Early Presentations to Kentish Benefices

( 64 ) EARLY PRESENTATIONS TO KENTISH BENEFICES. BY BEV. T. S. FBAMPTON, M.A. LETTERS of Presentation to Benefices from the Sovereign are of frequent occurrence throughout the Patent Eolls. They were generally given either by reason of the preferment being Crown patronage, or through a vacancy in the See, though there were other grounds for the exercise of the right. The Patent Eolls commence with the 3rd year of King John. Those for the 10th, 11th, and 12th years of his reign are unfortunately missing, which is all the more to be regretted by the student of Kentish Ecclesiastical History, as during the whole of that time the Temporalities of the See of Canterbury were in the King's hands, and he disposed of all preferments belonging to the Archbishop which happened to fall vacant. The Rolls for the 23rd and 24th years of King Henry III. are also missing. With these exceptions the series is complete throughout. The Patent Rolls for King John's reign were printed in verbal facsimile, and with admirable Indexes of Persons and Places, in the year 1835, under the direction of the Public Record Commissioners. Those for the reign of King Henry III. have not yet been so treated. The Presentations given below are valuable, as being earlier in date than any Institutions entered in the Registers of the Archbishops in Lambeth Palace Library, which commence with the accession of Archbishop Peckham in the year 1279. I t may be useful to Compilers of Lists of Incumbents to mention that there is in the Public Record Office a MS. Calendar of Presentations to Benefices in various dioceses, including those of Canterbury and Rochester from 1 Edw. I. to 24 Edw. III. The volume contains presentations to more than two hundred benefices in Kent, and is well worth examination. There are also some well-preserved Sede Vacante Registers among the Cathedral Archives at Canterbury, which, with the Calendar above mentioned, form a useful supplement to the better known Episcopal Registers. EAELY PBESENTATIONS TO KENTISH BENEFICES. 65 KING JOHN'S REIGN, 1199—1216. REFERENCE. Anno 3 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 9 9 14 15 m. 1. m. 6. m. 1. m. 2. m. 3. m. 4. m. 4. m. 6. m. 6. m. 3. m. 2. m, 2. m. 6. m. 5. m. 1. m. 7. PEESENTEE. S., Well. Archid's.1 Adam de Essex'. Adam de Essex'. W. de Wrotham,2 Archid. Tanton. Walter, de Cray,3 Cancellar'. Will, de Wroth., Archid. Tant'. Petrus de Cornhull'. Joh'es de Birmingeham. Will's, capellanus.6 W., Archid. Tanton'. Joh'es de Birmi ngeham, cap'llan. Hug., Archid. Well'. W., Archid. Totton'.8 Wuluinus, clericus Com. Flandr'. Sim. de Waltam. Bob. Alius Galfr'. Guido, ol'icus Begin, de Cornhull'. PEEFEEMENT. FAVERESHAM. Capella S. Joh. de STANES, in TANET. SMEEEDEN'. WAEDON, in Scapeia. Prebenda de MALLINGES. EST MALLING'.4 MILSTEDE. COLEED'. COLEED', perpetua Vicaria. KESTON'.6 EDESHAM, perpetua Vicaria.7 SALTEWUD'. BOFHTON', alias BOCTON'. COLEED'. S. Joh'is Bapt., in THANITO. MILDSTED'. LETTERS DIRECTED TO. D'n'm Cant. D'n'm Cant. Arch'd'o Cant. H., Arohid'o Cant. G, Boffens. Ep'o, et Tho. de Helham, Offic. Archiep. Cant. H., Archid. Cant., et Ep'o Boff. H., Archid. Cant. H., Archid. Cant. H , Archid. Cant. Dec. de Orbinton'. H., Arohid'o Cant. Tho. de Elham, Offlc. Archiep.Cant. Arohid'o Cant., et Thorn, de Elham. Arohid'o Cant., et Thorn, de Elham. Offic. Archiep'at. Cant. D'no S., Cant. Archiep'o.0 DATE. [17 Maii.] 29 Dec. 2 Deo. 13 Jan. 23 Jan. 6 Marc. [Marc] [21 Apr.] [21 Apr.] [Marc] [Marc] [Jun.] [Jul.] 14 Marc. 3 Nov. 1 Simon Fitz-Bobert, Archdeacon of Wells, was also Provost of Beverley. Hubert Walter was at this time Archbishop of Canterbury. 2 William de Wrotham was Archdeacon of Taunton in 1204, and in 1212. The Archdeacon of Canterbury at this time was Henry de Sandford, who was subsequently Bishop of Bochester. 3 He was Bishop of Worcester 1213-14, and translated to York in 1216. He died 1 May 1255. The prebend to which he was now jnresented had previously been held by Hen. de Baioois. 4 Lately held by Baldewin de Ginnes. 6 He was charged with an annual payment of ten marks to John de Birmingeham. 0 Lately held by Hen. de Baioc'. 7 The Charter Boll of 7 John, m. 8, contains the following entries about Adisham:— " J . D'i gra., etc. Sciatis nos-intuitu D'i ooncessisse, etc., H. de Well., Archid. Well., ecolesiam de Edesham cum capella de Staph, etc, vacantem et de donatione nostra existent. r'one Archiep'at. Cant, vacantis et in manu nostra existentis . . . . Apud Bixle xxj Julii." " J . D'i gra., etc. Sciatis nos intuitu D'i, et de consensu Hug. de Well., Archid. Well., persone ecclesie de Edesham, concessisse dilecto clerico nostro J. de Well, ecolesiam de Edesham, habend. et teneud. toto tempore vite sue cum capella de Staples et omnibus aliis pertin. suis in perpetuam vicariam sub annua pensione unius bisantii predicto H. Archid. ejusdem eccl. et successoribus suis persolvenda . . . . Apud Havering vij Aug." The same memb. contains the grant of the church of " Maydenestane " to Will, de Cornhull', and that of Tenham to Gaufr' de Booland. 8 Walter de Gray, Archdeacon of Totnes. 0 Stephen Langton, consecrated 17 June 1207. He did not receive the temporalities until 1213. TOIi. xx. F 66 EAELY PBESENTATIONS TO KENTISH BENEFICES. BEFEEENCE. Anno. 15 m. 5. 17 m. 14. 17 m. 6. PRESENTEE. Thorn, de Boues. Phil, de Langeb[er]ge. Luoas, capellanus. PREFERMENT. OSPEENG'.10 SAUTW'D. OSPRENG'. JJJiTTJSKS jy DIRECTED TO. D'no S., Cant. [Jan.] Archiep'o.9 D'no Cant. Ar- 18 Oct. chiep'o, et ejus Officialibus. Offic. Arohiep'i. 8 Marc. KING HENRY III.'s EEIGN, 1216—1272. 5 6 9 10 10 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 16 16 16 pt. 2. m. 6. m. 2. m. 7. m. 7. m. 6. m. 1. m. 12. m. 12. m. 12. m. 11. m. 10. m. 10. m. 1. m. 10. m. 10. m. 10. Adam Giffard. Fratres Hospitalis S. Marie, Dovor'. Prior et Monachi S. Andr., Bofl'ensis. Thorn, de Gillingham, clericus H. de Burgo. Joh's de Gillingham. Gileb[ertu]s Marescallus. Banu' Brito. Henr. de Bissopeston.2 Hamo. Band's le Bretun. Barthol. de Podio. Alanus Poinant, clericus H. de Burg., Com. Kano'. Phil.de Wigenhal, clericus H. de Burg'. Joh'es de Stowa. Oddo, nepos J., Tit. S. Praxedis Presb. Card. Petrus, fll. Petri Saraceni. BIKENOR'. SELLINGES. HEETLEP'. WARDON'. WARDON'.1 WlNGEHAM. BOCTON. SAUTWUD'. SAUTWUD, perpetua Vicaria. CHEEEING.3 SMEEEDENN S. MICH., ham. WARDON'. AUDINTON'. Pec- BISSOPESBUEN'. CEANEBROC' Archiep'o Cant. S., Cantuar. Arch. S., Cantuar. Arch. S. de Langeton, Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archiep'o Cant. Offic. Archid. Cant. Oflic Archid. Cant. Offic. Archid. Cant. 6 Marc. 24 Aug. [12 Feb.] [16 Marc] 4 Maii. 19 Sept. 31 Oct. INov. INov. [10 Dec] 10 Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 10 "Vacant by the resignation of Will, de Cornhull, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, who was consecrated Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 25 January 1214-15. He died 20 August 1223. (See Le Neve's Fasti, Edit. Hardy, vol. i., 546, and note 82.) Thomas de Boues had been appointed Archdeacon of Totnes 20 August 1213. 1 Vacant by resignation of Thomas de Gillingham, brother of John. • " Dominus Bex ad concessionem magistri Hamonis persone ecclesie de Sautwud' dedit magistro Henr. de Bissopeston' ecclesiam de Sautwud' vaoantem et ad donationem Eegis spectantem ratione Archiepiscopatus Cantuariensis vacantis, etc., percipiendo de ecclesia ilia nomine personatus annuam pensionem j Bisantii. Saluo predicto magistro Hamoni nomine perpetue vicarie toto residuo ejusdem ecclesie quoad vixerit. Et diriguntur litere Archid. Cant, quod ipsum magistrum Henricum ad eandem ecclesiam admittat, etc Teste Bege apud Abbend' j . die Nov." " Idem magister Hamo habet literas de presentatione ad vicariam ejusdem ecclesie vacantis, etc., percipiendo omnes proventus ejusdem ecclesie nomine perpetue vicarie excepta auuua pensiono, etc., ut supra." Two days later the King appointed Hen. de Bissopeston custos of the Bishopric of London, whioh had become vacant by the death of Eustace de Fauconberge. 3 Lately held by Stephen de Eketon. On the same day Ealph Brito, or le Bretun, was presented to a prebond in Sarum, also lately held by Stephen de Eketon. On 7 December he was presented to a prebond in S. Paul's, lately held by Philip de Fauounberg, Archdeacon of Huntingdon. EAELY PEESENTATIONS TO KENTISH BENEFICES. 67 EEFEI Anno, 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 EBNCE. m. 8. m. 8. m. 8. m. 7. m. 3. m. 1. m. 9. m. 8. m. 3. m. 2. m. 17. m. 17. m. 11. m. 9. m. 5. m. 2. pt. 1. m. 13. m. 9. m. 9. m. 8. m. 2. pt. 2. m. 4. m. 3. m. 3. m. 4. m. 4. m. 4. PEESENTEE. Bio's de S. Joh'e, capellanus H. de Burgo. Odo, nepos J. de Columpna. Hereb's de Essewell'. Bog. fil. Galfri., nepos mag. Bob. de S. A\- bano. Ernald. de Berkel'. Thomas de Shenefeld, phisicus domini Regis. Petrus de Muntgom- [er]y- Nich., nepos domini Pape. Will, de Crioil. Will, de Plesset'. Nich's de Berk., frater Ern. de Berkel'." Will, de Wymar'. Henr. de Secusia. Sampson de Saunford. Henr. de Caumbray. Joh'es le Maunsel. Jeremias de Caxton. Petrus de Bedinton. W., capellanus Begine. Walterus de Bradel'. Eob. de Shatindon, alias Sotindon. Walterus de Wautham, alias Waltham. Eic. fil. Petri le Peytevyn. Bad. de Neketon. Walter de Seleby. Simon de Offeham, capellanus domini Eegis. Patricius de Karl'. PREFERMENT. ARCHIDIACONATUS CANT. BUEN'. ElTHAM. WARDON'. S.PETRI, Dovor'. WICTEIKESHAM. EYNEFORD'.4 EYNEFORD'.6 WUDETON'. EYNEFORD.' S.PETRI, Dovor'. HERBAUDON'. MONEKESTON'. WUDETON'. SEUENHAK'. MAIDENESTAN. GODMERESHAM. OSPRING'. IUICHIECH. IUECHIECH. MERSCHAM.7 PARVA CHERT. IWAD'. OTTEFORD. WUDETON'.8 SHORHAM. ' SUNDRESCH'. LETTERS DIRECTED TO. Omnibus. Offic. Archid. Cant. Offic Arohid. Cant. Offic Archid. Cant. Offic. Archid. Cant. Offic Archid. Cant. Offic Archid. Cant. Offic. Archid. Cant. Offic. Arohid. Cant. Offic. Archid. Cant. Offic. Archid. Cant. Arohid. Cant. S., Archid. Cant. Decano de Sorham, et Arohid'o Cantuar. S. de Langeton, Arohid'o Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. S., Archid. Cantuar. Decano de Shorham. Decano de Shorham. DATE. 28 Jan. 6 Feb. 20 Feb. [18 Marc] [28 Julii.] 14 Oct. [23 Nov.] 15 Deo. [6 Aug.] [16 Sept.] [2 Nov.] [23 Dec] 5 Deo. [22 Jan.] [18 Julii.] [10 Oct.] 17 Nov. 28 Feb. 2 Marc. 13 Marc. [6 Maii.] 16 Julii. 14 Julii. 18 Aug. 15 Dec. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 4 "Vacant by the resignation of Hen. de Cundicot. 5 On 11 July a mandate issued to the Official of the Archdeacon of Canterbury to induct Bonacursus, son of Engleski, and Amery Cose, or one of them, the nuncii of Nicholas, the Pope's nephew, into the church of Eyneford, in his name. 6 On the resignation of his brother, who, on 28 January, was presented to " Aldermannescherch." 7 Vacant by resignation of Ealph de Noers. 8 " Bex concessit et quantum ad ipsum pertinet dedit Waltero de Seleby clerico duas marcas annui beneficii in Ecclesia de Wudeton' vacantis, et ad donationem Eegis spectantis ratione Arch. Cantuar. vacantis et in manu Eegis existentis. Et mandatum est magistro S., Archid. Cantuar. quatinus clericum ipsum per proouratorem suum in corporalem possessionem ejusdem beneficii inducat." F 2 6 8 EAELY PBESENTATIONS TO KENTISH BENEFICES. EEFERENCE. .ft imo. 27 27 27 27 m. 3. m. 3. m. 3. m. 2. 27 No. 38.° 27 27 27 27 27 29 30 32 36 36 38 39 40 48 49 49 51 51 52 53 m. 10. m. 10. m. 10. m. 9. m. 6. m. 2. m. 8. m. 5. m. 12. m. 15. m. 15. m. 4. m. 14. m. 2. m. 4. m. 24. m. 9. m. 23. m. 13. m. 11. m. 16. PRESENTEE. Gwido de la Palude. Ph's de Sabaudia. Patricius de Karl'. Edwardus de Westm'. Osbertus de Maidenestan, capell. domini Eegis. Ph's de Sabaud'. Gwido de la Palude. Gwido de la Palude. Gwido de Bussihin. Ph's de Sabaudia. Huldricus de Hoye. Hen. de Wingeham. Hen. de Wengham. Hen. de Wengham. Simon de Offam, capellanus domini Eegis.12 Hen. de Wengham. Gilbertus, fil. Alex'. Eic. de Wengham. Galfrid. de Haspal. Thorn, de Childen'. Alex, de la Knolle,14 Will, de Wytham. Eic. de Clifford. Bogerus de Croft. Walterus de Eudmerl. PREFERMENT. NEWECHRICHE. BACOLUE. SUNDRES'. BlNEDEN. ESTCHVECH'. BACOLUE. SALTWUDE. LAMHETH', et Neuchirch. WROTHAM, WINGHAM. ELHAM.10 HELHAM.11 MILSTED. HEDECEUME. PECHAM. MlLDESTED. MILDESTED.13 Ecclesia CASTRI DOVOR'. TONGES. HEEIETESHAM. KlNGESTON. PEKEHAM. PEKHAM. PECHAM. GRAVESEND. LETTERS DIRECTED TO. S. de Langeton, Archid. Cant. S., Archid. Cantuar. Archid. Cant. Archid. Cant. S., Archid'o Cant. S., Archid'o Cant. S., Archid'o Cant. S., Arohid'o Cant. S., Archid'o Cant. S., Arohid'o Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Offic. B„ Archiep'i Cantuar. H. de Mortuo Mari, Offic. B., Arohiep'i Cantuar. Offic. Cant. Archiep'i. Offic. Cant. Archiep'i. L., Boffens. Ep'o. B., Cantuar. Archiep'o. OHio. B., Cantuar. Archiep'i. Const. Castri Dovor'. B., Cantuar. Archiep'o. Archiep'o Cant., vel ejus Offic. B., Cantuar. Archiep'o. Ep'o Eoff. Ep'o Eoff. Ep'o Eoff, L , Ep'o Eoff. DATE. 13 Maii. [19 Julii.] [23 Julii.] [29 Julii.] [24 Maii.] 27 Maii. 27 Maii. 12 Junii. 3 Julii. 27 Sept. 11 Marc. [20 Apr.] [25 Dec] [17 Dec] [20 Dec] [2 Feb.] [14 Feb.] 2 Oot. 4 Sept. 26 Jan. [24 Aug.] [26 Marc] [30 Junii.] [4 Julii.] 4 Maii. 9 This is now numbered among the Charter Eolls. 10 Vacant "per mortem Magistri G., quondam persono ejusdem ecolesie, et ad donationem Eegis spectantem ratione terrarum que fuerunt A. comitisse Aug. in manu Eegis existontium." 11 Vacant " per mortem rectoris ejusdem ecclesie, qui nuper obiit in partibus transmarinis." There appear to have been two clerics named Hen. de Wengham living at tho same time One, who was Chancellor of Exeter in 1258-9, Dean of S. Martin's, London, Chancellor of England, and consecrated Bishop of London 15 February 1259-60, died on 13 July 1262. The other, who was Archdeacon of Middlesex in 1266-7, died on 23 October 1267. 12 Ho had a second presentation to the same church on 3 February following. 13 Vacant by the resignation of Hen. de Wengham. 14 After the battle of Lewes the King, while in the power of Simon de Montfort, had unwillingly presented John, the nephew of W., prior of S. Eadegund's; that presentation he now revoked. EAELY PRESENTATIONS TO KENTISH BENEFICES. 69 REFERENCE. PRESENTEE. Anno. 54 m. 4. Bad. de ffreningham. 54 m. 5. Will, de ffrauncheleynes. 55 m. 27. Bio. de Sarum. 55 m. 26. Egidius de Audenard. 55 m. 20. Simon fil. Johannis.15 55 in. 16. Thidisius de Camilla. 55 m. 16. Galfridus Noreman. 55 m. 16. Eogerus de S. Albano. 55 m. 10. Galfr. Norman.17 55 m. 6. Beymundus de Bonisvill. 56 m. 30. Will, de Wintreshull. 56 m. 29. Thedisius de Camill'. 56 m. 29. Thedisius de Camill'. 56 m. 26. Petrus de Abezun. 56 m. 8. Laurencius de Line'. 56 m. 5. Walterus de Chilecumbe. 56 m. 2. Milo de Lillengestan. 57 m. 2. Oto de Chaumpuent. PREFERMENT. ESHE. CEANEBROK. MIDEL'. BOTON. Capellania CASTRI DOVOR'. WENGHAM. MILDELE.16 NEWENTON. Capellania in Capella CASTRI BOFFENSIS. ALDINGTON. CHYVENING. ESSE.18 WENGHAM. CERRING.19 S. Jacobi, DOVOR'. PARVA CHEET. TlLEMERSTON. PENEOESTHE. LETTERS DIRECTED TO. Hug. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. Custodi Archiep'atus. H. de Mortuo Mari, Aroh. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Arch. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Arch. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Arch. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Arch. Cant. Archid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Arohid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. H. de Mortuo Mari, Archid. Cant. DATE. 8 Aug. [2 Sept.] 4 Dec. [8 Dec] 15 Feb. 20 Apr. 22 Apr. 24 Apr. 20 Julii. [12 Aug.] [3 Nov.] 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 7 Jan. [5 Julii.] [6 Aug.] [20 Oct.] 30 Oct. INCIDENTAL MENTION OF KENTISH CLERGY IN THE PATENT BOLLS OF HENRY III. MENTIONED AS. Vicar of Tenham. Vicar of Wrotham, " parsona de Eselhig." " parsona de Netlested." " Capellanus in Capella S. Thorn. Martiris de Sidigburn." REFERENCE. Anno. 14 pt. 2. m. 5. 26 pt. 1. m. 13. 40 m.


The Kentish Family of Lovelace, No. II


On the Old Rectory at Northfleet