Further Investigation of the Acheulian Site at Cuxton

FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF THE ACHEULIAN SITE AT CUXTON R.J. CRUSE With contributions from D.R. Bridgland, P. Callow, A.P. Currant, R.N.L.B. Hubbard, N.C. Debenham and S.G.E. Bowman 1. SYNOPSIS Rescue excavations in 1984 at the well-known Palaeolithic site at Cuxton showed that the deposits were more complex than those accessible in the 1962-63 excavations. Under the hand-axe-rich gravels another assemblage with retouched flake artefacts but lacking hand-axes was found. Both assemblages were redeposited and had been incorporated in gravels tentatively linked to the Kempton Park gravels of the Middle Thames. The gravel was overlaid with redeposited loam, whose fine silt component has been dated by thermoluminescence to greater than 100,000 years bp. Fauna! and pollen evidence from this important site has also been examined. 2. INTRODUCTION In February and March 1984, the Maidstone Area Archaeological Group carried out a limited excavation in advance of the construction of a drive at no. 15 Rochester Road, Cuxton (N.G.R. TQ 71126655). The original objective was to seek further evidence of Roman burials associated with the inhumation found i n the adjacent garden in 19621 and also to investigate whether the nearby Acheulian site2 extended eastwards from the Rectory across the A228 road. 1 P.J. Tester, 'A decapitated Burial at Cuxton', Arch. Cant., lxxviii (1963), 182. 2 P.J. Tester, 'An Acheulian Site at Cuxton', Arch. Cant., lxxx (1965), 30. 39 -- '\ RECTORY \SITE \ \ \ \ R.J. CRUSE ' '\ \ \ Fi g. 1. Location Maps. B􀀑Tre;"'h y f􀀄net, 􀀝 A 􀀂 ,,,,.- - *Roman Burial ,UC 10 88 An area of 7 sq. m. was examined without finding evidence of further Roman activity. However, the second objective was amply realised when a hand-axe was found in a stratified context in the first day's excavation. At this point, the present writer was invited to progress the investigation of the palaeolithic deposits. From a brief review of the literature, it was clear that Peter Tester's 1962-63 excavations had firmly established the importance of the site to palaeolithic studies and that the major objective should be to obtain as much independent evidence as possible on the formation and characteristics of the gravel deposit and its associated artefacts. 3 3 D.A. Roe, The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Periods in Britain, London, 1970. 40 ...... 0 m•trN No 15 INVESTIGATION OF THE ACHEULIAN SITE AT CUXTON 3. EXCAVATION The area investigated is shown in Fig. 1. Trench 1 extended from the roadside path to the garden hedge (area BXY). When the topsoil was removed, it was apparent that the gravel deposits were best preserved in the south-east comer, where they were furthest from the garden path and from the disturbance associated with the 1921 widening of the main road. 4 A succession of gravel layers was encountered, which were distinguished by changes in their physical and component char:;tcteristics (Fig. 2.1 and Table 1). Each gravel layer was carefully trowelled and all potentially worked flint was collected for postexcavation study. The position of each hand-axe and of organic fragments was recorded. Sample areas of the finer gravels were sieved, without yielding any additional flintwork. As trench 1 deepened, its width was rationalised to 0.80 m., following the southern section. A sondage at the western limit established the position of the underlying frost-shattered chalk. Trench 2 was 2 m. wide and continued from the hedge into the garden (Area AXY). It was soon apparent that considerable quantities of the upper gravels had been removed. Layers 10 to 14 only survived in the west-north-west corner. Layer 9 was better preserved in the northern section, but was increasingly severely disturbed towards the south and east. Excavation was, therefore, restricted to a 1.50 m. trench in the northern area against the hedge (XY) and this continued down to the chalky debris. On the final day, the baulk (XY) was excavated down to Layer 8. The exposed profiles were examined by Dr D.R. Bridgland. Drawings of the main section AXB (Fig. 2.1) and of the baulk (Fig. 2.2) were prepared with his assistance. The trenches were then backfilled and the drive was constructed. In demolishing his workshop to construct a garage, Mr Cogger found an Acheulian hand-axe built into the wall ( confirming modem gravel extraction from the garden). A further hand-axe was found c. 1.50 m. below the ground surface when Mr Cogger dug a garage pit. Both these axes, together with four unstratified hand-axes found by Mr Cogger in 1983 when planting rose bushes in the front garden, had the characteristic 'hard limey deposit' previously observed upon the 1962-63 artefacts and upon some of the axes from the upper gravels in Trench 1. 5 The 1984 excavations yielded c. 20 cu. m. of stratified gravel 4 D. Church, Cuxton, a Kentish Village, Sheerness, 1976, 96. 5 As they appear to be derived from similar contexts, these unstratified axes are labelled 12 ? in Table 3.1. 41 A KEY +>- N ., C> .. Gravel Q Flint 666 6 il. Chalk ... Sand 􀀆~ Clay •• Bone • Axe ..... -,. Fault RJC 84 Projected 2 1 Not Excavated 1m Fig. 2.1. Section AXB (South-west Face). B ft m 17 16 5 15 14 45 OD INVESTIGATION OF THE ACHEULIAN SITE AT CUXTON deposits, which contained 220 artefacts, including 9 hand-axes and 23 flake tools. The hand-axes were restricted to the upper gravel levels, which contained between 5 and 25 artefacts/cu. m. This is modest by 1962-63 excavation standards, where the gravel yielded over 200 artefacts/cu.m. The highest stratified concentration found in 1984 was in the lower gravel layers 3 and 4 which yielded c. 75 artefacts/cu.m. (Table 3.1). TABLE I Description of Layers 15 Top soil/disturbed. 14 Redeposited eolian sand with some silt. 13 Unbedded, grey sandy gravel. 12 Bedded, fine chalky gravel. 11 Unbedded, very coarse dark gravel. 10 Unbedded, coarse gravel. 9 Planar bedded, sandy gravel with medium coarse chalky layers and fine sandy lenses. 8 Cross stratified yellow sand. 7 Planar bedded gravel, partially clast-supported. 6 Cross bedded, gravelly sand with foresets. 5 Dark fine gravel, partially clast-supported. 4 Orange-yellow, very coarse, slightly clayey gravel. 3 Grey very clayed sand. 2 Clean yellow sand with some clay lenses. 1 Chalk rubble (presumed upper surface of chalk). 4. SPECIALIST INVESTIGATIONS 4.1 Analysis of the Gravel Deposits Gravel Characteristics (Figs. 2.1 and 2.2) (D.R. Bridgland) Although the limited extent of the excavation did not permit a comprehensive assessment of the sediinents, the available sections indicated a considerable preponderance of the gravel, often extremely coarse, over sand. They gave every indication of similarity to the assemblage of sedimentary types of Shakespeare Farm Pit, Allhallows,6 and thus can probably also be attributed to a braided 6 D.R. Bridgland and P. Harding, 'Palaeolithic Artifacts from the Gravels of the Hoo Peninsula', Arch. Cant., ci (1984), 41. 43 R.J. CRUSE X 1m Fig. 2.2. Section XY (from Trench 2). 44 y 17m 16m 15m RJC 84 INVESTIGATION OF THE ACHEULIAN SITE AT CUXTON fluvial environment, laid down during a Pleistocene periglacial episode. It is likely that both the clast-supported and matrix-supported gravels seen at Cuxton have resulted from deposition on longitudinal bars and as channel 'lags'. Most of the small, thin sand lenses were either cross-stratified or ripple-laminated. The thick sand bed (layer 2) near the base of the sequence, showed little sign of stratification other than a few clay partings and lenses of very clayey sand, which may represent a waning flood event. At its base this sand clearly overlies a 'lag' deposit (layer 1). Palaeocurrent measurements were possible from the two main cross-bedded sand layers 6 and 8. The former indicated flow towards 043° (mean of 2 readings) and the latter toward 346° (mean of 3 readings). Given the very low number of measurements, these palaeocurrent records are in keeping with deposition by the main river. A single fault was observed in the section, with a downthrow towards the south-east, which may suggest a partial collapse of the deposits towards the centre of the contemporary Medway channel. On chalk, however, such structures are commonly caused by solution of the underlying bedrock surface. The length of time represented by the depositional sequence is clearly important. Although each of the gravel units within the sequence probably represents a single flood event, each was truncated by later flood events with varying amounts of erosion of its upper levels. The erosion of layer 6, prior to the deposition of layer 7, was very clear. It is impossible to quantify the extent to which these units have been eroded and reworked by later floods, or the length of any periods of quiescence between flood events, for which there is no record in the sedimentary sequence. The time interval represented by the aggradation of the Cuxton deposits cannot, therefore, be estimated. If the amounts of erosion were modest, it is possible that the deposits could have accumulated in a few years. Clast Lithology The composition of the Cuxton gravels has been analysed and compared with samples from elsewhere in the Medway basin: from Stoke (N.G.R. TQ 822748) on the Hoo peninsula, from Aylesford (N.G.R. TQ 726597), where Medway gravel overlies Folkestone Beds and from Lower Hayesden, near Tonbridge (N.G.R. TQ 563459) (Table 2.1). The last of these sites overlies Weald Clay, but is only 2 km. downstream of the Hasting Beds outcrop. As the Aylesford and Cuxton samples contain a high proportion of nondurable calcareous clasts (predominantly 􀁘entish Ragstone and 45 TABLE 􀀈-1 Terrace grai·el composition in i·arious pans of the Medway ,,alley total sample excluding calcarceous Lower Hayesden Aylesford Cuxton Stoke Aylesford Cuxton unit unit unit unit Provenance Lithology 1 2 l 2 9 7 IA lB 1 2 9 7 Central Weak H.B. sst. 32.2 37.8 0.5 3.1 5.9 0.2 0.5 0.7 7.7 7.0 H.B. sit. 20.2 18.3 1.0 0.3 2.7 0.2 1.4 0.9 3.2 H.B. iron. 23.9 25.4 1.0 1.7 0.3 4.8 0.6 0.5 2.0 2.5 0.9 5.6 clay/iron 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.8 TOTAL 76.3 81.8 1.0 3.4 4.5 14.1 0.9 0.9 2.0 5.0 11.1 16.6 Lower dense cht. 2.7 2.1 12.7 13.3 6.3 10.7 11.8 8.9 24.7 19.7 15.4 12.6 Greensand porous cbt. 3.1 4.4 7.7 5.2 6.3 15.6 8.2 5.6 14.9 7.7 15.4 18.5 wea. chert 4.4 0.8 7.7 8.1 1.4 2.7 5.7 3.1 14.9 12.0 3.4 3.2 sst/chert 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.9 sil. sst. 0.2 0.3 0.2 1.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.3 ironstone 0.7 0.2 0.8 ragsrone 45.2 26.6 1.0 0.9 wea. rag. 1.0 4.8 0.5 ca/c. sst. 1.7 1.2 0.7 TOTAL 11.0 7.5 76.0 59.4 16.1 32.2 25.9 18. l 16.l 32.2 35.0 36.6 Chalk n. Tert. fit. 7.3 escarpment Tert. flint 5.2 dipslope TOTAL FLINT 12.5 Chalk Exotic Pal. chert metaqutzt. Non Secific ironstone TOTAL COUNT 481 Notes: 16-32mm size range counted. 3.9 21.0 31.8 6.9 0.2 2.7 10.8 21.2 34.4 0.7 0.2 0.2 1.0 2.6 389 575 421 18.2 35.4 42.6 53.8 41.0 47.2 44.4 41.9 3.8 4.1 30.0 27.2 0.3 3.9 9.4 4.8 22.0 39.5 72.6 81.0 41.4 51.1 53.8 46.8 57.3 14.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.2 2.0 3.9 1.7 286 441 636 426 295 284 117 372 Abbreviations - H.B. = Hastings Beds; sst. = sandstone; sit. = siltstone; iron. = ironstone; cht. = chert; wea. = weathered; sil. = siliceous; rag. = ragstone; calc. = clacareous; n. Tert. = non-Tertiary; flt. = flint; Tert. = Tertiary; Pal. = Palaeozoic; metaqutzl. = metaquartzite. sst./chert = cherty sandstone/sandy chert R.J. CRUSE Chalk), material which rapidly disappears from the gravels downstream of its source outcrops, data are also presented for these sites which exclude this non-durable material. The presence of substantial quantities of material from the Central Weald and the Lower Greensand in the Cuxton samples provides a strong argument in favour of a mainstream Medway origin. The upstream component of the gravels would be expected to become progressively less common with distance downstream as a result of dilution by rock types from the lower reaches of the Medway valley. This is evident from the Lower Greensand component, which decreases between Aylesford and Cuxton. In the durable fraction, however, this decrease is rather less than might be expected, since considerable quantities of flint ought to have been added to the river's bed load as it passed through the gap in the North Downs. A probable reason for this is that, although it is upstream of the North Downs Chalk outcrop, the Aylesford gravel already reflects the input of flint from tributary valleys flowing in the Gault Vale, along the southern side of the escarpment. The increase in Hastings Beds content between Aylesford and Cuxton is somewhat surprising, as this material is typically soft and friable and would be expected to dwindle rapidly downstream. This may be a consequence of qifferent erosion and transport regimes in the Medway when the two types of gravel were deposited, as exact contemporaneity between the three sites has not been established. The substantial incorporation of chalk in the Cuxton gravel is noteworthy, as this material rarely survives more than a few kilometres downstream from its source.7 Not surprisingly, there is a marked decrease in the amount of Lower Greensand and especially, Hastings Beds material between Cuxton and Stoke, particularly when the non-durable are excluded from the Cuxton data. Discussion The composition of the Cuxton gravel in comparison with deposits both upstream and downstream in the Medway valley, supported by the evidence from palaeocurrent measurements and the thickening at the deposits towards the modern river channel, strongly suggests that the main river was responsible for its deposition. The suggestion by Zeuner& that the deposits were indicative of a small tributary stream cannot therefore be supported. A most important consideration is the relationship of the Cuxton 7 D.R. Bridgland, 'The rudaceous Components of the East Sussex Gravels', Quaternary Studies, 2 (1986), 34-44. 8 Tester, op. cit. in n. 2, 34. 48 Rectory 19 s􀁏te 16 15 14 13 12 11 mOD Q 1,0 1s9it84e - - ..... ...... -...,. ' ' ' • CHALK V GRAVEL 2p 3,0m ' ' vA v Handaxes •: Other artefacts ' SANb, -,;: ' ' .... ' ' ' ' 􀁐 \.-Original . Profile? .... \ \ \ Rail􀁑y Cuttin􀁒 RJC 86 Fig. 2.3. North-west-outh-east Section across Terrace. ---- ' -- - --. - ' R.J. CRUSE gravel, with its Acheulian implements, to the Pleistocene succession in the Medway basin and its links with the Thames sequence. The occurrence of this impressive Acheulian industry at a lower (and therefore younger) position in the Medway valley than that occupied by the comparable site at Swanscombe in the Thames valley has been a problem since the Cuxton site was first discovered. The discovery at Shakespeare Farm Pit, Allhallows, of comparable pointed hand-axes in the higher (and therefore presumably older) Shakespeare gravel9 underlines the difficulty with the Cuxton occurrence (Fig. 3.1). The most recent work upon the correlation of the lower Medway terraces with those of the Thamesll>--1:l has traced the terrace aggradations downstream in each valley to the confluence area between the Hoo Peninsula and Southend. These elevation studies indicate that the Cuxton deposits are most likely to be an upstream extension of the Binney Gravel (Fig. 3.1), which is correlated with the Kempton Park Gravel in the Thames valley (Fig. 3.2). A mid-Devensian age is, therefore, indicated. The occurrence of well-preserved and abundant Acheulian artefacts in gravel low down in the Medway terrace sequence at Cuxton remains a problem, as hand-axes are not abundant in the Kempton Park Gravel and when found are normally rolled and very obviously derived. Tester suggested13 that Cuxton represented a low sea-level phase within the '100 ft.' aggradation peri•od (comparable with that cited by King and Oakley to explain the Clactonian gravel at Little Thurrock), 10 as he wished to retain a close chronological link between the typologically similar Middle Acheulian industries. There is little geological evidence for such a drastic and short-lived rejuvenation interval and palaeolith typology would rarely be claimed these days to be sufficient grounds for proposing such disruption to conventional terrace stratigraphy. Perhaps the most plausible explanation is that the Cuxton artefacts were formerly contained in earlier fine-grained deposits, which preserved them in near mint condition and they were then incorporated by reworking into the Binney Gravel. This hypothetical early deposit must have been situated very close to the present Cuxton site, as most of the material has experienced very little transport. It may well have been entirely eroded away. 9 Bridgland and Harding, op. ciJ., 52. 10 W.B.R. King and K.P. Oakley, 'The Pleistocene Succession in the lower Parts of the Thames Valley', PPS, i (1936), 52-76. 11 Bridgland and Harding, op. ciJ., 52 and Fig. 3. 12 D.R. Bridgland, The quaternary fluvial Deposits of north Kent and east Essex, ungublished Ph.D. thesis, City of London Polytechnic, 1983. 3 Tester, op. cit. in n. 2, 43. 50 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 􀀎80 ...... E70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.0. 􀀏 ui Q) .c 0 0 a: ···C·o··b·h·a·m Park Wouldham rw:1 · · co;,;;a;,; PBr!c Gravel Lodge Hill ·Windmill Inn High Northward Hm 􀂦•••·•••Halstow. 􀂧? m.􀀐 ,Hlgh Hi,i$,0W Grav6t Clinch s· ... .. ;;;:· .... _Chnch Street treet Grave/ ;;.􀀇•. • •• •• Tower Hill ..... .., .... •. St Mary-Hoo I Newf􀂨􀂩d·;;,,-rm􀂪 .. ........ Oegenhamfarm ? Fnndsbury O O .Gillingham O 00Hooooooo Cold Arbour Turke"y Hall ·:;.;􀂫•: Dagenham Farm Gravel %:? 􀀑 wJ T,le Barn .,._. • • m···········;f􀀑flt.'1.r:,, ···· ····s,;.;,l-;,,·······•· .. ····•· ... {f. Fnfilii2ury ... ···• •··•• • •• NewhaJJ _-,:J:;.!􀂬 Slough '/UJBre Gra11el 􀀋---w;;􀀌;,􀀍_􀀎:1f􀀤 :􀀥:::::::::::::􀀦􀀧;􀀨􀀩;i􀀪;;􀀫􀀬;;􀀭:􀀮;,;;􀀯􀀰::'.􀀱"···· 0 km 5 Fig. 3.1. Long Profile of Lower Medway Terraces (modified from note 6, Fig. 3). INVESTIGATION OF nm ACHEULIAN SITE AT CUXTON SMOIJB41f\f MOlSleH 461H Ii􀀇 S I• 5 Ii' g, 􀀈lt R.J. CRUSE 4.2 Analysis of the 'Sandy Loam' (R.J. Cruse) Particle size analysis was carried out by Dr J.A. Catt upon samples from layer 14 and from the loam exposed in the rectory garden (Table 2.2). He considered layer 14 to be a very well sorted fine sand, with only traces of clay, silt or coarse sand and interpreted it to be a windblown sand. Although the analysis of the rectory sample has a peak at the same particle dimensions as layer 14, it is less well sorted, with more silt, clay and coarse sand. Dr Catt suggests that this may be the re$ult of an eolian sand being mixed with some loess. As layer 14 was only vestigial, the rectory sample is probably more representative. In his 1962-63 excavations, Mr Tester found the loam to contain fragments of water-worn flint and a few 'unrolled' artefacts. There is thus little doubt that the loam is a redeposited mixture of materials. Dr P.A. Gibbard's recent review of the loams and brickearths in the Middle Thames valley (his 'Langley Silt complex'), has confirmed that they often overlie Taplow or younger gravels and that they have given thermoluminescence (TL) dates ranging from the late Wolstonian to the late Devensian. 14 Size (μ,m) 1,000 - 2,000 ) 500 -1,000 ) 250 -500 ) Sand 125 - 250 ) 63 -123 ) 31 -63 ) 16 -31 ) 8 -16 ) Silt 4-8 ) 2-4 ) 2 Clay TABLE 2.2 Particle Size Analysis Cuxton Cuxton layer 14 Rectory 'loam' 'loam' 1.4 2.3 3.3 5.4 17.4 28.7 68.4 26.5 2.0 10.1 1.4 7.0 0.7 3.4 0.6 4.3 0.7 2.7 0.6 2.2 3.5 7.4 Middle Thames 'Langley Silt'• 1.3 2.1 6.4 7.3 8.7 19.0 14.1 7.7 4.4 3.4 25.6 • Average of nine sediment samples (from note 14, Table 1) + from note 15, Table 1. Typical Loess+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.8 27.2 30.9 11.7 4.7 1.9 22.7 14 P.A. Gibbard, The Pleistocene History of the Middle Thames Valley, Cambridge, 1985, 56, 139. 52 INVESTIGATION OF THE ACHEULIAN SITE AT CUXTON 4.3 Section Across the Terrace (R.J. Cruse) Investigation of the Cuxton terrace profile by Mr A. Daniels established the section shown in Fig. 2.3 by augering at locations halfway down the kitchen garden and in its extreme south-east corner. Once the topsoil and disturbed ground were penetrated, he encountered a sandy loam with a few flints which continuously capped a series of gravel deposits with variable amounts of chalk in them. At the base of this gravel was a narrow band of stained flints in a darker coarse gravel (as was observed in 1962-63) and then chalky debris was encountered. This profile demonstrated that the chalk bench and the terrace deposits slope gradually (1 in 24) towards the south-east. Having established that the sandy loam overlies the gravel, a convenient location for a loam sample for thermoluminescence (TL) dating was sought. The exposed loam in the garage cutting of no. 11 Rochester Road, some 30 m. to the north, was selected and the TL determination gave a minimum age of 100,000 years bp (Appendix 1). "' "' "' "' 100 1 AaQ,tMM!


Owletts Barn, Cobham


Queen Elizabeth I at Tilbury and in Kent