General Index

445 GENERAL INDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics AS Anglo-Saxon BA Bronze Age ER Early Roman IA Iron Age LBA Late Bronze Age LIA Late Iron Age MBA Middle Bronze Age R-B Romano-British agriculture Bredgar, Roman 354 Middle Stoke, BA and medieval 84-5 Aldridge, Neil, ‘The Roman road from Sutton Valence to Ashford: evidence for an alternative route to that proposed by Margary’ 171-83 Allhallows 84 alms 53 almshouses 59, 312 amphora, R-B 306 Andrews, Colin, book reviewed by 412-14 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon animal bone 298 barrows (Saxon) 333, 334, 335, 336 beads and disc brooch 391 Broadstairs, inhumation burials 304- 5 building techniques of church quoins 185-218 Canterbury 295, 297, 298, 299-300 cemetery at Guilton Mill 391-3 charter 179 Crabble Paper Mill site 228 Ringlemere Farm, metalwork and sunken hut 305 Sarre (late Saxon) 381 ships 389-90 animal bone butchery 82 cattle 82 pig 82 sheep 82 Anglo-Saxon 298 BA 304 Roman 300 sites Bredgar 371 Middle Stoke 77, 79, 82 Minster villa 128, 130 see also whale bone animal skins 5 Anson, Admiral 91 apothecaries 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144-68, 268 Appledore, St Peter and St Paul’s Church 186, 205-7, 205 apprenticeship, poor law children 52, 58, 263, 264-7, 275 Archaeological Congress (1844) 331-43 Archaeological Journal 331, 341 Archaeology South-East 71, 84, 375 Archangel Gabriel’s stone, Bishopsbourne church 315-16, 320, 323-5 Archbishop’s Palace, Charing 102 arrowheads, Later Neolithic 378, 379 Ashbee, Paul ‘Canterbury’s 1844 Archaeological Congress’ 331-43 Kent in Prehistoric Times, reviewed 409-10 Ashdown Beds 206, 206, 207 Ashford clockmaking businesses 97, 98, 107 medical men 136 Millbank Place 307-8 GENERAL INDEX 446 Beard, Widow 260, 262, 271, 272, 274 Bearsted 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 60, 67 workhouse 59 Beeche, John 2 Bells Farm, East Sutton 175, 177, 178 Belmont, Throwley 105 Benedictines 317 Benenden 171, 172, 180, 181 Benet, William 328-9n.42 Bennet, Widow 272, 274 Berengrave Nursery, Rainham, prehistoric flint-working site 375-80 Berg, Mary, book reviewed by 421 Bernadine churches 245, 249, 251 Bethersden 87, 95, 107 Roman road 180 Bettenham Woods 269-70 Betts, Thomas, farrier 57 Biddenden, 17th-century welfare provision 257-77 Bigg, Margaret 262, 272 Birchington, bowl 80 Bird, Joannah 266 Bird, Thomas 266 Bishop, Barry, and Mark Bagwell, Iwade: Occupation of a North Kent Village from the Mesolithic to the Medieval Period, reviewed 412-14 Bishopsbourne Archangel Gabriel’s stone in church 315-16, 320, 323-5 Bourne House 335 Bourne Park 331, 340 church 315-16, 316, 317, 322-3, 324, 325 manor and house 319, 320, 322 blacksmithing, Charing 108 Blanchland 251 Blist, Mary 260-1, 263, 269, 272 Bluett, Judith 260, 261-2, 263, 268, 272 boats prehistoric, steam bending of wood 235 MBA/Bronze Age 220, 233, 235, 280-1, 285-6, 288, 290 IA/LIA 281, 285 Roman 389-90 AS 389-90 dugout canoes 280 sewn-planked 280-1, 285, 286 skin 280, 281, 285 Ashford (cont) Roman road 171-83 Roman settlement? 307-8 Ash-next-Sandwich, AS cemetery 391-3 Atwood’s girl 263, 265, 267 Austin, Benjamin, tanner 8 Austin friars 314-15, 317, 320, 321 Austin, Thomazine 266 Aylesford, friars 19; see also Well Wood Aylesford South parishes 64 Bagwell, Mark see Bishop, Barry bailiff of estate, Roman 132 Baker, Jane see Roberts, Jane Baker, Richard, tanner 11 Barber, Bruno, ‘Towards a plan of Dartford Priory and the Tudor manor’ 393-8 barber-surgeons 144-68 Barfreston church 337, 404 bark, for tannin 2, 5, 22 Barming 49, 50, 56, 60, 65 Barr, John, tanner 11 Barrett, Robert, leather worker 4, 8 Barrow (Borrow), Richard and William 261 Barrow (Borrow), Thomas and Ann 260, 261, 263 Barrow, William 261 barrows Broadstairs 304, 305 Dour valley 220 Isle of Thanet 291 Ringlemere Farm 305 Saxon, Breach Down 333, 334, 335, 336 Bartholomew, St, bones (relics) 315, 320 Basted tanners 8, 9, 12, 12, 13, 15, 22, 23 Tanners 13 Tannerscroft 13 Bateman (Batman), Richard 269, 272, 274 Bateman, Thomas 332, 333, 335 Batman, Will 262, 267 Baxley, Widow 54 Bayham Abbey 398 Bayle, John 13 beads, Anglo-Saxon 391 Beale, Edward 259 Beale, John, clothier 258 GENERAL INDEX 447 Boden, Damien C., ‘A Late Iron-Age/ Early Roman site at Bredgar, near Sittingbourne’ 345-74 Boone, Widow 263 Borden, Wises Lane 346, 362 Bordesley Abbey (Worcs) 245 Borrishe, Widow 272 Borrow, -- 272 Boughton Monchelsea the poor 49, 50, 56, 60, 64, 66, 67 schools 67 Bourges Cathedral (France), Tanners’ Guild window 6, 6 Bourne see Breach Down Bourne River 1, 5, 13 Bowerman, Hugh, tanner 11 Bownd, John, tanner 11 Brabourne, The Rt. Hon. The Lord, obituary 427 Brandon, Peter, The North Downs, reviewed 411-12 Breach Down, Bourne, Saxon barrows 333, 334, 335, 336 Bredgar, LIA/ER site 345-74 Phase 1 prehistoric 347, 349 Phase 2 LIA(?) enclosure ditch [F103] 349, 356, 360, 361-2, 361, 370, 371-2 Phase 3 LIA enclosure ditch [F102] 349, 351, 356, 360, 361-2, 361, 370, 371-2 Phase 4 Roman occupation 350, 351-4, 371 ditch system [F104] 351-2, 354, 356, 370 ditches [F101] 351, 354, 356 latrines 353 pits and gullies 352-4 timber structure 351, 352, 372 Phase 5 abandonment and ploughsoil 354 Phase 6 later Roman occupation 355-6, 355 ditch F100 356, 357, 358, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 370 timber building 355-6, 369, 372 Phase 7 abandonment 356-7, 357 Phase 7a later Roman to 19th century 358 Phase 8 19th and 20th centuries 358 animal bone 371 ceramic building material 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 367-9 ditch 345-6 flint, prehistoric 349, 351, 352, 354, 369-70 flint-built wall foundation 345 metal slag 357 mussel shell 371 plant remains 371 pottery 345, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358-66, 361, 363, 365, 366, 372 quarries 347 ring-ditches 347 Roman cremation cemetery 346 Roman field system 346 Brent, John 332 Brette, John, tanner 21, 22 brick Roman (bessalis) 42, 352, 353, 356, 367, 368, 369 Dartford Priory 396 post-medieval yellow stock 29-31 Bridge, pottery 80 Brisley Farm, IA settlement 308 Brissenden (Brisenden), Mercy 260, 262, 269, 270, 272, 273 Bristow, Elizabeth, widow 260, 261, 263, 271, 272 Britton, John 332 Broad Oak, IA ‘Belgic’ settlement 299, 372 Broadstairs AS inhumation burials 304-5 BA enclosure and field system 304 BA inhumation burials 304 barrow 304, 305 Bradstow School 304-5 early medieval 304 IA 304 R-B tile 304 Westwood Cross, BA and IA 304 Broighter (Co. Derry), gold model boat 280 Bronze Age animal bone 304 barrows 304, 305 boats, MBA 220, 233, 235 Broadstairs 304, 305 ‘burnt mound’ site 219-37 Canterbury 298 GENERAL INDEX 448 Bronze Age (cont) cremation burial 301 Dover area 220 field systems 84, 304 flint 75, 81-2, 379, 380 Gateway Community 279, 291 Herne Bay, LBA/EIA settlement 301, 302 inhumation burials 304 maritime traffic 279-93 metalwork 71 Middle Stoke 71-86 settlement in Kent 71, 73, 84 see also pottery brooches LIA/Early Roman copper-alloy 308 AS disc 391 Broome, John, rector 51 Brown, Thomas 62 Brungars, Widow 272 Bryght, Robert, leather worker 4, 8, 15 Buckland, Prof. William 332, 336, 337 Burden, John 272, 274 Burfield, Diana, ‘Edward Cresy, F.S.A.: a Kentish architect’ 399-407 Edward Cresy 1792-1858. Architect and Civil Engineer, reviewed 423-5 Burge, Thomas, leather inspector 4 burials prehistoric/BA inhumation 304 BA inhumation 304 Roman inhumation 298, 299 AS inhumation 304-5, 391-2 medieval 321 post-medieval, of paupers 268-9 see also cremation burials; cemeteries ‘burnt mound’ site, Crabble Paper Mill 219-37 Burton, Decimus 332 Bust, Susan 272 butchers, and tanning industry 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 22-3 Bysshop, James 21 Caen stone 194, 197, 201-2, 241, 251 Caesar, Julius 281, 382 Caffinch, Thomas, butcher 274 Caldicot (Gwent), boat 280 Calehill, Charing 93, 102-3, 107 Cambridge (Cambs), medical degrees and licenses 139, 142 Campbell family 104 Canterbury Anglo-Saxon 295, 297, 298, 299- 300 1844 Archaeological Congress 331-43 Archbishop’s Palace, Outer Court 295 Austin friars 314-15, 317, 320, 321 BA activity 298 BA field systems 304 brick/tile 367 No.62 Burgate 296 Cathedral Priory 314-15, 317, 336- 7, 404 Anglo-Saxon 295 cloisters 295 dormitory 212 Diocesan Probate Records 138-40 early medieval hearth 296 field systems 299, 302, 304 Haute family 314-15, 316 IA activity 298 Kentish Rag 249 Market Way 298-300 medical men in diocese 135-69, 136 medieval building and features 296 medieval/early post-medieval field systems 302 Neolithic activity 298 Northgate Garage 296-7 pottery 296, 297, 298, 360, 361 Prerogative Court wills 12, 23 Roman 295, 296-7, 298-9, 300-1 Roman cemeteries 300, 301 Roman field systems 299 St Augustine’s Abbey 317, 340 St Gregory’s Priory 297, 317, 320 St Mildred with St Mary de Castro 186, 188-92, 190, 191, 215 St Sepulchre’s Nunnery 317, 325 St Thomas, pilgrim hospital 317 Simmonds Road 300-1 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 219, 239, 295-301, 345 Canterbury Diocesan Probate Records 138-40 Cap Gris Nez 282, 283, 284, 286, 287 Carmelite friars, Sandwich 316-17, 322 Carroll, George 66 cattle herds and hides 2, 3-4, 5, 6, 23 GENERAL INDEX 449 cemeteries Roman 300, 301, 346 AS 391-3 pre-Christian 308 HMS Centurion 90-1, 90 ceremonial circles, prehistoric 305 Chaddock, John see Chadwick, John Chadwick, Edwin 404 Chadwick, John and Alice 272, 273, 274 Chandler, Widow 261 Chantlar, Widow 272 chantries 307, 312, 320 charcoal Middle Stoke 84 Neolithic/BA 223, 235 Charing Archbishop’s Palace 102 Calehill 102-3, 107 church clock 87, 95, 97-107 Clockhouse 103 clocks and clockmakers 87-114 Pett Place 102, 107 Charlton, Thomas 61 Chart Sutton 49, 50, 56, 60 Roman building (mansio?) 176-7 Tudor pottery kiln, Lamb’s Cross 398-9 vineyards 177 Chilham, St Mary’s Church 307 Chowne family 5 Chowne, Richard, butcher 4 churches and chapels AS building techniques of quoins 185-218 Austin friars’, Canterbury 314-15 Bernadine 245, 249, 251 Chilham 307 Dartford Priory 396-7 Kingsnorth 307 medieval 311, 312 Stone 404-5 see also Bishopsbourne; St Radegund’s Abbey church Church Hougham, prehistoric pit 235 churchwardens’ accounts 87, 92, 97, 104-5, 135 Cistercians 241, 245 Clarke, John, labourer 269 Clarke, Widow 260, 262, 272 Clarke, William and Mildred 271 Clements, Richard 271 Clerk, Walter 10 Cliffe 65 Clockhouse, Charing 103 clocks and clockmakers 87-114 bracket clocks 107 lantern clocks 106, 107 turret clocks 87, 99-100, 102-3, 106, 107 coin hoard, Roman 345 coins Roman 176, 177 medieval, Henry II or Richard I 77, 83-4 from Chart Sutton 398 Cok, Thomas, friar 315 Coldharbour Lane see Gravesend Collins (Collens), Richard 263, 265 Collison, John, overseer 57 Collyn family 16, 19-20 Collyn, John 19, 20 Collyn, Robert, tanner 19-20 Coltman, Jeremy 265 Colyn, John (jnr) 3, 5 Colyn, John (snr), tanner 3 Colyn, Richard, butcher 21 Compton Census 257 Conyngham, Lord Albert 331, 332, 333, 336, 338 Cooke family 4-5 Cooke, Richard, butcher 4 cooking pits, prehistoric 234-5, 236 copper-alloy objects see ring copperas works 19 Coppins, George 88, 100, 103 cordwainers 8; see also shoes and shoemakers court rolls 2, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19 Cowherds Plain 5 Coxheath enclosure 65 militia training camp 59 Poor House 49, 55, 60-7, 60 Crabble Paper Mill, nr Dover, ‘burnt mound’ site 219-37 cooking pits 234-5, 236 flintwork 226, 229-32, 230, 233-4 later features and deposits 228, animal bone 228, ditch (field boundary?) 228, 232, flints 228, 232 medieval features and masonry structures 219, 228 GENERAL INDEX 450 Crabble Paper Mill site (cont) Mesolithic activity? 226, 233 Neolithic/BA 219, 223-6 charcoal 223, 235 dumped material 223 flints 223, 229-32 pits 223-6, 225, 229, 231, 234-6 radiocarbon dating 223, 233 pottery 223, 228, 232, 234 Roman/early AS layer 228 Cranbrook medical men 136 overseers’ accounts and the poor 257, 258, 259, 266, 273, 275 cremation burials LBA/EIA 301 IA(?) 303 Roman/R-B 297, 299, 304, 306 cremation cemeteries, Roman 176, 177, 346 Cresy, Edward, architect 399-407 Crofton Croker, Thomas 331, 332, 337 crow-stone 173, 177 Crowhurst (Crowast), Widow 260, 263, 267, 272 Crutwell (Cruthole), Edmund, clothier 272, 274 Crux, Michael, Living in Kent, a family history 1289-1900, reviewed 426 Curde family 5 Curde, John, butcher 4, 5 currier 3, 8 Darell family 93, 102 Darell, Henry 110 n.51 Dartford Down House 403 gasworks by Cresy 400, 401-2 Holy Trinity 403 Priory church 396-7 Priory (Dominican) 393-8, 394 Tudor manor house 393-8, 395 Darwin, Charles 403 daub, Roman 356 Davis, M.C.J., ‘St Radegund’s Abbey - a re-assessment of the abbey church’ 239-56 Day, Nicholas and Robert 143 Day, Will 269, 270 Day, William and Mary 270 Deal, medical men 136 Denne, Michael 329n.50 Derman, Thomas, tanner 13-14, 14, 15 Detling 49, 50, 55, 56, 60, 65, 66 Devensian 377 Dibley, Richard 265, 274 dogs, tanners’ 6, 6 Domesday Survey 177, 185 Chilham church 307 Dominicans 317, 396-7 Dour River 219, 220, 221, 233, 234, 286 dovecot 10 Dover Bronze Age boat 235, 280, 290 bronze cargo 290 medical men 136 Roman Pharos 192, 192 St Mary-in-the-Castle 186, 192-5, 192, 195, 215 tidal curve 382, 382, 384, 387, 389 Dover Archaeological Group 239, 391 Dover Strait 279, 282-3, 289, 291, 389 Downe (Doune), Widow 260, 261, 262, 263, 272 Draper, Peter, book reviewed by 423-5 drovers 5 droveways 84 drying kilns 126 Dunsteere, Widow 260, 263 Dyne family 16 Dyne, John 21 Dyne, Richard, tanner 20, 21, 22 Earle, Martha 260, 263 Eason’s girl 262 East Farleigh 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61-2, 67 East Langdon, St Augustine’s Church 186, 197-9, 198 East Sutton Bells Farm 175, 177, 178 Roman road 173, 175, 177, 181 Eastling 107 Ebbsfleet 287, 291 Eccles, tile fabric 367 Eddington IA round-houses 302-3 medieval farmstead or settlement 302, 303 Underdown Lane, IA round-houses 302-3 Edward III 393 GENERAL INDEX 451 Edward IV 314 Edwards, Elizabeth, books reviewed by 411-12, 419-20 Egerton 107, 179 Elham, medical men 136 English Channel 281-2 prehistoric cross-Channel trade and navigation 279-91 estate office, Roman 132 Evans, William 265 Evens, Widow 260, 262 Eythorne, prehistoric pit 235 Farleigh see East Farleigh; West Farleigh farmsteads Eddington, medieval 302, 303 Iron Age 371-2 Whitfield, R-B 306 Fastolf, Sir John 327n.5 Faulkner, Joan and Solomon 261 Faversham hides to 4 medical men 136 Fengate 84 field systems BA 84, 304 IA 372 Roman 299, 346 medieval 85, 302 Fishenden, John 54-5 fishponds 17 Flint, Ann (nee Gladdish) 94-5, 96, 97 Flint, Elizabeth (nee Elsted) 97-8 Flint, Thomas 108 Flint, William (1), clockmaker 88, 91- 2, 94-8, 95, 96, 107, 108 Flint, William (2) jnr, clockmaker 88, 96-8, 97, 107, 108 Flint, William (3), clockmaker 97, 98 flintwork Bredgar 349, 351, 352, 354, 369-70 Crabble Paper Mill 226, 229-32, 230, 233-4 Dartford Priory 396 Middle Stoke, Neolithic/BA 75, 81-2 Rainham 376, 377, 378-80 Whitfield, prehistoric 306 flint-working site, Berengrave Nursery, Rainham 375-80 Fludd, Thomas 53 flue-tiles, Roman 367, 368-9 Folkestone Beds 201, 202, 203, 204 Folkestone Sands 194 Ford Reservoir, Herne Bay 301-2 Fordwich, King’s Tree, Stodmarsh Road 304 Foreman, Thomas 64 Foster, George 113n. fostering of children 262-4, 275 Franciscans 317 Fridd, Mary 58 Fright Corner 179 Frinsted 65 Frith Wood (Smarden Woods) 179 Frittenden 258, 264-6 Frobisher 393, 397 Fuller’s boy 265 fulling mills 15, 16, 20, 49 Gabriel see Archangel Gabriel’s stone Gamble, William, clockmaker 88, 93- 4, 107, 108 Gasons, Anne 272 gavelkind 2 Gladdish, Ann see Flint, Ann Gladdish, Thomas 95 Gladdish, William, clockmaker 88, 97, 108 glass, Roman 396 Gobion, Amelia 329n.50 Godden family 15, 23 Godden, Anthony, tanner 12 Godden, James, tanner 8, 13 Godden, Thomas, tanner 12, 13 Godewyn, John 315 Godwatt, John, tanner 20 Godwatt, William, tanner 20, 21 the Goodwins 284, 289 Goodwyn, Hugh and William 12 Goodwyn, John, tanner 11-12 Goodwyn, Richard 12 Goudhurst, overseers’ accounts and the poor 257, 258, 275 Grainge, Gerald, ‘Double tides in the Wantsum - fact or fiction?’ 381-91 Gravesend BA in area 73 Coldharbour Lane 80, 84 Grayling, William, yeoman 265 graziers 4-5 GENERAL INDEX 452 Great Chart 180, 181 Grenehyll, Cornelius and Daniel, tanners 10 Guilton Mill, Ash-next-Sandwich, AS cemetery 391-3 Gull, John, tanner 11 Gutsell family 269-70, 272 Gutsell, Christopher 270 Hadlow 17 Hadlow, Jeremiah 49 Haggis, A.W.G. 142, 143 Hale Fairlawne 5 Pennyhall 13, 14, 14 Stockwell 14, 14 tanners 1, 1, 4-5, 13-15, 22 Tebolds 13-14, 14 Hall, Henry, paper-mill owner 403 Hall, John, ironworks 393 Halling 65 hammer scale 300 Hampton, Sir William, pouchmaker 5, 16-19, 20, 23 Hamstreet 172, 180, 181 Hareplain Kiln, Biddenden 398-9 Harmon, Priscilla, servant 266 Harpar, Widow 272 Harries, John (snr) 15 Harries, Thomas, butcher 13 Harries, William 14 Harrington, Duncan, book reviewed by 425-6 Harris, Lord 105 Harris, Oliver, The Archbishops’ Town. The Making of Medieval Croydon, reviewed 421 Harrison, John 90 Hastings, Roman road 171 Haute, Henry 320 Haute, Joan (nee Woodville) 314 Haute, Johanna and Alice 319 Haute, Margaret (nee Berwyk) 314 Haute, Sir Nicholas 313 Haute, William, will 311-30 Haute, William (son) 314, 315, 316, 318, 319 Hautsbourne manor 313 Hayt, Martin, tanner 21 Headcorn 181, 182n.5 Hearne’s girl 262, 267 Hearth Tax 53, 55, 56, 257, 258, 259, 260, 263, 269, 270, 273, 274 Heathe, Jacob and Martin 20, 23 Heaven Cottage, Roman terrace way 177 Hemsted 171 Henden, Sir John 266 Hendley, Thomas 50, 59 Henikers, Sutton Valence 177 Heppington 336, 340 heriot 5 Herne, church 18 Herne Bay LBA/EIA settlement 301, 302 Roman enclosure (ditches) 302 Ford Reservoir 301-2 Hampton beach 18-19, 23 medieval field system 302 tidal heights 384, 385, 386 Hershey, Andrew H., The 1258-9 Special Eyre of Surrey and Kent, reviewed 415-16 Highstead, settlement 301 Hilder, Christian, tanner 10 Hinton, David A., Gold and Gilt. Pots and Pins. Possessions and People in Medieval Britain, reviewed 422-3 Hjortspring (Denmark), boat 281, 285 Hobyll, Thomas 5 Holman, Richard 272, 274 Holnes, Robert and Mary 266 Holocene 377 Homewood, William and Martin, tanners 21 Homsby, Alexander 267, 268, 272, 273, 274 Homwood, Widow 260, 263 Hoo Peninsula 71, 84-5; see also Middle Stoke hopbagging 61, 65 hopfield 10 hopland 53 Hopper, William 261, 263, 265 hop pickers 59, 64 hop poles 57 hops 49 Horton Kirby 400, 403, 405 National School (Cresy) 404 hour glasses 106 Hovenden, Richard 265 Hovenden, Widow 260, 261, 263, 272 GENERAL INDEX 453 Hughes, Emily see Tippen, Emily human bone, Roman 300, 301 hundred courts 2-3, 4, 11, 20, 21 Hunton 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 60, 64, 67 Hyland, Peter 266 Hyland, Sara 266 hypocaust, Bredgar 369; see also Minster-in-Thanet Hythe, medical men 136 Hythe Beds 27, 189-213 Iggleden (Igulden), John 272, 274 Ightham 4, 11 Ightham Mote 313 imbreces, Roman 42, 356, 367, 368-9 insect remains, Dartford Priory 396 Ireland, prehistoric boats 280, 281 Iron Age Ashford, LIA/Early Roman ‘Belgic’ period features 308 boats 281, 285 Bredgar flint 370 LIA/ER site 345-74 Broad Oak ‘Belgic’ settlement 372 Broadstairs 304 Canterbury 298 cremation burial 303 Eddington, round-houses 302-3 farmsteads and settlements 371-2 Herne Bay LBA/EIA settlement 301, 302 Jubilee Corner, ditched enclosures, and metalworking 176, 181 Minster-in-Thanet enclosure (LIA?) 117, 118 round-houses 302-3, 372 sailing routes 288 iron objects 41 iron slag 178, 180, 181, 300 iron-smelting, Roman 176, 181 Irons, Thomas, barber 258 ironstone 232 ironstone quarries 181 ironworking industry, Roman 171, 173, 176, 179, 181 James, Richard ‘A prehistoric flint-working site at Berengrave Nursery, Rainham’ 375-80 ‘Archaeological investigations at Middle Stoke on the Hoo peninsula’ 71-86 Jenkins, ‘Ticker’, clockmaker 105 Jennings children 266 Jennings, John, overseer 274 Jordan, James, clockmaker 87 Joseph of Exeter 205 Josselin, Ralph, vicar 52 Jubilee Corner, Romano-British settlement and road 175, 175, 179 Katherine, St, hairshirt 315, 321-2 Kelly, D.B., ‘An early Tudor kiln at Lamb’s Cross, Chart Sutton’ 398-9 Kember, John 317-18 Kemsing manor 11, 12 Kemsley, Widow 49 Kenham, William, yeoman 21, 22 Kentish Rag 249, 251 Keston, Roman villa 131 Killingray, David, book reviewed by 417-19 kilns see drying kilns; pottery kilns; tile kilns King, Gregory 54, 259 Kings Wood 173 Kingsden 179 Kingsnorth Roman road 171, 173, 178, 180, 181 St Michael and All Angels Church 307 Kingsnorth Power Station 84 Kingsnorth Wood 173 Kyff, Robert, butcher 10 Lambert, Henry, tanner 9 Lamb’s Cross see Chart Sutton landlords and landladies 271-2, 273- 5 Lane, John, smith 5 Langdon Abbey 317 Larking, Lambert B. 332 latrines, Roman 353 Lattenden, Elizabeth 270-1 Leadenhall Market, London 3 leather working 2, 3-4, 5-9, 19, 22 ledger slabs 307 Leeds parish 54-5, 58 Lemanis see Portus Lemanis GENERAL INDEX 454 Linton 49, 50, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 schools 67 workhouse 59 Little Chart 107 Church 103 London Clay 71 longitude 90-1, 110 n.44 Loose 49, 50, 51-65, 67 schools 67 Lorans, John (father and son?), whittawyers 13 Lucas, Alexander, tailor 265, 267 Lucas, Richard 271-2, 273, 274 Lydd, All Saints’ Church 186, 196-7 Lydden, St Mary the Virgin 186, 210- 12, 211, 215 Lyminge, St Mary and St Ethelburga’s Church 186, 202-5, 204 Lympne 171, 180 Maidstone hides to 4 medical men 136 Roman roads 171, 172 tax 53 Union 49, 67 wages 54, 55 watch repairer 105 workhouse 59 Malmaynes Hall Farm 84 Mann family 59 Mann, Robert 59 manorial courts 2, 11, 21 mansio, Roman 176-7 marching camp, Roman 346 Marden 67 marine molluscs Bredgar 371 Canterbury 300 Middle Stoke 77, 79, 82-3 see also mussel shells; oyster shells maritime traffic, Bronze Age 279-93 Marketman, John 269 Marketman, Thomas and Mary 263, 264 Marquise oolite 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 213 Marrian, Jane 262, 264, 267 marshes (marshland) 71, 84, 85, 396 Mason, William 54 Masters, Widow 263 Matthewson, Alexander 58 Maynard 260, 263 medical personnel, Canterbury diocese 135-69 licensing system 135, 139-40, 142-3 medical support for the poor 267, 268, 275 medieval Broadstairs 304 Canterbury building 296 early medieval hearth 296 St Gregory’s Priory 297 Crabble Paper Mill site 219, 228 Dartford Priory 393-8 Eddington, farmstead or settlement 302, 303 field systems 85, 302 Herne Bay, field system 302 mariners 290, 291 relics and Gabriel’s stone 311-30 Sandwich, early medieval structures 305-6 Well Wood site, Aylesford 27-48 see also Middle Stoke Menai Strait 384-5 Mercer, Thomas, tanner 265 Merchant, Thomas, yeoman 265 Merewether, John, dean 336, 338 Mereworth 65 Mesolithic Crabble Paper Mill site 226, 231, 232, 233 fishing and exchange 289 flint 226, 233, 379, 380 metal slag 357 metalwork, BA 71 metalworking waste, AS 300 microliths 378, 380 Middle Stoke animal bone 77, 79, 82 BA 71-86 flint flake 75, 81 linear feature (boundary ditch?) 75, 76, 79-80, 81, 84 oval feature (pit) 75, 76, 79-80, 84 burial ground 71, 79 charcoal 84 coin, medieval 77, 83-4 excavations 71-86 GENERAL INDEX 455 Middle Stoke (cont) flint (Neolithic/BA) 75, 81-2 marine molluscs (oyster) 77, 79, 82-3 medieval features 73, 74, 75, 76, 77-9, 84-5 plant remains 84 ‘pot-boilers’, flint 81 Trench C, linear ditch feature and pit 73, 74, 75 Trench E, medieval features 73, 74 Trench F, BA pits 73, 74, 75 militia training camp, Coxheath 59 Miller, Sir Nicholas 13 Mills, John 272, 273, 274 Mills, John, shoe-mender 268 Mills, Richard 272, 273, 274 Milton Regis, medical men 136 Minster-in-Thanet, Roman villa (Building 4) animal bone 128, 130 boundary ditch, original (5003) 118, 119-20, 119, 123, 129, 130 recut (5014) 117, 119, 129, 130 Building 1, ‘winged-corridor’ villa 115, 116, 117, 129, 130, 131-2 Building 3 bath-house 115, 116 Building 4 corridor house 115-33 Central Range 119, 120-2, 127, 128, 129, 131 hypocausted room 117, 123-7, 129, 130, 131, 132, as drying room? 126, as estate office? 132 new outer corridor wall 127-9, 130 Outer Corridor Wall 122-3, 127, 128, 131 Building 6 exterior structure 115, 116, 117, and bath-suite 132 central gateway 115 ditches 117, 118 LIA? enclosure 117, 118 marine molluscs (oyster) 128, 130 painted plaster 121, 123, 128, 130, 131 pottery 117, 122, 123, 127, 128, 129- 30, 131 south enclosure (courtyard) wall (5155) 117-19, 118, 128, 130 tile 121, 122, 123, 128, 129, 130, 131 whale bone 122 Moatenden, medieval priory 175, 182 Monachorum 185 Monkton, burial jars 80 Moore, J. 103 Morant, Thomas 269 Morgan, Widow 260, 261, 263, 272 Morlen, John and Martha 271 Mortimer, Ian, ‘A directory of medical personnel qualified and practising in the Diocese of Canterbury, c.1560-1730’ 135-69 Mucking (Essex) 84 municipal accounts 135 Munk, James, clockmaker 93 mussel shells 226, 304, 371 Myller, John 21 Myller, Nicholas (1), tanner 20 Myller, Nicholas 20 Myller, Richard 5 Mynot, Edward 316 Neame, George, mayor 332, 338 Neolithic arrowheads 378, 379 boats 281 ‘burnt mound’ site (Neo./BA) 219- 37 Canterbury 298 Dover area 220 flint 75, 81-2, 370, 379 Ringlemere Farm occupation site 305 see also pottery Nepaker, William and Henry 10 Nepicar (Nepicar Street) Bitmontssole 9, 10, 11 Kyngescrouche 9, 10 Little Tanners 9, 10 Perrismillers (Moat Hotel) 9 tanners 1, 1, 9-12, 9, 22 Wybarnes 9, 10, 11 Netherhale Farm, Thanet 73, 80 Nettlestead 67 New Street Farm, Great Chart 180, 181 Nicholas, St, bone (relic) 315 Norman period, church building 202, 206, 208, 209, 210, 212 North Ferriby boats 280, 285 Northfleet, St Botolph’s Church 186, 196 GENERAL INDEX 456 North Foreland 283, 285, 288, 381, 389 North Sea 279, 280, 281-2, 284, 286, 290, 389 Norwich (Norfolk) medical practitioners 138 slate pencils 370, 371 Norwood family 97, 103 Norwood, Margret 260, 263, 272 Nut Tree Hall 5 oak woods 2, 4 Old Park Hill 229 Old Soar manor 20 Oldwood, Ralph and Elinor 52 opus signinum 126 ore (‘Black Ore’) 393, 397 Otham church brass memorial 50 the poor 49-70 Otterden 102, 107 Our Lady of Poulton 323 overseers’ accounts 49-66 assessment lists 258-9 disbursements 259 welfare provision 257-77 Oxenhoath 11 Oxford, medical degrees and licenses 139, 142 oyster shells medieval 77, 79, 82-3 Roman villa site 128, 130 used as filler for mortar 83 Packham (Peckham) family 269-70 Packham, Zachary 270 Paddlesworth St Benedict’s Church 186, 212-14, 214 St Oswald’s Church 186, 201-2 Paine, Robert 266 Palaeolithic 377 Panton, F.H., obituary to Lord Brabourne 427 Pantos, Aliki, and Sarah Semple, Assembly Places and Practices in Medieval Europe, reviewed 416-17 Parfitt, Keith ‘A prehistoric ‘burnt mound’ site at Crabble Paper Mill, near Dover’ 219-37 book reviewed by 409-10 ‘Excavations at the Anglo-Saxon cemetery site at Guilton Mill, Ash-next-Sandwich’ 391-3 ‘The Roman villa at Minster-in- Thanet. Part 3: the Corridor House, Building 4’ 115-33 Pargate, Richard 329n.50 Park Wood, hollow way 178 Parker, Francis 58 Parker, John Henry 332, 337 Parker, William, tomb of 307 Payne, Robert, yeoman 264 peg tiles 42, 302 Pekham, Reginald 12 Pelsoyte, William 20 pencil, slate 370-1 Penystone, Cecilia 2 Peppar’s boy 262, 267 Pepper’s girl 265 Perkins, Dave, ‘Prehistoric maritime traffic in the Dover Strait and Wantsum: some thoughts as to the vessels and their crews’ 279-93 Pested Bars, Roman cremation cemetery 177 Pett Place, Charing 102, 107 Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph 338, 340 Philp, Brian, ‘The medieval site at Well Wood, Aylesford’ 27-48 physicians 140, 144-68 Pirifield 179 plague 22, 51 parish relief for victims 269-70, 273, 275 plant remains Ashford 308 Bredgar 371 Canterbury 300 Dartford Priory 396 Middle Stoke 84 plaques, inscribed, in Roman burial 299 plaster (painted), Roman 121, 123, 128, 130, 131 Plaxtol (Plaxtol Street) Cowherds Plain 23 tanners 5, 8, 14, 15, 22 see also Hale Pluckley 107 Rose Farm 179 Turner Farm 179 GENERAL INDEX 457 Poole, Anthony A Market Town and its Surrounding Villages: Cranbrook, Kent in the Later Seventeenth Century, reviewed 417-19 ‘Welfare provision in seventeenthcentury Kent: a look at Biddenden and neighbouring parishes’ 257-77 Poole Harbour, tides 387, 388 the poor medical relief for 135 medieval bequests to 318 and poor houses 49-70 17th-century welfare provision 257- 77 poor houses (workhouses), and the poor 49-70 Poor Law (1662) 257 Poor Law Act (1597/8) 50, 257 Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 49, 64, 67 Poor Law Relief Act (1601) 50, 257 Portland 387 Portus Lemanis (Roman shore fort) 172, 180, 210, 300 ‘pot-boilers’, flint 81 Pott, Joane 272 Potter, John, apprentice 265 Potter, John F., ‘Anglo-Saxon building techniques: quoins of twelve Kentish churches reviewed’ 185- 218 Potter’s girl 262, 263, 264, 267 pottery prehistoric 117, 296, 298, 305 prehistoric flint-tempered 80, 223, 228, 232, 301, 306 Neolithic 298 Neolithic/EBA 298 BA 73, 75, 79-80, 81, 298, 306 Deverel-Rimbury style 73, 79- 80 EIA 306 IA 298, 299 IA/’Belgic’ 345, 349, 351, 358-66, 361, 365 ‘Belgic’ wares 299 flint-tempered 351, 352, 358, 359, 361-2 LIA/ER ‘Belgic’ 308 IA/ER grog-tempered 228 IA/R-B 44, 45 IA/Roman 176 Peterborough Ware 380 Roman 43, 117, 122, 123, 127, 128, 129-30, 131, 296-7, 298, 300-1, 302, 304, 306, 345, 351, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358-66, 372 ‘Belgic’ flint-tempered (BER16.1; ‘Thanet Dry’) 359, 361-2 black-burnished ware 359 Canterbury sandyware 359 early Roman 117, 130 Eggshell terra nigra 360 Fine Upchurch-type 359, 360 Kent fabric 2 mortarium 359 Lyon Ware 359 Nene-valley type 360 samian 42, 228, 359, 360 Upchurch-type ware 300 Anglo-Saxon 297, 300, 305 medieval 29, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 73, 77, 79, 81, 296, 303, 304, 305-6, 307, 396 coarse sandy wares 396 Kingston-type wares 396 later medieval 302 London-type wares 396 sandy shelly wares 396 sandy ware 37, 42, 44, 45 shell-loaded wares 37, 42, 44, 45, 47, 47, 48 post-medieval 306 German Siegburg stoneware 307 Victorian 29, 41 pottery kilns Roman 298 Tudor 398-9 pouchmakers’ guild 16 Powell, John 268, 269 Poynings, Richard 327n.5 prehistoric Bredgar, undated 347 Canterbury 296 ceremonial circles 305 cooking pits 234-5, 236 flint-working site 375-80 Ford Reservoir 301 Herne Bay, LBA/EIA settlement 301, 302 maritime traffic 279-93 GENERAL INDEX 458 prehistoric (cont) Middle Stoke (BA) 71-86 sauna or sweat-house 234, 235 Shepherdswell, gully (cross-ridge boundary) 306 Whitfield, flints and pit 306 see also Bronze Age; Iron Age; Mesolithic; Neolithic; pottery Premonstratensian churches 249, 251 Price, Widow 52 probate records 138-40, 141, 143 Pullen, John 264 Purchen, Thomas 271 Puttenden 20 Quarr Stone 203, 204-5, 204 quarries brickearth 347 Canterbury, Roman 297 clay for tiles 298-9 ironstone 181 ragstone 49 radiocarbon dating ‘burnt mound’ sites 223, 233, 235 Ringlemere Farm, Neolithic 305 Rainham see Berengrave Nursery Ramsgate, tidal heights 384, 385, 386 Raynor, Simon 265 Redman, Bishop Richard 250 Reed, Tylden, clockmaker 88, 105-6, 108 relics, medieval 312, 315-16, 320-5 rental payments 53-4, 271-3 researches and discoveries in Kent 375-407 Reynolds (Reighnolds), Thomas 268, 269 Rhaeadr Tannery 7 Richardson, Catherine, book reviewed by 422-3 Richborough 381, 384, 387 Roman fort 337 ring, copper-alloy, medieval 77 ring-ditches 220, 347 Ringlemere Farm, Woodnesborough AS metalwork and sunken hut 305 barrow 305 Neolithic occupation site 305 Roach Smith, Charles 331, 332, 333, 342, 404 roads Roman 171-83, 297, 299, 300, 301 19th-century, labour on by the poor 64, 66 Roberts, Alexander, clockmaker 88, 98, 99, 99 Roberts, Jane (nee Baker) 98 Robynson, Thomas 21, 22 Rogers, Thomas 270 Roman animal bone 300 Ashford settlement? 307-8 boats 389-90 Broadstairs, R-B tile 304 Canterbury 295, 296-7, 298-9, 300-1 Chart Sutton, building (mansio?) 176-7 coin hoard 345 cremation cemeteries 176, 177, 346 ditched enclosures 176 field systems 299, 346 Herne Bay, enclosure (ditches) 302 inhumation burials 298, 299 invasion landing place 382, 384 iron-smelting 176, 181 marching camp 346 petit appareil 210 pottery kilns 298 road from Sutton Valence to Ashford 171-83 Romano-British timber buildings at Jubilee Corner 175-6 Romano-British workshop 176 stone re-used 189, 190, 192, 193, 193, 194, 195, 196, 200, 214 tile kilns 298, 299 villa site see Minster-in-Thanet Westhawk Farm, R-B settlement and burials 308 Whitfield, R-B pits (?farmstead) 306 see also Bredgar; brick; coins; Portus Lemanis; pottery; roads; roof tile; tiles roof tile 129, 130 Roman 369 medieval 39 taken from nunnery 325 Rootes, Edward, leather worker 4, 8 Roughway Collens 15, 20 Fullerstenement 20 GENERAL INDEX 459 Roughway (cont) Hamptons 17-18, 18 Les Bekys 15, 21 Lowyns (Roughway Farm) 15, 21, 22 Makefeyres 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23 Old Allens 15, 16 Taborerscroft 15, 21 Tanhousemeade 15, 21, 22 tanners 1, 1, 4, 5, 15-16, 15, 22, 23 Terystenement 17, 19 Turkes 19 Turks 17, 18 Roughway Street, tanners 9, 20-2 round-houses, IA 302-3, 372 ‘roundsman’ system 63, 64, 68 Russell, John, husbandman 264, 265 Russhelyn, John 329n.42 rusticus, Roman bailiff 132 St Brendan (replica boat) 280 St Mary’s in Hoo 65 St Radegund’s Abbey church, nr Dover 239-56 chancel 244-9, 255 east range 244 high altar 245, 247, 247 nave 244, 249-50, 251, 255 north transept 241-4, 245, 249, 251 tower 249, 250-1, 250, 255 west range 244, 250 Salter, Mary 263-4 Sampson, Elizabeth and Robert 261 Sandwich No.6 The Butchery 305-6 Carmelite friars 316-17, 322 early medieval structures 305-6 medical men 136 Sarre 291, 381, 382, 389, 390 sauna or sweat-house, prehistoric 234, 235 Savage, John 317, 318 Sayer, George 102, 107 Scales, Thomas 265 schools 67 scratch dials 106, 202, 204 Seal 12 Semple, Jayne, ‘The tanners of Wrotham manor 1400-1600’ 1-25 Semple, Sarah see Pantos, Aliki settlement, of the poor 54-5, 58, 61-2 Settlement Act (1662) 54 Sharwood, -- 272 Shelford Farm, Broad Oak 299 Shelly, John 266 Shepherdswell, Coombe House, prehistoric gully (cross-ridge boundary) 306 Sherwood, John 274 Shipbourne 4-5, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22 shoes and shoemaking 3, 8-9 Shoesmith, -- 272 Shoesmith, William 265 Simms, Widow 261, 272 Simses boy 265 Sittingbourne, medical men 136 Skynner, Walter, leather inspector 4 slag iron 300 metal 357 slate writing boards and pencil 370-1 smallpox 57, 61, 259, 261, 262 Smith [John] & Sons, Derby 104-5, 104 Smith, Stephen 266 Smith’s wife 260, 263 Smyth, John, tanner 10 Snodland 65 Soar, manorial court 21 Southampton, double tide 381-2, 383, 387 South Darenth Holmesdale 401-3 Roman villa 131 South Eastern Archaeological Services 71 Southerden, Thomas 268 Souther[n]den 174, 179 Sparks, Ffran 55 Stalisfield 107 Stanley, John 18 Stansted 1, 2, 9 Staplehurst 67, 171 overseers’ accounts and the poor 257, 258, 275 Stedman’s boy 262, 267 Stephen, John 318 Stephens (Stevens), Widow 271-2, 274 Stocker, Ken 105 Stone, Edward and Margaret 262, 263 Stone Church 404-5 Stour River 381, 387 GENERAL INDEX 460 Strickland, William, clockmaker 93 Stringer, Joan 268 sundials 103-4, 106 sunken-floored structures and sunken huts, AS 298, 300, 305 surgeons 135, 137, 139, 140, 144-68, 268 Sutton Valence Henikers 177 Roman road 171-83 Swale 384-5 Sweetinburgh, Sheila book reviewed by 416-17 ‘The Archangel Gabriel’s stone and other relics: William Haute’s search for salvation in fifteenthcentury Kent’ 311-30 Sybell, Susanna 14 Tamde, Richard 13 tanneries 2, 3, 6, 22, 23 tanners apprenticeships 265 of Wrotham manor 1-25 Tanners’ Guild window, Bourges Cathedral 6, 6 tannin 2, 3, 5, 6 tanning industry leathermaking process 5-9 regulation of 3-4 Tapley, James 60 tawyers 3, 5 Taylor, George Ledwell 399, 404, 405 tegulae, Roman 42, 356, 367, 368-9 Tenterden clockmaking 93, 107 medical men 136 Terry, John (jnr), tanner 17, 19 Terry, John (snr), tanner 17 tesserae 130, 131, 368 Teston 67 Textus Roffensis 185 Thames Estuary, BA 73 Thanet (Isle of) BA Gateway Community 279, 291 Netherhale Farm 73, 80 Thanet Beds 189, 190, 191, 192, 391 Throwley 107 tile kilns, Roman 298, 299 tiles R-B 304 Roman 29, 42, 43, 121, 122, 123, 128, 351-4, 356, 367-9 in church walls 189, 193, 194, 196, 201, 203 signature marks 367, 368 timber structures Roman, Bredgar 351, 352, 355-6, 369, 372 R-B, Jubilee Corner 175-6 Tippen, Emily (nee Hughes) 100, 102 Tippen, William, clockmaker 88, 98- 102, 100, 101, 103 Toke, Henry, doctor 53 Tonbridge, will 11 trackways 299, 372 travertine (tufa), as building material 196, 199, 200, 200, 201, 212, 213, 214, 214, 215, 356 treswelles 8-9 Tritton, Godman 265 Tudor Manor House, Dartford Priory 393-8 pottery kiln 398-9 tufa (natural) 223, 224, 226; see also travertine Turke, Robert 17, 19 Turner, Widow 269 turret clocks see clocks Ulcombe parish, Roman road 173, 175-6, 175, 179, 181 Upchurch Marshes 361-2 Usher, Widow 52 Vaux, Hugh, ‘The poor of Otham and nearby parishes: the Coxheath Poor House’ 49-70 Vere, Thomas de, Earl of Oxford 327n.5 vineyards 177 Virgin Mary, relics 323 vitriol 19 Vyncent, Agnes 329n.42 Wacher’s 265 Waltham church 315, 317, 320 Wantsum Channel 115 double tides 381-91 prehistoric maritime traffic 279, 280, 282, 284-7, 288, 291 GENERAL INDEX 461 Ward, Daniel 270, 271 Ward, Jennifer, book reviewed by 415-16 Warde, James 52 Warwickshire, medieval gentry 311- 12 Watcher’s daughter 267 Watling Street 171, 345 Way, Albert 332, 341, 342 Wealden forest 171 welfare provision, 17th-century 257- 77 well see Well Wood Well Wood, Aylesford, medieval site 27-48 Building F25, masonry 35, 37-9, 40, 42 cellar 28, 34-7, 34, 35, 39, 42 enclosure ditch (F1) 28-9, 32, 42, 43, 44, 45 gully F7 39-41, 40, 42, 44, 45 pits and gullies (ditches) 28, 32-3, 40-1, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47-8 pottery 29, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43-8, 44, 46, 47 tile 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 well 27, 28, 29-31, 29, 32, 43 Wellcome Library 142 Wellis, John, tanner 11 Wellis, Richard, tanner 10, 11 Welshe, Henry, tanner 4, 13 Wessex Archaeology 393 West Malling 65 West, Richard, leather worker 4, 8, 15 West Farleigh 49, 50, 53, 56, 60, 64, 66, 67 Westhawk Farm 172, 174, 176, 180, 181, 308 West Hythe, St Mary’s Church 186, 207-10, 209, 215 West Peckham money left to poor 17 St Dunstan’s Church 186, 199-201, 200 tanners 11, 17, 18, 18, 22, 23 Westwell 107 workhouse 62 whale bone 122 Wheatear, Widow 49 Wheeler, Sir George 102 whit-tawyers 3, 13 Whitehall Gardens, tile kilns 367 Whitfield flints, prehistoric 306 Old Park 306 prehistoric pit 235, 306 R-B pits (?farmstead) 306 Whitfield, John 268 Whitney, William 262, 263, 272, 274 Whytlok, John 328n.42 Wiles, John 57-8, 67 Wilkins, John (snr and jnr), brickmakers 272, 274 Wilkins, William, miller 58 Willard, James 262, 263 Willard, John 274 Willard, Mary 269 Williams, Chris H.K., ‘Charing clocks, clockmakers and clock-keepers (part II)’ 87-114 Williams, Robert and Mary 58 Wilmington, St Michael 403 Wilson, Anthony (ed.), Tonbridge’s Industrial Heritage, reviewed 417- 19 Wimble, John 87 Wimble, Widow 260, 263, 268, 271, 272, 273 Winfield, tanners 1, 1, 4, 5, 12-13, 12, 22 Wolfrych family 16 Wolfrych, John, tanner 16 Wolfrych, John (jnr), tanner 17 Wolfrych, Thomas 16 woodland, coppiced 181 Woodnesborough, Ringlemere Farm 305 Woodville, Joan see Haute, Joan Woodville, Richard 314 Woolball (Woolbald), Richard, clothier 272, 273, 274 Woollett, William 58 Woolley, Ann (nee West) 87, 91, 93 Woolley, Thomas, clockmaker 87-91, 92, 93, 95, 107, 108 workhouses see poor houses workshop, R-B 176 Wosley, Widow 272 Wraight, Anne (nee Woolley) 91, 93 Wraight, Thomas, clockmaker 88, 91- 4, 92, 94, 95, 108 GENERAL INDEX 462 Wright, David, The West Kent Probate Index. Wills Administrations for all courts and peculiars in the Diocese of Rochester 1750-1858, reviewed 425-6 Wright, Thomas 331, 332, 340, 341, 342 writing boards, slate 370-1 Wrotham, parish church 19 Wrotham manor, tanners 1-25 Wybarne family, tanners 10-12 Wybarne, Agnes 11 Wybarne, John (1), tanner 10, 11 Wybarne, John (2), tanner 10, 11, 12 Wybarne, John (3), tanner 11 Wybarne, Richard, tanner 11 Wybarne, Richard (2), tanner 11 Wybarne, Thomas, tanner 9-10 Wybarnes, Nepicar 9, 10, 11 Wye, medical men 136 Wylkyn, William and John 19 Yalding 65, 67 Yonge, Peter, tanner 10


Notes for the Guidance of Contributors to Archaeologia Cantiana


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