Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1988

ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1987 lix BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1987 /1/ilf, /987 /986 198'7 1 fund, Nme £ £ [ R,pm.,,,r,dbF N- £ [ 233,/JJIJ Capital, Tr1n1 and lncolll.000 4,948 Archatologia Cantuma (Not) Volume CUI {including distrillution costs 9,591 1987 L􀄜 : IQ86 £1,875) 7,704 l􀀝ss: Provision in accounts to 8.500 501 (796) Provision for ,4rcho,,:,io􀄝i" Cantiana 8,500 V<>lume CIV 8.500 0.()QJ 7,70! 474 Exrursion deficit S8 l-14 Subscriptions 243 /l!l Meates Meme>rial # Kent Heritage •=􀄞Y 1/0 Roman 􀄟ttcry meeting u Atthaec,logy at Work ronfcicnce 264 /,/# PuNic.itions e.,pens<"S 235 2..ted in Note l(b). (b) Toe Society's Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum. manuscriptS at Kent Archivc-s Office and pictures at Bradboume House are shown on the balance sheet at a nominal value of £1,735. No up to date valuation has been made of the whole collection. (c) Specific invcstmentS have not been allocated to the gene.rat accumulated fund and the Margary funds. Therefore, realised profitS on the sale of investments have been apportioned between those funds in proportion to the calculated cost of their respective invesunentS at the beginning of the year. (d) It is not considered appropriate to include a Statement of Source and Application of Funds as it would not add to the understanding of the accounts, which do not therefore comply with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 10 of the Consultative Commiuee of A«0untancy Bodies. (2) Earmarked Funds (Commia,es) Balan= at 1st January 19S7 1987 grants Legacy Expenditure Plaxtol (Sedgebrook) Roman Villa High Ha!stow Bell Frame Books Balances at 31st December 1987 (3) Capital, Trust and Income Funds Balances at 1st January 1987 Add: Investment income Profit on sale of investmentS Surplus for the year Less: Subscriptions for life members Transfer to capital reserve Balances at 31st December 1987 K.D.R.G. £ 200 100 300 £300 Piercy Fox Memorial Fund Capital Income £ £ 10.679 3.204 926 10.679 4,130 £10.679 £4.130 Excavation and Fieldwork £ 67 700 767 (50) £117 Churches Fund £ 2,530 135 2.665 £2.665 Historic Buildings £ 1,555 600 2,155 £2,155 Life Composition Fund £ 3,374 527 386 4,287 (527) £3,760 Library £ 935 400 125 1,460 (286) £1,174 Capital Reserve £ 23,S82 2,253 25,83S 2,000 £27.835 Churches £ 1,619 600 2,219 (30) £2,189 Margary Fund £ 180,676 17,262 197,938 £197,938 Records £ 200 200 £200 General Accumulated Fund £ 8,994 1,015 18,179 28.188 (2,000) £26.188 Total £ 4,376 2,600 125 7,101 (50) (30) (286) £6,73S Total £ 233,039 1,588 20,916 18,179 273,722 (527) £273.195 (4) Special Grants During 19/fl £ (7) Pub/icarit>ns £ £ Plaxtol (Sedgcbrook) Roman Villa 500 Opening stocks at 1st January 1987 21.639 Post Graduate Medical Centre - Kent and Deficit for the year (952) Canterbwy Hospital 400 Sales of Lullingstone I 53 W. Briscall - Discovering Old Buildings of Ashford 250 20,740 £.1.150 Less: Ttansfer of 75% of sale proceeds of Lullingstone -- I to H.B.M.C. Account (Note 6) 40 Provision against debtors written back (339) Reserve for publications at 31st December 1987 19,541 (5) Bookstall £ £ Sales of Socicty·s publications 681 19,242 Other sales 283 Surplus for the year £1,498 964 -- I.=: Costs and expenses 257 Debtors paid during the year 339 (8) PublicaJioM Srock Account £ £ 596 Opening stocks at !St January 1987 Deficit for the year 21,639 (952) [ 368 20,687 Sales of the Society funded publications:- L,,ss: Sales of pubUcatlons from Booksta.11 342 Otber publications (Nore 8) 342 Sales of publications other than from stock (91) Surplus £26 251 -- Other sales of publications 895 (6) H.B.M.C. Account £ 1,146 £ Balance at !St January 1987 2,587 Oosing stocks at 31st December 1987 £19.541 Less: Transfer to finance Lullingstone II (2.587) Add: Amounts held to finance subsequent publication The stocks arc valued at cost. They do not include LulUngstone I (sec Note 6). of work sponsored by the English Heritage: - 75% of sale proceeds of Lullingstone I 40 - 100% of sale proceeds of Lullinstone II 34 74 £74 REPORT OF THE At'DITORS TO THE MElltBERS OF .KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIET\' We ba,·e audited the ao..-ountS on p;iges I 10 4. Our audit was conducted in "'-""'Nall<." with appro,ed Audi1iog Standards cx,-.,p1 tha1 111<: scope of our work w-J1i limi1ed, as io. previous years. in Utat we ba,e 001 verified the existence of the ron1en1s of the ltbra,y and C\>ll"'-tiuns al Moids1one Museum. Subject to any odjusunent which may be rcquittd to fi.,ed assets and the appn.'!'riate fund 3C\.'Ount in respect of the aoove. in our opinion. 1he acc-oums give a lru< and fair view of 1he s1a1e of affairs o{ the Society at 31st December 1987 and of ilS swplus for the year ended on tba1 dat< and rompl)' "ith the Rults of the Society. 52 St. Margatct's Street. Rocbcster. KeotMEI In' 18th April. 198$ ROBSON RHODES C/1nrttr,d Acrountants


General Index


Frontispiece 1988