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GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, .Iron Age; Med., Medieval; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British Addington, Parish of, 14 Adisham, Manor of, 114 ff. Aethered, Archbishop, 56 ff. Alfred, King, 56 ff. Al/hallows. by P. J. Tester, 260 Allington, The 'Belgic' Cemete,:y at, by Isobel Thompson, M.A., 127-38 Anglo-Saxon, Building, 273 Burial, 283-4 Coin, 34, 55-9, 277 Hut, 273 Object, 277 Appledore, 89 Archibald, M. M., M.A., F.S.A., F.M.A., An Alfred Penny from Rochester, 55-9 Asgerbi, H. de, I 2 Ash, Manor of, 8 Parish of, 8 ff., 14, 17 Athelstan, 56 Axe, Acheulian, 260 Head, Iron, 44 Axton, Hundred of, 12 Aylesford, 27, 118 Baker, Lt. -Col. E. T. L., cited, 251 Bancks, Rev. G. W., 24 Barfreston, Manor of, 116 Barrow, Bronze Age, 113 RB, 113 Battely, Archdeacon J., 2 N., 2-3 Baxter, Robert, and Mills, Ralph, The Romano-British Site at Rad.field. Sittingbourne, 239-47 Bead, RB, 174 Beckwith, John G., F.B.A., F.S.A., Ivory Carving, 96 Belgic, Cemetery, 127 ff. Coin, 245 Ditch, 273 Pottery, 128 ff., 144-6 Bennett, Paul, A Roman Building near Sandwich, 191-4 Excavations at 8 New Street, Canterbury, 149--52 Excavations at 16-21 North Lane, Canterbury. 165-73 Excavations at 77-9 Castle Street. Canterbury, 275-7 Moat House, Rough Common, 156-8 Bentley, Adm. Sir J., 198 Bigberry. Interim Report on the Excavations at, by F. H. Thompson, M.C., M.A., 279--80 Blockley, Kevin, and Day, Marion, 16 Watling Street, Canterbury, 273-5 Bone, Casing, 42 Hairpin, 42 Spindle, 42 Boxley Abbey, A Sketch-Plan of. by P. J. Tester, 257-9, 82, 91, 264 Boys, Wm., cited, 203 Brass, Candlestick, Med., 94 Signet Ring, Med., 262 Bridge, 144 Bridlington Church, 83 Bristol, 203 Bromley, London Borough of. 282-3 Bronze, Brooch, RB, 42, 137-8 Harness Fitting, 42 Terminal, 42 Toilet Set, 42 Bronze Age, Barrow, l I 3 Brooch, Bronze, RB, 42, 137-8 Brookland Church, 89 Burial, AS, 283-4 RB, 149--50, 168--71 Burlesdon, 203 Canterbury, A circular Roman Temple discovered in the late seventeenth Century at, by William Urry, 1-6 Archaeological Trust, Some minor Excavations undertaken by the. in 1977-78, by T. W. T. TattonBrown et al .. 149-94 Interim Report on Excavations in 1978, by T. W. T. Tatton-Brown et al., 270-2 Museums, by K. Reedie, 256 Castle, 270 Cathedral, 79, 85 ff. Christ Church, 114, 270 St. Gabriel's Chapel, 278 St. Martin's Church, 270 St. Paul's Church, 15 Capel, Excavations in the two Iron Age Hill-Forts on Castle Hill, near Tonbridge. 1965 and 1967-71. by J. H. Money, 268--70, 108 Carnarvon, Earl of, 13 Casing, Bone, 42 293 GENERAL INDEX Caxton, W., 100 Cemetery, Belgic, 127 ff. RB, I 13, 127 ff. Chalklin, C., cited, 61 ff. Chanctonbury, 235 Charles II, 3 Charlton, J., 23 Chart Sutton Church, 97 Chatham, 198 ff. Chemart, W., 12 Chimney, Pot, Med., 172, 180-3 Chitting, F., 21 Ciolwulf, Moneyer, 55 ff. Cissbury, 235 Clement, Rev. E., 22 Cliffe, 262 Climping (Sx.), 86 Cobham Church, 90 College, 92 J.de,11 Sir J. de, 90 Coin, AS, 34, 55-9, 277 Belgic, 245 R., 36-7, 44-54, 113, 194, 250, 264, 266-7 Coldrum, 260 Colepeper, J., IS N., 16 Sir T., 16 w., 15 Collinwell. J., 21 Compton, Archbishop, 61 Corbeil, Archbishop W. de, 38 Councer, C. R., F.S.A., Documentary Evidence possibly relating lo Building Phases II and lll, 97-8 Window Glass, 92-4 Cranbrook, 101 Cronk, Anthony, F.S.A., F.R.S.A., Oasts in Kent and East Sussex, 99-1 JO w., 108 Cuerdale (Lanes.),, AS Hoard, 55 ff. Cummings, Lt. J., R.N., 197 w., 197 Danes Trench and prehistoric Land Division in the upper Daren/ Valley, by J. A. Pyke, 231-7 Darenth Church, 261 Parish, 62 Dartford, 22 Church, 261 Dawlton, J., 21 Day, Marion, and Blockley, Kevin, 16 Watling Street, Canterbury, 273-5 T., 97 Dennis, A. J., 24 Deptford, 198 ff. Detsicas, A P., Review, 287-8, 291 Ditch, Belgic, 273 R., 151-2, 243-5, 277 Dobson, Mary J., Original Compton Census Returns-The Shoreham Deaery, 61-73 Dode, Parish of, 14 Doubleday, Sir L., 240 Dover, 145, 203 Castle, 39, 145 R. Road to, 112 Downhamford, Hundred of, 114 ff. Drawing, 256 Eabald, 114 Eadhelm, 58 Earthwork, 231-7 East Cowes, 203 East Farleigh, 264 East Peckham, Parish, 62 Eastry, 111 Hundred of, Jl 4 Manor of, 116 East Sutton, 84 Edward I, 11, 13 II, 11 III, 14, 39, 101 Egbert, King, 114 Egerton, 264 Egestone Church, 82 Elliston-Erwood, F. C., cited, 257 Elvington, 112 Ethelred, King, 114 Eynsford, A standing Stone at, by G. W. Meates, 260-2 Eythorne, 113 Parish, I IS Fane, G., 17 J., 16 T., 16, 23 Farningham Church, 261 Faukeham, H. de, 10 R., 9-10 Sir W. de, 8 ff. T., 9 Fawkham, Manor of, 9 ff. Parish, 17 Flight, Colin, M.A., and Harrison, A. C., B.A., F.S.A., Rochester Castle, 1976, 27-60 Flint, Implements, 259-60, 264, 283 Frindsbury, 107, 264 Frittenden, 89 Gambier, Adm., 199 Garrard, Pan, The Small Finds, 174 Gatewyk, Family, 10 ff. Geddinge, 111 ff. Gifford, T., 22 Gillinam, 265 Glanvtlle, G. de, Bishop, 253 294 GENERAL INDEX Glass, Window, Med., 92-4 Gold, Pendant, 256 Goldwell, Dr. J., 97 Golgotha, 111 ff. Gravesend, 203 Greenwich, Maritime Museum, 195 Gregory, Pope, 262 Grove. L. R. A., cited, 239 Review, 290-1, 262-4 Gundulph, Bishop, 27 ff. Guthrum, 56 Hacklinge, 124 Hadlow, 105 Hadlowe, J ., 23 w., 23 Hairpin, Bronze, 42 Halling, 14 Ham, 124 Hand-axe, Palaeolithic, 158-65 Harness Fitting, 42 Harrison, A. C., B.A., F.S.A., and Flight, Colin, M.A., Rochester Castle, 1976, 27-60 cited, 253 W., cited, 101 Harrow Hill (Sx.), 235 Hartley, Parish of, 8, 14, 17 Hartlip, Prior J. of, 39 Hasted, E., I ff., 15, 114 ff. Hayes, Parish of, 66-7 Hedgerows and Tracks, by M. M. O'Grady, B.A., lll-26 Henry I, 8 III, 8-10, 39 Heronden, 114 Hethe, Bishop Hamo de, 12, 14 Higginbotham, Edward, Excavations at Whiting's Yard, Ospringe, Kent, 1978, 259-60 Higham, Priory, 89, 92 Highdown, 235 Hill-Fort, IA, 268-70, 279-80 Hills, Wing-Cdr. B. F., M.B.E, R.A.F., Shipbuilding for the Royal Navy at Sandwich In the eighteenth Century, 195-230 Hollingboume, 262-3 Hoo, 263-4 Hooper, Dr. M.D., cited, I 19 Horton, Castle, 9 Kirby, Parish of, 14 Mark, Medieval Floor-Tiles, 87-92 Hudson, A., 17 Hulberry, 235 Implements, Flint, 259-60, 264, 283 Stone, 266 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 279-85 Ipswich, 203 Iron Age, Hill-Fort, 268-70, 279-80 Axe-head, 44 Isle of Grain, Parish of, 66 Ivory, Carving, Med., 96 Jessup, R. F., 24 John, King, 38-9 Kelly, D. B., Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 264--8 cited, 257 Kenilworth, Battle of, 9 Kent Defence Research Group, 280-1 Kent Manorial and Moated Sites Group, 282 Kent Record Office, 203 ff. Kiln, RB, 166-8, 174 Tile, Med., 8 Kit's Coty, 260 Lambarde, Wm., 12 Lance, J., 18, 22 Langley, 265-6 Lead, Seal, Med., 262-4, 268 Leeds Priory, Excavations on the Site of. II, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 75-98 266 Leith, 203 Lewis, (Sir) J., 3 Lewknor, H., 16 Sir T., 16 W., 16 Lilleshall Church, 82 Livett, Canon G. M., cited, 27 ff. London, Public Record Office, 195 ff. Loom-weight, Med., 44 Luceman, 58 Luddesdown, Parish of, 14 Macfie, A. L., The Pattenden Diaries, 1797-1819, 139-47 Macpherson-Grant, N. C., The Pouery, 174--91 Maidstone Area Archaeological Group, 284--5 All Saints Church, 89 Kent Record Office, 203 ff. 109, 127 Malmesbury, Lord, 141 Marcus Aurelius, 3 Marden, 266 Margate, 145 Meates, G. W., A standing Stone at Eyrisford, 260-2 Medieval, Building, 272-3 Candlestick, Brass, 94 Chimney-pot, 172, 180-3 Glass, Window, 92-4 Ivory Carving, 96 295 GENERAL INDEX Loom-weight, 44 Pendant, 265---6 Pit, 38, 172-3 Pottery, 41-2, 178-80, 185---90 Quern, 94 Seal, Lead, 262-4, 268 'Siege-trench•, 3 8 Signet-ring, 262 Tile, Floor, 87-92 Tile-Kiln, 8 Town Wall, 30 ff. Water-pipe, 94, 172, 183-5 Whetstone, 44 Medway, River, 250 Valley, 260 Mellitus, Abbott, 262 Meopham, Parish of, 62 Meredith, Family, 84 Mereworth, J. de, 13 Mills, Ralph, and Baxter, Robert, The Romano-British Site at Rad.field, Si11ingbourne, 239-47 Mistley, 203 Moat, 158 Money, J. H., Excavations in the two Iron Age Hill-Forts on Castle Hill, Capel, near Tonbridge, 1965 and 1967-71, 268-70 Monk Bretton Church, 82 Montfort, Simon de, 9, 38 Moraunt, J., 13 w .. 13 Mowbray, R. de, 8, 14 New Romney, 89 Nile, Battle of the, 143 Nonnington, Manor of, 116 Parish of, 115 Oasis in Kent and East Sussex, by Anthony Cronk, F.S.A., F.R.S.A., 99-110 Oddesworth, R. de, 12-3 O'Grady, M. M., B.A., Hedgerows and Tracks, 111-26 Oldbury, 235 Oliver, J., 22 Ospringe, Kent, 1978, Excavations at Whiting's Yard, by Edward Higginbotham, 259-61 Otford Mount, 235 Parish of, 62 Otham, 267 Otho, 3 Overey, R., 18 Paddock Wood, 106 Painting, Oil, 256 296 Pa11enden Diaries, The, 1797-1819, by A. L. Madie, 139-47 Payne, G., cited, 31, 249-50 Peckham, West, Manor of, 13 Pendant, Gold, 256 Petham, 109 Pewcompe, J., 14 Philipott, T., 15 Philp, B., 24 Phippen, J., cited, 251 Pit, Med., 38, 172-3 Pitt, Wm., 141 Plymouth, I 98 Portsmouth, 198 Pottery, Belgic, 174-6 Med., 41-2, 178-80, 185-90 Prehistoric, 259 RB, 34, 36-7, 39-41, 128 ff., 149, 174-8, 241 ff., 265, 267 Samian, 41, 113, 241 Poynings, Sir E., 16 Prehistoric, Pottery, 259 Proudfoot, W. Frank, M.A., The Maner and Chantry of Scotgrove, 7-26 Pyke, J. A., Danes Trench and prehistoric Land Division in the upper Darent Valley, 231-7 Reedie, K., Canterbury Museums, 256 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 255-78 Reculver, W. of, 13 Redfern, E. H., Roman Coins, 44-54 Reviews, 287-91 Reynolds, Archbishop W., 97 Richard II, 16 Ridley, Manor of, 13 Road, R., 125 Robinson, T., 7 Rochester Castle. 1976, by Colin Flight, M.A., and A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., 27-60 Cathedral, 14, 85 ff. Chapter House, 79, 85 Diocese of, 14, 61 ff. Eastgate House Museum, 250 145 Roe, Derek, Three Lawer Palaeolithic Handaxes from Rough Common, Canterbury, 158-65 Roman, Coin, 3, 36-7, 44-54, 113, 194, 264, 266-7 Road, 125 Temple, 1-16 Town Wall, 30 ff. Romano-British Site, The, at Rad.field, Sittingbourne, by Robert Baxter and Ralph Mills, 239-47 Barrow, 113 Bead, 174 Brooch, 42, 137-8 GENERAL INDEX Building, 171-2, 191-4, 261, 272-5, 283-4 Burial, 149-50 Cemetery, 113, 127 ff. Corn-drier, 284 Ditch, 243-5, 277 Kiln, 166-8, 174 Oven, 37 Pit, 241, 277 Pottery, 34, 36-7, 39-41, 128 ff., 149, 174-8, 191-4, 261, 272-5, 283-4 Road, 251-3 Street, 275 Ros, L. de, 9 Rule, Sir, W., 209 Ruxley, St. Botolph's Church, 107 St. Augustine, 262 St. Leger, A., 97 Sandgate, 203 Sandwich, 111 ff., 153-6, 191-4, 195 ff. Lord, 202 Scot, R., 100 ff. Scotgrove, The Manor and Chantry of, by W. Frank Proudfoot, 7-26 Seal, 108 Selby Church, 83 Sevenoaks, 13, 17 District Architectural History, by Anthony D. Stoyel, 255-6 Parish, 66 Sheerness, 198 Sheldon, Archbishop, 61 Shepherdswell, 111 ff. Shingleton, 113, 116 Shipbuilding for the Royal Navy at Sandwich in the eighteenth Century, by Wing-Cdr. B. F. Hills, M.B.E., R.A.F., 195-230 Shoreham Deanery, The-Original Compton Census Returns, by Mary J. Dobson, 61-73 Shorne Church, 261 Parish of, 14 St. Katherine's Chapel, 107 Sittingbourne, 26 7 Smart, C., cited, 109 Smeeth, 101 Smith, Sir S., 142 Snodland, Parish of, 14 Sole, Roger-atte-, 115 Somner, W., 2 Sprindle, Bone, 42 Stansted, Parish of, 67 Statenborough, 124 Stone-by-Faversham, 261-2 Stour, 195 Stoyel, Anthony D., Sevenoaks District Architectural History, 255-6 Strood, Second Thoughts on 'Causeway', by Patrick Thornhill, B.A., 249-54 St. Mary's Hospital, 79, 92 Temple Manor, 90 Sudbury, Archbishop, 171 Sutton-at-Hone, Parish of, 14 Tatton-Brown, Tim, The Sandown Gate at Sandwich, 153-6 et al., Interim Report on Excavations in 1978 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 270---8 Terminal, Bronze, 42 Tester, P. I., F.SA., Excavations on the Site of Leeds Priory, II. 75-98 Al/hallows, 260 A Sketch-Plan of Boxley Abbey, 257-9 Tetney (Glos.), 59 Thanington, G. of, 8 Thompson, F. H., M.C., M.A., Interim Report on the Excavations at Bigberry, 279-80 Isobel, M.A., The 'Be/gic' Cemetery at Allington, 127-38 Thornhill, Patrick, B.A., Second Thoughts 011 Strood's 'Causeway', 249-54 Thorpe, Dr. J., 19 Tile, Floor, Med., 87-92 Tilery, Med., 8 Tilmanstone, I 13 Manor of, I I 6 Parish of, I I 5 Toilet Set, Bronze, 42 Tonbridge, 17 Torhtmund, 56 Torpel, J. de, 8 M., 8, 10---11 TrottjscJiffe, 14 Tyler Hill, 90 Umfrey, Family, 22 Urry, William, A circular Roman Temple discovered in the late seventeenth Century at Canterbury, 1-6 Viking, Axe-head, 44 Wade, J., 23 Walker, J., 21 Walter, J., 18 ff. T., 17 ff. Walsh, R., 24 Water-pipe, Med., 94, 172, 183-5 Waure, de, Family, 13 ff. Welle, A. atte, 13-4 West Banning, 107 Wheatley, Canon S. W., cited, 29 Whetstone, Med., 44 Whitehead, J., 23 Whitstable, 145 297 Whyman, J., Review, 288-90 Wibert, Prior, 79 Wichling, 268 William II, 27 Wilmington, Parish of, 14 Wivenhoe, 203 Wolridge, J., cited, 105 Woodnesborough, 112, 115 Woolwich, 198 ff. GENERAL INDEX Wootton, 111 Worth, Parish of, l IS Wrotham, Parish of, 66-7 Wyatt, Sir T., 17 Wyntreshulle, T. de, 12 Yoke, West, 8 Zarnecki, Prof. G., cited, 78-9 298