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General Index
GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abbey Farm villa 45, 46, SO, 51, 52, 54 Abbot, Archbishop George 255-6 Acol 54 Adam of Charing, archbishop's steward 319 Addington 247, 291, 293 Ady, Edward 358, 360 Agricola 25 Alcester (Warks) 14 Aldington, church 288 Aldridge, Neil, 'Little Farningham Farm, Cranbrook, revisited' 135-56 Allington castle 245, 247 manor 246 Amminus (Adminius), coins 32 amphoras, glass, Roman 157, 161, 164; see also pottery Andrews, Colin, 'Romanisation: a Kentish perspective' 25-42 Anglo-Norman architecture see St Leonard's Tower Anglo-Saxon and Saxon period burials 57, 81 cremation, Reculver 252 kingdoms 39-41 pins 188 at Reculver 251-3 roads 124-5, 126, 127 Watling Street and roads 121-2, 124-5, 126 animal bone cremated 115-16 at Syndale Park 193 Appledore, Home's Place 382 archbishops' manor, Ford 251-68 archbishop's palace, at Charing 315-49 armlets, Roman, copper alloy 188, 189; see also bracelets artichoke garden 361 Ashbee, Paul, 'William Stukeley's Kentish studies of Roman and other remains' 6 l-102 Ashford see Westhawk Farm Austen, Ralph 363, 364 Aylesford 76, 98, I 01 bridge 130 orange ware 184 Ayleway, Hercules 61, 69-70, 75 Barber, Luke, on the metallurgical remains and metal work from Syndale Park 187-90 Barham see Oxinden, Henry Barham Downs 74, 76, 89, 98, 101, 123 barns Charing, archbishop's palace 320, 325,328,336 Ford 253,260,261,262,264 Ford Place, Wrotham 293, 294 Great Maydekin 359, 360 Westenhanger Castle 203, 23 I, 232,233,234 barrows 72, 73, 77, 82-3, 85, 93, 94, 99 Saxon(?) 77 Bartholomew, John Know 290 Bartholomew, Leonard 290 Bassa, priest 251, 253 Bass(us) the thegn 252, 253 455 GENERAL INDEX Batte! Hall, Leeds (Kent) 325, 326 bead, blue 138 Beckenham 70, 10 l Becket, Archbishop Thomas 319 Bede, the Venerable 252 Belgic 52, 55, 58 Belle Isle 53 Bendinge, Thomas de 320 Benenden parish 136 Bennett, B .J. 257, 260-1, 263 Bertram, Charles Julius 63, 64, 80 Bethersden marble fireplace, Ford Place 309-10, 31J, 312 Biddle, Professor Martin 387, 388 Bigbury 31, 33 Birchington Alpha Road 58 palstaves 80 Roman sites 44, 48, 51, 55, 58 Sparrow Castle 54 The Retreat 58 villas 54 Woodchurch villa 53 see also Minnis Bay bird bone 105, 106, 115-16 Black Death 205, 206, 380 Blackheath, Roman road 127 Blake, William 63 Blore, Edward 348 n.35 Blue Bell Hill 75, 76, 94 Bodiam castle 209,216,217,218 dovecote 2 I 2 coins I 44 Romano-British site J 35, 143, 154 Booth, Paul, 'The Roman shrine at Westhawk Farm, Ashford: a preliminary account' 1-23 Borden, enclosed cemetery 167 bottles, clay, Juti sh or Frankish 252 box-flue tiles see tiles Boxlees Hill, Minster 56 Boycot, Thomas 257 bracelets, Roman copper alloy 107, 112-13, ll3 gold, snake-bracelets (armlets) 157, 164 Brackley, vicar of 255-6 Brent, John, William and Thomas 341 brickwork Charing 321, 339 Ford, Hoath 258, 263, 264 Ford Place 309, 310, 312 St Nicholas Court crypt 369, 371, 372,379 Bridges, John, tenant-occupier 381 Bridges, Thomas 381 Bridges family 381, 383 Brigstock (Northants), temple 15 Broadfield Farm, seal matrix 245 Broadley, William 382 Broadstairs Lanthorne House 58 Roman sites 50, 58 Rumfields Brickfield 57 Sacketts Hill 56 Seven Stones Estate 55 Stone house School 55 Stone Road 57 Bronze Age 47 brooches, Roman bronze 138 copper alloy 166, 189, I 90 Brooker, James 352, 354 Brooksend 47, 53 Broome Park 361 bucket, bronze 57 buildings, Roman 43, 44, 45, 46, 47-50, 52-4 Burgh, Joan 381 burials Iron Age 30, 32 Roman 26, 103-20 5th-century 40 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 57, 81 see also cemeteries; cremations; inhumations; Springhead Caen stone 228, 373 Caesar, Julius 26, 30-l, 33, 74-5, 86, 89,93, 94, 98 Caesar's Camp 74, 86, 89, 98, 99 Cambridge, Queens' College 381 Camulodunum see Colchester 456 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury archbishop's residence 337 Bell Harry Tower 253 Castle 72, 125 Christ Church Priory 315 Dane John 72, 86 Danish invasion 128 grog-tempered ware 176, 184, 185, 186 masons 380 pre-Roman and Roman 28, 31, 33-6, 39, 40 Riding Gate 72, 85-6, 93, 98, 101 Roman pavement 81 Roman roads 46, 122, 123, 124, 128 St Augustine's Abbey 72, 82, 91, 98,251 St Ethelbert's tower 91 St Gregory' s church 82, 91, 98, 101 St Gregory' s Priory 389 St Martin's church 72, 82, 91, 98, 99, 101 St Pancras church 72, 91 St Thomas' shrine 128 sandy grey ware 177,1 80,1 82,1 84 Stukeley' s visits 72, 75, 76-7, 82, 85-6, 93, 94, 98 theatre, Roman 34-5, 36, 40 West gate 124 Worth Gate 72, 84, 85, 98 Canterbury, archbishops of 245, 287,380 manor at Ford 25 1-68 palace at Charing 315-49 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 103 Cantiaci 25, 30-1, 39 Cantium 30-1 cemeteries, Roman/Romano-British 45, 47, 48, 50-1, 57-8, 172, 191 Dartford 105, 116, 117, 118 Springhead, communal and RomanoBritish (walled) 157-69 Chanctonbury Ring (Sussex) 15-16 chapels Charing 318, 320- l , 322,338 Ford 256, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265 Old Soar Manor, Plaxtol 238, 240, 241,242-3, 245,246,247 St Leonard's, West Malling 269, 270,272,276 St Mary's Abbey 392-5, 396-8 Charing archbishop's palace 315-49 barn 320, 325, 328, 336 chamber and chapel 3 17, 318, 319-21, 337,338 gatehouse range 317, 318, 332-5 hall 317,318, 324-9,3 24,337, 341 kitchens 318,320,331,336, 337 lodging ranges (south and west) 317,318, 332-5, 337,341 porter's lodge 332 private accommodation 337-41 roof construction 320, 325-6, 326,328 services 317,318,324, 329- 31 High Street 322-3, 323 Pett Lane 323, 323 St Peter and St Paul 316,317,322, 323 Stukeley's visit 71, 76, IOI Charles I 255-6, 257, 341 'Cheesemans Camp', Mans ton 55 Chelmsford (Essex), temple 13, 14, 15, 19 Chilham 98 Civil War Clerke family 290 Ford Place 290, 306 Henry Oxinden 351 St Leonard's Tower 275-6 civitas 25, 28, 33, 34, 39 Clare family 245-6, 247 Clare, Gilbert 246, 247 Clare, Richard de 246 Classis Britannica 30, 38 stamped tiles 135-6, 141-2, 143, 154-5 457 GENERAL INDEX Claudius, Emperor 122 Clerke, Lady Alice 289 Clerke, George 290 Clerke, James 289-90, 312 Clerke, John I 287, 289, 312 Clerke, John II 288-9, 312 Clerke, John III 289 Clerke, John IV 290 Clerke, William (d.16 I I) 290, 293, 312 Clerke, William 290 Cliffsend 54, 55, 58 Cnut, king 125, 128 Cockett, Foulke 257 Coffin Stone 75, 83 coffins, Roman lead 57, 157, /61, 164, 166 wooden 166 coin flan, copper alloy I 87, / 89 coin hoards, Roman 59 silver 53, 80-1 coins Iron Age 31-2 potin 33 Roman 26, 30, 36-7, 39, 40, 46, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 7 I, 74, 81-2, 163, 166 Dartford I 07, I 12 Little Farningham Farm 138, 144, 149, 151 Syndale Park 172, 178, 187 Westhawk Farm 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 17-18 Saxon sceat 252 Colchester (Essex) 17, 188, 190 Camulodunum 122 Cornwall, Sir John 205 Cottington Lane, Cliffsend 54 Coudray-Salbart (France) 243 Court Lodge, Sturry 230, 231 Cranbrook, Goddards Green, fireplace 31 O; see also Little Farningham Farm Cranbrook Local History Society 136 Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas 254- 5, 340 Crayford 71, 75, 127 458 cremations Roman 44, 45, 49, 55, 56, 57, 58, 103-20 passim, 157, 165, 252 Saxon 252 Criol family 203 Criol, Joan 203 Criol, John 203 Criol, Sir John de 203, 205 Criol, Lady Lettice 205, 217 Criol, Nicholas de 203 Criol, Sir Thomas 205 crosier, Wrotham 81 Croydon (Surrey), archbishop's palace 337, 338-9 crypt (unknown use), St Nicholas Court 367-84 Culpeper, Jane (nee Sheldon) 289 Cybele 19 Darent river, crossing point 117, JJ7, 118 Dartford 103-20 Beadle's site (Trenches 1-3) 103, /04, 105-6, 109, I 16, / 17, I 18 bracelet 107, 112- I 3, ll 3 bridge, medieval 127 cemeteries, Roman 105, 116, 117, 118 coin 107, I I 2 early Norman church 127 early Roman burial (Priory Centre site) 103-20 Bast Hill I 17, 118 Gala bingo hall site (Trenches 6 and 7) 103, 104, 105, 108, 109 High Street 117, 118 Holy Trinity Church 286 n.22 human bone I 05, I 06, 113-16 Joyce Green I 17, 118 Lowfield Street 117-18, JJ7 place-name 127 pottery 105, I 06, 107, 1 10-12, 116, 118 pyre debris (ustrinum) 104, 106-7, 110, 112, I 14-15, 116-17 Roman villa J 17, 118 Spital Street 117, Jl7 GENERAL INDEX Dartford (cont.) sunken/cellared structure, postRoman 109 Temple Hill 117, 118 vessel glass, Roman 106, 112, II 6 Dartford District Archaeological Group 118 Davies, Malcolm, 'Death and social division at Roman Springhead' 157-69 Deal Castle 73, 93 Stukeley's visits 77, 82, 86, 93, 94, 99, 101 decuriones 25 Deptford, river crossing 127 Detsicas, Alec 103, 118, 167 published works 197-202 Dix well, Sir Basil 361 Domesday 287,315 dovecotes (dovehouses; pigeon houses) Ford 263, 264 Great Maydekin 359, 360 Westenhanger Castle 220, 221, 226 Dover arrowloops 243 castle 125, 73, 82, 89, 93 Classis Britannica 30 harbour 122 pharos 73-4, 89, 90, 93, 99 Roman road 123, 128 St Mary-in-Castro 73, 91, 93 Stukeley's visits 70, 73, 76, 82, 93,94,99, 101 Druids 63, 64, 78, 80 Dumpton 47 Duncombe, J. 265 Dunstrete 45, 47, 51 Durolevum 191 Durovernum Cantiacorum 25, 33, 41; see also Canterbury Eadred, King 251, 252, 253 Eanflaed 252-3 East Northdown, Margate 56 East well IOI 459 Ebbsfleet harbour 47, 122 road 47 settlement 47 villa 44, 47, 50, 52 Ebbsfleet Farm 56 Eccles villa, pottery 184, I 85 Edward I 247, 324 Edward II 337 Edward IV 288 Egbert, King of Kent 251 Elizabeth I 229, 255 Eltham Palace I O 1 Elwill, Sir John 61, 65, 67, 70, 94 Epple Bay 52, 57 Erwood, F.C. Elliston 386, 387, 388 Ethelbert, King 252 Ethelburga 252 Ewell, Robert and William 256 Ewell borough 272 Exchequer 289 Fairlight 135, I 55 Fairweather, Dr F.H. 386, 388 Farningham Oast 137, 149 Faversham Abbey 67, 72, 82, 99 Abbey gatehouses 91 abbot of 336 pottery 184-5 Roman pottery production I 85 sandy grey ware 177 Feinnes, Sir Roger 2 I 8 field systems prehistoric 7 Roman 45, 56 Fienes, Edward, Lord Clinton 229 Finch, Heneage see Winche!sea, Lord finger rings see rings Fleet Court Farm, Manston 56 flint palaeolithic 14 Neolithic or Bronze Age 153 floor tiles, Roman 192 Fogg, John 205 Folkestone 93, 99 Folly Gill 145,148,149,151,153 Folly Lane 16 GENERAL INDEX foolwear, Roman hob-nailed 166 woman• s shoes 157, 164 Ford, Hoath, archbishops• manor 251-68 barns 253, 260, 261, 262, 264 bird's-eye view (Boycot?) 257. 259,261 chapels 256, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265 farmhouse 254, 263, 264 gatehouse 253 Great Hall 260, 26 I, 262, 264, 265,267,268 moat 262, 263 ponds 262, 263 Roman inscription 264 roof construction 26 I, 262, 263 stables 260, 26 I, 262, 263 Ford Place, Wrotham 287-314 barns 293, 294 Bethersden marble fireplace 309-10, 311,312 brickwork 309, 310, 3 I 2 Eastern Chamber Block 308-9 Great Room 297, 303-5 hall range 29 I, 293-30 l, 312 mouldings 303, 306 Painted Chamber (and wall painting) 295, 297, 299, 303, 306-8, 307, 312 pargetting 307-8, 308, 309 roof construction 302, 303, 305, 306 solar 291, 295, 300, 300 south-west wing 294, 301-6, 312 window seat and window 295-6, 299,299,300 Fordwich, Roman road 124 forehead-pendant, gold, Roman 157, 164 Foreness Point, Margate 56 Frankish clay bottles 252 furnaces and lining, Roman iron smelting 145, 146, 147, 150 Gale, Samuel 69, 77 Gallic immigrants 28-9, 34 gardens and landscapes and Henry Oxinden 351, 352, 353, 354,358, 360-1, 363-4, 365 at Westenhanger Castle 233, 235 Garlinge, Margate 54 gatehouses Charing 317,318, 332-5 Ford 253 St Mary's Abbey, West Malling 386,389, 391-403 Gaul 40 Geary family 290-1 Gilborne, Sir Nicholas 341 glass (vessels), Roman 9, 106, 112, 116, 147 bottle I 90, 190 urns (amphoras) 157, 161, 164 see also mirror; window glass Glottenham (Sussex) 2 I 6 Godlington manor (Dorset) 244 Godmanchester 15, 19 Godmersham 242 Oolford, Roman road 151. 152 Gosbecks Farm 35-6 Gostling, William 67 Gough, Harold, 'The archbishops' manor at Ford, Hoath' 251-68 Gough, Richard 61 Gournay-sur-Aronde (France) 13 Gravett, Kenneth 367 published works of 405-12 see also Semple, Jayne Gray, John,p hysician 61, 65,6 7, 72, 76, 78, 94, 95 Gray, Stephen 65 Greenwich 70, 102, 127, 128 Greenwich Hill 127 Grenham Bay 58 Orinsel Hill, Minster 53 Guestling area, clay 135, 142, 155 Oundulf, Bishop of Rochester 269, 270-2, 386 Haddenham (Cambs), shrine and enclosure ditch 16 hairpins, Roman 188, 189 Harbour Road 46, 47 Harker, R.S. 163, 168 n.3 460 GENERAL INDEX Harris, Mary 257 Hartlib, Samuel 363 Hasted, E. 227-8, 232, 253, 291, 321,381 Haverfield, Francis 63 Hayling Island temple 17 Headcorn 156 n. l 7 Heathrow 'temple' 16- I 7 Henry III 246 Henry VII 340 Henry VIII 255, 340, 386 and Westenhanger Court 218, 229 Henry of Eastry, Prior 381 Herne 251, 254, 256, 264 Herstmonceux 218 Heybridge (Essex), temple 18 Hoath, chapelry 251; see also Ford Homewood family 341 hop garden 361 Hope, Sir William St John 386 Hore, John le 246 Hore, Walter,M abel and Thomas le 237 Horsmonden, Old Rectory 306 human skeletal remains, Dartford 105, 106, 113-16 Hutchings, Paul, 'Early Roman burial in Dartford' 103-20 Hythe 74 Iceni 29 Iffin Farm 123 lghtham Mote (Moat) 240, 312, 325, 326 imbrices 137, 154 inhumations, Roman 44, 45, 49, 55, 57, 58, 157, 165, 166 inscriptions, Roman 33-4, 264 intaglio, Pan 144 Iron Age 30-3, 34, 38, 39 burials 30, 32 coins 31-2 furnace 146 Margate 52 North Foreland 48 origins of Springhead 168 n.3 rnund houses 19, 38 settlement 47 timber shrines I 6, 17, J 9 461 iron-work, Syndale Park 187-8 iron-working, Roman 38, 45, 51, 53, 55 Dartford I 09 Little Farningham Farm, Cranbrook 135,135.136, 141, 142. 144, 145, 148, 150, 151, 154 smelting furnaces 146, 146, 14 7. 150, 153 Syndale Park 187, 192 Westhawk Farm building 3, 4, 5. 20-1, 38 Italy, inscriptions 33-4 Ivy Chimneys (Essex), temple 13, 14 Jacob, Edward 81 Jullieberrie's Grave 64. 68, 69, 74. 76, 82, 83.85,94, 98-9 Jupiter columns 14 Jutish clay bottles 252 Keiller, Alexander 64 Kenilworth Castle 243 Kent Archaeological Rescue Group I Kent Archaeological Society 136. 137,269,367.386 Keston. shafts 20 Kingstgate, Fitzroy A venue 56 Kit's Coty House 64, 65. 67, 69-70, 75. 82-3. 85. 94, 98, 101 knife blade, iron I 88 Knowe, John 290, 291 Knowler, Stephen 263-4 Knowler, Thomas and John 256-7 Knowles, William, gravestone 237 umbert, P.J.C., and K.H. McIntosh. 'The crypt at St Nicholas Court. St Nicholas at Wade, Thaner 367-84 Lambeth Palace 339. 340 Lancastle, Richard 256 Lanfranc, Archbishop 315 Lawson, William 363 Le Hangre manor 203, 205 Le Hore see Hore lead 188; see also coffins; weight Lebon, Cecily 136. 137, 144 GENERAL INDEX Lee Priory, Ickham 67 Leeds castle 246 Leland, John 89, 339, 380 Lennard,S ir Samuel 61, 65,6 7,7 1,9 4 Lesnes Abbey 77-8, 101 Lewis, John 78, 79 Leybourne 243, 246 Leyburn, Roger de 246, 247 licences to crenellate 246-7 Westenhanger Castle 203, 205, 207 Little Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate 57 Little Farningham Farm, Cranbrook I 35-56 Area [A] 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145 Area [B] 138, 140,142,144 Area [CJ, wall plaster 138, 140, 142, 143, 144 Area [DJ 'pool' area 138, 140, 141, 145 Area [E] hearth-like structure 140, 143 Area [F] 'pit' 142-3 drain[G] 138-9,140, 141,141,142 CL BR tiles 135-6, 141-2, 143, 154-5 coins 138, 144, 149, 151 earthwork bank 149, 150 iron-working site 135, 135, 136, 141, 142, 144, 145, 148,150, I 51, 154 lead weight 151, 154 opus signinum floor 138, 140, 143 pottery 141-8 passim, 150, 153 recent fieldwork and excavations 145-55 Trench A 145, 146, 148, 153, 154 Trench B 145, 147, 153 Trench C 145, 147-8, 153, 154 oven 147-8, 150 timber building 147,1 48,1 50 window glass 141, 143 Little Maydekin house see Oxinden, Henry Little Poplar Farm, Ulcombe 146 Little Stour 123, I 27 Little Wenham Hall (Suffolk) 245 462 London London Bridge 127 Mithras 19 pyre debris 116 Roman road 127-8 Southwark 18 Tower of London 243 Westminster, crossing 123, I 28 Lord of the Manor villa 50, 52 Lovelace, Richard, poet 290 Lovelace, William 341 Lower Kit's Coty House 75, 82, 83, 98 Luck, George 137 Lukis, William Collings 63, 81 Lullingstone 18, 188 Lydd, silver coin hoard 80-1 Lydden 53 Lympne (Portus Lemanis) I, 38 Classis Britannica 30 fort (Stutfall Castle) 74, 89 grog-tempered ware 176, 186 harbour 122 Roman road 123 Stukeley's visits 71, 74, 92, 99 Lyne, Malcolm on the pottery from Syndale Park 176-87 on the Roman ceramics from Dartford 110-12 McIntosh, K.H. see Lambert, P.J.C. McKinley, Jacqueline, on the human bone from Dartford I 13-16 Maidstone 71, 75 archbishop's palace 338, 345 bridge 130 Malling Abbey see St Mary's Abbey Manston 48, 55, 56 Margate College Road 56 Drapers Mills School 50, 53 East Northdown 56 Foreness Point 56 Garlinge 54 Hartsdown Road 47, 59 Northdown Hill 59 Palm Bay 58 GENERAL INDEX Margate (cont.) palstave hoard 78, 79, 80, 102 roads 47 Roman sites 45, 52, 54 St John's 58 Trinity Square 58 villa 43 Markham, Gervase 358, 359, 361, 362-3, 362 Martin, David and Barbara, 'Westenhanger Castle - a revised interpretation' 203-36 masons' setting-out lines 375 Maumbury Rings 86 Maydekin see Oxinden, Henry Mayfield (Sussex), archbishop ·s palace 325, 326, 337, 339 Medway, battle of the 28, 30 Medway river 31, 91, 122 Meopham, Dene Manor 303 military presence, Roman 29-30, 34 Milles, Jeremiah, Dean of Exeter 81 millstone 56, 193 Minnis Bay 52, 55, 58 Minster Mount Pleasant 50-1, 55, 57 Roman sites 53, 55, 56, 57 see also Abbey Farm mirror, glass, Roman 252 Mithras 19 moats Ford 262, 263 Westenhanger Castle 228-9, 232 Monkton 53, 56 strip bracelets, Roman 113 mortar, 'salt and pepper' 397 Morton, Archbishop John 253-4, 339-40 Mote (Sussex) 218 mouldjngs Charing palace 338 Ford Place 303, 306 St Nicholas Court crypt 367, 374 Mount Pleasant, Minster 50-1, 55, 57 nails 9 copper alloy 151, 154 iron 187-8, 138, 146, 147, 148, 154 needle, copper alloy 189, 190 Nichols, John 63 Norman architecture see St Leonard's Tower; St Mary's Abbey North Foreland 44, 47, 48 North, Michael, 'St Leonard's Tower: some aspects of AngloNorman building design and construction' 269-86 N orthfleet 71, 122 villa 167 Nurstead Court, Meopham 242 Oakley, Harold 267 Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury 25 l Old Soar Manor, Plaxtol 237-50, 312 arrow loops 239, 240, 241 -2, 243-5, 244, 247 Chapel range 238, 240, 241, 242-3, 245, 246, 247 Garderobe range 238. 240, 241, 242,243,244,247 Hall range 238, 240, 242, 243 Solar range 238,241,242,243,247 arrowloop 239,240, 241-2, 243, 244,247 undercroft 238, 240, 24 7 spiral staircase 240, 243, 300 Ommerden stream 137, 145, 154 opus signinum I 07, I 38, 140, 143 orchards, at Great Maydekin 360, 361-3, 362, 364 Ospringe, cemeteries 185, 186; see also Syndale Park Ostenhanger manor 203, 205 ovens, domestic, Roman Little Farningham Farm 147-8, 150 S yndale Park 17 5 Westenhanger Castle 226 Oxford Archaeological Unit I, 38, 157 Oxinden, Henry, Great and Little Maydekin houses and gardens 351-66 Oxinden, Richard 354, 355 palaeolithic flint and hand-axes 14 463 GENERAL INDEX Palm Bay, Margate 58 palstave hoards 78, 79, 80, 102 Pan, on red jasper intaglio 144 pargetting, Ford Place 307-8, 308, 309 Parker, Archbishop 255 Parliamentary Survey (1647) 254. 257,258, 260-1, 263,264 Pearson, Sarah, 'The archbishop's palace at Charing in the Middle Ages' 3 I 5-49 Pecham, Archbishop 319, 320, 336 pedalis 138, 142, 145, 150, 154 Pekham, Reginald 289 pellet moulds 33 Penchester, Stephen de 246 Penchester family 247 Penn, W.S, 159, 161, 163, 165 Penshurst Place 325, 326, 329, 330, 338 Perkins, D.R.J., 'The Roman archaeology of the Isle of Thanet' 43-60 Perry, Thomas 341 Perryn (Peryent), Francis and Sir Thomas 257 Petrie, W.M. Flinders 121 pharos 45, 57, 73-4, 89, 90, 93, 99 pigeon houses see dovecotes Pine Wood 123 pins Roman 188, /89 Saxon(?), faceted 188 plant remains, Syndale Park 193; see also pollen; stone pine nut shell Plautius, Aulus 122 Plaxtol 303; see also Old Soar Manor Plumstone Farm, Monkton 50, 53-4 pollen 19, 20 ponds Charing 335, 336 Ford 262, 263 pottery prehistoric 11 Deverel-Rimbury urn 80 Iron Age 30, 31, 142 464 Roman 30, 39, 40, 46, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59,163,166,252,391 in Dartford 105, 106, 107, 110- 12, 1 I 6, 118 at Springhead 163, 164, 166 at Syndale Park (fabric code nos not indexed) 172, 175, 176-87, 192, 193 Alice Holt grey ware 177, 182, 184, 186 amphora 33, 57, 58, 112, 153, 186 BBi 177, 182, 185 BB2 112 Belgic 54, 182, 185 'bellows' pot 140, 144 Central Gaulish samian 112, 177, 186 Cliffe BB2 112 Colchester finewares 186 Cologne colour-coated 166 Continental 33, 187, 193 East Kent grey ware 177 East Kent grog-tempered ware 176, 182, 185 East Sussex ware 8, 153 flagon I 05, 110 German marbled ware 178, I 86 grey thin ware I 53 grit- and grog-tempered 112 grog-tempered ware 7, 8, 10, 141, 142, 144, 147,176, 180, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187 Hadham wares 177, 178, 186 Hoo flagon 178, 185 Lympne grog-tempered 176, 186 Mayen ware 177, 187 mortaria 153 Moselkeramik 186 Native Coarse ware 185, 186 Nene Valley wares I 78, I 84, 186 North Gaulish type I 84 North Kent 166 North Kent shell-tempered 112 orange sandy ware 153 GENERAL INDEX pottery, Roman (cont.) Overwey fabric 9, l 0, 177, 184, 186 Overwey-Portchester D 112 Oxfordshire red colour-coated mortarium 112,186 Oxfordshire wares 177, 182, 183, 184, 186 Patchgrove ware 112,153,176 Pompeiian Red ware 178, 182, 186 red thin ware 153 samian 54, 105, 141, 148, 150, 153, 164, 166, 186, 252 shell-tempered ware 176 South Gaulish samian 7, 12, 105,110,112,177,180, 185 Thames-side (Thameside) 112, 166, 177, 185, 186 Upchurch wares I 06, 110, 112, 177, 178, 184, 185 white colour coated 153 medieval 112, 205, 389, 391 green-glazed London-type 112 Kingston-type ware 109 pottery kiln, Roman 52 Poynings, Sir Edward 205, 218, 221, 228,233 Poynings, Sir Thomas de 203, 218, 221,233 prehistoric field system 7 roads and track 45, 4 7 settlement 53 see also flint; pottery Preston, near Wingham, pottery kiln 182, 186 pyre debris (ustrinum) 104, I 06-7, 110, J 12, 114-15, I 16-17 Quarry Wood, Iron Age 31 quern fragments, Roman 193 Ramsgate Cliffsend 58 Harbour 59 Pysons Road 59 Roman sites 43, 44, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57 St George's Church 58 St Lawrence College 58 Southwood 57 Stonar Hill 56 Whitehall Road 58 Wilson's Road 57 Randall, Henry John 63 Rashleigh, Revd Peter 157, 158, 161, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167 Reculver chapel 253 fort 43, 253 manor of 253, 380 monastery 251, 25 3 Roman military 30 royal residence 252 St Mary's church 25 I Saxon cremation 252 Renn, Derek, 'Attack and defence at Old Soar Manor, Plaxtol' 237- 50 resistivity surveys 137, 144-5, 150, 159, 159, 160, 161, 162 Reynolds, Archbishop 325 Richborough amphitheatre 75, 86, 88, 100 barrow near 77 castle and Roman road 123 coins, Roman 37 fort 43, 51, 72-3, 86 grog-tempered ware production 176, I 86 hair-pins 188 marbled ware 186 orange ware 184 pharos 73 Roman military activity 30 Roman roads 46, 122, 123 Stukeley's visits 65, 72, 76, 86, 87, 100, 102 Riddler, Ian, on the small finds from Dartford I 12-13 Ridley, Nicholas, chaplain 254, 255 rings, Roman 166 gold 157, 164 465 GENERAL INDEX Rippington, Richard, vintner 256 roads prehistoric 45, 47 Roman 1, 3, 38, 44, 45, 46-7, 51, 70,93, 121-33,1 26,135,137, 145, 148, 149, 154 'Canterbury road' 1, 3, 4, 5, 17, 19, 21, 38 in Syndale Park 174, 176, 191 Anglo-Saxon 124-5, 126, 127 medieval 123-4, 127, 128, 130 see also Rochester-Bodiam road; Stane Street; Watling Street Roberts, Judith, 'The building activities of Henry Oxinden of Barham' 351-66 Rochester 94 arrowloops 243 bishops of 272 bridge I 25, l 27, 128, 130 Castle 67, 71, 82, 91, 100, 125 Cathedral 386, 388, 389 'Gundulf's Tower' 269, 284 Iron Age 31 road, Roman 122 Roman wall 75, 85, I 00 Stukeley's visit 71 Rochester-Bodiam road 135, 137, 148,149, 151-3, 152 Romania 40 romanisation 25-42 Romano-British settlement, in area of Syndale Park 172, 191-3 Romano-Celtic shrines and temples 17, 21, 35, 36, 167 roof construction Charing 320, 325-6, 326, 328 Ford 261, 262, 263 Ford Place 302, 303, 305, 306 Old Soar Manor 238 roof ti Ies, Roman 38, 48, 137, 138 Rudling, David, on the coins from Syndale Park 187 Sacketts Hill, Broadstairs 56 Sackville, Sir Richard 229 Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst 229 466 St Davids (Pembrokeshire), bishop's hall corbels 326 St Etbelburga's Well 252 St Leonard's Chapel, West Malling 269,270,272,276 St Leonard's Tower, West Malling, Anglo-Norman building design and construction 269-86 St Mary's Abbey (Malling Abbey), West Malling 270-2, 276, 385- 404 chapel of St Thomas of Canterbury 392-5, 396-8 gatehouse 386, 389, 391-403 St Mary's Platt, Platt Farm 303 St Mildred's Bay, Westgate 53 St Nicholas Potten Street 53 Shuart Farm 56, 58 St Nicholas Church 380 St Nicholas Court (St Nicholas at Wade), crypt 367-84 brickwork 369, 371, 372, 379 mouldings 367, 374 niches 371,375,376, 377-80,3 82, 383 St Nicholas Court Farm 381 Sandwich 73 gold coin 81 Roman road I 24, 128 sarcophagus, stone, Roman 157, 161, 164-5, 166 Sarre 47, 48 Saxon period see Anglo-Saxon and Saxon period Saxon Shore forts 30 Scotney Castle 217, 218 Sculp, Godfrey 223, 224, 225, 226 sea-level rise 122 seal matrix, Broadfield Farm 245 Seamark Hill, Monkton 53 Seasalter, Roman road 124 Semple, Jayne, and Kenneth Gravett, 'Ford Place, Wrotham' 287-314 Septfontaines-Deckt, pyre debris I 16 settlements, Roman 1, 3-5, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 55-8 GENERAL INDEX Sheldon, Richard 288-9 shell 193 oyster 105, 109, 110, 391 Shipbourne, Claygate Cross 303 shoes see footwear Shottendane, Twenties Brickfield 57 shrines,I ron Age 16, 17,1 9; see also temples and shrines Shuart, All Saints Church 380, 383 Shuart Farm, St Nicholas 56, 58 Shur', Thomas de 237, 245 Sibun, Lucy, 'Excavation at Syndale Park, Ospringe' 171-96 Sissinghurst, Roman road 151, I 52 Siward, Bishop 269 Skipton (Yorks) 243 slag, iron 143, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153, 187, 192 slate, West Country 209 Smith, Sir John 233 Smythe, Phillip, Second Viscount Strangford 231, 232 Smythe, Thomas, Esq. (d.1591) 229, 233 Smythe, Thomas, First Lord Viscount Strangford 230 Snowe, Ralphe 264 Soar, as place-name 237; see also Old Soar Manor Society of Antiquaries of London 61,68, 69, 78, 80, 81 Society of Roman Knights 94 Somali Farm, Birchington 54 Sore manor 237 Sparrow Castle, Birchington 54 spearhead, 7th-century 252 Sprattling Court Farm, Manston 56 Springhead, Romano-British enclosed cemetery (Sole field) 157-69 lead coffins 157,161, 164, 166 New Barn Road 158, 159, I 59, /60 pottery 163, 164, 166 resistivity plot 159,159,160, 161, 162 Roman communal cemetery 158, 158, 163-6, 167 settlement (Vagniacae) I 58, I 63- 4, 165, 167 temple site 14, 18, 157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167 well, Pepper Hill 20 stables Ford 260, 261, 262, 263 Great Maydekin 359, 360 Stamford 89 Stane Street 74 Stansted (Essex) 16 Starkey, Sir Humphrey 289 Starkey Castle 289, 312 Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester 91 Stonar Hill, Ramsgate 56 Stone church 172 Stone Gap SO stone pine nut shell 9, 18-19 Stone Street 123 Stratford, Archbishop John 336, 343 Stukeley, William 61-102, 128 Stutfall Castle 74, 89 sunken-floored buildings 55 Swanscombe Park 122, 127 Swingfie!d, St John's Commandery 382 Symonson, Philip, map ( 1596) 130. 287,288,347 n.22 Syndale Park, Ospringe 171-96 cemetery, Romano-British 172, 191 coins 172, 178, 187 ditches 172, 174, 175-6, 180, 186 iron-working 187, I 92 metal work 187-90 pottery 172, 175,1 76-87, 192, 193 Romano-British settlement in area 172, 191-3 shell 172, 193 Trench A cobbled road I 74, 176, 191 rubbish pits and ditches 171, 171, 172-4, 176, 191 Trench B (pits, rubbish pits) 171. 171, 174-6, 180, 182, 191 ditch 175, 176 oven or hearth 175 pottery 175 Tacitus 25, 26, 34, 35 467 GENERAL INDEX Tatton-Brown, Tim, 'Evolution of Watling Street' 121-33 tegulae 137, 150, 154, 163 Temple Hill, Roman cemetery 117, 118 temples (and shrines), Roman 25, 35,36,52,54, 86 Springhead 157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167 Westhawk Farm 'shrine' 3, 4, 5- 11, 38 see also shrines, Iron Age Textus Roffensis 128 Thames, crossing-points 122-3 Thanet Archaeological Society 43 Thanet Sites and Monuments Register 43, 52 theatres, Roman 34-5, 36 Thomas ofElmham, map (1410) 380 Thorne Farm, Minster 57 Thornhurst, Sir Stephen 257 Thynne, Thomas 68 tiles, Roman 112, 163 box-flue (flue) tiles 48, 137, 138, 154 Classis Briwnnica stamped I 35- 6, 141-2, 143, 154-5 from Little Farningham Parm 137, 145, 146, 147, 150, 153-4 see also imbrices; pedalis; roof tiles; tegulae Tivoli, Margate 47, 50, 52 Tonbridge caput of the Clares 245-6 Castle gatehouse 209, 243, 244, 246 licence to enclose 246 towns, Roman 25-6, 28, 33-6, 39 tree-ring analysis, Charing 320, 328 Trust for Thanet Archaeology 43 tumulus, Roman 238 Tunbridge Wells sandstone 136 tuyeres, clay I 40, 142, 144 tweezers, copper alloy J 89, 190 Twenties Brickfield, Shottendane 57 468 Twopeny, William 348 n.50 Tyrrell, Sir William, steward 287 Ulcombe 146, 156 n.17 Uley (Glos), temple 13, 16 Upper Harbledown 125 Upstreet 46, 47 ustrinum see pyre debris Verulamium 16, 19, 35 villas, Roman 25, 26-9, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47-50, 51, 52-4, 167 Dartford 117, 118 Old Soar 238 wall hooks, iron 188 wall painting, Ford Place 306, 307 Walmer Castle 73, 77, 93, 101 Wantsum Channel 46, 47 Warburton, Bishop 78 Ward,A lan, 'St Mary's Abbey,W est Malling' 385-404 Warham, Archbishop 340 watermills Roman 123 medieval 206, 335, 336 Watling Street 7 I, 72, 73, 75, 76, 89, 98, 101, 117,117,118 cemetery 158, 163, 166, 167 evolution of 121-33 at Syndale Park 191, I 92 Way Hill, Minster 53 Wedgwood, J.C. 289 weight, lead, Roman(?) 151, l 54 well shafts, Roman 51-2, 56 Wessex Archaeology 157 West Malling, estate (manors) 271- 2; see also St Leonard's Tower; St Mary's Abbey West Wickham church 67, 71, 102 Westbrook, Margate 45, 47, 54 Westenhanger, parish church 232-3 Westenhanger Castle 203-36 barn 203,231,232,233,234 chapel 219,221,228 curtain walls 207, 209-11, 216-17, 218,230 central towers 213-16, 230 GENERAL INDEX Westenhanger Castle (cont.) curtain wall (cont.) corner towers 207, 2 I 0, 2 I 1- 13, 217,230 northern 205, 206, 207, 216, 217,221, 226-7, 228 domestic buildings upon enclosure 216-18 dovecote in north-east tower 212, 220,221,223,226 east range 221, 223-8 external dam 206, 207, 218, 233 garden and park 233, 235 garderobes 213, 216, 223, 225 gatehouse 206-7, 208, 209, 210, 216,217,221 hall 2/0,217,2/9,227-8,231,232 hall crosswing 223-4, 225 kitchens 210,219,221,223,225 licence to crenellate 203, 205, 207 moat 206-7, 216,217,218, 228-9, 230,232 outbuildings 232-3 oven 226 Phase one 205-7 Phase two 207-18 Phase three 218-29 Phase four 229-30 Phase five 230-5 porter's lodge 219,222,231 pottery 205 south range 221, 230, 231 stables 233 timber bridge 207, 208 west range 221-3, 228 Westfield 135 Westgate Chester Road 56 Ursuline Convent 58 Westgate Bay 57 Westhampnett Bypass (W. Sussex), enclosure 16 Westhawk Farm, Ashford 1-23, 37-9 coins 5, 7,9, 12, 16, 17-18 ditches 3, 5, 7, 11, 12. 20, 38 glass vessel 9 iron-working building 3, 4. 5. 20-1, 38 plant remains and pollen 9. I 8-19. 20 pottery 7, 8, 9, 10. 11. 12 roads, Roman I, 3, 4, 5. 17, I 9. 21, 38, 135, 156 n.23 Roman settlement I, 3-5 'shrine' area I, 3, 4, 5-1 I, 38 central pit 5, 6, 9, I 0, 13, I 8, 2 I polygonal structure 5. 6, 7, 8. 9-10. 17, 19, 21 rectangular ditched enclosure 5, 6. 7, 10, 12, 16, 18. 20 well/water-hole 4, 5. 11. 17, 18, 20, 21 Wheeler, Mortimer 159 Wheler family, and Sir George 341 Whitgift, Archbishop 255 Wincheap, medieval lane (Hollow Lane) 123-4 Winchelsea. Archbishop 322. 324. 329. 332,335 Winchelsea, Lord (Heneage Finch) 61, 64, 65, 67-9, 71, 72. 74. 75. 76, 77, 78, 80. 83. 89. 94. 95 window glass. Roman 141. 143 Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead (Herts), temple 13, 14 Woodchurch, Birchington 53 Wrotham church 288, 290, 3 12 crosier 8 I manor of 245, 293 Roman camp at Borough Green I 02 see also Ford Place Wye 102, 124 469