General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; Palaeo., Palaeolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British. Aelfstan, Abbot, 13 ff. Aethelberht, 8 Aethelred, 8 Allhallows, 258 Amsterdam, 64 Anderson, J., 238, 240 R., 238, 240 Andrews, Gillian, Excerpt from the 'Survey of Kentish Estates', 1571, 90-1 Anglo-Saxon, Burial, 284-6, 305 Coin, 27 Deposit, 273 Sculptured Fragment, 34-6 Arbroath, 218 Ashford, 45 Axe, Late Bronze Age, 295-6 Stone Age, 294-5, 305-6 Bathe, H. de, 67 Bayley, Justine, The Human Bones, 183-4 Bayonne, 215 Belgic, Coin, 294, 298-9 Hill-fort, 301-3 Hut Circle, 268 Occupation, 268 Pit 268, 272 Pottery, 272 Benenden, 245 Bennett, Paul, No. 3 Beer Cart Lane, 270-2 The Almonry Chapel Site, Christ Church Priory, 273-5 The Canterbury Bypass, 272-3 Berhtwald, Abbot, 14 Berwick, J. de, 66 ff. Bigberry, Interim Report on the Excavations at, by F. H. Thompson, M.C., M.A., F.S.A., 301-3 Birchall, G., 234 ff. Blagg, T. F. C., M.A., The votive Column from the Roman Temple Precinct at Springhead, 223-9 Blockley, Kevin, and Day, Marion, Marlowe Car Park Excavations, 267-70 Bolton, G., 90 Bone, Comb, ? Med., 30 ? RB, 30 Objects, Med., 152 Book-clasp, Bronze, 30 Bordeaux, 215 Boulo􀂾ne, 216 Bousk11l, I. W. C., Two palaeolithic Flint Tools found in the London Borough of Bromley, 286-9 Boxley Abbey, A Sketch Plan of, by P. J. Tester, 278-9 Boys, Sir E., 62 Brass, Candle-wick Trimmer, 30-1 Brasted Chart, 249 Brewer, J., 220 Brice, M., 42 Brisely, G., 237 Broadstairs, Parish of, 11 Bromley, Two palaeolithic Flint Tools found in the London Borough of, by I. W. C. Bouskill, 286-9 Bronze, Brooch, RB, 28, 276 Clasp, 30 Fleur-de-lys, 30 Spear-head, 294 Spur, 30 Brooch,, Bronze, RB, 28, 276 Brook, 245 Bur􀂿h, H. de, 82 Burial, AS, 284-6, 305 Burnett, C. B., cited, 262 ff. Burwash, N., 42 Calais, 58, 213 Calvert, F., 217 Cambridge, St. John's College, 84, 90. Candle-wick Trimmer, Bronze, 30-1 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim Report on Excavations in 1979 by the, 265-78 Cathedral, by Tim Tatton-Brown, 276-8 Romanesque Wall-Paintings in the Cathedral Church of Christ Church, by K. Flynn, 185-95 Cathedral, 4, 49, 77 Library, 3, 87 Christ Church, 5, 12 ff., 50 St. Andrew's Chapel, 5 St. Augustine's Abbey, 11 ff., 70 ff. St. John's, 86, 104 St. Thomas', 104 Cardinal College, Oxford, 50 Cariden, J., 41 Cason, J ., 40 Caviness, M., cited, 185 319 GENERAL INDEX Chambers, G., 240 Chartham, A romanesque Capital from Camerbury at, by George Zarnecki, l-6 Chatham, Clay Tobacco Pipes from, by D. E. Williams, 231-40 Cheeseman, G., 40 Chichester, St. Mary's, 104 Chillenden, Prior T., 51 Church, R., cited, 253-4 Chute, Philip, The Date of (his) Death, by John Winnifrith, 290-2 Cliffe-at-Hoo, 257 ff. Clifford, T., 239 Cnut, King, 13, 73, 78 Coin, AS, 27 Belgic, 298-9 Gallo-Belgic, 294 Med., 27-8, 127-8 Post-Med., 128-9 Potin, 268, 298-9 R., 26-7, 127, 223, 295--6 Coke, Lord, 59, 68 Coleman, M., 238 Collington, Lord, 60 ff. Comb, Bone, ?Med., 30 ?RB, 30 Cooling Castle, 258 Cooper, M., 238 Copper Alloy Objects, 137-45 Corbeuil, Wm. of, Archbishop, 186 Corderoy, H., 239 Cornes, J ., 239 Courtenay, Archbishop, 50 Cranbrook, 45 Creede, T., 45 Cronk, Anthony, F.S.A., F.R.S.A., Oasts in Kem and East Sussex, Part II, 241-54 Crookeshanks, J., 217 Crundale, 103 Cutbush, J., 239 Dale, M., 42 Dampier, W., 217 Danby, W., 239 Davington Priory, A Plan and architectural Description of the medieval Remains of, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 205--12 Day, Marion, and Blockley, Kevin, Marlowe Car Park Excavations, 267-70 35 St. Margaret's Street, 275--6 Detsicas, A. P., Review, 311-3 Dieppe, 59 Dodson, P., 239 Dover Harbour, Entrepot Policy versus Projects for Perquisites in the Administration of: The Dispute over Charges for passing the Boom, 1635-1638, by J. S. Kepler, 53-64 Maison Dieu, 104 84, 214 Drake, C. H., cited, 84 ff. Driver, John, Linacre Garden, King's School, 266-7 Dungeness, 213, 217 Dunkirk, 54 ff., 213 Durham College, Oxford, 50 Eafe, Domne (Eonnenburb), 8, 12 ff. Eastwell, Lake House, 198 Ecgberhl, King, 8, 12 ff. Edward I, 65 IT., 105--6 11, 67 ff., 89, 105 III, 89, 257-8 Ellis, Blanche, Spurs, 132-7 w., cited, 242 Elliston-Erwood, F. E., cited, 205 Elmham, Thomas of, 7 ff. Emulf, Prior, 24, 186, 191, 276 Etaples, 216 Ethalbald, King, 257 Evans, E., 239 Faulkner, P. A., cited, 105 Faversham, 40 ff. Ferra!, J ., 43 s., 46 Ferrar, T., 45 Finch, S., 235, 240 FitzOdbold, E., 193 Fleur-de-Lys, Bronze, 30 Flint, Tools, Neo., 296 Palaeo., 286-9 Flynn, K., Romanesque Wall-Paintings in the Cathedral Church of Christ Church, Canterbury, 185--95 Folkestone, 217 Force, C., 217 Fox, Bishop, 52 Fowler, R. C., cited, 88 Foy, C., 239 French, S., 235, 240 Garfield, Capt. J., 214 Gloucester College, Oxford, 50 Goodall, Alison R., Copper Alloy Objects, 137-45 Objects of Lead and Lead Alloy, 145 Ian H., Iron Objects, 129-32 Goodnestone-next-Wingham, 45 Goscelin, Monk of Canterbury, 13 ff. Goslin, T., 239 Goudhurst, 245 Gould, J., 217 Gracyen, W., 88 Gravesend, Museum, 223 ff. Green, H., 234 ff. Greenwich, Observatory, 263 Grove, L. R. A., Review, 314-5 320 GENERAL INDEX Hads, C., 239 J., 238-9 Halls, J., 239 Harris, E., 40-1 Harrison, A. C., B.A., F.S.A., and D. Williams, Dip.A.D., Excavation at Prior's Gate House, Rochester 1976-77, 19-36 Harrison, Benjamin - Three unpublished Letters, by F. D. Johns, 279-82 Hartley, J., 45 Hasted, E., cited, 256 ff. Hawkhurst, 249 Hawley, J., 234 ff. Henry I, 79 II, 74 III, 67 ff., 84, 88, 105-6 V, 257 VI, 69 VIII, 50 Heure, W. de, 67 High Halstow, 260 IT. Hinkins, R., 240 Hlothhere, King, 14 Hodge, E., 40 Holloway, J., 239 Holman, Capt. J., 218 Hone, Med., 31 Hoo, Peninsula, 257 IT. Hoo St. Werburgh, 257 IT. Horse, Trappings, 268 Horton, M. C., The Floor-Tiles, 117-26 Hott, J., 40 Hull, F., cited, 7-8 Review, 309-10 Hunt, H., 238, 240 lghtham, 247 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 301-8 Iron, Age, Hill-fort, 301-3 Pottery, 306 Key, Med., 30 Nail, Med., 148-52 Object, Med., 129-32 Spear-head, RB, 28 Isle of Grain, 264 Thanet, 7 ff. lslip, Archbishop, 5 0 Ivory, Med., 152 Jennings, R., 238-9 Jerom, W., 50 Jetton, Med., 28, 128 Johns, F. D., Benjamin Harrison - Three unpublished Letters, 279-82 Johnson, J., 233 Jorz, R., 89 Joyden's Wood square Earthwork, A Reassessment of the medieval House in the, by P. J. Tester, 289-90 Juxon, Lord, 60 IT. Kelly, D. B., Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Musewn, 294-7 293-4 Kempsely, S., 45 Kent, The Codification of the Customs of, by C. L. Sinclair Williams, 65-79 Kepler, J. S., Entrepot Policy versus Projects for Perquisites in the Administration of Dover Harbour: The Dispute over Charges for passing the Boom, 1635-1638, 53-64 Key, Iron, Md., 30 Kiln, RB, 272-3 Kipps, T., 239 Lambarde, W., 65 ff., 257 ff. Lambe, W., 45 Lambeth Library, 87 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 276 La Rochelle, 215 Laud, Archbishop W., 4 Leach, C., 240 Lead Objects, 145 Leaden Pilgrim Badge, 145-8 Lenham, John of, 89 Leofruna, Abbess, 14 Letherland, T., 41 Lewis, J., 12 Libon, J., 239 Lingoe, Capt. J., 214 ff. Littlebourne, 249 London, 54 ff. Louis XIV, 89 Lowe, Bishop, 26 MacDougall, P., Malaria: Its Influence on a north Kent Community, 255-64 Maidstone Museum, Archaeological Notes from, by D. B. Kelly, 294-7 A medieval Po11ery Lamp from All Saints Church, by Anthony D. F. Streeten, 292-3 Malaria: Its Influence on a north Kent Community, by P. MacDougall, 255-64 Malling, Abbey, 67, 74 East, Manor of, 67 West, Manor of, 67 Malmesbury, Wm. of, 185 Manwood, Sir J., 58 ff. Margate, Parish, 11 IT. Medieval, Building, 22, 273 Bone Objects, 152 Coin, 27-8, 127-8 Floor-Tiles, 26, 117-26, 296 321 GENERAL INDEX Hone, 31 Ivory, 152 Jetton, 28, 128 Pit, 270, 272 Pottery, 31-4, 154-83, 271, 292-4, 305, 307 Roof-Slates, 212 Roof-Tiles, 126 Seal Matrix, 294 Shale, 152 Stone, 26, 107-13 Stone Mortars, 153-4 Timber-framed Building, 265, 271 Meyer, W. R., Mascall's Privaters, 213-21 Milsom, J ., 238-9 Minster-in-Sheppey, 260 ff. Minster-in-Thane/ (Kent), The Date of the Parish-Boundary of. by D. W. Rollason, 7-17 Manor of, 12 Parish of, 11 ff. Moated Sites, 308 Monkton, Manor of, 12-3 Mould, Quita, The Iron Nails, 148-52 Nash, Daphne, Five first Century B.C. Coins found recently in east Kent, 298-9 Neolithic, Flint, 296 Newenham, F. de, 205 T. of, 89 New Romney, 213 Norman, Building, 22 ff. Northwood, Sir J., 70 Norwood, H., 41 Oasts in Kent and East Sussex, Part II, by Anthony Cronk, F.S.A., F.R.S.A., 241-54 Obituary, 317 Oman, Charles, Plate from a lost Oxford College, 49-52 Ospringe, The Excavation of the Hospital of St. Mary of. commonly called Maison Dieu, by G. H. Smith, 81-184 Otford, Palace, 282-3 Oxford College, Plate from a lost, by Charles Oman, 49-52 Bodleian Library, 4 Canterbury College, 50 Cardinal College, 50 Corpus Christi College, 52 Durham College, 50 Gloucester College, 50 St. Bernard's College, 50 St. Mary's College, 50 Palaeolithic Flint Tools found in the London Borough of Bromley, by I. W. C. Bouskill, 286-8 Axe, 305-6 Pantin, W. A., cited, 49 Parkin, E. W., The Old Canonry and Canon Cottage, Wingham, 197-204 Parsleigh, Sir E., 72 Pattison, R., 238 Payne, P. R., and Williams, D. E., Three Burials from St. Margaret '.s Street, Rochester, 284-6 Peckham, Archbishop, 197 Philley, C., 240 Phillips, G., 235 ff. Pickering, Capt. C., 217 Pigram, Capt. N., 214 ff. Pindar, Sir P., 59 Plaxtol, Old Soar Manor, 106 Pluckley, 249 Pollock, Adrian, B.Sc., A.M., Ph.D., Social and economic Characteristics of Witchcraft Accusations in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Kent, 37-48 Pontoise, J., 89 Porter, G., 238 Portsmouth, Domus Dei, 104 Post-Medieval, Coin, 128-9 Pit, 272 Potin Coin, 268, 298-9 Pottery, Belgic, 272 Iron Age, 306 Med., 31-4, 154-83, 271, 292-4, 305, 307 RB, 272, 306-7 Powell, G., 238 Pulleine, CaJ?t. H., 217 Pympe, family, 258 Queenborough, 65 ff. Ramsgate, Parish of, 11 Reading, Abbey, 2-3, 6 Reculver, 8 IT. Monastery, 14 Remvant, D., 239 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 265-99 Revesby Abbey, Lines., 3 Reviews, 309-16 Reygate, J. de, 68 Richard I, 73 Rigold, S. E., cited, 84 Additional Documentation, 87-90 Coins and Jet/ons, 127-9 Dressed Stonework, 107-13 Painted Wall Plaster, 113-5 Painted Window Glass, 115-7 Stone Mortars, 153-4 Robinson, J., 197 Rochester 1976-77, Excavatlbn at Prior's Gate House, by A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., and D. Williams, Dip.A.D., 19-36 322 GENERAL INDEX Three Burials from St. Margaret's Street, by D. E. Williams and P. R. Payne, 284-6 Roland, Capt. J., 215 Rollason, D. W., The Date of the ParishBoundary of Minster-in-Thane/ (Kent), 7-17 Roman, Coin, 26-7, 127, 223, 295-6 Romano-British, Baths, 269-70 Brooch, 28, 276 Building, 268, 272 City Wall, 19 ff. Ditch, 272 Kiln, 272 Pit, 272 Pottery, 272, 306-7 Shop, 276 Spear-head, 28 Spindle-whorl, 28 Street, 268 Romney Marsh, 256, 260 Ryder, Capt. R., 214, 218 Rye, 214 St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, 11 ff., 70 ff. St. Bernard's College, Oxford, 50 St. John Hope, W. H., cited, 49 St. John's, Canterbury, 86 St. John's College, Cambridge, 84, 90 St. John Smith, 217 St. Malo, 213 St. Mary's, Chichester, 104 College, Oxford, 50 Hoo, 262 Strood, 13 ff. St. Mildrith, 13 ff. St. Nicholas-at-Wade, 14 St. Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 88-9 St. Thomas', Canterbury, 104 Sandwich, W., 50 Scot, R., cited, 37, 242 Scotchford, R., 46 Scott Robertson, Canon, cited, 49 Seal Matrix, Med., 294 Selkirk, A., 217 Seton, R. de, 67 Sevenoaks District Architectural History, by Anthony D. Stoyel, 282-4 Shale, 152 Sheerness, 260 Sheppey, 257 Shoreham, 213, 283 Simons, M., 43 Slates, Roof-, Med., 212 Sloper, J., 239 Smith, D., 56 1., 239 Smith, G. H., The Excavation of the Hospital of St. Mary of Ospringe, commonly called Maison Dieu, 81-184 Spear-head, Bronze Age, 294 RB, 28 Spencer, B., Leaden Pilgrim Badge, 145-8 Spenland, G., 239 Springhead, The votive Column frpm the Roman Temple Precinct at, by T. F. C. Blagg, M.A., 223-9 Spur, Bronze, 30 Stanton, H. de, 70 Stone, Axe, 294-5 Med., 26, 107-13 Mortars, Med., 153-4 Streeten, Anthony D. F., A medieval Pottery Lamp from All Saints Church, Maidstone, 292-3 Strensham, W., 84 Strood, St. Mary's, 86, 104 Temple Manor, 100 Styles, P., 235, 239 Sutton, J., 239 Swanton, M. J., B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., A second Anglo-Saxon sculptured Fragment from Rochester, 34-5 Symeon of Durham, 12 Tatton-Brown, T., cited, I Tim, lllferim Report on Excavations in 1979 by the Camerbury Archaeological Trust, 265-6 Canterbury Cathedral, 276-8 Other Sites, 278 Tester, P. J., F.S.A., A Plan and architectural Description of the medieval Remains of Davington Priory, 205-12 A Re-assessmem of some Features of the medieval House in the Joyden's Wood square Earthwork, 289-90 A Sketch Plan of Boxley Abbey, 278-9 Medieval Jugs, 31-4 Review, 310-1, 314-6 Thompson, F. H., M.C., M.A., F.S.A., Interim Report on the Excavations at Bigberry, 301-3 J., 239 Thorn, J., The Pottery, 154-83 Thorpe, Capt. W., 214 ff. Thunor, 8 ff. Tiles, Floor-, Med., 26, 117-26, 296 Roof-, Med., 126 Turner, M., 238 Walcot, G., 41 Waller, Archbishop, 194 Wantsum, 8 323 GENERAL INDEX War, Thirty Years', 53 Warham, W., 50 Watling Street, 86 Webb, T., 233 ff. Wells, W., 238 Wern, Sir P., 103 Westgate-on-Sea, 8 Whorl, Spindle-, RB, 28 Wickham Legg, J ., cited, 49 Widier, E., 43 Wilham, T., 70 ff. Williams, C. L. Sinclair, The Codification of the Customs of Kent, 65-79 D., Dip.A.D., and Harrison, A. C., B.A., F.S.A., Excavation at Prior's Gate House, Rochester 1976-77, 19--36 D. E., Clay Tobacco Pipes from Chatham, 231-40 and Payne, P. R., Three Burials from St. Margaret's Street, Rochester, 284-6 Williford, J., 4




Annual Report