General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo.; Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British. Addington, 260 Adisham, 237-8 Allen, T., The Old Palace, Bekesboμrne, 231-3 270 Allington Castle, 171 Alveston Manor (Warks.), 51 Amber, Bead, AS, 50 Ampulla, Lead, Med., 293 Anderson, I., and Bennett, P., North lane: The riverside wall, 217-8 Anderson, T., M.A., and Ward, A., M.A., Excavations at Rochester Cathedral, 91-151 Andover (Hants.), Portway, 58 Anglo-Saxon, Bead, 50-2, 58, 222 Bowl, 37, 43 Brooch, 37,44-47, 58, 287-8 Building, 219-21, 223-4 Burial, 60-1 Cemetery, 35-72, 271 Coin, 287 Comb, 222, 272 Glass, 43 Grave, 57 ff., 272 Key, 222 Knife, 43, 50, 56, 272 Loom-weight, 222 Mount, 288, 290 Occupation, 212, 214, 219, 225 Pin, 47, 56, 58, 222 Pit, 214, 224 Pottery, 43, 54, 60, 98,201,214,219, 222,272 Shield umbo, 37 Spear-head, 37, 272 Strap-end, 222, 288-90 Well, 201, 224 Appledore, Home's Place Chapel, 171 Arlesey (Beds.), 31 Arrowhead, Flint, 281 Ash, 277 Austen, Lady, 29 ff. Sir R., 29 Austin, R., A description of Wingham church spire, 279-80 Building surveys, 252--63 Church Barn Farm, Offham, 260-3 169 Axe, Bronze, BA, 284 Flint, BA, 297 Meso., 282 Neo., 284, 297 Palaeolithic, 295 Aylesham watching brief, by M. Davey, 234-8 Aylesham, 234 ff. Bacchus, D., Discovery of Roman remains at Maidstone Road Chatham, 183-93 Bardney (Lines.), Church, 176 Bargrave, fam., 270 Barrow, BA, 11-27, 271 Batchelor, D.. Darenth Park Anglo- Saxon cemetery, Dartford, 35-72 Bath (Som.), 30 Bead, AS, 50-2, 58, 222 Beaupere, fam., 29 Bee (France), 226 Bekesboume, The Old Palace, by T. Allen, 231-3 Bekesbourne, 172 Belgic, Coin, 277 Pottery, 91, 202, 211 Settlement, 95 Site, 277 Bennett, P., Christ Church College, 212-6 St. John's Hospital and St. John's 317 GENERAL INDEX Nursery, 226-31 Station Road East, 205-6 Bennett, P., and Anderson, I., North Lane: The riverside wall, 217-8 Cross, R., and Ward, A., Starkey Castle, 244-52 Leggatt, G., No. 30 North Lane, 201-5 Tatton-Brown, T., and Ouditt, S., Dover Castle, 238-44 Ouditl, S., St. Peter's Methodist School, 207-12 Bereblock, J. 239, 242 Bermondsey, Priory, 175 Beult, R., 284 Beverley (Yorks.), North Bar, 174, 178 Bexley Church, Memorial 10 Lady Austen in, by K.M. Roome, 29-33 Bexley London Borough, by P.J. Tester, 299-300 Bexley, 163 Hall Place, 30, 299 St. Mary's Church, 300 Bexleyheath, 299 Bifrons, The builder of, by P.H. Blake, 270 Bickley, 171 Blake, P.H., The builder of Bifrons, 270 Blean, 163 Bone, Comb, AS, 222, 272 Boughton Monchelsea, 286 Bowes-Lyon, Lt. C., 300 Boxley, 284, 286-90 Abbey, 172 Brendly, 23 Bridge, 270 Bridgman, fam., 29 Broadstairs, 59 Bronze Age, Axe, 284, 297 Barrow, 11-27, 271 Burial, 11-27, 275 Enclosure, 271 Flint, 214, 240 Occupation, 214 Pottery, 236, 271, 273, 275-6 Bronze, Bowl, 37 Pin, 56 Brooch, AS, 37, 44-47, 58, 289-90 IA, 281-2 Med., 292-3, 295 RB, 284-6 Brunskill, R., 180 Buckle, Med., 295 Burial, AS, 60--1 BA, 11-27, 275 IA, 207 Med., 92 ff., 200 RB, 202-4, 295-7 Caiger, J.E., 299 Cambridge, Jesus College, 178 Queens College, 176 St. John's College, 175-6 Cameron, A., 41 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim report on work carried out in 1990 by the, 195-263 Canterbury, The Roper gateway, St. Dunstan's Street, by T.P. Smith, 163-82 Canterbury, 172-3, 178-9, 182, 226 Archbishop's Palace, 173 Blackfriars, 173 Building surveys, by R. Austin, 254-62 Burgate, 173 Cathedral, 4, 173, 222, 260 Christ Church College, by P. Bennett, 212-6 Christ Church Gate, 173 Priory, 217, 222 Dane John Manor, 174, 178, 206 Greyfriars, 207, 213 King's School, 173 Longmarket, by J. Rady, 218-26 No. 30 North Lane, by P. Bennett and G. Leggatt, 201-5 North Lane: The riverside wall, by I. Anderson and P. Bennett, 217-8 St. Augustine's Abbey, 173, 179, 214, 216 St. Dunstan's, 163, 173-4, 177, 182 St. Gregory's Church, 202 St. Gregory's Priory, by A. and M. Hicks, 195-201, 217,226 St. John's Hospital and St. John's Nursery, by P. Bennett, 226-31 St. Martin's Church, 214 St. Mildred's, 177 St. Peter's Methodist Church, 207 St. Peter's Methodist School, by P. Bennett and S. Ouditt, 207-12 St. Stephen's, Hackington, 163 Station Road East, by P. Bennett, 205-6 Cemetery, AS, 35-72, 271 Med., 211-12 RB, 205-6 318 GENERAL INDEX Chatklin, C. W., Sources for Kentish history: Trade and industry, 73-89 Charing, Palace, 172 Charlton, 163 Chart Sutton, 153, 159, 161 Chatham, Discovery of Roman remains at Maidstone Road, by D. Bacchus, 183-93 Chatham, 185 Chevening, 295 Chislehurst, 163 Scadbury Court, 172 Clarke, D.L., 17 Cliffe, 172, 290-1 Clifton-Taylor, A., 180 Cobham, 287, 291 Coffin, RB, 185, 190-1 Coin, AS, 287 English, 297 Greek, 295 IA, 273,277 R., 47, 59, 96, 191, 204, 214, 271-3, 277, 286--7 Coldharbour, 276 Columbers, fam., 29 Comb, AS, 222, 272 Cook, A., Discussion of the grave goods, 57-62 41 Copelose, J., 218 Copper alloy, Brooch, AS, 287-8 Med., 290-4, 295 RB, 284-6 Buckle, Med., 295 Coin, R., 191 Harness pendant, Med., 291-4 Mount, AS, 288, 290 Purse-bar, Med., 291 Seal-die, Med., 291, 294 Strap-end, AS, 224, 288-90 Cottington Hill, 17,273,276 Coxe, C.A., 8 Cranmer, Archbishop, 231 Cross, R., 270 Bennett, P., and Ward, A., Starkey Castle, 244-52 Crouche, G., 270 Crowfoot, E., 41, 51-2 Croydon (Surrey), Archbishop's Palace, 175-6 Curteis of Sevenoaks: A Kentish clerical dynasty, by Nigel Yates, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., 1-9 Curteis, fam., 1 ff. Cuxton, Whorne's Place, 171 ff. Dartford, Darenth Park Anglo-Saxon cemetery, by D. Batchelor, 35-72 Dartford, Priory, 173 Dashwood, R., 30 Sir F., 30 Davey, M., Aylesham watching brief, 234-8 Dering, Sir E., 3 ff. Detsicas, A.P., Allen Grove: A personal memoir, iii Obituary, 313-15 Review, 307-8, 310-11 Ditch, Med., 208 Doddington, 163 Dorset, Duchess of, 6-8 Duke of, 3 ff. Earl of, 3 Dover Castle, by P. Bennett, T. TattonBrown and S. Ouditt, 238-44 Dover, Buckland, 288 Castle, 171, 238 ff. Durham, 52 Eastchurch (Shurland), 172 East Peckham, Roydon Hall, 172 EbbsHeet, 17, 273 Edward IV, 243 Eilnoth, R. son of, 218 Elizabeth I, 182 II, 300 Elham, 277 Elmham, T. of. 278 Eltham (Well Hall), 163, 172, 180 Palace, 171 ff. English, Coin, 297 Ewelme (Oxon.), Almshouses, 178 Fairfax, Hon. R., 4 Faraway alias Farewell, fam., 29 Faversham, 3 Finglesham, 51 Firman, P.E., 175 R.J., 175 Flint, Arrowhead, 283 Axe, Meso., 282 Neo., 282, 297 Pa.laeolithic, 295 Blade, BA, 214, 238 Meso., 295, 297 Neo., 238, 282 319 GENERAL INDEX Folkestone, 23, 59 Ford, 172 Fordwich, 277 Garlinge, 172 Gascelyn, fam., 29 George I, 30 Gervase, Monk of Canterbury, 200 Gibson, A.M., and Perkins, D.R.J., A Beaker burial from Manston, near Ramsgate, 11-27 Gibson, Bishop E., of London, 3 Gilbert, J., 270 Gillingham, 284 Grench Manor, 171 Gipps, G., 268 H., 268 Glass, Bowl, AS, 43 RB, 295-7 Goltho (Lines.), Chapel, 176 Grave, AS, 57 ff. Gravesend, 295 Gravett, K., 180 Great Stour, R., 207 Greek, Coin, 295 Green Knowe (Peebles.), 23 Greenwich, 4, 163 Gregory IV, Pope, 158 Grosseteste, Archbishop R., 154 Grove, L.R.A., A personal memoir, iii obit., 313 Guildown, Guildford (Surrey), 58 Hackington, 173 St. Stephen's, 173 Hadleigh (Suffolk), Deanery Tower, 175 Halifax (Yorks.), Holy Trinity, 9 Halstead, 4 Hammond, W., 268 Hampton Court Palace, 175 Hardy, E., 4 ff. Harness pendant, Med., 293-4 Harpsfield, N., 182 Harris, J., 249 R., 278 Harrison, A.C., Obituary, 315 Hasted, E., 244, 249, 278 Hatfield (Herts.), Old Palace, 175, 177-8 Hawkhurst, 8 Henderson, J., 4 I Henry III, 242 VIII, 173, 179, 226 Herne, 163 Herne Bay, Eddington Farm, by N. Macpherson-Grant, 234 Herne Bay, 295 Hext, fam., 29 Hicks, A., and Hicks, M., St. Gregory's Priory, 195-201 Hill, D. Ingram, Review, 301-2 Holborough, Snodland, 190 Howletts, 288 Ickham, 277 lghtham Mote, 172 Implement, Neo., 284 Investigations and excavations during the year, 299-300 Iron, Knife, AS, 43, 50, 56 Iron Age, Barrow, 271 Burial, 207 Coin, 273 Enclosure, 271 Pottery, 201, 230, 235, 236, 271, 273, 276 Site, 277 lrthlingborough (Northants.), 23 Jay, L., The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Excavations and evaluations, 1989-1990, 271-7 Jessup, F.W., obit., 313-4 John, King, 222, 242 Kelly, D.B., Archaeological notes from Maidstone Museum, 281-94 Kent County Museum Service, Notes from, by J. Vale, 295-7 Key, AS, 222 Kidbrook, 163 King, D., 216 Kingston, 163 Kiln, RB, 202 Kirby Muxloe (Leics.), Castle, 175-6 Knife, AS, 43 Knockholt, 281 Knole, 7 Koch, U., 59 Konrath, Prof., 153-4 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 195 ff., 226, 231, 260 Lead, Ampulla, Med., 293 Coffin, RB, 185, 190-1 Seal-die, Med., 290--4 Lee, 163 320 GENERAL INDEX Leeds, 153 Leggatt, G., and Bennett, P., No. 30 North Lane, 201-5 Leigh Green (Tenterden), Brungar's Farm, 177-9 Lenham, 281 Lincoln, 136 Lipscomb, H., 8 w.,8 Lloyd, N., 171, 180 London, 183, 270 St. Dionys Backchurch, 4 Westminster Hall, 255 Los Angeles (U.S.A.), 30 Loom-weight, AS, 224 Louvain (Leuven, Belgium), 184 Lovett, J., The Rochester Cathedral chalice, 136-7 Lullingstone Castle, 172, 176 Lyminge, 58, 200 Lynsted, 163 Lyttlyhall, Manor of, 244 Macpherson-Grant, N., Eddington Farm, Herne Bay, 234 Maidstone Museum, Archaeological notes from, by D.B. Kelly, 281-94 Manning, R., of Brunne, 160 Manston, 11 ff. Aerodrome, 11 Manwood, Sir R., 173 Marden, 282 Margate, 276 Salmestone Grange, 171 Marsham, Sir J., 244 Mary I, 182 Meates, Lt.-Col. G. W., 38 Meaney, Mrs. A.L., 59 Medieval, Ampulla, 293 Brooch, 290-1, 293 Buckle, 293 Building, 215-16, 225 ff. Burial, 92 ff., 200 Cemetery, 211-12 Ditch, 208 Harness pendant, 293-5 Occupation, 212, 219, 224 Pit, 208, 225 Pottery, 204, 211, 224, 271 Purse-bar, 291 Seal-die, 290-4 Token, 291 Medmenham (Bucks.), 30 Medway, R., 246 Mepham, Archbishop S., 153 Mereworth, 282 Merton, fam., 29 Mesolithic, Flint axe, 282 blade, 295, 297 Midley, Church, 171 Milstead, 295 Minnis Bay, 276 Minster-in-Thane/ and Wingham, The spires on the parish churches of St. Mary at, by T. Tatton-Brown, 277-9 Molluscs, 25-7 More, T., 181-2 Mottingham, 163 Mount, Copper alloy, AS, 290, 292 Mucking (Essex), 51 Neolithic, Barrow, 271 Enclosure, 271 Hint axe, 282, 297 blade, 240, 282 Implement, 282 Newenden, 297 Newington, 172 Newman, J., 180 Nichols, J., 249 Nonington, 270 Norman, Building, 228 Northampton, Earl of, 31 Northbourne Court, 171 North Downs, 35 Norton, 163 Nunns, B., obit., 314-15 Obituaries, 313-15 Offham, Church Barn Farm, by R. Austin, 260-3 Offham, 260 Otford, 172, 265-7 Ouditt, S., and Bennett, P., St. Peter's Methodist School, 207-12 Bennett, P., and Tatton-Brown, T., Dover Castle, 238-44 Owen, H., 2-3 Oxburgh Hall (Norf.), 178 Oxenden, Sir G., 3 Ozengell, 19, 27 Paddock Wood, 282 Panton, F.H., James Simmons - A postscript, 268-9 Papillon, D. of Acrise, 4 321 GENERAL INDEX Papillon, fam. , 4 ff. Parker, Archbishop M., 257 Patrixbourne, 270 Payler, T.N., 268 Perkins, D.R.J., and Gibson, A.M., A Beaker burial from Manston, near Ramsgate, 11-27 Pewter, Token, Med., 290 Phipps Champneys, Rev., 8 Pin, AS, 47, 56, 58, 222 Pit, AS, 214, 222 Med., 208, 225 Portchester Castle (Hants.), 57 Portway, Andover (Hants.), 58 Pottery, AS, 43, 54, 60, 98,201,214,219, 222,272 BA, 236, 271, 273, 275-6 Belgic, 91, 201, 202, 211 IA, 188,1 91,201,230,233-4,271,273, 276 Medieval, 204, 211, 224, 271 RB, 92, 98, 183-91, 201-2, 206, 213, 216,230,233, 271, 273, 295-7 Preston, fam., 29 Rady, J., Longmarket, 218-26 Rainham, 297 Ramsgate, A Beaker burial from Mansion, near, by D.R.J. Perkins and A.M. Gibson, 11-27 Ramsgate, Cliff's End, 17 Ebbsfleet, Cottington Hill, 17,273,276 Reculver, 163, 276 Repton (Derbys.), Prior Overton's Tower, 174 Reviews, 301 Researches and discoveries in Kent, 265-97 Reynolds, Archbishop W., 153 Richard I, 222 Rigold, S., 242 Riverhead, 297 Rochester Cathedral, Excavations at, by A. Ward, M.A., and T. Anderson, M.A., 91-151 Rochester; 95, 182, 246 Museum, 190 Parish of St. Nicholas, 96 Roman, Coin, 47, 59, 98, 191, 204, 214, 273-5, 277, 286-7 Romano-British, Brooch, 286-8 Building, 96, 219, 224, 273, 275 Burial, 202-4, 295-7 Cemetery, 205-6 Coffin, 183, 188 Gate, 205 Glass, 295-7 Kiln, 202 Mount, 286 Pottery, 92, 98, 183-91, 201-2, 206, 211, 216,230,271,273, 286,295-7 Road, 205 Samian, 188, 275, 286 Street, 206, 219 Wall, 219, 221 Romney, Lord, of the Mote, 244 Romney Marsh, 171 Roome, K.M., Memorial to Lady Austen in Bexley Church, 29-33 Roper, J,, 163 fam., 180-1 Russell; H., 30-1 Sackville, fam., 3 ff. Sackville Bale, Rev,, 4 St. Cuthbert, 52 St. Eadburg (Ethelberga), 200 St. Gregory, 200 St. Maur, fam., 29 St. Mildred, 200 St. Mildred's Bay, Westgate, 276 St. Nicholas-at-Wade, 271 St. Peter's, Broadstairs, 17 St. Thomas Aquinas, 160 Saintsbury, G., 155 Sandon (Essex), 179 Sandwich, Sandown Gate, 172 Manor, 171 St. Peter's, 270 School, 173 San Francisco (U.S.A.), 30 Schretzheim (Germany), 59 Schumacher, S., 30 Scrip, H., 218 Seal-die, Med., 292-6 Sevenoaks District Architectural History Group, by A.O. Stoyel, 265-8 Sevenoaks, 1 ff,, 265-7 Shaw, R.C., Review, 306-7 Sheppey, Isle of, 172 Shoreham, William de, by H. Wheeler, 153-61 Shoreham, 153, 159 ff. Sidebottom, H.F., 8 Simmons, James - A postscript, by F.H. Panton, 268-9 322 GENERAL INDEX Singleton (W. Sussex), Weald and Downland Museum, 278 Sissinghurst, Castle, 178--9 Sittingbourne, 163, 172 Skellow, near Doncaster (Yorks.), 8 Smallhythe, 172, 178--9 Smith, J., 299 o .. 299-300 Smith, T.P., The Roper gateway, St. Dunstan's Street, Canterbury, 163-82 Snargate, 293 Snodland, 293 Snowdown, 234 ff. Sophia, Electress, Princess Palatine, 30 South Ash, 294 Staplehurst, 287 Starkey Castle, by P. Bennett, R. Cross and A. Ward, 244-52 Starkey, Sir H., 244 ff. Stawell, fam., 29 Steed, D., 11 Stockdale, F.W.L., 249 Stour, R., 219, 228, 230 Stoyel, A.D., Sevenoaks District Ar• chitectural History Group, 265-8 Strap-end, Copper alloy, AS, 222, 290-2 Strathmore, Earl and Countess of, 300 Stratton, fam., 29 Sturry, Milner's Court, 171, 177, 179 Sundridge, 266-7 Swain, E.R., 247 Swalecliffe (Chesterfield), 163 Tattershall (Lines.), Collegiate Church, 177 Tatton-Brown, T., The spires on the parish churches of S:. Mary at Minster-in• Thane/ and Wingham, 277-9 Tatton-Brown, T., 200 Bennett, P., and Ouditt, S.. Dover Castle, 240-8 Tenterden, 2, 30 Hales Place, 171, 174, 177 Terrie the Goldsmith, 224-6 Terrington St. Clement (Norf.), Lovell's Hall, 179 Tester, P.J., London Borough of Bexley, 299-300 Obituary, 314-15 Teynham, 297 Textile, AS, 47-52 Thames, R., 173 Thane/ Archaeology, The Trust for: Excavations and evaluations, 1989- 1990, by L. Jay, 271-7 Thanet, Isle of, 11, 18, 278 Thanington, Tonford Manor, 173 Theobald, Archbishop, 200 Theoric the Goldsmith, 222-4 Thornhill, P., obit., 315 Tilmanstone, 270 Token, Med., 292 Tonge, Bax Farm, 180 Tooke, G., 30 Updown, 51 Urry, W., 222 Vale, J., Notes from the Kent County Museum Service, 295-7 Vane, Lord, 3 Wainfleet (Lines.), School, 177 Walter, Archbishop H., 255 Wantsum Channel, 276 Ward, A., M.A., and T. Anderson, M.A., Excavations at Rochester Cathedral, 91-151 Bennett, P., and Cross, R., Starkey Castle, 244-52 Warham, Archbishop W., 172 Watson, Hon. Lewis, 4 Weaver, S., 4 Welch, Dr M., 57 Well, AS, 224 Westgate, St. Mildred's Bay, 276 West Malling, 286 West Wickham, Wickham Court, 172 Wheeler, H., William de Shoreham, 153-




Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1989