mk. U103 addnl.) presented by Mr. F. W. Jessup. Court book for Aylesford, Preston and Alhngton, 1727-1846 ; plans, etc. of West Wickham church, 1841. Kent Archceological Society Collection [Cat. Mk. U47/50]. 16 deeds for Pluckley, 1507-80. Prudential Insurance Co. Ltd. [Cat. Mk. U785]. About 250 deeds for RusthaU estate, Tunbridge WeUs, c. 1739-1906. Abergavenny MSS. [Cat. Mk. U787] deposited by the Marquess of Abergavenny. Manorial documents and deeds for Bfrling and Ryarsh, 14th century-1932 ; terrier of Kent and Sussex estates, c. 1818 ; map of Speldhurst, 1870. Norman MSS. [Cat. Mk. U310 addnl.] deposited by Major-General 0. W. Norman. Estate letter books, 1843-73 ; family and personal papers, 1701-1942 ; correspondence, 1787-1882, including letters from Herman Norman in Corfu and the Crimea, 1853-5 ; sheriff's quietus, 1793 ; papers of A. C Norman as sheriff of Kent, 1908-9 ; justices' notebook, 1711-37, 1792-1802 : deeds and papers of George Norman and Son, timber merchants in London, 1810-46 ; map of Cudham, c. 1700. Nurstead Court MSS. [Cat. Mk. U794] deposited by Major R. W. Edmeades. Manorial records of Nurstead, 1543-1809 ; deeds for Nurstead, etc., c. 1448-c. 1850 ; estate papers, 18th-19th centuries. Documents purchased from various sources (a) [Cat. Mk. U723]. 21 deeds of Hadlow, 1800-61. 175 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE (6) [Cat. Mk. U730]. Correspondence of Messrs. Norwood, sohcitors of Charing, 1797-1842. (c) [Cat. Mk. U754]. 25 deeds for West MaUing, East Peckham, Linton, etc., 1386-1584. (d) [Cat. Mk. U775]. Notes on history of Coppyns family of Lenham, 1300-1951. (e) [Cat. Mk. U776]. Brenchley court roUs, 1632, 1706. (/) [Cat. Mk. U790]. Executorship account of Sir Maximilian Dahson, 1631-2. 176


Thurnham Roman Villa


Researches and Discoveries in Kent