Archaeological Investigations at Canterbury Police Station

ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVE STIG ATIONS AT CANTERBURY POLICE STATION MICK DIACK Canterbury Archaeological Trust carried out a programme of evaluation, excavation and watching brief work in advance of various alteration that were being made to Canterbury Police Station, Old Dover Road (TR 1550 5725) over the course of several years. The evaluation took place in ovember 1997 under the direction of Alison Hicks and involved the cutting of five trenches (Trenches 1-5, Fig. 1) on land to the south and east of the station (Hicks 1997; Hicks 2002). The evaluation was followed by excavation from October to ovember 1999 directed by Alison Hicks, with the assistance of the author. The excavation was limited to three trenches (Trenches 6-8, Fig. I) close to the street frontage with Old Dover Road (Plate I) and was limited to the area of maximum disturbance PLATE I General view of the site, looking east toward Old Do,·cr Road 27 N 00 R\\ov/1.\JS 10"'"' 150 􀀅.􀀆.:􀀇 /; 575 CLARKSON \ HOUSE /'.'. , \.-· Test pit I 25m Scale: I: 1000 ,,, Structures in outlined have been demolished prior to. or as part ot": the redevelopment of the site. Drawn by Mick Diack Disused Building '-." " ' Trench I '--" \) Disused Building Rcproduccl from the (h-dmn;:,e Sur-,ey's 1:1250 m:ip ()f 1999 y;:ith the permission


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