General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; Med. Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB., Romano-British. Alderley Edge (Ches.), 251 Alexander of Gloucester, 218 Allington, A Hoard of 'radiate' Coins from, by John A. Davies, B.A., 137-44 Anglo-Saxon, Cemetery, 121 Coin, 215, 221, 227 Estate, 77 Hut, '1:2.7 Palace, 121 Pendant, 215, 221-2 Pottery, 221, 260 Royal Manor, 253-5 Ansfrid, 87 Archibald, J., 145 Ardleigh (Essex), 157 Arnold, C.J,, Excavations at Eastry Court Farm, Eastry, 121-35 s., 256 Ash, 149 Ashbee, P., 149 Ashford, 204 ff. Asbill (Norfolk), 157-8 Asthall (Oxen.), 156 Astle, T., 237 ff. Atholl, Duke of, 1, 3 Atkinson, W., 247 Aylesford, 144, 256 i3adlesmere, Lady J., .fil Bagot, Bishop, 4 Baker, Sir H., 243 Ballard, G., 87 N., 88 Banks, C., 256 J., 256 Barham, 207 Barlaston (Staffs.), 55 ff. Barlow, J., 175 Barrow, Neo./BA., 242 I., 239 Bates, A., 191 ff. Batone, H. de, 237 Battle (Sx.), 199 Bavington-Jones, J., 67 ff. Bean, A., 66 Beard, S., 88 Beaumont, Sir B., 242 Beckford, J., '(,7 Bekesbourne, 157-8 Palace, 23 Belgic, Pottery, 29, 124, 160, 226 Coin, 226 Bennett, Paul, Old Westgate Court Fann Site, London Road, 220-2 St George's Street Roman Bath-house, 222-5 The Poor Priests' Hospital - The Chapel, 216--20 Bexley, Danson Park, by Roger White, 51-66 Hall Place, 65, 242-4 Bishopscourt (I.o.M.), l Blackheath, 203 Blaxland, J., 175 B!endon, 52 Blockley, Paul, Marlowe Theatre Site, 255-8 Bobbing, 170 Boon, G.C., 138 Bodley, G.F., 14 Boycott, W., 83 Boyd, J., 52 ff. Boyle, John, LL.B., F.S.A., The Loss and the supposed Recovery by Edward Hasted of his ancestral Estates, 167-76 An · unrecorded Achievement of Edward Hasted, 237-41 Branbridges, 255 Bridge, 78 Broadstairs, 145, 150 Bromley, 197 ff., 259 Palace, 3 Brompton, 199 ff. Bronze, Coin, 241 Buckingham, Duke of, 74 Bugden, W., 175 Burchell, Major, 145 ff. Burgh, H. de, 70 Burial, RB, 221 Cadbury Castle (Devon), 158 · Calverton (Nous.), 142 Camber Castle (Sx.), 25 Canterbury, 19, 37, 77, 195 ff., 247-52, 256 Archaeological Trust, The, Interim Report on Excavations in 1982 by, 215-35 Archbishop's Palace, 230-3 Cathedral, 4, 233 273 GENERAL INDEX Ethelberl's Tower, 22 St. Augustine's Abbey, A Sun-dial Tile from, by David Sherlock, 19-26 St. Dunstan's, 234-5 St. John's, 187 Caroe, M.B., 245 W.D., 233 Celtic, Coin, 241 Cemetery, RB, 215 Chalk, 31 ff. Challock, 79 Chambers, Sir W., 62 ff. Chandos, Marquess, 4 Charing, 207 Chartham, 77 ff. Church, 97 Chatham, Report of an Excavation in the Grounds of St. Bartholomew's Chapel, by Dr J.P. Hayes, F.R.C.Path., D.E. Williams, Dip.AD., and P.R. Payne, 177-89, 199 ff. Chifham, 77 ff. Chipstead, 247 Chislehurst, 4 ff., 259 Chute (Wilts.), 55 ff. Cinque Ports, 6 7 Clarkson, G., 175 R.W., 175 Claughton, Bishop, 4 Cliffe, 31, 39, 170, 244 Coaching Services in Kent in 1836, The geographical Pat/em of, by Terence Paul Smith, B.A., M.A., M.Litt., 191-213 Coin, AS, 215, 221, 227 Belgic, 226 Celtic, 241 Med., 183 R., 137-44, 260-1 Colchester (Essex), 37, 144 Cooling, 31, 39 Castle, 244 Cranbrook, 21 I Crevecoeur, R. de, 87 Curey, B., !75 Darrell, E .. 88 H., 88 Sir R., 88 Darrell-Blunt, Miss, 88 Dartford, 195 ff. West, 4 Davies, John A., B.A., A Hoard of 'radiate' coins from Allington, 137-44 J.P., 168 ff. Deal, 203 ff. Debary, R., 175 De la Mere, Abbot, 24 Denmark, George, Prince of, 69 Derby, Earl of, I Dering, Sir E., 67 ff. Delling, 170 Detsicas, A.P., Reviews, 267-9 Dode, 245 Dorset, Duke of, 69 Dover Castle, The Domesday of - An archival History, by F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., D. Litt., F.R. Hist.S., 67-75 159, 195 ff. Earth, 244 East Peckham, 213, 253-7 Eastry, Excavations at Eastry Court Farm, by C.J. Arnold, 121-35 Eden bridge, 203 ff. Edward, The Confessor, 87 Edwards, H., 111 Elizabeth I, 118 Evans, J.H., 27 Ewell (Sy.), 156, 158 Fagg, Mr, 85 Farnborough, 199 Farningham, 199 Faversham, 199 ff., 248 Felborough, Hundred of, 77 ff. Fenes, Sir J., 67 Ferrey, B., 5 Finn, A., 107 J., 111 Folkestone, 199 ff. Fordwich, 107, I 17 Franks, G.A., 111 Frere, Prof. S.S., 223-4, 226 Frese, L., 215, 218 Gerald, The Tanner, 218 Gibbs, Fam., 170 Gillingham, 139 Gloucester, Earls of, 87 Glynne, S., 88 ff. Goble, J.T., l ll Godmersham, 77 ff. Godric, 87 Godwin, Earl, 70 Goodnestone, 203 ff. Gower, Peninsula, 139 Gravesend, 195 ff., 244 Great Chesterford (Essex), 158 Greenwich, 203 ff. Grom, G., 218 Grove, Allen, Reviews, 264-5 Grubenhaus, AS, 227 Gurr, J., 175 Haimo, Sheriff of Kent, 87 Halley, E., 239 Halstead, 247 Halstow, 170 Hammill, ritual Shaft, The, by J.D. Ogilvie, 274 GENERAL INDEX F.S.A., 145-66 Harleyford (Bucks.), 55 ff. Hartlip, 170 Harvey, J.S., 168 ff. Hasted, Edward, The Loss and supposed Recovery by, of his ancestral Estates, by John Boyle, LLB .. F.S.A., 167-76 An unrecorded Achievement of, by John Boyle, 237-41 74, 87, 184, 244 Hastings (Sx.), 195 ff. Hawkes, Mrs. S.C., 255 Hayes, Dr. J.P., F.R.C.Path., D.E. Williams, Dip.A.D., and P.R. Payne, Report of an Excava1ion in the Groimds of St. Bartholomew's Chapel, Chalham, 177-89 Henharn, T., 257 Henry IV, 25 VI, 113, 118 VII, 120 VIII, 22, 25, 120 Herne Bay, 197 ff. Heywood (Wilts.), 157 Higham, 244 Hill, A., 237 ff. Hollingbourne, 139 ff., 171 Holzhausen (Germany), 149 Hoo, 197 ff. Hook, W.F., 9 Horsham (Sx.), 170 Horton Man.or, The Topography and Buildings of, near Canterbury, by Tim TattonBrown, 77-105 Hoskins, Bro., 16 Howell, D., Il l Hull, F., B.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., F.R.Hist.S., The Domesday of Dover Castle - An archival History, 67-75 The Custumal of Kent, 237 Humber, River, 139 Hut, AS, 227 Hutchings, R.F., 39 Hythe, 195 ff. kkham, 170 Inceworth, 244 llllerim Report on Excavations in 1982 by the Canterbury Arcl1aeologica/ Trust, 215-35 Investigations and Excavations during the Year, 259-61 Jeffreys, W., 175 Jenkins, Dr F., 152 John, King, 70 Johns, Catherine M .. Samian Pottery from the Hammill subsidiary Pit, 166 Jordon Hill (Som.), 156, 158 Joyden's Wood, Bexley, 33-4 Kemsing, 245-6, 260 Kem, The Cuswmal of, by F. Hull, 237 Keston, 156 Kew Gardens (Sy.), 64 Kidderminster (Worcs.), 4 Knocker, E .. 97 Knole, 69 Lambarde, W., 74 Lamberhurst, 199 ff. Lanfranc, Archbishop, 233 Langele, E. de, 74 Laud, Archbishop, 256 Langton, Archbishop S., 230 Lawrence, M., A Saxon Royal Manor, Burr's Oak Farm, East Peckham, 253-5 Li11/e Roydon, East Peckham, 255-7 Le Bernard, Vendee (France), 157 Leeds, 9 London, 142, 195 ff. St. George's-in-the-East, 14 St. Peter's, London Docks, 14 Somerset House, 63 Longley, Archbishop, 9, 12 Low Countries, 23-4 Lowder, C.F., 14 ff. Lympne, Castle, 244 Lydd, The Old Court Hall, by E.W. Parkin, 107-20 :lOS Mackonochie, Bro., 16 Maidstone, 195 ff., 256 Malling, 203 ff. Manwood, Sir R., 88 Margate, 195 ff. Marlborough, Duke of, 51 Mattingly, Prof. H.B., 141 Medieval, Archbishop's Palace, 230-3 'Building, 216-20 Coin, 183 Pottery, 130 ff., 179 Medway, River, 27 Towns, 195 ff. Milton, 77, 107 Minnis Bay, 157 Molash, 79 ff. Monaghan, Jason, B.Sc., An Investigation of the Romano-British Po11ery Industry on the Upchurch Marshes, 27-50 Moor, S. and Co., 183 Murray, Francis Henry, Rector of Chisleliurst, by Nigel Yates, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., 1-18 G., I G.E., 3 F.W., 3 H.H., 3 Lord G., R.H., 3 Nash, Daphne, A Celtic Bronze Coin from the Canterb11ry By-pass, 241 275 GENERAL INDEX Nettlestead, 254-5 Neville, Fam., 120 New Forest (Hants.), 144. Newington, 170 Newstead (Roxburghs.), 156 Newfoundland, 3 Newton Smith, Bro., 16 Noel Hume, I., 27 ff. Nicholson, P., 251 Nonsuch Palace, 25 North Downs, 205 Northfield (Birmingham), 4 Northlleet, 3, 195 North Walsham (Norfolk), 23 Northwood, Sir J., 87, 237 Sir R., fr7 Nurstead, 243-5 Obituary, 271 Odo, of Bayeux, fr7 Ogilvie, J.D., F.S.A., The Hammill ritual Shaft, 145-66 Orpington, 259 Ospringe, 144, lfr7 ff. Otford, 247, 260 Oxford Movement, The, 1, 3, J7 All Souls College, 171 ff. Christ Church, 4 Keble College, 12 Paddleswortb, 245 Paine, C.R., 113 Parkin, E.W., The Old Court Hall, Lydd, 107-20 Pattenson, W., 170 Pavilion, C., 61 Payne, P.R., Hayes, Dr. J.P., F.R.C.Path., and D.E. Williams, Dip.A.D., Report of an Excavation in the Grounds of St. Bartholomew's Chapel, Chatham, 177-89 Peel, 3 Pendant, AS, 215, 221-2 Pennington, W., 171 Perkins, D.R.J., The Isle of Thanet Archaeological Unit, recent Activities, 242 Petham, Hundred of, 78 Philipot, J., 74 Pimlico, St. Barnabas', 14 Plantagenet, Edmund, 74 Pollard, Richard J., B.A., The Container, 144 The Pottery, 160-6 Portsmouth (Hants.), 248 Pottery, AS, 221, 260 Belgic, 29, 124, 160, 226 Med., 130 ff., 179 RB, 27-50, 144, 160--6, 179, 221, 260 Samian, 166 Pusey, E.B'. , 15 Pympe, J., 255 Sir W. de, 255 Radwinter (Essex), 23 Rady, John, Archbishop's Palace, Canterbury, 230-3 Lift-shaft outside the north-east Transept of Canterbury Cathedral, 233 Rainham, 170 Ramsgate, 203 ff. Redesdale, Lord, 16 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 'l:31-51 Reviews, 263-9 Richard II, 72 III, 118 Richborough, 142, 159 Richmond (Sy.), 57 Ridley, 245 Ringleton, 155 Riverhead, 247 Roberts, H., 247-8 Robertsbridge (Sx.), 199 ff. Rochester, I, 3-4, 12, 199 ff. Roman, Coin, 137-44, 260-1 Romano-British, Bath-house, 222-5 Building, 215, 226-7 Burial, 221 Cemetery, 215 Pottery, 27-50, 144, 160-6, 179, 221, 260 Street, 216, 226 ff. Romney Marsh, !97 ff. Ross, A., 149 ff. Rotherhithe, St. Katherine',s, 15 Round, H., 67 Rugg, R., 168 ff. Sackett, J., 69 Sackville, Lord, 69 St. Alt?ans (Herts.), 4 Abbey, 24 St. Mary Cray, 259 Salisbury Cathedral, 24 Sandwich, 117, 197 ff. Scott, Sir G., 185 ff. Scudamore, J., 175 w.,ps Selwyn, J., SI M., 51-2 Sevenoaks, 195 ff., 246-7, 260-1 Severn, River, 139 Sheerness, 203 ff. Sheppey, 197 ff. Sherbome St. John (Wilts.), 23 Sherlock, David, A Sun-dial Tile from St. Augustine's Abbey, 19-26 Shipley, Bro., 16 Shome, 3, 39 Shoreham, 260 Shuckborough, C., ITT Sidcup, 199 Silchester (Hants.), 141 Simmons,']., 175 Sittingboume, 197 ff., 248 276 GENERAL INDEX Smith, F.F .• 184 Terence Paul, B.A .. M.A .. M.Litt .. The geographical Pattern of Coaching Services in Kent in 1836, 191-213 An early dated Example of Cavity-wall Construction in the City of Canterbury, 247-52 Southfleet, 3 Southampton (Hants. ), 248 Spence, Rev. J., 52 Stebbing, W .P.O., 145 Stevenson, J .J .. 248 Stone-next-Dartford, 3 Castle, 244 Stour, Great, River, 77, 205 Stoyel, Anthony, Sevenoaks District Architectural History Group, 246-7 Street, G.E., 3 Strood, 187, 195 ff. Styleman, J., 51 M., 51 ff. Suffolk, Earl of, 67 ff. Sumner, Archbishop, 7 Sunderland, 183 Swanscombe, 3 Swanwick (Hants.), 157 Sydney, Earl, 7 ff. Tait, Archbishop, 12 ff. Tasker, J ., 170 Tatton-Brown, Tim, The Topography and Buildings of Horton Manor, near Canterbury, 77-105 The Trinity Chapel, St. Dt111Sta11's Church, Canterbury, 234-5 West Stourmouth Churdz, 228-9 Taylor, R., 53 ff. s .. 175 Tenterden, 199 ff. Tester, P.J., Early Work ill St. Mary's Church, Kemsing, 245-6 Hall Place, Bexley, 242-3 Reviews, 266-7 The ruined Buildings adjoining Nurstead Court, 243-5 Thanet, Isle of, 149, 242 Thanington, 77 Thompson, F.H., Review, 263-4 Thomson, Mr and Mrs .. 111 Sir J., 85 Toldervye, C., 88 Tonbridge, 195 ff. Trollop, R., 88 Tucker, J., 256 Tunbridge Wells, 195 ff. Twysden, R., 254 ff. Sir W., 256 Tyler Hill, 130 Upchurch, 156 Upchurch Marshes, An lllvestigation of the Romano-British Pottery Industry on the, by Jason Monaghan. B.Sc .. 27-50 Vaux, G. de, 248 Venus. Figurine, 152 Verulamium. 142 Wadhurst (Sx. ). 204 Walter. Archbishop H .. 230 w .. 184 Wantsum Channel, 149 Warenne, Earl, 70 Warner, Sir E., 88 Watling Street, 195 Wells (Som.). Cathedral. 24 Westerham, 203 ff. Westgate, 77 ff. Westmorland(e), Earl. 85 West Stourmouth. 228-9 Wheeler, M. (Sir). 30 Whitchurch (Som.). 138 White, G.C .. 14 Roger, Danso11 Park, Bexley, 51--66 William, The Conqueror, 67 III, 183 Willlams, D.E .. Dip.A.D., Hayes. Dr J.P .. F.R.C.Path .. and Payne. P.R .. Report of an Excavation i11 the Grounds of Sr. Bartholomew's Chapel, Chatham, 177-89 J., 169 T., 167 ff. Wilsford, 149 Wood. Bro. E.G .. 16 Woodnesborough. 145 ff. Woodruff, Rev. C.E., :!7 Woolley, G .. 113 J., 113 Woolwich, 203 ff. Worcester, 3, I:! Worthing (Sx.). 142 Wrotham, 199 Wye. 77. :!07 Yalding. :! I I ff. Yates, Nigel. M.A.. F.R.Hist.S.. Francis Henry Murray, Rector of Chislelmrst, 1-18 277




Annual Report