An Early Tudor Kiln at Hareplain, Biddenden

AN EAELY TUDOE KILN AT HAEEPLALN, BIDDENDEN By D. B. KELLY, B.A., A.M.A. IN May, 1969, Mr. B. Stent, of Brissenden, Hareplain, ploughed a shght mound in one of his fields, revealing an area of burnt soil and a mass of potsherds. The discovery was brought to the notice of Maidstone Museum by Messrs. V. J. Newbury and A. Miles and the site excavated by, the writer, assisted by Messrs. T. ItheU and A. Miles.1 THE SITE The kiln (N.G.E. TQ 83183948) was about 50 yds. east of Common Farm, on the east side of the road running from Three Chimneys to Hareplain, in the parish of Biddenden. Common Farm, though much altered, is a timber-framed buUding of sixteenth-century date, with a later oast attached. Immediately to the south of the Mln is a pond, probably the source of the clay used. The site is on the Weald Clay. THE KILN (PI. I; Fig. 1) The axis of the Mln lay N.W.-S.E. The natural yeUow Weald Clay, on which it rested, was only 1 ft.-l ft. 6 in. below the ground level and above it was undifferentiated plough soil. Even before the last ploughing most of the Mln must have been destroyed. The oven floor remained, however, as a purple-red clay about 4 in. tMck. Below it, the natural yeUow clay was burnt to a mottled red colour to a depth of 2-3 in. The base of the oven waU or lining, of a crumbly orange-red clay, remained along the north-east and south-west sides, with an opening at both ends of the Mln. No trace of the flues survived, but both to the north-west and southeast of the Mln the natural clay was burnt in patches to an orange-red of varying intensity. On the north-west side the fuU extent of tMs burning was uncovered, but on the south-east it was interrupted by a buried ditch wMch had, until recently, bordered a hop-garden. By the edge ofthis ditch, however, the burning had become very faint. The MM could thus have been either of the double flue up-draught or horizontal through-draught type. The former seems to be the most probable, in view of the experiments carried out at Leeds2 and the 1 The -writer gratefully acknowledges the help given. Mr. B. Stent kindly delayed sowing the field, so that the kiln could be investigated. 1 Current ArchauAogy, No. 4 (September 1967), 96. 159 16 PIT EARLY TUDOR KILN ' HAREPLAIN , BIDDENDEN KENT Poit-hole /77"'/'>/'/r/r77' Natural Yellow Clay xV Kiln floor , purplt-r«4 burnt clay. Dot* or kiln wall i crumbly orangc-rcJ cloy. Clay burnt oran9<-r«J In patche*. D.B.K. FIG. 1. Hareplain, Biddenden: Plan of Kiln Area. *NttMF Photo: D. B. Kelly Hareplain, Biddenden: the excavated Kiln Base from the North-east. AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN suggested method of use of the earher Laverstock MMs.3 The remains of the near-contemporary MM at Knighton, Isle of Wight, are similar and tMs was taken to be a double flue up-draught kiln.4 Some 20 ft. north-west of the MM was a large pit, wMch, as found, appeared as a-shallow depression only some 6 in. deep. It was fiUed with wood ash, potsherds, inducting some from wasters, and fragments of the clay Mln cover. A few other pieces of tMs cover were found amidst the scatter of pottery around the MM. They were hardened and reddened by the heat and the clay had been bound with chopped reeds or grass, of wMch the impressions remained. No pieces of clay rmgs, saggars or other MM furniture were found. The only other feature uncovered was a circular hole, to the south of the south-east flue, 18 in. in diameter, with vertical sides and a concave bottom. It was dug 1 ft. 5 in. into the clay and may have been a large post-hole, though not necessarily contemporary with the MM.5 The remains of the MM floor were substantial and sohd enough for samples to be taken for a remanent magnetic survey. TMs was carried out by Mr. H. N. Hawley, of the Oxford Research Laboratory for Archseology, in October 1969, and his report appears as an appendix. THE POTTERY (Figs. 2-6) Potsherds from the MM were scattered around it, but in a fairly compact area. A search over the rest of the field produced only two or three sherds, all of later periods. There were no vessels in anything approaching a complete state, and of the several hundred sherds collected only a handful could bjoined. Among the sherds were several that were clearly wasters. These were aU over-fired and are of a reddish brown fabric with a deep purple-grey surface outside, their appearance and hardness being almost hke a stoneware. A few of the glazed sherds have glaze or other signs of firing along one or more edges, as though they had been from pots that cracked durMg the firing or had been left in the MM during one or more subsequent firings. The ware produced in the Mln is hard and orange-red M colour, with small sandy grits, scarcely visible to the eye. OccasionaUy, especially in handles or the tMcker parts of vessels, there is a grey core, and a handful of sherds are grey tMoughout. Externally the pottery shows considerable variation in colour, ranging from pinMsh buff, through reddish brown, to purple-grey. Of the 259 vessels listed 3 John Musty, D. J. Algar and P. P. Ewenoe, 'The Medieval Pottery Kilns at Laverstock, near Salisbury, Wiltshire', Archceologia, cii (1969), 85-91 and 160. * L. R. Pennelly, 'A Late Medieval Kiln at Knighton, Isle of Wight', Proc. Hants. F.C., xxvi (1969), 97-110. 6 A post-hole was found at one end of the Knighton kiln (ibid., 99). 161 D. B. KELLY "S 5 \ 7 t S Pio. 2. Hareplain Kiln, Biddenden! Jugs, ({) 162 AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN below, 45 are pinMsh buff, 80 reddish brown and 134 purple-grey, but tMs can only be taken as a rough count, smce a gradual change from one colour to another somethnes appears on a smgle sherd. The pottery is mostly unglazed. The glazed sherds, with few exceptions, come from the bases of fairly large vessels, wMch, where identifiable, are usuaUy bowls or dishes. The exceptions are from vessels of a type represented by only one example each. The glaze is ahnost always a purple or purplish brown, wMch may cover the inside of the base of the pot completely or m patches. Occasionally, it has splashed on to the waU of the pot adjoinmg the base. On a few sherds the glaze is a specMed ohve green or orange. The mam products of the MM were large jugs or 'gotches', some with bung-holes, bowls and dishes. CooMng-pots, mostly with a rim seatmg for a hd, were fairly common and hds and smaller jugs were made. There were, in addition, a small number of misceUaneous vessels, described below. The numbers of each type found were as follows: Jugs 97 Bowls and dishes 111 CooMng pots 42 Lids 9 JT/GS (Figs. 2 and 3, nos. 1-23) Parts of 97 jugs were found.0 Their rims are of two types, flat-topped or moulded. I. The flat-topped rims are tMckened externally at the hp and have a flat or very shghtly curved top, either horizontal or shghtly depressed. (Eig. 2, 1-5.) II. The moulded rims have a narrow, beaded top, either upright or shghtly everted with a mouldmg or bead below (Eig. 2, 7-13). No two jugs have an identical profile, but the variations are shght and the rims iUustrated are characteristic. There were 38 flat-topped jugs (Type I) and 37 with moulded rims (Type II). The rim diameters of 33 Type I jugs, but only 15 of Type II could be measured with any degree of accuracy: Rim diameter: 6 in. 5£in. Sin. 4^ in. 4 in. Type I: 6 13 8 5 1 Type II: - 3 4 4 4 6 The total number of jugs was obtained by counting the handles. These are either attached to a portion of the rim or loose. Rim sherds -which show only a part of the handle attachment are not included in the overall total of juga, but are used in counting the number of jugs of each type. 163 D. B. KELLY u *s: 25 N 26 % 27 28 24 T D.B.K. Pio. 3. Hareplain Kiln, Biddenden: Jugs, flanged Bowls and Dishes. (J) 164 AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN Two jugs, one of each type, had their hps puUed out to form a spout (Eig. 2,7). Two sorts of handles were present, strap- and oval-sectioned. There were 57 strap-handles and 40 oval-sectioned, and of these 45 of the strap- and 8 of the oval-sectioned type were pricked. Of the Type I jugs 26 had strap- and 8 oval-sectioned handles, and for Type II there were 10 strap- and 10 oval-sectioned handles. AU the handles were attached to the rims by a single thumb-press on either side and, in a number of examples, the handle had come away from the rim in firmg, leavMg only the thumb-press. At the lower end, the strap-handles were fastened to the body by three thumbpresses, sometimes very prominent (Eig. 2, 14-15), and the ovalsectioned handles by three or, less often, a smgle thumb-press (Eig. 2,16). Twenty-one bung-holes were found, all of them rougMy frilled by thumb and fingers (Eig. 3, 17-18, 23). The bases are mostly plam and flat (Eig. 3, 19-21), but four were friUed by thumb-pressing (Eig. 3, 22) and one by knife-trimming (Eig. 3, 23). The body of these jugs is mostly smooth externally, but occasionaUy exMbits a shght rilhng. The promMent rilhng on one sherd (Eig. 3, 21), taken to be from a jug, is the only example. The msides of one certain and two possible jug bases were glazed, but otherwise aU the jugs were unglazed. Of the total number of jugs, 17 were pinMsh buff, 25 reddish brown and 55 purple-grey m colour. These colours are fairly evenly distributed among the Type LT jugs, but 28 of the 38 Type I jugs are purple-grey. As 26 Type I jugs have strap-handles, 20 of them purple-grey, and 12 of the 21 bung-holes are purple-grey, the proportions suggest that the Type I jugs with the stronger rims and heavier handles may be those supphed with the bung-holes. Type I 1. Purple-grey outside, orange-red inside; pricked strap-handle. 2. Purple-grey mside and out; strap-handle. 3. Reddish brown inside and out; pricked, oval-sectioned handle. 4. Purple-grey inside and out; oval-sectioned handle. 5. Purple-grey Mside and out. 6. PinMsh buff outside, orange-red inside. Flattened rim, but with mouldmg below; a smgle example. Type II 7. PinMsh buff mside and out; spout. 8. PinMsh buff inside and out; oval-sectioned handle. 9. Reddish brown inside and out; pricked strap-handle. 10. An over-fired example; ware and mside dark reddish brown, outside dark purple-grey. 165 D. B. KELLY 11. Reddish brown Mside and out. 12. Purple-grey outside, reddish brown Mside. 13. light purple-grey inside and out; oval-sectioned handle. Handles 14. Base of plaM strap-handle; dark reddish brown inside and out. 15. Base of strap-handle; purple-grey inside and out. 16. Base of oval-sectioned handle; hght reddish brown inside and out. Bung-holes 17. PinMsh buff mside and out. 18. Reddish brown Mside and out. Bases 19. Flat base; reddish brown outside, pinkish buff inside. 20. Base from a waster; over-fired, dark reddish brown tMoughout. 21. Base from a waster; over-fired, reddish brown, dark purple-grey Mside; knife-trimmed at junction of waU and base. 22. Base friUed by thumb-pressing; dark purple-grey outside, hght purple-grey inside. 23. Base friUed by knife-trimming and with part of bung-hole; dark purple-grey inside, reddish brown and purple-grey outside. FLANGED BOWLS AND DISHES (Figs. 3 and 4, nos. 24-37) Rim-sherds from 111 bowls and dishes were found.7 There are tMee main rim-forms: I. TMck flange with concave upper surface and undercut. TMs may be (a) down-turned, (b) horizontal, (c) up-turned (Figs. 3 and 4, 24-31). II. TMck, horizontal flange with flat top, usually undercut (Eig. 4, 32-4). III. Up-turned flange with concave upper surface and pointed top (Fig. 4, 35). The numbers of each type of bowl and dish are as foUows: Type la lb Ic n in Total Bowls 13 21 6 20 16 75 Dishes 11 14 — 10 — 35 Total 24 35 6 30 15 110 7 Por the purpose of this report vessels with an internal angle between base and wall of 140° or more are called dishes and those -with an internal angle of 130° or less (usually 120°) are called bowls. 166 AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN 29 \ \ \ \ 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 D.B.K. Fia. 4. Hareplain Kiln, Biddeden: flanged Bowls and Dishes. (£) 167 D. B. KELLY A sMgle atypical bowl has a very wide, tMn horizontal flange (Fig. 4, 36) (Type IV). Rim diameters range from 11 in. to 14 in. No complete profile was obtaMed but, to judge by those sherds from wMch it was possible to measure diameter and angle of the wall, the height of the bowls was about 6 in. and of the dishes 3J in. The bases are fiat and between 5 and 6 in. in diameter (Fig. 4, 37). In colour 17 vessels were pinMsh buff, 36 reddish brown and 58 purple-grey, proportionaUy very similar to the numbers obtained for the jugs. Of ten certain bases, seven were covered or partly covered with a patchy purple glaze. A few rim-sherds had splashes of glaze on the underside of the flange, where it joins the wall, as though the bowls had been fired stacked upside down one above the other. Type la 24:. Bowl; hght purple-grey, with dark purple band below flange outside. 25. Dish; reddish brown inside and out. 26. Dish; reddish brown inside and out; patches of glaze at junction of flange and outer wall. 27. Dish; reddish brown inside and out. Type lb 28. Bowl; orange-red outside and on top of flange, pinMsh buff inside. 29. Dish; reddish brown inside and out; patches of glaze at junction of flange and outer waU. 30. Bowl; dark purple-grey inside and out. Type Ic 31. Bowl; purple-grey inside and out. Type II 32. Bowl; purple-grey and reddish brown outside, purple-grey inside. 33. Dish; reddish brown outside, light purple-grey Mside. 34. Bowl; pMMsh buff inside and out. Type III 35. Bowl; dark purple-grey inside and out. Type IV 36. Bowl; reddish brown inside and out; single example, with very wide flange. 168 AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN 37. Base of bowl; reddish brown; patchy purple glaze on inside of base, splashed on to waU, and speckled purple glaze on outside of base. COOKING-POTS (Fig. 5, nos. 38-51) The sherds of the 42 cooMng-pots found display a great variety of rim-forms. They can be divided into six groups, aU with a weU-marked shoulder, except Type V. I. Recurved rim, giving the pot a distinct neck (Fig. 5, 38). II. Short, tMck rhn, sharply everted from the shoulder (Fig. 5, 39-42). III. Sharply everted rim, but wider than Type II and having a concave upper surface to provide the seating for a hd (Fig. 5, 43-7). IV. Almost upright rim, with concave inner side (Fig. 5, 48). V. Sharply everted, incurving rim with inner ledge for a hd; the waU of the pot below the rim not far from vertical (Fig. 5, 49). VI. Sharply incurved rim with a prominent inner ledge to take a lid (Fig. 5,50-1). The numbers of each type are: I, 1; II, 21; III, 10; IV, 5; V, 1; VI, 4. In colour 7 are pinkish buff, 17 reddish brown and 18 purple-grey. Only the single example of Type V carries any glaze and tMs should perhaps be regarded as a storage jar. Rhn diameters range from 6 to 10£ in., but are mostly from 6J to 8 | in. Bases are flat and plain. Type I 38. PinMsh buff inside and out, grey core. Type II 39. Dark purple-grey inside and out. 40. Purple-grey inside and out. 41. Purple-grey outside, reddish brown inside. 42. Pinkish buff inside and out. Type III 43. Reddish brown Mside and out. 44. Purple-grey inside and out. 45-6. Reddish brown inside and out. 47. PinMsh buff outside, reddish brown inside. Type IV 48. PMMsh buff inside and out. 169 D. B. KELLY y\ \J a> to y\ <^y I I t^^K I tM 170 i I to d o I o O I I1 w •I aI * w I AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN Type V 49. Reddish brown inside and out; patches of brown glaze outside. Type VI 50-1. Purple-grey Mside and out. LIDS (Fig. 6, nos. 52-8) Eight of the nine hds, represented by rim-sherds, were measurable: two have diameters of 12£ M., two of 11£ in., one of 7f M. and tMee of 5 in. The four large hds have their rims strengthened by tMck mouldMgs. Two of the smaUer ones are pricked, presumably to prevent their cracMng durMg firing, smce they are M a tMn fabric.8 Two complete and two fragmentary handles were found, of wMch tMee are hoUow and one sohd. The sherds of the hd walls show that aU the lids were dome-shaped. Four hds were pinMsh buff, two reddish brown and three purple-grey. AU four handles were pinMsh buff. 52-^5. Rims, pinMsh buff inside and out. No. 54 pricked. 56-8. Handles, pinMsh buff inside and out. SMALL JUGS (Fig. 6, 59-61) The thumb-pressed bases of four small jugs were found. One (Fig. 6, 59) is a smaUer version of the large jugs, but tMee of them (Fig. 6, 60-1) have the splayed bases remmiscent of imported stoneware jugs. It may be of sigmficance9 that the bases of two Raeren jugs were found on the site (see Eig. 6, 66). 59. Pinkish buff inside and out. 60. Reddish brown Mside and out. 61. Purple-grey inside and out; purple-brown glaze on inside of base and broad splash of hght brown glaze outside. PLATES OE SHALLOW DISHES (Eig. 6, 62-3) Single sherds only of two different vessels. 62. Purple-brown glaze outside, hght brown glaze inside. 63. Grey ware and surfaces. DISTILLING BASE (Fig. 6, 64) A sMgle sherd from the shoulder of a distilling base.10 The reconstruction is based on a similar vessel from Hartford, Hunts.11 There 8 This feature occurs on a lid found at Bodiam Castle. (Sx A.C, lxxvi (1935), 230andflg.6,P.26.) 0 Copies of imported stoneware jugs were made at the Cistercian ware kiln at Potterton, Yorks. (Antiq. Journ., xlvi (1966), 264 and fig. 7, 27.) 10 Identified by Mr. Stephen Moorhouse. See Stephen Moorhouse, 'Medieval Distilling Apparatus in Pottery and Glass', Med. Arch., forthcoming. 11 Proc. Camb. A.S., lviii (1966), 139-40 and fig. 1 (upper pot). The pot contained a coin hoard in whioh the latest coins were minted in 1503. 171 ^L 52 53 54 55 62 T 63 \ 66 - /Ml r D.B.K. bS c 64 /f / I ! I ! \\ 1 \ \ \ N "*» 65 \ t IU / / / IT ii w \ PIG. 6. Hareplain Kiln, Biddenden: Lids, small Jugs and miscellaneous-Vessels. (£) (No. 65 drawn by G. C. Dunning.) W w H tr1 AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN are two sherds from the angle of waU and base wMch have the same orange glaze, but they are from different vessels and both too large to fit tMs pot. 64. Reddish brown outside; inside an orange glaze, speckled brown. COSTRELS (Fig. 6, 65) A handle and a body sherd from two different costrels. Dr. G. C. DunnMg has Mndly described and discussed the handle in a section below. The second sherd is from the domed side of a costrel and is in a grey ware with a mottled purple and red external surface, covered with a patchy greenish brown glaze. IMPORTED STONEWARE JUGS (Fig. 6, 66) The bases of two Raeren jugs,12 of wMch the better preserved is iUustrated. 66. Grey stoneware, hght purple-brown inside, brown and grey mottled glaze outside. THE DATE OE THE KILN The only excavated site in central and Wealden Kent at wMch comparable pottery has been found is Pivington, now m the parish of Pluckley, on the Greensand ridge some seven mUes north-east of the HareplaM MM.13 Here, in the early sixteenth century, a hall-house (Phase III) was built after an earher house had been demohshed and the ground level raised by a deposit of clay. The pot-sherds (Group C) sealed by tMs clay 'blanket' are comparable with the products of the HareplaM MM in the forms present—large jugs with bung-holes, bowls, cooMng-pots with ledged rims and hds—and in the hard, red wares with mauve or grey surface, though none of the sherds are from the HareplaM MM.14 A latton coM-weight of the early sixteenth century was found in the demohtion layer of the Phase I I house and a jetton of the same period in a late Phase II context.15 Hence, an early sixteenth-century date is reasonable for tMs group of pottery at PivMgton. From the filling of a weU excavated at TarrMg, Sussex, dated by 18 J. G. Hurst, 'Stoneware Jugs', in Barry Cunliffe, Winchester Excavations, 1949-1960, i (1964), 142-3 and references therein. J. G. Hurst in L. Keen, 'Excavations at Old Wardour Castle, Wiltshire', W.A.M., lxii (1967), 74. 13 S. E. Rigold, 'Excavation of a Moated Site at Pivington', Arch. Cant., Ixxvii (1962), 27-47. 11 Ibid., 38, 42-4; cf. fig. 6, especially nos. ii, iii, vii, xi. The jugs, not illustrated, have oval and pricked strap-handles and flat-topped rims; one of them could be taken to be from the Hareplain luln were it not for its white-painted decoration, a feature wholly absent at Hareplam. 16 Ibid., 45. 173 D. B. KELLY the excavator to about 1500, come globular jugs with bung-holes and flanged dishes.16 These are mostly unhke the HareplaM pots, but one of the dishes iUustrated (Eig. 3, 2) is very close to Hareplain 36, a single example. TMs TarrMg group was used as a parallel for the pottery found at Knighton, Isle of Wight.17 The maM types of vessels produced at Knighton, in a MM of the same type as Hareplain, were large jugs or pitchers with bung-holes and wide flanged dishes, of wMch there were 166 and 23 respectively, other products beMg represented by only one or two examples of each. These two types were also the commonest at HareplaM, though here there was also a considerable number of cooMng-pots. The Knighton jugs are comparable in general shape to the Hareplain ones, though the rims are different, except for the relatively uncommon type (d) (Fig. 37, 7), wMch is hke Hareplain Type II. Of the dishes wMch are iUustrated, types (a) and (c) (Fig. 38, 18 and 14) compare with Hareplain Types Ic and III. The costrel (Eig. 40,1), too, is apparently close to the Hareplain example. Further afield, two sites M HuntMgdonshire18 have provided groups of pottery mcluding flanged dishes and bung-hole pitchers and assignable to the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century from the presence of Cistercian ware and imported stoneware. A date of around 1600, then, may reasonably be assumed for the HareplaM MM. Unfortunately, the archajomagnetic measurements taken provided only a poor (Class C) result (see Appendix). However, the 'group 0' pottery at PivMgton is dated to the early sixteenth century and the Hartford distiUMg base to after 1503. Now that Raeren stoneware jugs are known to have been imported as early as the late fifteenth century, they are here not so useful for dating as was once thought, but, none the less, they are most plentiful in the first half of the sixteenth century and regarded as 'type fossils' of tMs period. It is suggested, then, that the HareplaM MM may be dated to the first quarter of the sixteenth century. NOTE ON DISTRIBUTION Apart from Pivington, wMch presumably used Ashford as a market, no other excavated site in the area has produced pottery comparable to that from the Hareplain MM. A scatter of pottery sherds of various periods from Lamb's Cross, Chart Sutton, includes tMee thumb-frilled 16 K. J. Barton, 'Worthing Museum Notes for 1961: A late fifteenth-century well at Tarring', Sx. A.C, ci (1963), 28-34. 17 See note 4, 106-8. « J. G. Hurst, 'The Pottery', in C. F. Tebbutt, 'St. Neot's Priory', Proc. Canibs. A.S., lix (1966), 59; S. Moorhouse, 'Excavation of a Moated Site near Sawtry, Huntingdonshire', Proc. Cambs. A.S., Ixiii (1971), 80-3. 174 AN EARLY TUDOR KILN AT HAREPLAIN, BIDDENDEN bung-holes and pieces of jug handle wMch could come from HareplaM. TMs site is about six miles north-north-west of Hareplain (N.G.R. TQ 791483). In March 1972, a miseeUaneous collection of sherds picked up on a field at Staplehurst was brought to the museum and tMs included some sherds from the Hareplain MM: two handles of Type I jugs and two rim sherds of Type II cooMng-pots. These came from a field adjacent to Aydhurst, four miles north-west of the MM (N.G.R. TQ 782435). THE COSTREL FROM THE BIDDENDEN KILN By G. C. DUNNING, B.SC, D.LIT., F.S.A. THE fragment is made of hght red sandy ware, green glazed on the outside. It is a complete lug, moulded by hand and not knife-trimmed along the edges, attached to the neck and upper part of the body of the costrel, and is pierced by a round hole for suspension. Sufficient of the neck is present for its diameter to be determMed. The inside surface of the body has faint wheel-marks in a vertical direction, showing that the vessel was tMown in two separate parts wMch were then luted together round the circumference. The Biddenden costrel can be restored and fitted into the sequence of late medieval costrels by comparison with the few other examples that have been pubhshed.19 TeclmicaUy, it is aMed to the large costrel wMch is a rehc of Bosworth Field (1485), on which the wheel-marks also run vertically. In form, however, it appears to be closer to the costrel from the pottery MM at Kmghton, Newchurch, Isle of Wight. On tMs costrel the wheel-marks are horizontal, that is, in the same plane as the base. Another close paraUel, found in Kent, is the front part of a costrel from Richborough, found in association with a group of fifteenth-century pottery outside the north waU of the Saxon Shore Fort. On tMs costrel the wheel-marks also run verticaUy. The front is mammiform, and its apex is fimshed in a flattened area 1 in. in diameter. Erom these analogies the Biddenden costrel has been restored in the drawmg as about 9 M. Mgh and 7 in. wide, dome-shaped in front and flattened at the back (Fig. 6, 65). " L. R. Fennelly, 'A Late Medieval Kiln at Knighton, Isle of Wight', Proc. Hants. P.C, xxvi (1969), 97-110. Por the typology of the Knighton costrel see pp. 108-10 and fig. 40. 175 10 D. B. KELLY APPENDIX ARCH^OMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS ON THE HAREPLAIN POTTERY KILN By H. N. HAWLEY EIGHTEEN samples of baked clay were extracted from the Mln: tMee were taken from the base of the waU, the remaMder being floor samples. The individual measurements were rather scattered and the site was given a Class 'C result, i.e. poor, but worth considering. The result obtaMed from the floor samples was I = 62-3 ± 1 "0°, D = 7 - 7 E ± 1 ' 3 0 , a result closely comparable with West Cowick ld (1450-1530, 59-0°, 5-7° E), Potterton (1450-1550, 61-4°, 9-9° E) and Ramsey (1500-1540, 62-8°, 10-7° E). Thus an archseological date of 1500-1520 for Hareplain is perfectly compatible with the magnetic measurements. 176


Rochester East Gate 1969


The Costel from The Biddenden Kiln