Lee Priory and the Brydges Circle

LEE PRIORY AND THE BRYDGES CIRCLE OF SPEECHES OBI.IVEBED TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, Ijer Watt to gnttnUtg Castle mHi i &m-* UM> ^a*e EDITED isy SIR EGERTON BRYDGES, BART. K.J. M.P. IS THE TENTH WORK, IN QUARTO, PRINTED AT HThe pvttoate l^xtm of %tt IJrforg, latent. T H E I M I'H F. 5 S I (> N IS L I M I T E D TO ONE H U N ' D R E U C O P I E S. PIG. 1. A copy of this volume belongs to the present writer. The subtitle page and page number 36 of the Introduction, which referred to John Astley1-, reproduced here, well illustrates the style of typography 1 See "The Astleys of Maidstone" Arch. Cant. Vol. LXXTI. 4


Annual Report


Excavation of a Moated Site at Pivington