General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R, Roman; RB, Romano-British. Acrise, 76 Adisham, 111, 113 Church of the Holy Innocents, 111 Airson, J., 24 Aldington, 36-7 Aldgate, J., 75 Aldham, 74 Alexander III, of Scotland, 296 Alkham, 284 Allinn (Allen), H., 77 Allen, E., 77 Almond, J., 74 Alnwick Castle (Northumbria), 74 Amber, Bead, Jutish, 147 Ampulla, Med., 346 Anderson, Ian, Christ Church College, Canterbwy, 276 Wingham coin hoard, 295-7 Trevor, and Bennett, Paul, St. Nicholas Church, Thanington, 308-11 Andover (Hants.), 251 Andrewes, G., 60 K., 60 Anglo-Saxon, Bowl, 342-4 Buckle, 342 Cemetery, 152 Pit, 276 Strap-end, 344 Appledore, 77, 121 Arundel, Archbishop, 10 ff. Arundel, Sir W., 10 Ashford, 79 Ash-next-Wingham, 72 Atrebates, 48 Aucher, 16, 28 Austin, G. 12 H., 12 Rupert, Cooling Castle, 329-30 No. 3 The Parade, Canterbury, 319-23 No. 28 Palace Street, Canterbury, 323-7 St. Dunstan's House, St. Dunstan's Street, Canterbury, 328-9 St. John's Hospital Reredorter, Canterbury, 329 The Bull Inn, Canterbury, 327-8 Avery, Fam., 188-9 Axe, Flint, Neo., 339 Socketed, BA, 248, 251-6 Aylesford, 90, 338, 341 Aylesford, Earl of, 85 ff. Babington, M., 27 Bacheler, G., 78 Badcocke, M., 54 T., 54 Baker, H., 55 Banks, Sir J., 90 Bannister, W., 188 Barnehurst, 350 Barnes, W., 189 Barrow, S., 72 Bartholomew, Fam., 79 Batteley, J., 116 N., 9 Baxter, M., 142 Bead, Amber, Jutish, 147, 151 Glass, Jutish, 147, 151 Beale, J., 73, 77 Bearsted, 73 Becket, T., 13 Beecher, J., 66, 78 Bedo, J., 72 Belgic, Coin moulds, 44-5, 49-50 Occupation, 48 373 GENERAL INDEX Pottery, 44, 285 Site, 41-50 Belke, A., 13 Belt chape, Med., 347 mount, Med., 344 Beng, G., 81 Bennett, Paul, Land to the Rear of House of Agnes, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 274-5 Starr Place, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 270-4 Watching recording briefs, 318-9 and Anderson, Trevor, St. Nicholas Church, Thanington, 308-11 and Panton, Frank, Obituary, 369-70 Benson, Archbishop E., 12 Beresford, M.W., 93 Bethersden, 119 Bexley, 35 Biddenden, 77, 81 Bigg, H., 81 Birchington, Minnis Bay, 259-60 Birling, 74 Bishopsbourne, 31 Black Death, 313 Black, Jeremy, Sheerness and the Isle of Sheppey in 1773, 331-2 Blackman, G., 209 Blackmoor, 251 Blakemore, M.J., 92 Blean, 116 Blomfield, Sir A., 14 Bollard, D., 60 Boorne, T., 71 Booth, 22 Boreham, P.W., Archaeological notes from Dartford Borough Museum, 350 Boreman, R., 168 ff. Bottle-vase, Jutish, 146 Boughton-under-Blean, 37, 81, 170 Bourchier, Archdeacon, 17 Bouverie, Estate, 72 Fam., 70, 76 Bowl, AS, 342-4 Boxley, 65, 73, 339, 341-2, 349 Abbey, 95 Boycot, T., 65 ff., 77 w., 65 ff., 76 Boys, T., 19 Brabourne, 66 Braid, Gold, Jutish, 147 Brasier, J., 75 w., 75 374 Brasted, 75, 337 Brenchley, 75, 79 Brenchley, Sir W., and Lady, 9-11, 24 Brent, J., 140, 144, 151, 158-9 Brenzett, 77 Bret, J., 56 Broadstairs, North Foreland, 262 Broderip, S., 24 Bromley, London Borough of, 334 Bronze, Buckle, Jutish, 146 Key, Jutish, 147 Bronze Age, Axe, 248, 251-6 Ditch, 247 Pit, 247 Pottery, 248 ?Scabbard-mount, 251 Spearhead, 251 Sword, 250-1 Sword blade, 248, 251 Brooch, IA, 338-9 Brook, 66 Browne, R., 68, 75 Buckingham, Bishop, 7, 10, 12 Buckle, Bronze, Jutish, 144, 146-7, 152 Copper alloy, AS, 342 Bunce, Aid. C.R., 198-9 Burham, 98, 101, 109 Burial, RB, 272 Burley, R., 74 Butler, C., 60 P., 60 Cage, Fam., 73 Calehill, 70-1 Calkin, J.B., 334 Cambridge, 170, 176 Trinity College, 168 Campbell, J.G., 144 Campion, Fam., 78 Candy, W., 197 Canterbury, 15, 53, 57, 61, 65, 68 ff., 81, Ill, 191 ff. Canterbury, The finances and government of the city and county of, in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, by F.H. Panton, 191-246 Canterbury, The remains of a building in the precincts of St. Augustine's Abbey, excavated in 1965, by Frank Jenkins, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., 1-4 Archaeological Trust, Interim report on work carried out in 1991 by the, 265-330 UCl'ICKf-\.L U'IUCA Cathedral, The ledger slabs of, 1991, by Tempest Hay, 5-28 Christ Church College, by Ian Anderson, 276 Land to the Rear of House of Agnes, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, by Paul Bennett, 274--5 Longmarket, by Simon Pratt, 287-95 No. 3 The Parade, by Rupert Austin, 319-23 No. 26 Palace Street, by Rupert Austin, 323-7 No. 26A Hawks Lane, by Jonathan Rady, 266-70 St. Dunstan's House, St. Dunstan's Street, by Rupert Austin, 328-9 St. John's Hospital Reredorter, by Keith Parfitt, 300-8 by Rupert Austin, 329 Starr Place, St. Dunstan's, by Paul Bennett, 270-4 Station Road East (Palmer's), by Martin Herdman, 275 The Bull lnn, by Rupert Austin, 327-8 The Church of St. George-the-Martyr, by Tim Tatton-Brown, 311-17 Castle, 275 Cathedral, 113, 115, 329 Archives, 209 Library, 314 Priory, 314 Christ Church, 34, 111, 115 College, 276 Poor Priests' Hospital, 206 Royal Museum, 144 St. Andrew's Church, 204 Augustine's, 121, 198, 276 Manor, 204 Gabriel's Chapel, 135 Gregory's Priory, 300 John's Hospital, 300 ff. Mary Magdalene's Chapel, 15 Michael's Chapel, 10, 15-16 Burgate, 314 Pancras, Chapel of, 1 Peter's, 209 Paul's, 69, 71 Trinity Chapel, 6, 20, 27 Cantis, J., 57 Capel, 284, 334 Castell, J., 72 Celtic, Coin, 339-41 Cemetery, AS, 152 Jutish, 139-66 375 Chalk, 68 Chalklen, H., 210 Chalklin, C.W., 57 Chambers, Sir S., 97 Champion, T.C., 263 Chaplin, R.E., 41 Charles I, 180 II, 75 Chartham, 70, 72 Church, 27 Chatham, 66 Chatelaine ring, Iron, Jutish, 146 Chelmsford (Essex), 63 Chevening, 75, 78 Chiddingstone, 66, 78 Castle, 78 Chilham, 72 Chillenden, Prior, 10, 12 R., 60-1 Choisy-au-Bac (France), 262 Chute, E., 77 Cinque Ports, 66, 70, 329 Clifford, R., 10 Cobham, 67,329, 344 Hall, 74 J. de, 329 Cogger, A., 77 Coin, Belgic, 44 Celtic, 339-41 Merovingian, 147, 151 R, 147, 151, 271, 275, 341-2 Cologne (Germany), 128 Commius, 48 Combwell, Goudhurst, 68 Condre, C. le, 55 Cook, Dr B.J., 295 Cooling Castle, by Rupert Austin, 329-30 Coombe, 344 Copper alloy, Brooch, IA, 338 Coin, 44 Cottington, 260 Couchman, H., 81 Courthope, H., Jun., 81 P., 81 Cowper, J.M., 6, 12 ff., 314 Cox, Rev. L., 309 Cozens, Z., 314 Cranbrook, 79-81 School, 80 Cray, River, 334 Crayforde, E., 52 Fam., 52 Crisp, E., 170, 172, 182 Cromwell, 0., 168 GENERAL INDEX Crowfoot, Elizabeth, Appendix I: Textiles and gold threads, 159-62 Cudham, 75 Culmer, A., 58 Blue Dick, 6 D., 58 Culpeper, Sir T., 73 Cunobelinus, 48 Danks, W., 9 Darell, Fam., 70--1 Dart, J., 7, 10 ff. Dartford Borough Musuem, Archaeological notes from, by P.W. Boreham, 350 Dartford, 68, 75, 82, 342, 350 Davidson, Archbishop, R., 15 Davies, Revd. R., 124 Deal, 334 Dean, Archbishop, 17 Delahaye, M., 71 Delaune, A., 174-6 G., 174 Denehole, 350--2 Denton, A., 78 Level, 68 Deptford, 186 Dereham, Elias of, 37 Dering, Sir E., 80--1 Detling, 339 Detsicas, A.P., Obituary, 37(}-2 Review, 354-5, 360, 365-6 De Vincke, N., 55 Ditch, AS, 285 BA, 247 Med., 142,275 Dodd, J., 71 Dover, Bench Street, by Keith Parfitt, 317-8 Dover,57,60,65, 71, 76,202,284,317-8 Buckland, Cemetery, 152 Ducke, P., 55 Duke, J., 80 Duppa, Fam., 188 Dymchurch, 70 Earle, P., 57 Eastbourne (E. Sussex), 78 Eastry, 34, 72 East Sutton, 78 Ebbsfleet, 260, 262 Ebony, 121 Eccles, 99, 103, 341-2 Edenbridge, 78 376 Edward I, 296 III, 197 IV, 197 VI, 174 Egham (Surrey), 263 Eldred, W., 76 Elham, Prior, 9 Elizabeth I, 206 Elliston-Erwood, F.C., 111 Elmstone, 260 Elwyn, R., 205 Ente, P., 61 Eppillus, Coin, 48 Estman, R., 61 Evelyn, J., 57 Evison, V.I., 152 Excavation of a Belgic and Roman site at 50-54 High Street, Rochester, by A.C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., 41-50 Eynsford, 81 Faber, Sir Richard, Murder at Lees Court, 167-83 Farmer, Fam., 188-9 Farnham (Surrey), 82 Faversham, 59-60, 78, 82, 170 Fawkes, G., 201, 315 Felgate, R., 74 Feversham, Earl of, 182 Filmer, Sir R., 78 Finch, Prior, 17 Rt. Hon. H., 90 Fircher, F., 74 Fisher, T., 73 Fitzgerald, 22 Flatman, R., 72 Fletcher, David H., Mapping and estate management on the early nineteenthcentury estate: The case of the Earl of Aylesford's estate atlas, 85-109 Flint, Axe, Neo., 339 Floor-tiles, Med., 136--7 Fogge, Sir T., 9-10, 23 Folkestone, 70, 72, 76, 284 Foots Cray, 75 Fordwich, 65 Foster, J., 58 T., 58 Foulsham (Norf.), 251 Fowler, R., 209 Francis, S., 26 Franklin, S., 209 Freeman, Sir R., 179 ff. R., 180 GENERAL INDEX Freeth, S.G.H., 17, 20 ff. Frend, R., 211 Fuller, R., 196 George I, 90, 173, 201 Gillingham, 31, 36--7, 81 Gladstone, W.E., 313 Glass, Bead, 151 Pendant, Jutish, 147, 151 Glassenbury, 77 Glynne, Sir S., 114, 313 Godfrey, T., 56 Godinton, 72 Godmersham, 75 Gold, Braid, Jutish, 147, 152 Coin, 147, 151, 163 Pendant, Jutish, 147, 151 Thread, 159-62 Gold, T., 19, 22 Goldstone I, Prior, 17 II, Prior, 17 Goudhurst, 77 ff. Combwell, 68, 79 Grain, 74 Grave, Jutish, 142 ff. Gravesend, 74, 186 Gray, Sir H., 17 Grayling, F., 122 Grays (Essex), 262 Great Chart, 72 Mongeham, 52 Wigborough (Essex), 74 Greenfield, Gen., 202 Greenhill, F.A., 27 Greenwich, 101 Gregory the Great, Pope, 136 Grey, Tony, and Tyler, Alan, A Mesolithic site in Priory Gardens, Orpington, 334-6 Grinsell, L.V., and Parfitt, K., The Bronze Age urn from Capel-leFerne, 334 Guildford, Sir J., 10 Hales, J., 197 Halford, Aid. R., 205 Halling, 70, 74 Hammersmith, 338 Halstead, 37 Ham, G., 81 Harbledown, St. Nicholas Hospital, 197, 204 Harley, J.B., 92 Harker, S.R., 333 Harness pendant, Med., 344, 346--9 Harris, Revd. S.D. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, Stone-in-Oxney, with particular reference to recent excavation of the north chapel and to the fire of 1464, 121-38 Harrison, A.C., B.A., F.S.A., Excavation of a Belgic and Roman site at 50-54 High Street, Rochester, 41-50 Hasted, E., 7, 14, 19, 313 Hastingleigh, 75 Hathbrand, Prior, 16 Haute, E., 10 Hawkhurst, 81 Hawkins, Fam., 81 Hawkes, C.F.C., 338 Hay, Tempest, The ledger slabs of Canterbury Cathedral, 1991, 5-28 Hendle, Sir T., 81 Hengham, 0., 10 Henry I, 30 III, 197 IV, 27 VIII, 178, 196 Herdman, Martin, Station Road East (Palmer's), Canterbury, 275 Herne, 56 Hernhill, 81 Hicks, Alison, and Ward, Alan, St. Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks, 277-83 Highmore, 19 Highstead, 260 Hill, F., 71 J., 71 T., 71 Hillingdon (Middx.), 338 Hine, J., 73 Hirst, 22 E., 53 Fam., 53 Hoath, 34 Hoaden, 260 Hobson, Capt., R.N., 186 Hodson, F.R., 338 Hogarth, A.C., 146 Hogben, H., 79 T., 79 Holcombe, 16, 28 Holland, Monument, 16 Hollingbourne, 36, 188, 347 Homersham, J., 56 W., 56 Hook, Iron, Jutish, 147, 157 377 GENERAL INDEX Hope, 342,344,347,349 Hopker, David, Review, 360--2 Hornbuckle, Revd., T.W., 185 Horner, G., 42 Horsmonden, 80--1 Horton, 70 Mark, Appendix I, 136-7 Horton Kirby, 350 Hugessen, Sir W., 173 A., 173 ff. D., 174 E., 173 ff. J., 173 Hull, F., Kentish map-makers of the seventeenth century, 63-83 M.R., 338 Hunt, Fam., 188-9 Hythe, 76 Interim report on work carried out by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust in 1991, 265-330 Iron, Chatelaine ring, Jutish, 146 Hook, Jutish, 147 Iron Age, Brooch, 338-9 Pit, 143 Pottery, 143, 285 Isham, F., 17 Isle of Oxney, 121 Islip, Archbishop, 9 ff. Ivychurch, 77 Jackson, J., 205 Jacob, E., 196-7 I., 57 James I, 191 Jeffrey, T., 17 Jeffreys, 28 Jenkins, Frank, M.A. Ph.D., F.S.A., The remains of a building in the precincts of St. Augustine's Abbey, excavated in 1964, 1-4 Obit., 369-70 Jessup, R.F., obit., 370--1 Juli, J., 72 Jutish, Bead, 147 Bottle-vase, 146, 152 Braid, 147, 152 Buckle, 144, 146-7, 152 Cemetery, 139-66 Chatelaine ring, 146 Glass, Pendant, 147, 151 Gold, Pendant, 147, 151 Thread, 159-62 Grave, 142 ff. Hook, 147, 157 Key, 146-7, 153-7 Bronze, 147 Knife, 146-7, 153-7 Pendant, Glass, 147 Pottery, 151 Spearhead, 147, 153 Sword, 146, 152-3 Textile, 152, 159-62 Kain, R.J.P., 108 Keith-Lucas, Prof. B., 191 Kelly, D.B., Archaeological notes from Maidstone Museum, 338-49 Kemp, J., 55 Kent churches - Some new architectural notes, by Tim Tatton-Brown, 111-19 Kentish early modern economic and social history, probate accounts as a source for, by Jacqueline Bower, 51-62 Kentish land measurements of the thirteenth century, by K.P. Witney, 29-39 Kentish map-makers of the seventeenth century, by F. Hull, 63-83 Key, Iron, Jutish, 146-7, 153-7 Kiln, RB, 271 ff. King, D.J. Francis, M.A., P.G.C.E., From Staplehurst to Wellington, 185-9 King, E., 54 M., 54 Kingsgate, 262 Kingsnorth, 58 Kingston, 72 Knife, Jutish, 146-7, 153-7 Knowler, W., 53 Knowlton, 59 Lambarde, T., 78 Lamberhurst, 77, 79, 82 Lambeth, 57 La Pia, M., 82 Lane, N., 75 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 13,111,311 Langdon, T., 69 Langton, Archbishop, 15 Larkfield, 66, 72 Lavaure, Rev. G., 26 Leader, R., 81 Lee,J.,61 Leeds, Castle, 68, 73 378 GENERAL INDEX Lees Court, Murder at, by Sir Richard Faber, 167-83 LeGear, R.F., Denehole subsidence at Barnehurst, 350-2 Legg, J., 17 Leigh, 251 Lenham, 79 Lennard, Fam., 75, 78 Lennox, Duke of, 74 Levi, M., 196-7, 201 Linsted, 53 Linton, 73 Littlebourne, 72 Livesey, Sir M., 167 London, 74-5, 262, 331-2 British Museum, 295, 297 Tower of, 167 Lovelace, Sir W., and Lady, 9, 11 Lovelle, J., 314 Lower Shorne, 342 Ludwig II, of Bavaria, 68 Lumley, W.G., 186 Lyle, H.M., Review, 364-5 Lyminge, 31, 35 Lympne, 77 Lynsted, 173 Church, 174 Maidstone Museum, Archaeological notes from, by D.B. Kelly, 339-49 Maidstone, 32, 35, 65, 69, 72, 79, 97, 104-5, 167 ff., 186-7, 196 County Hall, 64 Grammar School, 74 Mapping and estate management on the early nineteenth-century estate: The case of the Earl of Aylesford's estate atlas, by David Fletcher, 85-109 Mar, W., 75 Marlowe, C., 312 J., 312 Marr, W., 75 Marsham, Sir J., 74 Mason, Dr S., 64, 82 Maude, H., 296 Medieval, Ampulla, 346 Belt chape, 347 mount, 344 Ditch, 142, 275 Floor-tiles, 136-7 Harness pendant, 344, 346-9 Pit, 269, 272, 276 Pottery, 143 Seal-die, 344-7 matrix, 350 Signet ring, 348 Stirrup, 347 Medway, Bridges, 41 River, 73-4, 101 Merovingian, Coin, 147, 151, 163 Mesolithic, Pebble-hammer, 339 Site, 334-6 Metcalf, Dr D.N., 151 Milton-next-Sittingbourne, 54, 59 Hundred of, 73 Minnis Bay, Birchington, 259-60 Minster (Thanet), 260 Molash, Prior, 10, 13 ff. Money, J.H., obit., 371-2 Monkton, 57, 247, 260 Jutish cemetery, 159 Mons (Belgium), 201 Montagu, Lord, 170 Moore, Rt. Hon. M., 189 More, J., 82 Mortlake, 338 Morton, Archbishop, 13-14 Mucking (Essex), 263 Muriel, Revd. E.M., 131 Nash, Fam., 188 J.H., 189 Neighbour, G., 82 Nelson, Adm., 202 Neolithic, Flint axe, 339 New Hythe, 342 Romney, 70, 82 Nile, Battle of, 202 Noble, C., 196 Nonington, 60 Norman, Building, 302 ff. Wall, 303 ff. North Cray, 75 Northfleet, 34 North Foreland, 262-3 Northumberland, Duke of, 74 Norton, T., 67, 74 Nutt, J., 211 Oare, 59 Obituaries, 369-72 Old Romney, 347 Orpington, A Mesolithic site in Priory Gardens, by Tony Grey and Alan Tyler, 334-6 Orpington, Bromley Museum, 334 Ospringe, 56, 72, 82 Otford, 35 379 (jJ::NbKALlNUbX Oudenard (France), 201 Oxenden, Prior, 16 Oxinden, E., 173 Oxford, All Souls College, 93 Magdalen College, 82 Ozengell, Jutish cemetery, 159 Packington Hall (Warks.), 91 Palmer, Mrs. S., 334 Panton, F.H., The Finances and Government of the city and county of Canterbury in the eighteenth and early ninteenth centuries, 191-246 Obituary, 369-70 Papillon, Fam., 76 Parfitt, Keith, Bench Street, Dover, 317-8 St. John's Hospital Reredorter, Canterbury, 300-8 and Grinsell, L.V., The Bronze Age urn from Capel-le-Ferne, 334 Pargate, E., 314 R., 314 Parker, A., 57 Paris (France), 262 Parramore, E., 56 Partridge [Partherich], R., 57 Passmore, C., 72 Patrixbourne, 54 Pattenden, J., 79 Peachye, T., 82 Pebble-hammer, Meso., 339 Pecham, Archbishop, 29 Peckham, Fam., 188 G., 189 Pendant, Jutish, 147 Penn, W.S., 333 Penshurst, 75 Perkins, D.R.J., A Late Bronze Age hoard found at Monkton Court Farm, Thanet, 247-64 The Jutish cemetry at Sarre revisited: A rescue evaluation, 139-66 Petham, 35 Pierse, M., 72, 79 s., 72, 79 Pilcher, J., 196 Pit, AS, 276 BA, 247 IA, 143 Med., 269, 272, 276 RB, 271,274 Pluckley, 80 Plummer, T., 79 Poker, M., 68, 76 Pole, Archbishop, 12 Post-medieval, Seal-die, 349 Stamp, 349 Potter, Dean, 17 Pottery, Belgic, 143, 285 Bottle-vase, Jutish, 146 BA, 248 IA, 143, 285 Jutish, 151 Med., 143 RB, 248, 269, 271, 275 Pratt, Simon, Longmarket, Canterbury, 287-95 Presland, Mr, 296 Probate accounts as a source for Kentish early modern economic and social history, by Jacqueline Bower, 51-62 Rady, Jonathan, Extension of the A20: Folkestone to Dover, 284-5 No. 26A Hawks Lane, Canterbury, 266-70 Rainham, 56 Ramillies, Battle of, 201 Ramsden, G., 77 Ramsgate, 260 Randolph, E., 13 J., 13 Reculver, 34, 72 Relf, Fam., 188-9 Renouf, Sir F., 189 Researches and discoveries in Kent, 331-52 Reviews, 353-67 Richard I, 30 II, 329 Richborough, 260 Ridgeway, G., 81 Roberts, Fam., 77 Robinson, J., 209 Rochester, 61, 65, 73,111,318,332 Bishop of, 70 Bridge, 36, 65, 73-4 Castle, 41 Cathedral, 318 Dean and Chapter, 74 Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, 42, 65-6, 74 Rogers, R., 77 Roman, Altar, 124, 136 Coin, 147, 151, 271, 275, 341-2 Romano-British, Bath-house, 287 ff. Building, 291 ff. Burial, 272 380 GENERAL INDEX Kiln, 271 ff. Pit, 271, 274 Pottery, 248, 269, 271, 275 Road, 287, 332-3 Site, 41-50 Street, 269 ff., 274 Temple, 266, 269 Terret, 350 Town, 270 Wall, 318 Romford (Essex), 82 Romney, Bay, 76 Marsh, 36, 65, 68-70, 76, 79 Rooke, M., 55 T., 55 Rother, Levels, 69, 71, 75, 82 Rouch, C., 26 Rowley, W., 80-2 Royle, Aid., 205 Runnymede Bridge (Surrey), 263 Rushbourne, 34 Russell, G., 68, 74 Rye (E. Sussex), 76 Sadler, A.G., 14, 20 Salisbury, Prior, 9 St. Alphege, 13 Augustine, 136 Christopher, 314 Cosmas in the Blean, 116 ff. Damian in the Blean, 116 ff. Dunstan, 13 Erasmus, 314 Giles, Sarre, 140 James, 314 John, 314 Hope, 17 -the-Baptist, 314, 318 Katherine of Alexandria, 124, 314 Lawrence-in-Thanet, 55 Loy, 314 Margaret, 314 s., 54, 59 Sanderson, E., 202 Sandhurst, 72, 79, 188 Sandwich, 60 ff. Sandys, Col., 6 Saravia, Dr H. de, 11, 22 Sarre, 139, 262 St. Giles, 140 Sandling, 348 Sarre, The Jutish cemetery at, revisited: A rescue evaluation, by D.R.]. Perkins, 139-66 Saxton, C., 63, 66, 73, 82 ?Scabbard-mount, BA, 251 Scott Robertson, Canon, 14 Scudamore, E., 205 Seasalter, 71, 79 Seal-die, Med., 344 Post-medieval, 349 matrix, Med., 350 Seath, R., 74 Selling, 170 Prior, 17 Septvans, Sir R., 27 Sir W., Jnr., 10, 24 Sir W., Sr., 10 Sevenoaks District Architectural Hist01y Group, by Anthony D. Stoyel, 336-7 Sevenoaks, St. Nicholas Church, by Alison Hicks and Alan Ward, 277-83 Sevenoaks, 336 Sevenoaks Weald, 66, 78 Sheerness and the Isle of Sheppey in I 77 3, by Jeremy Black, 331-2 Sheldwich, 167 Sheppey, The Isle of, and Sheerness, in 1773, by Jeremy Black, 331-2 Sheppey, John de, Bishop, 318 Shoeburyness (Essex), 262-3 Shoreham, 37 Mary the Virgin, Stone-in-Oxney, Signet ring, Med., 348 Simmons, Aid. J., 198, 205 Sittingbourne, 82, 202 Skelton, R.A., 92 121-38 Magdalene, 314 Mildred, Tenterden, 122 Mildred's Bay, Westgate, 260 Nicholas, 124, 131, 314 Hospital, Harbledown, 197, 204 Church, Sevenoaks, 277 ff. Nicholas-at-Wade, 53, 60, 260, 262 Peter's, Jutish cemetery, 159 Saltwood, 37 Samon, H., 54, 59 381 Smeeth, 70 Smith, J., 209 Victor T.C., The Roman road (R2) at Springhead, 332-3 Snellard, J., 55 Somner, W., 7, 10 ff. Sondes, Sir G., 167 ff. Sir R., 167 GENERAL INDEX A., 173 F., 167 ff. G., 167 ff. South Hanningfield (Essex), 63 Spaine, J., 59 T., 59 Sparks, M., 5 Review, 353-4 Spearhead, BA, 251 Jutish, 147, 153 Speed, J., 63 Spillett, R., 78 Sprakeling, 22 Springhead, The Roman road (R2) at, by Victor T.C. Smith, 332-3 Stafford, Archbishop, 17 Stamp, Post-medieval, 349 Staple, W., 56 Staplehurst, from, to Wellington, by D .J. Francis King, M.A., P.G.C.E., 185-9 Staplehurst, 185, 187, 189 Starkey Castle, Wouldham, 318 Stirrup, Med., 347 Stocker, A., 280 Stone, R., 205 Stone-in-Oxney, 77 Stone-in-Oxney, The church St. Mary the Virgin, with particular reference to the recent excavation of the north chapel and to the fire of 1464, by the Revd. S.D. Harris, 121-38 Stoyel, Anthony D., Sevenoaks District Architectural History Group, 336-7 Stour, River, 198, 300 Stourmouth, 260 Strap-end, AS, 344 Streatfeild, Fam., 78 Summerfield, R.K., 85 ff. Sussex, Earl of, 75 Swalecliffe, 34 Sword, BA, 250-1 Blade, BA, 248 Jutish, 146, 152-3 Symonson, E., 73 P., 73 T., 74 Tampon, W., 68, 73 Tatton-Brown, Tim, Kent churches - Some new architectural notes, Ill-19 Review, 362-4 The Church of St. George-the-Martyr, Canterbury, 311-17 Taylor, J., 58 R., 58 Temple, Archbishop F., 15 Tenison, 22 Tenterden, 122 Terret, RB, 350 Tester, P.J., 41 Review, 355-6 Textile, Jutish, 152 Teynham, 36-7 Thackwell, E., 53 J., 53 Thames, River, 74, 82, 189, 262 Thanet, A Late Bronze Age hoard found at Monkton Court Farm, by D.R.J. Perkins, 247-64 Thanet, 61,139,247 ff., 262-3 St. John's, 54, 58 St. Peter's, 58 Trust for Archaeology, 144 Thanet, Earl of, 81 Thanington, St. Nicholas Church, by Paul Bennett and Trevor Anderson, 308-11 Thompson, F.M.L., 91 Throwley, 167 Thurnham, 65, 73 Thurrock (Essex), 262 Tibball, M., 56 P., 56 Tolputt, Aid., 209 Tomalin, D.J., 334 Tonbridge, 65, 69, 77-8 J., 72 Tudeley, 339 Tufton, S., 79 Twisden, Estate/Property, 66, 72 Twyman, S., 296 Tyler, Alan, and Grey, Tony, A Mesolithic site in Priory Gardens, Orpington, 334-6 Tyman, C., 247 Ufford, Archbishop, 17 Urry, Dr W., 317 Utrecht (Netherlands), 128 Varnham, R., 140 Walter, A., 66, 72-3, 76 Walker, J., 63 Wantsum Channel, 262-3 Ward, Alan, and Hicks, Nicholas Church, 277-83 Alison, St. Sevenoaks, 382 GENERAL INDEX J. de, 78-9 T., 77 Warham, Archbishop, 17 Watling Street, 272, 332-3 Watts, J., 65, 73 Weald, 36, 66, 69, 78 ff. Webb, M., 55 R., 55 Wedge, T., 90 Weever, J., 6-7, 13-14 Wellington, From Staplehurt to, By D.J. Francis King, M.A., P.G.C.E., 185-9 Wellington (New Zealand), 189 Westgate, 34 St. Mildred's Bay, 260 Westminster, 57 West Peckham, 79 Wickham, 75 White, J., 7 T., 204 Whiting, G., 187-8 Whitstable, 194 Whyman, J., Review, 357-9 Wibert, Prior, 19 Wichling, 344 Wickhambreaux, 72 Willeford, R., 10 William I, 201 383 Wilthew, P., Examination and analysis of coin pellet moulds from Rochester, 49-50 Wimble, J., 56 M., 56 Wingham coin hoard, by Ian Anderson, 295-7 Wingham, 31, 72 Witney, K.P., Kentish land measurements of the thirteenth century, 29-39 Wittersham, 75 Wittlesey, Archbishop, 9 ff. Woodchurch, 77 Woode, J., 73 Woodnesborough, Prior, 10, 12 Woodruff, C.E., 9, 14 Woolnoth, W., 19 Wootton, 22 T., 197 Wouldham, 74, 341, 348 Starkey Castle, 318 Wrake, T., 72 Wren, C., 247 Wrotham, 32, 37, 73 Wye, 37 Yates, Nigel, Review, 366-7 Yeandle, W.H., 122 Yvele, H. de, 329




Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1990