Front matter, Volume 11

�rthreuluiia atantiana. " ANTIQUITATES SEU HISTORJARUM RELlQUI.IE BUNT TANQUAM TADUL.IE NAUFRAGlI; CUM, DllFICIENTE ET FERE SUBMERSA. REltUM MEMOilIA, NHilLOMINUS ROMINES INDUSTRII ET SAGACES, PERTINACI QUADAM ET SCRUPU'LOSA DILIGENTIA, EX GENEALOGIIS, FASTIS, TITULIS, MONUMENTIS, NUMISJIUTIDUS, NOMINIDUS l'ROPRIIS ET STYLIS, VEltDORUM ETYMOLOGIIS, PROVERDIIS, TRaDITIONIDUS, ARCHIVIS, ET INSTRUMENTIS, TAM PUDLICIS QUAM PRIVA.Tis; JUSTORIARUM FRA.GMENTIS, LIBRORUM NEUTIQUAM JIIS'l'ORICORUM LOCIB DISPERSIS,-llX HIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL ALIQUIDUS, NON.NULL,\. A TEMPORIB DILUVIO ERIPIUNT ET CONSERVANT. RES SANE OPEROSA, SED MORTALIDUS ORA.TA ET CUM llEVERENTI.A. QUADAM CONJUNCTA.'' "AN'I'IQUITIES, OR REMNANTS OF lHSTORY, ARE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TADULlE NAUFRAGII; WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, DY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND ODSERVATION, OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WORDS, PROV.ImDs, TRADITIONS, PllIV ATE RECORDS AND EVIDENCES, FRAGMENTS OF STORIES, l'ASSAGES OF Doo:rrs TH.A.T CONCERN NOT STORY, AND THE LIKE, DO SA.VE AND RECOVER SOMEWHAT FROM TJIE DELUGE OP TIME."-Adua11ceme,it of Lea,ming, ii. �r tlurolo!}ht atantiana: llEING TRANSACTIONS OF THE KENT ARCH£0LOGICAL SOCIETY. OL ME XI. 1£onl1on: PRI TED FOR THE OCIET IDTCHELL AND HUGHE WARDOUR TREET, OXFORD TBEET. 1877. The Council of the Kent Archreological Society is not answerable for any opinions put forward in this Worlc. Each Contributor is alone responsibl.e for his own remarks. 0 0 NT ENT S. RULES .A.ND LIST OF MEMBERS .........................•............. BALANCE SHEET ................................. ,. ..................... . ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, 1876 :....:.... ANNUAL MEETING, HELD AT GRA V:ESEN:l> ..........•. ......... NINETEENTH ANNUAL RE�ORT GRAVESEND IN DAYS OF OLD, l 3 Y MR, G. M. ARNOLD ..... . COOLING OHUROH .............. , ..... , ......................... , . lIIGilA.M CHUROlI .............................................. .. SR ORNE CHURCH AND MASTER JOHN Sl10ltNE .............. , COBHAM H.A.LL ..................................................... . NOTES ON SOME MONUMENTS IN ROCHESTER OATJIEDJl,.A.L, DY FA.GR. xiv nxiii xxxiv XXXV xlii lvi lviii lxi lxv THE PROVOST OF ORIEL ................................... , 1 MEDI1EV.A.L EMBROIDERY IN EAST LANGDON CH.URCH ... ... ...... 10 ANCHORITES IN FAVERBIUM: OlI URCII Y.A.RD ... ...... ... ... ...... ... 24 MEDI.iEV .A.L GOLD SEAL OF TJIE JURISDICTION OF SALTWOOD. BY MR. LAMBERT WESTON .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 40 WALL PAINTING IN TH.E OR URCR AT U:FORUROJI ... ... ...... ...... 42 RUINS OF A ROUND CHURCH AT DOVER .... ,......................... 45 ROMAN INTERMENT DISCOVERED AT SITTINGBOURNE. BY MR. GEO, PAYNE, JUN. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . 47 THE LORDS OF OOBIIAM, THEIR MONUMENTS L"'ffi THE CHURCH, . B Y MR. J. G. WALLER ...•............ ,...................... 49 ON MR. TEANBY'S COLLECTION OF ROMAN :POTTERY, BY MR. C. RO.A.OJI SMITH, F.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 118 THE .BRITISH O:FPIDUM: AT COBHAM. DY Ml?,. C. ROACH SMITH, F.B.A, .................................. ,....... ............... 121 CELTIC REM.A.INS FROM TlIE HUNDRED OF JIOO. DY MR, HUMPHRY WIOitH.A.M . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 ON A CAVE NEAR MA.RO.A.TE. DY MR, GEORGE DOWKER, F,G,S. 126 OOULYNG CASTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . 128 CLIFFE AT HOO PARISH CHURCH. DY REV, l, GREY LLOYD .. . 145 '.MlTR.A.L PAINTING IN CLD!'FE OHUROH. DY .REV. E. H. LEE...... 158 ON THE :F!CTURES AT CODII.A.M RALL. DY MR. F, G. STEPHENS 160 MANUSCRIPTS .A.ND RARE BOOKS IN MAIDSTONE MUSEUM,. DY MR. S', W. XERSHAW........................... ... ............ 189 Yl CONTENTS. SIX WILLS RELATING TO COBHAM HALL 199 209 220 1. WILLIAM BROOKE, LORD COBHAM, MEMOIR 200, WILL 2. FRANCES COUNTESS OF KILDARE. MEMOIR 217, WILL 3. FRANCES DUCHESS OF RICHMOND AND LENOX. MEMOIR 225, WILL ......................................... . 4. CH.AJ1LES STUART DUKE OF RICHMOND .A..i.·•m LENOX, 232 MEMOill 251, WILL .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 265 5. sm JOSEPH WILLI.A.MSON ......... ... MEMOIR 274, WILL 288 6. LADY C.A.TJIERINE O'BRIEN......... .. .MEMOIR 294, WILL 299 ABSTRACT OF KENT FINES, ANNO 1 TO ANNO 6 EDWARD II. DY MR. JAMES GREENSTREET ........................ ,.. 305 FAUCONDERGE'S KENTISH RISING 1N 14./71. DY MR, JAMES R. SCOTT, F.S . .A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 859 KmKBY's INQUEST temp. EDWARD I. BY MR. JA.MES GREENSTREET......................................................... 865 EARLY KENTISH WILLS (A.D. 1442 TO 1467) DY MR , JAMES GREENSTREET ...................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . 370 PAY LIST OF KENTISH FOROES R.USED TO RESIST THE SPANISH .A.n:M:.A.DA. BY MR. JAMES R. SCOTT, F.S . .A., ... ...... ... 388 ASSESSMENT OF THE Plu?.ISlI OF COWDEN. :BY MR, SMALLFIELD ......................................................... 892 LIST OF KENTISH GENTLEMEN IN THE REIGN OF HENRY VII. BY MR. J. GREENSTREET.................................... 894 KENTISR CONTRIBUTORS TO • .A. LOAN TO HENRY VIII, A,D. 1542. :BY MR. J. OREENSTREE'.ll... ......... ... ...... ............... 898 ON ST. HILDEFERTH, DY MR. SPARVEL-DAYLY, F.B.A. . . .. .. .. . 405 INVENTORIES OF PARISH OHUROH GOODS IN KENT, A.D. 1552 409 llfISCELLANEA ............................. , .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. 417 INDEX ..................................................................... 419 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Cooling Church, Stalls, Sedilia, and Piscina............ to face p. lvi �faster John Shorne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . lxi Plan of Shorne Church ............... ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lxiii Cobham Hall, Front View................................. tofa-ce p. lxv Block Plan 0£ Cobham Hall . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.xvi Cobham Hall, Tudor Doorwa.y in the North Wing to face p. lxvii Cobham Hall, as seen from the South-west......... to face p. lxx:x: Interior of a Tomb at the East end 0£ Rochester Cathedral... 4 Medireval Embroidery in East Langdon Church. Plate I . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. to /ace p. 10 Monumental Brass of Christina Phelip, 147 0 ... ... ... to face p. 11 Medireval Embroidery at East Langdon. Plate II to face p. 17 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, III to face p. 19 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, IV to face p. 21 Hour-glass Stand in East Langdon Church........................ 23 Monumental Brass of William Thornbury ... ... ...... to face p. 27 Medireval Gold Seal 0£ the Jurisdiction of Saltwood . . . . . . . . . 40 Wall Painting in the Church at Upchurch... two platesfacmg eack otl,,er, between pages 42 a,ncl 43 Foundations 0£ a RoUJld Church at Dover . . . . . . . . . . . . to face p. 45 Roman Vessels found at Sittingbourne (A, B, D) ... to face p. 47 ,, ,, ,, ,, (C, E, G, H) to face p. 48 Monumental 0£ John Lord Cobham, ob. 1408. Plate III ...... ......... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... to face p. 85 Monumental Brass 0£ Margaret Lady of Cobham, ob. 1395. Plate IV............... . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . to face p. 86 Monumental Brass of Sir Reginald Braybroke, ob. 1405. Plate I ......... ... . .. ... ...... ... ...... ... . . . ... to face p. 88 Monumental Brass of Joan Lady of Cobham, ob. 14.,34. Plate II .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . to face p. 100 Tile Tomb found at Higbam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Roman Pottery in Mr. Teanby's Collection . . . . . . . . . to face p. 117 ... Vlll ILLUSTRATIONS. Celtic Remains. Plate A ................................ . " " " B ................................ . 0 ................................. . " " " Pfan of Cooling Castle .................................. .. Inscription on Gateway at Cooling Castle ........... . Cliffe at Hoo Churcl1, Interior .......................... . Coloured Glass (Ship and Virgin with Infant to face p. 123 to face p. 124 to face p. 125 to face p. 132 to face p. 134 to face p. 146 Saviour) ........ • •.......................... .. . .. . .. . . . . to face p. 149 Wall Painting at Cliffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to face p. 158 Letter E, from a Bible of the Twelfth Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Letter A, frorn a Bible of the Twelfth Century . . . . . . to face p. 191 Letters O, P, B ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ... to face p. 192 Portrait o-f Sir Thomas Scott.............................. to face p. 888 ( Xll ) HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. Ssf)forb 11ili11trfct. J, D. N oRWOOD, EsQ. . . . . . . . . Asliford. lalacltf)eatfJ anl:J iLelni11f)a:m il!Jillttict. Mr J. STONE SMALLFIELD, f 269 Stanlwpe Sti-eet, Morn- • ' • • . • • • · l ingt<>n Oreaccnt, N.W. SAMUEL EDWARDS, ESQ, . . , . . . . . 4EliotPark,Le'IIJ'i.slUJ,1n,,S,E, 38romley E:lillltict. J. W.ILOTT,ESQ,, . . Br01nlcy. �antetllut!! iDi11trict.. REV. CANON EDWARD MOORE , , . . . • . :l?ie Gables, Canterbury. €tanbtoolt mtstdct. REv,T.A.CARR , . Vica1·age, Oranbroolt. ilarlfotl:J mt11h:!ct. F, C. J, SPURRELL, EsQ. Bowcdcre, Lcssncss Heat!�. mober iH11trtct. EDWARD FERRA.ND ASTLEY, ESQ., M:.D, .. Matl'inc PMarle, J)(J'IJer. '1I!autry 11ili11ttict. SlR WALTER JAM ES, B.A.ll.T. , . . , , , , , f Bott_fM,ltamg01• Park, Sa,ndt 11/W/b, F. F. GIRAUD, ESQ. , . W. J. JE.A.FFllESON, ESQ, G. M. ARNOLD, ESQ, H. B. MAOlrnSON, EsQ. , §a:ber11f)am mtstrict. Soutli HmMe, FQ,'l}e1'SlWlll1, §olfte11tone IDilltrfct. Folkcstone. �rabe11enl1 11ilillh:ict. GrOIVosenrl. �l!tfJe ilf11trfd. • • . . . . . Hytlw. J111le of �f)anet mi11trict. G. E. HANNAM, EsQ. Mr. SM.ALLli'IELD , . HERBERT MONCKTON, ESQ, REv,J.A.BoonLm ... f .Broinstono H0ttse, Rams­ , • ' • 'l gate. iLonl:Jon. f 269 Stanlwpe �ee-t, Mo1·n­ • • • • • • t ington Orcsccnt, N.w. Jl!lailr1>tone Ulistt:ict, Maid�tone. ,illlalling mt11ti:id. SOCIETIES IN UNION. Neill iltomne11 iBllltrict. JOIIN HUM.l'H.ERY, EsQ. . . . . . . . . New Ro'I/I/Jl,(Ylj. :Jiocfiei;ur mt11trtct. Xlll A. A. ARNOLD, ESQ. , • • • • • . . Tlte FrcciMts, lloclicstoi•. �anbillicfi ,mf11trtd. REV, W. F. SHAW. . . . . . . . . Ea,at1y. g,ebmoalt11 mt1,tt:tct. GEORGE F. O.A.RNiilLL, ESQ. 8evcnoaltS. g,mf ngbourne ii tntrtct. Gn:o. PAYNE, EsQ., JUNIOR • . . . . • . • Sittirl,{Jbownie. i.l:1mterll'en mtnh:ict. REV. 8. C. TRESSE BEA.LE, «unfu:tbne 1Jintrict. J. F. WAD MORE, ESQ, . , . . . , , , . . PumJ;ridgc. «unbtt'lrge m�ell11 ilt11trtd. OIIARLES POWELL, ESQ, , . , , , , , , ·{ Sp#!fz:�-st, Pimb1'idge illilhllterOant il!lis;Md. J., EsQ. Wcstm·ltam, SOCIETIES IN UNION. For lnterclu,nge of Publication!. etc. The Royal Archreological Institute of Great Britaiu. The British .A.rohreological Association. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. The Architectural Museum, 18 Tufton Street, Westminster. The Numismatic Society. The London and Middlesex. Archreological Society. The Historic Society of Cheshire and Lancashil'e. The Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland .Al:chreological Society. The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society. The Norfolk and Norwich .A.rchreological Society. The Suffolk Institute of Archreology. The Surrey Archreological Society. The Sussex Archreological Society, The Wiltshire Archreologica.l and Natural History Society. The SomersetshiJ:e Arcbreological and Natural History Society. Soci�te Arcbeologique de Dunkerque. The Society of Antiquaries, Normandy. The Society of Antiquaries, Picardy. The Society of Antiquaries, Poitiers. The Abbevme SocieLy of Emulation. -- I. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members. 2. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council consisting of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary, and twenty-four Members elected out of the general body of the tlubscribers: one-fourth of the latter shall go out annually by rotation, but shall nevertheless be re-eligible ; and such retiring and the new election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting : but any intermediate vacancy, by death or retirement, among the elected Council, shall be filled up either at the General Meeting or at the next Council Meeting, whichever shall first happen. Five Members of the Council to constitute a quorum. 3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on the second Thursday in the months of March, June, September, and December, and at any other time that the Secretary may deem it expedient to call them together. The June Meeting shall always be held in London ; those of March, September, and December at Canterbury and Maidstone alternately. But the Council shall have power, if it shall deem ·it advisable, at the instance of the President, to hold its meetings at other places within the county ; and to alter the days of meeting, or to omit a quarterly meeting if it shall be found convenient. 4. At every Meeting of the Society or Council, the President, or, in his absence, the Chairman, shall have a casting vote, independently of his vote as a member. 5. A General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, in July, August, or September, at some place rendered interesting by its l\ntiquities or historical associations, in the eastem and westem divisions of the county alternately, unless the Council, for some cause to be by them assigned, ngree to vary this arrangement; the day and place of meeting to be appointed by the Council, who shall have power, at the instance of �he President, to elect some member of the Society connected with the district in which the Meeting shall be held, to act as Chairman of such Meeting. At the said General Meeting, antiquities shall be exhibited, and papers read on subjects of archreologieal interest. The accounts of the Society, having been previously allowed by the Auditors, shall be presented; the Council, through the Secretary, shall make a Report on the state of the Society ; and the Auditors and the six new Members of the Council for the ensuing year shall be elected. 6. The Annual General Meeting shall have power to make such alterations in the Rules as the majority of Members present may approve: provided that notice of any contemplated alterations be given, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary, before June the 1st in the then current year, to be laid by him before the Council at their next Meeting ; provided, also, that the said contemplated alterations be specifically set out in the notices summoning the Meeting, at least one month before the day appointed for it. 7. A Special General Meeting may be summoned, ou the written requisition of seven Members, or of the President, or two Vice-Presisidents, which must specify the subject intended to be brought forward aL such Meeting; and such subject; alone can then be considered. RULES AND REGULATIONS. xv 8. Candidates foT admission must be proposed by one member of the Society a.nd seconded by another, and be balloted for, if required, at any Meeting of the Council, or at a General Meeting, one black ball in five to exclude. 9. Each Ordinary Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of Ten Shillings, due in advance on the 1st of January iu each year; or £5 may at any time be paid in lieu of future subscriptions, as a· composition for life. Any Ordinary Member shall pay, on election, an entrance fee of Ten Shillings, in addition to his Subscription, whether Annual or Life. Every Member shall be entitled to a copy of the Society's Publications; but none will be issued to any Member whose Subscription is in arrear. The Council may remove from the List of Subscribers the name of any Member whose Subscription is two years in arrear, if it be certified to them that a written application for payment has been made by one of the Secretaries, and -not attended to within a month from the time of application. 10. AU Subscriptions and Donations are to be paid to the Bankers of the Society, 01· to one of the Secretaries. 11. All Life Compositions shall be vested in Government Securities, in the names of four Trustees, to be elected by the Council. The interest only of such funds to be used for the ordinary purposes of the Society. 12. No cheque shall be drawn except by order of the Council, and every cheque shall be signed by two Members of the Council and the Honorary Secretary. 13. The P1·P.sident and Secretary, on any vacancy, shall be elected by a General Meeting of the Subscribers. 14. Membe1·s of either House of Parliament, who are landed proprietors of the county or residents therein, shall, on becoming Members of the Society, be placed on the list of Vice-Presidents, and with them such other persons as the Society may elect to that office. 15. The Council shall have power to ·elect, without ballot, on the nomination of two Members, any lady who may be desirous ·of becoming a Member of the Society. 16. The Council shall have power f;o appoint as Honorary Members any person likely to promote the interests of the Society. Such Honorary Member not to pay any subscription, and not to have the right of voting at any Meetings of the Society; but to have all the other privileges of Members. 17. The Council shall have powe1· to appoint any Member Honorary Local Secretary for the town or district wherein he may reside, in 01·der to facilitate the collection of accurate information as to objects and discoveries of local interest, and for the receipt of subscriptions. 18. Meetings for the purpose of reading papers, the exhibition of antiquities, or the discussion of subjects connected therewith, shall be held at such times arid places as the Council may appoint. 19. The Society shall avoid all subjects of religious or political controversy. 20. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be communicated to the Members at the General Meetings. ( xxxu ) CONTRIBUTIONS To the Fund/or supplying Illustrations to the Society's Volumes, etc. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ 8, d. Edwards, S,, Esq .. 0 10 Golding, Mr. C. 0 10 0 Gore, Frederick, Eaq. 0 6 0 Hardy, Rt, Honourable Gathorne ' 0 10 0 Hawkins, Rev, Dr, 0 5 0 Hughes, W., Eaq .. . ' 0 10 0 Hussey, H. L., Esq. 0 11 0 Hussey, R. C., Esq. 0 6 6 James, Sir Walter, Bart. 0 10 0 Larking, J, W., Esq .. 0 10 0 Luard-Selby, Major 0 JO 0 Onslow, Rev. M. O 10 0 Smallfield, Mr,. 0 10 0 Twopeny, E., Esq. 0 5 0 Members willing to contribute to this Fund are requcst:.ed to signify their intention to the Honorary Secretary, or to Mr .. SMALLll'IJDLD, the London Local Secretary, KENT ARCH1EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. n,•. B:iltince S.icct of Acco1&ntsfroJ1i Jan,,ta1'!J lst to necembcr 31.1-t, 1876. 1876. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. 1876. £ a. d. Balance i.n Hand, at tb.e Bankers, Jan. 1st, 1876: Life Compositionii Investen in Consols ....................... . At Messrs. Wigan's... . .... .... .. 183 1 5 Further Cost of A1·cl1reologi,J, Cmitia·1ta. Vol. X :- At Messrs. Hammond's .... . . ... . 154 6 6 Printing.......................................... 298 11 6 - -- - 337 7 10 Illustrations ........... ............ ............. 42 8 6 Dividends on Stock, one ye at ... ... .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .... 15 0 4 Index............................................. 5 5 0 Annual Subscriptions Arreat"i! , Life Compositions. --- Entrance Fees, Donations to Illustration Fund, and Part Cost of A.rclu:eol-ogia Oantiana, Vol. XI :- Receip ts from Sale of Volumes: Illu!>trntion� ............................. ........................ . Received tbrougb the Bankers . . . . .. ... 123 12 6 Part Co3t of .A1·ckrP,0logia Oantiana, Vol. XII:- Received by the following Local Secretaries : Tilustrations .................................................... .. Smallfield, Mr. (London) ..... ... ... ..... 101 0 0 Excavations (for the Thanet Meeting) at Reculver and Ex:ors . of G-. B. Acworth, Esq. (R.ocheste1') 51 13 4 North Foreland ......................................... . Thurston, Thos. , Esq. (A.�lifortl) . . ....... 34 5 0 Expenses of Annual Meeting-, at Gravesend:- Monckton, Herbert. Esq. (�tone) . .. 30 3 6 G. M. Arnold, E,q., Excess of Local Expenditure Powell, C , Esq. (T11nb1'irl(!e Wells) . . ..... .. 24 9 0 over Receipts.............................. 14 6 0 .Arnold, G M , Esq . ( Gravesend) .... ..... 23 15 0 Printing and Postage of Notices of Mtg. 7 7 6 Wadmore, J F., Esq. ('I',mbrwge) . . . ..... 20 0 0 Pri nting Dinner. Caniage, Members', Boodle, Rev. J. A. (;l[alling) .. . .... . . . ... . 19 11 () a.nd Vi�itors' Tickets . ................ . 4 15 6 Hump 3 0 0 hery, J., Esq. (Ne1v Romney) .... 16 10 0 PrintingHistoricalGuidetoCobhamHall Rafrnam. G. E., 'Esq. (Tlia1r,et) . .... .. .... :. 16 0 0 Robertson, Rev. W . .A. . S. ... . .... .... ..... 15 0 0 Carn ell, G. F .. Esq. (Scvenoalts) . . . ..... 12 0 0 Mackeson , H. B .. Esq. (Hytlw) . . ... .. . .. 11 10 0 Beale, Rev. S. C. T., (Tcnttwdcn) . . .. .. . 10 0 0 Carr, Rev. T. A.. ( C1·anbr,,olt) . . ... ... . .... 9 13 6 Giraud, F. F .. Esq. ( Fav1wi ;lta111,) . . . ..... 6 10 0 Ilott, J. W., Ei;q. (Bromle y ) .. .. . ..... .. .. 6 5 6 Shaw, Rev. W. F. (JJJasfr!f ) . . . . . .. . .. 3 11 6 Pearman. Rev. A. J. (Slieppey)...... .. ...... 2 10 0 Murton, W. , Esq., Exors of (Sittingbournc) 4 10 0 Board, Captain (lJJtlenbri.dge) ... . . . . . . ... 1 JO 0 5,1c3 19 10 G-Iass Case for Society's Rooms at Maidstone .............. . Books. Stationer;r, anrl Binning :- Memorials of the Scotts of Scots Hnll .. . Receipt Books and Circulars .............. . Binning ....................................... .. . Rent :-Rooms at Maidstone, one year ..... . Room at Canterbury, for a Council Mtg. 3 S 0 4 15 6 0 10 6 20 0 0 0 10 0 Maidstone Curator's Salary, 13 month� ....................... . London 8ecretnry's Disbursements ............................. . Petty Cn..�h .............. ............... .............. ................ . B 1 b B k ( Messrs. Wignn 's .. . 186 12 (l a a.nee nt t e an ers l Messrs. tlammoncl's 108 8 l l Or. £ s. d. 65 0 0 346 5 0 64 9 0 11 16 0 3 0 0 29 9 0 5 0 0 8 9 0 20 10 0 32 10 0 2 6 6 22 12 1 --- 295 1 5 £896 8 0 Examined and approverl , RICHARD CHAR. HUSSEY, { Auditoi·s. EDWARD MOORE, ) -£89G 8 0 ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, 1876. THE Council met on the 17th of January, 1876, at the house of T. G. GonFREY-FAUSSETT, Esq., within tlie Precincts of the Cathedral at Canterbury, Nine Members we1·e present, the EARL AMHERST p1·esiding. It was resolved that tl1e Annual Meeting, in 1876, be held at Gravesend. Also, that when a Member of the Society desires to purchase an additional copy of any volume of Arch(Eologia Cantiana, his application must be laid before the Council, and be considered upon its merits in each individual case. One new Mero ber was electerl. Thanks were voted to- (a) Mr. J. R. Scott, for the gift of eleven wood blocks, illustrative of papers iu Volume X respecting Brabom·ne Church. (b) Rev. Francis Haslewood, for the gift of four wood blocks, illustrative of the De1·ing Pedigree in Vol. X. (c) Mr. S. Edwards, for copies of six Acts of Parliament relating to Kent, passed. during the reigns of Queen Anne and Kings George I and II. TeE Second Council Meeting was held, rn the Society's Rooms at MaidstoneJ on the 21st of April, VOL. :XI, d xxxiv KENT A.RCRJEOLOGICA.L SOCIETY, Six Members were present, the EARL AMHERST presiding. Letters from the printers having been read, respecting the delay in setting up "copy" for Volume X, it was resolved that the Hon. Secretary, as Editor, be empowered to employ other printers in future, if he think fit. It was resolved that, as several of the volumes of Archr,eologia Cantiana have each cost the Members more than one year's subscription, any new Member who


Errata et Corrogenda


Cooling Church (St James)