General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Angl°"'Saxon; BA. Bronze Age; IA. Iron Age; Med .• Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R .. Roman; RB, Romano-British Acol. 189 Adams, T., 203 Aldington, 211 Allan, J., 205 Allen, P.R., Cranbrook: The Classics Controversy, 199-207 Ambrose. J., 112 Amcotts, Lady. 122 ff. M., 126 Sir H., 120 ff. V., 126 Amherst, R., 11 ff. Ampulla, Med., 269. 272 Anderson, I., Cemetery Gate, St. Augustine's Abbey, 238-9 Crunda/e Limework!, 242-3 Angl°"'5axon, Burial. 53 Cemetery, 57-8 Church, 233, 243-5 Pottery, 233 Anjou, M. of, 212 Anthony, J., 115 ff. Appledore, 100. 103 ff. Arden, T., 117 Arras (France), Congress of. 212 Arrowhead, BA. 272 Arundel (Sussex). 139 Archbishop, 211 Ascelin, Bishop, 165 Ashford, 89. 173 ff., 209, 217, 223 Aucher, faro., 101 Auncell, E., 116, 121, 128 S., 114 Aylesbury (Bucks.), 211 Aylcsford, 266 Bacchus, D .• Rochester Cathedral, South Door Porch Excavations. 257--61 Bacton (Norr.), 68 Bagharns Cross, 174 ff. Baker, C., 275-




Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1984