General Index
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Annual Report of the Council for 2001
Committees of the Society
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abbey Farm villa 200 Absolon, Robert, barber 40 Acadia (Nova Scotia) 283 Addington church 335 Neolithic barrows 398 Aethelwulf, King of Wessex and Kent 222 Aetingden 223 agriculture Roman 177,306,312,314 medieval 358 and immigrants 288 Aldridge, Neil on the Roman road at Benenden 413-14 on the witch bottle from Biddenden 415-16 alehouses, violence in 36-7, 41 Alexander, Pierre 279 Alfege, St 300 Allen, Tim, Mike Cotterill and Geoffrey Pike, 'The Kentish copperas industry' 319-34 Allenby, bricklayer 9 Altryncham, Richard 132 Amcot, Petronilla 42 Amsterdam (Netherlands} 276, 282, 283 Andrewes, Jane, and Michael Zell, 'The population of Sandwich from the accession of Elizabeth I to the Civil War' 79-99 Anglo-Saxon (Saxon) period Canterbury 343 Chestfield 349 Dover 153, 156,158, 160, 178 Herne Bay, farmstead 348 Mersham 355-6 Patrixbourne, burials near I 14-15 Ramsgate 353 Rochester, church 357 see also burials; Hoo St Werburgh; pottery; Saxon shore forts animal bone cattle 176, 179, 306, 351 dog 176 goat 311 horse 64, 176 oxen 57, 64,311 pig 64, 176, 311 sheep 64, 176, 179, 306 Dover 160, 176, 179 Eynsford 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64 Charlton 306 Greenwich 308,312,314 Herne Bay 348 Ramsgate 351 Whitfield 379, 393 see also antler; bird bone; fish bone Ansketel, archdeacon 336 antler, roebuck 311 apparitors (summoners) 31, 40 Appledore, assaults in courts 36 Armada and counter-Armada 183-95 Arminians 282 arrowheads, Neolithic 351 Ashford 347,356 Athelstan, King 336 Aucher, Henry 144-5, 147, 148-9 Aucher, Robert 14 7, I 48, 149 Aurelius, Marcus 306 457 GENERAL INDEX axes Lower Palaeolithic and Palaeolithic hand-axes 259, 261, 375 Neolithic 261, 348, 397-9 Aylesford, Tottington Farm 358 Badlesmere, Giles de 246-7 Badlesmere, Lady 366 Baker, Clement 34 Baker, John 226-7 Bannister, Nicola R., 'The management of Dering Wood, Smarden, since the medieval period: archaeological and documentary evidence' 221-35 bar, iron 328, 329 Barfreston, church 123, I 26, 128, 129, 130 Barham late Iron Age-early Roman settlement 394 Old Dover Road, sunken ways 345-6 Barham Downs 28 I, 339, 341, 345, 406,407 Barming 102, 358 Barow, William, wife of 42 barrows Neolithic 398 Bronze Age I 55, 348, 35 I, 352 Bateman, Henry 227 Bath stone, Cobham Hall 5 beads, glass Roman 308 Saxon 266 Beaulieu Priory (France) 118, 13 I, 132-3 Becket, St Thomas 128, 139 n.27, 241,243 Bedford, George 288 Bekerton, George 32 Bekesbourne 124, 132 Belgic ('Belgic') Canterbury, enclosure 409 Hersden, field system 347 see also pottery bell, iron 31 l Bending, Peter de 226 Benenden, Roman road 413-14, 413 Berg, Mary, 'Patrixbourne Church: medieval patronage, fabric and history' 113-42 Bergess, Wyn, obituary 441-2 Bery, Thomas 254 Bethersden Marble, Cobham Hall 5 Bexhill Farm, Benenden, Roman road 413-14 Bexley Heath, Watling Street 298 Bickerstaffe,S ir Charles,a gent 9,I 7 Biddenden, witch bottle 415-16 Biddulph, Edward, 'One for the road? Providing food and drink for the final journey' 101-11 Bidolph, Arthur 325 Bigbury, 'waterhole' assemblage 406-7, 408,409,410 Birchington 199, 408 bird bone 176, 179 Bishop's Stortford (Herts), looped toggle 401 Bishopsden Farm,B enenden,R oman road 413,413 Black, Robert, tenant 336 Black, Shirley Burgoyne, A Scholar and a Gentleman. Edward Hasted, the Historian of Kent, reviewed 433 Blackheath Roman burials 305-6 Roman road 294, 298, 299 Blackheath Common 293 Blackwall, copperas production 324 Bleak Hill 295, 310-12 Blean 238, 241-7, 253 Bien, Michael, Lambert and John, sons of Helye de 245 Bligh family 11-12; see also Darnley, Earl of Bliss, Simon, on a 19th-century engraving of Malling Abbey tower 417-23 Blue Bell Hill, Neolithic long-house 398 boat, Bronze Age 155 boots see hobnails and boots 458 GENERAL INDEX Boughton Monchelsea, axe-heads 398 box-flue tiles, Roman 64, 175 bracelets bronze 57, 64 copper alloy 172, 173, 308 shale 308 Bradshaw, Jim, obituary 441 Bradwell (Essex) St Peter's chapel, Saxon 205,213, 215 Saxon shore fort 201,215,216 Braem, Arnold 286 Brandon, Sir William 147 Breche, Christopher 40 Bredgar, parish church and land 238, 248,249,250, 251-2 Bredgar family 248-51 brew house,S t Nicholas at Wade 362 brick clamp kilns, post-medieval 343 brickearth Deal, pit 353 Roman quarrying 347 post-medieval pits 343 bricks and brickwork 206-7, 210, 212,214,216,287,288 Cobham Hall 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 22,23 bridges Dover, sliding 354 Gigger's Green, Napoleonic 356 Brigstock (Northants), assaults in courts 36 brimstone 322, 323, 324, 325 briquetage from Greenwich 312 Hoo St Werburgh, Late Bronze Age 263,269, 270-1, 274,274 Brockhull, Thomas de 226 Broke, Thomas 42 Bronze Age boat 155 bronze implements 155 Broomfield, Late Bronze Age features 348 Deal 353 'founder's hoard' 347 Herne Bay 348 Maryon Park 296 Ramsgate, barrow and domestic enclosure 351, 352 settlement 155 tools 261 Whitstable, settlement 349-50 see also barrows; briquetage; flints; Hoo St Werburgh; pottery; salt production; swords; Whitfield bronze objects Bronze Age implements 155 Roman,E ynsford 55,5 7,6 4, 75, 76 Brooke family see Cobham, Lord Brooks, Nicholas P., review by 431-33 Broomfield 347-8 church 335 Broune, John, yeoman 147, 149 Brown, Gary, 'Roman Greenwich' 293-317 Bucer, Martin 279 Buckland, Roman cemetery site 155 buckle, bronze 64 Buddle, Edward 184, 185 Buens, Jacob 90 building recording 359-62 burials prehistoric, cremation 349, 357 Neolithic, crouched inhumations 351,352 Bronze Age, crouched inhumation and child 351 Roman 49,177,261 cremation burials 155, 177, 346,347,348 Eynsford, cremations 49, 55, 67, 77 Greenwich, cremations 294-5, 301, 305-6, 307-9, 313 inhumations 307, 308, 311, 313,343,345,346,347 Anglo-Saxon I 14-15, 156,200 Jutish 200 Deal,fr om Royal Naval Hospital 353 vessels used in 10 I-1 I inversion of vessels I 03-4, 106, 109 mutilated ('killed') vessels 104-5, 106 459 GENERAL INDEX burials (cont) see also cemeteries buttons copper alloy 172, 173 shale 308 Caen stone 5, 113, 204, 204, 205, 208,361 Canterbury Anglo-Saxon features 343 Archbishop's Palace precinct wall and Great Hall 344 Cathedral 123,1 30,1 41 n.47 Christ Church Priory 30, 113, 117, 131, 134, 226, 243, 247, 363, 364-5, 366 church court act books 30 City rampart 345 Cranmer House, burials I 03, I 05 Eastbridge hospital see below St Thomas' hospitals and medieval benefaction and charity 237-58 immigrants (strangers; Walloons) 80, 86, 95, 275, 279, 280-2, 285,287 interpersonal violence in 30, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42,43 iron working 345 Ivy Lane 344-5 Market Way 343 Marlowe Car Park, 'Belgic' enclosure 409 medieval palace of the archbishops 365 migrant beggars from 90 22 Palace Street 360 48 Palace Street 344 pottery 168, 170 5 Rhodaus Town 345 Roman cemetery 344 Roman features 343, 344, 345 Rose Lane, pottery 408 Sacrist' s House 344 St Augustine's Abbey 113, 131, 252,254,339 St Augustine's Royal Lodging 7 St Dunstan 139 n.20 St Gregory's priory 243, 342 n. 14 St Gregory' s priory (cont) (book review) 431-33 St James' leper hospital 237, 238, 243, 247-52 St Laurence's leper hospital 237, 238, 242, 252-5 St Mildred 339, 340 St Peter' s parish poor rate 285 St Stephen's Fields 345 St Thomas' (Eastbridge) pilgrim hospital 237, 238, 241-7 South Close, The Precincts 343-4 Station Road East 344 Station Road West 343 Stour Street, pottery 406, 407 textile industry 95 weavers migrated from 277 Wincheap, burial I 02-3 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 319, 343-62 Cantiaci 315 Capel-le-Ferne, Iron Age material 402-12 carpentry, Canterbury 360 Carre,J ean,g lass manufacturer 286 casket, wooden, Romano-British 348 Castle Hedingham, church 128, !29 cemeteries Roman Canterbury 344 Dover 155 Each End, cremation I O 1-2, 108 food and drink vessels 101-1 I Glenesk Road 295, 30 I, 3 I 3 Hersden, cremation 346, 347 Woolwich, cremation 294-5, 308-9, 310 Woolwich, inhumation 307, 308 Saxon/ Anglo-Saxon 156, 269 see also burials Ceolnoth, Archbishop 226 ceramic building materials Roman 175, 210,212,266,269 medieval and later 175 cess pits Anglo-Saxon 343 medieval 344 460 GENERAL INDEX chalk as building stone 204, 206, 210, 211 extraction 414-15, 417, 198, 199 for lime 206,210,417 as top dressing on fields 415, 417 Chalklin, Christopher obituary by 444 review by 425 chalkwe!ls 416-17 Chambers, Sir William, at Cobham Hall 11, 12, 13, 23 Chapels Canterbury, Archbishop Mepham's 363-71 Dover 156 Horton Manor, Chartham 359 Patrixbourne, Bifrons chapel 118, 122, 123, 133-4 St Nicholas at Wade, medieval 361-2 Charing, axe-head 398 Charier, Hugh, servant 38 Charles I 7, 282 Charlton, Roman cemetery site 155; see also Maryon Park charters, for hospitals 241-53 passim Chartham,H orton Manor Chapel 359 Chenery, Maurice see Philp, Brian Chese, Agnes 42 Cheshire, assaults in courts 36 Chestfield see under Whitstable Chichester, burials 105 Chi!ham, church 42 church courts 30-1, 40, 42, 43, 44 churches Anglo-Saxon 156, 357 dedications 335-42 and hospital grants and charters 248,249,250,251 Patrixbourne, St Mary's 113-42 stone for 20 I,2 16 see also chapels Church Whitfield, late Iron Age enclosed farmstead 374, 394 Cinque Ports 183, I 86-9, 190, 193 Cintheaux (France), church 119, I 19, 121, 123, 128 Ci vii War 124, 324 Clarence, George, Duke of 143, I 45, 146-7 Clark, John 40 Clarke, Charles, watercolour 122 Classis Britannica 198,210,216 Dover fort 154,155, 167,177,211 tiles manufactured for J 98, 216 clay see fired clay; perforated clay tablets clay extraction pits 349, 381 quarrying 344-5, 346 clay sources, for pottery, Iron Age 381,410 clay tobacco pipe kilns Canterbury 344 Gravesend 359 clay tobacco pipes, Gravesend 359 Clear, Richard 1 I Cliffe see St Margaret's at Cliffe Clifton, Barons 11, 12 Coade stone vases 3 Cobham, George Brooke. 9th Lord 2 Cobham, Henry Brooke, I Ith Lord 5-6 Cobham, John de, third baron 2 Cobham, John Brooke, Lord 150 n.4 Cobham, William Brooke, 10th Lord 3, 5, 7 Cobham Hall house and gardens 1-27 Darnley mausoleum 2, 13 coffins Roman 308 lead 3 I I , 3 12 Anglo-Saxon and Jutish,s tone 200 coins (coinage) Iron Age 261,399, 411 Roman 57, 64, 76, 302, 304, 306, 309,310,313 Colchester (Essex) castle 20 I immigrants 95, 276, 277 College of Chantry priests, Cobham 2 Colwell, Robert, ship's purser 184 Compton Census ( 1676) 289 461 GENERAL INDEX Conyngham, Marchioness of 122 Cooling 2, 104 Cooper, William 38 Copley, Richard 38 copper alloy Dover, objects 172-4 'founder's hoard 347 copperas industry 3 I 9-34 copperas 'houses' 319,326,327 corn drier, Roman, Charlton 307 Cornwall, gabbro source and axes 397,398 Costaker, Jacob 94 Cotell, John 40 Cotterill, Mike see Allen, Tim Cranbrook 319 Cranbrook and District Local History Society, Cranbrook Voices from the 20th Century, reviewed 436 Cranmer, Archbishop 124, 278, 279 cremations see under burials Crevequer, Hamo de 241-3, 242, 244-5, 246-7 Crevequer, Robert de 243, 245-6 Cristmas, Richard 29-30, 37, 38 crop processing, Greenwich 314 Crosley, Richard 29, 30, 37, 38 Crossness 296, 309, 3 I 4 Culpeper, Edward 34 cursus, Neolithic 351, 352 Dagenham, marsh deposits 296 Darell family 226, 227-8 Darnley, 4th Earl of l, 13, I 4, 23 Darnley, 6th Duke 17 Darnley, 9th Earl of 14 Darnley, Edward Bligh, 2nd Earl of 1 I Darnley, John Bligh (Blyth), 3rd Earl of 9, I l -12, 13 Dartford 296, 298; see also Wilmington daub 64, 38 I, 384, 393 Iron Age 357 Davy, Maurice, labourer 36 Deal, East and North Barracks 353; see also Mill Hill 462 deneholes Greenwich 311 Wilmington, medieval 414-15 Denton, immigrants 286 Deptford, copperas production 323, 324, 326 Deptford Creek 299 Dering, Ed ward 228 Dering, Sir Edward 222, 228, 231, 232 Dering, Richard 227-8 Dering Wood, Smarden, management of 221-35 Deryk, Agnes 42 Does, Richard 94 Domesday Book 114-15, 226, 336, 337,341 Dour Valley 373, 394 Bronze Age settlement 155 prehistoric activity I 77 Saxon cemeteries I 56 tufa source 211 Dover Biggin Street 153-82 animal bone 160, 176, 179 Roman boundary ditches/gullies 153, 157, I 58, 159-60, 177 medieval/post-medieval wells 153, 160-1, 162, 176, 178, 179 post-medieval 153, 161-2, 171-2, I 78-9 pottery, Roman and post-Roman 157, 159, 160, 162-72 Castle 169, 171, 211 garderobe l 79 pottery I 68, I 71 Castle Hill 155 Chapel of St Edmund 156 Cinque Port 183, 184, 186 The Citadel, Western Heights, sliding bridge 354 Classis Britannica fort I 54, 155, 167, 177,2 11 CRS site 156 Freeman's Buildings 156,161,179 GENERALlNDEX Dover (cont.) harbour (port) 336, 338, 339 immigrants 277, 282, 284, 286 Langdon Cliffs 354 Maison Dieu medieval hospital 156 medieval 155, 156, 160-1, 178, 353-4 Neolithic 153, 155,1 60,1 6l,1 76, 177 Pharos 211 population 94 Priory 156 Priory Hill, cemeteries 155, 156 Priory Road 177 Priory Road/York Street 155 Roman 155, 156, 157-60, 176, 177-8 Roman Lagoon 155-6, 177, 178 St Bartholomew's hospital 243 St Martin's 336,337,339 St Radigund's abbey 243, 366 Saxon shore fort I 54, 155, 156, 167, 177, 178, 197, 210-12, 215,216,217 ships and weapons for the counterArmada 188,189,190,191,193 Town Wall Street, Bronze Age boat 155 Townwall Street 353-4 tufa 211 Yewden's Court 170 York Street, Neolithic settlement 155 Dover Archaeological Group 373 Dover Spine Main, pottery 408, 409, 410,411 Draper, Peter, review by 433-4 droveways 221, 3 I 4 Dunkirk pirates 183, I 85 Dutch gables 287 Dutch immigrants 277, 278, 280, 284, 285-6, 287 in Sandwich 80, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93-4, 95 in Southwark 147 dyes, using copperas 319, 322, 324, 328 Dyryk, Thomas 40 Each End, Roman cremation cemetery 101-2, 103, 105 East, William, wife of 42 Eastry, Henry, prior 363, 365, 366 Ebbsfleet, pottery 406, 407, 41 I Edict of Nantes and Revocation of 275,276,282,283 EDM survey, Tankerton 319, 320 Edward the Confessor 336, 337 Edward III 276, 363, 364, 366 Edward IV 143, 144, 145, 146, 148 Edward VI 278 Edwards, Elizabeth, 'Interpretations of the influence of the immigrant population in Kent in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries' 275-92 Elizabeth I I, 7, 183, 279-80, 323, 325 Ellis, Wynne 328 Eltham 293, 313 Ely (Cambs), Prior's Door 124, 142 n.56 enclosures prehistoric 356 Early Neolithic, Ramsgate, causewayed 351, 352 Late Bronze Age, Herne Bay, causewayed 348 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, Ramsgate 351 Iron Age Ashford 356 Greenwich 293, 294-5, 297-8 Hersden 347 Woolwich 293, 294-5, 297-8, 309,315 Anglo-Saxon Canterbury 343 Chestfield 349 Herne Bay, double ditched 348 Erith 293, 295, 296, 300 Essex, assaults in courts 36 Essex, Earl of 183, 190 Ethel bard, King of Mercia 261, 270 Evering, John, weaver 38 463 GENERAL INDEX Ewell, Knights Templar Preceptory, Roman occupation 394 Exeter (Devon), relics in church 336 Eynsford, Roman site at Home Farm 49-78 animal bone 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64 bronze objects 55, 57, 64, 75, 76 Castle 49 cremations I and II 51, 54, 55, 67, 68, 77 ditch (FI), medieval 49-53, 51, 52, 64, 65,66, 77 ditch (F 16), medieval 5 I, 54, 58, 64, 77 ditch (F l 9) 51, 52, 59-60, 63, 71, 72, 77 drain (FI 7) 59, 60, 76 Enclosure Ditch East, medieval 5/,53-5,65, 66, 67, 76 Enclosure North Ditch re-cut, medieval 51, 52, 53, 65, 66, 76 Enclosure West Ditch, medieval 51,52, 53, 76 iron objects 62, 64 pits 51, 54, 56, 57-8, 60, 64, 69-71, 75-6, 77 posted structure 51, 54, 61-2, 77 pottery 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62-4, 76, 77 prehistoric flints 62, 64 quernstones,R oman 57,7 3,7 5,7 5 Roman building 49, 77 tanks (P9, F l 8)51, 52, 55-7, 59, 60, 64, 67, 68, 71, 72, 76, 77 waterpipe, wooden with iron collar (F21) 5 /, 54, 59, 60, 63, 71,72,77 Falconer, Mathias 323 farms and farmsteads Neolithic 176 Iron Age/early Roman 348, 354-5, 358,394 Roman, Greenwich 295, 314 Anglo-Saxon, Herne Bay 348 medieval/post-medieval farmhouse, Dover 156, I 61, 171, 174, 179 17th century, St Nicholas at Wade 361-2 Farre, Isabel 42 fasteners, Roman 400 Faversham church sculpture 123 'Dutch' tiles 288 gunpowder production 322 immigrants 286 role in the Armada and counter- Armada 183-95 fertilisers 324 field boundary ditches,m edieval 348 field systems 314 prehistoric 349 Late Bronze Age 352 'Be\gic' 347 Roman 348 medieval 415 fired clay Late Iron Age/Romano-British 266 Saxon 268 Firmin, Master 247 fish bone 176, 179 fishing net weights, ceramic, AngloSaxon 353 Flambard, Ranulf, royal servant 337 Flemish immigrants 80, 81, 87, 91, 93, 147, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283-4 flint, as building stone 198, / 99, 20 I, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 211,214 flints prehistoric 62, 64, 353 Lower Palaeolithic/Palaeolithic 259,373,375,393,394 Neolithic 261,343,351,353 Dover 153, 160, 161, 176, 177 Late Neolithic 348 Neolithic to Bronze Age 373, 375, 379,384 Bronze Age 343, 353 flood event 314 Fodryngehe, Brother Peter de 132 464 GENERAL INDEX Fogge, Sir John 145, 146 Folkestone pottery 403, 409,410, 41 I priory 243 quern production 216 Tram Road 355 villa 214 Folkestone Stone 213 food and drink vessels, used in Roman burials 101-11 Foord, Ron, obituary 443-4 footwear: Roman hippo sandal 304; see also hobnails and boots Fordwich Manor House 360 violence in 30, 32, 33, 34 forts see Dover; Saxon shore forts 'founder's hoard, Late Bronze Age 347 France French immigrants 80, 86, 93, 95, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282-3, 284, 286 (see also Huguenots) sculpture in churches 121, 123, 126 (see also Normandy) Frende, Oliver 40 de Frene family 226 fuel residues 266, 270 furniture fittings or bindings, Dover 173-4 gardens (and parks), Cobham Hall JO, I S-24 Gate, Sir Geoffrey 147, 148, 149 Gauntlett, Thomas, copperas producer 325-6 Gefferey, John 29-30, 37, 38 Gere, Thomas, serjeant 43 Germany, immigrants and emigrants 276,277,279,284,285,286 Gervinus, Abbot 337-9, 341 Gigger's Green canal bridge 356 Gilbert, John 37 Giles, William. reviews by 436, 437 Gillowe, John 38 Gilpin, William 420 glass, Roman 55, 57, 62, 64, 306, 308; see also beads; witch bottle glassmakers 286 Glenesk Road, cremation cemetery 295,301,313 Goodbarne, Christopher 43 Goodnestone, church 141 n.47 Goscelin of St Bertin 339-41 granary type structures, Hersden 347 Gravesend, High Street 359 Great Dunmow (Essex), burials and vessels I 05 Great Hougham Court Farm site, pottery 411 Great Mongeham, Cherry Lane, pottery 391 Green sand 20 I, 202-3 Greenwich axe-head, Neolithic 398 Memorial Hospital site 294-5, 312-13 Roman 293-3 17 Trinity Hospital site, Roman structures 305 see also Maryon Park, Charlton Greenwich Park temple/shrine 294, 299, 300, 30 IS Watling Street 299 Grene, Alice 40 Grene, Thomas 34 grips, drainage 231, 233 Guildford, John 145, 148 Guilton, Ash, School Farm 287 gunpowder 322 Gyll, Thomas, gunpowder maker 322 Haines, Roy Martin, 'The release of ornaments in the Archbishop's chapel and some other arrange ments following Simon Mepham's elevation' 363- 71 Halethe, Saxon prince 226 Halkynden, Alice 43 hammerscale 268, 269 harbours Dover, Roman 353 Folkestone, medieval 355 Hariulf 337 465 GENERAL INDEX Harrington, Duncan (ed.), Kent Hearth Tax Assessment Lady Day 1664, reviewed 425; see also Hyde, Patricia Harris, Thomas 34 Hartlip, chalkwell 416-17 Harvey, Wallace, obituary 442-3 Hasted, Edward 11, 13, 17, 122, 128, 230,306,325,326 book review 433 Havering (Essex), assaults in courts 36 Hawkinge Airfield, pottery 411 Hawks worth, J ., drawing by 417, 418,419 Hawley, Neolithic axe-head 398 Hearth Tax (Kent) Assessment 1664 (book Review) 425-7 hearths iron smithing 355 Roman 314 Whitstable 349 hedge-row survey 394 Hengistbury Head (Hants), looped toggle 401 Henry II 115, 130, 248 Henry III 248 Henry VI 143, 145-6, 148 Herne Bay, Eddington Farm 348 Hersden, Iron Age and Roman settlement 346-7, 346 Hicks,M . and A.,S t. Gregory's Priory, Northgate, Canterbury: Excavations 1988-91, reviewed 431-33 High Halstow, church 335 Highstead, pottery 406, 407 Hilgarden 223, 226 Hilles, Nicholas 40 hill forts, Iron Age Dover 155 Maryon Park, Charlton 293, 294- 5, 296-8, 306,315 hoard see 'founder's hoard' hobnails and boots, Roman/ Romano- British 159, 172, 173, 348 Hodge, Gwenyth, obituary 444 Ho! borough Hill, water from I 7 holdfast, iron I 73 Holdgaringden 223 466 Honeywood, Frazer 420 Hoo St Werburgh 259-74 Late Bronze Age 26 I, 262, 263-5, 268-9, 270-1 briquetage vessel 263, 269, 270-1, 274, 274 burnt flint 263, 269 perforated clay tablets 263, 264,265,269,274,274 pottery 263, 264, 265, 268, 272, 273 Late Iron Age/Romano-British 261,262,263,266,268,269, 270, 271 pottery 263, 264, 266, 269, 273,274 Early/Middle Saxon 261, 262, 266- 8, 270, 271 plant remains and charcoal 263,266,268,269,270 posthole structure and enclosure 266-8, 269 pottery 263, 264, 265, 268, 269,271,273,274 medieval 261 , 263, 264 flint 259, 261, 263 plant remains 266,2 67,2 68,2 69,2 70 pottery fabrics 264, 265 hops 288 hospitals Canterbury 237-58 Deal Royal Naval Hospital 353 Dover, medieval 156 Houghson, Peter 40 Howard, Lord Charles, of Effingharn 183 Hugo le Brun 253-4 Huguenot Society 275 Huguenots 86, 95, 276, 277, 278, 282-3 human remains Neolithic and Bronze Age 351 Roman 311 see also burials hut circles, Sittingboume 357 huts Late Bronze Age/Iron Age 349 Anglo-Saxon 156 GENERAL INDEX Hyde, Patricia, and Duncan Harrington, 'Faversham's role in the Armada and counter-Armada' 183-95 hypocaust tiles, Roman 175,266,269 Hythe 188, 286 icehouse, Cobham Hall gardens 17, 21 Iddenden 223 immigrants, in Kent 275-92 Charter ( 1550) 278, 279 'foreign chymistes' 323 in Sandwich 80, 81, 86-95 in Southwark 147 see also Dutch immigrants; Flemish immigrants; Huguenots; Walloons industrial activity, Roman, Broomfield 348 ink 322 inscriptions, Roman 304 Ireland, church gables 123-4 Iron Age Ashford 356 Broomfield 348 Capel-le-Ferne site 402-12 chalk quarry 199 Church Whitfield farmstead 394 Deal 353 Dover, settlement 155 Greenwich 294-5, 296-8, 314,315 (see also Maryon Park) Hersden, ditched enclosures 347 Hoo St Werburgh,c oin and tore 261 Murston 357 Whitfield 354-5 Whitstable, settlement 349-50, 351 see also coins; enclosures; hill forts; pottery; round-houses; toggle; Woolwich iron objects Dover 172-4 Eynsford 62, 64 iron production 216 iron slag 210, 215, 307, 349, 413- 14 iron smithing hearth, Whitfield 355 iron working Canterbury 345 Hoo St Werburgh 269 Mersham, early medieval 355 Whitstable 349 Isaac family 133 Isaac, John II, tomb 133, 134, J 34 Isaac, John III 134 Isabella, Queen 363, 364, 366 Ive, William 37 !wade, Ferry Road 358 James II 283 japan and label shop, Oare 362 Jones, Inigo 8, 9 Jones, Karen, 'Interpersonal violence in Kent, 1460-1560' 29-47 Joydens Wood, medieval field systems 415 Jutish burials 200 Dering Wood 222, 223, 226 Kempe, Alice 42 Kendall, William 323 Kent A rchaeological Rescue Unit 49 Kent in Twentieth Century (book review) 427-30 Kentish Ragstone 5,179,199,201,204, 207, 208,2/2,213,214, 215,216 Kentish rebellion ( 1470) 143-5 I Kent Underground Research Group 414, 416-17 Keston, axe-head 398 keys and lock fragments 304 slide key 310 Killingray, David, review by 427-30 kilns Greenwich 312 Roman 307 see also brick clamp kilns; clay tobacco pipe kiln; lime kilns King's Highway 295, 301 Kirby, William 226 knives, iron 304, 311 Saxon 266 467 GENERAL INDEX La Lande-Patry, Normandy 115, 116,116, 117-18 La Riviere, Franois de 279 La Tene, toggle 399-40 I lace tag 172, 173 Langdon, abbot of 132 Langdon Bay, bronze implements 155 Langdon Cliffs, Dover, military prison 354 Langrigge, John, mercer 147, 149 Lasco, John a 279 Lathe of Wye 222, 223 leather, Iron Age strap with copper alloy rivets 402 Legear, R. F. on chalkwells 416-17 on the medieval denehole at Wilmington 414-15 Leiden (Netherlands) 87,282 Lenham, Old and Water Street Cottages 359-60 Lenham Heath, axe-head 398 Lenox, Duke of 8 Lenox and Richmond, Charles Stuart, 6th Duke of 9, 11 Lenox and Richmond, James, 4th Duke of 8-9 Lewes (Sussex), pottery kiln I 68 lime burning 205, 214 lime kilns, Roman 209 limestones 203-4, 204, 208, 213, 214; see also Kentish Ragstone Little Biddenden Green 223 Little Chart manor 222, 223, 226 Little Mongeham 289 n.3 lock plate, iron 173 London Austin Friars, Stranger Church 279 Blackfriars 7 Blackfriars I vessel 215 immigrants 276-7, 279,280 Spitalfields 277 stone 215 London Clay 200, 207, 293, 300, 319 long-house, Neolithic 398 468 loom weights Iron Age 297 Roman 306 Lovelace, Richard 151 n.16 Lower Palaeolithic (Stone Age), flint, Whitfield 373, 375, 393, 394 Lupus, Robert 246 Lylly, John, Richard and William 40 Lympne, Saxon shore fort I 97, 198, 212-14, 215,216,217 Lynsted, chalk well 416- I 7 madder 288 Maidstone immigrants 80, 280-1, 285-6 stone source in district 201. 207, 214,215,216 violence in 34, 37, 40 Malling, engraving of Abbey tower 417-23; see also Offham Mandeville, William de, seal 138 n.12 Mantell, John 40 marble 5, 202, 204-5, 204 Marci, Richard de 252 Margaret of Anjou, Queen 145, 148 Margaret, St, of Antioch 335-42 marl extraction 234 marling 415 Marmion family 140 n.35 marshes 87, 296, 30 I, 314 Marten, William 33 Maryon Park, Charlton, Iron Age hill fort 293, 294, 296-8, 306, 315 Roman occupation 293, 294, 300, 306-7 Maurus, Rabanus 335 Maze Hill 300 'medal', Roman 315 Mede, Tobias, tapster 90 medicine: use of copperas 322-3 medieval Broomfield 347, 348 Chestfield, sunken hut and midden 349 copperas 322 GENERAL INDEX medieval (cont.) denehole 414-15 Dering Wood enclosure 226 Dover 155, 156, 160-1, 178 Folkestone 355 hospitals and benefaction and charity 237-58 Iwade 358 Mersham 355-6 Patrixbourne church, patronage and fabric 113-42 Rochester 357-8 Simon Mepham's elevation and ecclesiastical ornaments 363- 71 see also chapels; churches; Eynsford; Hoo St Werburgh; pottery Medway megalithic barrows 398 Meopham 363 Mepham, Edmund de 365, 370 Mepham, Simon de, archbishop 363-71 Mercer, Malcolm, 'A forgotten Kentish rebellion, SeptemberOctober 1470' 143-51 Mercia, kings of 259, 261 Mereden 223 Mersham 355-6 Merton Priory (Surrey) 113, 131-2, 133 Mesolithic, flint 176, 177 Mildred, St 339, 340-1 Mill Hill, Deal 389,398,407,408 Mill Point, Folkestone 202-3, 215 Mills, Peter 5, 9 millstone 58, 73, 75-6, 75 Milton Creek 357 Minster, burials I 02 Montefiascone (Italy), relics of St Margaret 335 Moore, Chris, 'Late Bronze Age, Romano-British and early/middle Saxon features at Hoo St Werburgh' 259-74 Morard, Peter 94 Murston Castle Road 357 Neolithic axe-head 398 Myddleton, Sir Thomas, merchant 191 nails (iron) Eynsford 53, 57, 58, 64 Roman 159, 172, 174, 302, 307 Tankerton 329 Neolithic Banning 358 barrows 398 Deal 353 Dover 155, 176, 177 Herne Bay 348 Hoo St Werburgh 261 long-house 398 Offham, stone axe 397-9 Ramsgate Harbour 351, 352 Whitfield, flint 373,375,379,384 see also flint; pottery Netherlands, immigrants from 278; see also Dutch immigrants; Flemish immigrants; Walloons net weights see fishing net weights Neville, Edward, Lord Abergavenny 144, 145 Neville, George, Lord Latimer 144 Neville, Richard 148 Neville, Richard see Warwick, Earl of Neville, Robert 147, 148, 149 New Romney, hoys and ship 188, 193 Newington 361, 409 New Romney, violence in 30, 33, 34, 40 Nigel the Doctor, tenant 336 nitric acid 322 Normandy, links with Patrixbourne church I 13, 114, 115-19, 116, 121, 123, 130 Norton, Thomas, estate map ( 1641) 2, 5, 17 Norwich (Norfolk), immigrants 276, 277,280 nunnery, Saxon 259,261,269,271 Oare, former gunpowder Works 362 Ocholt manor 4 I 5 469 GENERAL INDEX Ocock. Michael. obituary by 443-4 Odo. Bishop of Bayeux 115, 336 Offham. Neolithic stone axe 397-9 opus signinum 64, 303, 358 Ospringe, burials and pottery I 02, 103, 104, 105, 107-8 Oxford Archaeological Unit 153, 308 Palaeolithic, hand-axes and flint 259, 261; see also Lower Palaeolithic Paramore, Robert 288 Parfitt, Keith, • A prehistoric site off Green Lane, Whitfield, near Dover' 373-96 Parker, John, servant 40 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 323 Parker, Sarah, owner of copperas works 332 Patrick family 114-18, 131 Patrick, lngelram 115, 117, 131 Patrick, Joan 118, 131 Patrick, Raoul I I 5 Patrick, Richard I 15 Patrick, William I to IV 115- I 6 Patrixbourne St Mary's church 113-42 ARnus Dei 124, 126, 134 Bifrons chapel I 18, 122, 123, 133-4 gable 123-4 priest's door 124, 126,127, 128, 13 I south door (portal) I 13, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 134, 136-7 tympanum 124, 126 wheel windows 113, 122, 123, 128, 129, 130-1 mill 117 Paulyn, Richard 253 Payne Knight, Richard 420, 422 Pearson, Andrew, 'Stone supply to the Saxon shore forts ut Reculvcr, Richborough, Dover and Lympne' 197-220 470 Pearson. Charles and Charles Junior 326-8 perforated clay tablets. Late Bronze Age 263,264,265,269,274,274 Peryn, William 32 Pettit, Valentine 34 Pevensey, Saxon shore fort 197, 198,207,214, 217 Phelip, Henry 37 Philip of Alsace, seal 138 n.12 Philip II, King of Spain 280 Philp, Brian, and Maurice Chenery, 'A Roman site at Home Farm, Eynsford' 49-78 Pike, Geoffrey see Allen, Tim pilgrimage 339-41 pilgrims: poor pilgrims and hospitals 237, 241, 243 pins bronze 3 I 3 copper alloy 172, 173 dress pins 172-3 pirates 183, 185, 2 I 7 plague 89, 90-1, 186, 282 plant remains Dering Wood trees 221-2, 229, 232,233 Greenwich 296, 314 Hoo St Werburgh 266, 267, 268, 269,270 plaster, Roman, Greenwich 303 Plot, Dr Robert 299, 322 Plumpton, pottery kiln 168 Plumstead Common, road 30 I marsh deposits 296, 314 Roman 293, 295, 300, 310 Pollyhaugh, Roman burial 49 ponds Cobham Hall 24 Deal, prehistoric 353 Dering Wood 233-4 Pont, Marion, obituary by 441 population studies immlgrnnti; in Kent 275-92 Sandwich 79-99 Portchester 217 Porter, Brian, obituary by 442-3 GENERAL INDEX Porter, Thomas 327 Portland stone, Cobham Hall 5, I 3 'pot boilers'. prehistoric 353 pottery prehistoric 349 Neolithic 351, 358 Early Bronze Age 353 Bronze Age 350 Late Bronze Age, flint-tempered 263,264. 265, 268,272,273, 349 Early Iron Age 353 Iron Age 297, 347, 350. 357, 379. 381,382-3,384,385-93,402-!2 'Belgic' style (grog and sand-tempered) 373, 379, 381,385,386,388,391, 403-9 passim, 405 Chaff-tempered ware 163. 379, 381, 390-3, 392 cremation urns 411 flint-tempered ware 163, 266, 269,349.381, 388,403, 404,405,406,408,409 Gallo-Belgic 385. 386, 389 sand-tempered 163 sandy ware 403, 405. 406. 408-9, 410- I I shell-tempered 266 Late Iron Age 263, 264, 266, 269, 273, 274 Roman/Romano-British 263, 264, 302, 304, 305, 308-9, 311, 312,313,314,384,385,390 from burials (accessory vessels) 101-11 from Dover 155, 157, 159, 160, 162-7, 166 from Eynsford 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62-4, 65-73, 76, 77 from Greenwich 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308-9, 311, 312, 313,314 from Murston 357 from Rochester 358 black burnished wares 159, 163, 164, 311 471 Canterbury coarse-grey sand-tempered ware 386, 390 Central Gaulish Terra Rubra 386,390 cremation (cinerary) urns 55, 67, 68, 305-6. 307-9, 313 Farnham Ware 67. 69, 73 'Mayen' ware 163, 164, 167 mortarium 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 73,103,311,312 mottled grog-tempered ware 69, 70 Nene Valley 65 olla 312 Patch Grove 55. 67. 69. 71. 73 samian 313 in burials 102, 103. 104. 106, !07-8 from Dover 163, 164. 167 from Eynsford 53, 55. 57. 58, 59. 60, 62-4 sandy ware 65, 67, 69. 71, 73 Upchurch 311 Upchurch-type grey ware 159, 163, 164 votive offerings 348 Early/Middle Saxon 263, 264. 265. 268,269.271. 273,274 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 167, 170. 178. 343,348 Coarse Chalk-tempered ware 160, 167 middle Saxon Ipswich ware !70 Sparse Chalk-tempered ware 160, 167-8 medieval and later 263. 264, 355, 359 from Dover 160, 161-2, 167-72, 179 from Eynsford 50, 53. 58. 73, 74, 77 Aardenburg Ware 168 Beauvais Sgraffito Ware / 66, 169, 172 Border Wares 169 Chinese Porcelain l 70 GENERAL INDEX Pottery, medieval and later (cont.) Dutch Red Earthenware 169 Early Medieval Sandy Ware 168 English Red Earthenware 169-70 German stonewares 166, 169, 172 Glazed Ware 168 Gritty Ware 168 Iberian Olive Jars 170 Late Medieval Reduced Ware 169 Martincamp type II Ware 169, 171 Metropolitan Slipware 170 Normandy Sandy Ware 166, 168-9, 172 North Italian Marble Ware 171 reduced ware 161 sandy ware 160, 161 Scarborough Ware 168 shell-loaded ware 73 Staffordshire Slipware 170 Tin-Glazed Earthenware 170, 171 Tyler Hill-type wares(?) 168 pottery manufacture Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, Whitstable 349 Iron Age 381 Roman 261, 269, 27 I Pre-Construct Archaeology 309 Preaux, Jean de I 18, 131 prehistoric (unspecified) Chestfield 349 Deal 353 Dover 176, 177 Eynsford 62, 64 Sittingbourne, settlement 356-7 Whitfield 373-96 see also flints; pottery Price, Charles, map (1749) / 8, 25 n. 18 Price, Sir Uvedale 420, 421-2 prisons: Langdon Military Prison 354 Purley, William 34 Pycott, John 248 Pyk, Sir William 131-2 Pymme, Margaret 42 pyre site 308 pyrites beds 322, 326 pyrites (iron) 319, 322, 323, 324, 325,326,328 quarries and quarrying 349 stone 197, 1 99, 201, 2 I 1, 214-16 see also brickearth; clay extraction Queen borough copperas works 323, 324 interpersonal violence in 30, 33, 34,42 pyrite beds 322 querns and quernstones Late Iron Age and early Roman production 215-16 Roman 57, 62, 73, 75-6, 75, 306 Whitfield 384, 393 railways 328 Rainham 296, 335 Ramsgate 351-3 Ravensbourne river 294, 299 Reculver St Mary's church 201 Saxon shore fort 197, 198-20 I, 206,207,214,215,216 Reigate stone, Cobham Hall 5, 7 Reigate (Surrey), witch bottle 415-16 relics, of St Margaret 335, 336 Repton, George Stanley 14 Repton, Humphry 1, 13, 19, 21 Repton, John Adey 14 Reynolds, Archbishop Walter 363, 366 Richardson, John, tailor 36 Rich borough 'Great Monument' (triumphal arch) 202, 204-5, 206, 208, 209,214,215 Roman road 298 Saxon shore fort I 97, 200, 201-10, 213,215,216,217 Richmond, Duke and Duchess of 5 Richmond, Duke of see Lenox and Richmond, Duke of 472 GENERAL INDEX Rickesies, Jacob 94 Rickesies, William 94 Rickman, Thomas 422 rides, Dering Wood 232-3 ring-ditches Herne Bay 348 late Anglo-Saxon 355 roads Roman 2, 294, 298-30 I, 302, 346, 347, 357,374,413-14 Dover 154,155,177 medieval and later 2, 357 Rochester Boley Hill 357 Cathedral 357-8 Gundulf's Tower and crypt 358 west door 123, 124, 126, 130, 136, 137 west front 419 Cathedral Priory 2 Norman gates 357 Priory, stone from reused 5, 7 Roman road 298, 300 St Bartholomew's hospital chapel 252 town walls 215 Roman/Romano-British period Aylesford 358 Broomfield 34 7, 348 Canterbury 343, 344, 345 chalk quarry 199 Cobham Hall, marble seat 23 Dover 155, 156, 157-60, 176, 177-8, 353 Eynsford see separate entry Ewell 394 fasteners 400 Greenwich 293-317 Herne Bay 348 Hersden roadside settlement 346-7 Honeywood Road (Whitfield), occupation 394 Hoo St Werburgh 259, 261, 262, 263,264,266,269,270,271 'hut floor', Romano-British 313 Murston 357 Whitfield 354-5, 394 Woolwich 309 see also burials; cemeteries; coins; glass; Maryon Park; pottery; roads; temple/shrine Romanesque see Malling, Abbey; Patrixbourne, church Romney Marsh 90, 216 roof tiles Roman 175, 266 imbreces 64, 175,307 tegulae 64, 175,202,203, 207, 307, 311 medieval and later 175, 179 round-houses Bronze Age 351 Iron Age 298, 347 rubbish pits medieval/post-medieval 160, 178-9, 344 Rochester 358 Rugley, John, wife of 42 Russell, George, map ( 17 I 8) / 6, 17, 27 n.50 St Leger, Thomas 146 St Margaret's at Cliffe church 123, 126, 139 n.19, 336-7, 339,341 St Mary's Isle 259,260,261 St Nicholas at Wade, Chambers Wall Farm 361-2 Saint-Riquier Abbey (France) 337 salt production, Late Bronze Age 265, 269, 270-1 pottery vessels(?) 163, 392-3 sandstones 210 ferruginous 204, 205-6, 208 glauconitic 201, 212-13, 215-16 Sandgate 204,208,212,213 Sandwich harbour 79 473 immigrants (Walloons and Flemish strangers) 80, 81, 86-95, 275, 276,277,279, 280-1, 284,288 interpersonal violence in 29, 30. 32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38,40, 42,43 market gardening 288 population study 79-99 St Clement's parish 8 I, 82, 85 GENERAL INDEX Sandwich (cont.) St Mary's parish 81,8 2,8 3,8 9, 93 St Peter' s parish 81, 82, 84, 89 ships 188 Watch Money 89, 94 Sandwich Local History Society, Sandwich Recollected. An Oral History, 1914-1950, reviewed 437 Sarsen stone 2-3, 23, 24 Saunders, Christopher 322 saw pits 233 Saxon shore forts, stone supply to 197-220; see also Dover Say, Geoffrey de 118, 131 Scott, Sir John 145, 146 scrapers, flint 351, 375 seal, Patrick family 117, 117 septarian cementstone 199, 200- l , 204, 207,208,214 servants 90 and interpersonal violence 32, 33, 34-5, 38, 39 Shakespear, George 12, 13 shears, iron, Roman 306, 311 shells Eynsford 53, 57, 62 Herne Bay, marine 348 Hoo St Werburgh 263 oyster 64, 266, 357 Roman 304 Shepham, Richard 326 Sheppey, Isle of 200, 207, 322 ship cess 183, 184, I 86-93 Shooters Hill 293, 295, 298, 299, 300,301 Sittingbourne, Kemsley Fields, prehistoric settlement 356-7 slag copper 307 as core fill 210, 215 Hoo St Werburgh 263 iron 215, 307, 349 iron-slag road 413-14 Saxon smithing 266, 269 slate 175 Slingsby, Captain William 190 Sloane, Charles, map ( 1758) 20 Smelt, chaplain 336 smelting waste (iron), Anglo-Saxon 355 Smith, Thomas 29, 30, 37, 38, 40 smithing hearth 355 smithing slag, Saxon 266, 269 Snoode, Abraham 184, 185 Somer, John 34 Southampton (Hants), immigrants 276,280 Southwark sack of 143-4, 147-9 St Thomas's Hospital 147, 149 Watling Street 299 Spencer, John, vicar I 92-3 Spey, Daniel Vander 94 spindle whorls 349 Spirites 336 springs 313, 335 Springhead, cemetery and vessels 108, 109 Squery, William 147, 149 Statute of Mortmain (1279) 241, 248,252 Stevens family 324 Stevenson, Cornelius 323, 325 Stone Age see Lower Palaeolithic stone supply, to Saxon shore forts 197-220 Storer, J., engraving by 417-23 Stour, River 87 Strangers see immigrants strap, leather, Iron Age 402 Stringer, Marmaduke 38 Strynger, Constance, brewer 43 Stuart, Charles see Lenox and Richmond, Duke of Sturreye, Adam de 253 sulphuric acid (sulphur) 322, 324, 325 Summerton Way 295, 314 sunken-floored buildings Roman 312 Anglo-Saxon 156, 343, 353 medieval sunken-hut 349 Sittingbourne sunken-hut 357 Surrey, assaults in courts 36 Sutton pottery 391, 393 474 GENERAL INDEX Swan, William 146 Swanton, Bartholomew de 248 Sweete, mason 9 Sweetinburgh, Sheila, 'Supporting the Canterbury hospitals: benefaction and the language of charity in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries' 237-58 swords Bronze Age 296 with fasces 305 Symonson, map (1596) 5,293, 301 Tankerton Bay (Slopes) see under Whitstable tanks see under Eynsford Tatton Brown, Tim, 'Cobham Hall: the house and gardens' 1-27 tegulae see under roof tiles temple/shrine, Roman, Greenwich Park 294,299, 300, 301-5 tessellated floors, Greenwich 303, 305 Tesson, Maud (nee Patrick) 117 Tesson, Ralph I 17-18, 131 textile industry copperas used in 3 I 9, 323, 326 in Sandwich 80, 87, 94, 95 textile-working implements, Anglo- Saxon 355 Thames, River, levels 296, 299 Thanet, Isle of 198, 332 Thanel Beds 332 Thanet Sandstone 199-200, 199, 200,201,204,207,208 Thaon (France), church 119 Thomas a Lee 35 Thong Lodge 14 tiles Roman 49, 58, 62, 64, 216, 303, 304 medieval 50, 62, 64 'Dutch' 288 see also box-flue tiles; hypocaust tiles; roof tiles tile stamp, Roman 304, 305 timber buildings and structures prehistoric, Herne Bay 348 Anglo-Saxon hall, Dover 156 medieval 353-4 Eynsford 51, 54, 61-2, 77 timber-framed buildings and structures Canterbury 345 post-medieval 359-60, 36 I toggle, copper alloy, La Tene 399-401 tore, silver, Iron Age 261 Touraine (France) 123 tracks and trackways Barham, tracks and sunken ways 345-6 Chestfield, drove road or hollow way 349 Green Lane routeway 394 Hersden, Roman 347 Late Bronze Age 352 see also droveways Trinity Hospital site see Greenwich Trottiscliffe, Hugh 252 tufa 64, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 208,210-11, 212,214 Turbervile, Thomas 33-4 Turner, Nicholas, ship's captain 184, 191 Uitenhove, Jan 279-80 undercroft, 15th century 36 J Varley, Thomas 12 views of frankpledge 30, 33 Vikings 261 villas, Roman 3, 214 violence, interpersonal ( 1460-1560) 29-47 votive offerings, Roman 307, 348 Wade, Eleanor 42 Wakefield (Yorks), assaults in courts 36 Walloons 86, 95, 275-83 passim, 287 wall veneer, Roman 303, 304 Walters, John, obituary by 441-2 Walton Castle (Suffolk) 201, 216 Walton copperas works, Essex 326 475 GENERAL INDEX Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of 143-9 waterpipe see under Eynsford Watling Street 294, 298-301, 302. 313 Wattys, Jackamine 42 wax chandler's room. medieval 357-8 Weald, glassmakers 286 Webb. Diana, 'St Margaret in Kent: two eleventh-century anecdotes' 335-42 Webb, John 8 Well Chapel 134 Well Hall/Academy Road 294-5, 30 I Welling, Roman 293, 295, 298. 313-15 wells Roman, Greenwich 313 medieval/post-medieval Dover 153, 160-1, 162. 176, 178. 179 Folkestone, medieval 355 Gravesend, post-medieval 359 see also chalkwells Werburgh, St 261. 269 Wessex Archaeology 259 Westclyve, John 34 Westmacott, Richard, the Elder 12 Westminster, St Margaret's church 336 Westwood Educational Trust 14, 24 whet/hone stones 304 Whetston, Katherine and Stephen 43 Whitecliffs Business Park see Whitfield White Cliffs Experience sites, pottery 163, 167, 170, 171 Whitfield church 118 Honeywood Parkway. Whitecliffs Business Park 354-5 pottery from late Iron Age enclosure (Site 2) 406, 407-8, 409,410,411 Recreation Ground 394 prehistoric site off Green Lane 373-96 animal bone 379, 393 ditches and gullies (late Iron Age) 377, 378, 379-81, 382-3. 386-9, 390, 391, 393,394 late Iron Age settlement 373. 375, 379-84. 385-94 Lower Palaeolithic (Stone Age) flint 373,375,393,394 metalling (late Iron Age) 376, 378,379.381, 384. 393, 394 Neolithic-Bronze Age flint 373,375,379,384 pits and hollows (late Iron Age) 376, 377, 379, 380, 38 I, 382-3, 390. 393, 394 post-holes (late Iron Age) 377, 381, 382-3. 384, 393 pottery 373, 379. 381, 382-3. 384. 385-93 quern 384, 393 Whitstable Borstal Hill 350, 351 Bronze Age 349-50 Chestfield, Churchwood Drive 349 Iron Age 349-50, 350. 351 stone quarry 207 Sunset Caravan Park 349-50 Tankerton Bay (Slopes), copperas production 319-34 Wraik Hill 350-1 Whitt, Giles (Jellis) de, sculptor 6 Wickham Lane/Upper Wickham Lane 295,301,310 Wilkinson, David, and Duncan Wood, 'Excavations at Biggio Street, Dover' 153-82 William, Duke of Normandy I I 5 Wilmington, medieval denehole 414-15 Wilson, Robert 40 Winchester (Hanis), burials 105 window glass Bynsford 64 Swiss, presented to Patrixbourne church 122 476 GENERAL INDEX witch bottle, from Biddenden 415-16 Witherden family 228 Witsand, church 338 Wltword son of Walter Huppehothe 245 women 90 and interpersonal violence 30, 32, 33, 34-6, 40-4 Womenswold, church 341 Wood,D uncan see Wilkinson,D avid Wood, Edward, tapster 90 wood banks 228-30, 230, 232 Woodcock, Ann 328 Wood Hill, Kingsdown, pottery 391 woodlands Dering Wood 221-35 Greenwich area 293,296,314 Saxon 270 Woodland Trust 221, 233 Woolf, Peter de 288 woollen industry 3 I 9, 323, 326 Woolwich Common 293, 295 Dial Arch Gun Boring Complex 308,310 Dial Square 307,309,310 Iron Age defensive enclosure (Power Station site) 293, 294-5, 297-8, 309, 315, and Roman ditch 309 pyre site 308 Roman 293, 300, 30 I, 307- I 0, 315 Royal Artillery site, cremation burials 308 Royal Dockyard site, burials 309 Warren, Bronze Age sword 296 Worth, pottery 406, 407 Wrotham, La Tene toggle 399-40 I Wyatt, James I, 8, 11, 12, 13-14 Wye 361 Yates, Nigel (ed.), Kent in the Twentieth Century, reviewed 427 Yns, Edmund 144-5 York (Yorks), burials 105 Zell, Michael see Andrewes. Jane 477