General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British. Aardenburg, Zeeland, 198. Agricola, 3. Albery, Sir I., 1. Aldred, 46. Alexander, W., 1. AUnutt, H., 179. Anglo-Saxon, Cemetery, 78, 212. Pottery, 106. Settlement, 81-5. Appleton, J., 165. Armada, Spanish, 57 ff. Ash, 220. Aylesford, Bridge, 54. Parish, 73. Babington, 68. Bagshaw, S., 176. Baldwin Brown, G., 27. Barholme (Lines.), 43. Barnack, 203. Barrows, 217. Bassock, Eamily, 164 ff. Bath, Abbey, 26. Bayeux (Normandy), 38. Beale, Family, 159 ff. Beauvais, 28. Bee (Normandy), 23. Becket, Thomas a, 27. Bede, 26. Bennet, J., 181. Bensted, H., 132, 162. Best. I., 65. Best-Shaw, Sir J., 129 ff. Bethersden, 218. Betsham, 83. Bexley, 222. Bincham, T., 162. Bing, R., 64, 67. Birchenough, E., 1. Blackett, J. B., 167. Blackwater River (Ireland), 68. Blake, Admiral, 61. Blois, St. Solenne, 36. Blundell, Capt., 71. Bockingford Mill, 164. Boucher, J., 166. Boudicca, RebeUion of, 43. Boughton Monohelsea, 268. Boulogne, 63 ff. Boxley Abbey, Excavations at, by P. J. Tester, E.S.A., 129-58. Breedon, 201. Bridge Mill, 181 ff. Brioude (France), 49. Bristol, 68. Bromley, 69. Bronze, Hoard, 221. Objects, 210, 217, Brooch, IA, 208. Brook, T. W.. 185. Brooke, E., 62 ff. H., 69. J., 69 ff. S i r C 71. Bruges (Belgium), 51. Bufkin, R., 159. Bunyar, J., 166, 170. Burials AS, 78, 83. RB, 8, 122. Buttes, T., 65. Caen, 23, 47. Caiger, J . E. L., 149, 166. Calais, 51, 69. Cambridge, 197. Canterbury, 7, 60, 198, 205. Cathedral, 205. St. Augustine's, 201. Seal, 34. The Excavation of Grey friars, Interim Report, by Louise Millard, B.A., 214. The First Norman Cathedral at, by Edward Gilbert, 23-50. Cave-Brown, J., 161. Cecil, D., 181. G, 52. R., 62. Sir R., 67 ff. Cely, Family, 61. Challock, 217. Chamaliires-sur-Loire (France), 48. Chandler, M., 165. Chatham, 71, 216. Cheddar, 205. Chester, Cathedral, 28. Chillenden, Prior, 27 ff. Chingley, 156. Churchyard, Sir T., 66. 239 GENERAL INDEX Cinque Ports, 61 ff., 117, 124. Clairvaux Abbey, 149. Clapham, A. W., 27 ff., 129. Clements, R., 63. Clifford, Sir C, 69. Cnut, 206. Cobham, J., 60. Lord W., 58 ff. Sir H., 59. Coins, German, 21. IA, 221. R., 2, 9, 16, 20-21, 208, 216-7, 221, 226. Venetian, 21. Conrad, Prior, 27. Cooling, 81. Romano-British Site, by A. Miles, 207-8. Crissbrook Mill, Lower, 161, 169 ff. Upper, 162, 164 ff. Cuthbert, 38. Dale, L. C, 187. Dampier, W., 166. Danks, W., 33. Dare, J., 170. Darent, River, 1, 11, 16, 187. Darenth, South, 83. Dartford, 6-7, 11, 214, 220. Medieval Pottery from, by D. C. Mynard, 187-99. Deerhurst (Glos.), 38. Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excavations at Eccles, 1972, 73-80. Interim Report on the Excavations at the Eccles Site, 212-4. Reviews, 231-3, 235-6. Dieppe. 66. Dodgson, J. McN., 82. Dodington, Capt., 71. Doncaster, 197. Dover, 60, 62, 66, 69, 218-9. St. Mary's, 41. Down, J., 171. Downes, J., 164. Drake, Sir F., 58. Dunning, G. C, Appendix, 195-9. Eadmer, 25 ff. Eadsige, Bishop, 205. Eccles, Excavations at, 1972, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 73-80. Interim Report on the Exca/vations at the Site, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., E.S.A., 213-4. Training Course, 213-4. Edward, The Confessor, 42. I l l , 61. VI, 181. Edwards, K. J., M.A., Recent Developments in the Study of Place-Names and the Anglo-Saxon Settlement, 81-6. Ellison, A., 84. EUiston-Erwood, F. C , 129 ff. Elmham, North, 34. Ernulf, Prior, 27 ff. Eynsford Castle: The Moat and Bridge, by S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., and A. J. Fleming, M.A., 87-116. WiUiam of, II, and III, 100. Fane, Sir T., 59. Farningham, 81, 83, 214-6, 219. Roman Villa II, by Lieut.-Colonel G. W. Meates, F.S.A, 1-21. Church. 1. Franks HaU, 1. Folly HiU, 1. Fawkham, 219. Finch, Sir M., 69. Fleming, A. J., M.A., and S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., Eynsford Castle: The Moat and Bridge, 87-116. Flint, Implements, 208, 217-21. Fludd, Sir T., 61. Folkestone, 216, 221. Fontenay Abbey (France), 149. Fountains Abbey, 130 ff. Fowle, S., 120. Fraunceys, J., 120. Frere, Professor S. S., 6. Furness Abbey, 135. Gelling, M„ 82 ff. GentUe, A. and R., 165. German, Jetton, 21. Gervase, 27 ff. Gifford, T., 175. GUbert, Edward, The First Norman Cathedral at Canterbury, 23-60. GUes. R., 164. GiU, W., 178. Gloucester Cathedral, 46. Goldston, Prior, 35. Gravesend, 59. Gravett, K. W. E„ Review, 230. Greenfield, E., 1. Greenwioh, 63, 223-4. Grove, L. R. A., 133, 142, 161-3, 210. Gundulph, of Roohester, 47, 50. Gurney's MiU, 164. Hadstock (Essex), 30. Hammond, R., 159. 240 GENERAL INDEX Harding, J., 63. Harriss, J., 84. Harrison, A. C , 153-5. Reviews, 232, 234-5. Hartley, 220. Hastingleigh, 217. Hastings, 80. Hatterboard (Yorks.), 197. Hawkinge, 217. Hawkins, Sir J., 71. Hayle MUl, 169 ff. Place, 159. Henbee, J., 174. Henderson, H., 33. Hen Domen (Montgomerys.), 101, 207. Henry IV, 60. VIII, 166. Hereford Cathedral, 28. Higham, 83. Hildesheim, St. Michael's, 33. Hoo (Hundred of), 221. Home, R., 65. Horton Kirby, 83, 215, 219 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 211-26. Iron, Age, Brooch, 208. Coin, 221. Objects, Med., 105-6. Pottery, 216-8, 221-2. Ivory, Med., 211-2. Jackson, J., 181. Jaenbert, 38. Jarrow, 28. Jetton, German, 21. Johnson, Capt., 66. Johnston, P. M., 29 ff. Jones, T., 164. Jumidges (France), 38. Kelly, D. B., 208-10. Kent Bibliography, 1972-73, 227. Kemble, J. M., 81. Kemsing, 81. Kent Bibliography, 1972-73, by D. B. Kelly, 227. Kiln, Med., 213. RB, 213. Kinsale, Battle of, 67, 70. Kirk, S., 82. KirkstaU Abbey, 137, 149-50. Lambarde, W., 59, 72, 164. Lamberhurst, 165. Lands, J., 164. Lane(s), W., 177 ff. Lanfrano, Archbishop, 23 ff. Larkfield, 65. Larkin, C, 162 ff. Leaper, C, 174. Leeds, Interim, Report on the Society's Excavation on the Site of the Augustinian Priory of St. Mary and St. Nicholas at, near Maidstone, by P. J. Tester, E.S.A., 211-2. Leicester, Earl of, 58. Le Mans (France), Cathedral, 43. Town WaUs, 28. Le Patourel, Mrs., 197. Leveson, Sir J., 59 ff. Levies from Kent to the Elizabethan Wars (1589-1603), by J. J. N. McGurk, M.Phil., F.R.Hist.S., 67-72. Lincoln, 147. Littlebrook, 83. Livett, Canon G. M., 40, 46. Lomherst, S., 135 ff. London, 199. Town WaU, 28. Loose, The Watermills, II, by R. J. Spain, 159-86. Lowther, A. W. G., 16. LuUingstone Roman ViUa, 11, 16. Lyminge, 217. Lympne (Portus Lemanis), 205. McGurk, J. J. N., M.Phil., F.R.Hist.S., Levies from Kent to the Elizabethan Wars (1589-1603), 57-72. Maidstone, 61, 68, 129, 208, 224-5. CoUege of AU Saints, 174, 181. Manor, 174, 177. Museum Notes, 208-10. Malling, East, Maritime, by C. L. Sinclair WiUiams, 61-5. MaUing, 81. Manwood. Sir R., 58. Maylim, FamUy, 54. Meates, Lieut.-Colonel, F.S.A.. Farningham Roman Villa II, 1-21. Review. 234. Medieval^ Barn, 220. Bridge, 87-116. BuUdings, 214-5. 222. Castle, 87-116, 215-6. Ivory, 211-2. Kiln. 213. Pottery, 106-16,187-99,212, 218-20. Priory, 211-2. Seal, 210. Settlement, 220. TUes, 103, 144-8. Medway, River, 61 ff., 79, 182, 184-6. Meopham, 83. MUborne Port (Som.), 43. MUlard, Miss Louise, B.A., Interim Report on the Excavation of Qreyfriars, Canterbury, 214. 241 GENERAL Monaghan,68. Moore, E., 71. Mountjoy, Lord, 70-1. Musgrove, P., 175, 178. Mynard, D. C., Medieval Pottery from Dartford, 187-99. Mynott, Miss E. M., Interim Report on the West Kent Training School, 1973, 214-6. Myres, J. N. L., 81. Neame, Sir T., obituary, 237, Neolithic, Flint Implements, 208, 221. New Hythe, 51 ff. Newry, 68. Noirlao Abbey (France), 149. Norman, The First, Cathedral at Canterbury, by Edward GUbert, 23-50. Norris, Sir J., 68, 64 ff. North Downs, 16, 129. Northfleet, 83. Norwood, South, 101. Nottingham, 197. Obituaries 237-8. Odo, Archbishop, 27. Old Sarum, 40. Orpington, 223. Ostend, 69. Otford.. 83. Oxford, Magdalen CoUege, 120. Parkin, E. W., The Ancient Buildings of New Romney, 117-28. Parks, W., 165. Park Street Roman ViUa, 19. Parson, R., 169, 174. Pavia, 23. Payne, G., 130 ff. Peasants' RebeUion, 27. Peckham, East, 65. Peene, G., 181 ff. Peers, C. R., 48. Penfold, E., 165. L., 166. PiUchard, G„ 175. PiUow, J., 166, 170. Pine, T., 169, 178 ff. Pitcher, G., 175. Place-Namts, Recent Developments in the Study of, and the Anglo-Saxon Settlement, by K. J. Edwards, M.A., 81-6. Plymouth. 60. Portsmouth, 62. Post, W., 159. Pottery, Med., 106-16. 187-99, 212, 216, 218-20. IA, 15 ff., 216-8, 221-2. INDEX RB, 7, 15-20. 79, 207. 213, 216, 218-22. Samian, 12-16, 79, 222. Purberry Shot (Sy.), 16. Querns, 103, 209. Raleigh, Sir W., 67, 70. Reed, A. E., 176, 185. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 201-10. Reviews, 229-36. Rhee WaU, 118. Richers, J. 65. Rievaulx Abbey 149. Rigold S. E... M.A.,F.S.A.,F.R.Hist.S., and A. J. Fleming, M.A., Eynsford Castle: The Moat and Bridge, 87- 116. Rivers, J., 64. Robbins, J., 178. Rochester, 61, 65, 80, 205. Castle, 51. Cathedral. 26, 35, 43, 201-3. Roman, Coins, 2, 9, 16, 20-1, 208, 216, 221, 226. Romano-British, Barn, 2. Baths 2ff. 213,223. BuUdings, 1 ff., 216, 223-4. Burials. 8; 222. Ditches, 1, 74 ff., 212-3, 220, 226. Enclosure, 220. Mosaic, 8, 11. Pottery, 7, 15-20, 79, 207, 213, 216—222 Roads, 80, 83, 205, 225-6. Salt-Panning Site, 207-8. Settlements, 83. Stone Coffin, 221. Temple, 226. Romney, New, The Ancient Buildings of, by E. W. Parkin, 117-28. Romsey (Hants), 39. Root, Sir P., 169. Roper, Capt., 71. Ruse, J., 175 ff. RusseU, E., 176. Rye, 62. Salisbury, Earl of, 177. St. Albans Cathedral, 40. St. Augustine, 26 ff. St. Benedict's Chapel, Canterbury, 38. St. Bernard, 149. St. Blaise's Chapel, Canterbury, 38. St. Cross, Altar, Canterbury, 39. St. John Baptist, 119. St. John Hope, W., 23 ff. St. John, Sir O., 67, 71. St. Michael's Chapel, Canterbury, 38. GENERAL INDEX St. Riquier, 35. St. Saviour, 37. St. WUfrid, 37. Sandwich, 62, 71. Scott, G., 23 ff. J., 62. Sir T., 62, 67. Scott-Robertson, Canon W. A., 119. Selommes (Blois, France), 43. Sens, WUliam of, 27. Serlo, 46. Shamwell (Hundred of), 59. Sharbroke, 83. Shaw, T., 65. Sheppey, 210. Sherborne Abbey, 26. Shirley, Sir T., 64. Shoreham, Deanery of, 52. Shorter, A., 161, 178. Sidley, W., 59. Simon, Archbishop of Sudbury, 27 ff. Simpson, W., 176. Smith, A. H., 81. Smythe, S., 181. Sir J., 58. Snodland PapermUl, 176. Southern. H., 68. Spain, R. J., The Loose Watermills, II, 159-68. Springhead, 225-6. Steinmetz, W. T., 185. Stigand, Bishop, 27. Stonar, 198. Stour, East, River, 205. Stourmouth, 217. Stow (Lines.), 43. Stowting, 218. Strong, Professor D. E., obituary, 238. Strood, 83. Sutton-at-Hone, Lathe of, 59, 63 ff. Sutton Valence, 155, 208. Swanley, 1. Swanton, M. J., A Pre-Conquest Sculptural Fragment from Rochester Cathedral, 201-3. A 'Lost' Crop-Mark Site at Westenhanger, 203-7. Tacitus, 3. Tamlyn, J., 53. Taylor, C, 175. Teichman-DervUle, Major, 117. Tester, P. J., F.S.A., Excavations at Boxley Abbey, 129-58. Interim Report on the Society's Excavation cm the Site of the Augustinian Priory of St. Mary and St. Nicholas at Leeds, near Maidstone, 211-2. Reviews, 231, 233. Tewkesbury, 34. Thames, River, 62, 69, 207. Thanet, Isle of, 222. Theobald, Archbishop, 34. Threadgold, W. M., 171. Till, E. D., 87 ff. Tintern Abbey, 150. Tours, Gregory of, 39. St. Martin's, 39. TovU MUl, Lower, 177 ff. Upper, 172 ff. Trevor, Capt., 71. TrUlinghurst, 81. Turner, G., R., and W., 176. Twisden, Sir R., 65, 65, 67. Tyrone, Earl of, 68. Venetian, Coin, 21. Verulamium, 7. WaUenberg, J. K., 61, 164. Walter, H., 159. Wamphray (Dumfries), 202. Ward, G., 205. Warley, T., 174. War, Nine Years', 68. West Barnfield, 165. West Derby (Lanes.), 101. Westenhanger, A 'Lost' Crop-Mark Site, by M. J . Swanton, 203-7. Westerby (Sy.), 64. West Kent Training School, 1973, Interim Report, by Miss E. M. Mynott, 214-6. West Kingsdown, 219. Westminster Abbey, 42 ff. Whickham, W., 175. Whitby, 201. Wicham, 83. Wigan, Bernard, Review, 229-30. Wilford. Sir T., 60, 69. Wilkins, W., 175. WiUiam, The Conqueror, 118. WiUis, R., 23 ff. WiUoughby, Lord, 60 ff. WUson, B. J., 133. J., 170. J. W., 166, 170. R., 170 ff. Winchester Cathedral, 28. Winksley (Yorks.), 197. Woodchurch, 209. Woodruff, C. E., 33 ff. Wrotham, 83. Wulfred, Archbishop, 27 ff. Wyatt, Sir T., 135, 156. Wye, 218. Yeavering, 205. York, Town WaU, 28. 243




Frontispiece 1972