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Annual Report of the Council for 1999
Frontispiece 1998
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. A20 Diversion Holm Hill 216 Abergavenny, Lord 230 Adams, Godlyve, will 265-6 Addington, St Margaret's church 293 adze, Neolithic 278 Alcock, John, bishop 304 Alcock, Robert, JP 20, 31 alehouses 16, 21 Allen, Sir Christopher, JP 11, 14,27,31,37 Allhallows, All Saints church 293 Allington, St Peter's church 292, 293 Anderson, Trevor, on the cremated bone from Deal 386-7 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon Eastry 379, 380 Mersham, artefacts 213 Ripple/Ringwould, bird mount and other finds 394-8 sunken-floored building 200 see also cemeteries; mounts; pottery animal bone (vertebrates; invertebrate remains) burials, late Iron Age-early Romano- British 194 Cuxton 208 Dartford 381 Mount Roman villa 79, 136, 137-41, 164 Neolithic, and in long barrows 275, 276, 277, 278-9 Summerton Way 315, 323-4, 337 White Horse Stone 194 amphibians 137 cattle 381 frog 144, 145 goat 324 horse burials 197, 211 mouse 142, 144, 146 ovicaprid 275 ox 275, 278-9 pig 275, 279, 381 rabbit/hare 356 red deer 275 sheep 323-4 sheep/goat 381 shrews 144-5, 146, 147 slow worm 144, 145 slugs 141, 142 snakes 137, 143, 144, 145 voles 142-3, 144, 145, 146, 147, 164 Annesley, Brian, JP 12, 31, 38 antler waste, at the Mount Roman villa 104, 112-13, 164 Archaeology South East, UCL 381, 389, 392 archbishops' registers 290 Argall, Richard, JP 31 arrowhead, Neolithic 276 Arturbury, John 67 n.26 Ash St Peter and St Paul's church 293 tegulae 392 Ashbee, Paul, 'The Medway megaliths in a European context' 269-84 Ashby, Agnes 267 Ashby St Ledgers (Northants), brass 402 Asheley, Richard 63 Ashford 230 Boys Hall Balancing Pond 217 Ashley, Thomas, JP 31, 40 n.21 Ashurst, St Martin's church 293 assizes 13, 14, 20, 25-7 Astley, John, JP 9, 31 Aston, William, will 65 n.19 Atherfield Clay 73 Aucher, Anthony, JP 31 Aucher, Henry 231, 232 Aucher, Robert 236, 237 Audley, Edmund, bishop 302, 304 Austen, Roger, will 68 n.30 awls, iron, LBA/EIA 194 axes (flint) Acheulian hand-axes 369, 370-2 cordate type hand-axe 373 in hoards 278 Neolithic 276, 277-8 Aylesford Bronze Age and Iron Age 280 lathe 18 St Peter and St Paul's church 293 Ayscough, John, JP 31,38 Aymer de Valencia 298 Bachelor, Thomas, minstrel 16 Backhouse, Marcel, The Flemish and Walloon Communities at Sandwich during the 449 GENERAL INDEX Reign of Elizabeth (1561-1603), reviewed 422-4 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper 25, 37 Bacon, Thomas, JP 31 Bailey, Thomas, yeoman 66 n.25 Baker, Sir Richard, JP 11, 31, 37 Baker, Thomas, JP 31, 38 Balarde, Johan 265 Ballyng, Thomas, will 60, 66 n.24 Baltman, Robert 62, 67 n.29 Barbara, St 62 Barber, Luke on the late Iron Age pottery from Dartford 381 on the pot from Bobbing 390-1 Barham Down, British-made silver spoon (Pictish) 398-400, 399 Barham, Nicholas, JP 20, 26, 31, 37 Barham, Richard, receiver 348 Barming, East church cemetery 159, 160 St Margaret's church 293 Barming, West 292, 293,302 Barnham, Martin, JP 31, 38, 43 n.84 Barnes, William, JP 31,38 barrows Late Neolithic Beaker 374 Bronze Age 197,374 megalithic long barrows in Medway valley 269-80 passim see also ring ditches Bartan, John 266-7 Barton, Agnes 262 Barton Road, Roman villa 157, 158 bath houses (suites), Roman Boughton Monchelsea 376 the Mount villa 87, 91, 92, 94, 101-2 Thurnham 201 Bayham, abbot and convent 294, 296, 303 Baynham, William, JP 31, 38, 42 n.84 beads glass, Romano-British 207 Anglo-Saxon 210 Bearsted, Neolithic adze 278 Beaufort, Cardinal 224, 225, 226, 227 Beaufort, Sir Charles (Somerset, Lord Hrbert) 235,236 Beaufort, Edmund see Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, Margaret 224-5, 229, 231, 232, 233-4, 235 Beaufort family 223-37 passim Beckenham, St George's church 293 Becket, Thomas 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 184, 185 Beechbrook Wood (south of) 217 Beecher, Edward, JP 10,31 Beere, Clement, JP31, 38 Beere, John, JP 31, 37,42 n.83 Benedict of Peterborough 176, 177 Berbrucere, John, will 66 n.24 Berd, Alice, barge-owner, will 65 n.19 Beresford, Michael, JP 31 Bermondsey see under London Beswick, William, JP 31, 38 Betts, Dr I.M., on the building material from Summerton Way 331-2 Betts, Philip, review of Isle of Thanet Farming Community (Quested) 418-20 Bexley, St Mary's church 293; see also Summerton Way Bexley Heath, axe hoard 278 Bidborough parish wills 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 261, 263 St Laurence's church 293 bier, wooden, in Anglo-Saxon grave 212 Binge, George, JP 31 Binge, Robert, JP 27, 31, 37 Binge family 10 Birchington 225 bird bone, Mount Roman villa 139, 140 bird mount, gilded copper alloy from Ripple, Anglo-Saxon 394, 394-6, 395 Birling 230 All Saints' church 293 Bishop, Joan and John, wills 265 bishops* registers 288, 289, 291, 304 Bishop's Waltham 226 Bishopstone Glen (Herne Bay/Reculver), Acheulian hand-axes and flints 369, 370-2 Blague, Thomas, Dean of Rochester, JP 31, 38 Bletchenden, John, JP31 Blue Bell Hill long barrows 269, 280 Neolithic house 277 Roman temple 280 Boarley Farm (east of), LlA/early RB ditch 215 Boarley Farm (west of), LIA-early RB features 194 Bobbing new churchyard 391-2 Romano-British cremation 389-92 School, Romano-British pottery 392 Borne, Johan 257 Borne, Richard, will 68 n.45 Borough Green 21 Borstal, Nashenden Valley 215 Bosseville, Ralfl, JP 9, 31,37 Bosseville, Ralf II, JP 31 Bosseville, Robert, JP 31, 38 Bosseville family 10, 31 Bottlesham, John, bishop 300, 304 Bottlesham, William, bishop 304 Boughton Monchelsea cemetery 158, 160 late Bronze Age/Iron Age occupation 376 quarries in area 159, 163 Bourchier, Sir Ralf of Lee, JP 31, 38, 40 n.21 Bourchier, Robert 181-2 Bouser, Robert le, saint of Newington 173-88 Bowes, Sir Martin, JP 12, 31, 37 450 GENERAL INDEX Bowreg, Dioness 257 Bowreg, George, will 67 n.26 Bowregg, Johan 264-5 Boxley abbot and convent 297, 303 Iron Age brooch 378 Boys, Edward, JP 6, 11, 16, 20, 27, 29, 31, 37,38,42 n.84 Boys, Edward II, JP 31 Boys, John, JP 26, 31,38, 42 n.84 Boys, Samuel, JP 31 Boys, William, JP 31 Boys family 31 Boys Hall Balancing Pond, Ashford 217 Brabourne 224 bracelets Romano-British 207 Roman, shale 99, 100, 108-9, 109, 123 Anglo-Saxon 210 Bradforth, John, will 67 n.26 Brandon, Bradnox, receiver 343, 345, 346 brasses, of Northwood family at Minster-in- Sheppey 401-6 Brasted, St Martin's church 293 Bray, Reginald 233 Braybrook, John, indulgences for 178 Brenchley, All Saints' church 293 Brent, Robert, JP 32 Brentford Ferry, brooch 378 Brewers Gate, Cobham Park 214 brewing, wheat used for beer 150, 164 bricks, Roman 392 bessalis 332 lydion 318,332 see also West Court Manor House Brightrede, William, poisoning of 14 Brinton, Thomas, bishop 299, 300, 304 Bristol, Sts Philip and James 179 Broadstairs, Acheulian and later prehistoric finds 369, 373 Brokeman, John 230, 231,237 Brokeman, William 232 Bromley, St Peter and St Paul's church 293 Bronze Age barrows 197, 374 Boughton Monchelsea, occupation 376 Broadstairs 369, 373 burials and gold 280 Chapel Mill 216 Cobham Golf Course 196-7 Cuxton 208 Eastry, cremation burial(?) 379 flint 196, 197,201 Holm Hill 216 Little Stock Farm 196 North Foreland pits and postholes 374 round barrows 374 Northumberland Bottom 197 post-hole structure south of Pilgrim's Way 192, 194 rapier 201 roundhouses 194 Saltwood Tunnel (north of) 210 Sandway Road 192 Sevington 218 White Horse Stone, settlement 194 Yorkletts 374 see also burials brooches Iron Age bronze, La Tene I 376-8, 377 copper alloy 218 in 'Belgic' cremation, Colchester types 381, 382, J .K 386, 387, 388 Romano-British 207 Roman, copper-alloy 77, 106-8, 107, 203 Anglo-Saxon button 396, 397 cruciform 394, 396 Brooke, Henry, JP 32 Brooke, William see Cobham, Lord Brouns, Thomas, bishop 304 Brugmann, Birte, on the bird mount from Ripple 394-6 Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, Duke of 225 building material Mount Roman villa 130-6 stone 332, 337 Summerton Way 331-2, 337 Wye, Roman 392-3 see also tiles building stone, sources 73 Bunce, Cyprian, attorney 347 Burghmote 345-6 Burham, St Mary's church 293 burials Neolithic 276 Bronze Age 196,280 double inhumation 197, 19ft late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 194 crouched in 'pit' 374 Iron Age 280 late Iron Age/early Roman 197 Roman 158, 160,200 infant inhumation 198 Pepper Hill Romano-British cemetery 205, 207, 207 Anglo-Saxon chamber graves 211 cist graves 211 Cuxton cemetery 210 Eastry House, late 6th-century female grave 51-2 grave at Mill Service Station 397 in hollowed tree 211 inhumations 397 Saltwood Tunnel (north of) 210-11 Margate, body deposited with rubbish 375-6 medieval, Pilgrim's Way 194 see also cemeteries; coffins; cremations Bumby, John, receiver 350 451 GENERAL INDEX Burston, Laurence, will 66 nn.23 & 24 Burston, Thomas 58, 66 n.23 butchery 79, 80, 164,381 Butler, James see Wiltshire, Earl of 225 Buttsole, Eastry Anglo-Saxon Cemetery I 45, 47, 49, 52 bird mounts 396 gilt copper-alloy Anglo-Saxon mount found west of pond 46, 48, 49-50, 52 Candor, Thomas 69 n.63 Canterbury assizes 25-6 Cathedral Library 343 civitas capital 161 Court of Guardians 343-51 food riot (1595) 14 Kirby's Lane area, wasters 407, 408 miracles 176, 177 Museum, finds from Eastry 47 Neolithic axe 278 Poor Priests' Hospital as workhouse 343, fittings 344-5, out-poor 346, running costs 345-6 Prerogative Court 56 prior and convent 294, 295, 297, 298, 303 quarter sessions 21, 22, 24 ragstone building material 163 St Augustine's abbot and convent 296, 303 late medieval face pot 406-9, 406 shrine 173 tile kilns 131, 136, 163,392 see also Shelford Farm Canterbury, archbishop of 285, 288, 295, 296, 297, 303 Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) 73, 189, 199, 210, 212, 219, 373,374, 392 Capel parish wills 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 261, 263 St Thomas the Martyr's church 293 Carew, Sir George, JP 38 Carew, Matthew, JP 32, 40 n.21 Carter, John 265 Carter, Mary 266 Cartwright, Hugh, JP 32, 37 Castle, John, receiver 345, 348 Catlyn, George, JP 32 Catlyn, Hugh, JP 32, 37 causewayed enclosures 273, 274, 276-7 cemeteries Roman 160,200 Pepper Hill 205-8 Anglo-Saxon 45, 47, 49, 50, 51-2 Cuxton 208-10 Saltwood Tunnel (north of) 210-11, 212 Chalk, St Mary's church 293, 298, 300; see also West Court Manor House Chalklin, Christopher (ed.), Tonbridge in the Early Twentieth Century, reviewed 420-2 Chamber, Eleanor, will 67 n.26 Champneys, Justinian, JP 32 Channel Tunnel Rail Link, excavations 189- 220 Chapel Mill, Lenham 216 chapels of ease, late medieval 55-70 passim charcoal, Mount Roman villa 147, 149, 150 charcoal production 216 Charing Heath Hurst Wood 216-17 Newlands (east of) 217 Charles, Thomas, watercolours of Mount Roman villa 90, 91, 96, 97 Charlton St Luke's church 293 Thomas, receiver 347 chatelaines, Anglo-Saxon 210 Chatham, St Mary's church 293 Chaucer, Geoffrey 175 Cheesman, Elizabeth 257-8 Cheesman, George, will 263-4 Chelsfield, St Martin's church 293 Cheriton, un-urned cremations 388 Chestnuts, long barrow 272, 273, 275, 278 Chevening, church 293 Cheyne, Francis 236 Cheyne, Henry, JP 27, 32, 37 Cheyne,John 234, 235 Cheyne, John, of Falstone-Cheyne 236 Cheyne, Sir John, of Shurland 226, 228, 229, 231 Cheyne, William 231-2,236 Cheyne, William, of Sheppey 234 Cheyne family 230, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237 Chiddingstone, St Mary's church 293 Chislehurst manor 224 St Nicholas's church 293 Chowne, George, JP 32, 38 Chowning, Roger, and daughter Agnes 260 Church Lane 218-19 Cinque Ports, wardenship of 228, 230 Clarke, Marcel 63 clay tobacco pipes, 18th-century 360 Clerke, Thomas, butcher 58 Cliffe, St Helen's church 293 Clifton, Sir Gervase, of Brabourne 228, 229, 230-1,232 Cobham college 293, 295, 299, 303 manor 224 Roman villa 159, 160 St Mary Magdalene's church 293, 299 Watling Street 215 see also Brewers Gate Cobham, Sir Henry, JP 10, 32 Cobham, John de 299 Cobham, John, JP 10, 27, 32, 37 Cobham, William Brooke, Lord 2, 10, 11, 14, 19,20,28,29,32,37 de Cobham family, of West Court manor 353 Cobham Golf Course, Bronze Age activity 196-7 452 GENERAL INDEX Cobham Hall estate 215 Cobham Park, bank and ditch and dog kennels 215 Codd, Nicholas, warden 62 Coffin Stone, long barrow 279 coffins Roman, wooden 207 Anglo-Saxon 211 coins Roman 203, 205, 207, 208 Saxon, sceattas 51, 52, 396, 397 silver 75 Coldrum bones 278 long barrow 279 lynchet 273 Coll, Thomas 60 Combe (Oxon), dual worship centre 59 manor 224 combs, antler 275 Combwell, prior and convent 295, 303 Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes (High Commission) 20 Commission of the Peace (Kent commission) 1-12,25 Connell, Martin, researches and discoveries 374, 376 Consistory Court 62 Cooling, St James's church 293 copper alloy see bird mount; brooches; finger-rings; mounts; pins Coppinger, Thomas, JP 10, 32 Coptic bowls 210 Corbier Hall 205 corn dealers 16 corn-driers Mount Roman villa, ovens 79, 80, 164 Pilgrim's Way, kiln 194 Roman 202, 204 medieval ovens 199 Cornelius, John 230 Cosin, Richard, JP 32, 40 n.21 Cotter, John, on a late medieval face pot from St Augustine's 406-9 Cotton, Sir Thomas, JP 20, 32, 37 Cowden, St Mary Magdalene's church 293 Cowper, Jane, of Shorne 16 Crayford, St Paulinus's church 293 cremations late Bronze Age 379 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age deposit 194, 195 late Iron Age/Roman 200, 216, 217 'Belgic', at Deal 381-9 Romano-British Bobbing 389-92 Pepper Hill cemetery 205, 207, 208 Anglo-Saxon, Cuxton 210 in situ burning 205 organic containers for 382, 388 Crispe, Sir Henry, JP 27, 32, 37 Crispe, Nicholas, JP 32 Crispe, Richard, JP 32, 38 Crispe, Thomas, JP 32 Crispe family 32 crop processing (winnowing and finesieving), Summerton Way 321, 323, 330, 336, 337 Cross Farmhouse see under Eastry Cross Ness Point 311, 339 n.3 Cross Ness works, Roman farm or settlement 337 Crowmer, Jas, JP 32 Crowmer, William, JP 27, 32, 37, 38, 42 nn.74 & 84 Cudham, St Peter and St Paul's church 293, 299 Cuiry-les-Chaudardes (France), LBK houses 270 Culpeper, Sir Alexander 11 Cutts, Sir Henry, JP 32, 38 Cuxton Anglo-Saxon cemetery 208-10 St Michael's church 293 cylinder fragment, antler, Roman III, 113, 164 Dallison, Sir Max, JP 32 Damsell, Sir William, JP 9, 12, 32, 37 Darbishire, Rafe, will 67 n.29, 68 n.31 Darell, John 236 Darenth church 293 external courtyard 86 roundhouse 161 Darrell, George, JP 27, 32, 37 Darrell, Hugh, JP 27, 32, 37, 42 n.74 Dartford assizes 25 church 69 n.57, 294 wallpainting 67 n.26 deanery 288 house of correction 18 lordship 224, 225, 226, 228 pottery, late Iron Age 381 Deal 'Belgic' cremation 381-9 ditch, late Iron Age (farmstead enclosure?) 388-9 flint 276 Hamilton Road cemetery 387-8 Neolithic pottery 275, 276 Neolithic site in vicinity 272 see also Mill Hill Delves, Sir George, JP 32, 38 Dennys, Sir Maurice, JP 32 Denton rent from 227 St Mary's church 294 Deptford, St Nicholas's church 294 Dering, Anthony, JP 32 Dering, Richard, JP 32, 38 Detiing see Thurnham, Roman villa Digges, John 231 453 GENERAL INDEX Diggis, Isabel 176 Ditton, church of St Peter's Chains 294 Dode, church 292, 294, 299 Dolly 225 Domesday Book, Gravesend 56, 58 Dorset, Edmund, Marquess of see Somerset, Duke of Dorset, Whitchurch Canonicorum, shrine 173 Dover castle, marshal 237 harbour 15 municipal charters 20 Museum 'Belgic' cremation burial 382 Dr J. Ogilvie's archive 378 La Tene brooch 376 St Martin's Priory 180 see also Waldershare Park Dover Straits 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 280 Downe, church 292, 294 Doyle, Thomas, JP 32, 37 droveway, Summerton Way 320-1, 335 Dryland, John, JP 32 dry valley soil sequence, White Horse Stone 194-5 Durobrivae see Rochester Durr, Peter, priest 63 East of Station Road 218,219 Eastry early Iron Age 379 late Iron Age-Roman 379-80 earlier Saxon 379, 380 Anglo-Saxon cemeteries and finds 45-53 Cross Farmhouse Anglo-Saxon pot 45, 47, 48, 52 copper-alloy finger-ring 45, 48, 49 human bones and burials 45 4 High Street Iron Age features and pottery 46, 50-1, 52 Saxon sceattas 51, 52 pottery 378-80 see also Buttsole Eastry Court 50 Eastry House, Anglo-Saxon cemetery (II) 45, 50,52 late 6th-century female grave 51-2 Eastry Mill, Anglo-Saxon cemetery (IV) 45 Eccles, Roman villa 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163 Edenbridge, St Peter and St Paul's church 294 Edolf, Robert, JP 32, 38 Edward I 298 Edward III 58 grant for chapel at Newington made by 175, 176, 180, 182, 184, 185 licences to pilgrims 184 Edward IV 58, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 237 Edward V 233 Edward VI, JPs in Kent 6 Edwards, Elizabeth, review of The Flemish and Walloon Communities at Sandwich during the Reign of Elizabeth (1561-1603) Backhouse) 422-4 egg shell 140 Eltham, St John the Baptist's church 294 Elys, John, yeoman 58 enclosures (ditched) late Bronze Age 196 Iron Age/late Iron Age 196, 197, 200, 201, 374 late Iron Age/early Roman, ditches 200 medieval 196, 198-9 Westenhanger Castle, rectangular 219 see also causewayed enclosures Engham, Thomas, JP 32, 38 environmental evidence, Mount Roman villa 136-50 Erith, St John the Baptist's church 294 Essex, quarter sessions 24 Everyngham, Adam 63 EwardI 175, 182 Exeter, Thomas, Duke of 224 Eyehorne hundred 18 Eynsford, St Martin's church 290, 294 Eyre, Robert, JP 32 face pot (?flowerpot), late medieval, from St Augustine's, Canterbury 406-9 Fane, George, JP 27, 32, 37 Fane, Henry, JP 32 Fane, Henry II, JP 32 Fane, Sir Thomas, sen., JP 32 Fane, Sir Thomas, jun., JP 33, 38 Fane family 32-3 Farleigh, East, church 294, 300 Farleigh, West, All Saints' church 294 Farmer, John, warden 62 Farnborough, St Giles' church 292, 294 Farningham, St Peter and St Paul's church 294 Faunt, Nicholas, mayor 232 Fawkham, St Mary's church 294 field systems 192 prehistoric 216 Iron Age/Roman ditches 216 Roman/Romano-British 196, 197, 315, 376 medieval 196 post-medieval 200 Boughton Monchelsea 376 Northumberland Bottom 197 Fiennes, James, of Seal 227, 229 Filmer, Edward, JP 33, 38 Finch, George, JP 33 Finch, Henry, JP 26, 33, 38, 43 n.84 Finch, Sir Moyle, JP 33, 38 Finch, Sir Thomas, JP 20, 33 finger rings Romano-British 207 Anglo-Saxon 210 copper alloy 45, 48, 49 Fischer, Margerios, in will 256 fishbone 139-40, 144, 145,200 454 GENERAL INDEX Fisher, John, bishop 61, 62, 304 fitz Osbert, William 179-80 fitz Stephen, William 177 Fitzjames, Sir James, JP 33, 40 n.21 Fitzjames, Richard, bishop 304 Flanders, ceramic basins 407, 408 Flight, Colin, 'Parish churches in the diocese of Rochester, c. 1320- c. 1520' 285-310 flint 75 Bishopstone Glen, worked 369 Bronze Age 196, 197,201 LIA/earlyRB215 Mesolithic 192,201,272,390 Neolithic 274, 276, 277 Pepper Hill 205 prehistoric 219,374 source 73 Thurnham 201 Yorkletts 374 flint knapping 210, 277 flint workings 373 Floure, Johanna, will 68 n.30 Flower, Alice, will 69 n.60 flowerpots 408 Fludd, Sir Thomas, JP 25, 26, 33, 38 Fogge, Edward, of Ashford, JP 33 Fogge, Edward, JP 33 Fogge, Sir John (d.l564), JP 33 Fogge, Sir John (Earl Rivers) 228, 229, 230, 233,235 Fogge, Richard, JP 33, 38 Foldes, John a 61 Folkestone, Neolithic pottery 275 Foots Cray, All Saints' church 294 four-post structures late Bronze Age/early Iron Age, White Horse Stone 194 late Iron Age, Thurnham 201 late Iron Age/early Roman, Snarkhurst Wood 200 Fowler (Forth), Thomas, will 66 n.24 Frindsbury, All Saints' church 294 Frogenhall, Sir Richard, of Teynham 226, 227, 228,231,232,233,237 Frogenhall, Thomas 232-3, 237 Frogenhall, William 232 Frye, William, will 254 Fuller, John, receiver 348 Fussell's Lodge 275, 280 Fyneaux, John, JP 33 gaining counter, samian, roughout 331 Gaul, immigration from 387 gavelkind ('free bench') 250 Gayton, Richard, abbot 184 Gent (Belgium), abbot and convent of St Peter 301 George, St 58, 62, 66-7 n.26 Gerard, Piers, brass in Winwick church 402 Germany long barrows 271 pottery from 327, 328 Geste, James and Elizabeth 256 Gilbourne, Nicholas, JP 33, 38 Gillingham, St Mary's church 294 Gilmyn, Robert, bequest 68 n.41 glass bottles 375 vessel 331 wine bottles 360 Glass, Helen J., 'Archaeology of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link' compiled by 189-220 Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of 224 Gloucester, Richard, Duke of 233 Glover, Sylvester, spinster 18 Godfrey, Alice 266 Godier, Peter, receiver 343, 346-7, 351 Goff, Margaret, will 259 Goldehauke, John 61 Goldsmyth, Robert 265 Goldwell, John, JP 33, 37 Goodwin, Thomas, JP 33 Goodwin Sands, 'Stirling Castle' wreck 410-12,-/// Gorhambury, Roman villa 157 Grain, St James's church 294 Gravesend charter (1562)58 fraternity of St Barbara 60, 62 heterodoxy 63 right to ferry passengers to London 56 St George's chapel of ease 56-70 St George's as parish church 56, 64 St Mary's parish church 56-64 passim, 57, 294,300 trentals 63 West Street, settlement 56, 57, 58 wills 56, 58, 59, 60, 61-2, 63 Gray-Rees, L., on the animal bone from Summerton Way 323-4 Great Mongeham, Anglo-Saxon metalwork 397 Greatorex, Christopher, on the Romano- British cremation at Bobbing 389-92 Greenland, Joseph, receiver 348 Greenwich, St Alfege's church 294, 301 Greenwich, East, St Alphege's parish church 67 n.26 Grene, Thomas, of Milton, will 65 nn. 19 & 21 Greville, Fulke, JP 33, 40 n.21 Grovehurst, Neolithic site 272, 274-5 Guardians (of the Poor) see under Canterbury Guildford, Edward 236 Guildford, Sir John 231, 232, 233, 235 Guildford, John, JP, 33 Guildford, Richard 232 Guildford, Richard, of Rolvenden 234, 235-6 Guildford, Sir Thomas, JP 33 Guildford family 233, 234, 235, 236-7 Guilton, bird mounts 396 Gybson, John, will 67 n.29 Hadde, Matthew, JP 26, 33, 38, 43 n.84 Hadlow Dower Lodge 256 455 GENERAL INDEX Hadlow (cont) parish wills 245, 246, 247, 248, 253, 254, 261,263 St Mary's church 294 Haith, Cathy, on the Anglo-Saxon mount from Buttsole pond 50 Halbot, John 347 Hales, Charles, JP 33 Hales, Edward, JP 33 Hales, Humphrey, JP 16, 33, 37 Hales, Sir Jas, JP 33 Hales, John, JP 33, 38 Hales, Thomas, JP 33, 37, 42 n.74 Halle, Robert, will 66 n.24 Hailing, St John the Baptist's church 294 Halstead, church 294 Halsted, church 182 Halstow, St Margaret's church 294 Hammond, William, JP 33, 38 Hamon, Elizabeth 257 Hampden, Christopher, JP 33, 38 Hanging Grimston, long barrow 279 Hardres, Richard, JP 33, 38, 43 n.84 Hardres family 10 Hardy, Thomas, bequest 68 n.32 Harecourt, garrison 226 Harfleet, Thomas, JP 33 Harrietsham 227 Harrison, Johan 257, 266 Harrold (Bedfordshire), tile kiln 331-2 Hart, Fras, JP 33 Hart, Sir George, JP 33 Hart, Sir Percival, JP 12,33,37 Hart, Percival, JP 33, 38 Harte (Postwell; Lorkyn), Johanna, will 69 n.57 Hartley, All Saints' church 294 Hassock sandstone 332 Hatfield, John de, London draper 184 Haute family 230, 233, 235 Haute, Sir William 233-4 Hawkins, Sir John, JP 9, 33 Hayes, St Dunstan's church 295 Hayton, John, will 69 n.56 hearth furnace, Boughton Monchelsea 376 hearth pits, Sandway Road 190 hearths Neolithic 276 Bronze Age 196, 197 Iron Age 196 Anglo-Saxon 210 Henden, Edward, JP 33 Hendley, Thomas, JP 18, 24, 27, 29, 33, 37 Hendley family 10 Henry IV 56, 224 Henry V 224 Henry VI 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 231, 235, 237 Henry VII 235 Henry VIII, JPs in Kent 6, 9, 12 Herd, Alice 62 Herenden, Walter, JP 33 Herne Bay/Reculver (Bishopstone Glen), Acheulian hand-axes and flints 369, 370-2 Hethe, Hamo, bishop of Rochester 182-4, 288, 298, 304 Hever, St Peter's church 295 Heyman, Henry, JP 33 Heyman, Ralph, JP 34, 38, 42 n.74 Heyward, Thomas and Parnel 14 Higham, church appropriated to prioress and convent 295, 303 Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) 333 Hill, Richard, will 261 Hiltoft, John de, London goldsmith 184 hobnailed boots, Romano-British 207 Hoby, Sir Edward, JP 34, 38, 43 n.84 Holland long barrows 271 long-houses 270 Holland, Margaret (m. John, Earl of Somerset) 224 Hollingberry, Richard, receiver 348 Hollingberry, Thomas, receiver 348 Hollingbourne see Snarkhurst Wood hollow-ways 194, 197, 199, 205, 208, 217 Holm Hill, A20 Diversion 216 Holma, David, on the sceatta from Eastry 51 Holocene buried soil 194 honestone 110, / // Honeyhills Wood 204-5 Honiwood, Robert I, JP 34 Honiwood, Robert [I, JP 34, 38 Honiwood, Thomas, JP 34, 37, 42 n.74 Honiwood, Thomas II, JP 34 Hoo pottery production 326, 328, 329; see also pottery St Werburga's church 295 hop garden, post-medieval 216 Home, Robert 228, 229 Horney, Peter, will 67 n.26 Horsenden (Bucks) 178 Horsmonden, St Margaret's church 295 Horton, St Mary's church 295, 299-300 Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England 293, 294, 297,303 Houliston, Mark, 'Excavations at the Mount Roman villa, Maidstone, 1994' 71-172 houses of correction 15-16, 18, 19 Howard, Sir George, JP 34, 37, 40 n.21 Huchynson, Robert, priest 68 n.37 Hucking 225 Hudshon, Thomas, bequest 69 nn.56 & 60 Hugh, St, bishop of Lincoln 178 human bone in long barrows 278 in pit 375-6 Hungary, long-houses 270 Hunton, St Mary's church 295 Hurst Wood, Charing Heath 216-17 hut circles, prehistoric 373 huts, Margate, postholes 375 456 GENERAL INDEX hypocausts Minster-in-Thanet Roman villa 393 Mount Roman villa 92, 94 Summerton Way, box-flue tiles 332, 337 Hythe Beds 73, 158, 163, 195, 218 Ickham, tegulae 392 Ifield, church 295 Ightham church 295 register book of the poor 17 Iken, John, receiver 348 Iken, Young, receiver 350 imbrices see tiles inhumation burials see under burials Inns of Court 10, 11 Iron Age Aylesford, burials 280 Boughton Monchelsea, occupation (near oppidum) 376 Cobham Golf Course 196 Cuxton 208 circular post-hole structure 210 East of Station Road 219 Eastry 50-1, 52, 379 four-post structures 194, 200, 201 Holm Hill 216 Little Stock Farm 196 Margate, settlement 375-6 North Foreland, late Bronze/early Iron Age pits and postholes, and crouched burial in 'pit' 374 ditched enclosure 374 Northumberland Bottom enclosure 197 Pepper Hill 205 Pilgrim's Way and West of Boarley Farm, late Iron Age/early Romano-British occupation 194 roundhouses 194,201 Saltwood Tunnel (north of), settlement 199 Sandway Road 192 Snarkhurst Wood (south of), late Iron Age/ early Roman settlement 200 Summerton Way 315 Thurnham 201 timbers and brushwood platform 213 White Horse Stone ploughsoil 194 settlement, metalworking and burials 194 see also brooches; burials; pottery iron ore 162 iron smithing, Roman 104, 112 iron smithy 205 Isaak, James 236-7 Isak, Edward 20 Isley, William, JP 18,27,34,37 James, Edward 409-10 James I, Kent commission 10 James, Margery 266 James, Martin, JP 9, 34 Jerman, Henry, will 67 n.26 jettons, lead 410 Jews, anti-Semitice violence 178, 179 Johnson, Giles, bequest 68 n.41 Johnson, John, JP 34 Jorden, William, receiver 345, 349 Jullieberrie's Grave 273, 274 flint axe 278 Justices of the Peace 1-43 administrative duties 15-20 apprenticeship 11,17 beacons and coastal defences 2 County militia 2, 16, 19 gaol delivery sessions 13 illegitimacy 2, 15-16 law enforcement 12-15 length of service 3 licensing and taking recognisances of corn dealers 16 personal and sexual morality 2 poor relief (poor rates) 2, 15, 16-18 rates 16, 18-19 rights of purveyance 2,16 roads and bridges 1, 15, 18, 20 sewers commissions 16, 21 special commissions 19-20 subsidy commissioners 18 tax collection 2, 15, 16, 18, 19 vagrants 16-17,20,21 wars, money and soldiers 2, 16, 19, 30 Kempe, John, bishop 304 Kempe, Sir Thomas, JP 18, 20, 27, 34, 37, 38 Kempe, Thomas, JP 34 Kemsing, St Mary's church 295, 300-1 Kene, Anthony, of Woolwich 234, 236 Kene family 235, 237 Kene, George 236 Kene, Hugh 234 Kene, Stephen 234 Kerston round house 161 villa 164 Keston, church 295 Keynsham, abbot and convent 294, 303 keys iron slide-key 110, / // Anglo-Saxon 210 Kidbrooke, St Nicholas' church 292, 295, 302 Kilburn, prioress and convent 293, 299, 303 Killingray, David, review of Tonbridge in the Early Twentieth Century (Chalklin ed.) 420-2 kilns Iron Age/Roman 200 sunken 197 Roman 198, 199 see also pottery kilns; tile kilns Kingsdown, St Edmund's church 295, 302 Kit's Coty House, long barrow 279, 280 KnatchbuU, Norton, JP 34 knives late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 194 Anglo-Saxon 210 457 GENERAL INDEX Knockholt, St Catherine's church 292, 295 Kyriell, John 226-7, 228 Kyriell, Sir Thomas, of Westenhanger 226 la Hale, Thomas de 180 Lacey, George Jnr, receiver 350 Lakenheath (Suffolk), bird mount (shield mount) 395, 396 Lakin, Dave, 'A Romano-British site at Summerton Way, Thamesmead, London borough of Bexley' 311-41 Lambarde, William, JP 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15-16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34,38 Lamberhurst, St Mary's church 295 Lancaster, House of, and loyalism in Kent 221-43 Lancaster, Thomas, Earl of 180 Langdon, John, bishop 302, 304 Langley 224, 227 lathes 18 Latter, Johan 256 Laurence, Bishop 180 Laurence, Joone, will 70 n.64 Lay, William de 179, 180 LBK see Linear Pottery people lead see jettons; medalette Lee, Sir Henry, JP 34 Lee, Paul, 'Orthodox parish religion and chapels of ease in late medieval England: the case of St George's Chape! in Gravesend' 55-70 Lee, Richard, JP 34, 38 Lee, St Margaret's church 295 Leech, Robert, JP 34, 40 n.21 Leeds, prior and convent 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 303 Leigh parish wills 245, 246, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256,261,263 St Mary's church 295, 299 Lenham, Chapel Mill 216 Lennard, John, JP 26, 34, 37, 42 n.83 Lennard, Sampson, JP 34, 38 Lennard, Samuel, JP 34, 38 Lennard family 10, 38 Leveson, Sir John, JP 25, 27, 34, 38 Lewin, William, JP 15,34,38 Lewisham, church 67 n.26, 295, 301 Lewkens, Roger, will 264 Leybourne, church 295, 300 Lillingstone Dayrell (Bucks), brass 402 Lindley, Henry, JP 34, 38 Linear Pottery (LBK) people 269-70, 276, 277, 279, 280 Litle, Harry 61,67 n.28 Little Stock Farm, archaeological deposits and features 195-6 Lockear, Katherine and Richard 256 London Bermondsey, abbot and convent 293, 295, 297, 299, 300,303 Billingsgate Baths, tile fabric 131 Blackfriars, cargo of ragstone 163, 164 brass workshop 402 college of St Laurence in Candlewick Street 297, 298-9, 302, 303 Holy Trinity 293, 294, 303 prior and convent of Southwark 294, 295, 302,304 St Helen's nunnery, Bishopsgate 70 n.64 St Mary Graces 294, 295, 296, 303, 300 advowson of St Mary's, Gravesend 58, 59, 60, 61 dissolved 64 St Mary le Bow church 179 London, William 60 Longfield, St Mary Magdalene's church 295 longhouses, Neolithic 192, 193, 270, 270, 273,277,279 Lovelace, Thomas, JP 27, 34, 37 Lovelace, William, of Bethersden, JP 34 Lovelace, William, of Canterbury, JP 34, 37 Low, Tim, JP 34, 38 Lowe, John, bishop 302, 304 Lower Halstow, water-logging 272 Lucy, Richard de 177 Luddesdown, St Peter and St Paul's church 295 Lullingstane, St John the Baptist's church 292,295,301 LuUingstone brass 402 St Botulf s church 295 lynchets 279 Macpherson-Grant, Nigel on the Anglo-Saxon pottery vessel from Cross Farmhouse, Eastry 47, 49 on Iron Age and later pottery from Eastry 378-80 magnetic susceptibility measurements 324-5 Maidstone assizes 25 college 294, 300, 303 constable investigated 20 hospital 300 house of correction 15-16, 18 hundred 18 Museum, Anglo-Saxon pottery 47 quarter sessions 21, 22, 24, 27 trade 250 Week Street/High Street, Roman building 158 see also Mount Roman villa Maidstone Area Archaeological Group 71 Makefeir, Richard, of 'Reynham' 182 Malling abbess and convent 295, 303 deanery 288 Mailing, East St Mary's church 295 villa 159, 160, 163 Malling, West, St Mary's church 295 458 GENERAL INDEX malting oven, medieval 199 Mamble (Worcs), brass 402 Manser, John 15 Manwood, Peter, JP 25, 34, 38 Manwood, Roger, JP 9, 16, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37 Manwood family 10 Maplescombe, church 295 Mar Dyke (Essex), peat formations 333 Marden, church 177 Marden, John's wife 252 Mareys, William, of Faversham 226, 227 Margaret, Queen 227-8, 232 Margate, early Iron Age settlement 375-6 Marisso, Raphael, merchant 65 n.18 Marshall, William, JP 34, 40 n.21 Marten, Joan 257 Martyn, John, of Dartford 225 Mason, Anthony, JP 34 Mayne, John, JP 34, 37 medalette (commemorative), lead, from Shoreham 409-10, 409 medieval at Broadstairs 369 Little Stock Farm, stone quarry in ditched enclosure 196 Northumberland Bottom, occupation site 198-9 orthodox parish religion and chapels of ease 55-70 Parsonage Farm moated farmhouse or manor house 213-14 occupation associated with mill 213 Pilgrim's Way 194 Saltwood Tunnel (north of), early medieval occupation 199,200 Yorkletts, tile 374 see also brasses; pottery Medway megaliths (Neolithic chambered tombs) 192,269-84 Medway valley 158, 160 Mell, Alice 265 Meonstoke, Roman villa 103 Meopham, St John the Baptist's church 295, 300 Mercer, Malcolm, 'Lancastrian loyalism in Kent during the Wars of the Roses' 221-43 Mereworth 230 St Laurence's church 296 Merovingian bird brooches 395 Mersham, including early medieval metalworking site 212-13 Merston, St Giles' church 296, 302 Merton, prior and convent 296, 303 Mesolithic Church Lane 218 flint 192, 201,272, 390 Medway 270, 271-4, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 Sandway Road 192 Summerton Way site 312 tools 272 metalworking late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 194 Roman, debris 200 early medieval site at Mersham 212-13 mill, Parsonage Farm 213 mill or bakery, Summerton Way 330 Mill Hill, Deal bird mounts 395, 396 cremation burials 382, 386, 388 Iron Age brooch 378 Mill Service Station, Anglo-Saxon grave 397 Milton hospital 298, 303 St Peter and St Paul's parish church 70 n.64, 296, 298 Milton and Marden lordship 228, 233 steward of 229, 236 Milton-next-Gravesend 58, 62 church 57, 61 hithes 56 Minster-in-Sheppey, Northwood family brasses 401-6 Minster-in-Thanet, Roman villa site at Abbey Farm 393 mirrors, Romano-British/Roman 203, 207 molluscs Jullieberrie's Grave 274 Mount Roman villa 77, 78, 79, 82, 137, 140, 141-7 Monins, Edward, JP 11, 34 Monins, Richard 11 Monins, William, JP 34 Monins family 11 Monkton 225 Montfort, Simon de 180 Moore, Peter, 'Excavations at the site of West Court Manor House, Chalk' 353-67 More, John, JP 34 Mores (Poole), William 70 n.64 Morton, George, JP 34 Moulton, George, JP 10, 20, 34, 37 mount see bird mount Mount Roman villa, Maidstone 71-172 animal bone (vertebrates) 79, 136, 137-47, 164 antler waste 104, 112-13, 164 bird bone 139, 140 bracelets, shale 99, 100, 108-9, 109, 123 brooches 106-8, 107 building materials 130-6 cereal grain 79, 82-3, 147, 148, 149-50, 164 corn drying ovens 79, 80, 164 cylinder fragment, antler / / / , 113, 164 environmental evidence 136-50 fishbone 139-40, 144, 145 invertebrates (including snakes, slow worms) 76, 77, 137, 143, 144, 145 459 GENERAL INDEX Mount Roman Villa (cont) iron smithing 104, 112 molluscs 77, 78, 79, 82, 137, 140, 141-7 needles 104 plant remains 136-7, 147-50 pollen 76, 77, 150, 156, 157 pottery 113-29, 163 reconstruction (Phase 7) 103-4, 163-4 slag 79 soils 150-7, 164 spindle-whorls, pottery 104, 110, / / / , 164 springs 73, 76, 79, 102 tesserae 101 Phase [1] 75-7, 76 'drainage' ditches (G.2) 74, 75-6, 76, 77 molluscs/animal bone 142-4 plant remains 149 pottery 77, 118, 119-20, 124-6 soil horizon (G.3) 74, 75, 76, 77 tile 136 V-shape ditches (G.l) 74, 75, 76, 77 Phase [2] 77-80, 78, 84 animal bone/molluscs 137, 144-5 'boundary' ditches (G.8) 74, 75, 77, 78, 78, 79, 126, 128, soils 155 feature (G.7) 78, 78, 79 fence line (post pits G.9) 74, 77-8, 79-80, 84 northern ditch 78, 79, 80, 84 pit (G.4) 78, 78 plant remains 147, 149 posts (G.5, G.6) 78, 78, 79, 84, 126 pottery 79, 114, 118, 120-1, 126-8 southern ditch 79, 80, 84 stakes (G.49) 78-9, 84 tile/brick 136 trench (G.10) 78, 78, 79 Phase [3] 80-4, 81 aisled building, timber (byre or barn?) 74-5, 80-4, 82, beam slots (G.16) 80, 128, northern entrance 80, abandonment 83, 84-5 brewing using wheat 83, 84 masonry wall fragment (northern end of aisled building) 86 molluscs/animal bone 145 plant remains 147, 149 pottery 83-4, 114, 118, 121-2, 128 settling tank 81 tiles 136 water basin base (sunken heptagonal, G.15)74, 81,85,84, 94, 104 Phase [4] 84-7, 85 animal bone 86 clayey loam (G.30) 86 external partition or fence (posts) 85-6 molluscs/animal bone 145-6 pits, ?fence(G.12)86 pits or post pits (G.34) 86 plant remains 147, 149 pottery 86, 123 tiles 136 timber building (G.19, posts) 74, 85-6, 85 Phase [5] bath suite 87, 91,92,94 courtyard 87-8, 100 hypocausts 92 masonry building 74, 87, 100-4 dating 99-100 molluscs/animal bone 146 northern wing (M-Q) 91-2 buttresses 97, 98 pits (G.l 1, 13,32,37)89,99 pits (G.21) 89 pits and gullies (G.40, G.41) 90 plant remains 147, 149 portico or corridors 87, 90, 91, 92, 101, 103-4 pottery 90, 99-100, 123, 128 praefurnium 92, 94 room D 90, 92 room E90, 91, 91, 101, 103 room F90, 101, 103 room H 90, 91 room I 90, 91 room K (corridor or portico) 92 room L90, 101, 103 room R 101, 103 room T 90, 91,92 southern corner, silty loam (G.33) 88-9, 99, 101 southern wing 97 buttresses 95 rooms A-D, J 90 tile floors (H) 90 tile/brick 136 Phase [5a] 92-3, 102 clay-lined tank 93, 102, and drain 93 lean-to structure 93, 102 northern courtyard 74, 93, 99 rooms [7-10] 93 Phase [6] 92, 93-5, 101 additions to masonry building 74, 75, 99, 102 bath suite 94, 101-2 column base (main entrance?) 94, 101 eastern portico (room G) 93, 101, 102 hypocaust 94 northern courtyard 93, 94, 102 oven (kitchen) 94, 102 pottery 95, 99-100, 123 room 11/12 94 room (5) 94 room D walls rebuilt 93, 102 room W 94, 95, 99 tile/brick 136 Phase [7] 75, 95-8, 99, 101, 102-3 buttresses (B3-B8) 74, 95-8, 97, 98, 99, 102,103 molluscs/animal bone 146 plant remains 147, 150 pottery 99-100, 114, 123 tile/brick 136 460 GENERAL INDEX Mount Roman Villa (cont) Phase [8] demolition deposits 74, 75, 98, 103 heptagonal feature (G.27) backfill 98, 100 pottery 114, 123-4, 128-9 tile 136 Phase [9] post-Roman activity 99 tile 136 mounts, Anglo-Saxon, gilt copper-alloy 46, 48, 49-50, 52 Moyle, Sir Thomas, JP 20 Museum of London Archaeology Service (MoLAS) 189, 196, 197, 208, 213, 214, 215,217,311 muskets, cases of in 'Stirling Castle' wreck 412 Naccolt, tile kilns 392 Nashenden Valley, Borstal 215 needles 104 Neolithic axes 276, 277-8 flint 274, 276, 277 Little Stock Farm 196 Medway megalithic long barrows and longhouses 269-80 passim mortuary enclosure 214 North Foreland, Late Neolithic Beaker barrow 374 Sandway Road 192 White Horse Stone longhouse 192, 193 Yorkletts 374 see also pottery Nettlestead, St Mary's church 296, 302 Neville, Edward, Lord Abergavenny, JP 34 Neville, Henry, Lord Abergavenny, JP 34, 37 Neville, Sir Henry, JP 34 Neville, George, Lord Latimer 230 Neville, Richard see Warwick, Earl of Neville, Thomas, Dean of Canterbury, JP 34, 38 Neville, William, Earl of Kent 230 Neville family 38, 230 Nevill's Fleet manor 230 Newington 175 chapel dedication 181 cross 176, 177, 178, 183 manor 177 miracles 176-8 Robert le Bouser, saint 173-88 St Mary's church, monument to Robert le Bouser 173, 175-6, 181, 184 Newlands (east of), Charing Heath 217 Newman, George, JP 35 Newman, Richard, will 254 North Cray, St James's church 296 North Downs 158 chalk source 360, 364 Northfleet St Botulf s church 296,301 Saxon minster church 65 n.16 North Foreland, prehistoric settlement 373-4 Northumberland Bottom 197-9 Northumbria, source for Barham Down spoon 398-9 Northwood, Elizabeth (wife of Roger) (d.l335), brass 401, 405 Northwood, Sir John de (d.l 319), brass 401-2, 403, 405 Norton, Thomas, JP 35 Norwich (Norfolk), prior and convent 298, 300 Nurstead, St Mildred's church 296 Offham, St Michael's church 296 opus signinum 81, 90, 91, 101, 201 Orpington chapel 295 Holy Trinity church 296 rector of 290, 295, 303 Otford manor house 20 St Bartholomew's church 296 Our Lady cult 62 ovens 4th-century 200 late Iron Age/early Roman, sunken 197 Roman 198, 199 Thurnham 203 see also corn-driers; malting oven Owen, Sir Henry 236 Owldham, Richard, will 67 n.28, 68 n.41 Oxenden family 11 Oxenden, William, JP 3 Oxford Archaeological Unit (OAU) 189, 192, 200,201,205,215,216,217,218 Oxley, Nicholas 265 Paddlesworth Dode church annexed to 294 St Benedict's church 292, 296 paddock or corral 219-20 Palmer, Sir Henry, JP 35 Palmer, Thomas, JP 35, 38, 43 n.84 Panton, F.H., Canterbury Court of Guardians: eighteenth century - a postscript?' 343-51 Paramore, Henry, JP 35 Parfitt, Keith 'Anglo-Saxon Eastry: some recent discoveries and excavations' 45-53 Anglo-Saxon bird mount and other finds 394-7 on the Deal 'Belgic' cremation 381-9 on La Tene brooches 376-8 Paris, Matthew 180 Park Wood 159 Parker, John, JP 35 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 3, 5, 6, 28, 29, 37 Parminter, William 228 Parsonage Farm, Westwell 213-14 Partridge, William, JP 35, 38 461 GENERAL INDEX Pas-de-Calais (France) 21 \, 211, IT) Payne, Richard, JP 35 Payton, Thomas, JP 35, 38, 43 n.84 Pearce, John 347 Pearson, Michael, Kent Clocks and Clockmakers, reviewed 413-16 Peckham, East, St Michael's church 290, 296 Peckham, West, St Dunstan's church 296 Pembroke, Jasper Tudor, Earl of 233 Pembury Neolithic axe 278 parish wills 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 261, 263 St Peter and St Paul's church 296 Penshurst keeper of 236 St John the Baptist's church 296 Pepper Hill Romano-British cemetery 205-8 Perkins, Dave, researches and discoveries 369-74, 375-6, 393, 400, 410-12 pestle, stone 110, / // Petit, Ciriac, JP 3 Pictish silver spoon 398-400, 399 Pierse, Joan 15 Pilgrim's Way 194 late Iron Age-early Romano-British features 194 medieval features, including corn-drying kiln 194 pins bone 79, 105-6, 105, 330, 331 copper alloy 105, 105, 218 Roman 203 pirates, in the Channel 20 Piry, John, will 258-9 place-names 45 'placed deposits', late Bronze Age and late Iron Age 196 plant remains grain deposit in cremation 194 hazel nut 148 Mount Roman villa, including burnt cereal grain 79, 82-3, 136-7, 147-50, 164 oats 219 Summerton Way 314, 315, 317, 321, 323, 330-1,336,337 Westenhanger Castle (west of) 219 platform, worked timbers and brushwood, late Iron Age/early Roman 213 Pleistocene palaeosol 194 Plumstead, St Nicholas's church 288, 290, 291,296 pollen Mount Roman villa 76, 77, 150, 156, 157 prehistoric clearance of woodland 274 Poor Law taxes 345 poor relief (poor rates) 2, 15, 16-18 population, Wealden parishes 249-50 Potman, Richard, JP 35 Potter, Thomas, JP 35, 38 pottery prehistoric 275-6 Neolithic 192, 274, 275-6 Ebbsfleet 276 Fengate ware 276 flint-gritted wares 275 Grooved Ware 192, 276 Peterborough Ware 192, 276 reddish ware 275 Bronze Age 194, 197, 216, 218-19, 379, 387 Deverel-Rimbury 217, 218 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 194, 197 flint-tempered 390 Belgic/'Belgic' 113, 115, 118, 120, 379 'Belgic'-style wares 376, 379-80 cremation burial 381-5, 384, 387 grogged ware/'Patch Grove' 117, 124, 126, 128 grog-tempered 379 Shelly ware 117 Iron Age 50, 115-16, 118,216,375,376, 378,379,381,387 Aylesford-Swarling types 381 Beaker 197, 280 Farningham Hill fabrics 381 flint-tempered wares 114, 115, 118, 119,379 grog-tempered 382, 385, 387, 388, 391 red-finished (haematite-coated) bowl 379 late Iron Age/early Roman or Romano- British 197,215,216,217 grog-tempered 219 Roman/Romano-British 113-29, 163,200, 311,315,318,320-1,325-30,338, 379, 380 Alice Holt ware 124 Alice Holt, Farnham ware 329-30 Alice Holt, Surrey ware 329 amphora 380 BB2 77, 114, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 128,328,329,390 Canterbury Sandy ware 83, 121, 122 Central Gaulish samian 77, 119, 121 ceramique a I 'Eponge 99, 123 Colchester Colour-coated ware 118 cream-slipped Upchurch type flagon (spindle-whorl) 110 East Nene Valley Colour-coated ware 118,123 East Sussex Wealden ware 163 Eccles wares 328, 329 Eifelkeramik wares 327, 328, 331, 338 FineBuffware 118, 124 glauconitic sandy wares 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120 grog-tempered 114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 128-9 'Patch Grove' type 126, 128 Hadham/Much Hadham wares 327, 328, 338,390 imported 83 Kent wares 328, 329 462 GENERAL INDEX pottery (cont) Roman/Romano-British (cont) late imported wares 327, 328 Lower Rhineland ('Cologne' ware) 118, 122 Mayen wares 327, 328 Nene valley wares 327, 328 New Forest colour-coated 123 greyware 123 New Forest ware 99 north Gaulish 117, 119 North Kent grey ware 329 North Kent Reduced Sandy ware 114, 116, 119, 124, 126, 128 North Kent shelly ware 329 orange ware 385 Oxford colour-coated ware 123 Oxford Parchment mortarium 100, 124 Oxfordshire wares 327, 328 Portchester 'D' sand-tempered ware 124 Portchester 'D' ware 327, 328 Portchester 'D'/Tilford greyware 124 reduced sandyware 77, 114, 119, 122, 123,163 residual 75 Rettendon ware 123, 124 Romano-British cremation at Bobbing 389-91,390 samian 123,330,331 shell-tempered ware 119, 124 Terra Nigra 380 Terra Rubra 380, 382 Thameside, Kent ware (TSK) 328, 329 Thameside ware 114, 115, 119 Upchurch-type 114, 115, 119,391 fine oxidised 118, 119, 121, 123, 128 fine reduced 118, 119, 122, 124, 126, 128 urn, with deposit of grain 194 white-slipped 329 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 45, 47, 48, 52, 200, 210 Canterbury Fabric (EMS 2) 47 early-mid Saxon 379 organic-tempered 380 medieval 321,374,379 Canterbury Transitional Sandy ware (late medieval) 407, 408 face pot 406-9, 406 Mill Green ware 361, 364 Sandy Shelly Ware (EMSS) 356, 364 Tyler Hill ware 220, 407 post-medieval 374, 379 Post-Medieval Redware 360 pottery kilns Romano-British and/or medieval 374 15th-century flowerpots 408 Powell, D.T., drawing of brasses by 404, 405 praefurnium, Mount Roman villa 92, 94 Pre-Construct Archaeology 311, 353 prehistoric Broadstairs 369-73 buried landscapes in Thames estuary 332-3 Dartford, pits 381 East of Station Road 219 Holm Hill 216 Little Stock Farm 196 North Foreland, settlement 373-4 Northumberland Bottom 197 Sevington 218 Summerton Way, Thamesmead 332-3 Thurnham 201 Yorkletts, occupation evidence 374 see also axes; flint; pottery Preston, Neolithic pottery 275, 276 Preston-by-Wingham, La Tene I bronze brooch 376, 377-8, 377 Privy Council 1, 2, 11, 15, 19, 29 Pulteneye, John de 298 Purke, Johanna, of Southwark 60, 66 n.26 Pympe, John and Reginald 234 pyre debris 205 quarries, medieval 196 Quarter Session rolls 12, 19 quarter sessions 1,5, 12-13, 17-18, 19,20-5 Queenborough castle constableship 236 keeper of 228 quernstones (lava and sandstone) 110, 315, 318, 330-1, 336,338 Quested, R.K.I., Isle of Thanet Farming Community, reviewed 418-20 Rabblye, Elizabeth 256 radiocarbon dates peat from Summerton Way 314, 324, 333 prehistoric 270, 272, 273 ragstone, source 73, 163-4 Ramsgate ditches (causewayed enclosure) 276-7 Neolithic pottery 275, 276 Randolf, Thomas, JP 35 rapier, Bronze Age 201 Rayne, Thomas and William 262 Receivers (Tresurers) of the Guardians, accounts books 343-4 rectories 290, 292, 298-9, 301, 302 Redman, William, JP 35 Repton, John and Humphry 214, 215 Richard II 180 Richard III 233, 234-5, 237 and Buckingham's rebellion 221 Richardson, T. L., review of Kent Clocks and Clockmakers (Pearson) 413-16 Richborough-Dover Roman road 50 Richers, John, JP 35, 38, 43 n.84 Richers, Robert, JP 10, 26, 35, 37 Richmond, Edmund Tudor, Earl of 225 Richmond, Henry Tudor, Ear! of 231, 233, 235 Rider, Thomas 176 Ridley, St Peter's church 296, 300 Rigby, Valerie, on the pottery from Deal 'Belgic' cremation 385 463 GENERAL INDEX Rignebourg, Philip, receiver 346, 351 ring ditches 218 Bronze Age 196-7,210 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 376 Ringwould Anglo-Saxon inhumation burials 397 Anglo-Saxon objects 397 Ripple, bird mount and other Anglo-Saxon finds 394-8 Ripple Court, 7th-century coin found near 397 ritual shaft/well, Romano-British 205 river defences 335 Rivers, George, JP 35, 38, 43 n.84 Roake, Margaret (ed.), Religious Worship in Kent, reviewed 416-18 Roberts, Thomas, JP 35, 38, 43 n.84 Roberts, Walter, JP 27, 35, 37 Rochester altar of St Nicholas in cathedral church 296,301-2 assizes 25 bridge 20, 29 cathedral, and Lesnes 183 Consistory Court 56 deanery 288 Durobrivae 159, 161 miracle 176 murder of William of Perth 180, 185 parish churches in diocese 285-310 prior and convent 293, 295, 296, 297, 302, 303 St Clement's church 296 St Margaret's parish church 67 n.26, 296 St Nicholas's parish church 67 n.26, 69 n.57, 301-2 Will Registers (Rochester diocese) 245 Rochester, bishop of 288, 294, 295, 296, 297, 303 Rogers, Richard, JP 35 Rolf, Richard, vicar of Newington 182 Roman/Romano-British Cobham Golf Course 196 Holm Hill, Romano-British 216 Little Stock Farm, Romano-British 196 Margate, features 375 Minster-in-Thanet, villa site 393 Northumberland Bottom field system and occupation 197-8, 199 Saltwood Tunnel (north of) 200 Sevington settlement 218 shipbuilding 339 n.2 Snarkhurst Wood (south of), late Iron Age/ early Roman settlement 200 structures 200 timbers and brushwood platform (late Iron Age/early Roman) 213 Wye, building material 392 see also burials; cremations; Mount Roman villa; pottery; Thurnham; villas Romney Marsh, JPs 6 Roos, Thomas, ninth Lord 225 Roos, Thomas and William, Lord 224 Roper, William, JP 3 Roper family 11 Rosman, Doreen, review of Religious Worship in Kent (Roake ed.) 416-18 Rotheley, Roger, will 66 n.24 Rotheram, Roger, Archdeacon of Rochester 58, 59, 62, 66 n.25 Rotherham, Thomas, bishop 304 roundhouses late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 194 Iron Age 201 late Iron Age, Thurnham 201 RPS Clouston 374, 376 rubbers 276 and rider, sandstone, Neolithic 275 Rudstone, Robert, JP 18, 24, 27, 35, 37 Russell, John, bishop 304 Ruxley, St Botulf s church 296 Ryarsh, St Martin's church 296 Rye, dispute 20 Sackville, Robert, JP 35, 38 St Albans (Herts), un-umed cremations 388 St Leger, Anthony, JP 35 St Leger, Sir Anthony II 35 St Leger, Nicholas, JP 35 St Leger, Sir Warham, JP 12, 18, 35, 37 St Mary Cray St Mary's church 292, 296 Sentling manor 224 St Mary Hoo, St Mary's church 296 St Mary in the Marsh, dispute 20 St Michael Penkivel (Cornwall), brass 402 St Paul's Cray, St Paulinus' church 296 salt containers, pottery, from North Kent 380 Saltwood, Neolithic axes 278 Saltwood Tunnel (north of) Anglo-Saxon cemetery 210-11, 212 Iron Age to middle Saxon settlement 199-200 ring ditch 210 Sampson, Christopher, JP 35 Sandes, Anthony, JP 35 Sandes, Sir Michael, JP 35, 38, 43 n.84 Sandes, Richard, JP 35 Sandes, Sir Thomas, JP 35 Sandes family 10 sandstone, ?roofing 332 Sandway Road 190, 192 Sandwich, 13th-century sea defences at 'Monk's Wall' 400 Sandyll, Margaret 256 Savage, Thomas, bishop 304 Sayer, Alice and Sampson, will 175-6 Scott, Charles, JP 35 Scott, John 228, 229 Scott, Sir John, of Nettlestead, JP 35, 38 Scott, Sir Thomas, JP 10, 20, 27, 29-30, 35, 37,38 Scott, Thomas, JP 35 Scott, Zachary, JP 35 464 GENERAL INDEX Scray lathe 18 sea defences, 13th-century, at Sandwich 400 sea levels 314, 333-5 Seal, St Peter and St Paul's church 296 Sedley, Sir William, JP 25, 26, 35, 38 Sentling manor, St Mary Cray 224 Sevenoaks poisoning incident 14 St Nicholas's church 290, 296 trade 250 Sevington, Blind Lane (west of) 217-18 sewers commissioners 16 Seyliard, William, JP 35 Sheen, prior and convent 294, 295, 30!, 303 Shelford Farm, nr Canterbury, mount (shield mount) 395, 396 shells marine 277 oyster 200, 400 Sheppey, prioress and convent 294, 304 Sheppey, John, bishop 299, 304 Shepway lathe 18 shield mounts 396 Shipbourne parish wills 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 261, 263 St Giles's church 296 shipbuilding, Roman 339 n.2 shoes, leather sole 331 Sholden, cremation burial 386, 388 Shoreham deanery of 285, 288, 290, 291 lead medalette (commemorative) 409-10, 409 rector of Shoreham with Otford 294, 296, 303 St Peter and St Paul's church 296 Shorne, St Peter and St Paul's church 297 shrines, medieval 173, 175, 178 Roman, see temple Sibill (Sibbell), John, JP 27, 35, 37 Sibun, Lucy on the cremated remains from Bobbing 391 on the late Iron Age pottery from Dartford 381 Sidell, E.J., on the geo-archaeology at Summerton Way 324-5 Sidney, Sir Henry, JP 36, 37 Sidney, Sir Robert, JP 36, 38 silver .see spoon Simon of Atherfield 180 Singlewell, west of Church Road, incl. ditches and marlpits 214 Skynner, Henry, will 262 slag (metalworking) 200 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 194 late Iron Age/early Roman 200 Roman 79 medieval, iron 212 tap slag 376 Smallhythe, chapel 55 smelting, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age 376 Smith, David, minstrel 16 Smith, Eric J. G., on the British-made silver spoon from Barham Down 398-400 Smyth, John, JP 10,36, 38 Smyth, Richard, JP 10,36 Smyth, Richard, of Shorne 65 n.19 Smyth, Thomas, JP 10,36 snails see molluscs Snarkhurst Wood (south of), Hollingbourne, Iron Age/early Roman settlement and prehistoric finds 200-1 Snodland All Saints' church 297 Roman villa 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163 soils loess 273 Mount Roman villa 150-7, 164 'warping' (improving soil fertility) 335 White Horse Stone 194-5 Somers, John, JP 9, 36 Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of 227, 231,232 Somerset, Edmund, Duke of (formerly Marquess of Dorset) 225, 226, 227-8, 229 daughter Margaret 225 widow Eleanor 225 Somerset, Henry, Duke of 228, 231 Somerset, Henry, third Duke of 225 Somerset, John, Duke of 225, 226, 229 Somerset, John, first Earl of 224 South Downs causewayed enclosures 274 long barrows 273 South Dumpton settlement site 376 Southfleet, St Nicholas' church 297 South Shields (Tyne and Wear), fort, fingerring 49 Southwell, Sir Robert, JP 36 Sparey-Green, Christopher 392 Speldhurst parish wills 245, 246, 247, 248, 252, 253, 254,256,261,263 St Mary's church 297, 298-9, 302 spindle-whorls, pottery 104, 110, / / / , 164 spoon, silver, Pictish, from Barham Down 398-400, 399 Sprever, Thomas, of Milton 65 n.19 stable block see West Court Manor House Stace, Thomas 267 Stafford, Henry 229, 231, 232 Stafford, Humphrey Stafford, Earl of 225 Stamford (Lines), anti-Jewish violence 178, 179 Stanforde, Thomas, Agnes and Alice 262 Stanhope, Sir John, JP 36, 38 Stanley, Thomas, JP 9, 36, 37 Stansted, church 297 Steed, William, JP 36 Stevens, Simon, on the late Iron Age pottery from Dartford 381 Still, Dr Mike 410 'Stirling Castle' wreck 410-12, 411 465 GENERAL INDEX Stoke, St Peter and St Paul's church 297 stone building material 332, 337 St Mary's church 297 storage pits, for cereal grain, Margate 375 Stourton family 234 strip fields 200 Strood church 67 n.26 hospital 293, 294, 297, 304 parish church 67 n.26 St Nicholas's church 297 Style, Edmund, JP 36, 38, 43 n.84 subsidy Acts 18 subsidy commissioners 18 Summerton Way, Thamesmead animal bone 315, 323-4, 337 crop processing (winnowing and finesieving) 321, 323, 330,336,337 droveway 320-1, 335 first Roman phase 315-17, 333, 336 hearth 315, J/tf, 333, 336, 337 geo-archaeology 324-5 geology and topography 312, 314 hiatus 317-18 Iron Age 315 late Roman phase 318-21, 333, 335 drainage system (ditches) 318, 319, 320, 335,336 hearths 318, 319, 320, 330, 332, 336, 337 plant remains 314, 315, 317, 321, 323, 330-1,336,337 post-Roman alluvium 32 prehistoric 332-3 quernstones 315, 318, 330-1, 336, 338 sedimentary sequence 314-15 Sundridge, church 297 sunken-floored buildings Roman 197 Anglo-Saxon 200 medieval 199 Sutton, St John the Baptist's church 297 Sutton Hoo (Suffolk), shield mount 396 Sutton-at-Hone lathe 18 Swanscombe, St Peter and St Paul's church 297 Swayland, Alice, and son Nicholas 257 Swaynsland, Thomas 63-4 sword, in Anglo-Saxon grave 211, 212 Tappington, rent from 227 tegulae see under tiles temples, Roman Blue Bell Hill 280 Thurnham Roman villa 201, 202, 203, 205 Worth, Romano-Celtic 378 Teriing (Essex), remarriage of widows 258 tesserae, Roman 101, 393 Teston, St Peter and St Paul's church 297 Thames estuary, prehistoric buried landscapes 332-3 Thamesmead .see Summerton Way Thanet Trust 369-74, 375-6, 393, 400, 410-12 Theobald, Stephen, JP 36 Thornbury, John, of Speldhurst 226 Thornhurst, Stephen, JP 36 Thornhurst, Sir Stephen, JP 36, 38 Thorpe, John, rector of Gravesend 60 Thurnham Roman villa 163, 201-5 aisled building 203, 204 temple 201, 202, 203,205 timber building (?agricultural) 204 wells 204 Tilbury (Essex), peat deposits 333 tile kilns 331, 332, 392 tiles Roman 318, 331-2, 337, 357, 360, 364, 365, 367, 374,392 box-flue 332, 337 imbrex roof tiles 315, 332, 392 peg tiles 364, 365, 367 tegulae 315, 332, 392 medieval 374 post-medieval 374 ToUgate 214 Tonbridge castle, constable 237 community 248-50 crafts in 250 inheritance and attitudes to women in wills in the area 245-68 parish register of burials 245, 248, 249, 251 parish wills 245, 252, 253, 254, 261, 263 prior and convent 295, 297, 299 St Peter and St Paul's church 297 Tooke, John, JP 3 Topclyf, William 299 trackways 192, 194, 217, 218 Romano-British 216 post-medieval 200 TRB megalithic tradition ('Funnel-necked Beaker culture') 271, 275, 276, 277, 278 trentals, Gravesend 63 Trevor, Sir John, JP 36, 40 n.21 Trilleck, Thomas, bishop 299, 304 Trottiscliffe parish church 67 n.26 St Peter and St Paul's church 297 Trust for Thanet Archaeology see Thanet Trust Trytyll, Julyan 266 Tudeley All Saints' church 297 parish wills 245, 246, 247, 248, 253, 254, 261,263 Tudor, Edmund .see Richmond, Earl of Tudor, Jasper see Pembroke, Earl of Tufton, John, JP 36, 37 Tutfold, Thomas, Vicar-General 56, 58, 59, 60 Twysden, Roger, JP 19, 36, 38, 43 n.84 466 GENERAL INDEX Upchurch, pottery production 326; .see also pottery Updown or Sangrados Wood, Anglo-Saxon cemetery (III) 45 Uscher, Johanna, ferryman 65 n.14 Ussher, Thomas, tombstone 70 n.67 Utrecht (Netherlands), flowerpot kiln site 408 vicarages 289, 290, 292, 299, 300-2 villa regalis, Saxon royal palace at Eastry 45, 50 villas (Roman) in Kent 157-65 Minster-in-Thanet (Abbey Farm) 393 Thurnham, winged corridor 201-5, 203 see also Mount Roman villa Wade, William, will 69 n.60 Waldershare, La Tene I bronze brooch 376-7, 377, 378 Waldershare Park, nr Dover, sceatta 51 wall plaster, Roman 201, 393 Waller, George, JP 36 Waller, John 236 Waller, Richard, of Groombridge 226, 227, 228, 229 Waller, Simon 226 Waller, Sir Thomas, JP 36, 38 Waller, Sir Walter, JP 36 Waller family 10,237 Walsingham, Sir Thomas, JP 36, 37 Walsingham, Thomas II, JP 36, 38 Walworth, William, the elder, yeoman 65 n.20 Warham, Archbishop 401, 404 'warping' (improving soil fertility) 335 de la Warres 236 Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of 230, 231, 232 Waryn, Thomas 228 Washington, Laurence, JP 36, 38, 43 n.84 Wateringbury, St John the Baptist's church 297 Watling Street 173, 175, 215, 326 Wattes, John, will 254 Watton, Thomas, JP 27, 36, 37 Wayre, Alice 266 Wayre, John and Agnes 259 Weald conspiracy of textile workers 14 JPs 6 population of parishes 249-50 Webb, Diana, 'The saint of Newington: who was Robert le Bouser?' 173-88 Weldon, Anthony, JP 36, 37, 42 n.83 Weldon, Ralph, JP 36 Wellys, William, bishop 304 Wensley, Richard, JP 36 Wessex Archaeology 189, 190, 195, 216 West Court manor 356, 364 West Court Manor House Area [1] 355-6 brick structures 356 ditch [I] 356 ditch [8] 356, 364 pottery 356 soakaways 356 Trench [1], stable block 355, 356-60, 358, 364 bricks 357, 360 cellars 357, 359, 360, 364 Trench [2] barrel-vaulted cellar 361, 362-3, 365 bay windows 353, 361, 362, 363, 365 manor house and cellars 355, 361-3, 362, 363, 364-5 new extension 353, 361-2, 365 pottery 361 animal bone 356 brick 355, 357, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367 clay tobacco pipes 360 gables 365 medieval occupation 363-4 southern facade 365 wine bottles 360 West Court Manor House, Chalk 353-67 Westborough, cemetery 159, 160 Westegarth, Christopher 61, 69 n.51 Westenhanger Castle (north of) 219-20 Westerham parish church 67 n.26 St Mary's church 297, 298 Westhampnett (W. Sussex), un-urned cremations 388 Westwell see Parsonage Fann whetstone, LBA/EIA 194 White Horse Stone dry valley soil sequence 194-5 Neolithic longhouse 192, 193 Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 29-30, 38 Whittemore, Philip, on the Northwood brasses in Minster-in-Sheppey 401-4 Wickham, East, St Michael's church 288, 290,291,294 Wickham, West, St John the Baptist's church 297 widows see under women Wilford, Sir Thomas, JP 36, 38, 43 n.84 William at Wod69n,51 William at Wood of Upchurch, and son 176 William of Newburgh 178-9 William of Perth 180, 185 Williams, Alison M. A., 'Inheritance and attitudes to women in wills in the Tonbridge area' 245-68 Willoughby, Thomas, JP 19, 36 wills buildings, and subdivision of properties 249 children per will 249, 250 churches in Rochester diocese 291, 292 executors 264 467 GENERAL INDEX wills (cont) Gravesend 56, 58, 59, 60, 61-2, 63 inheritance and attitudes to women in the Tonbridge area 245-68 inheritance by daughters 260-3 inheritance by widows 250-60 Wilmington manor (Grandisons) 225, 230 St Michael's church 297 Wiltshire, James Butler, Earl of 225 Winchelsey, Robert, archbishop 173, 175 Windsor Castle (Berkshire), chapel 58 Wingham Neolithic site 272, 275, 276 roundhouse 161 Winwick (Lanes), brass of Piers Gerard in church 402 Wiseman, Robert, JP 36, 40 n.21 Withens, William, JP 36 Withernsea (Holdemess), dual worship centre 59 Wittlesey, William, bishop 304 Wodstoke, William, will 66 n.24 Wolton, Thomas de 299 women daughters and inheritance 260-3, 264 inheritance and attitudes to in wills in the Tonbridge area 245-68 status of 263-7 widows, inheritance and wills by 250-60, 264, 265 wills and bequests by 245, 248, 264-6 woodland management 216 Woodlands, church 292, 297 Woodville, Elizabeth (Edward IV's Queen) 230 Woodville family 221, 233-4, 235 Woolwich 234 St Mary's church 297 workhouse see under Canterbury Worth, Romano-Celtic temple site 378 Wotton, Sir Edward, JP 27, 30, 36, 38 Wotton, Nicholas 27 Wotton, Thomas, JP 11, 18, 20, 24, 27-9, 30, 36,37 Wouldham, All Saints' church 297 wrecks see 'Stirling Castle' Wrotham, St George's church 290, 297 Wye, Roman building material 392 Wyld, Johanna, will 66 n.24 Wylde, Roger, rector 65 n.18 Wynter, William, will 249 Yalding, St Peter and St Paul's church 297 Yerde, John 226, 227 Yerde, Thomas 228 Yong, Richard, bishop 301, 304 York, House of (Yorkists) 221, 229, 230, 231,232-3,234,235,237 York, Richard, Duke of 228 Yorkletts, prehistoric occupation evidence 374 Zell, Michael L., 'Kent's Elizabethan JPs at work' 1-43 468