General Index

359 GENERAL INDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics or by illus where figures are scattered throughout the text. The letter n following a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a note. The following abbreviations have been used in this index: aka – also known as; C – century; jnr – junior; Lincs – Lincolnshire; m. – married; snr – senior; Wilts – Wiltshire; Yorks – Yorkshire. axes, Neolithic Folkestone 327–8, 327 Sittingbourne 80, 82 see also handaxe Badlesmere, church of St Leonard, text boards 7 bag/pouch, leather, medieval 270, 271 bakehouses, Saxo-Norman, Gravesend discussion 48, 50–1 excavation evidence 30–6, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 Balliol, Edward 182 Bandello, Matteo 110 Barham, Richard 107, 109 Barlow, Francis 334n6 Barningham (Yorks), effigy 103, 105 barrel strap, medieval 279, 279 Batavia 307 Bayeux (France) bishop of see Odo cathedral 256, 259, 262 Bayeux Tapestry, designer 253–62 beads, Romano-British, glass 248 Le Bec (France), abbey 255–6, 259 Bede on Adventus Saxononum 312, 313, 314–16, 317, 318, 319 death reported in manuscript 156 on St Augustine 305 Beer, Johnann Christoph 238 Bekesbourne, depiction of 225 Belleforest, François de 110 Benenden, estate map 235 Berengar 255, 261 Bernard of Gui 155 Bertelot, Simon 61–2 Bertha, Queen of Kent 305, 316 Bexley (London Borough), Crayford, place-name 313–14 Biddenden Biddenden Maids 157 estate map 235 abbeys/monastic houses see Le Bec; Caen; Canterbury (Blackfriars; Christ Church; friary, Franciscan; St Augustine; St Gregory; St Sepulchre; Whitefriars); Minster; Mont St-Michel; Rochester; Westminster under London Ælfgyva 259 Æthelberht II 317 Albinus 315 Alburgh, John 67–8, 69, 70 Alexander II (pope) 256 Allen, Tim, ‘‘Poor people in hovels’: a review of life at the bottom of medieval Kentish society following excavation of a low-status settlement at Monkton, Thanet’ 187–215 amber, Bronze Age 84, 92 Amminus 308 Andever, John 61 Andrews, Murray, ‘An eighteenth-century gold coin hoard from Chatham’ 334–8 animal bones late Bronze Age/early Iron Age, Gravesend 38–40, 42 medieval Minnis Bay 281, 283, 284 Monkton 198, 204–5, 209–10 Saxo-Norman, Gravesend 38, 39, 40–3, 41 see also fish bones Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury 256 Antonine Itinerary 302, 305 Appledore, church of SS Peter & Paul, text boards 12, 17 arrowheads, Neolithic/Bronze Age 77, 79, 80, 82, 85, 86, 91 Arverni 303, 305 Ashford, Willesborough, Boys Hall, coin hoard 337 Augustine of Canterbury, St 305 Augustine of Hippo, St 258, 260 Aulus Plautius 308 Aveling & Porter 339, 340 Avranches (France) 255, 257, 258 GENERAL INDEX 360 Bilsington, church of SS Peter & Paul, text boards 6, 7, 12–13, 17 Birchington Gore End 288, 288 Minnis Bay, excavations by Antoinette Powell- Cotton final years of research 286–7, 287 wells/pits analysis 284 contents (illus) 266–8, 269–83 excavation evidence (illus) 265–6, 268–9, 273 Bishop, E. 4 Black Death 162, 179 Black Prince see Edward of Woodstock Blanning, Elizabeth, book review by 345–6 Bosewyn, Walter 64–6 Bourne, Thomas 236, 238 Bourne, William jnr 19–20 Bowen, Elizabeth, Kentish coastline in novels of 290–301, 293 Bowes, Tom Armstrong 323 Boycote, Thomas 217, 232, 233, 236, 238 Boycote, William 232, 236, 238 Boys, Frederick R. 336 Bramston, Revd William 97, 107 Brasier, William 239 Braun, Georg 229 Braun & Hogenburg, Civitates Orbis Terrarum 216, 219–23, 220–2, 229, 237 Brent, John 107 Brenzett, church of St Eanswith, text boards 1–6, 2–3, 8, 13, 17, 18 Brett & Son 323 Bridge, depiction of 225 Briggs, Chris, & Jervis, Ben, ‘Living standards of the small trader class in fifteenth-century Canterbury: evidence of escheators’ records’ 58–72 Brinsley, John 9 Britton, John 107 Broadstairs coin weight 336 Fort House 299, 300 Kingsgate 299 North Foreland 309–10 in writings of Elizabeth Bowen 299–300 Bromley (London Borough), Downe House 301n1 Brooke, Jocelyn 291, 294 Brutus 163–4 bucket fragments, medieval 279, 280–1 Bunce, C.R. 225, 230 burials, late Neolithic–early Bronze Age, Sittingbourne 82–4, 85, 92, 93; see also cow burial; cremations; dog burial; inhumation Burmarsh, church of All Saints, text board 1–6, 2–3, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18 Caen (France), St Étienne Abbey 255, 256, 261 Calais (France), depiction of 174–5, 176, 182 Canterbury Binnewith Island 308 Blackfriars, maps of 225, 226–7, 237 Bulstake 228 castle 223, 228 cathedral Bell Harry Tower 217 maps of 219, 220–1, 228, 231, 232, 235, 236, 238 Christ Church Cathedral Priory Cranston MS 1117 154–5, 168, 169, 172 depictions of 219, 220, 223 possessions 207–8, 209, 211–12, 213 waterworks map 216, 217, 218, 237 churches St Martin 305 St Mildred 219, 220, 229 Dean’s Bridge 228 Eastbridge hospital 228 escheators records, C15 58–60 lists 61–9 sample 60–1 summary and discussion 69–71 friary, Franciscan 223 Fyndon Gate 220, 221 Hawks Lane 239 maps and mapmakers 216–17 discussion 236 estate mapmaking centre 231–6 maps of the city (illus) 217–31 Mulberry Green 224 Nunnery Farm 238 place-name, Roman 302, 318–19 Adventus Saxonum 312–14 Bede 314–16 cant 310–12 Cantiaci 309–10 Cantuarii 317–18 Duroarvernum? 305 Duroavenum? 305–6 Julius Caesar’s visit 307–8 Jutes 316–17 origins alder-swamp theory 302–3 Duro- element 303–4 other guesses 304 river islands 306–7 Roman Conquest 308–9 Victuarii 318 St Augustine’s Abbey 157, 253, 254, 262 St Gregory’s Priory 238 St Mildred’s Watergate 219, 221 St Sepulchre’s Nunnery 229 Whitefriars 225 Canterbury, archbishops of see Anselm; Cornwallis, Frederick; Edmund of Abingdon; GENERAL INDEX 361 Canterbury, archbishops of (cont.) Islip, Simon; Lanfranc; Mepham, Simon of; Parker, Matthew; Reynolds, Walter; Stigand; Stratford, John; Thomas Becket; Wake, William; White, Edward Canterbury (Eadwine) Psalter 216, 217, 218, 237 Cantiaci 309 Cantuarii 317–18 Carr, Roy 269, 273 Cave-Browne, John 109 cemetery, Anglo-Saxon 75, 89, 93 ceramic building material Romano-British 248, 249 medieval–post-medieval 140 Cetur, Hugh 66, 70 chapmen, C15 60–1, 63, 64, 66, 67 charcoal, Bronze Age 128, 131–2, 133, 142, 143–4 Charles II 328, 330 Charles IV (of France) 182 Charles V (of France) 170–1, 184 Charles of Anjou 181 Charles Martel 156, 178 Chatham Fort Pitt Street, Rose and Crown 334, 335, 336–7 New Road, coin hoard 334–8, 335 Cheriton see Newington and Cheriton Cheyne family 115 Edward 117 Sir John 116–17 Margaret (née Shirland) 100 Sir Thomas 114 William 100, 114, 115 Chilton, William 64 Christian, Ewan 99 Church Building Act 1818 10 Cinque Ports, in writings of Elizabeth Bowen 291–2 Clarke, Howard B. 253 Clarke & Co 342n2 Clement of Canterbury 185n18 Clement, Mr 339 Clerk, John 68–9 Cliffe, church of St Helen 9 coin hoard, Georgian 334–8, 335 coin weights 336 coins Roman 140 medieval 140 post-medieval 140 Cooper, Henry 238 Cooper, John 238, 240n8 Cooper, Peter 332 Corio, Bernardino 110 Cornwallis, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury 9 Coronelli, V. 239 Cotton (Tiberius) world map 216 Court, John Atte 61 cow burial, Bronze Age 88, 93 Cowper, J.M. 225, 229 Cowper, Sarah, Lady Cowper 106 Cozens, Zechariah 98 Crane, John snr 231 Crane, John 231 Cranston MS 1117 marginal drawings 152–4 Brut continuation (illus) 169–76 discussion 177–8 listed 178–84 papal history section 155–62, 157, 158–60, 161 vitae of Canterbury archbishops and the Brut (illus) 162–9 provenance 154–5 Cray, River 306 Crayford see under Bexley cremations Beaker, Sittingbourne 82–4, 92 Bronze Age Sittingbourne 86–7, 92 Southfleet 128–31, 132, 140–1, 143, 144–9 not dated, Hoath 249 Crippen, John 236 Dartford, chattels list 60 daub Bronze Age 86, 87 Romano-British 248 Deerton Street see under Teynham deneholes, Southfleet 135–6 Dering, Sir Edward 231 Despenser, Hugh the Younger 99 Dickerson, John 281 dog burial, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 28– 30, 40, 52 Dover Gore End, relationship with 288 in writings of Elizabeth Bowen 292, 296 Dover Harbour Board 231 droveway, Romano-British 249 duck decoys 328–34, 329 duels 229 Dunning, Gerald 275 Dunstrete 212 Durham, Anthony, ‘The Roman name of Canterbury and later misunderstandings’ 302–21 Dyer, John 65 Eastchurch Kingsborough, prehistoric activity 75, 90, 93 Shirland manor 99, 108, 117 Eastry Lathe Subinfeudation 210 manor 209, 210, 211–12 Eastry, Henry of, Prior 154 Ebbsfleet see under Ramsgate GENERAL INDEX 362 Ediva 207 Edmond, John 66–7 Edmund II (Ironside) 165–7, 180 Edmund of Abingdon, St, Archbishop of Canterbury 186n32 Edward the Confessor 167–9, 180, 257, 258, 260 Edward I 181 Edward III 169–70, 170, 171, 182, 183 Edward of Woodstock (Black Prince) 172, 175– 6, 177, 182 Edwards, Elizabeth, book reviews by 349–50 Edyncham, Richard 66 Elham, church of St Mary, text boards 7, 20 Elizabeth I 106, 109 Elkin, Sidrek 331–2 Ellis, Jesse & Co 339, 340, 341 Ellis, Mabel 341 enclosures late Neolithic–early Bronze Age 77–9, 79, 81–2, 91–2 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 25–7, 26, 30, 48, 49–50, 51 late Iron Age/Romano-British 133–5 Saxo-Norman 30, 31, 35–6 Erhethe (alias Kelme), Robert de 63, 70 escheators records see under Canterbury Eucherius, St 156, 178 Eustace of Boulogne 257 Evelyn, John 330 Exeter (Devon), cathedral, monument 103, 104 Fairfield, church of St Thomas, text boards 11, 13–14, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20 field systems Bronze Age 88, 93, 133, 148–9 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 28, 49–50 late Iron Age/Romano-British 247–9, 250–1 Filldon, Mr 332 Finch family 225 fire bar fragment 140 fired clay, not dated 140 fish bones, medieval 284 fish weir?, Minnis Bay 286, 287 flint Palaeolithic, Fordwich 323–6, 325 Mesolithic, Sittingbourne 76 Mesolithic/Neolithic, Southfleet 128, 136 Neolithic Folkestone 327–8, 327 Sittingbourne 77 Neolithic–Bronze Age, Sittingbourne 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85–6 Bronze Age Sittingbourne 86 Southfleet 133, 136, 137–8 Bronze Age, burnt, Southfleet 128, 131, 133, 143–4 see also arrowheads; axes; handaxe Folkestone East Wear Bay, axe 327–8, 327 Leas Cliff Hall 295 Metropole Hotel 294 in writings of Elizabeth Bowen 294, 295, 296–8 Fontane, Theodor 299 Fordwich Boycote family 232 depiction of 225, 237 Moat Rough, handaxe 323–6, 325 shipping 307 Forrest, Ebenezer 106, 107, 112, 114 four-post structure, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 27–8, 27 Frank, Thomas 62, 63 Franklin, John 286 Fremlin, Marianne 341 Fremlin, Ralph 341 Gangulphus, St 156, 178 gavelkind 209–10 Gerald of Wales 152 Gerrard, James, & Seddon, Guy, By the Medway Marsh, reviewed 345–6 Gervase of Canterbury 168, 180 Gibbons, Trevor & Vera, ‘The medieval findings at Minnis Bay, Birchington, site of the lost settlement of Gore End, limb of the Cinque Port of Dover’ 265–89 Gildas 312, 314, 315, 316 Gilling East (Yorks), effigy 103, 104 Goldstone, Thomas, Prior 212 Goodwin Sands 299–300 Goodyer, John 106 Gordon riots 9–10 Gostling, William 106, 107 Gough, Richard 108, 109, 116 Grainge, Christine, ‘The identity of the designer of the Bayeux Tapestry’ 253–64 Gravesend Claphall 25 Coldharbour Road, excavations background and location 23, 24 dating evidence 46, 47 discussion prehistoric remains in context 48–50 Saxo-Norman remains in context 50–1 structured deposition 51–3, 52 topography and place 46–8 excavation evidence late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 25–30, 26, 27, 29, 52 Saxo-Norman 30–6, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 finds animal bone 38–43, 41 plant remains 43–5 querns 38 registered finds 36–7, 37 GENERAL INDEX 363 Gravesend (cont.) future research 53–4 historical and archaeological background 25 Northumberland Bottom 25 Great Stour, River 305–6 Green, Thomas 329 Greenwich (London Borough), Eltham, coin hoard 337 Gregory the Great, St 258, 259, 260, 305 Gregory VII (pope) 262 Grey Dolphin legend 97–123 Griffin, William 332–3 Grose, Francis 98, 107, 108, 111, 112 Grovehurst see under Sittingbourne; and Iwade Guilker, Alice 332 Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester 256, 261 Guy of Ponthieu 257, 258, 260, 262 Haines, Tim see Hayden, Chris, Score, David, & Haines, Tim Hales family 239 hammerstone, Neolithic 77 handaxe 323–6, 325 Harbledown Bigbury 307 place-name 306 Harbuts, Squire 332 Harold II 259–60 Harper, C.G. 99, 114 Harrington, Duncan, ‘The traction engine explosion by All Saints, Maidstone: devastation of monumental inscriptions in churchyard’ 338–43 Harris, J. 239 Harris, John 106, 114 Harris, Oliver D., ‘‘Grey Dolphin’ and the horse church, Minster in Sheppey: the construction of a legend’ 97–123 Hart, Cyril 254 Hart, John 238, 240n8 Hasted, Edward 107, 108 Hayden, Chris, Score, David, & Haines, Tim, ‘Late Bronze Age funerary practices and subsequent activity at Pinden Quarry, Southfleet’ 124–51 Hengist 312, 313, 314–15, 318, 319 Herluin, Abbot 255 Hert, Thomas 69 Hewitt, John 99, 112 Heyward, Walter 61 Higden, Ranulf 153 Hilcus, Sydracke 328–34 Hilkes, Elizabeth 332, 333 Hilkes, Epy 332 Hilkes, Sidrach 332 Hilkis, Martin 334n7 Hill family 217, 232, 236 Charles 232 Francis 232, 236, 239 Jared 232–6, 235, 239 Thomas 232–6, 234, 238, 239 hinges, medieval 271–3, 272 Hirst, Diana, ‘How ‘Kent’s Dramatisable Coastline’ plays a significant role in the novels of Elizabeth Bowen’ 290–301 hoard see coin hoard Hoath, excavations background and location 243–4, 244, 245 discussion 249–51 excavation evidence 246 early Bronze Age 245–7 Iron Age 247 early/mid Romano-British 247–8 mid/late Romano-British 248–9 undated 249 hobnails, Romano-British 248, 249 Hofnagel, George 223 Hogarth, William 106, 114 Hogenberg, Remigius 223 Hogius, Cornelius 223 Hollar, Wenceslaus 230, 238, 330, 331 hollow-way, Bronze Age 88, 93 Holman, James, & Russell, Caroline, ‘Richborough Connection Project: some evidence of early Bronze Age spelt wheat and late Iron Age/Roman field systems at Hoath’ 243–52 Hondius, Jodocus 229 Honey, Oliver 329 Honywood, William 234 Horsa 312, 313, 314–15 horseshoe fragment, Saxo-Norman 37 Hoskins, Richard, ‘A Neolithic flint axe from East Wear Bay, Folkestone’ 327–8 Hovenden, Robert 341–2 human bone Bronze Age, Southfleet 140–1 ?prehistoric, Monkton 204 Hythe Cinque Port 292, 296 lifeboat 296 railway 295, 301n2 Swan Hotel 292 Waikiki 294 in writings of Elizabeth Bowen 290–1, 292–5, 296, 299 Iguvine Tablets 305 Ingoldsby, Thomas 107 inhumation, ?prehistoric 204 insect remains, medieval 283, 284 Ireland, Samuel 98, 109 ironworking, Saxo-Norman 34 Isabella of France 171, 183 Isle of Sheppey, Grey Dolphin legend 97–123 Islip, Simon, Archbishop of Canterbury 162, 180 Ivychurch, church of St George Chinese-style gates 8 text boards 7, 8, 11, 14–15, 17, 18, 19 GENERAL INDEX 364 Iwade Grovehurst estate 331 Neolithic–Bronze Age monuments 75, 93 Jansson, Jan 238 Jefferys, Thomas 6 Jervis, Ben see Briggs, Chris, & Jervis, Ben Joan (pope) 156, 178 John II (of France) 172, 173, 182, 183 John IX (pope) 156, 178 John of Chatham, Prior 169, 181 Johnson John 225 John jnr 225 Thomas 230, 232, 238, 239 William 225 William jnr 225 Julius Caesar, G. 303, 304, 305, 307–8, 309, 311 Keates, Sir Jonathon 330, 331–2 Kelme (alias Erhethe), Robert de 63, 70 Kembelyn 164, 180 Kemsley, prehistoric activity 93 Kenardington, church of St Mary, text boards 6, 7, 15, 17 Kent, earl of see Odo Kent, Alexander J., Leach, Avril, Pratt, Simon, & Williams, Cressida, ‘Celebrating Canterbury’s cartographic heritage: a short introduction to the city’s maps and mapmakers, c.1550–1750’ 216–42 Kilburne, Richard 99 Killingray, David see Taylor, Iain, & Killingray, David Knights Templar 108–9 Knowles, Pete, ‘A new Palaeolithic handaxe discovery from the Fordwich Plateau’ 323–6 Laberius Durus, Quintus 304 Lamb, F. 239 Lancefield, J. 238 land division, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 28, 29, 49–50, 51 Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury 254–7, 254, 259 Langdon, Thomas 225, 237 Langland, William 207 Lea, P. 239 Lea, Philip 330 Leach, Avril, book review by 346–9; see also Kent, Alexander J., Leach, Avril, Pratt, Simon, & Williams, Cressida Leeds, castle 174, 181 Leland, John 223, 305, 306 Lewis, Penny 324 Lewisham (London Borough), Grove Park, coin hoard 337 Leybourne/Leyburn family 101 Sir William de 101 literacy, C17–18 9 Littlebourne, depiction of 225, 237 living standards, C15 58–72 London St James Park, duck decoy 328–30, 329 Vauxhall manor 232 Walworth manor 232 Westminster Abbey 169 loom weights Bronze Age 86, 92 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 36, 37 Lukin, Paul 332 Luxford, Julian, ‘The marginal drawings in the fourteenth-century Cranston MS 1117, almost certainly Canterbury-provenanced’ 152–86 Lydd, church of All Saints 19 Lymynge, Henry 61 Lyne, Richard 223, 229, 237 Lyon, John 61 Macpherson-Grant, Nigel 265–6 Maidstone church of All Saints, explosion damage 338–9, 340–2 Mill Street, traction engine explosion 338–43 Maldon, John 63–4 Manston, William 64 mappa mundi 216 marginal drawings, medieval see Cranston MS 1117 Marshall, Dawn 281 Marten, J. 4 Martin, Moses 339 Matthew Paris 152, 167, 174, 216 Maxted, Henry 236, 239 May, Adrian 328 Maybanke, Edward 329 Menpes, Mr 340 Mepham, Simon of, Archbishop of Canterbury 162, 179 Mercer, Messrs 340 Meredith, Miss 336 Mersham, estate map 233 Metcalfe, Gillian M., ‘The eighteenth-century scriptural text boards of Romney Marsh churches’ 1–22 Methodism 10 Milton Regis see under Sittingbourne Minnis Bay see under Birchington Minster abbey 115 church of St Sexburga horse connections (illus) 111–15 Shirland monument (illus) 97–9, 103, 115– 16 Grey Dolphin legend 97–123 Mollet, André 328–9 GENERAL INDEX 365 Monckton, J. 339, 341 Mone, John snr 70 Monkton manor 207–8, 211–12, 213 Monkton Street, excavations background and location 187–9, 188 discussion 206–13 environmental evidence animal bone 204–5 plant remains 205–6 excavation evidence (illus) 189–204 Mont St-Michel (France), abbey 253, 254, 255, 257–8, 259, 260, 262 Moorhouse, Henry 10 Morden, Robert 330 Morley, Harbert 334n7 Morley, John 10 Morris, Thomas 112 Muirhead, Mr 340 Mynde, J. 239 nails Romano-British 248, 249 medieval 193, 196 Nash, John 333n2 Needham, G. 10 New Romney church of St Nicholas 19 Elizabeth Bowen on 292 Newington and Cheriton, estate map 232, 234 Nicholas II (pope) 256 Nichols, John 107 non-conformism 10 Nothelm 315 Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, Earl of Kent 256, 257, 258, 259–60, 262 Oeric 315 Ogilby, John 330, 331 Old Romney, church of St Clement, text boards 6–8, 7, 11, 15–16, 17, 20 Old Somerby (Lincs), effigial monument 103, 103 Oleg ‘the Seer’ 110 Ortelius, Abraham 229 Ǫrvar-Oddr 110 Overton, J. 230 Paccheherst, Thomas 70 Packe, Christopher, A New Philosophico- Chorographical Chart of East Kent 217, 239 Pallas 156, 179 Papillon, Elizabeth 106 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 223 Payn, John 61 Pek, William 63 Perkins, Dave 286 Peter of Cyprus 172, 183 Petham, Thomas 65 Peutinger Table 216, 302 Philip IV (of France) 169, 171 Philip VI (of France) 171, 182 Philipot, John 99, 120n49 Philipot, Thomas 99, 105–6, 107–8 Philippa of Hainault 170–2, 171, 182 Picard, Valentine 239 Pittman, Susan, A.J. Clements & Sons Farmers of Gosenhill, Crockenhill, Kent, reviewed 349 plank, medieval 271–3, 272 plant remains Neolithic/Bronze Age, Sittingbourne 77, 78 Bronze Age Hoath 245–7, 250 Sittingbourne 86, 87, 88 Southfleet 142 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age, Gravesend 43 late Iron Age/Romano-British, Hoath 248, 249, 251 Saxo-Norman, Gravesend 43–5 medieval, Monkton 205–6 not dated, Hoath 249 post alignments, late Neolithic–early Bronze Age 81, 91, 93, 94 pottery Neolithic Sittingbourne 82, 84, 86 Southfleet 128, 135, 139 Beaker Sittingbourne 82, 83, 85, 86, 91–2 Southfleet 128, 139 Bronze Age Sittingbourne 84, 85, 86–7 Southfleet 128, 133, 139 late Iron Age/Romano-British, Southfleet 135, 139–40 Romano-British, Hoath 247, 248–9 medieval Minnis Bay (illus) 267, 270, 273, 275–9, 281, 283 Monkton 193, 195 Southfleet 140 post-medieval, Southfleet 140 pouch see bag/pouch Powell, David Thomas 98, 99, 101, 111 Powell-Cotton, Antoinette, excavations by see Birchington, Minnis Bay Powell-Cotton, Percy 323 Pratt, Simon see Kent, Alexander J., Leach, Avril, Pratt, Simon, & Williams, Cressida Ptolemy’s Geography 302, 309, 317 Pushkin, Alexander 110 Pytheas 309 querns Saxo-Norman 34, 38, 50 not dated 140 GENERAL INDEX 366 radiocarbon dating Gravesend 32, 46, 47 Hoath 245 Sittingbourne 78–9, 86, 88 Southfleet 131–2 Ralph Diceto 160 Ramsgate, Ebbsfleet 307, 308 Randall, Alexander 340, 341 Randall, Edward 236, 239 Rannulfus, abbot 254, 257 Ravenna Cosmography 302 Reader, Henry 339 Reigate (Surrey), Cranston library 152 Relf, Mr 339 Reynolds, Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury 116 Richard I, Duke of Normandy 257 Rimes, James 330 ring-ditch, late Neolithic–early Bronze Age 84– 5, 92 Ringlemere, prehistoric activity 90–1, 92 Robert of Mortain 257, 258, 260, 262 Roberts, Emma 112 Robertson, Canon Scott 223 Robinson, Keith, ‘Sydracke Hilcus, designer of the king’s duck decoy in St James’ Park, London: subsequently builder of the Grovehurst decoy at Milton-next-Sittingbourne’ 328–34 Rochester bishop of see Gundulf cathedral, maps 231 Cathedral Priory 153, 154, 260, 261, 262 chattels list, C15 60 Rosman, Doreen, Canterbury: a History since 1500, the story of a city and its people, reviewed 346–9 Rowley, William 231 royal arms, Romney Marsh churches 4, 20 Roycroft, T. 330 Ruckinge, church of St Mary 19 Russell, Caroline see Holman, James, & Russell, Caroline Russell, Harriet 342n4 Russell, John 342n4 Russell, John Thomas 341–2 Rynge, William 66 Sacchetti, Franco 110 Saffery, John 336 Saghier, Richard 61 Saladin 169, 181 Salisbury (Wilts), cathedral 116–17, 117 Sandwich coin weight 336 Elizabeth Bowen on 292 Schnebbelie, Jacob, illustration by 100, 112, 113 Scolland 253–4, 260 Score, David see Hayden, Chris, Score, David, & Haines, Tim Scott, John 330 Scott, Samuel 114, 115 Scrope, Garvase 242n61 Seargeant, Thomas 332 Seddon, Guy see Gerrard, James, & Seddon, Guy Selling, William, Prior 212 Seymour, Charles 109 Shaw, S. 342 shellfish, medieval 208 Shepherdswell, coin weight 336 Shirland, Sir Geoffrey de 120n49 Shirland, Margaret, m. William Cheyne 100 Shirland, Sir Robert de legend 105–17 monument and career (illus) 97–101, 103, 115– 16 Shirland, Sir Roger de 101, 108 shoe, medieval 276, 277 Shurland, Ralph de 107 Sinclair, Valentine 323 Sittingbourne Grovehurst, duck decoy 330–3 The Meads, excavations background and location 73–5, 74 discussion 89–93 excavation evidence 74 Mesolithic 76 early–middle Neolithic 76–7, 76 late Neolithic–early Bronze Age 77–86, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85 mid–late Bronze Age 86–8, 87 later use of complex 88–9, 89 Milton Regis church of Holy Trinity 331, 332 Elkin/Hilkes family 331–2 Grovehurst estate 331 Slege, John 63 Sleyt family 103 Smith, William, maps by 219–24, 220–1, 224, 237 Smyth, John 66 Smythe, R. 110, 116 Snargate, church of St Dunstan, text boards 16, 17, 18, 19–20, 20 Somner, William 229–30, 238, 239 Southfleet, Pinden Quarry, excavations background and location 124–6, 125 discussion 143–9 excavation evidence 127 late Bronze Age 128–33, 129–30 late Iron Age/Romano-British 133–5, 134 medieval/post-medieval 135–6 excavation methodology 126–8 finds flint 136–9, 137–8 pottery 139–40 other 140 human bone 140–1 plant remains and charcoal 142 GENERAL INDEX 367 spearhead, Iron Age 36–7, 37 Speed, John, Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine 216, 229–30, 229, 237, 238 spike, eyed, Saxo-Norman 37 Spondon, William 61 spoon, medieval, wooden 276, 278 Stapeldon, Sir Richard de 103, 104 Stephens, J.B. 339 Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury 259 stone pine remains 248, 251 Stone-cum-Ebony, coin weight 336 Storey, Edward 329, 330 Stothard, Charles 99, 101, 102 Stour, River see Great Stour Stratford, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 162, 179 structured deposits late Neolithic–early Bronze Age 82 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 28–30, 39, 51–2, 52 see also termination deposit Stukeley, William 239 Sturry charter 306 depiction of 225 sunken featured buildings (illus) Gravesend 30–6, 48, 50–1 Monkton 191–3, 196, 201–2, 208 Suppo, Abbot 255, 257 Sylvester II (pope) 156, 178 Taylor, Iain, & Killingray, David, Sevenoaks 1790–1914. Risk and choice in West Kent, reviewed 349–50 Tenterden painters and sculptors 4 place-name 317 termination deposit, Saxo-Norman 34–5, 34, 35, 40–2, 41, 51, 52–3 text boards, Romney Marsh churches 1, 5 construction, framing and calligraphy 1–8, 2–3, 6, 7 content and interpretation 11–20, 18, 19, 20 discussion 20–1 liturgy, literacy and political context 8–11 Teynham, Deerton Street, coin hoard 337 Thanet, place-name 317–18 Thomas Becket, St, Archbishop of Canterbury murderers 169, 172, 181 shrine 172–4, 173, 183–4 thong, leather, medieval 270 Tillotson, John 232 timber fragments, medieval 268, 270, 283, 285 timber horseshoe monuments, late Neolithic– early Bronze Age 77–9, 79, 90–1, 93, 94 Tombelaine (France) 258 tool fragment, Saxo-Norman 37 trackways, late Iron Age/Romano-British 247, 249, 250, 251; see also droveway; hollow-way traction engine explosion 338–43 Turner, Mr 339 Turnour, John 67 Tyrell, Walter 181 Underwood (Underdown), Frank 339, 340, 341 Victuarii 318 villeins, status and lifestyle 206–13 Virle, Robert 61 Visconti, Bernarbò 110 Visconti, Giovanni Maria 110 Vortigern 314–15 Vynour, Thomas 61 Wainflete, William 61–3 Wake, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 9 Walmer Castle frontispiece Walpoole, George Augustus 107, 109 Wantsum Channel 310 Warehorne, church of St Matthew text boards 6, 6, 16, 17, 18 witch marks 18, 19 Water, John atte 66 Waterman, George 330 Watling Street 25, 51 Waynflete, Thomas 72n14 Waynflete, William 72n14 Webb, Mr 332 Wecta 314 Weever, John 99, 105 weights see coin weights; loom weights Welde, John 61 Welle, Thomas Atte 61 wells late Iron Age/Romano-British, Minnis Bay 266 medieval Minnis Bay (illus) 265–7 analysis 284 contents 266–8, 269–83 final years of research 286–7 Monkton 197–8 Welton (Lincs), estate map 242n61 Westbere, depiction of 225 Weston, Adrian 327 White, Edward, Archbishop of Canterbury 341 Whitehead, R.A. 340, 341 Wibert, Prior 216, 237 Wigan, Bernard and Mary 343n6 Wihtgisl 314, 318 Wihtred, King of Kent 318 Wilkes, James 232, 238 Willesborough see under Ashford William I 254, 255, 256–7, 258, 259–60, 262 William II 169, 181 William of Malmesbury 157 William of Poitiers 254 GENERAL INDEX 368 Williams, Cressida see Kent, Alexander J., Leach, Avril, Pratt, Simon, & Williams, Cressida Willock, Dr 323 Wilson, Jake, ‘Bronze Age enclosures and Saxo-Norman bakehouses: excavations at Coldharbour Road, Gravesend’ 23–57 Wilson, Tania, ‘A prehistoric monumental landscape at The Meads, Sittingbourne’ 73–96 witch marks 18, 19 Witta 314 Woden 314 Wrake, Thomas 235 Wulward, John 61


Notes on the Contributors


Preliminaries, Volume 143