General Index
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Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1994
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R, Roman; RB, Romano-British. Abergavenny, Lord, 165 Abernant (Glam.), 226, 228-9 Abraham, J., 21 Acheson, Dr R., 12 Adams, R., 393 W.,224 Adisham, 60, 64, 67-8 Aelfueah, 138 ff., 147 Aelfuere, 129, 132 ff. Aelfric, 126, 131 ff. Archbp, 127, 133 Aelfstan, Bp, 126, 131 ff., 152 Aelfstan, Heahstaning, 138 ff., 147 Aelfswith, 132 ff., 150-1 Aescwyn, 129, 131 Aethelberht, King of Kent, 137-8, 147 King of Wessex, 143 Aethelraed, King, 128, 133 ff., 150 Aethelsige, 128, 144 Aethelwulf, King, 141 Aford (Afford), J., 20-1 Aldridge, Neil, The Trinitarian Priory of Motynden at Headcorn, 177-212 460-8 Alfdred, King, 397-8 Alkham, 59-60, 68 Allen, Denise, Glass, 95-6 M.J., Land mollusca, 318-20 Land mollusca (Chalk Hill, Ditch 113), 323-5 Allend Grange, 471 Anderson, T., The human bones, 427-8 and May s, S.A., Archaeological research priorities for human remains from south-east England ( Kent, East and West Sussex and Surrey), 355-88 Andrews, Phil, Hearne, Carrie M., and Perkins, D.R.J., The Sandwich Bay wastewater treatment scheme archaeological project, 1992-1994, 239-354 Anglo-Saxon, Building, 476 Cemetery, 359,364, 376-7 Angmering (W. Sussex), 157 Antwerp (Belgium), 31 Appledore, 463 Aragon, C. of, 163 Ash,29,55,57,63,68,472 Ashdown Forest (E. Sussex), 167 Ashford, 4, 231, 464 Ashtead (Surrey), 376 Aucher, Sir A., 190-1 Avery, Dr C., 32, 35 Aylesford, 141 Bacchus, D., 453 Baker, J., 172 Bapchild, 59-60, 68 Barham, 69 St. John the Baptist, 30 Barthelot, E., 157 Battle Abbey (E. Sussex), 203 Bearsted, 19 Beckwith, M., 217 Bell,A .,A seal and a search, 431-42 Bellingham, 145 Belt fitting, RB, 93 Benenden,460,464 Bennett, J., 18 w.,220 Benson, J., 444 Beornmod, Bp., 142 Beresse, de, Fam., 434 ff. 497 GENERAL INDEX A. de, 435 ff. R. de, 437 ff. S. de, 437 ff. Bersted (W. Sussex), 156 Besse, 22 Bethersden, 466 Betsham, 432 Beult, River, 177,460 Biddenden, 210,462-3 Bidlington (W. Sussex), 377 Birbeck, Vaughan, Excavations on a Romano-British villa at Church.fields, Snodland, 1992-1994, 71-120 Birchington, 339 Biding, 137 Bishop, N., 19-20 Blair, C., 32 Blake, P., 35 Bognar (W. Sussex), 156 Boismier, W.A., Worked flint, 97 Boleyn, Fam., 166-7 A., 167 ff. G., 167, 172 Sir T., 165, 167 Bone, Gaming counter, RB, 95 Pin, RB, 95 Bosville, Fam., 163 R., 163 Bosworth, Battle of, 164 Bothwell, Earl, 23 Boughton, 224 Boxgrove (W. Sussex), 364 Boxley Abbey, 204 Braboume, 63 Bradbourne, 163 Bradshaw, J., 456 Brandon, C., 168 Brasted, 170 Bray, Fam., 158 R., 158-9 Brede, River (E. Sussex), 231 Brenner, R., 155, 169-70 Brereton, W., 173-4 Brice, T., 400-2 Briggs, T., 6 Bristol, 226 Broadstairs, 468 Broke, Fam., 158 R., 158 ff. Bromley, 126 ff., 143, 145-6, 150-1, 454 Bronze Age, Axe, 471 Flint, 81, 97 Hoard,247,251, 174-7,462,471-3 Occupation, 261-3, 468, 470 Palstave, 460-2 Pottery, 249, 263, 286-98, 333-5, 476 Spearhead, 471 Sword, 472 Brooch, RB, 93 Brookland, 60, 63, 69 Brown, G.T., 458 Lt.-Col. J., 231, 237 Buck, T., 217,224 Buckland, 364, 376 Burker, P., 1-1, 17 Burnham (Som.), 31 Burton (W. Sussex), 157 Byrhtric, 132 ff., 150-1 Byrhtwaru, 131 ff. Calais (France), 164 Cambrai (France), 168 Cambridge, 402 Camden, J., 26 Cameron, N., Diatom analysis, 313-8 Canterbury, 8, 12 ff., 23, 29, 68-9, 164, 178,207, 227, 357,362, 378, 391, 393, 403 ff., 413 ff., 434 Archaeological Trust, 413 Cathedral, 46ff., 204, 389 Cathedral Library, 32, 35, 407 Christchurch, 67-9, 135, 149, 403-4 Cranmer House, 376 Dane John Garden, 31 St. Augustine's Abbey, 46, 67-9, 135, 149,243,390,403-4 St. George's Church, 378 St. Gregory's Priory, 377 St. Mary Magdalene, 30 Carew, Fam., 167 Caroe, W.D., 31 Catherine, Queen, 168 Caton, W., 5, 16 Cemetery, AS, 359, 364 IA, 375 Med., 377-8 Post-medieval, 378 RB, 376,416 Chalk, 141 Chalkwell, 456-7 Chambers, B., 19 Champney, A., 404 Charing, 26, 28 Charing, W itchcraft counter-spells in, by Patricia Winzar, 23-8 Charles II, 14 498 GENERAL INDEX Chartharn, 69 Chatham, 15,450 Chelmsford (Essex), 23 Cheriton,49,55,60,68 Cheyne, Fam., 167 Chichele, Archbp, 403 Chichester (W. Sussex), 47, 156 St. James and St. Mary Magdalene Hospital, 377 St. Pancras, 376 Westgate, 376 Chilham, 219 Chislehurst, 146-7 Cinque Ports, 167, 172, 174,397,404 ff. Civil War, 437 Clare, R. de, 435 Cleal, R.M.J., Neolithic pottery from Chalk Hill, 283-6 Clement, Fam., 157, 163 J., 156 Sir R., 155 ff. w., 156-7 Clement, Sir Richard, Ightham Mote and local disorder in the early Tudor period, by Malcolm Mercer, 155-75 Cliffe, 52, 56, 68 Clinch, G., 454 Clintrie, T., 393 Cnut, King, 149,404 Cobham, 60, 63 Fam., 439 R. de,438,441 Coin, R., 119, 206,279,466 Colvill, J., 17 Compton, Apple Down (W. Sussex), 376 Sir W., 173-4 Cook, G., and Naysmith, P., Appendix I - Radiocarbon dating, 345 Cook, N.C., 73 Cooke, S.H., 444, 451 Cooling,52,68 Copley, Fam., 167 Copper alloy, Brooch, 93 Objects, 208 Pin, 93 Seal, 453 Cottingham, 241 Covert, Fam., 158 J., 160 J., II, 162 R., 160, 162 W., 160 Cranbrook, 8, 17 ff., 458 Crafter, W., 445 Crawshay, Fam., 225 Cray, 139, 145 Crew, R.H., 444 Crofton, 146 Cromwell, T., 168 ff., 180 Crosse, Sir J., 155, 169-70 Crow, E., 223 Currey, Lt.-Col., 214 Currie, C., 32, 35 Cuxton, 437, 439 Dance, Mrs. M., 32 Darent, River, 416 Valley,416-7 Darenth, 135, 137 Dartford, 413,417 East Hill, 416 Dartford, Excavations at Spital Street, 1991, by Alison J. Hicks, 413-29 Davies, John, Roman silver coin from Ebbsfleet, 279 Dawson, W., 170 Day, J., 406 Deal, I0,47,239,243,246,267,273,343 Mill Hill, 375 Denton, 135, 137, 150 Dering, Fam., 158 Detsicas, A.P., Review, 483-4, 490-1 Digwell, Sir B., 31 Ditchley (Oxon.), Villa, 116 Dorset, Marquess of, 166 Dove2. 8, II, 167,340,364,404,406,416 Archaeological Group, 246, 343 Buckland, 364, 376 Castle, 10, 68, 174, 404 St. James, 55, 68 Doyle, J., 32, 35 Draper, Gillian, Dip. Loe. Hist., The first hundred years of Quakerism in Kent; Part II, 1-22 Dryhtwald, 143 Du Boulay, F.R.H., 434, 440 Dudley, Fam., 158 E., 158, 160 Sir J., 169, 171 Dunbar (Scotland), 198 Dungeness, 231 Dunstan, Archbp, 127, 139-40 Dyke, Fam., 158 c., 159 E., 159 H., 159 499 GENERAL INDEX Eadgar, King, 126 ff., 152 Eadmund,King, 138,141,148 Eadred,King, 138, 147-8 Eadric, 139-40 Eadward, King, 149 Eadweard, 134 Eadwine, 134 Eardwulf, Bp, 137, 147 East Farleigh, 73 Eastling, 55 East Malling, 403, 462 Eastry, 55, 63-4, 67-9 East Sutton, 199 Ebbsfleet, 241 ff., 431 Eccles, AS cemetery, 376 Villa, 118 Ecgberht, King, 141-2 Edward I, 404-5, 440 IV, 164,397 The Confessor, 404 Edwards, N., 163 Elgar, F., 35 Elham, 7 Elizabeth I, 23, 169, 397 Empingham (Rutland), 359 Engeham, T., 393 English Channel, 243, 340 Eton (Berks.), 402 Everden, T., 13 Ewen, C.L., 26 Eynsford, 67, 139-40 Eyton, J., 173-4 Farnaby, F., 21 Farnborough, 145 Faversham, 26, 214 ff., 404 Bank,220,226-7 St. Catherine, 68 St. Mary, 63, 69 Faversham, James Tappenden, town clerk of, attorney, banker, industrialist and bankrupt, 1742-1841, by P eter Tann, M.A., 213-29 Fawkham, 126 ff., 150-1 Fell, M., 15 Ferrey, B., 30 Finglesham, 376 Fisher, S., 4 Fitzpatrick, A.P., Late iron Age metalwork from Chalk Hill, 278 Fitzwilliam, Sir W., 161 ff. Fiveash, J., 450 Flete, 472 Flight, Colin, Four vernacular texts from the pre-Conquest archive of Rochester Cathedral, 121-53 Flint, Neo.-BA, 81, 281-2 Foggard, G., 29 Folkestone, 6 ff., 47, 60,462 Fordwich, 404 Fox, G., 1 ff. s., 19 Frindsbury, 437 Frittenden, 463 Puce, J., 10 Gage, Sir J., 169 Gale, Rowena, Charcoal and timber identification, 329-30 Gally Hills (Surrey), 376 Gibbons, G., 30-1 Gibson, W., 6 Gill, E., 31 Glanville, Bp G. de, 435 Glass, Med., 201-3 RB, 95-6 Godfrey, P., 405-6 T., 396, 404 ff. Godmersham, 68 Godstone (Surrey), 135 Godwine, Bp, 127 ff. Goring, Fam., 157 ff. J., II, 157 ff. J., III, 159 ff. Gosselyn, W., 403 Gosselyng, J., 403 Gostling, G., 391-2, 402-3 I.,403 M.,403 w.,403 Goudhurst, 8 Gough, 22 Gravesend,443,449 Great Yarmouth (Norf.), 362 Greatorex, Christopher, B.A., A.I.EA., An archaeological investigation of the Royal Military Canal, near Ham Street, 231-7 Greenfield, J., 6 Greenwich, 407 Grey, Fam., 156 Lady A., 163, 166 Lord J., 166 Sir H., 173 R., Earl of Kent, 173 T., 166 500 GENERAL INDEX Griesheim (Germany), 16 Grifen, J., 17 Grigson, J., 19 Grimshore, W., 393 Grindall, Archbp E., 394, 402-3 Guest, Fam., 225 Guildford, Blackfriars (Surrey), 377 Fam., 164-5 Sir E., 164 ff. Sir H., 164 ff. Sir R., 164 Guildown (Surrey), 376 Gundulf, Bp, 434 Hadlow, 169 Hailsham (E. Sussex), 181 Halling, 438 Ham, 59 Hamilton-Dyer, S., Animal bones, 113-15 Animal bone, 330-2 Ham Street, 231, 464 Ham Street, An archaeologi cal investigation of the Royal Military Canal near, by Christopher Greatorex, B.A., A.I.EA., 231-7 Hanmer, W., 174 Harding, P., Workedflint, 281-2 Harness fitting, RB, 93 Harrietsham, 137 Harris, R., 456 Harrison, A.C., 453 c.,221 Hartlip, 52, 59, 68 Villa, 116 Hasted, E., 157, 185,215,405, 431-2 Hastingleigh, 60, 67 Hastings (E. Sussex), 397, 404 Haute, Fam., 161 E., 161 Hawkins,°J ., 6 Head, Sir R., 31 Headcorn, 177 ff., 460 ff. Headcorn, The Trinitarian Priory of Motynden at, by Neil Aldridge, 177-212 Hearne, Carrie M., Perkins, D.R.J. and Andrews, Phil, The Sandwich Bay wastewater treatment scheme archaeological project, 1992-1994, 239-354 Hengist, 241, 340 Henry I, 433 III, 178-9,437,439 V, 397,405 VII, 155, 162, 164 V III, 155, 160, 162 ff., 397 Henry Tudor, 164 Heppington, 405 Herbertinger, S. de, 437,441 Herne Bay, 362 Hever, 167 Hicks, Alison J., Excavations at Spital Street, Dartford, 1991, 413-29 Higgins, J., 16 Hoard, BA, 247,251, 274-7, 462, 471-3 Hodgkinson, T., 32 Hoey, Lawrence R., Style, patronage and artistic creativity in Kentish parish church architecture: c. 1180-c. 1260, 45-70 Hogg, A.H.A., 454-5 Hogwood, P., 475-6 Holborough, 141 Holgill, W., 161 Hollobone, T.A., 455 Holt (Ches.), Castle, 174 J., 26 Hoo, 437 Fam., 167 Horsa, 241, 340 Horton Kirby, 55, 67 T.,402 Howard, L., 4-5, 8 Howlen, E., 26 Hull, R., 8-9 Hussey, Fam., 159 A.,29 c., 159 N., 159 Hythe, 48-9, 63, 68-9, 231,237,404 St. Leonard's Church, 377 lckham, 60, 64, 67-8 lckleton (Carobs.), Villa, 116 !field (E. Sussex) Manor, 160 Ightham, 162, 170, 403 Mote, 155 ff. Ilford (Essex), 215 Innocent IV, Pope, 207 Iron, Nail, RB, 95 Iron Age, Brooch, 278 Cemetery, 375 Metalwork, 278 Occupation, 261 ff., 468 Pottery, 249, 254, 263-5, 286-98, 334-6,475 501 GENERAL INDEX Ironworking, RB, 458-60, 466 ltford Hill (E. Sussex), 375 lvychurch, 405 James II, 13 VI of Scotland, 23 Jay, L., 476 Jet, Armlet, RB, 96-7 Jewel, Bp., 23 John, King,433,437 Jones, Capt. I., 217 Keith, G., 11 Kemsing, 170 Kent Archaeological Society, 32 Kent, Researches and discoveries in, 453-78 Kent, The first hundred years of Quakerism in, Part II, by Gillian Draper, Dip. Loe. Hist., 1-22 Kentish manuscript book, The compilation of a seventeenth-century, its authorship, ownership and purpose, by Paul Lee, 389-411 Kentish parish church architecture: c. 1180-c. 1260, Style, patronage and artistic creativity in, by Lawrence R. Hoey, 45-70 Kingsdown, 163 Kingsnorth, 464 Knole, 165 Knowlton, 174 Ladriano (Italy), I 68 Laidlaw, M., Fired clay and ceramic building material, 298-9 Worked stone, 283 Lamb, R., 161 Lambarde, W., 407-8 Lambert, T., 21 Lancing, R. of, 180, 198-9 Langdon Abbey, 67 Lanfranc, Archbp, 149-50, 434 Lawson, A.J., Bronze Age metalwork, 274-7 Lead, Seal, Med., 206-8 Lebon, M. Cecily, 458-60 Lee, Paul, The compilation of a seventeenth-century Kentish manuscript book, its authorship, ownership and purpose, 389-411 Leeds Priory, 68, 204 LeGear, R.F., 456-7 Leofsunu, 139-40 Leofwine, 132 Lesnes Abbey, 438 Lewis, C., 27 Lewisham, 145 Leyton (Essex), 215 Lilburne, J., 16 Lincoln, 47, 393 Lismore Castle (Eire), 214 Littlebourne, 67 Littlebrook, 137 ff., 150-1 Long, A.J., and Scaife, R.G., Radiocarbon dates from Weatherlees Hill WTW, 320-2 London, 12 ff., 159, 174, 215, 227, 229, 393, 402, 413 ff. Clerkenwell, 68 Courtauld Institute of Art, 32 Fleet (Prison), 155, 214 Lambeth Palace, 393 Society of Antiquaries of, 32 Victoria and Albert Museum, 31-2 Westminster Abbey, 214 Longfield, 135, 137, 150 Loper, E., 8 R., 8-9 Louis, Prince, 437 Lovelace, Fam., 163 T., 163 Lower Halstow, 52, 59, 68 Lydd,63,67,69,396,404ff. Lydden,60,67 Valley,245-6, 267, 343-4 Lympne, 60, 464 Macpherson-Grant, N., Later prehistoric, Roman and later pottery, 286-98 McKinley, Jacqueline I., Human bone, 301-3 Maidstone, 5-6, 19, 177,181,457 Area Archaeological Group, 71 ff. Gaol, 170 Museum, 458 Villa, 120 Manston, 471-2 Maple, E., 26 Marche, T., 2 ff. Marden, 460 Mardis (?), J., 393 Margary, I.D., 464 Margate, 221 Mary, Queen I, 29 Massey, R., 159 502 GENERAL INDEX Mauduit, A., 35 Mays, S.A., and Anderson, T., Archaeological research priorities for human remains from south-east England (Kent, East and West Sussex and Surrey), 355-88 Medieval, Cemetery, 377-8 Copper alloy objects, 208 Glass, 201-3 Lead Seal, 206-8, 462-3 Occupation,254-7,427 Pottery, 208-11, 257-8, 286-98, 338-9,427 Site, 467-8 Medway, River, 74 Valley, 73, 118, 436-7 Meopham, 135 Mepham, Lorraine, Timber objects, 299-301 Mercer, Malcolm, Sir Richard Clement, lghtham Mote and local disorder in the early Tudor period, 155-75 Merryweather, R.T., 31 Merthyr (Glam.), 227 Mesolithic, Flint, 81, 97 Meyrick, W., 227 Michelgrove, E., 156 J., 156 Michelham Priory (E. Sussex), 181 Middlemas, E., 7 M.,7 Miller, E., 439 Milton, 215, 217 Milton (Northants.), 155, 160 Minnis Bay, 339 Minster-in-Sheppey, 63, 68 Thanet, 69, 470 Minter, R., 17, 22 Moatenden, 177 ff. Monkton, 364 Montague, R., Other metal objects, 279-80 Montford, S. de, 433 Mortimer, R., 404 Mottingham, 147 Naumann, Rev. D., 35 Naysmith, P., and Cook, G., Appendix I - Radiocarbon dating, 345 Neath Canal (Glam.), 225 Neolithic, Flint, 81, 97 Occupation, 261,468,470 Pottery, 249, 283-98, 333-4 Newington, 69, 457, 462 Newman, J., 30 ff., 47 New Romney, 63, 69, 405 Nicolson, J., 10 Nightingale, M., 32, 35 Norfolk, Duke of, 167, 169 Norrington, A., 26 M.,26 s., 26 Northbourne, 67 Northfleet, 443 ff. Northfleet, The Royal Artillery barracks at, during the Napoleonic wars, by Victor T.C. Smith, B.A., F.S.A., 443-52 Northumberland Heath, 457 Nowell, L., 407-8 Nunington, 18 Oakley, Miss A., 35 Obituaries, 493-5 Oda, Archbp, 131 Offa, King, 148 Ogilvie, J.D., obit., 494-5 Oldham, P., 26 Ospringe, 208 Oswald, A., 454-6 Otford, 164 Owen, N., 21 Oxenden (Oxinden), fam., 30, 32 Sir H., 32 Sir J., 32 Oxenden Griffiths, Major D., 32, 35 0., 32, 35 Oxenden Monument, The judgement, 1978, by J. Physick, 29-44 Oxford, 180 All Souls College, 403 Ashmolean Library, 32, 35 Ozengell, 376, 476 Pagenham, Fam., 158-9 H., 157 R., 157 Pagham (W. Sussex), 156 Palmer, E., 157 J., 160, 162 R., 162 Parker, Archbp M., 392, 402 ff. Fam., 157 A., 12 J., 167 Pawley, B., 35 503 GENERAL INDEX Pegwell, 260 Penshurst, 163, 167 Perkins, D.R.J., Phil Andrews and Carrie M. Hearne, The Sandwich Bay wastewater treatment s cheme archaeological project, 1992-1994, 239-354 468-74 Perkins, F., 227 Perrot, J., 11 Petrie, F., 454 Philip, King, 29 Philley, J., 10-11 Philp, B.J., 454 Physick, J., The Oxenden Monument judgment, 1978, 29-44 Pin, RB, 93 Plaxtol, 462 Pluckley, 464 Plumtree Green, 181 Pole, S. de, 441 Ponty pridd (Glam.), 225-6 Post-medieval, Cemetery, 378 Occupation, 427 Pottery, BA, 249, 263, 286-98, 333-5, 476 IA, 249, 254, 263-5, 286-98, 334-6, 475 Med.,208-11,257-8,286-98,338-9,427 Neo., 249, 283-98, 333-4 Post-medieval, 427 RB, 84-5, 87, 97-109, 208, 254, 265-6, 297-8, 336-8, 415, 424, 466,475 Pressnell, L., 220 Preston, St. Catherine, 55, 60, 69 Quellin, A., 30-1 Rainham, 59, 68 Ramsgate, 239, 260, 270, 471 Ray, F., 10 Reculver, 69, 241 Researches and disco veries in Kent, 453-78 Reviews, 479-92 Richborough, 241,342-3 Roach Smith, C., 72 Robbards, H., 19 Rochester, 73, 121 ff., 433-4 Bishop of, 433 ff., 453 Castle, 437 Cathedral, 31, 46, 52, 121 ff., 204,378 Dean of, 15 R o chester Cathedral, Four verna cular texts from the pre-Conquest archive of, by Colin Flight, 121-53 Rochford, Viscount, I 65, 172 Rofe, G., 16 Rokesley, de, Fam., 182 R. de, 178 Roman, Coin, 119,206,279,466 Romano-British, Armlet, 96-7 Belt fitting, 93 Cemetery, 376,416 Fort, 241, 342-3 Gaming counter, 95 Glass, 95-6 Harness fitting, 93 Iron nail, 95 Ironworking, 458-60, 466 Occupation, 254, 261, 263 ff., 413 Pin, 93, 95 Pottery, 84-5, 87, 97-109, 208, 254, 265-6, 297-8, 336-8, 415, 424, 466,475 Road, 413 ff., 464-5 Stud, 94 Villa, 71-120, 416 Romden, 466-7 Castle, 465 Rornford (Essex), 451 Romney, 404-5 Marsh, 197, 231 Rother, River, 23 I Rycher, Fam., 157 Ryarsh, 453 Rye (E. Sussex), 178,181,231 Ryngeley, E., 174 Sackett, J., 223 St. Augustine, 241, 340 Nicholas-at-Wade, 69 Saltwood, 47 Sampson, Rev. D., 35 Sandwich, 10, 18, 29, 174, 239, 243, 246, 260, 267 ff., 404 St. Clement, 63, 68 Sandwich Bay, 234 Sandwich Bay, The, Wastewater treatment s cheme archaeological project, 1992-1994, by Carrie M. Hearne, D.RJ. Perkins and Phil Andrews, 239-354 Sarre, 364 Saunder, H., 161 Scaife, R.G., Charred plant remains, 325-9 504 GENERAL INDEX Pollen analysis, 303-13 and Long, A.J., Radiocarbon dates from Weatherlees Hill WTW, 320-2 Seabrook, 231 Seager Smith, Rachael, Ceramic building material, 109-10 Copper alloy finds, 93-4 Iron objects, 95 Oysters, 115 Painted wall-plaster, 110-13 Pottery, 97-109 Shale or jet, 96-7 Worked bone objects, 95 Seal, 162, 170 Med., 206-8,453,462-3 Seal, A, and a search, by A. Bell, 431-42 Seaton (Devon), Villa, 116 Selling, 47, 57, 68-9 Sellinge, 405-6 Sens, W. of, 47 Serles, J., 404 Sevenoaks, 21 St. Nicholas' Church, 378 Weald, 455 Sewel, 22 Shadoxhurst, 464 Shale, Armlet, RB, 96-7 Shatterling, 472 Shearme, Mrs. J.C., 32, 35 Shelve, 139 Shepherd, J., 218, 227 s., 227-8 Sheppey, Isle of, 362 Shipbourne, 155,162, 169-70 Shottenden, 456 Shurley, Fam., 158 J., 160, 166 Sidney, Fam., 158, 163 Sir W., 162, 167, 172 Sissinghurst Castle, I 81 Sittingbourne, 52, 59, 68, 215 ff. Siward, Bp, 126 Smarden, 465, 467 Smith, V ictor T.C., B.A., F.S.A., T he Royal Artillery barracks at Northfleet during the Napoleonic wars, 443-52 Snodland, 126, 129, 141, 148 ff. Snodland, 1992-94, Excavations on a Romano-British villa at Churchfields, by Vaughan Birbeck, 71-120 Somner, W., 406 ff. Southampton, Earl of, 172 Southfleet, 431 ff. Sparks, Margaret, Review, 480-3 Speldhurst, 437,439 Stafford, W., 157, 160, 162 Starkey, D., 156 Stanley, S., 29 Stanton, W., 30 Staplehurst, 6 Stockbridge, 231 Stockbury,47,49,57, 68 Stonar, 268, 341 ff., 377 Bank, 241 ff. Stone, 48, 437 Manor of, 150 R.C., obit., 493 Story, 10-11, 22 Stour, River, 243, 268, 270, 340 ff. Stourmouth, 47 Streeten, Dr A., 210 Strong, R., 32 Strood, 198, 437 Stubbs, J., 5 Stud, RB, 94 Suffolk, Duke of, 168 Sutton-at-Hone, 157 Sutton Valence, 178, 464 Swanscombe, 364 Sympson, R., 169 Tann, P eter, M.A., James Tappenden, town clerk of Faversham, attorney, banker, industrialist and bankrupt, 1742-1841, 213-29 Tappenden, Fam., 213 ff. c.o., 213 ff. J., 213 ff. Tassell, P., 218 Taunton (Som.), 460 Taylor, A.H., 29 c., 182 Teynham, Lord, 2 I 5 Thames, Estuary, 241, 243, 340 River, 416,443 Thanet, Isle of, 241,339,342, 362, 364 Thelsford (Warks.), 179, 198 Theodore, Archbp., 23 Thurm, H., 10 Tilden, S., 20 Tillingham, River (E. Sussex), 231 Titsey (Surrey), 137 Tonbridge, 167, 437, 455 Toppy, Fam., 157 505 Tupholme (Lines.), 182 Tutsam, E., 170 Tylghman, R., 161 Ulcombe, 55, 57, 68 Underriver, 455 Upchurch, 68, 437 Upton, G., 32 Valence, W. de, 179 Villa, RB, 71-120, 416 Wadeton, Fam., 439 J. de,438,441 R. de, 438 Walkelin, Bp, 453 Walkinstead (Surrey), 135 Walliford, J., 26 Waltham, 18 Wantsum Channel, 241 ff. Ward, Dr G., 455 Warley, 450 Warner, E., 162, 165 Warham, Archbp W., 164 Wateringbury, 137 Weatherlees, 241, 245 Welles, T., 161 West Ham (Essex), 215 West Malling, 55 Westminster Abbey, 48 Weston, F., 167 Sir R., 162, 167 Westwell, 26, 63-4, 66 ff. West Wickham Common, 454 West Wittering (W. Sussex), 157 Wharram Percy (Yorks.), 361 White, G., 4 Whitfield, J., 30 GENERAL INDEX W hittlebury, A., 155, 160, 163 R., 155, 160-1 W hitstable, 25, 362 W hy ma n , J o h n , Review, 4 7 9 - 8 0 , 484-9 Wichling, 463 Wilderton, G. de, 441 Wilkinson, 10-11, 22 Willelm, King, 150 William the Englishman, 47 Williams, Dr J., 231 Willoughby, T., 164 Wiltshire, Earl of, 172 Winchelsea (E. Sussex), 234 Wingham, 18, 29, 31-2, 472 St. Mary the Virgin, 29 ff. Winzar, Patricia, Witchcraft coun ter-spells in Charing, 23-8 Witcombe (Glos.), Villa, 116 Withyham (E. Sussex), 163 Witney, K.P., 463 Wolsey, Cardinal, 161, 164 ff. Wood, J., 450 Woodchurch,55, 63-4,68-9 Woodruff, C.E., 391,406 Worms (Germany), 16 Worsfold, W.B., 465 Wotton, Sir E., 165 Wouldham, 125, 127-8, 137 ff., 147, 151, 403,437,440 Wreight, H., 228 Wright, F.L., 60 T., 72 Wrotham, 162 Wulfheah, 137 Wyles, S.F., Marine mollusca, 332 York, 361 506