Applications for Fieldwork and research grants
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Applications for the Ian Coulson Annual Bursary
Applications for Fieldwork and research grants
The Archaeology Research Group (Formerly the Fieldwork Committee) is happy to receive requests for grants for fieldwork and research in Kent. In view of the restricted funds at the Society’s disposal, it may be necessary to apportion available money for research among a number of applicants, resulting in each receiving less than the amount requested. Careful consideration will be given to the respective merits of each application.
Whilst every application will be given careful consideration, grants specifically to cover travel expenses, accommodation and non-specialists wages will not normally be considered.
It is a condition of granting any money for research that a summary of the results must be submitted promptly for publication in Archaeologia Cantiana, and the final report must be submitted without undue delay for inclusion in Archaeologia Cantiana or any other publication approved by the Council. The fulfilment or otherwise of this condition will influence consideration of any further applications for assistance.
Each application will be considered by the Archaeology Research Group, which will make recommendations to the board of Trustees. See the fieldwork grant form below.
Applications should be made to the Secretary of the ARG up to two weeks before an ARG meeting. Applications can be sent in at any time whereby the ARG will consider it at its next meeting; usually held in January, April and October.