Eighteenth-century Maps and Estate Plans of Bromley, Beckenham and Penge

EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MAPS .AND ESTATE PLANS OF BROMLEY, BECKENHAM .AND PENGE By Sister MARY BAPTIST, M.A., Ph.D. DURmG a recent geographical study of changes in Bromley, Beckenham and Penge since o. 1750, it was hoped to prepare a map of the district showing settlement, land division and, if possible, land use in the middle of the eighteenth century using estate plans and other largescale maps produced at that time for the purpose. The task had to be abandoned for lack of sufficient detailed material on the large scale required. The Figure shows the extent of the area covered by maps and estate plans produced (with one exception) at any date during the course of the eighteenth century, and a list giving the titles and other particulars of those documents is appended. The district under consideration comprises the former Municipal Boroughs of Bromley and Beckenham and the former Urban District of Penge, all of which, together with Orpington and Chislehurst, are now included in the Greater London Borough of Bromley. In the eighteenth century it was made up of the Parishes of Bromley, Beckenham and Hayes and the northern parts of the Parishes of Keston and West Wickham together with the Hamlet of Penge. At that time Bromley and Beckenham formed a single hundred-the Hundred of Bromley and Beckenham-whilst Hayes, Keaton and West Wickham were in the extensive Hundred of Ruxley (or Rooksley). The two hundreds were in the Lathe or Half-Lathe of Sutton-at-Hone in the County of Kent. Penge was a detached hamlet belonging to the Parish of Battersea in the Hundred of East Brixton in the County of Surrey. In 1900 Penge became an Urban District and was at the same time transferred to the County of Kent. In 1934, as the result of a review of County Distrfots, the civil parishes of Hayes, Keaton and West Wickham ceased to have separate existence; the greater part of Hayes and the northern half of Keston were added to the Borough of Bromley, whilst the Pickhurst district of Hayes and the northern two-thirds of West Wickham were added to the Urban District ofBeckenham which became a Borough in the following year. The remaining southern parts of Keaton and West Wickham with the rest of the Bromley Rural Distriot became parts of the then newly-constituted Urban District of Orpington. As the Figure refers to Bromley, Beokenham and Penge as 31 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MAPS OF BROMLEY, BECKENHAM & PENGE they were before their absorption into the new Greater London borough, no reference is made on it to estates in the southern parts of Keaton and West Wickham. In addition to the maps referred to in the Figure, a general coverage of the Kent parishes may be found in Andrews, Dury and Herbert's Atlas of Kent (1769) and Hasted's 'Map of the Hundred of Bromley and Beckenham and of the Hundred of Ruxley' published in his History of Kent (1778), but these two maps give no indication of field boundaries. It will be noted from the Figure that there is good, though not complete, detailed coverage of the western part of the district, viz. Penge, Beckenham and West Wickham, but very poor coverage of the Bromley and Keston area. Most estate plans give no indication of the use of farmland. Whilst the survey does not claim to be complete, all likely sources of information were tapped, and it was this lack of information relating to Bromley and Keaton that caused the work of producing a. map of settlement and land use in the mid-eighteenth century to be abandoned. LIST OF E!GHTEENTR·OENTUIW MAPS AND ESTATE PLANS Abbreviations: Beck. P.L. Beckenham Public Library Fig. Key No. Area covered 1. Penge B.M. British Museum Brom. P.L. Bromley Public Library K.A.O. Kent Archives Office, Maidstone Ph. Photostat copy [ J Exact title not known * Original map or plan not located Map title and maker An Actual Survey of the County of Surrey by [the late] John Roque. Date: 1774. Ref.: B.M. Maps 12 f 2 2. Northern part of district A New and Accurate Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, with the Country about it for nineteen miles in length and thirteen in depth by John Roque. 3. Beckenha.m Date: 1748. Ref.: B.M. Maps 11 e 13 The Manor of Beckenham Surveyed and mapped by Nicholas Lane 1623. Thos. Proudlove transcripsit. Date: 1768. Ref.: B.M. Maps 188 k 3(4) 32 0 :;; 710+ Ulffl􀀕􀀖 "'"' ""'" "'"' "'"" "'"" "" "" ,,._) !:..., 670+ ,-,, I I ,i I I ,, , I I I I \ \ \ I I , / I I / 􀀋 -·-·- Counry boundary - - - - Parish boundaries ............. Modern borough boundary where differenl from above 􀀊 10 11 12 13 􀀋 14 . . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DNO INfORMATION DISCOVERED I I ·, \.l·•'' \ .·• 0 'I 'I I I \ \ . . . ... , •' . . . . •· I MILE Fxoumn. Bromley, Beokenham and Penge, Eighteenth Century: Area covered by Maps and Estate Plans. 6m+ [face p. 82 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MAI'S OF BROMLEY, BECKENHAM & PENGE 4. Beokenham (a) The Manor of Fo:x:grove Surveyed by John 5. Beckenham 6. Beckenham 7. Bromley · 8. Bromley Holmes, Senr., 1720 and transcribed by T. Proudlove. Date: 1766.* Ref.: Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/9 (b) The Manor of Fo:x:grove taken from Several Plans by John Sale. Date: 1776.* Ref.: Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/10 ( o) A Plan of Part of Foxgrove Farm belonging to Mrs. Burrell situated in the Parishes of Beokenham and Lewisham in the County of Kent Survey'd and plan'd by John Sale. Date: 1777. Ref.: B.M. Maps 188 k 3(3) Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/8 A Map of several Farms in the Parish of Beckenham in the County of Kent, as also the Dwelling House and Gardens, all belonging to THOMAS MOTLEY, Esq., shewing their Boundaries and the Boundary Fences as ta.ken, April 1736, By Wm. Brasier, Land Surveyor to His Grace the Duke oflVIontagu. Date: 1736. Ref.: K.A.O. U 120 P2 A Plan and Contents of ye Common Field Blundell, situate ye Parish of Beckenham in ye County of Kent. Date: c. 1750. Ref.: K.A.O. U 47 P 2 A Plan of Simpson's Farm Copied from a Map of the Estate belonging to Langley Place containing several Farms in the Parishes of Beckenham, Bromley, Hayes and West Wickham in Kent belonging to Hugh Raymond, Esq., As Surveyed Anno 1735. Drawn by Frederick Wood. Mar. 1822. Date: 1822. * Ref.: Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/20 (a) A Plan of part of an Estate Belonging to James Norman, Esq., situated in Bromley 33 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MAPS OF BROMLEY, BECKENRAM & PENGE in the County of Kent. Survey'd and Map'd by JOHN SA.LE. 9. Beckenham, Bromley and Keston Date: 1774. Ref.: K.A.O. U 310 P 3 (b) Plan of Part of an Estate Belonging to James Norman, Esq., called Malthouse Field situate in the Parish of Bromley in the County of Kent Survey'd and Map'd by JoBN SALE and GEoE. JA.OK.SON. Date: 1774. Ref. K.A.O. U 310 P 4 A Map of the South-East Part of the Estate of Langley Place in the County of Kent belonging to Jones Raymond, Esq. Undated* (between 1732 and 1768). Ref.: Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/14 10. West Wickham A Map and Survey of a Messuage Farm and (N.W.) Lands in the Parish of West Wickham in Kent belonging to Miss Mary Lennard. Surveyed by Thos. Goodhugh of Chiddingstcne. ll. West Wickham and Hayes 12. West Wickham (High St.) 13. West Wickham (High St.) Date: 1772. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 16 Wickham Court and Cony Hall Farms in the Parishes of West Wickham and Hayes in Kent belonging to Mias Mary Lennard survey'd by Thos. Goodhugh of Chiddingstone. Date: 1772. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 11 ( a) AnAccuratePlan of the Estate of Sir Thomas Willson, in the Parish of West Wickham in the County of Kent, surveyed by Thos. Marsh. Date: 1761. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 5 (b) A Plan of an Estate belonging to Sir Thomas Willson, Knt., in the Parish of West Wickham in the County of Kent, surveyed by Thos. Proudlove. Date: 1771. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 7 and 8 A Survey of Carpinters Farm in the Parish of Wickham and County of Kent belonging to 34 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MA.PS OF BROMLEY, BECKENHAl\>I & PENGE Mr. John Harrison by T. Hatton. Date: 1757. Ref.: B.M. Maps 188 k 3(8) 14. Hayes A Plan of Hayes in Kent The Seat of the Rt. 15. Bromley (Hook Fm.} 16. Bromley (Hook Fm.) 17. Bromley Southborough 18. West Wickham (S.) · 19. West Wickham (S.) Ron. the Earl of Chatham According to a Survey taken in 1766 and part in 1767 by James Ellis. Date: 1766-1767. Ref.: K.A.O. U 310 P 22 A Survey of several peices and pa.rcells of Land in the Parishes of Bromley and Orpinton in the County of Kent belonging to the Farme called Hook Farm now in the Occupation of John White appurtaining to John Fulham of Guldeford in the County of Surrey, Esquire. Undated Date: c. 1725. Ref.: K.A.O. U 310 P 14 A Plan of land belonging to Edmund Burrow, Esq., situate in the Parish of Bromley in the County of Kent occupied by George Norman, Esq., and Richard Westbrook. Surveyed 16th June 1794 by J. and W. Westbrook. Date: 1794. Ref.: K.A.O. U 310 P 15 A Plan of an Estate at South Berrow in the Parish of Bromley and the County of Kent, belonging to Mr. William Tyler. J. Dickenson Surveyed June 1759. Date: 1759. Ref.: K.A.O. U 310 P 1 A Survey of Waits Farm in the Parish of Wiokham and County of Kent belonging to Mr. John Harrison. By T. Hatton. June 13th, 1757. Date: 1757. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 4 Allen's Farm in the Parish of Wickham in Kent belonging to Miss Mary Lennard. Survey' d by Thos. Goodhugh of Chiddingstone. Date: 1772. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 10 35 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MAPS OF BRO?vILEY, BECKENHAM & PENGE 20. Beckenham. and Penge 21. Beckenham 22. Beckenham Shortlands 23. Bromley 24. Hayes A Survey of an Estate of the Hon. Peter Burrell, Esq., part of it situate, lying and being in the Liberty of Pench in the Parish of Battersey in the County of Surry and the other part in the Parish of Beckenham in the County of Kent and in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Henry Ball. Date: 1723.* Ref.: Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/3 [Beckenham South-Part of a large map of estates belonging to Peter Burrell and other members of his family in the parish of :Beckenham-mutilated.] Date: c. 1780. Ref.: B.M. 3065 (50). Beck. P.L. (Ph) M.E/4 (a-d) 4 parts A Survey of an Estate of the Honourable Peter Burrell, Esq., commonly called or known by the Name of W oolleys Farm situate lying and being in the Parish of Beckenham in the County of Kent and in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Alex. Bu ?ton [name indistinct). Date: 1723. Ref.: B.M. Maps 188 k 3(1) Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/2 (a) Plan of Lodge Farme, Bromley. Survey'd in August 1720 by Jn. Holmes, Surveyor. (b) Plan of Lodge Farme situate in the Parish of Bromley and County of Kent belonging to Edwd. Peach, Esq., by Jas. Taylor. Date: 1720. Ref.: (*Reproduced in E. L. S. H o r s b u r g h , 'Bromley, Kent', pp. 367 and 437 respectively) Plan of an Estate belonging to Miss Mary Ann Cleaver Situate at Hayes in the County of Kent. Surveyed by J. Corbett, Lewisham, Kent. Date: 1787. Ref.: K.A.O. U 548 36 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MAPS OF BROMLEY, BECKENHAM & PENGE OTHER MAPS AND PLANS THE EXTENT OF WHICH IS NOT INDICATED ON THE FIGURE 25. Whole area except Atlas of Kent by J. Andrews, A. Dury and W. Penge Herbert. Date: 1769. Ref.: B.M. K I Tab. 21 Beck. P.L. (Ph) B 29 (a-o) 26. Whole area except E. Hasted. A Map of the Hundred of Bromley Penge and Beckenham and of the Hundred of Ruxley in A History of Kent, Vol. I, between pp. 80 and 81. Date: 1778. Ref.: B.M. 2065e. Beck. P.L. MB/I; B/28 27. Beckenham [parts of the Estate of John Cator, Esq.] Surveyed by John Sale. Date: 1777. Ref.: B.M. Maps 188 k 3(2) Beck. P.L. (Ph) ME/6 28. Bromley [Bromley Rectory with map.] Date: 1706. Ref.: K.A.O. U 310 29. Bromley N. andW. Mapp of Severall Peices or Parcells of Arable and Pasture Land Scituate Lying and Being in the Parish of Bromly in the County of Kent Being The Possessions of William Pasenger, Esq., and was Surveyed for Him In August 1723 by ,Jno Holmes, Junr. Date: 1723. Ref.: Brom. P.L. 30. Keaton A Survey and Map of Blacknese Farm in the NOTES S.-in Orpington Parish of Keston in Kent belonging to Miss district Mary Lennard. Thos. Goodhugh of Chiddingstone. Date: 1772. Ref.: K.A.O. U 312 P 9 No. 2. Roque. Environs of London, 1748. This map contains certain inaccuracies in the alignment of roads in the vicinity of Beckenham Church. Bromley Road should run due east instead of south-east. As a result of this fault, Wickham Road and the lane from Southend Road to Foxgrove Farm are wrongly 37 EIGRTEENTH-OENTURY MAPS OF BROMLEY, BEOKENRAM & PENGE aligned and the town of Bromley appears to lie south-east of Beckenham village instead of due east. No. 3. Proud.love. Manor of Foxgrove, 1768. This is a copy of a sixteenth-century map. Some small areas in the south are difficult to locate exactly and have not been marked on Fig. 1. No. 7. Wood. Simpson's Farm, 1822. This map has been included as the survey on which it is based was made in the eighteenth century. No. 15. 1 Hook Farm, c. 1725. Some detached portions of this farm have not been identified. No. 25 . .Andrews, Dury and Herbert. Atlas of Kent, 1769. The drainage pattern is incorrectly shown on this map. The upper part of the Ravensbourne appears to flow into the Beck after passing Simpson's Farm and Bromley Paper Mill, whilst the Ravensbourne seems to rise a little farther to the north below Bromley Place. The headwaters of the Chaffinch Brook are directed into the River Wilmore or Penge boundary stream giving a right-angled bend to the south of Kent House and the course of the Chaffinch is omitted. The Beckenham 'Tongue of Land' projecting northeastwards between Penge and Lewisham is excluded from the Hundred of Bromley and Beckenham as shown on this map. The same Hundred seems to extend farther north and east than the later boundary of Bromley to include within it the areas of Burnt Ash ('Burndash') and Cold.harbour, whilst in the South Bromley Common is excluded from it. No. 26. Hasted. Hundred of Bromley and ofBeckenham and Hundred of Ruxley, 1778. This map is very similar to that of Andrews, Dury and Herbert in boundaries, and may have been derived from it or from the same source. No. 27. Sale. Ca.tor Estate, 1777. This is a plan of three small areas which it is very difficult to identify exactly. No. 29. Holmes, Junr. Estate of Wm. Pa.senger, 1723. This map shows several scattered patches of land in North Bromley at Plaistow Green, on 'Riddens Lane', 'Gore Wood Lane', and 'Mill Street' and in West Bromley at the Bromley end of Beckenham Lane and at the crossing of the Ravensbourne on the latter. AOK.NOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to thank the following persons for their assistance in preparing this list: Dr. F. Hull, County Archivist, Kent Archives Office, Maidstone, and his staff; The Curator, Map Room, British Museum, and his staff; The Reference Librarian, Beckenham Public Library; The Librarian, Bromley Public Library, and his staff. 38


Some Major Kentish Timber Barns


Men of Kent. 3. Minet and Fector of Dover