Interpersonal Violence in Kent, 1460-1560

INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE IN KENT, 1460-1560 KAREN JONES In January I 531, Richard Crosley of Smeeth went to the shop of Thomas Smith at Stone Hill to fetch a ladle of his, which he had left for repair. Smith told him he had already returned the ladle, and claimed that he had not been paid for his work, & Richard demaundyd when that was, and .... Smythe seid at that tyme when thou hadyst adrabbe in thy Company here, and Richard made ans where & sayd no drabbe for shee was my Wedd yd Wiff & chow artt nott honest to saye that I hade my good & have hytt nott. ..... & so multyplyd ferther in wordes tyll every of them callyd the other knave, & ... Richard bede ... Thomas Smythe to Come forthe of ther


Cobham Hall: the House and Gardens


A Roman site at Home Farm, Eynsford