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Obituaries - Prof. Bryan Keith-Lucas, Norman Cook
Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1995
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R, Roman; RB, Romano-British. Adams, Mary, B.Sc., The development of roof-tiling and tile-making on some mid-Kent manors of Christ Church Priory in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, 35-59 Addington, 18, 26 Agney (?), Manor of, 43 Aire, River (Yorks.), 97 Aldridge, Neil, 334-7 Algiers (Algeria), 189 Alleyn, C., 252 Amsterdam (Holland), 186, 189, 303 Anderson, T., 332-4 Anglo-Saxon, Buckle, 310 Cemetery, 267, 305, 310 Pottery, 3 10 Appledore, 89 Manor of, 44 Ashbee, Paul, Julliberrie' s Grave, Chi/ham: Retrospection and perception, 1-33 Obituary, 353 Ashford, 322 Atkinson, J., 169 Avebury (Wilts.), 8-9 Lord, 24 Aubrey, J., 4, 18-19 Austin, Rupert, An architectural survey of Littlebourne barn, 203-19 Axe, Flint, 23-5 Aylesford, 26 Bailey, W., 103 Barden, 105 Bardown (E. Sussex), 337 Barham, Downs, 6, 11 Barking (Essex), 96 Barrow, BA, 276, 279, 307 Neo., 1 ff., 6, 18, 28 Bathe, H. de, 95 Battely, J., 4 ff. Battle (E. Sussex), Abbey, 39 355 Bavay (France), 339 Bead,305 Beaker, Burial, 305 Bearsted, 24 Beccles (Suffolk), 96 Belgic, Cemetery, 336-7 Pottery, 271, 276 Bell, J., 150 Belloc, H., 16 Belting, 318 Bennett, M., Work on water pipelines, 338-9 Bewley, 250 Bidborough, 114 Biddenden, 335-6 Bigbury, 3 Bilsington, Priory, 85 Boat, BA, 307 Boleyn, Sir T., 329 Bond, T., 223-4 Bonnington, 65 Boston (Lines.), 97-8 Boughton Aluph, 2 Bowden, Mark, The medieval park at Kemsing, 329-32 Bracelet, 277 Neo., 305 Braintree (Essex), 170 Brames, J., 296 ff. Brandon, B., 150, 152 Brede (E. Sussex), 97 Brenchley, 246, 257 Brent, Mrs., 170 Brenzett, 71 Brett, W., 167 Brier, A., 159 Brionne (France), 103-4 Bristol, 96. 148 Broke, W., 46 Bronze Age, Barrow, 276, 279 Boat, 307 Pottery, 271, 276-7, 307, 315 GENERAL INDEX Brooch, IA, 277 RB, 271,277 Brook, 203 Manor of, 35 ff. Brookland, 89 Broomhill, 96 Bruce, Aid. C., 162 Buckingham, Duke of, I 13 Buckle, AS, 310 Budgeon, J., 246 Building, RB, 308, 314, 317, 325 ff. Burial,B eaker,3 05,3 07 Neo., 305 RB, 21, 25, 313 Burmarsh, 67, 80, 82 Busby, J., 253 Cambridge, 260 Camden, W., 3 Canterbury, 9, 58, 97, 147 ff., 203, 31 I ff. All Saints, 151, 153 Christ Church, Manor of, 99 St. Alphege, 151, 153 St. Andrew's, 151, 153, 170 St. Augustine's Abbey, 217 St. George's, 153 St. Margaret's, 153 St. Martin's Holy Cross, 151, 153 St. Mary Bredin, 151, 153, 169, 177 St. Mary Bredman, 151, 153 St. Mary Magdalene, 151, 153 St. Mary Northgate, 151, 153, 169 St. Mildred's, 150, 153, 167, 169 St. Paul's, 153 St. Peter's, 151, 169 Canterbury Archaeological Trust and the Trust for Thanet Archaeology, Interim report on excavations in advance of the dualling of the A253 between Monkton and Mount Pleasant, Thane!, 305-310 Canterbury, Finances and government ofEighteenth to mid-nineteenth century Court of Guardians, by F.H. Panton, 147-81 Caplin, J., 179 Carpenter, T., 255 Carter, H., 80 Carkaridge, A., 223 Castor, The wreck of the S.S. (1870- 1894), and the recovery of part of the ship's cargo, by R. Cross, 183-202 356 Catania (Italy), 187 Cemetery, AS, 267, 305, 310 Belgic, 336-7 Charles I, 222, 293, 296 ff. Chart Sutton, 335-6 Chartham, 42 Downs, II Chatham, 175, 221 Cheaver, J., 159 Chennel, J., 70 Chiddingstone, 252 Childe, V.G., 27 Chilham, 1 ff Castle, 5-6, 15, 17 Chislet, 203, 217, 238, 280, 317-18 Chowning, Fam., 253 Christopher, Fam., 249, 253 Clackett, Mrs., 170 Clare, de, 124 Clarke, J., 153, 161 Cleggett, David A.H., Review 346-8 Cliffe, Carinated beaker from Lower Hope Point, by Phillip Woollard, 339 Cliffe, Human bones from the Lower Hope Point, by Phillip Woollard, 332 Coin, R, 25 Colchester (Essex), 339 Coldrum, 14 Cook, H. 80 Norman, obit., 352-3 Cooper, E., 150 Copper alloy,B racelet,N eo.,3 05 Copton, Manor of, 43 Comilo, Hundred of, 95 Court, J., 167 Cowlese, 50 Cranbrook, 238 Crawford, O.G.S., 1 ff. Cripple, S., 159-60 Cross, R., The wreck of the S.S. Castor (1870-1894) and the recovery of part of the ship's cargo, 183-202 Crouch, 252 H., 160 s., 160 Dagenham (Essex), 96 Davington, 203 Decaufor, D., 179 Denman, Fam., 259 ff. Deptford, St. Paul's, 165 Dover,1 1,1 83,2 93 ff.,3 07,3 21,3 39 Castle, 291 GENERAL INDEX Dover, The international entrepot at, in crisis: English fishing entrepreneurs, Dunkirk privateers, government policy, and the character of King Charles I, 1637-1640 by Jon Kepler, 293-303 Dowling, M., 159 Dugdale, W., 93 ff. Dymchurch, 65, 67, 72, 76, 82, 88-9, 321 Dungeness, 184, 189 Dunkirk, 293 ff. Eastbridge, 65, 67, 80, 82 East Guildeford, 99 East Farleigh, 45, 48 Eastry, By-pass, 319 Hundred of, 95 Prior, 36, 42, 5 7 Edward I,2 17 ill,94,96 Eldridge, A., 158 Elizabeth I, 116, 148, 238 Elliot, M., 159 Elmsted, 2 Elverton, Manor of, 43, 45, 50 Engeham, E., 169 Farmstead, Med., 305 Faversham, 48, 96, 203, 323 Fens (Norfolk), 90 Ferrybridge (Yorks.), 97 Finch, H., Earl of Winchelsea, 5 ff. FitzGilbert, R., 103 Flint, Axe, 23-5 Folkestone, 189 Fox, Jean, C.Eng., F.B.C.S., Sevenoaks, Seal and lghtham - 1560 to 1650, 225-63 Fremlyn, Fam., 249, 253 French, Fam., 249, 253 Frend, Ald., 171-2 Frindsbury, 203,207 Friskney (Lines.), 97 Fryeming (Essex), 238 Fyneux, Sir J., 99 Gascoigne, W., 169 Gaton, M., 159 Gatwoo, S., 167 Gibbon, Dr N., 230, 232 Gibson, E., 3 Gilpin, T., 167 Gloucester, 96 357 Glover, B., 248 Godfrey, R., 113 Godmersham, 203 Gold, S., 159 Gosnoll, W., 250 Gostling, W., 5 Gough, R., 3-4 Graham, Sir J., 176 Graveney, 183 Gravesend, 283 ff. Gravesend, 1795, The rear defence walls of New Tavern Fort, by Victor T.C. Smith, B.A. F.S.A., 283-92 Gray, Ald., 161 Great Chart, Manor of, 35 ff. Great Y annouth (Norfolk), 96 Greenwich, 165 Griffiths, W., 162-3 Grimsby (Lines.), 97 Grinsell, L.V., 3, 28 Guildford, Sir R., 99 Gylmyn. T., 250 Hadlow, Fam., 253 Hambrook, E., 174 Harbledown, 164 Hardres, J., 150 Harrietsham, 222 Harris, J., 18 Harrison, E., 250 Hartsdown, 265 ff. Hasted, E., 4--5 ff. Havard, D., 159 Headcom, 334--5 Heath, R., 223 Henry Vill, 110 Herne Bay, 238, 317, 319 Heron, R., 4 T., 4, 17 Hicks, A., 159 Highstead, 280, 318 Hoad, J., 223 Hoare, C., 18 Hodsoll, Fam., 253, 259 Holderness (Yorks.), 97 Holland, C., 159 P., 3 Hollingbourne, 44 Manor of, 35 ff. Holmes, J., 167 Honeywood, Sir J., 67 Hook (Yorks.), 95 Hooker, J., 113 GENERAL INDEX Hooper, N., 259--60 Hothfield, Manor of, 43, 58 Hawking, W., 46 Humber, River (Lines)., 98 Hurler, J., 167 Hyde-Page, Capt. T., 283 Hythe, 61 Ightham, 203, 225 ff. Mote, 252 Interim report on work carried out by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 311-24 Interim report on excavations in advance of the dualling of the A253 between Monkton and Mount Pleasant, Thanet, by Canterbury Archaeological Trust and the Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 305-10 Ireland,W .H.,5 ,1 7 Iron Age, Brooch, 277 Pottery, 21, 271, 273, 276, 313 Ivy Hatch, 250, 252 James I, 222 James W., 248, 252 Jenkins, Dr F., 313 R.C., 15 Jessup, R.F., 1 ff. Jet, Bead, Neo., 305 Johnson, S., 167 Josland, Ron, B.A., Cert. Arch., A group of seventeenth-century trade tokens in Maidstone Museum, 221-4 Julliberrie' s Grave, Chi/ham: Retrospection and perception, by Paul Ashbee, 1-33 Keith-Lucas, Professor Bryan, C.B.E., obit., 351-2 Kemsing, 225 ff., 329 ff. Kemsing, The medieval park at, by Mark Bowden, 329-32 Kenardington, 322 Kennington, 322 Kent, Researches and discoveries in, 325-39 Kentish, T., 230, 232 Kepler, Jon, The international entrepot at Dover in crisis: English fishing entrepreneurs, Dunkirk privateers, government policy, and the character of King Charles I, 1637-1640, 293-303 358 Kesteven (Lines.), 97 Kilburne, R., 4 King, E., 103 ff. J., 110, 169 Kingsgate, 267 Kingston, 15 Kip, Fam., 253 Kirkall, E., 9 Kirkus, M., 93 Kit's Coty House, 18 Lambarde, W., 3, 17, 252 Lambeth, 165 Leet, T., 167 Leiden (Holland), 188, 191 Lenham, 203 Lennep, A.O. van, 188 ff. Lewis, A., 162 Limen, River, 61, 82, 90 Lindsey (Lines.), 97 Littlebourne barn, An architectural survey of, by Rupert Austin, 203-19 Little Chart, Manor of, 35 ff. Little Mungham, 217 Lomas, J., 169 London, 9,221,249,294,339 Loose, 45, 48 Lord, W., 70 Lovejoy, E., 179 Lydd,96 Lyminge, 15, 338 Lympne, 67, 80, 82, 88 Lydden, Valley, 267 Lynch, G., 152 Macpherson-Grant, N., 268 Maidstone, 40, 165, 175 Museum, 221 ff. Maidstone Museum, A group of seventeenth-century tokens in, by Ron Josland, B.A., Cert. Arch., 221-4 Manston, 310 Margate, 265 ff., 329 Margate, The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Evaluation work carrieil out in 1995, Hartsdown community woodland scheme, by D.R.J. Perkins, 265-81 Marham, J., 46 Marshall,T .,7 3 Marten, Sir H., 297 GENERAL INDEX Medieval, Farmstead, 305 Pottery, 73, 272-3 Medway, River, 18, 26, 101 ff. Tunnel, 323 Valley, IOI Mersham, 42-3 Messina (Italy), 187 Midley, 96 Miller, J., 252 N., 252 Millett, Martin, Review, 341-6 Milton, Chantry, 283, 286 Minster, 325 Abbey, 310 Farm, 325 ff. Multon, Fam., 252-3 Naccolt, 46 Neale, J.M., 15 Neolithic, Barrow, 1 ff., 6, 18, 28 Burial, 305 Pottery, 21, 271, 305 Nevinson, T., 249 Newchurch, 65, 67, 90 Newington, 338 New Romney, 322 New York (U.S.A.), 186-7 Nixton, D., 179 Northampton, 167 Northbourne, 217 North Downs, 35, 58 Northfleet, 97 Northumberland, Lord Adm., 300 Norwich, 96 Nysa (Nicaea, Turkey), 189 Oare, 96 Obituaries, 351-3 Oldbury, 250 Old Romney, 96 Orgarswick, 74 Orpington, Museum, 24 Ospringe, 323 Otford, 329-30 Ouse, River (Yorks.), 95 Overton Down (Wilts.), 21 Owen, A.E.B., The Custom of Romney Marsh and the Statute of Sewers of 1427, 93-9 Oxford, 260 Page, K., 260 Palermo (Italy), 187 359 Panton, F.H., Finances and government of Canterbury: Eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century Court of Guardians, 147-81 Parker, A., 248 Peers, Sir C., 116 Pembroke, Countess of, 329 Earl of, 300 Pennington, Sir J., 297 Perkins, D.R.J., The Abbey Farm villa training excavation, 325-9 The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Evaluation work carried out in 1995, Hartsdown community woodland scheme, Margate, 265-81 Petchie, J., 238 Petham, 45 Petley, J., 259 w., 259 Pett (E. Sussex), 97 Pilgrims' Way, The, 42 Philipot, T., 2, 4 Phillips, A., 119 Phillips Bevan, G., 15 Piggott, S., 27-8 Pleyte, Dr W., 188 ff. Plumstead, 97 Plymouth (Devon), 187, 297 Polhil, R., 250 Porter, E., 250 Pottery, AS, 310 BA, 271, 276-7, 307, 315 Belgic, 271, 276 IA, 21, 271, 273, 276, 313 Med., 73, 272-3 Neo., 21, 271, 305 RB, 21, 25-6, 271, 311 ff., 339 Policy, Abbot T., 217 Prebble, J., 82 Ralph, Abbot, 217 Ramsgate, 24 Reedness (Yorks.), 95 Reeves, Anne, Earthworks survey, Romney Marsh, 61-92 Renn, D., 115, 139 Researches and discoveries in Kent, 325-39 Reviews, 341-50 Richard I, 104 II, 96 Richborough, 11 Ridout, T., 174 GENERAL INDEX Ripple, S. of, 217 Rochester, 97, 203, 250, 323-4 Castle, 9, 323 Roman, Coin, 25 Romano-British, Brooch, 271, 277 Building, 308, 314, 317, 325 ff. Burial, 21, 25, 313 Pottery, 21, 25-6, 271, 311 ff., 339 Road, 311 Settlement, 305, 308 Trackway, 266, 268-71, 280 Villa, 267, 325 ff. Watling Street, 314 Romney Marsh, 61 ff., 93 ff. Romney Marsh. Earthworks survey, by Anne Reeves, 61-92 Romney Marsh, The Custom of. and the Statute of Sewers of 1427, by A.E.B. Owen, 93-9 Roof-tiling and tile-making, The development of. on some mid-Kent manors of Christ Church Priory in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, by Mary Adams, B.Sc., 35-59 Rotterdam (Holland), 186 Ruckinge, 69, 90 Ruse, J., 222-3 Rye (E. Sussex), 61, 96, 99 A., 161 Saffery, M., 159 St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe, 338 Sands, H., 116-17, 139 Sandwich, 97, 320 Schofield, Dr R., 245 Seal, 225 ff., 329 Sedbrook, 71 Sedley, Sir J., 252-3 Selby, Sir W., 252 Sellindge, 74-5 Sevenoaks, 225 ff. Sevenoaks, Seal and lghtham - 1560 to 1650, by Jean Fox, C.Eng., F.B.C.S., 225-63 Shawe, A., 253 Sheppey, 95 Shipboume, 260 Silk, J., 169 Simmons, H., 154 Simmons, Sydney, F.I.C.E., Tohbridge Castle: Further observations on an ancient castle, 101-45 360 Smith, Victor T.C., B.A., F.S.A., The rear defence walls of New Tavern Fort, Gravesend, 1795, 283-92 Smyrna (Turkey), 188 ff. Snargate, 95 Southon, S., 67 Spindle-whorl, 277 Stacey, G., 117 Stafford, E. Lady, 103 Stanbridge, A., 119 Staplegate, 169 Staplehurst, 235, 246, 255-7 Stodmarsh, 217 Stone, W., 170 Stonehenge (Wilts.), 8-9 Stowell, P., 250 Stratford-at-Bow (Essex), 96 Stretfield, Fam., 253 Strood, 203 Stukeley, W., 6 ff. Stour, Little, 15 River, 11, 17 Valley, 2, 28 Sulyard, F., 103 Summers, H., 161 Sutton, W., 169 Sutton Valence, 46, 222 Swan, W., 259 Swarling, 26 Tebold, J., 248, 329 Fam., 249 Terling (Essex), 227 Thames, River, 96, 283 Thanet, 96, 271, 305 ff., 325 Isle of, 169, 305, 325 Thanet, The Trust for, Archaeology, and Canterbury Archaeological Trust, interim report on excavations in advance of the dualling of the A253 between Monkton and Mount Pleasant, 305-10 Thanington, 169 Thomas, R., 255 Thom (Som.), 170 Thumam, J., 1, 7, 18, 26 Thynne, T., Viscount Weymouth, 5-6 Tichboume, F., 250 Till, J., 119 Tonbridge, 101 ff., 260, 329 Tonbridge Castle: Further observations on an ancient castle, by Sydney Simmons, F.I.C.E., 101-45 Towle, A., 159 Tufton, N., Earl of Thanet, 4 Tunbridge Wells, 120 Twyman, Mrs., 170 Twyne, J., 6 Ulcombe, 336-7 Underriver, 261 Usk (Gwent), 339 Vane, R., 243 Vienna (Austria), 188 Visser, J.R., 189 Wainfleet (Lines.), 97 Wakling, W., 243 Wale, T., 250 Walker, R., 224 Walland Marsh, 88 ff. Wallenberg, J.K., 2 Wantsum Channel, 308, 325 Wash, The (Lines.), 98 'Weaving comb', 277 Web, W., 223 Webb, E., 223--4 M., 159 Weeks, S., 223 Wemyss, J., 167 Wentlooge Levels (Gwent), 90 Westgate, 169 West Farleigh, 45, 48 West Hythe, 67 West Kennet (Wilts.), 26 GENERAL INDEX 361 West Malling, 222 Westwell, Manor of, 35 ff. Westwell Leacon, 42 Weymouth (Dorset), 5 Whitfield, By-Pass, 319 Whitstable, 318-19 Whitwell, J., 170 Whyman, John, Obituary, 351-2 Wicking, R., 223 Wight, Isle of, 183 Willen, J., 159 Willes, S., 159 William ill, 222 Williams, Dr J., 183,265,319 Willoughby, P., 252 Winchelsea (E. Sussex), 5 Lord, 9, 11 Winter, B., 149 Witham, River (Lines.), 97 Withred, 217 Wittersham, 46 Woollard, Phillip, Carinated beaker from Lower Hope Point, 339 Human bones from the Lower Hope Point, Cliffe, 332 Wooton Manor, 42 Worley Common, 167 Wright, J., 170 Wrotham, 203, 250 Wye, 39 Yates, Nigel, Review, 348-9