General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB., Romano-British. Abbott, G., Archbishop, 141 Aethelnoth, Archbishop, 45 Aldington, 28 Alexander Ill, Pope, 165 Amos, W., 77 Anderson, Ian, Nos. lA-4 Pound Lane, 151-3 The Westgate pavement, 151 Anglo•Saxon, Church, 46 Coin, 155 Occupation, 135, 149 Pottery, 16, 135 Settlement, 14, 136 Appledore, 83 ff. Castle, 86 Appledore church, The north chapel of, by Cecily Lebon, 83--105 Archaeology and the Channel Tunnel, by Paul Bennett, 1-24 Arnold, G.M., 201 Arundel, Archbishop, 53 Ashford, 2, 24, 46, 77, 109 Austen, Jane, 66 ff. R., 63 Austin, R.W., 142, 149 Bursted Manor, Pell Bollom, 187-9 No. 2 High Street, 175-7 No. 10 Best Lane, lTI-9 No. 21 High Street, 179--83 No. 70 Castle Street, 183--8 Axe, BA, 202-4 -head, Neo., 209 Bacon, Sir F., 29 Baldwin, Archbishop, 83 Banbury (Oxon.), 38 Barham, 25 ff., 107 A., 28 T., 28 Bealde, T., 54 Bearsted, 199 Becket, T., 28, 49 Bennett, Paul, Archaeology and the Channel Tumiel, 1-24 Christ Church College: Paramedical centre, 135-6 High Street St. Gregory's and Nos. 90-91 Northgate, 170-3 Linden Grove, 132-4 No. 25 Watling Street, 129--30 No. 28 Palace Street, 185-7 St. Augustine's Conduit House, 137-41 Sol/y's Orchard, St. Peter's Lane, 169 The Rosemary Lane Car Park, 149 Westgate Chamber, 149--51 and Houliston, Mark, Burgate, 161-4 No. 10 Best Lane, 142-8 St. George's Gate, 153--6 The Two Sawyers, 168 Berham, L. de, 28 Bethersden, 84 Bexley, 107 Bigg, W., 158 Billing, 51, 61, 65, 77 Bisho􀃅bourne, 29 Blake, Philip H., Barham Court: History and development, 25-36 Blandford Forum (Dorset), 39 Blockley, P. , 135 Bond, F., 201 Boniface IX, Pope, 53 Bonnington, 84 Boucher, R.C., 33 Boughton-under-Blean, 60 Bowen, J., 151 Boxley, 113, 120 Boys, J., 108 w., 123 Barham Court: History and development, by Brade-Birks, Dr S.G., 81 Bridges, Sir B., 66 Brigges, W., 58 Philip H. Blake, 25-36 Barrow, 24 Baseley, R., 55 Bath (Som.), Abbey, 166 Brodnax, Fam., 61 ff. Bromley, 111 227 GENERAL INDEX Bronze Age, Axe, 202--4 Burial, 45 Cemetery, 24 Hoard, 201-4 Pottery, 135 Settlement, 5, 7-10, 135, 204 Brooch, lA, 13 RB., 14, 210-11 Brook, 49 Burgred, King, 155 Burial, BA, 4 5 Med., 174-5 RB., 201 Burleigh, Lord, 29 Bushell, W., 90 Butterfield, W., 78 cambridge, 61 Canterbury, 14, 28, 40, 45, 66, 111, 115, 122, 162 Cathedral, 53, 84, 157 Cathedral Priory, 45, 48, 56-7, 132, 137, 144, 165 Christ Church College, 135, 168 St. Andrew's, 141 SI. Augustine's Abbey, 135--6, 164-8 St. Augustine's Conduit House, 137--41 St. George's, 141, 153-6, 167 Gate, 153-61, 167 St. Gregory's, 170-3 St. Gregory's Priory, 173--5 St. Margaret's, 130-1 St. Martin's, 136-7, 139, 141 St. Michael's, 162, 165-6 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim report on work carried out in 1988 by the, 129-97 CapeJ.Je-Ferne, 209 Carkeridge, T., 58 Carter, T., 65 w.,63 Castilayn, H., 107 Cemetery, BA, 24 Merovingian, 24 Neo., 24 RB., 134, 169 Challock, 58, 60, 80 Chapman, T., 59 Charing, 121 Charles II, 94 Chartham, 60 Chawton (Hants.), 81 Cheard, J., 58 Cheriton, 22 Chesterford (Essex), 214 Chillenden, Prior T., 52, 54 Chllham, 57, 60, 117, 122 Cbislehurst, 217 Cinque Ports, 86 Clarke, Dennis, obit., 225 Cobham, 199 Cock, Dr W., 91, 95 Cockett, R.A.C., 206 Coin, AS, 155 RB., 13,214 Coke, G., 56 Coleman, R., 75 Collens, R., 58 Conway, Sir M., 25, 28, 32 Cooke, Lady A., 29 R.,28 Sir A., 29 Cory, J., 53 Crane, Dr E., 108, 121 Cranmer, Archbishop, 57 Crouch, M., 77 Cullinge, W., 107 Dance, G., 40 Dartford, 199 Deal, 33 Dering, Fam., 28, 32 Desborough, Mrs. V.F., 108 Detsicas, A.P., Review, 219-20, 223 Dibgate, 23 Dode, 201 Dover, 2, 14, 22, 24, 157 Priory of St. Martin, 83, 86 Dundas, H., 33 Duruz, R.M., 121 East Peckham, 109 Eastry, Prior H. of, 51 Ebony, 89 Eccles, 199 Edward I, 56 Ill, 52, 56 IV, 158 VI, 57, 59 Elcocke, G., 29 Elham, Valley, 22 Eltham, 111, 113, 115 Elizabeth I, 61, 217 Exeter, J. of, 83 Eynsford, 121 Fagg, J., 80 Famingham, 121 Faversham, 77 ff. Faversham, Parish church, The mayoral and corporation seats in, by Nigel Yates, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., 37--43 Ferguson, R., 61 Field, Rev. W., 67, 78 Finn, S., 77 FitzUrse, Sir R., 28 Flint, Blade, 214 Pick, 209 Folkestone, 1, 4 ff., 199, 209 Fordwich, 136 Fotherby, Capt. C., 29, 32 228 GENERAL INDEX Ven. C., 2S-9 Franingam (Freningham), 165--6 Frethun (France), 24 Frindsbury, 107 Frogenhale, T., 55 Frogholt, 18, 20 Gale, Rev. T.H., 7S-9 Geffrey, W., 55-6 Glass, Med., 102 Gode, L., 145 Godmersham, 45 ff. Downs, 45 Godmersham, The parish church of St. Laurence: A history, by Tim TattonBrown, 45-81 Golding, J. , 206 R., 117 Goldstone, Prior T., 54 Goodall, Sir R., 36 Gott, M., 68 Gravesend, 209 Grey, Sir C., 33 Grimsby (Lines.), 29 Grove, Allen, Review, 220-2 Gylwyn, R., 59 Halle, H. atte, 52 Hales, Sir J., 141 Hamlin, D., 33, 36 Handley-Read, Mrs. L., 25, 28, 32,--3 Harding, J., 109 Harness pendant, Med., 209 Harpsfield, N., 60 Harvey, Dr J., 123 J.F., 79 M., 80 Hcaverham, 113, 117, 120 Helles (Hills), G. de, 52 Henry VU, 166 VIII, 22, 57, 86 Henshaw, H.V., 33, 36 Herford, 57 Hert ford (Hens.), 32 Hicks, Martin J., St. Gregory's Priory, 173-5 High Wycombe (Bucks.), 39 Hills, Fam., 52 M.,63 Horton, Mark, The Tiles, 94--101 Houliston, Mark, Gordon Road, 169 No. 2 High Street, 132 St. Margaret's Church, 130-1 St. Martin's Heights, 136-7 and Bennett, Paul, Burgate, 161-4 No. JO Best Lane, 142--8 St. George's Gate, 153-6 The Two Sawyers, 168 Hull, T., 61 Hunton, 117 Hurstmonceux (East Sussex), 122 Hyllys, G., 59 Hythe, 23, 61 lghtham, 209 Investigations and excavations during the year, 217 Iron Age, Brooch, 13 Settlement, 2, 10-13, 24, 135 Sword, 13 James I, 113 Jenkins, Dr F., 135 Johns, Catherine, 212 Joye, J., 56 Juce, R., 63 Juxon, Archbishop, 167 Kay, E., 81 J.C.L., 81 Kennington, 46 Kem, Bee boles in, by Penelope Walker, 107-27 Kent County Museum Service, Archaeological notes from, by J. Vale, 209-15 Kiln, RB., 134 Kirby, Rev. W., 94 Knatchbull,C ., 74 w., 74 Knight, Fam., 51 ff. Kyms, W., 60 Lail, S., 36 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 46, 170 Langdon, T .• 147 Lebon, Cecily, The north chapel of Appledore church, 83--105 Leland, J., 86 Leeds, 199 Arnold Hill, 122 Leverard, J. , 59, 60 Liverpool, Lord, 21 Livett, Canon G.M., 201 London, Tower of, 166 Longley, Archbishop, 78 Long Melford (Suffolk), 94 Louis XI, 158 Luddesdown, 199 Luddesdown church, Lare use of rufa i11 the tower of, by P.J. Tester, 199--201 Lulle, J., 56 Lutyeos, Sir E., 25, 28, 32 Lyall, Rev. A., 78 Lyle, Lawrence, Review, 224 Maidstone, 111 ff. , 159 Mary, Queen, 59--60 May, Sir T., 64 Maye, M., 58 Medieval, Building, 142-8 Glass, 102 229 GENERAL INDEX Harness pendant, 209 Occupation, 135, 149 Pottery, 102, 169 Meekums, M.W., 217 Melling, E., 107 Merovingian, Cemetery, 24 Mesolithic, Blade, 214 Flint pick, 209 Minnis Bay, 204 Minot, E., 165-6 Minster (Thanet), 204 Molash, 60 Monkton, 204 Montfort, S. de, 86 More, T., 111 Mortimer, H. de, 50 Mun, R., 63 Nantwich (Ches.), 207 Nebiker, D., The Royal Dragoon, 148 Needham, Dr S., 202 Neolithic, Axe-head, 209 Cemetery, 24 Flint blade, 214 Pottery, 201 Nethersole, J., 165 Newington, 17, 20, 189-93 New Romney, 86 North Downs, 109-10 Northfleet, 199 Obituary, 225 Olney, W., 53 Orpington, 115, 217 Otford, 205, 207, 210, 212-4 Otway, S., 63 Oxford, 61 Oxney, Isle of, 86 Paddlesworth, 201 Paris (France), St. Denis, 84 Parker, Archbishop M., 61 Parkin, E.W., 109 Peene, 17, 20 Pegge, Rev. S., 56, 66 Preece, Dr R., 6 Purchas, S., 120 Queenborough, 29 Ramsgate, 77 Reading, 86 Remnant, R., 117 Researches and discoveries in Kent, 199-215 Reviews, 219-23 Rhee canal, 86 Richard, Archbishop, 83 Richards, J., 61 Richborough, 162,164 Ridley, R., 158 Ring, RB., 2U Rochester, Cathedral, 107 Rolvenden, 39 Roman, Coin, 13, 214 Romano-British, Baths, 130-2 Brooch, 14, 210-11 Burial, 201 Burial mound, 157 Cemetery, 134, 169 Farmstead, 2 Forum, 132 Fort, 149 Kiln, 134 Occupation, 2, 13-14, 132, 136, 149 Pottery, 14, 45, 134, 217 Ring, 2U Street, 132, 161, 164 Theatre, 129-30 Town, 132, 136 Villa, 2, 24 Wall, 151, 154-o Romney, 86 Roosevelt, Mrs. E., 33 Roper, W., 111 Rother, River, 86 Rutland, Duke of, 21 Rye (East Sussex), 86 Perkins, D.R.J., A Late Bronze Age hoard Salisbury, Earl of, 29 Sandgate, 22 from Shuart, Thane/, 201-4 Sandling, 23 Petham, 33 Pisinge, T., 63 Pitt, W., 33 Pitt-Rivers, Gen., 17 Plaxtol, 113 Pole, Archbishop, 56 Porlchester (Hanis.), Castle, 157 Pottery, AS, 16, 135 BA, 135 IA, 11 Med., 102, 169 Neo., 201 RB., 14, 45, 134, 217 Samian, 132 Sandwich, 109, 115, 122, 145, 157 Sangatte (France), 24 St. Augustine, 14, 164 St. Mary Cray, 217 Scott, Fam., 61-2 T., 58 Seddon, Mrs. M., 6 Sevenoaks, 205, 208, 211-12, 214 Sevenoaks District Architectural History Group, by Anthony D. Stoyel, 205-8 Sherer, J.G., 66 Shermansbury (West Sussex), 38 Shoreham, 206--7 Shorncliffe, 23 230 GENERAL INDEX Shuart, Thane/, A Late Bronze Age hoard from, by D.R.J. Perkins, 201-4 Smallbridge (Suffolk), 29 Smallhytbe, 86 Smeeth, 61 Smith, D.A., 109 Smyth, M., 55 Snettisham (Norfolk), 212 Somner, W., 165 SouthHcet, 115 Spicier, 0., 144-5 Stainton, Sir E., 25 N.E.W., 32 St our, River, 45 Stoyel, Anthony D., Seve11oak$ District Architectural History Group, 205--8 Strood, 107 Sudbury, Archbishop S. of, 53 Sunley, J., 81 Sword, IA, 13 Sworder, E.R., 32 Tapp, M., 202 Tatton-Brown, Tim, The parish cht,rch of St. Laurence, Godmersham: A hlstory, 45-81 Documentary evidence, 156-61, 164--8 Tester, P.J., Lare use of tufa i11 clie tower of Luddesdown church, I 99-201 Teynham, 33 Thanet, Isle of, 201, 204 Theobald, Archbishop, 49 Thomson, T., 60 Trottisclillc, 214 Vale, J ., Archaeological 11otes from the Kent Coumy Museum Service, 209--15 Vertue, R., 166 w., 166 Waldegrave, Sir W., 29 Walker, Penelope, Bee boles i11 Kenr, 107-27 T., 79 Walsingham IV, Sir T., 217 Warwick, Earl of, 158 Watson, T., 60 Welwyn (Herts.), 32 Westerham, 109, 111, 122 Westminster, Abbey, 166 West Peckham, 39 Westwell, 49, 53 Whitby (Yorks.), 39 White, W., 60 Whitfield, F., 66 Whitstable, 159 Wibert, Prior, 139 Wilde, E., 61 Wildman, T., 120 Winchelsea (East Sussex), 86 Windsor (Berks.), 166 Wittersham, 84 Worcester, T., 58 Wye, 49 College, 81 Yates, Nigel, M.A .. F.R.Hist.S .. The mayoral and corporatio11 seats in Faversham parish church, 37-43 York, Duke of, 33 Zamecki, Prof. G., 49 231




Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1987