General Index

GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Page numbers in bold (under 'pottery') refer 10 a description of that fabric. Abbey Farm, Minster-in-Thanet 25, 27 Aber W'rach (France), wreck 254 Addington 220 church 51, 52, 56 Adisham, church 52, 56, 57 Albinus, Abbot 379 Alderney (Channel Islands),w reck 254 Allen,T im,' Swine, salt and seafood: a case study of Anglo-Saxon and early medieval settlement in north-east Kent' 117-35 Amery Court Farm, medieval moated manor l /8, 121 amphora burial, Roman 367 Anglo-Saxon burials 369, 376 Canterbury, cemetery and pits 368 Canterbury, St Martin's church 376-7, 381,395 cemeteries 345, 368, 369, 376, 377 Chartham church and cemetery 369, 370 churches 370, 375-95 Dover, hilltop burh I 85 granary, Canterbury 366 hollow way, Seasalter 370 Mill Hill 267 Minster-in-Sheppey 265, 267, 286 road, Canterbury 365-6 Rochester, cemetery 345 sunken-floored structures 131 see also Chestfield; pottery animal bone cattle 89, 284, 285, 403, 411 horse 284, 285 pig 89, 117, 125, 129-30, 132,284, 285, 41 I 451 pig burial, post-medieval / 25, 129 roe deer antler 40 I, 411 sheep/goat 89, 284, 285, 314, 3 l 7, 340,411 Broomhey Farm, Cooling 314, 317. 340 Chestfield 117, 125, 127, 129-30, 132 Dartford 89 Haynes Farm round barrow 401. 403, 405, 406, 411 Minster-in-Sheppey 269, 273, 274, 284-5 Minster-in-Thanet 45 animal enclosures see under Chestfield, swine pens antler see animal bone Archaeology South-East 75 archaeomagnetic dating, Plaxtol Romano-British tile kiln 174, 175 armaments 96-7, 104; see also guns and gunmaking Arminianism 137, 139, 145 Ashbee, Paul, 'Great Tottington's sarsen stones' 209-25 Ashby, Thomas l08 Ashdown Forest 99 Ashford 280 Ashour Wood 104 Ashtead (Surrey) 175 Ashurst Furnace 104, 106 Augustine, St 122, 148,150,375,377. 378,379,382 Austin friars, Canterbury 366 Avebury (Wilts). stone-felling pit 220 Avington (Berks), church 62 GENERAL INDEX awls, flint, prehistoric 403, 409 axe, flint (prehistoric) 409 Aylesford, church 52, 58 Ayleway, Hercules 209, 21 I, 217,218, 220 Balsar Street Farmhouse 120 Bapchild, church 52, 57 baptisteries 58 Roman 377, 389, 395 Barber, Luke see Priestley-Bell, Greg Barden Furnace 95, 96, 98, 99, 104-8, I 10, 111, 112 smith's forge 107 Barfreston, church 51, 52, 53, 66 Barnfield hundred I 09 barrows Haynes Farm round barrow 397-415 Medway long barrows 209, 211, 213-22 Ringlemere Farm 371 bath-houses, Roman Broad Oak 369 Minster-in-Thanet 25-49 tiles 165,166, /66, 169,1 70,1 71,1 74 beads chalk fossil sea-sponge(?) 4 I 0 glass, Roman 338 Beale Poste, Reverend 213- I 4 Beaudesert (Warks), church 62 Becket, Thomas, St gift exchange 183, 185, 187-8, 200 shrine in Canterbury Cathedral 185, 187 Becon, Thomas, cleric 151 Bede, Venerable 375, 377, 379, 394 Bedgebury I 06, I 07 Bellarmine, Cardinal 148, 150 Benington, Norman donjon 348 Bentham, Samuel 14 Benwells, pottery 337 Bergen (Norway), vessels 231, 253 Berkeley, Roger de II and III 63 Berry, B.J.L., Hastingleigh /000- 2000 AD, reviewed 430 Bertha, wife of Aethelberht 375, 379, 382,394,395 Bilsington 199 bird bone Haynes Farm round barrow 411 Minster-in-Sheppey 285 Biding 213 Bishopsgate Foundation 297-8, 299, 300,301,303,304 Bishopsgate Institute (library) 298 Blackman, Edward 291 Blackman, Thomas 293 Blean J /8, 122-5 drove roads 117, 120, 127 gates (entrances to) 123, 124 parish 122 pottery 281 royal estate 122, I 23-4 swine pastures 117, I 22-3, 124, 129-30, 132 B leangate / / 8, 123 'Blean Heanric' 122 Blean Woods, pottery workshops 132 Bligh, Samuel 293, 294-5, 297 Blue Bell Hill, long barrows 209, 211, 215,216,219,220,221 boats see Sandwich merchant ship 'Bocholt' 122 Bodkin Farmhouse 120 Bodleian Library, Oxford, illustration of boat 255 Bogshole Lane, Chestfield 122 Bogshole Levels I 19 bone working, Minster-in-Sheppey 284 Bonn (Germany), funeral inscription 170 Borden, dendrochronology 252 Boreham (Essex), church 66 Bosville, Sir Ralph 291 Boulton & Watt 20 Bourne river 177 Bourne mill Furnace 96, 98, I O 1-3, I 08, I 10 Bowen,W illiam l 08,1 10-11 box tiles, Roman I 66-8, / 66, 170, 177- 81, 179 Boyden Gate 123 Boyle, Edward 299, 300 Brabourne, church 52, 53, 62 Brandon, Peter, The Kent & Sussex Weald, reviewed 422-3 Brede Furnace 108 Bremen (Germany), wreck 254 Brent, Nathaniel 149 brick, Roman 128, 274, 287 bridges Rochester 350-1 Tonbridge 112 452 GENERAL INDEX Bridgnorth (Shropshire), defences 344,348,356 briquetage Broomhey Farm 309,313,314,317, 318, 320, 337-8 Dartford 83, 90, 91, 92 British Land Company (BLC) 300-1, 304 British Library Dover map 190, 19 I Sir Roger Twysden 142, 143, 150 Broad Oak, Shelford Farm Estate 369 Bronze Age barrow sites and Grooved Ware 406 Bogshole Levels settlements 119 Broad Oak, Early Bronze Age 369 'burnt-mound' sites 372 Chestfield, ditch and pottery 128 coin hoard 27 Faversham settlement 373 field systems 267, 270 flint tool production 373 Haynes Farm barrow and burial 402-3,405,407,412 Kemsley, settlement 267 Minster-in-Thanet 28 Old Ferry Road 267 round-house 371 Shrubsoles Hill, enclosure 267 see also burials; flint; Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age; Minsterin- Sheppey Barton Hill Drive excavations; pottery Brook, Sir Basil 147 Broomfield Gate 117, I I 8, / / 8, 120, 123, 127 Broomhey Farm, Cooling, RomanoBritish industrial site 309-42 animal bone (trench lining) 314, 317, 340 bead, glass, Roman 338 briquetage 309,313,314,317,318, 320, 337-8 cemetery/burials 311 fish trap(?) 3 I 2, 338 plant remains 311,317,318 pottery 3 11,3 I 2, 31 3,3 14,3 I 5,3 17, 318, 320-37,321,323 SiteA 313-18 brine tanks 314, 315 briquetage 314,317,338 causeway 314 cheese wrings 314, 328. 329 creeks 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 335 drainage dyke, 17th century 317. 319,336 human bones (baby skeleton) 31 l, 314, 339-40 huts 309,314,315,317,336 molluscs 314-15, 320 mound revetted 314 pottery 314, 315, 317, 318, 324, 325-34 pottery-making 309, 314, 315 quern fragments 314, 338-9 salt-making and hearths 314, 315. 317,338 votive deposit, miniature pots 315,328,329 Site B saltern site 309, 3 I 3, 318, 337 briquetage 318, 337-8 creek 318 hearths 309. 320 pottery 318, 321, 322, 323, 325 Site C bonfire kiln area 320 briquetage 320 coin, Roman 309, 320 kilns 31 I, 313,318 pottery 320, 32 I Browne family 111 Browne, George I 07, 111 Browne, John 106, 111 Browne, Richard 157 B uckhurst, Lord I 04 buildings Roman Canterbury 365 Rochester 373 Anglo-Saxon, Canterbury 366 medieval Canterbury 366-7 Dover (chapel?) 372 New Romney 373 early post-medieval, Sandwich 371 post-medieval, Canterbury 367 see also bath-houses; chapels; churches; huts; round-houses; sunken-featured buildings Bungay (Suffolk), Norman donjon 348 Burchen Coppice I 10 Burgh, Hubert de 350, 356, 357 burh-bot 343 Burham, church 51, 52 453 GENERAL INDEX burials Early Bronze Age crouched inhumation 399, 402-3, 402, 406, 409, 410-1 I, 413 Roman Canterbury, inhumation and cremation 367-8 Hawkinge, cremation 372 Rochester, inhumation 374 Romano-British 267 Anglo-Saxon 369, 376 post-medieval, Dartford 75, 77, 78, 79,80,92 Burke, John, and Laurence Young, A History of Davington Priory, reviewed 432 Burnham, Paul, and Maureen de Saxe (eds), A New History of Wye, The Heritage of a Kent Village, reviewed 429-30 'burnt-mound' sites 372 Bursledon (Hanis), wreck 231, 242, 247,259 Buxted, iron guns cast 95 Cabriabanus, Romano-British tile manufacturer 163-82 inscription .164, 169-71 Cacket (Cakott), Richard and Robert 292 Caen stone 349 Cage Green I 04 Cage Park 96, 98-9, 100, 102, 103, 109, 112 Calvinism 146, 150 Cambridge Aerial Photography Committee 397,401,412 Camelon, pottery 336 Camulodunum, beads 338 cannon see guns and gunmaking Canterbury Anglo-Saxon road and granary 365-6 Austin friars 366 Barton Court Grammar School, Longport 368 Becket's shrine 185, I 87 No. 9A Best Lane 367 'the Borough' (Staplegate Borough) 122 burials, Roman 367-8 Christ Church cathedral SI, 61, 69, 121, 122, 188 Canterbury (cont) Anglo-Saxon church 379 Anselm's choir 58, 64 campanile 366 capitals 56, 64, 69 Roman masonry structures 375, 379,395 churches (7th-century) 378, 379-84 Cobden Place, The Borough 366-7 Eastbridge Hospital 121 Gravel Walk 365, 366 Hope Cottage, No. 240 Wincbeap 368-9 Market Way 130 medieval features 366, 367, 368 murage grant 345, 357 pin manufacture, post-medieval 367 pottery 278, 279, 280, 281, 283 Roman roads 378 St Anselm's School, Old Dover Road 368 St Augustine's Abbey 28, 67, 122. 378,382 St Botolph's church 386 St Dunstan's church 378 St Dunstan 's Ten-ace 367-8 St George's Lane 365 St George's Street 365, 366 St Jacob's hospital 369 St Martin's Church 368,375, 376-7, 379, 380, 381-2, 394-5 St Martin's Hill, tessellated pavement 395 St Martin's Priory 368 St Pancras Chapel 382-4 St Paul's church 378 St Peter's church 378 St Peter's Lane 378 St Peter's Methodist church, St Peter's Street 367 St Sepulchre's church 378 St Sepulchre's Priory 121 Salt Hill 124 SS Peter and Paul Abbey 379, 382. 391 n.6 tile kiln, Roman 174 Wbitefriars 365-6 Canterbury Archaeological Trust Chestfield I 17 Dover 185 interim reports 365-74 Minster-in-Sheppey 265 454 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury, Archbishop of 61, 63, 64, 148, 347, 348 land granted to 122, 123 Capel, church 51, 52 Carlisle (Cumbria) cathedral 63 gates 343 Carpow, pottery 336-7 caskets, wooden, Roman burial 367 Castle Frome (Herefs), church 53 Castle Rising (Norfolk), church 66 castles see under Dover; Rochester eel/a memoria, Roman 38 I, 385, 386, 388,394 Celles-les-Dinant (Belgium) 63 cemeteries Roman Canterhury 378 Dartford 374 Rochester 374 Anglo-Saxon 376, 377 Canterbury 368 Chartham 369 Rochester 345 Dartford Holy Trinity Priory 78, 80, 92-3 ceramic building material Roman 88, l 28 medieval 88, 92 post-medieval 88 see also brick; floor tiles; peg tiles; tiles Chalk Roman villa, tiles 175, 176, 177 Chalklin, Christopher book reviewed by 427-9 'Iron manufacture in Tonbridge parish, with special reference to Barden Furnace c. 1552- 1771' 95-1 I 5 chapels, medieval Dover 372 near Coffin Stone 21 I, 213, 217 charcoal, for drying hops I 10 charcoal burning (making) 95, 97, 99, l l 0 Charles! 139,147,151 Charlestown (Devon), Shipwreck Rescue & Heritage Centre 232 charters 122, 123-4, 125, 343 Dover town wall 186, 187 in Monasticon 142 Chartham Horton pipe-line 369-70 455 St Mary's church 370 Chateau Gaillard (France) 354 Chatham dockyards 3, 112 rope making, 19th century 1-24 St Bartholomew's hospital 60 St Mary's church 67-9, 68 sarsen stones 221, 222 Chatham Lines, Anglo-Saxon cemetery 376 Cheesecourt Gate / / 8, 123 Chelsfield, church 51, 52, 56 Cherbourg (France), naval ropery I I, 14-15 Chester (Cheshire), defences 343 Chestfield 117-35 Anglo-Saxon settlement 117, / JR. 129-30, 132-3 animal bone 117, I 25, l 27, l 29-30, 132 Bronze Age ditch and pottery 128 Chislet estate 122 Hackington Road 118, 118, 120, 121 hearth(ex􀃯rnal oven?) 127, /27 hollow way 125, 126-7, /27 Mearencold Lane 120 medieval ditch (boundary/drainage dicch) 128 medieval sunken-floored hut (cott/ hovel) 127-8,1 28, 130-1, 133 placename 120 pottery l 17, 125, 127, 128. 129. 130, 131. 132,133,279 prehiscoric ditch 125, 127, 128 salt production and salt ways 117. I 24, 130, 132, I 33 seafood transportation (marine molluscs and fish) 117, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133 seawall 124 Sturry estate 122,133 swine pens( animal enclosures) 117, 125,126,127, 129-30, 132 see also drove roads; Radfall, The; Radfall Road Chestfield Manor House I I 9-20 Chestfield Revel I 20 Children, John 11 l Chislet 118, 122 Chislet Marshes, saltpans 124 Cholmley, Lady Elizabeth 144, 145, 158 GENERAL INDEX Cholmley, Sir Hugh 140, 144, 153, 158 Christianity 121-2 continuity of churches 375-95 churches Anglo-Saxon 370 Canterbury Austin friars 366 Chartham, St Mary's 370 Dartford 77 Roman to Anglo-Saxon continuity 375-95 Romanesque 51-73 Cinque Ports 193, 202, 227, 260 Cinque Ports Federation 185 circles, stone 216-17, 222 Civil War ordnance for I 06 religion 137, 139, 141 Clangate / J 8, 123 Clanricard, Earl of 100, I I O Clare, Robert de 67 Cliffe coal samples 339 pottery 336 coffin furniture, post-medieval, Dartford 80, 88 coffin nails, Roman, Canterbury 367 Coffin Stone 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218,222,224 coin hoard, Bronze Age 27 coins Roman Broomhey Farm, Cooling 309,320 Dartford 77, 88 Minster-in-Thanet 25, 30, 33, 44, 45-6 Rochester 345 18th/I 9th century, Dartford 88 Colchester (Essex), Butts Road 389 Coles Finch, William 216, 217, 219, 223 Collin, John Langham 'als', hammerman 111, 112 Collin, Nicholas 103 Collins, borsholder 100-1 Compton (Surrey), church 54 Compton Martin (Somerset), church 62-3 Constant, John 296 Cooling see Broomhey Farm Cooling Marshes 317 Copford (Essex), chapel 63 coppices IOI, 103, I 10, I 13 Cormac's Chapel, Cashel (Co. Tipperary) 63 corn-drying kiln, Roman 33 Cornewell, Francis I 52 Cossington spring-head 209, 211, 214, 217 Cotton, Sir Robert 142 Couchman, Francis I 00 Cowden Furnaces I 08, I 12 Cranbrook 107 cremation burials see burials Cronk, Edwyn 297, 298, 299 Crow Park 118, 120 earth banks 120 Cudham, church 51, 52, 53 Culpepper, Sir Alexander 102 Culpepper, Thomas 99-100, 102, 103, 109 Cundy family 257 Cunningham, Charles 4 Cunningham, Hugh, book reviewed by 424-5 Cuxton, church 51. 52, 53 Darent river, Roman crossing point 77, 92 Darenth, St Margaret's church 52, 54, 56, 63-4, 64, 69 Darenth Roman villa bath-house wall ramps 42 Romano-British tile 165, 174, 175, 176, 177 Dar gate 118, 123 Dartford East Hill 374 High Street 77 Holy Trinity Priory churchyard 75-93 animal bone 89 briquetage 83, 90, 9 I, 92 cemetery 77, 78, 80, 92-3 ceramic building material 88, 92 coins 77, 88 ditch, Roman 79-80, 82, 89-90, 91-2 plant remains 89-90 post-medieval burials 75, 77, 78, 79, 80,92 pottery 75, 77, 79, 80, 82-8, 87, 90-1, 92 prehistoric flint 90 Roman (pre-cemetery) 78, 79-80 snail shells 90 456 GENERAL INDEX Dartford ( cont) Holy Trinity church 77 tower 52. 58, 60, 69, 77 prehistoric hilltop enclosure 374 Davies, Malcolm, 'Cabriabanus - a Romano-British tile craftsman in Kent' 163-82 Deal Maritime Museum 227, 229, 231, 232,235 Deal-Dover bulk supply water-main 371 deer parks 98. 99 Degannwy (Gwynedd) 348 dendrochronology, Sandwich Ship 232, 250-2, 255 Denton, church 51, 52. 53 Dering, Sir Edward 120, 140, 152, 156 Devizes (Wilts), churches 63 Diack, Mick, 'Excavations at Barton Hill Drive, Minster-in-Sheppey' 265-90 Digby, Sir Kenelm 147 ditches see under Chestfield Ditton, church 51, 52, 53, 56 Dode, church 51, 52, 53 Doel. Fran and Geoff, Folklore of Kent, reviewed 431 Domesday survey Dartford church 77 Dover 185 Erith (Lesnes) 63 Lullingstone manors 388 pigs 129 sal tpans 124 Dorset, Earl of see Sackville, Edward Dover Anglo-Saxon hilltop burh 185 Archcl i ffe watchtower I 92 Biggin Gate 184, 188,192,201 Boldware gate and tower 184, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199 'Borewall' 186 Brummannestrete 186 Butchery Gate 184, 189. 190. 192, 195, 197 Castle 184, 185-6, 188. 201, 202, 355-6 'Cougate' 187 Cowgate 184, 192 Crabble Paper Mill 372 Cross gate 190 defences 350 Domesday 185 457 Eastbroke 194, 198 Eastbrook gate 190 elm piles 195-6 Fisher's gate I 90 gates 183, 184, 188, 189, 190. 192, 195. 197. 198,199,201,202 guns/ordnance 183, 189, 192, 199, 200 harbour 200 Last Lane 186 Laureston Place 371 le postern 190 lime kilns 197 medieval 371, 372 Mosardes Comer 194 murage grants 186, 188, 192-3, 194. 195, 345 'New Snargate' 192 'Old Snargate • 186, 190, 192 portcullis 192 pottery 279, 281 prehistoric pits 372 Priory 187, 188, 199. 201, 202 quay 200 Roman 372 Roman forts 185-6 St Bartholomew's hospital 186, 188 St Helen's gate 190 St James' church 184, 188, I 90 St Martin-le-Grand church 184, 188, 202 St Mary's church 184, 188 St Mary's hospital 186, 188, 199, 200,201 St Peter's church 184, 188 St Radigund's 199 seawall 194, 195. l 96, 198, 200, 201, 203 Segate 190 Segatestrete 186 Snargate l 84, 190, 192, 195. 197 Southbroke 192, 194 Standfast tower 192 towers 183, 189, 190. 192,199,202 town seal 202 town wall (defences) 183-207 Town wall Street 185. 279, 3 7 I trendyll (great candle) 187-8 Tynker's tower I 90 Walgate 192 Wardes (Ward) gate 190, 198 wyke 197, 198-9, 200 GENERAL INDEX Dover Archaeological Group Haynes Farm round barrow 397 Minster-in-Thanet 28 drove roads (droveways) 117. 118, ll8, 120. 123, 124, 132 Blean 117, 120, 127 Chestfield, excavated 125-6, 125. 127. 129, 132 Seasalter 370 Dublin (Ireland}, ships 231 Dufourg, Bernard 14 Dunkin. E.H.W. 215,216,219 Dunkirk Ville J/8, 121, 122, 123 'Dunstrete' 28 Dyke family of Frant, ironmasters 102 Dymock (Glos), church 63 Eales, Richard, book reviewed by 417-19 Eardisley (Herefs), church 54 Earls Barton (Northants). church 63 Early Bronze Age, Broad Oak 369 East Barming. church 52, 54 Eastbourne (Sussex), boats 259 East Dean (Sussex), St Simon and St Jude 57 East Farleigh, church 51, 52, 53 East Ham (Essex), church 63 Eastling Wood, barrow 414 East Malling barrow 406-7 East Peckham 151 papists 151-2 St Michael's church 155, 156 tithing customs 155 vicar of St Michael's 140,155.156 Eastry, church 52, 61 Ebbsfleet 30 Eccles Anglo-Saxon timber church(?) and cemetery 377 Roman villa 377 Eccles kiln 174 Edward I 187 Edward III 186 Edward IV 195 Edwards, Elizabeth, books reviewed by 429-30 eggshell, Minster-in-Sheppey 286 Elgar, Hubert 217, 2/R, 224 elm piles and stakes, Dover town defences 195-6, I 98, 199 enclosures, Middle Bronze Age 267; see also animal enclosures; swine pens Erith, St John the Baptist's church 52, 61-3. 62, 69 Ethelbert, King 122 Eynsford. St Martin's church 52, 60, 6 I. 6/, 69 Eythorne see Haynes Farm Fane. Sir Thomas, of Bad sell I 02, I 08 farms and farmsteads Romano-British 372 early medieval Chestfield estate I 19-20 Minster-in-Sheppey 287 medieval, Faversham 373 Farnham (Surrey). castle hall 56 Farningham. church 52. 64 Farthing, Roger, A History of Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells, reviewed 427-9 Faussett, Bryan 163. 165 Faversham Abbey Fields. Graveney Road 373 sal thouse 124 Fawkham. church 51. 52 Fenwick, William. Master Ropemaker 7, 12-13, 14 Fergusson, James 215, 2 I 9 field ditches, medieval 267 field names Eythorne 397, 399 Sevenoaks 291,293.294 field systems Late Bronze Age, Old Ferry Road 267 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, Minster-in-Sheppey 270 (early) medieval, Minster-in- Sheppey 274,287 medieval, Chestfield 128 Finchingfield (Essex), church 59 Fingest (Bucks), church 54 fish bone, Minster-in-Sheppey 273, 285 fish ponds, medieval 29 fish trap(?) 312,338 flint (prehistoric) Broad Oak 369 Bronze Age 283, 373 Dartford 90 Favcrsham 373 Haynes Farm round barrow, Neolithic/early Bronze Age 401,403,405,406,409-10 458 GENERAL INDEX flint (prehistoric) (cont) Late Mesolithic/Neolithic debitage 373 Lower Palaeolithic 374 Mesolithic 267 Mesolithic flint knapping debris 267 Minster-in-Sheppey 283 Minster-in-Thanet 28 Neolithic 267. 369 floor tile, Dartford 88 Folkestone, stone supplies from 198 forges, iron industry 95, 96-7. 98-104, I 07. !08, I 12. I 13 Formenger (Firminger), Andrew 99 Fowler's Drove 123 Fox, Jean, The History of Sevenoaks up to 1650. Historical researches with extensive references to wills and other Documents, reviewed 431-2 Frant forge? I 08 ironworks 112 parish 113 Free family 22 I French raids Dover 193. 200 Sandwich 257 Frindsbury, church 52, 64. 66 Frindsbury Barn 252 fuel faggots 125 Fulgentio 149, 150 Fuller family of Heathfield 97 furnaces, iron industry 95-7, 98. 99- 108, I 12, 113 gate silver payment 123 gates, town see Dover; Rochester Gayler, John 197 Germanus, St 390 n.3 Gerzina. Gretchen Holbrook (ed.), Black Victorians/Black Victoriana, reviewed 424-5 Gibson, James M. (ed.), Records of Early E11glish Drama: Kent: Diocese (l Canterbury, reviewed 419-22 Gilling Drove 123 glass see bead Glastonbury abbey (Somerset) 69 Gloucester (Glos) 63 Gloucester Furnace, Lamberhurst 105 Gnosall (Staffs), church 63 Godfrey, Raymond, and Arthur Percival, Faversham Gunpowder Personnel Register 157 3-/840, reviewed 432 Godmersham. church 52. 57, 6 I Goodrich, Simon 12, 19 Gordon. James A. 15, 16, 17 Grace Dieu (ship) 257 granary, Anglo-Saxon, Canterbury 366 Grant, Thomas 13 grave goods 376 Graveney Boat 23 I , 259 Great Chart church 141, 146. 156 tithing customs 155 Great Clacton (Essex). chapel 63 Great Tottington sarsen stones 209-25 spring 223-4 Greenhill, Major John 292 Gregory the Great, pope 377, 384. 388, 389 Grimes, Samuel, vicar 156 Grimshaw & Co of Sunderland 14 Gruffudd ap Cynan 63 Guernsey (Channel Islands), ships 254 Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester 5 I. 58. 60. 64, 66 gunpowder and gunstones I 99 guns and gunmaking (cannon: ordnance) Dover 183, 189. 192, 199, 200 Tonbridge parish, gunmaking 95. 97, 104, 106, 107. 108. 111 Hackington Road 118, l/8, 120. 121 Hadleigh (Essex), castle 356 Hadlow church 52, 53, 155 Hurst Hill 106 parish 98, 109, I 13 Hal I, John atte 194 hammer stones 274 Hamo, steward 58 Hampshire, dendrochronology 252 Harper, Sir George 99-100, 102. 103 Harps Avenue, 8th-century feature 267 Hartley, church 51, 52, 53 Harvey. Thomas 111 Hasted, E. 64, 121, 123, 354, 382, 397. 413 459 GENERAL INDEX Hastiere-par-Dela (Belgium) 63 Hawkinge County Primary School 372 Haynes Farm, Eythorne, round barrow 397-415 animal bone 40 I. 403, 405. 406,411 base of mound 399-40 I bead(?) 410 boundary ditch(es) 400, 405-6, 409, 410,413 crouched inhumation, Early Bronze Age 399, 402-3. 402, 406, 409, 410-11, 4 I 3 ditches 397,398.399, 401-5, 412-13 flints (flakes, struck, worked) 40 I, 403,405,406, 409-10 land molluscs 4 I 2 pottery 401, 403, 405, 406-7, 408, 409,412 radiocarbon dating 402, 405, 412, 413 stake-holes (revetment or enclosing funce) 401,403,413 hearths, Chestfield, external oven(?) 127,127 Heath, Henry 295, 296 Herne! Hempstead (Herts), church 63 hemp, in rope making I, 3-5 Henry 163 Henry II 63, 67, 185 Henry 11l 186, 187, 349, 35 I, 356, 357 Henry VI 194-5, 198 Heppenstall, William 14 Herbert, Ed ward, ironmaster I 07, I I 0 Herbert, George 107, I 10, 111 Hereford (Herefs), defences 343, 344, 357 Higgons, Theophilus 140 Higham, church 51, 52, 53, 54, 56-7 Higham Marshes 82 Highgate Farmhouse 120 Highstead,L ate Bronze/Early Iron Age settlement 119 Hill, Revd Canon Derek Ingram, obituary 433-4 hilltop enclosure, prehistoric, Dartford 374 Hind, Johannes 145 Hoadly Forge, Lamberhurst 98 Holden Farm 110, 111 hollow ways Chestfield 125, 126-7, 127 Seasalter, Anglo-Saxon 370 Hoo St Werbergh, church 52, 58 Hooke. Thomas, ironfounder 111-12 Hooker, Richard 146. 150, 156 hop growing 112 charcoal for drying I I 0 hop-poles 97, 112, 113, 292 Hope, Sir James 106, 107 horse utilization 285; see also under animal bone Horsmonden Furnace 105, 107 Horton 369-70 Horton Kirby, Anglo-Saxon cemetery 376 Hubbard (Hubbert). William 104, 106, 110 Huddart, Joseph 9, I 0, 1 I, 1 4 human remains Broomhey Farm, Cooling 314, 339-40 Canterbury, Anglo-Saxon 368 Dartford 75, 77, 78 Great Tottington 213-14 Haynes Farm round barrow crouched inhumation 410-11 see also burials Hundevika (Norway), wreck 254 Hurst Hill, Hadlow 106 huts Roman, Broomhey Farm, Cooling 309,314,315,317,336 medieval sunken-floored (cott/ hovel), Chestfield 127-8, 128, 130- l , 133 Hyde, M.W., etching of Roydon Hall 154 Hythe Beds 339 Illeye, Turgis de 186 inhumation burials see burials Iron Age Bogshole Levels settlements 119 Canterbury, pottery 368 Faversham, settlement activity 373 Kemsley, settlement 267 Minster Abbey, occupation 267 Minster-in-Thanet 28 Old Ferry Road round-houses 267 trackways 176, 177 see also pottery iron manufacture, Tonbridge parish 95-115 !wade, pottery 279, 28 I, 282 460 GENERAL INDEX Jackson, Thomas, puritan divine 146 James, H.A., obituary 434 Jeffery, Thomas 103, I 10 Jessup, Ronald 216,217,219,222,309 John, Bishop of Rochester 66 John, King 344, 347, 351,357 Kalmar (Sweden) 23 I Kemsley, Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlements 267 Kenilworth Castle (Warks) 354 Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit 232 Kent Archaeological Society Minster-in-Thanet 28 Plaxtol 165 Sandwich ship 235 Kentish Petition 142, 147, 153 Kentish rebellion (1643) 148 Kent Marshes, salt-working 91, 92 Killingray, David, 'A London city church estate in Kent: St Botolph's, Sevenoaks, 1646- 2002' 291-307 kilnbar, pottery 314 kiln spacers, Roman 320, 325 kilns. Roman/Romano-British pottery-making, bonfire kiln 309, 314, 315,320 salt-making hearths 314, 3 I 5, 320, 338 tiles, Romano-British 171-5, 172-4, 176 Kingsborough, Neolithic to medieval 267 Kingsteignton (Devon), boat timber 259 Kipping, Walter 103 Kit's Coty House, Tottenden 209, 211, 213,214-15,216,219,220,222,224 Kneif, Ann, book reviewed by 425-7 knife, Anglo-Saxon, Canterbury 368 Knockholt, St Katherine's church 52, 66-7, 66 Lamberhurst Gloucester Furnace 105 Hoadly Forge 98 Lanfranc, Archbishop 51 Langdon, Thomas 367 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Dartford, ditch 374 Highstead settlement I I 9 Kingsborough, enclosure 267 Power Station Road, occupation 267 see also pottery 461 Latimer, Roger 63 latrines, Roman 33, 35, 40, 42, 43, 44 Laud, Archbishop 147, 153, 155, 156 Laudianism 139, 147, 159 Lee, Paul, Nunneries, Learning and Spirituality in Late Medieval English Society: The Dominican Priory of Dartford, reviewed 417-19 Lee, Richard 148 Leighton, Dr Alexander 153 Leland, John 60, 188, I 90, 258 Leonard Stanley (Glos), priory 63 Le vet, Elizabeth and John I 00, JO I. I 09-10 Lewkenor, Richard, lawyer 102, 103, 109 Leybourne, church 51, 56 Lief, Thomas 194 lime kilns Canterbury 365 Dover 197 Rochester 345 Lincoln (Lines) boats 259 castle 353 Cobb Hall 354 defences 351, 355, 356, 357 Lithgo, Elizabeth 197 lithic artefacts, Later Bronze Age, Minster 283; see also flint Little Chart, villa 42 Littlefield hundred I 09 Liudhard, Bishop 379, 394, 395 Livett, Canon Grevile 51, 54, 58, 345, 341,380,382,395 Llewellyn, Ross, Hersden, Chisler Colliery Village, reviewed 425-7 London Bishopsgate, Roman tile 169, 175 Blackfriars boat 254, 259 Broad Street (Excise House site), Romano-British tile 163, 165 Custom House 259 Dean's Yard, Westminster 153 dendrochronology 252 gates 343 Limehouse 14 Redcross Street 153 St Bartholomew's Smithfield 63 St Botolph without Bishopsgate church, Sevenoaks estate bought by 29 I, 292-5, 297 GENERAL INDEX London (cont) ships and boats 231 Thames Street 106 Tower of London 347, 349, 355 towers and town ditch 355 Wakefield Tower 354 White Tower 351 Woolwich 14 Woolwich ship 231 London Chatham and Dover Railway Company 293 London Clay 119, 268, 271 Longchamp, chancellor 344 loom weight 3 I 4 Lord of the Manor, Thanet 4 I 4 Loverick family 257 Lower Kit's Coty House 218, 219, 220,221,222,224 Lower Medway Archaeological Group, Broomhey Farm 309 Lower Palaeolithic, flint artefacts 374 Luci, Richard de 63 Lullingstone Roman villa 42, 384, 385, 386, 389 Temple-Mausoleum and eel/a 384, 385-6,385, 387,388 tiles 175, 176, 177 Anglo-Saxon church of St John the Baptist 384-9 medieval church 386, 388-9 Mac Dougall, Philip, 'Rope making at Chatham during the early nineteenth century' 1-24 magnetometer survey, Sandwich 235 Magor Pill (Gwent), boat 259 Maidstone Museum, Romano- British tiles 163,165,177 malting kiln, Roman 33 maltotes 194 manuring Dartford 91 Minster-in-Sheppey 268,282,283,287 Maplescombe, church 52, 60 Marshal, William I 356, 357 Martin, St, Bishop of Tours 202, 376 Manin, John 100 Marwell (Hants), dendrochronology 252 Mary Rose (ship) 231, 254 Maudslay (Henry) company 9, 10, JO, 12, 19 May Drove 123 medieval Canterbury 366, 367, 368 ceramic building material 88, 92 chapels 211,213,217,372 Chestfield estate farms 119-20 Dover 371, 372 Dover' s town defences I 83-207 Faversham 373 Kingsborough 267 New Romney 373 Old Ferry Road, field ditches 267 Rochester 374 salt production 124 see also Chestfield; churches; Minster-in- Sheppey Barton Hill Drive excavations; pottery; Sandwich merchant ship Medway river 95, 97, 177 bridges 112, 350 Melbourne (Derbs), church 63 Mercer, -- 100 merchant ship see Sandwich merchant ship Mesolithic Faversham, flint debitage 373 Old Ferry Road, flint-knapping debris 267 shellfish 130 Shrubsoles Hill, flints 267 Miles, Alec, 'Excavations on the Romano-British industrial site at Broomhey Farm, Cooling' 309- 42 Miles of Gloucester 63 Millhall 107, 112 Mill Hill, Deal Anglo-Saxon features 267 barrow 410,412 Milne, Gustav, 'The fourteenthcentury merchant ship from Sandwich: a study in medieval maritime archaeology' 227-63 Milton Regis, salt works 124 mining, iron industry 95, 98, 107 Minster Abbey 28, 267 Minster-in-Sheppey Barton Hill Drive 266, 267 manuring 268, 282, 283, 287 Power Station Road 267 Rape Hill 266, 267, 268, 286 Thistle Hill 267, 268 462 GENERAL INDEX Minster-in-Sheppey Barton Hill Drive excavations 265-90 animal bone 269, 273, 274, 284-5 Ii thic artefacts 283 molluscs (marine and land) 269, 273,274,285 plant remains 273, 285 pottery 268, 269, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277-83, 285,286,287 quern stones, medieval 265, 283-4, 274,287 prehistoric occupation 266, 268-73, 285,286 prehistoric pits and post-holes 268, 269-70, 285 Mid Bronze Age/Late Iron Age features ditch (7) 271, 286 hearth(?) 273 huts 271-3, 286-7 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age farmstead (with field system), ditches/ enclosure 265, 268-9, 270-1, 273,286 sunken-featured buildings 265, 271-3, 285, 286-7 Roman material 265, 285, 287 Anglo-Saxon 265, 267, 286 medieval 265, 266, 273-4, 287 medieval ditch (Ditch 8) 265, 273-4, 287 post-medieval pits and post-holes 266, 274-5, 283,287 Minster-in-Thanet Roman villa, bathhouse 25-49 abandonment 44-5, 47 animal bone 45 basin (Labrum) 41 Building I main villa house 30, 33, 47-8 Building 2 corn-drying oven/malting kiln or latrine 30, 31, 33 Building 3 bath-house 30, 31, 25- 49 Building 4 stone-built house 31, 33 Building 5: 31, 33 Building 6: 3 I, 33 coins 25, 30, 33, 44, 45-6 cold plunge-bath (Room 20) 35, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46 Cold Room? (Room 22) 39, 40, 41 corridor 33 drain/drainage channel 39 463 drainage improved and extended 43-4 entrance lobby? (Room 22) 39, 40 furnace room (Room 24) 35,4 0,4 1,4 3 hot plunge-bath (Room 25) 40, 41,4 5 Hot Room enlarged (Room 21/26) 41, 42, 45 Hot Room (Room 26) 35, 39, 40-1, 45 hypocaust system 35, 39, 40, 41, 42-3, 44, 45 iron nails 4 7 latrines 33, 35, 40, 42, 43, 44 open ditch 43, 44 opus signinum 35, 39, 42 pilae 42 plaster 35, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47 pottery 33, 39, 44-5, 46-7 schola or hot plunge-bath (Room 27} 41 stairway, wooden (Room 24) 43 tesserae 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 48 tile 39, 40, 44, 45, 47 Undressing Room and latrine? (Room 23} 39-40,41,42, 43,44,45 Warm Room (Room 21) 39, 41, 45 water-pipe, ceramic 45, 47, 48 window glass 35, 47, 48 molluscs (land) Broomhey Parm 315 Haynes Farm round barrow 412 Minster-in-Sheppey, snails 286 molluscs (marine) cockle 130, 285, 314 mussel 127,128,130,131,285,314, 320 oyster 127, 128, 130, 131, 269, 274, 285 whelk 127, 128, 130,131,285 winkle 285 Broomhey Farm 314-15, 320 Chestfield 127, 128, 130, 13 I Minster-in-Sheppey 269, 273, 274, 285 Monkton, barrow 414 Monkton Court Farm, pottery 277 Montfort, Simon de 187, 20 I Monyn, John, senior 197 Morton, Bishop 153 Mucking (Essex), sunken-floored structure 131 murage grants 344, 345, 356, 357 Dover 186,188,1 92-3,1 94,195,345 GENERAL INDEX murage tolls Dover 183, 187, 193, 194, 198 Rochester 344 murage (walling) 344 Neame, Douglas 300 needle, bone, Roman 45 Neolithic Broad Oak 369 Dartford 374 Faversham, flint debitage 373 Haynes Farm barrow 412 Kingsborough causewayed enclosure 267 Minster-in-Thanet 28 Shrubsoles Hill, flints 267 see also pottery Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Tyne and Wear), donjon 351 New Montgomery (Powys), castle 356 Newport (Gwent), ship 254, 255, 259 New Romney, Church Road 373 Ninian, St 390 n.4 Niort (France) 351 Norfolk, Duke of 99 Normandy, towers 58, 69 North Bishop(s]den Wood 118, 118, 122, 123 Northfleet, church 51, 52 Northfrith Park and Forest 96, 99, I 00, 102, 103, 109, 112 Northumberland, Duke of 99, JOI, 102, 104, 108 O'Connor, Marion, book reviewed by 4 I 9-22 Odo 119 Offa, King 122 Offham, church 5 I, 52, 53, 56, 57 Old Ferry Road sites 267 Old Forge Farm 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 108, 109, 112 opus signinum 35, 39, 42, 381, 382, 383,394,395 'oratory', pagan 122 Ordnance Survey maps 223, 301 Orpington,A ll Saints church 52, 58,5 9 Orval, Richard d' 63 Oxfordshire, dendrochronology 252 Paddlesworth, church 51, 52, 53, 54 pannage. rights of 123, 124, 129, 133 Panningbridge 99 Parfitt, Keith, 'A round barrow near Haynes Farm, Eythorne' 397-415 parish boundaries, Che.stfield 121-2, 133 parks (deer. pales), medieval 98, 99, 109, 113 Parsons, Joseph, Master Ropemaker 13, 14. 15 Pas de Calais (France), coalfield 339 Patrixbourne, church 52, 53 Pattenden, Thomas 189 Paulinus, sacrist 64, 66 peg tiles Dartford 88 post-medieval 283 Pembury church 51, 52, 53 forge? 108 ironworks 112 parish 113 Penmen priory (Anglesey) 6 3 Pennel, William 14 Pennyland (Bucks), Anglo-Saxon enclosure 130 Penshurst Park 99 Percival,A rthur see Godfrey, Raymond Perkins, D.R.J., 'The Roman villa at Minster-in-Thanet. Part I: Introduction and report on the bathhouse' 25-49 Perkins, William 146 Petrie, Sue book reviewed by 422-3 'The religion of Sir Roger Twysden (1597-1672): a case study in gentry piety in seventeenthcentury England' I 37-62 Phillipot, John l 42 Phillips, John, gun founder I 04, 106 pig keeping 124, 129-30, 132; see also under animal bone; pannage; swine pastures; swine pens 'pig-trough• vessel 338 'Pilgrim's Way' 177 Pindar, Sir Paul 292 Pinnock, Kenneth, The House of Lig/11 and Dark: A chronicle of life in Canterbury in the nineteen· twenties, reviewed 432 pins, copper alloy, post-medieval manufacture(?) 367 Place, Francis 354 464 GENERAL INDEX place-names 'Amery Court' 121 'Bogshole' 122 'Chestfield' 120 Eccles 377 'Radfall Road' 120 plant remains Broomhey Farm, Cooling 317. 318 Dartford 89-90 Minster-in-Sheppey 273, 285 Plaxtol archaeomagnetic dating 174, 175 pottery 174 Roman bath house 165, 171, 171, 174, 175 Romano-British tiles 163, 165, 167, 169, 171-7 Sedgebrook villa 165, 169, 179-80, 180 tile kiln 171-5, 172-4, 176 villa complex 171 Plurnbridge, John 296 Poitou (France) 35 I Polhill, William 155, 156 ponds (industrial) IOI, 104 Porter, John 15 I Portsmouth (Hants), ropery 3, 13 post-medieval burials in Dartford 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 92 Canterbury Hope Cottage 368 Chestfield 120 coffin furniture 80, 88 pig burial, Chestfield 125, 129 roof tile 274 rope making at Chatham, I 9th century 1-24 Sandwich, buildings 371 tiles 88 timber-framed structure and pin manufacture, Canterbury 367 Postern Forge 96, 99, I 00, I 03-4, 110, 111, 112 Postern Lane 104 Postern Park 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 109, I 12 pottery prehistoric 275, 276, 277-8, 285, 286,374,401,403,405 Neolithic 373 Grooved Ware 403, 405, 406-7, 408,409,412 465 Late Neolithic-Mid Bronze Age, 'Peterborough ware' 374 Bronze Age 128 Devere( Rimbury 267 Mid Bronze Age to Late Iron Age 27 I, 273 Late Bronze Age 407 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age 269,270,275 fine glauconitic sand-and-grogtempered (fabric 3) 275 flint-and-grog-tempered 269, 270, 272,273,275,276,277 flint-tempered 269, 270, 271, 272,273,275,277,278 Be􀂨ic 279,287,405 Belgic grog-and-flint-tempered 271 Belgic grog-tempered ware 335, 403,407 Early Iron Age, coarse flint gritted 406,407 Iron Age 368, 373, 406 rough gritted red ware 311 Mid-Late Iron Age 274, 275, 277 quartz in a glauconitic sandy matrix tempered (fabric 4) 275,276,277,278 Roman/Romano-British 75, 77, 79, 80, 82-6, 87-8, 87, 90-1, 92, 285,369,373,403,407 amphorae 86, 369 Black Burnished (B82) 46, 335, 337 Brockley Hill 335 Canterbury fabric R5 46 Central Gaulish 46, 85, 335, 336 Colchester Colour Coats 335 Colour-coated wares 86, 90 East Gaulish samian 46 Essex Coarse Wares 335 fine sand cream coloured fabric (Eccles?) 85 fine sand reduced ware 85 grog-tempered 84, 320 Hadham 334 Hoo-type ware (fabric 18) 86, 90 Italian amphorae 369 medium sand with sparse shell inclusions (fabric 5) 84, 87, 88 medium sandy blackwares (fabric 7) 84, 87, 87 GENERAL INDEX pottery, Roman/Romano British (cont) medium sandy greywares (fabric 6) 84, 87, 88 medium sandy pink/off-whitewares (fabric 8) 84. 87. 88 moderate shell temper ( fabric I) 82. 87, 87, 88 mortaria 86, 90 Nene Valley and type 86, 335 North Kent Shell-tempered ware 46 Oxford 334 Oxfordshire Red Colour-coated ware 47 Oxfordshire Whiteware 47 oxidised fine sand with some mica (fabric 17) 86, 87, 88 oxidised Upchurch-type/London ware (fabric 11) 85, 87, 87 profuse shell temper 82-3 reduced Upchurch-type ware (fabric 10) 85, 87, 88 Rhenish 33S samian 45, 85, 90, 91, 335-6 sand and shell temper 83 shell, sand and iron oxide temper 83-4 shelly ware/shell-tempered 320 Upchurch ware 46, 274, 287, 320, 325,327,401 Anglo-Saxon 273, 278-9, 282 Chestfield 125,128,129,1 30, 132 fine sandy ware 278 Ipswich pimply ware 278 Ipswich ware (type) 271, 278, 370 Mid-Late Saxon Canterbury sandyware 279 Mid-Saxon ware 279 organic-tempered 274, 278 shelly ware 372 early medieval 125, 130, 132, 278, 279-82, 287, 369, 371 Early medieval Canterbury sandy ware (EM I) 279 Early medieval shelly ware (EM2) 274, 279-82, 287 Early medieval shelly-sandy ware (EM3) 281, 282 North or West Kent fine sandy w!lre (EM4) 279 North-West Kent wares 132 sandy ware from Chestfield workshops 132 shell-tempered ware 272 medieval 86-7, 92, 267. 274, 278, 282-3, 371, 373 Canterbury-type sandy ware 274 Chestfield 125, 127, 128, 130, 131. 132, 133 􀃹oarse sand temper 86 London-type ware 132, 282, 283 oxidised fine sandy ware 86 sand and shell temper 87 shell-tempered 274 Tyler Hill ware 132, 279, 282, 283,370 post-medieval 86-7, 92 sites see Broomhey Farm, Cooling; Chestfield; Dartford: Haynes Farm round barrow; Minsterin- Sheppey; Minster-in-Thane! pottery making, Broomhey Farm, Cooling 309,314,315,320, 32! Poundbury (Dorset), Anglo-Saxon enclosure 130 prehistoric Chesterfield, ditch 125, 127, ! 28 Dartford flint 90 hilltop enclosure 374 Dover, pits 372 trackway 28 Priestley-Bell, Greg, and Luke Barber, 'Roman finds at Holy Trinity churchyard, Dartford' 75-93 puritans 139, 145, 146, 149, 150-1, 152-3, 156, 159 quarries clay 365, 369 Kentish rag and sand 291, 295 quern stones, medieval Broomhey Farm 314, 338-9 Minster-in-Sheppey 265, 274, 283-4, 287 Rabbit Shaw 118, 120, 125 earth banks and ditches 120 Radfall Road 117-18, 118, 120-2, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133 banks 121, 123 placename 120 Radfall, The (woodland trackway) 117, 118, /18, 119, 121-2, 124, 133 banks 121 as a sale way 124 466 GENERAL INDEX radiocarbon dating, Haynes Farm round barrow 402,405,412,413 rai I ways, Sevenoaks 293, 294, 295, 303 Rape Hill 266,267,268, 286 Rats Castle 98 Reculver church floors 391 n.6 fortress 30 Reginald of Cornhill II 347 Registrum Roffense 60, 66 Reke, Samuel 14 religion, 17th-century I 37-62 Renn, Derek, 'Refortification at Rochester in the I 220s: a public/ private partnership?' 343-63 'revel' 120 Riby Cross Roads (Lines), AngloSaxon enclosure 130 Richard III 195 Richborough (Rutupiae) baptistery 377, 389, 395 fortress 28, 30 Richmond Castle (Yorks) 56, 63 Ridgeway Farm 121 Ridley, church 51, 52, 53 Ringlemere Farm, Woodnesborough 371, 407 Ripley (Surrey), church 63 Riverhall Furnace l 03 roads and trackways prehistoric trackway 28 Iron Age 176, 177 Roman Canterbury 365, 378 Dartford 76, 91, 92 Anglo-Saxon 117, 365-6 early medieval 117 post-medieval, ironworks I l 2 see also Radfall Road; Radfall, The Robertsbridge Abbey 99, 108 Roches, Peter des 356, 357 Rochester 'bishop's postern' 347 Boley Hill 345, 346, 347, 353, 355 bridge 347, 350-l castle 69, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 349,350,353,355,356 cathedral and precinct 51, 61, 64, 67, 69,347,351.353, 355 church(es) 347 city ditch (great ditch), medieval 344,345,347,354,356 467 College Green 347 The Common 345 counter-seal 353, 355 curtain wall 348, 349, 353-4, 355 Deanery Garden 343 ditches 345, 347 do11jon 347,3 48-9,3 51-3, 352,354,355 Free School Lane 345 gates 344, 345, 347 George Vaults, High Street 373 Nos 178-184 High Street 373-4 Lee family 148 lime-kilns 345 medieval boundary ditch 374 Moot Tree 345 portcullis 353 refortification, medieval 343-63 Roman cemetery (burials) 374 Roman masonry building 373 Roman town wall 343, 344. 345, 347,348.356 Romanesque churches in diocese of 51-73 St Andrew's 58 St Margaret's Street 345 Satis House 345 siege (1215) 343, 347-9, 351 Romanesque, churches 51-73 Romano-British burials 267 farmstead 372 industrial site, Broomhey Farm (saltand pottery-making) 309-42 Minster Abbey, occupation 267 tile craftsman 163-82 Roman period brick 128, 274, 287 Broad Oak, buildings and bathhouse 369 burials 367-8, 372, 374 Canterbury 365, 367-8 buildings beneath churches 379, 381-2. 383, 394-5 cemeteries 374, 378 ceramic building material 88, 128 church continuity to Anglo-Saxon period 375-95 Dartford cemetery 374 finds at Holy Trinity churchyard 75-93 Dover 372 GENERAL INDEX Roman period (cont) Kingsborough 267 Minster-in-Sheppey 265, 285, 287 Mi nster-i n-Tbanet villa bath-house 25-49 Old Ferry Road 267 Rochester, building and cemetery 373,374 West Hythe, finds 372 see also bath-houses; coins; pottery; tiles roof tile, post-medieval 274 rope making, at Chatham 1-24 Roper family 120, 121 Roper, John and Katherine 120 Rother river 95, 23 I round-houses Bronze Age 371 Late Iron Age 267 Roydon Hall 140, 141,153,154 rubbing stone 274 Rudford (Glos), church 63 Ryarsh, church 51, 52, 53, 56 Rye (Sussex) boat hulks 231, 254. 259 church 66 town seal 255, 256 Sackville, Edward, Earl of Dorset 139 Sackville, Lord 297 Sackville, Sir Richard 104 St John of Jerusalem hospital 67 St Margaret at Cliffe, church 5 I , 52 St Martin at Tours shrine 379 Saint-Denis (France) 69 Salisbury, Roger, Bishop of 63 Salisbury (Wilts) 356 Salmonby (Lines). sunken-floored structure 131 salt production Broomhey Farm, saltem site and hearths 309,313,314,315,317,338 Chestfield I 24, 125, I 30, 132, 133 Kent Marshes, salt-working 91, 92 see also briquetage salt ways 117, 124, 132 Sandown Creek, Sandwich 257, 258 Sandwich 227 buildings, post-medieval 371 Bulwarks 228, 228, 258 Castle wharf 258 coal 197 Fishergate 257 French raid 257 harbour 227, 257, 258 magnetometer survey 235 Old Customs House 370-1 ordnance from 199 port 257-8, 260 pottery 371 Ropery 258 St Clement's church 228, 258 Sandown Creek 257, 258 Sandown Gate 228, 232 Sandown Road 228, 235, 258 second ship? 230 ship-breaking 257, 258 ships' timbers used in town defences 257 town seal 255 town wall and ditch 228. 229 vessels based at 255, 257 see also Sandwich merchant ship Sandwich merchant ship, 14th century 227-63 bevels 247 clench pockets 246, 247 clench-nail holes 240, 241, 242-3 dendrochronology 232, 250-2, 255 floor timbers 234, 244, 244, 245, 249, 253 frame spacing 243 frame treenails 246, 248 frames 244-5, 255 futtocks 232, 234, 244. 246, 247, 249,251,253,253,254,255 gudgeon and pintle, iron 236, 237, 237,239 iron strapping 236, 237-8, 239 'knee timber' 244, 245 luting 241-2 parent log and parent tree studies 235, 249-50 pillars 235, 248-9, 248, 255 pitch 239 plank lands 246, 247, 248 plank scarfs 24 I rudder 230, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237-8, 239,247,25\,252-3,253,254,255 seam-waterproofing 232 stern post 233,234, 235, 238-9, 238, 247, 251,253,25 3 stringers 235, 248 treenails and holes 232, 240, 241, 243 468 GENERAL INDEX Sarpi, Paolo, friar 146, 149, 150 Sarratt (Herts), Holy Cross Church, Romano-British tile 165 sarsen stones 209-25 Savaric de Mauleon 351 Saxe, Maureen de see Burnham, Paul Scarborough (Yorks), castle 356 Scawton (Yorks), church 66 scrapers, flint, prehistoric 373, 406, 409 Scudamore, Viscount I 39 seafood transportation l l 7, l 24, 130, 131, 132, 133 sea-levels, post-Roman 309 seals Dover town seal 202 Rochester's counter-seal 353, 355 Rye town 255, 256 Sandwich town 255 Seasalter Church Lane Meadows 370 pottery 281 Seasalter Levels 370 salt works, medieval 124 seawalls Chestfield 124 Cooling 309, 313 Dover I 94, l 95, 196, 198, 200, 20 I, 203 Sedgebrook villa, Plaxtol 165, 169, 179-80, 180 Sedley, Sir John 140-1, 152 settlements Canterbury, Anglo-Saxon ville 368 Chartham, Anglo-Saxon/medieval 369-70 Chestfield area, Anglo-Saxon and early medieval 117, 119-20, 129, 130 Dartford area, Roman 77, 91, 92 Faversham, Middle Bronze Age to Middle Iron Age 373 Hawkinge, Romano-British 372 Kemsley, Bronze Age and Early lron Age 267 Sevenoaks Ashley Close 303 Bedlam (Bethlam) Farm 292-3, 294 Belmont (house) 296-7, 303 Bishop's Lodge 304 Bligh's Hotel 291, 292-3 Bligh's Meadow 293 brewery 293 Brewery Lane 293 The Drive 291, 293, 295,301,304 'free' public library 301 Hitchen Hatch Lane 291, 294, 295, 296,299,304 London Road 294, 296, 303, 304 manor 109 Pembroke Road 291, 30 I, 304, 304 railways 293, 294, 295, 303 St Botolph's Avenue 301 St Botolph 's Road 291. 293, 295, 296, 297, 298-300, 30 l , 303-4, 304 Sennock Hotel/Sennock Arms (The Farmers) 294, 30 I. 303, 304 Tubs Hill 292, 293, 295, 297, 304 Vine 29 I, 295, 296 Vine A venue 303 Wesleyan Church 30 l Sexburga, Queen 267 Sheerness garrison 221, 222 Shelford Farm Estate, Broad Oak 369 shellfish see molluscs (marine) Sheppey High School, Romano- British burials 267 Sheppey, Isle of see Minster-in- Sheppey ship-breaking, Sandwich 257, 258 ships see Sandwich merchant ship shoes, Roman hob-nailed 367 Shorne pottery 336 St Peter and St Paul's church 51, 52, 59-60 Shrewsbury (Shropshire) defences 344, 357 St Mary's 63 shrines, Roman water deity 381, 382 Shrubsoles Hill 267 Sidney, Sir William 99 Sixtus 377-8 slate 274 Smith, Edward James 295 Smith, Thomas 104 Smith, Sir Thomas 104 smith's forge, Barden Furnace I 07 snail shells, Dartford 90 Snake Drove 123 Sole, Thomas atte 196 Somerhill mansion and manor 96, IOI, 110 469 GENERAL INDEX Sompting (Sussex) church 59 dendrochronology 252 South Bishopden Wood 122 South Eastern Railway Company 293 Southampton (Hants), defences 187, 344 Southern Railway 303 Southfrith Park (estate) and forge 96, 98, 99-101, 102, 112, 113 Forest 100, IOI, 102 pond and tail-race IOI Spelman, Sir Henry 156 Spilsby (Lines), bead 338 springs Canterbury 381-2 Great Tottington 223-4 Minster-in-Thane! 28, 30 Thistle Hill 268 Star Chamber suit (1610) JOO stone burial 211, 220 Stone Chapel, near Ospringe 381,3 82,3 95 Stonehenge (Wilts) 220 stone-splitting and working industry 220,222 Strickland, William 120 Strood Anglo-Saxon cemetery 376 chapel 66 Stukeley, William 209, 210, 211, 213, 214,220 Sturry l/8, 122,133,281 sunken-featured buildings Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, Minster 265, 271-3, 285, 286-7 Anglo-Saxon, Mill Hill 267 medieval sunken-floored hut, Cbestfield 127-8, 128, 130-1, 133 Swaffield, Henry 301 Swale, pottery 279, 281 Swalecliffe parish 119,121 Swanscombe, church 51, 52, 59 Sweecbgate 118, 123 Sweetinburgh, Sheila, 'Wax, stone and iron: Dover's town defences in the Late Middle Ages' 183-207 swine pastures 117,1 22-3, 124,1 29-30, 132 swine pens, Anglo-Saxon, Chestfield 117, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130 Sydney, Sir Henry I 08 Tempilman, John 202 Textus Roffensis 388 Teynham, pottery 281 Thames river 95 Than et, Isle of, barrow sites 414 Thanet Archaeological Society, Minsterin- Thanet 25, 28 Thanet Beds 28 Thanet Minster 122-3 Thanet Sand 309 thatching, rye 337 Thistle Hill 267, 268 Thomas of Canterbury see Becket, Thomas Thornden Manor I 21 Thornden Wood 118, 122 Thorpe, John 211, 214, 215, 216, 217-18, 219 Thurlby, Malcolm, 'Romanesque churches in the diocese of Rochester' 51-73 Tidecombe, William 194 tile craftsman, Cabriabanus, RomanoBritish 163-82 tile kiln, Romano-British, Plax10I 171-5, 172-4, 176 tiles Roman 128, 372 Romano-British 88, 92 medieval 88, 92 post-medieval 88 see also box tiles; floor tiles; voussoir tiles Tipper Drove 123 tithe map ( 1842) 397 tithes 155 tithe survey ( 1841) 293, 294 Toddington (Beds), dendrochronology 252 Tonbridge bridges 112 Castle 109 church 52, 67 The George Inn I 09 manor 109 Tonbridge parish, iron manufacture 95-I 15 Tottington see Great Tottington Tottington Place 21 I, 213 towers (defences) see Dover town defences Dover 183-207 Rochester, medieval refortification 343-63 470 GENERAL INDEX town seals see seals town walls see Dover; Rochester tree studies, Sandwich Ship 235. 249- 50 trendyll (great candle) 187-8 Trottescliffe, Hugh de 60 Trottiscliffe, church 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 True, Richard, ironfounder 99, 111, 112 tufa, used in churches 51, 53, 54, 58, 67 Turner, John 292 Turner, Robert, ironfounder 102 turnpike road 292 Twisden (Twysden), Thomas 145, 158 Twysden, Anne 151 Twysden, Lady Anne (nee Finch) 139, 144-5, 158 Twysden. Charles 156 Twysden, Isabella (nee Saunder) I 39- 40, 144, 145, 158 Twysden, John 145, 158 Twysden, Sir Roger (1597-1672) 137- 62, /38 character and reputation 140-1 dealings with Catholics 147-52 dealings with puritans 152-3 education 145-7 family tree 158 imprisoned 142, 147, 153 influence of family 142-5 relations with clergy 153-9 scholarship and library 141-2, 149 sequestration of 141 will 157 Twysden, Thomas 146 Twysden, William (Roger's brother) 141, 150, 158 Twysden, Sir William (Roger's father) 141, 142, 143, 145, 155, 158 Tyninghame (Lothian), church 66 Tynker, James 190 University College London. Sandwich ship 227. 232-5 Unwin, Raymond 301 Upton (Bucks), church 63 Vanlore, Sir Peter 103 Vauxhall Furnace 96, 98, 99, 101-2, 108 villa, Roman see Minster-in-Thanet Vinton, Thomas, hammerman 111, I 12 471 votive deposit, Roman 315, 328, 329 voussoir tiles, Roman 166-8, 166, 169, 170. 175, 177-81, 178 Wainscott, Anglo-Saxon enclosure 130 Wakerley (Northants), church 66 Waldron Furnace 106 Wallingford (Berks), defences 343 Walsh. Roger, obituary 435-6 Wantsum Channel 27, 28, 30 Ward, Alan, 'Church archaeology 410 to 597: the problems of continuity' 375-95 Warkworth (Northumb), church 63 Warner, John, Bishop of Rochester 156 Warren Farm 219, 220 Warren. 'Rev. Doct.' 108, 111 Washlingstone hundred I 09 water-pipe. ceramic, Roman 45, 47, 48 Watling Street 75, 77, 91, 92 'The Gate' 123 Weald, iron industry 95, 96-7 Weaverthorpe (Yorks), church 53 Weldon, Sir Anthony 141, 153 Wen borne, Robert I 03-4, 110 West Farleigh, church 5 I. 52, 53-4 Westfield Wood 209 West Hythe Plot 4, Dykeside Farm 372 Sandllln 372 West Kingsdown, St Edmund's church 52. 54, 57-8, 58 West Malling nunnery 51. 56. 67, 69 St Leonard's Tower 51, 56, 58. 69 St Mary's church 56, 69 West Peckham, church 52, 59 Whalebone Marsh 313 Whetenhall family l 5 l-2 Whetenhall, George 150 Whetenhall, Thomas 142, 149,150, 151 Whitehouse Industrial Estate (Suffolk), Anglo-Saxon enclosure 130 Whitfield-Eastry by-pass, barrow 414 Whiting, John 292 Whitstable salt works l 24 as 'Whitstable Street' 119 Whitstable hundred I 19 Wick (Worcs), dendrochronology 252 Wiggins. Thomas 292 GENERAL INDEX Willard, Abraham and Edmund 102, 103, 104, 110, 113 Willard, Davy, ironmaster 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108-9, 113 William the Conqueror 185 Williams, John 296 wills, of ironworkers 111-12 Wincbelsea, Old and New 187 Winchelsea, Lord 211 Winchester (Hants) castle 355 cathedral 54 window glass, Roman 35, 47, 48 Windsor (Berks), Curfew Tower 354 wine trade, Anglo-Gascon 257 women, employed in Chatham ropery 20-1 Wood Quay ship 243 woodland Chestfield I I 8, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124-5 timber for Sandwich ship 249-50 Tonbridge parish 95, 97, 98-9, 100, IOI, 102. 103, 109, 112, 113 see also coppices Woodnesborough, Ringlemere Farm 371, 407 Woolwich Beds 309 Worcester (Worcs), castle 356 worm cocoons, Dartford 90 Worrall, Francis, vicar 151, 155 Worth Matravers (Dorset), church 66 Wotton,Lord 151 Wouldham, church 52, 54 Wright, David East Kent Parishes, A Guide for Genealogists, Local Historians and other Researchers in the Diocese of Canterbury, reviewed 431 The Kent Census Returns 1801- 1901, Origins, Location, Registration Districts and Indexes, reviewed 431 Wright, Thomas 214-15 Wright, Walter, builder 299 Wybarne, John 102, 108 Wynne, Sir Rowland 120 Yelverton, Sir Christopher and Anne 145, 153, 158 York (Yorks) Clifford's Tower 356 Hungate 259 Minster 56 St Mary's abbey 69 Young, Laurence see Burke, John Young, Richard 108 472


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