Romano-British Watermills
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The Re-excavation of the Roman 'Villa' at Wingham
The Amherst Brooch
Romano-British Watermills
Watermills, by their very nature, are associated with one of the most
violent factors of land form evolution, namely water-power. Rivers
and streams are the chief agents in the excavation of valleys, and their
powers of erosion and transportation are manifest in the everchanging
interface of land and water. If the landscape was viewed
from a historic time-lapse the water-margins, especially of the rivers,
would exhibit most rapid moving land surfaces. River profiles,
gradients and courses are restless under the interacting influences of
erosion and deposition. It is ironic that the natural force, which
watermills harness for man, is the instrument of their preservation or
Watermills, probably more than any other building on the early
landscape, have suffered most from the forces of nature. Even
bridges, although subject to the same forces, have the singular
advantage of their position usually being known to the archaeologist.
Ancient roads do not move; rivers do. What other type of abandoned
building within a valley could be obliterated by the downstream
migration of incipient meanders or other manifestations of river flow?
One wonders whether, in the study of Roman watermills, British
archaeology is at any disadvantage in having a landscape of damp
climate and abundant rain, about half of which finds its way to the
sea. The Roman countryside of forested and soil-mantled slopes has,
in the centuries following, suffered from increasing rates of denudation
and intensive agricultural activities. Elsewhere in the Empire
buildings, among them watermills, still stand in undisturbed Roman
landscapes. However, if we have the disadvantage of climate, it is
more than offset by our advances in archaeology.
In order successfully to study ancient watermills, there must be a
fruitful reciprocal relationship between the archaeologist and engineering
historian. The study of mechanical and hydraulic properties
inherent in historic watermill structures and arrangements cannot be
facilitated without the primary material provided by the archaeologist.
An analogous relationship occurs in our understanding of the
making of the landscape, where the historians' studies spring from
the geologists' work. So, too, must the engineer depend upon the
archaeologist for earth-born historical studies. This is especially true
of Roman studies.
But the archaeologist should recognize additional problems germane
to watermills. He must be familiar with evolutionary studies of
drainage systems and have an understanding of the physical arrangements
of watermills, their effect on the landscape and relationship
with associated water-courses. The archaeologist will, with advantage
to an increased body of knowledge, respect the inter-disciplinary
division of responsibilities. The interpretation of the primary evidence
for the purposes of engineering analysis, is the prerogative of
the engineer.
At the turn of the last century, when Bennett and Elton were busy
producing their impressive study concerning the history of corn
milling,1 Romano-British watermill sites were unknown in these
islands. Apart from a dubious suggestion by an eighteenth-century
historian, that a conduit discovered at Knott Mill near Manchester,
may have been the race of a Roman watermill,2 no archaeological
evidence had been identified to support their existence. Many
millstones were being discovered in Roman contexts and horizons
throughout the nineteenth century, but these were rarely recorded
and invariably cast aside and often lost, many museum specimens
being unprovenanced. Querns were even more common as a staple
artefact of most domestic, military and industrial sites.3 Unfortunately,
the identification of millstones and querns has always caused
problems for the archaeologists, and still does, especially when
fragmented and degraded.4 Perhaps understandably then these artefacts
are largely ignored in site reports, lost among the volumes of
minutiae devoted to the drawings and identification of sherds and
other artefacts. The difficulties of interpreting milling artefacts
together with a lack of understanding of associated hydraulic and
1 R. Bennett and J. Elton, History of Corn Milling, 4 vols, (1898-1904).
2 Whitaker, History of Manchester, ii (1771), 216.
3 It has been estimated that there are from eight to ten thousand pre-Saxon querns
in the north of England alone. Adam T. Welfare, post-graduate research student,
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in correspondence with the author.
4 In this context the word degradation means the mechanical detrition by man
involving the obliteration in part or whole of the original stone by subsequent,
different functions, e.g. rotary milling-reciprocating milling-whetting.
5 Antipater of Thessalonika, Pliny the Elder, Procopius, Strabo, Vitruvius, etc.
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Chesters Bridge Ktstaeu.
Fig. 1. Chesters Bridge.
mechanical technologies have inevitably retarded studies of watermills
in the Roman landscape.
Victorian archaeologists were well aware that the Romans employed
watermills; this was attested by the often quoted classical
writers5 and the wealth of codes and edicts associated with Roman
law which mentioned watermills.6
In 1860 Clayton, excavating the eastern abutment of the Roman
bridge just south of Chollerford Bridge, near Chesters fort, discovered
a millrace and millstones associated with the tower (Fig. I).7
During this and other work on the site in the 1860s the evidence was
not identified as a possible watermill.8 At Chesters bridge the
generation of waterpower was facilitated by a stone-lined watercourse
passing through the base of the tower (Fig. 2). The source of
this water must surely have been the North Tyne, which now flows
6 Far too numerous to mention here. As an introduction see O. Wikander,
'Water-Mills in ancient Rome', Opuscula romana, xii, 2 (1979).
7 J. Clayton, 'The Roman Bridge of Cilurnum', AA2, vi (1861), 80-5.
8 AA2, vi (1865), 86; J.C. Bruce, Roman Wall, (1867), 148.
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