General Index

GENERAL INDEX Acheulian, 30 ff. Addington (Surrey), Medieval pottery from, 160, 157. Aegelric, 48. Aguillon, Sir R. d', 8. Aldington, 202. Anglo-Saxon, Buckle, 166-8. Building, 44. Cem6tecy, 44, 165 ff., 201, 204, 207. Knife, 203. Anne, Queen, 7. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbucy, 50. Aprice, H., 59. Arnost, Bishop of Rochester, 57. Arthur, Pa.ul, Oremation Burials at Bumtwick Island, 185. Asoelin, Bishop of Rochester, 50, 57. Ashford, 202. Astor, Lord, of Hever, 179. Aubrey, W., 3. Aylesford, 60 ff. Baker, Sir J., 7. Ba.ldwin, Archbishop of Canterbucy, 50 ff. BaJsier, T., 91. Barrow, 204. Beaoh, J. de la, 9. Bearsted, 210. Bec (Normandy), 47. Beckenham, 146 ff. Beokenlu,;m,, A double-moated Site at, by Lilia.n Thornhill, 145-63. Becket, Thomas, 68. Bekesbourne, Anglo-Saxon Cemetecy, 167. Benedict, Bishop of Sawston, 67. Benenden, 204-5. Bernes, J., 161. Beicley, 205-6. Bidford-on-Avon, Anglo-Saxon Buckle, 167. Bishopsbourne, 202. Black Death, 87. Blaokbeath, 102. Boleyn, Anne, 113. Sir, J., 118. Sir W., 113. Bones, Animal, 142-8, Middle Bronze Age, 187. Borstal, 49. Bourgohier, Cardinal Thomas, 1 ff. Bourton Bridge, 194. Bowman's Industry, Further Oonsidera• tion of the, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 29-39. Bowridge, H., 91. Boxley, 60. Bracelet, Romano-British, 194. Bradegare, R. de, 87. Brabourne, 203. Bredgar, The old Chantry House, by E. W. Parkin, 87-97. Broadstairs, St. Pater's, Anglo-8axon Cemetery, 167-8. Bromhill, Dom J., 90. Bromley, 20&--7. Bronze Objects, 208. Brooches, Romano-British, 141-2, 208, 212. Browne, T., 8. Bruges, Sir J ., Lord Mayor of London, 7. Buokhurst, Lord, 6. Buckle, Anglo-Saxon, 166-8., 191. Building Material, Medieval, 154. Bullen, Sir G., 7. Sir W., 7. Burial, Anglo-Saxon, 207. Middle Bronze Age, 185. Romano-British, 185, 207, 212. Site, 208. Bumtwick Island, Cremation Burials at, b y Paul Arthur, 186. Buahell, T. A., obit., 226-7. Butler, T., 7th Earl of Ormonde, 113. Caerlaverook, lll. Caesar, Dr. J., 5. Caiger, John E. L., obit., 226. Calais, Siege of, 8. Cambridge, Trinity College, 100. Campion, Father E., 4. Camwell, Lord R. de, 162. Canterbury, 17, 47, 169. Oathedra.l, 91. Christchurch, 48. See of, l. St. Augustine, 48, 116. St. Gregory'a, 59. 229 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury, Excavatwns at Gravel Walk, 1967, by J. H., M.A., et al., 119-43. Carson, R. A. G., Coins, 140-41. Celestine, Pope, 60. Gharing, A Romano-British Buil.ding at, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 107-10. Charles I, 116. II, 99 ff. Charlesworth, D., The Gla$s, 141. Cha.rte, Richard a.t, 161. Chelsha.m (Surrey), Henley Wood, Medieval Site, 150. Cheaters (Northumberland), 191. Ohiddingstone, Skinners House, by P. J. Gray, 179-82. Chilham, 203. Chingley Forge, Timber Mill-race, 159. Chislehurst, 50. Claotonia.n, 30 ff. Clerke, H., 116. Clerkenwell, Prioress of St. Mary, 7. Cleves, Anne of, 113. Clifford, Lady Anne, 6. Coins, Roman, 110, 121, 140-41, 190- 91, 194,202,212. Colchester, Monastery of St. John, 10. Siege of, 104. Coldha.m Common, (Camba.), 195. Cole, H., 5. Colley, T., 91. Colpepper, Constance, 8. Cork, 116. Cornwall, Dr. I. W., cited, 75. Comt, E., 191. Cranfield, Lady F., 11. Cranmer, 1 ff. Cranmer, E., 2. J., 2. Crawford, O. G. S., 16. Cressing Temple, Barn, 159. Crevequer, H., 162. Croft, Sir J., 115. Croydon, 145 ff., 161. Curzon, Mary, of Croxha.11 (Derbys.), 11. Cuxton, 49. Rectory Site, 32. Da.llingridge, Sir E., 9. Darenth, 49. Dartford, 29, 50, 192. Dene, R. de, 10. Denehole, 211. Denehok at Rainham, by R. F. and J. Le Gear, 182-4. Denewey (Denwa.y), T., 91. Denton, 49 ff. Dereham, 17. Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., A Romano-British BuiUing at Gharing, 107-10. Excavations at Eccles, 1974, 41-5. Interim Report on the E:ccavatwns at the Eccles Site, 201-2. Reviews, 215, 217, 219-20, 221-3. Samian Ware, 122 ff. Devereux, R., Earl of Essex, 11. Dering, Sir E., 102. Dice, Romano-British, 142. Di􀅗es, J., 7. Dilhngen, Burghagel (Bavaria), Cemetery, 167. Donnett, J., 112. Dorset, Ea.rl Thoma.a of, 3 ff. 1st Duke of, 10. Dover, 208. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, 166. Castle, 8, 208-9. Dowle, W., 91. Eccles, Excavatwns at, 1974, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., J!'.S.A., 41-5. Interim Report on the Excavatwns at the, Site, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 201-2, Edward I, 51, 55, 111, 150, 162. II, 99. III, 1, 8. IV, 112. VI, 13, 115. The Black Prince, O. Egerton, 192. Elizabeth I, 3 ff., 99. Elmbrigge, J., 112. Elmer's End, 145. Ely, 15, 17. Elys, T., 87. Engest, R., 59. Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, 60. Ethelbert, King of Kent, 47. Evison, Vera I., B.A., D.Lit., F.S.A., A silver-inlaid Buckle from Sarre, 165-8. Eynsford Bridge, 160. Fabian, J., 161. s., 161. Faunt, T., 91. Fawkes, Guy, Trial of, 4. Fawkham, 49 ff. Filmer, Family, 99 ff. Fitzallan, Family, 8. Flint, Arrowhead, 203. Hand-axe, 208. Implements, 29-39, 81-5, 193, 202. Foiset, J., 90. Frindsbury, 49 ff. Fullerton (Ha.nts.), 191. 230 GENERAL INDEX Gerard, G., 4. Gervaise, of Canterbury, 16. Gillingham, The Black Book of, by C. L. Sinclair Williams, 195. Glanville, Bishop G., of Rochester, 50ff. Glass, Romano-British, 141. Godmersham, 203. Godwyn, R., 91. Qoodsall, R. H., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.P.S.,o !Yit.,2 26. Gravesend, 212-3., 208-9. Interim Report on the Excavati



