Annual Report of the Council for 2000
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Obituary - T.FC. Blagg, MA, PhD, FSA
Brief Notes on the Contributors
Annual Report of the Council for 2000
KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 2000 The Council of the Society presents its one hundred and forty-second report and statement of accounts for the year ending the 31 December 2000. AIMS AND ORGANIZATION The Society is established to promote the study and publication of archaeology and history i n all their branches, especially within the ancient county of Kent. The Society's activities are carried out throughout the ancient county of Kent. It has no staff and its officers are only paid out-ofpocket expenses. ft co-operates with its affiliated societies and the organizations to which it is affiliated or of which it is a member. In particular it co-operates with the Canterbury Archaeological Trust in promotion of education and the Council for the Protection of Rural England (Kent Branch) in the protection of historic buildings through a joint committee. Its activities are carried out by the Council, committees and officers. REVIEW OF THE YEAR Annual General Meeting: The Society's annual general meeting was held at Maidstone on Saturday I July 2000. This followed an unsuccessful attempt to hold it in May as insufficient members attended to form a quorum. A large number of members attended the meeting in July when the Council's annual report and the accounts for 1999 were accepted and Messrs. Reeves and Neylan were re-appointed auditors. The officers and members of the Council were elected; details are set out below under Legal and Administrative Information. Fieldwork: Although there was no training excavation at Minster-inThanet, work continued on the excavation archive and a well attended 437 ANNUAL REPORT open day was held at Minster to describe the discoveries to local people. The High Weald project continued with exploration of a Roman iron production site and road near Cranbrook. Resistivity surveys, using the Society's equipment, continued. The extent of unpublished excavations was investigated; a report on possible ways of publishing them was completed and is being considered by the Society. Grants totalling £3,000 were made for publishing excavations and fieldwork. Pub lications: Volume CXIX (1999) of Archaeologia Cantiana (the first edited by Mr T. G. Lawson) was published; it contained a good range and balance of papers and maintained its customary high standard. The backlog of book reviews was cleared by the Book Reviews Editor, Dr E. C. Edwards. The Survey of Archbishop Pecham 's Kentish Manors 1283-85 by the late K. Witney was published, with a foreword by Dr J. Thirsk. The Society is grateful to Mr D. Harrington for completing Volume 3, part 3 of the Kent Records - New Series containing the final section of Tenterden Tailor's Accounts, Shipbourne Title Deeds and part l of Constables' Returns; and for continuing bis unprecedented success in selling the Society's publications. The Kent History Fund made two grants totalling £950 to local societies to assist their publications. Churches and Historic Buildings: The Churches Committee arranged the first two of a series of visits to Kent churches which were well attended. Work started on compiling a database of Kent churches, to which contributions would be welcomed, and on preparation for a series of short articles on developments in the life of the Church from 600 to 2001, for publication in the Newsletter. Help was given, by provision of information and limited financial support, for production of church guide books and copies of Tim TattonBrown's church surveys have been placed in the Society's library. The Kent Historic Buildings Committee (sponsored jointly by the Society and CPRE) continued to keep a watchful eye, and make representations, on proposals affecting listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas. A special Building Recorders' Conference was held in memory of the late Kenneth Gravett which was well attended. Library and collections: Reorganisation of the library was almost completed: modern furniture was installed to facilitate its use for study and as a meeting place for members, committees and small seminars. The index of books was entered on the computer and will soon be available for use. Arrangements were completed to have experienced members present at stated times during each week to 438 ANNUAL REPORT assist both members and non-members in its use and these will be put into effect during the current year. The Hon. Curator continued to assist members with their enquiries. Work was started on entering the catalogue of the Society's collections onto computer and an Anglo-Saxon silver gilt bronze brooch from the collection was loaned for the UK part of a Dutch exhibition travelling around northern Europe. Work was undertaken on conservation of part of the co1lection. Education: The Education Committee continued to support the work of the Archaeology in Education Service managed by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. In particular it helped, in conjunction with the KCC and National Grid for Learning, to establish a new project to put history and archaeological data about Dartford on the internet. Assistance was given to three new Young Archaeologists' clubs established in Maidstone, Thanet and Canterbury. Membership: The Society welcomed 92 new members (including three affiliated societies) during the year and lost slightly fewer leaving an increased membership of 1,608 at the end of the year; this was despite the introduction of the increased subscription rates at the start of the year which resulted in the loss of few members. It remains indebted to its Hon. Membership Secretary, Mrs M. Lawrence, not only for the effort she puts into collecting members' subscriptions and recruiting new members but also for taking a personal interest in keeping in touch with our members. Activities for members: An interesting variety of subjects was provided in the winter series of lectures arranged by Mr D. G. Anstey. The Hon. Excursions Secretary, Mrs J. Saynor, organised a week's excursion to Alsace in June which was followed by day excursions to Lambeth Palace, Lesnes Abbey and Crossness Pumping Station and to Down House. About seventy members were welcomed to Allington Castle by Prof. R. Worcester for the Spring Social Evening and another successful Christmas lunch was held at the Hop Farm at Paddock Wood, followed by a visit to Bradbourne House at East Malling, both arranged by Mrs M. Lawrence. Relations with other bodies: The Society appoints members or representatives to a number of other organisations. In particular, it has received regular reports from CBA South East and the Standing Conference on London Archaeology. There was a further meeting of representatives of the county archaeological societies in southern England which provides a useful forum to discuss matters of common 439 ANNUAL REPORT interest and learn about what other societies are doing. The Society has regularly been represented at meetings of the Kent History Federation and received reports from representatives on the County Archives Advisory Committee and Canterbury Archaeological Trust. The Society's role: The working party established to review the role and structure of the Society continued its work. Consultations included a discussion with members in the afternoon of the aborted AGM in May and it completed its report which was adopted by the Council in January 2001. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES AND AFFAIRS The accompanying financial statements show the current state of the Society's finances which its Council considers to be sound. They comply with the Council's understanding of the current statutory requirements and the requirements of the Society's rules. Investments: The trustees seek, in the management of their investments, a balance between income and capital growth. The Finance Committee oversees the management of the Society's investments. The portfolio, managed by Laing and Cruickshank Investment Management Ltd, increased by over 7 per cent to £1,304,529 and currently yields around 2 per cent. The COIF investments, which currently yield about 3.1 per cent, fell in value by £4,412 to £85,006. Reserves: The trustees budget each year to spend a sum considerably in excess of current income and try to maintain reserves appropriate to allow this to continue. The Society relies on its officers and other members giving their time freely to organise its activities. Without those contri butions it would have to spend a substantial sum on salaries. AlJen Grove Local History Fund: The Society administers the Allen Grove Local History Fund which was given in the will of the late Allen Grove. Its objects are to promote research, preservation and enjoyment of local history. These objects are consistent with those of the Society. It is a restricted fund and is invested separately from the Society's other investments. In accordance with the terms of the legacy, decisions on how the fund is to be spent are taken by the Society's officers. During the year eight grants totalling £1,700 were made towards the costs of producing publications on local history and displays at exhibitions and museums. 440 ANNUAL REPORT LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION The Society is a charity registered with the Charity Commission under number 223382. It is an unincorporated association governed by its rules which are published in Archaeologia Cantiana from time to time and copies of which can be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. It is also registered as a charity with the Inland Revenue which has made a direction under section 201 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 which permits certain members (generally those whose employment is related to the Society's activities) to obtain income tax relief on their subscriptions to the Society; further details can be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. The principal address of the Society is The Museum, St Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 lLH. However, correspondence should be addressed to the relevant officer. The governing body of the Society is the Council whose members are its charity trustees and are elected by the members of the Society at its annual general meeting in May each year. During the period covered by this report they were: P. E. Oldham President A. I. Moffat Hon. General Secretary R. G. Thomas Hon. Treasurer M. Lawrence Hon. Membership Secretary F. H. Panton Hon. Librarian T. G. Lawson Hon. Editor J. Saynor Hon. Excursions Secretary M. C. W. Still Hon. Curator C. W. Chalklin Vice President R. H. Hiscock Vice President D. Ingram Hill*** Vice President L. D. Lyle Vice President E. Melling Vice President J. Whyman Vice President N. R. Aldridge D. G. Anstey* D. Bacchus S. Broomfield N. D. Caiger***** D. A. H. Cleggett* E. P. Connell B. T. Cousins P. Cullen A. J. Daniels P. A. Harlow* D. W. Harrington**** D. Killingray** L.B. llott P. E. Leach*** R. F. LeGear A. Miles M.A. Ocock J. V. Page*** R. N. Rolinson R. J. Spain* A. Thompson** A. F. Ward C. P. Ward * Denotes re-elected at the annual general meeting on the I July 2000; ** elected at the AGM on I July 2000; **"' Retired or resigned at the AGM on l July 2000; **** Resigned 24 November 2000; ***** Resigned 29 December 2000. 441 ANNUAL REPORT The officers (other than the Vice Presidents) hold office for one year, the Vice Presidents for seven years and the other members for four years. The Society's main agents and advisers are: Bankers: National Westminster Bank plc, 4 High Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME 14 1 XU Auditors: Reeves & Neylan, 37 St Margaret's Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT l 2TU Solicitors: Martin Tolhurst Partnership, 7 Wrotham Road, Gravesend, Kent, DAI I OPD Stockbrokers: Laing & Cruickshank Investment Management Ltd, 5 Appold Street, London, WC2A 2DA Stockbrokers' nominee company holding the Society's investments: Productive Nominees Ltd, 5 Appold Street, London, WC2A 2DA. The Society's activities are restricted by the terms of its objects set out elsewhere in this report. In particular its area of benefit is mainly (but not exclusively) the ancient county of Kent which is considered to be the administrative County of Kent, Medway Council and the London Boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and part of Lewisham. The Society's investment powers are those contained in the Trustee Investments Act 1961 as amended. Its rules do not give it any special investment powers. The Council has delegated some of its investment powers to Laing & Cruickshank Investment Management Ltd in accordance with a scheme made by the Charity Commissioners on 18 April I 994. A. I. Moffat, Hon. General Secretary on behalf of the Council 24 February 2001 442 ANNUAL REPORT ABRIDGED FINANCIAL INFORMATION Statement of financial activities for the year ended 31 December 2000 General Designated Restricted Total Total Fund Funds Fund Income Resources £ £ £ £ £ Subscriptions 21,345 692 22,037 20,863 Donations and gifts 342 342 25 Legacies 5,872 5,872 1,000 Grants 2,950 Investment income 8,384 35,158 1,722 45,264 44,630 Other income 29,129 29,!29 26,206 Transfers between funds 35,605 (35,605) Total incoming resources 94,805 6,117 1,722 102,644 95,674 Resources Expended Direct charitable expenditure: Archaeologia Cantia,w 20,132 20,132 20,613 expenses Committees· Expenditure 41,541 41,541 53,574 Newsletter 5,666 5.666 4,558 Grants 4,770 2,350 7.120 5.300 Management and 11.323 48 11,371 14.766 administration Total expenditure 83,432 2,398 85,830 98,811 Net (outgoing)/incoming Resources for the Year 11,373 6,117 (676) 16,814 (3,137) Gains on investments 11,283 111,410 6,912 129,605 168,836 Net movement in funds 22,656 117,527 6,236 146,419 165,699 Funds brought forward At 1 J anual'y 1999 160,154 1,026,794 49,181 1,236,129 1,070,430 Funds curried forwm·d At 31 December 1999 182,810 1,144,321 55,417 1382,548 1,236,129 443 ANNUAL REPORT Balance sheet at 31st December 1999 1999 1998 £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets Investments 1,399,414 1,271,81 I 1,399,414 1,271,811 Current Assets Debtors 16,870 7,378 Cash at bank and in hand 17,160 4,905 34,030 12,283 Creditors, amounts falling Within one year 50,896 47,965 --- Net Current Assets (16,866) (35,682) --- Net Assets 1,382,548 1,236,129 Funds General Fund 182,810 Designated Funds 1,144,321 Restricted Fund 55,417 1,382,548 The above figures are extracted from the full Trustees' report and financial statements which have been audited by Reeves and Neylan who gave an unqualified audit report on 23 March 200 I. The auditors have confirmed to the Trustees that the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full financial statements for the year ended 3 I December 1999. The Trustees' report and financial statements were approved by the Trustees and signed on their behalf on I July 2000. These summarised financial Statements may not contain sufficient information to gain a complete understanding of the financial affairs of The Kent Archaeological Society. The full Trustees' report, audit report and financial statements may be obtained from The Kent Archaeological Society, Three Elms, Woodlands Lane, Shorne, Gravesend, Kent DA l 2 3HH. Signed on behalf of the Trustees: P E Oldham (President) R G Thomas (Honorary Treasurer) The annual report and accounts were submitted to the Charity Commission on 23 March 2001. P E Oldham (President) 444