General Index
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Brief Notes on the Contributors
Frontispiece 1999
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Acton Farm, nr Charing,s arsen stones 326 Adam of Lyminge 55 Adcock, A.J., builder 384 Addington Long Barrow 319, 320, 321,322,323,324,337,338 Addington-Trottiscliffe, sarsen stone spreads in area 326 Adel (Yorks), lion carving 387,389 adzes, Late Neolithic 'shaft-hole' 173, 175 Alkham, stater 210,219 Allen, Tim, 'The origins of the Swale: an archaeological interpretation' 169-86 Allfree, Revd Edward Mott, headmaster 237 Alton (Hants), coin hoards 212-13 Amherst, Mary, Dowager Countess 190, 203 n.32 Amminus, coinage 207, 209, 213, 216 Anderson, Graham, obituary by 431 Anglo-Saxon period Late Saxon glass analysed 300, 301-2 Marquise stone used I 8 Minster in Thanet, burials 36 I, 364-6, 367-8 St Peter' s Church, Whitfield 38 J, 384-5 Sandwich 52 settlement and Quoit Brooch Style (book review) 426-8 settlement site 385 Swalecliff and Hampton 179-80 see also knife; pottery Anguish, Thomas, rector 285, 286-9 animal bone Dickson 's Corner, Worth 111, 112,114,115,120,141,141, 145 ox skeleton 112 fossil skeletal material 172 Minster in Thanet, Neolithic 36 I Arbuthnot, Sergeant James 282 archbishops of Canterbury 35 l -2 Arkcoll, Charles 245, 246. 251. 252 arrowheads flint, Bronze Age 361. 363 iron, medieval, Sandwich 67, 68, 70-1 Ash, (book review) 422-4 Ashbee, Paul, 'The Medways' megalithic long barrows' 319-45 Ashcroft, Peter, Chief Engineer 194, 195, 197, 198,199,200 Ashford, railway 23, 350 Ash next Sandwich see Gilton assizes, in Maidstone 351 Astle, Thomas 3 17, 3 18 Austen, Francis I 90, 191 Aveling, Stephen Thomas 267 axes and hand-axes Acheulian hand-axes 172, 173, 174, 373-4 Lower Palaeolithic hand-axes 172, 174 Mesolithic 171, 172, 174 Neolithic, flint 120, 139, 140 Bronze Age 173 Aylesford, reservoirs for 408 Bank Holiday Act (1 871) 249 449 GENERAL INDEX Baptists, of Smarden and the Weald (book review) 424-6 Bargrave, Elizabeth (nee Dering) 84, 85 Bargrave, Dean Isaac 77, 79, 84-5, 90, 95, 99 Bargrave, John and Robert, travels while exiled during the Civil War 77-105 Robert's travel diary (book review) 417-18 Barham, Beaker pottery 368 Barham, Lord, First Lord 161 Barlow, John, engraver 317-18 Barlow, Robert, Commissioner at Chatham 164 barns(?), medieval, Salmeston Grange 381 Barrow, John, Second Secretary at the Admiralty I 6 I barrows Chatham Lines 306 Medway's megalithic long barrows 319-45 Neolithic 366 Saxon funerary 37 ! n.5 Bate, Revd James, vicar in Deptford 285, 286-8, 289, 291-2 beads cane, Minster in Thanet 359 glass cane bead, Dark Age, analysed 300,301,310 Beakers (Early Bronze Age), enclosure, Minster in Thanet 361, 363, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371; see also pottery Beauclerk, Lord Henry 281, 282 Beazley, Charles Nightingale, archi ct 27, 33, 33, 3 41,41 Beechmont (house) 190,1 91,1 94,I 95 beetles, Tankerton 180 Bendish, Sir Thomas 77, 85, 87, 89, 97-8 Berkenhead, John 90 Bifrons, Bargrave family home 77, 82, 85,92,96, 99 Bifrons, glass claw and cone beakers analysed 299, 300, 309 Bigberry Camp, linchpins 377 Bigbury, hillfort 216,218,219 Birchington glass from Netherhale Farm 310 Minnis Bay, Neolithic finds 366, 368 potin coin hoard, Iron Age 208, 219,226 railway 34 Woodchurch, Roman finds 379-81 'bird head' motifs 377 Birling, watercress beds 397, 40 l, 404 Birmingham family 394, 396 Bishopstone (Sussex), weights 127 Black, Shirley Burgoyne, 'The emergence of Edward Hasted as historian of Kent' 311-18 Blackheath Hundred 280, 283, 284 Blagg, T.F.C., obituary 431 Blean 170,171,181,181, 182-3,1 82 Blean Forest area 221 Blue Bell Hill, sarsen stones 326 Boast, Emma, and Alex Gibson, 'Neolithic, Beaker and AngloSaxon remains: Laundry Road, Minster in Thanet' 359-72 Bolognini, Mattio, portrait 88, 89 bone see animal bone; fish bone; human remains boroughs 353-4, 356 Boughton Aluph long mound 325 watercress beds near 401, 402, 405,408 Boughton Lees, watercress beds at Park Barn Farm 402, 409 Boughton Monchelsea, oppida, Iron Age 218,219,227 Bournemouth 28 bout coupe-type tools and hand-axe 172, 173, 174 Boxley, potin coin hoard 219, 226 bracelet, copper alloy, Dickson's Corner 125, 126 Brady, Francis, civil engineer 191 Bramhall, Dr John, Bishop of Derry 86, 104 n.36 450 GENERAL INDEX Brasted, Court Lodge, Hogtrough Hill, watercress beds 406; see also Winfield Mill Brasted Place, chapel 14 Brayton (Yorks), lion on capital 389, 391 Bredgar coin hoard 217,219,227 Bredhurst, tombstones 270 Brennan, Michael G. (ed.), The Travel Diary of Robert Bargrave, reviewed 4 I 7-18 'The exile of two Kentish royalists during the English Civil War' 77-105 brick, Roman 175, 176 brickwork, Sevenoaks railway tunnel, and sources 197 Briggs, Joan, on the marine shell at Dickson's Corner 142 Briggs, John, of the Victualling Board 161 Brisley, William, mason at Rochester Cathedral 11-13, 20 Broadstairs Acheulian hand-axe from Westwood 373-4 and Dickens 394, 395 potin coin hoard, Iron Age 208, 219,226 Bronze Age 173, 175, 178, 179 enclosures 378 flints 145 metalwork hoard (Late Bronze Age) 173 Minster in Thanet (Beaker) 367, 368, 370, 37 I see also Beaker; pottery bronze object see brooches brooches La Tene I, bronze, Worth 374-5,3 74 'Nauheim derivative', Dickson 's Corner 125, 126, 142 Quoit Style (book review) 427-8 Broom Downs, Newington, watercress beds 399, 403, 404-5 Broomwood, St Paul's Cray 367 Buckwell Farm, nr Boughton Aluph, watercress beds 402, 405 451 Bull, Revd Herbert 47 Bullfinch Corner, Riverhead, watercress beds 40 I, 403, 405 Bunyard (Thomas) & Son, nurserymen 245, 246, 247, 248, 249 burials Neolithic 366 Beaker 367 Anglo-Saxon 269 Minster in Thanet 361, 364-6, 367-8 pagan Jutish, Margate 381 medieval 379, 380 inhumations of unknown date, Minster in Thanet 359, 367-8 Busshe, Joan, of Boxley 264 Caen stone see stone Calleva (Silchester), coin mint 214, 228 Canterbury Assembly rooms 348 Burghmote 347-8, 352,3 53,3 54-5, 356,357,358 Canterbury Lane 134 Cathedral Archives 78, 80, 82 influence of 351-2 lions in the crypt 386-93 St Gabriel' s chapel 386, 387, 388-9, 391 Trinity Chapel 20 Christ Church Priory 18 Dane John pleasure gardens 348 elections 352, 356, 357 finances and government ( 1700- 1850) 347-58 Freemen 347, 352, 354, 357 Iron Age and coins 208, 216, 220, 221,227 kilns fabric, Roman 128, 134, J 37 magistrates 351, 353, 354, 355. 356 as a market town 350-1, 355 Marlowe Theatre site 134 military presence 352-3, 356 oppida, Iron Age 218 Pavement Commissioners 348, 351, 353, 355, 357 GENERAL INDEX police force 357 Poor Priests Hospital 355 population 350 pottery I 28, 132, 13 7 St Augustine's Abbey 18 lion 387 St Margaret's Street baths 137 textile/weaving industry 348-9, 355 Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) 172, 173,385 Canterbury to Whitstable Railway (CWR) 349, 350, 355 Cantiaci 2 I 8 Carn Ban (Arran) 324 Caroe, Martin, cathedral surveyor 3, 15 Carvilius, king in Kent 218 Castle House, Otford, watercress beds 406 castles see Sandwich CAT see Canterbury Archaeological Trust 'causewayed camps', Neolithic 366 cemeteries Anglo-Saxon 368 pagan Jutish 297, 298, 306, 307, 309, 3 JO, 381 Chalk Hill, Ramsgate 366 Channel Tunnel route, Beaker settlement sites 367 Chapman, Alexander 78, 81, 88, 89 Charles 191,9 2-3,9 4, 95-6, I 02 n.12 Charles rr 79, 89, 90, 91, 94, 96-7, 98-9 Chatham base cup from Chatham Lines 306 bell from Lidsing chapel at dockyard 267, 275 n.4 dockyard 149,150,151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157-8, 164, 166-7 mud dredger 163 Chequers Inn 143 Cherry Gardens, watercress beds 402, 406, 411 Chessell Down, Isle of Wight, base cup 306 The Chestnuts, Addington, barrow restored 319, 320, 321, 322, 323,324,325,337,339,340 Chetney Marshes 170, 182 Chilham, gold coin hoard 219, 226 Chilton Farm, flint assemblage 366 Chislehurst, railway line 200 Chislet, Beaker pottery 368 Christian, Ewan, architect 384, 385 churches and chapels Dissenting 282 Lidsing 261-76 for railway navvies 190, 197 Whitfield, Anglo-Saxon and Victorian features 381-5 see also Westgate on Sea Cingetorix, king in Kent 218 Civil War, two Kentish royalists exiled during 77-105 clay tobacco pipes, Sandwich 67, 70 Clifford, Isabella 264 Cliffsend,O aklands Nursery site 367 Clinch, James, 'Maidstone Grammar School 1833-1882' 235-60 coat of arms, Bargrave 82, 83 Cobham, sarsen stones 326 Cockham Wood Reach 152, 158, 163 Coffin Stone, Aylesford 319, 320, 321,322,323,324,334,335 coins Iron Age 205-33 Amminus 207, 209, 213, 216 Cunobelin 207, 209, 213, 214-16, 225,230,231 Dubnovellaunos 207, 209, 212-13, 230 Eppillus 207, 209, 211, 214, 228 imported gold 207, 210-11, 224-5 Kentish Uninscribed Series 207,209, 211-12, 229 potins 206, 220-7, 229, 230-1 Flat Linear I 207-8, 207, 220-4, 225-6, 230 Flat Linear II 207, 207, 208, 209, 210, 221-4, 225-6 Kentish Primary Series ('Thurrock type') 206-7, 208,209,220,221, 225-6, 230 Sam--- 207, 209, 213, 226 452 GENERAL INDEX coins (cont) Sego (Tasciovanus) 207, 209, 213-14 Vosenos 207, 213 Gallo-Belgic (incl. staters) 173, 207,209,210,211,225,228 Mediterranean region, incl. Carthaginian Sicily and Ebusus (Ibiza) 217 Roman 142-3, 216-17, 379 medieval 178 post-medieval 68 Coldrum chamber, Trottisciffe 319, 320, 32 I, 322, 323, 324, 326, 337,341,341 bones 3 I 9, 322-3, 337 kerb 322, 324, 325 pottery 322, 323 Coldrum North, mound of chalk 342 Coldrum South, sarsen stones 342 Cole, Revd Thomas, schoolmaster 235 Combe Down, Bath stone from 20 copper alloy objects: Dickson's Corner, Worth 125, 126; see also bracelet; brooches; nail cleaner; stud; tweezers copperas works, Tankerton 179 Corbett, William 26-9, 30, 32 Corbett and McClymont 26,2 7,3 0,3 2 Corieltauvi, coins 212, 225 Corringham (Essex),p ot in hoard 206 Cosin, John, Master of Peterhouse 86, 104 n.34 Cotter, John, on the clay tobacco pipes from Sandwich 70 Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls, architect 11, 12, 15, I 6-17, 20 Cotton Farm, Stone, watercress beds 406-7 Court Lodge, watercress beds 406 Crampton, Thomas, engineer and contractor 197 Creteway Down, Folkestone 368 Cromwell, Oliver, portrait of 80 Cross family 385 Crosthwaite, Revd Samuel Maitland, Head Master 257 453 Crouch, Dawn, 'Westgate on Sea - fashionable watering-place: the first thirty years' 23-50 Crowther, Joseph 86, 104 n.33 crucible, Beaker pottery 370 Cumberland, Duke of 285-6, 292 Cunobelin, coinage 207, 209, 2 I 3, 214- l 6, 225, 230, 231 Darenth, watercress beds 409 Darent river Iron Age 218, 220, 221 watercress beds 409 Dargate 170, 182, 182, 183 Holly Hill 170, 182, 182 Davis, Edmund Francis, solicitor 32-3, 34, 35, 39,40 Davy, Dr John 237, 242 Deal Mill Hill, pottery 368 potin hoard with clay moulds found near(?) 208, 210, 2 /9, 226 St Richard's Road, Neolithic pottery 368 sand spit 107, !45 Dean and Chapter, Canterbury 351, 352,356 Denly Hill 182, / 82 Deptford dockyard 149, 151, 153, 154, 157, 163, 164,167,280,286,291, 292,293 parishes of St Nicholas and St Paul's and the Jacobite Rebellion 277-95 passim Dering, Charles 94 Dering, Sir Edward 85 Derry, Bishop of (Dr John Bramhall) 86, 104 n.36 Dickens, Charles 242, 393-6 Dickson's Corner, Worth, Roman occupation site I 07-48 ditch (1978) 107-8, /09, 110, 111-14, 112, 113 animal bone 11 I, 112, 114 carbon deposit [DC 6] 112, I 13, 128, 142 GENERAL INDEX Dickson's Corner, ditch (cont) clayfloor[DC 3) 111,112, 113, 128, 130 fish bone I 11, 112 gulley I 12 hone-stone 114, 138 lead weight I I 4 marine shell 111 pottery I 07, 110, 11 I , 11 2, 114, 127, 128, 130, 144 prehistoric flints 111, 114, 139 quern stones I 39 finds animal bone 111,112, 114, 115, 120,141,141, 145 copper alloy objects 125, 126 fish bone Ill, 112,118,141. 141, 144, 145 flints (prehistoric) 111, 114, 115, 118, 120, 125, 139-41, 145 glass 127 hones 114, 125, 138 iron objects 120, 125 pottery (main report) 127-38 quern stones 120, I 23, 125, 138-9, 145 shell (marine) 111, 142, 144-5 tile, Roman and medieval 120, 138 weights, lead 120, 126, 127, 144 inner sea-wall and breach I 07, /09, I 10 pottery 107, 110 see also ditch (1978) North-East Area Excavation I 10, 112,114 floor [DC 3] 111, 114 pottery 114, 127, 128, 130 North-West Area Excavation 110, 115-18, 116-17 animal bone 115 burnt clay 115 carbon deposit [DC 46] 116, I I 8 fish bone 118 pottery 115, 118, 127, 130-2 prehistoric flints 115, 118, 139 salt production 118 454 tile I 38 Pebble Areas A-J 109, 111, 123-5 Pebble Area A 123, 124 Pebble Area B 123, 124 Pebble Area C I 18,119,120,121, 123, 124, 142 copper alloy objects 125 iron objects 125 pottery 123, 124, 134-5 querns 123, 139 tile 138 Pebble Area D 123, 124 hone 138 querns 123, 139 Pebble Area E building 115, Jl6, 118,123, 124, 124, 142 burnt clay 138 pottery 115, 130-1 Pebble Area F 123, 124 Pebble Area G !23, 124 Pebble Area H 124 Pebble Area I I 23, 124 Pebble Area J 116, I 18, 123,1 24,1 24 South-East Area Excavation I 10, I 18-23, / 19, 121 axe, Neolithic 120, 139, 140 clay floor [DC 43] 119, 120, 121, 122-3, 122, 142 copper alloy tweezers and nail cleaner 120, 125, 126 finds 125, 127 fish de-scaler, flint 140 flints, prehistoric 120, 139-40 Hearth 1 119, l 22, 122 Hearth 2 [DC 44] 119, 123, 133, 142 horse-shoe 120, 125 iron fragments 120, 125 post-holes 119, 122-3 pottery 120, 123, 127, 133-41, 144 roof-tiles, Roman 120 see also Pebble Area C test-pits 109, l JO lead lump 127 pottery 127 track 109, I 10, 124 GENERAL INDEX dockyards: Northfleet 149-68; see also Chatham; Deptford; Sheerness; Woolwich Dode chapel 261, 271-4, 273,274 Domesday Book 317 Paddlesworth 272 Taynton stone quarries 19 Dorestadt (Holland), glass 302 Dover base cup from Grand Shaft 306 and Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities 393-6 fortifications 56, 395 harbour 57, 188 Museum, post-card of Whitfield church in archives 384 Pier House on Custom House Quay 396 pottery 69 railway 24, 188 Roman quayside 143 Ship Hotel (Inn) 394, 395, 396 Dover Archaeological Group I 07 dyke monitoring 367 Sandwich 67 Downes, David, Ash - An East Kent Village, reviewed 422-4 Dubnovellaunos, coinage 207, 209, 212-13, 230 Dundas, Robert, First Lord I 61 Dunton Green, brickmaking 197 Eales, Richard, reviews The Survey of Archbishop Pee ham's Kentish Manors (Witney) 413-14 Eastbourne 28, 32 East Kent Railway Company 24 East Malling, watercress beds at Well Street 401,411 Eastry Court 84, 92, 99 East Wear Bay, Folkestone 139 Ebbsfleet river, watercress beds 403,409 Edwards, Elizabeth, reviews Early Modern Kent (ed. Zell) 414-16 elections, Canterbury 352, 356, 357 Elham, gold coin hoard 219, 226 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 79, 94 Elliot family, of Springhead Gardens 404 Elmsted, long mound 325 Elton, Charles I., report on schools by 242-3 enclosures Beaker (or Neolithic), Minster in Thanet360-I, 363,364,367 Late Bronze/Early Iron Age 378 Endowed Schools Act ( 1869) 247 Eppillus, coinage 207, 209, 211, 214,228 Epple Bay 26 Erith, Beaker pottery 368 Exeter (Devon), borough 353, 355, 356 Faversham glass bag beaker analysed 299, 300,309 Iron Age coin hoard 2/9, 226 Muster Rolls (book review) 419- 20 watercress beds at Blacklands, School Farm 404 Fector, John Minet (d.1821) 393, 395-6 Fector-Laurie, John Minet (d.1868) 393,396 Fid(d)ler's Reach 158, !59, 160 fish bone, Dickson's Corner, Worth Ill, 112, 118, 141, /41, 144, 145 fish de-scaler, flint I 40 Fishlake (Yorks), lion on capital 388,390 flint, worked 172-5, 178, 179, 180, 183 Acheulian hand-axes 172, 173, 174, 373-4 Levalloisian-type 172 Palaeolithic 174, 175 Mesolithic 171, 172, I 73, 174, 175, 179, 180 Neolithic 361, 366 Dickson's Corner, Worth 111, 114,115,118, !20, 125, 139- 41, 145 455 GENERAL INDEX flint, worked (cont) Minster in Thanet 360, 36 I, 363, 366 from Seasalter foreshore 173-4 Sandwich 72 see also axes; fish de-scaler Folkestone 32 Creteway Down 368 drainage 28 East Wear Bay 139 Holywell Coombe 367,368 Iron Age coins and hoards 206, 208,219,221,226 private police force 37 Fordwich 349 Freeman, F. and W., stone suppliers 12 Frinsted, Iron Age gold coin hoard 219,226 Frostick, William, foreman 27 Gallo-Belgic see coins; pottery Garrington Farms, Littlebourne, watercress beds 400, 40 I, 404, 407 Gaul, coins 206,207,208,210,211, 217,228,231 Gentleman's Magazine 313 Lidsing chapel 266, 266 George, Sir Ernest, architect 43, 43 George II 281, 283, 285-6, 288-92 Gibbard, A.J., railway ganger 204 n.45 Gibson, Alex see Boast, Emma Gillingham 261,262 stone arch at old vicarage 270 Gillingham Reach, East and West 152, 154, 157, 158, 163 Gilton, Ash next Sandwich, Jutish Base Cup 299, 303. 306 glass cullet used in production 297, 298, 301,303,304,305 forest glass (Waldg/as) 298, 302, 306,307,308 Jutish production and base cups 297-310 Roman 300,301,310 vessel, from Dickson's Corner 127 Godfrey, Emil, architect 10, 20 Godwin, Earl 312 Gorrell Stream 170, 171 Gould, Revd George Masters, headmaster 239,240,241,244, 249, 250- l , 252,253,254,255,256 Grain, Isle of 170, 181, 182 new dockyard proposed 156 Graveney Marshes I 70, 171, 182 Gravesend, Iron Age potin coin hoard 206, 219, 226 gravestones 270 Greatness, watercress beds 398, 40 I, 407-8 Great Tottington sarsen stone spread near springs 326 watercress beds 399,402,403,408 Greenhill, Otford 367 Greenwich 281 chapel 282 Guardians of the Poor 351, 353, 355, 357 Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester 13, 19 Hacklinge Holes, flint assemblage 140 Half Mile Ride, Pagan Jutish burial ground 381 glass from cemetery analysed 299, 300, 305-7, 310 Halliwell, Geoff, on the struck flints at Dickson's Corner 139-41 Hamilton Springs 400 hammerstone, flint !40 Hammond, J.L., Assistant Charity Commissioner 253-5, 257 Hampshire, watercress beds 397 Hampton 17 l , 172, I 79, 183 flintwork, prehistoric 173, I 74, 183 Roman pottery 176 Harold, John, watercress beds 405 Harrietsham, watercress beds near 401, 411 Harrington, Duncan see Hyde, Patricia Harris, Dr John, historian 312- 13 Harrison, Revd Thomas, headmaster 237-8 456 GENERAL INDEX Hartsdown, Margate, Roman road metalling and prehistoric sherds 378-9 Harty, Isle of 170, 182 Hasted, Edward, historian 311-18 at Lidsing 261, 262, 270 Hasted, Revd Edward (son) 315 Hawley, Turner and Else 191, 199 Hawtrey, Revd John 47 hearths Dickson's Corner 119, 122, 122, 123, 133, 142 Minster in Thanet 363 Sandwich castle SS, 66 Helga (Sweden), glass 302 Helpeston, Hugh 56 Hemmans, Samuel, Master Attendant at Chatham 157-8 Henry I, Lidsing chapel 264 Herring, Archbishop of York 283 Higham, Iron Age gold coin hoard 219,226 Hill, Henry, paintings and photographs by 266, 267, 269, 270 Holly Hill, Dargate 170, I 82, I 82 Holman, David, 'Iron Age coinage in Kent: a review of current knowledge' 205-33 Holocene 171, 172, 178, 180, 181, 183 Holywell Coombe, Folkestone 367, 368 hones, Dickson's Corner, Worth 114, 125, 138 Hoo 237, 242 Hundred of 182 Hooper, J ., mason 12 hop growing 349, 356 Hopkins, Norman, The Baptists of Smarden and the Weald of Kent, reviewed 424-6 Horse Hill I 82, J 82 horse-shoe, Dickson's Corner 120, 125 Hoxnian Interglacial period 373 Huguenots in Canterbury 348 Fector family 393 human remains from barrows 319, 322-3, 334, 337 Dickson' s Corner 118 Minster in Thanet, inhumations (unknown date) 359, 367-8 Hyde, Patricia, and Duncan Harrington, Faversham Tudor and Stuart Muster Rolls, Vol.3 Faversham Hundred Records, reviewed 419-20 Iceni, coins 225, 228 Ingram, William, MP 38-9 Iron Age activity 175, 178, 179 coinage 205-33 enclosures 378 glass 304 La Tene brooch from Worth 374-5 linchpin from Thanington 375-8 native settlement !43 see also pottery iron objects: Dickson's Corner. Worth 125; see also horse-shoe; linchpin; nails Isle of Thanet Light Railway Company 24 Iveson, Jon, documentary evidence for Sandwich Ca.5tle 55-7 Jackson, Joseph, businessman 45 Jacobite Rebellion (I 745), responses to in Deptford and Lewisham 277-95 Janssen (Johnson), Cornelius, portrait attributed to 99 Jarret, George, gravestone 270 Jarvis, George 393, 396 Jarvis, William, of Sturry 85 Jay, John, contractor 19 I, I 94, 195, I 96- 7, 198-9, 202 Jenkinson, Revd John 265 Jermyn, Henry 86, I 03 n.30 Jessop, William, consulting engineer 157 John of Hoo 56 John of Whitney, verger 56 457 GENERAL INDEX Johnson, Thomas (son of William and Mary), gravestone 270 Jones, Howard, on the querns from Dickson's Corner 138-9 Jullieberrie Downs, weirs 400 Jullieberrie's Grave 325 Jutes burials and cemeteries 306, 307, 309,310,381 glass production in Kent and base cups 297-310 Juxon, William (nephew of Archbishop Juxon) 78, 96 Kearsney Abbey 393 Kempe, Charles, stained glass window by 42 Kempe's Corner, nr Boughton Aluph, watercress beds 408 Kempthorne, Thomas, resident-commissioner of Chatham dockyard 152, 157 Kemsing, Dynes Road watercress beds 400, 407 Kemsley, John, of Gillingham 264 Kemsley, William 264 Kennington Hall 400 Kent Association 289 Kent Coastal Railway Company 24,2 5 Kent Iron Age Coin Project 205 Kentish Petition ( 1642) 87 Kentish Post 289, 292 Kentish Rebellion (1643) 85, (1648) 91 Keston brooch from villa 375 Iron Age coins 219, 227 Kilburne, Richard, historian 312, 313 Kingston Down, glass Palm Cup analysed 299, 300, 310 Kippington estate 190, 191, 192, 194, 198 Kit's Coty House, long barrow 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329-3 J, 334 knife, iron, Anglo-Saxon 359, 363, 364 458 Knole estate 190 Knole House 190 Lambarde family 191 Lambarde, William 191, 194, 198, 199 Perambulation of the County of Kent 31 l -12 Lambe, William 235, 237,242 Lambeth Palace (book review) 420-2 Lane, Lady Jane 94 Langhauke 143 Laurence,W illiam 245,246,251, 252 lead see weights Lee, Martin, reviews Faversham Tudor and Stuart Muster Rolls, Vol.3 Faversham Hundred Records (Hyde and Harrington) 419-20 Lee, St Margaret's parish 277, 278-9, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285, 292 Leeds, Tessa, 'The construction of the Sevenoaks railway tunnel 1863-1868' 187-204 Leland, John 311, 314 Leney, George, councillor and surgeon 239, 24 I, 242 Lenham Heath, Iron Age potin coin hoard 208, 2/ 226 Lewisham Black Bull 28 I railway 191 St Mary's parish and the Jacobite Rebellion 277-95 passim Lidsing, St Mary Magdalene's Chapel 261-76 linchpin, Iron Age, from Thanington 375-8, 376 Lincoln (Lines), borough 353, 356 Lincolnshire, building stone 6, 15, 21 lions, double-bodied and grinning as motif 386-93 Littlebourne see Garrington Farms Little Brooksend Farm, Neolithic pottery 366 Little Knock Wood, pagan AngloSaxon burial 269 Lockwood, Alfred, builder 29, 40 GENERALlNDEX Loftus Brock, E.P. 381 London Cannon Street 188 Charing Cross 188 Chelsea 43 London Bridge 157 St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 19 Tower of London building stone 19, 20 weapons 71 London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company (LC&DR) 25, 28, 188, 190, 195 London Clay cliffs 169, 171, 179, 182-3 long houses, Neolithic 321 White Horse Stone 366 Lord of the Manor, Neolithic pottery 366 Lower Kit's Coty House, Aylesford 319,320,321,322, 324-5, 328, 332,333 Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group 271 Lubbock, Sir John, MP 246,248,249 Lydden Valley 107, /08, 145 dykes 367 Lyminge, Folkestone, glass analysed 299,300 lynchets 334, 337, 341. 342 Lyne, Revd Augustus 40, 42 MacDougal!, Philip, 'The abortive plan for Northfleet naval dockyard during the Napoleonic Wars' 149-68 Maggs, W ., mason 12 Maidstone 350-1, 355 All Saints' Church 235 assizes 351 Barton Road, school 248 Brotherhood Hall of the Corpus Christi Fraternity 235, 236, 239,251 College of All Saints 235 Grammar School 235-60 Head Master's house 249, 250, 250, 254 Holy Trinity Church 238 London Road, proposed site for school 244, 245 Museum, linchpins 377 Roman glass flagon from the Mount villa site 300, 30 I, 310 St Faith's chapel and cemetery 235,239 Tonbridge Road 245, 246, 251 malaria 156 Manston Runway barrow 366 Margate 24, 26, 29 Alkali Row 305 Hartsdown, Roman road metalling and prehistoric sherds 378-9 Salmestone Grange, pagan Jutish burials and medieval barns(?) 381 see also Half Mile Ride Marquise stone see stone Marsh Bay see under Westgate on Sea Medway Lapidary and Mineral Society (MLMS) 172 Medway river 351 Iron Age 218, 220, 224 Lower Medway estuary I 69, 17 I, I 81 , 182, 184 navigation 151-4, 155, 157-8, 163-4, 166, 167 Quaternary and Mesolithic route 181, 18/ Swale as eastern arm of 183-4 watercress beds 400 Medway Valley, villas (Roman) 184 Mercer, Samuel 249, 252, 256 Mertens, Herman Dirs 25, 26, 27, 30,40 Mesolithic 181, 184 flints (long blades, tranche! axe heads, Thames picks) 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179, 180 metalwork, Late Bronze Age hoard 173 Methodists 282 militias 282-4 Mills, John, gravestone 270 Minnis Bay, Neolithic finds 366, 368 459 GENERAL INDEX Minster in Thanet cane bead from Jutish cemetery 300,301,310 Laundry Road site 359-72 arrowhead 361, 363, 363 Neolithic 361, 366-7, 368-70 Beaker enclosure 361, 363, 367,370,371 Anglo-Saxon burials 364-6, 367-8 Minster-in-Sheppey Abbey 264 Mitford, Algernon Bertram 37, 38, 42,43,47 mollusca, Tankerton 180 Monkton-Manston, Neolithic finds 366 Monkton-Mount Pleasant A253 road 366 Monkton-Ramsgate gas pipeline 359 Moody, Mrs E 409 Moore, Revd Ralph, headmaster 235 More,T homas, verger and custodian of Sandwich castle 56 Mulgrave, Henry, First Lord 161 Municipal Corporations Act (1835) 357 nail cleaner, copper alloy, Dickson's Corner 120, 125, 126 nails, iron, Dickson's Corner 125 navy see dockyards Naylar and Son 41 Neolithic 179, 325 axe 120, 139, 140 'causewayed camps' 366 flints 145 long house 321, 366 Minster in Thanet 361, 366-7, 368-70 'shaft-hole' adzes 173, 175 see also pottery Nethercourt Parm, Ramsgate 366 Neutron Activation Analysis, on Jutish glass 298-9, 301,302 Neville, William, works constable 198 New Barn Farm, Otford, watercress beds 408 460 Newcastle, Marquess of (William Cavendish) 86, 103 n.29 Newington see Broom Downs Nicholas Bay 349 Normandale, Norman, blacksmith 3 North Downs 218 sarsen stones 326 Northfleet Hope 158, 159, 160 Northfleet Naval Dockyard 149-68 Oaklands Nursery site,C liffsend 367 Oates, Jonathan, 'Responses to the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 in Deptford and Lewisham' 277-95 Oaze 170, 171 OCFS see Oyster Coast Fossil Society Oldbury, hillfort 218, 219, 227 opus signinum, Roman 64, 65 Orchardson, William Quiller 35 Ormrod, David, reviews The Travel Diary of Robert Bargrave (ed. Brennan) 417-18 Otford forger's coin hoard 227 Greenhill 367 railway 189, 190 watercress beds 406, 408-9, 4 I 0 'the Outletts' 171 Owslebury (Hants), linchpin 377 Oxford Bodleian Library, Bargrave's manuscript 79, 89, 93, 94 Cathedral 19 Merton College 19 Oyster Coast 169, 170, 178 Oyster Coast Fossil Society (OCFS) 172, 173 Paddlesworth chapel 261, 27 J-4, 272,273 Page, Sir Gregory 283, 284, 286 palaeo-channel 171 Palaeolithic flintwork 174, 175 hand-axes (Lower Palaeolithic) 172, 174 Lower 179, 180 Upper 179, l 80 GENERAL INDEX Palmer, Sir Henry 91 Palmer, Sir Thomas 92 the Palsgrave Charles Louis 95 Panton, F.H, 'Finances and government of Canterbury 1700-1850; an overview' 347-58 Parfitt, Keith 'A Roman occupation site at Dickson' s Corner, Worth' 107-48 researches and discoveries 375-8, 381-5 Park Barn Farm, nr Boughton Lees, watercress beds 402, 409 Patience, Colin, reviews The Baptists of Smarden and the Weald of Kent (Hopkins) 424-6 Patrixbourne, Bargrave family memorial in church 82, 92, 99 Peale, William 243-4, 246 Pearson, J .L., architect 16, J 7, 21 Pearson, Sarah, reviews Lambeth Palace: A History of the Archbishops of Canterbury and their Houses (Tatton-Brown) 420-2 peat deposits, Tankerton 180 Pecham, Archbishop, survey of manors (book review) 4 I 3-14 Pentre !fan (Wales) 324 Perkins, D.R.J. 'Jutish glass production in Kent: and the problem of the base cups' 297-310 researches and discoveries 373-4, 378-8 I Peto, William 43 Peyton, Sir Thomas 85, 91 Philipott, Thomas, historian 312, 313 pilgrims, in Canterbury 348 pipes see clay tobacco pipes placenames The Chestnuts 325 Kent 218 Tunbury 263, 275 n.2 plant remains: marsh-plant seeds 180 plants, used in glass production 304, and beech pollen 307 Pleistocene 171, 172, 373, 374 461 plumb bob, Roman 379 Polhill tunnels 189, 190, 200, 20 I police forces Canterbury 357 local and private 37, 354 Portchester (Hants), weights 127 pot-boiler, flint 140 pottery prehistoric 175 Neolithic 36 I, 368, 369, 370 grooved ware 366 Peterborough and -type ware 175,366 Bronze Age 173, 175, 179, 378 Beaker 173,175,361,364, 367,368,370, 37/ All Over Combed 368 black flint-tempered 379 Late BA/Early Iron Age 173, 175 Gallo-Belgic 127, 128 Iron Age 128, I 3 I, 132, 173, I 75, 179 'Belgic' (Late Iron Age) 173, 175, 179,379 'Belgic' grog-tempered 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137 briquetage vessel 175 Roman/Romano-British from Dickson's Corner 107, 110, Ill, 112,114,115, I 18, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127-38, 142, 144, 145 from Hartsdown 379 from Lidsing 271 from 'Oyster Coast' J 73, 176 from Sandwich castle 64, 68, 72 from Woodchurch 379 BB2 130, 132, 134, 137 Canterbury greyware 130, 131, 132, 134 Canterbury mortaria (Romano-British) 176 Canterbury orange-buff ware 130 Chaff Tempered ware 13 8, 145 Colchester Colour-Coat ware 132 GENERAL INDEX pottery, Roman/Romano-British (cont) Cologne beaker 130 Eifelkeramik mortarium 176 German Marbled Ware l 32, 137 grog-tempered wares 133, 134 mortarium 107, 111. 1/2, 128 Native Coarse Ware l 31, 133-4, 136, 137 olive oil amphora 132, 137 Pompeian Red 130 Romano-British 173, 176, 179 samian 118, 127, 128, 176 sand- and grog-tempered ware 176 Thames-side BB2 176 Thameside greyware 132, 134, 136, ]37 Transitional 'Belgic' grog-tempered/Native Coarse ware 130, l 3 1, 132, 133, 134, 137 Upchurch and -type wares 128, ]30, ]31, ]32, 133, 134, 135, 137, 176 Anglo-Saxon 176-8, 179 Ipswich ware 69, 72, 177 sandy ware 177 Late Saxon (?N. French) or early medieval profuse shell-filled ware 177 medieval from Dickson· s Corner I 11, 114, 115, 127, 130, 132, ]43 from Minster in Thanet 360 from the 'Oyster Coast' 173, 176-8 from Sa\mestone Grange 381 from Sandwich castle 55, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66,67,68,69, 70, 72, 73 from Woodchurch Farm 381 Britton Court Farm-type 69 Canterbury early medieval sandy ware 177, 178 Canterbury fine earthenware 177 Canterbury shell-dusted ware 69, 177 Cheam ware 69 early medieval I 77 Early Medieval Sandy ware 130 early medieval sandy shelly ware 177 early medieval shelly ware 177 Kingston-type ware 69 Later Tyler hill ware (LM I) 177, 178 London-type ware 69 Norfolk greyware 69 sand and flint tempered wares 69 Tyler Hill ware 69, 177, 178 medieval imports Ardenne ware 69 Flemish Highly Decorated sandyware 69 German Paffrath-type ware 69 North French monochrome ware 69 North French/Flemish grey sandy wares 69, 177 Pingsdorf-type ware 69 Saintonge ware 69 post-medieval 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,271 German stoneware 177, 178 prehistoric land surface 140 origins of the Swale 169-86 river channel 145-6 see also pottery press, role of in popular demonstration 289-92 quarries, at Taynton 19 Quaternary 172, 181, 183 quernstones, Dickson's Corner, Worth !20, 123, 125, 138-9,145 Radfield, Iron Age coins 219,227 railways 23-5, 26, 28, 34, 349-50, 355 Sevenoaks railway tunnel 187- 204 462 GENERAL INDEX Ramsgate Chalk Hill, 'causewayed camp' 366,367 estates 32 Nethercourt Farm, Neolithic finds 366 Randall, Alexander 245, 246, 251, 252 Raymond, John 78, 81, 87, 88, 89- 91, 100 Raymond,Thomas 93 Read, Alfred 44 Rectory Farm, Ebbsfleet, watercress beds 403, 409 Reculver, Roman shorefort of Regulbium 181, 184 Redhill, railway 188, 189 Rennie, John 157, 159, 160, 161, 162; junior 166 Res Gestae 212 Richards (Rycaut), John 78, 81 Richborough /08, 130, 134 Iron Age coins 227 Roman stone 72 Riddler, Ian, on the arrowheads from Sandwich 70-1 ring, copper alloy, from bucket(?) 363,364,366 ring ditch cropmarks 359 Ringwould, stater 210, 219 Riverhead Liberty of 194 watercress beds at Bullfinch Corner 40 I, 403, 405 Rochester Bridge 158, 163, 164, 166 Cathedral building stones of the crypt 1-22 Rogers, William Bennett 30, 33, 37 Roman 175, 178 brick and tile 175, 176 building stone 18 Dickson 's Corner occupation site 107-48 finds at Woodchurch 379-81 glass (analysed) 298, 300, 30 I, 310 road metalling 378-9 at Worth 374, 375 see also coins; pottery; villas Romanesque period, lion motifs 386-93 Romney, Lord 245, 246, 247 Romney Marsh 237, 242 Rupert, Prince 95, 96 Ryarsh, Iron Age gold coin hoard 2/9, 226 Rycaut, Paul 97, I 00, IOI n .4 (see also Richards, John) Ryde, Edward, SER 's surveyor I 87, 190 St John's Jerusalem, Sutton at Hone, watercress beds 403, 404, 409- 10 St Mildred's Bay see under Westgate on Sea St Nicholas at Wade, Thanet, Roman glass flagon from Shuart Farm 300,301,310 St Paul's Cray, Broomwood 367 St Thomas a Becket's Well 406 St Vincent, Earl, First Lord 161 Salmestone Grange, Margate, pagan Jutish burials and medieval barns(?) 381 salt production 118, I 38, 145 Iron Age briquetage vessel I 75 Sandhi!ls (Tenants Hills) I 07, 143, 145 St Ithamar's Chapel (formerly Holy Trinity Chapel) 3, 4, 5, 7-11, 13-14, 18, 19, 20 Iron Age and coins 220, 226, 227, 228,230 Sandwich oppida, Iron Age 2 I 8 Restoration House 267, 270-1 Rocque map ( 1741-45) 279 Roger of Leybourne 55 463 Castle, excavations 51-75 hearth or oven base 55, 66 pottery 55, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68-70, 72, 73 pottery made in 70 GENERAL INDEX Sandwich Bay Estate 107, 109 Sandys, Colonel Edwyn 85 Sarre,g lass Palm Cup analysed 299, 300,310 sarsen stones 323, 325-6, 341, 342 Sayer, Elizabeth 409 schools Maidstone Grammar School 235- 60 for railway navvies' children 198 Westgate on Sea 46-7, 48 Scott, Sir George Gilbert, restoration of Rochester Cathedral 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 Seasalter 170, 171, 172, 178, 183 Late Iron Age 'Belgic' cup 173, 175 pottery, Anglo-Saxon and later 176 prehistoric flintwork 173-4 prehistoric pottery 175 Roman brick and tile 176 Roman pottery 176 sea defence (earth bank) 178 Seasalter Levels (marsh) 17 ! , I 82, 182 seaweed in peats 180 used in glass production 305 Segovax, king in Kent 218 Sencicle, Lorraine, 'A Tale of Two Cities and Dover' 393-6 Sequani tribe, Gaul, potin coinage attributed to 208 SER see South Eastern Railway Company Sevenoaks Prince of Wales 199 railway stations 187,188,189,195 railway tunnel 187-204 Royal Crown Hotel 194 Sevenoaks Common 195 Sevenoaks Railway Company 188, 190, 194, 200 Sevenoaks Water Company 197,1 98 Sbangden navvies' huts 194, 198 railway tunnel 190, 200 Sheerness dockyard 149, 151, 154-6 dockyard repaired 162-3 shell (marine) Dickson's Corner, Worth 111, 142, 144-5 Hartsdown 379 cockles 142, 271 mussel 180 oyster 111, 118, 142, 180, 363 whelk 142 Sheppey, Isle of 170, 181, 182, 182 'causewayed camp' 366, 367 shipbuilding and repair, naval dockyards 149-68, 288 ship worm 155 Silvester, ·Mrs E., watercress beds 405 Simmonds, J. 409 Simmons, James, Mayor of Canterbury 347,348,349 Simmons, James, operator of watercress beds 405 Sitwell, Revd Alfred 40 Skinner family 86, I 03 n.26 Slade, Thomas, Master Shipwright 155 Smarden, Baptists (book review) 424-6 Smith and Swain, builders 29 Society of Antiquaries 313 South Eastern Railway Company (SER) 24, 187-8, 190, 191, 194, 195,197, 198-9, 200,201, 202. 350 Southampton (Hants), Saxon glass 302 Spong Hill (Norfolk), glass 302 Springhead, Iron Age coins 219, 227 Springhead Gardens, nr Gravesend, watercress beds 396, 401, 402, 403,409 Spruckelham 143 Spurgin, Revd John 238, 239 Stanhope, Lady (Catherine Kirkhoven) 94-5 Stanhope, Philip 78 Stanley, Sir Thomas, and son Thomas 86, 104 n.35 steam dredgers 163, 164, 165, 166 464 GENERAL INDEX Stephens, E.W., architect 24 7 Stewart, Henry, Duke of Gloucester 96 Stewart, I.J ., 'Archaeological investigations at Sandwich Castle' 5 l -75 Stoke, Iron Age site and coins 219, 226-7 Stonar, pottery 69 Stone, watercress beds at Cotton Farm 406-7 stone, as building material Bath stone 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 20 Bethersden Marble ( 'Paludina' limestone) 4, 8, 15, 19-20 Caen 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 64,65,68, 379 Chi I mark 6, 7, 13, 14, I 5, 20-1 flint 379, 384 granite 8, 11, 12, 20 Kentish ragstone 7, 8, JO, 14, 15, 18, 20, 41,379 Ketton stone I 5 Marquise oolite 1,4,8, 13, 18,68 onyx marble 3, 8, 13 oo!ite 5-7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19 Portland stone 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20 Purbeck marble 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15,19,20 Reigate I. 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, IS, 18, 19, 68 Taynton stone 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 14, I 9 Tisbury stone 20 tufa 14, 18, 1,269,274 Weldon stone 15-16, 21 York stone 8, 11, 12, 16, 20 Stonehenge (Wilts) 326 Stour river 107, 171 barrows flanking 325 Iron Age 218, 220 proposed improvements 349 Strete, Thomas, of Boxley 264 Stride, Lewis 396 Stubbersfield, Revd Rowland 237 stud, copper alloy, Dickson's Corner 125 Stukeley, William 3 I 9, 324, 325, 328,330,333 Sulman, John, architect 41, 42 Suzuki, S., The Quoit Brooch Style and Anglo-Saxon settlement: a casting and recasting of cultural identity symbols, reviewed 427-8 Swale river I 80-4, 181 geomorphology and stratification 180-1 origins of 169-86, J 70 terrace system 18 I, 183 Swalecliff 171, 172, 179-80, /8/, 183 Bronze Age activity 173 flintwork, prehistoric 173, 174, 175, I 83 geomorphology 180 as part of a palaeo-channel 171 post-medieval pottery 176 prehistoric pottery 175, 179 Roman brick and tile 176 Roman pottery 176 Swan, William 78 Swanley, railway 188, / 89 Swift, Ellen, reviews The Quoit Brooch Style and Anglo-Saxon settlement: a casting and recasting of cultural identity symbols (Suzuki) 427-8 Tankerton copperas works 179 flints, prehistoric 173, 174, 175, 180 geomorphology 180 Neolithic 'shaft-hole' adze 175 pottery, prehistoric 175 slopes (cliffs) 169, 170, 171-2, 180-J, 181, 183 Tasciovanus, chieftain, coinage 207, 209, 213-14 Tatton-Brown, Tim, Lambeth Palace: A History of the Archbishops of Canterbury and their Houses, reviewed 420-2 Taunton, Thomas, of Bredhurst 264 Taximagulus, king in Kent 218 465 GENERAL INDEX Taylor. John, architect 29, 30 Taynton {Oxon), building stone 5, 6. 6, 7, 8, 14. 19 Telston Lane, Otford 402, 410 Teredo navalis (ship worm) 155 Textus Roffensis 263, 269 Thames river depth of 153. 157. 163 Iron Age 220 Quaternary route I 81, / 8 I Thanet, Early (Beaker) Bronze Age sites 367 Thanet Archaeological Society 379 Thane! Archaeological Trust, Hartsdown 378 Thanet Reach Business Park, Broadstairs 373 Thanet and Wantsum Relic Association 374 Thanington, Iron Age linchpin 375-8 Thompson,W .J., tea merchant l 98-9 tiles Dickson's Corner, Worth (Roman and medieval) l 20, 138 Rochester Cathedral 18 Roman 65, 68 imbrex 138 tegulae 138, 175. 176 medieval, peg-tile 138 roof-ti Jes 6 I, 65. 66. 67, 68 Tithe maps 397 Tivoli Roman villa 379 Tonbridge (formerly Tunbridge) Gallo-Belgic coin 210 railway 188, /89, 191,201 Tonge Castle, nr Bapchild, watercress beds 398,403.410 Tottington spring-head 321, 322, 334 Tracey, Richard, vicar 264 Trust for Thanet Archaeology, Laundry Road, Minster 359 Tub's Hill, Shangden 194, 197 Tunbury, placename 263, 275 n.2 Tunstall, Iron Age gold coin hoard 2/9, 226 tweezers, copper alloy, Dickson's Corner 120, 125, /26 466 Twitten Brook. nr Otford, watercress beds 410 Tyler Hill see pottery, medieval Upchurch see pottery, Roman villas (Roman) Keston 375 Medway Valley 184 Tivoli 379 Woodchurch 379 Volunteer Infantry Companies 348 Vosenos, coinage 207. 213 Wal\oons, in Canterbury 348 WantsumChannel 52,107.145, 146, 184 Ward, Alan, 'St Mary Magdalene's chapel, Lidsing' 261-76 Warren Farm long barrow 319,320, 321. 323,324.334,3 36 watercress beds, survey and typology 396-412 Waterlane Farm. nr Harrietsham, watercress beds 40 I. 41 I Watson, Revd Herbert, Head Master 257 Wayland's Smithy 322. 324 Weald Baptists (book review) 424-6 Liberty of 194 Weigall, Lady Rose 31. 37 weights, Dickson' s Corner, Worth 120, /26. 127. 144 Wesley,C harles 282 West Cliff 169, 170, 171-2. 178-9, 180, 1 81, / 81, I 83 Westerham coin hoard 2 /9, 227 Westgate and Birchington Gas and Water Bill 34 Westgate on Sea 23-50 bandstand 46. 46 Beach House Hotel 31, 34, 35, 37 The Bungalow, Marsh Bay 29-30. 29, 39 Christ Church Congregational Chmch 41, 42. 44 Clijfside 31 GENERAL INDEX Westgate on Sea (cont) Danehurst. Westgate Bay 30, JI Ellingham. Sea Road 44 Exbury, Westgate Bay 37, 38. 37. 47 Goodwin House, Sea Road 38 High Road 26, 34 Hundreds Farm 24, 26, 27. 45 Ledge Poini, Westgate Bay 31. 3 I livery stable 45 Loudwater 39 Lymingron House. Ethelbert Square 44 Marsh Bay 23, 25, 26, 28 Osborne House 29 promenade pier 34 railway station 28 Redcliffe Villa 27 St James' Church 32, 39 St James' Westgate parish 36 St Mi!dred's Bay (formerly Marsh Bay)30. 31, 32, 34, 39 Assembly Rooms and Baths 35,40.41 bathing machines 39, 45 St Mildred's Court 40 St Mildred's Hotel 39, 39 St Mi!dred's Road 44 St Saviour's Church 38, 41-3, 41. 47 schools 46-7, 48 sea front lights 34 seafront gardens 34 Station Road shops 35. 35 Street Green Fann 24, 25. 26, 32 Streete Court Estate 25, 26, 36 Sussex Gardens 39 Sussex Mansions 29. 39 Waterside, Westgate Bay 31, 43-4, 43 Westcl!ff Hotel 39, 40 Westgate Bay 25, 28. 31, 34 Westgate Estate 25, 32, 35-6, 44-5 Westgate Fann 24, 26, 27. 28 Westgate Hall 27 West Kennet barrow 323, 324 Westwood, Broadstairs, Acheulian hand-axe 373-4 Whatman, James, MP 245, 246 Whidby, John, Master Attendant at Woolwich 156-7, 158 White Hart Wood 190, 194 brick yard 197 White Horse Stones, Lower and Upper 320, 321, 342, 366 Whitfield, St Peter's Church, Victorian photograph 38 l-5 Whitstable 170, 171, 172 harbour 349-50 pottery production 137 railway 349, 355 Whyman. John, reviews Ash • An East Kent Village (Downes) 422-4 Wigmore, William. contractor 27 Wilson, Professor Erasmus 29-30. 32, 33,36,41 Winchester arrowhead 71 Saxon glass 302 Winchilsea, (Heneage Finch) second Earl of 96-7 Winfield Mill, nr Brasted. watercress beds 403, 41 I Witney. Kenneth, The SurPey of Archbishop Pecham 's Kentish Manors. reviewed 413-14 Wood, Rita, on the lions in Canterbury Cathedral crypt 386-93 Woodchurch. Birchington, Roman finds 379-81 Woolwich dockyard 149, 151. 153. 154, 157, 163, 164, 166. 167,283 Holstein Gottrop regiment 281 Worssam, Bernard C .. 'The building stones of Rochester Cathedral crypt' 1-22 Worth see Dickson's Corner Worth. La Tene I brooch 374-5. 374 Wricklemarsh mansion and estate 283 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, rebellion leader 235 467 York Baile Hill, arrowheads 71 borough 353, 355, 356 see also stone GENERAL INDEX Zell, Michael (ed.), Early Modern Kent, reviewed 4 I 4- I 6 468