Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2007
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Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2007
Compiler: Ms D. Saunders, Centre for Kentish Studies.
Contributors: Prehistoric – K. Parfitt; Roman – Dr E. Swift, UKC; Anglo-Saxon – Dr A. Richardson, KCC; Medieval – Dr C. Insley, CCCU; Early Modern – Prof. J. Eales, CCCU;
Modern – Dr C.W. Chalklin and Prof. D. Killingray.
A bibliography of books, articles, reports, pamphlets and theses relating specifically to Kent or with significant Kentish content. All entries were published in 2007 unless otherwise stated.
Abbreviations: AC – Archaeologia Cantiana; BAR - British Archaeological Reports; KAR – Kent Archaeological Review.
T. Allen, Kemnal Manor, Chislehurst: an 850 year history (Chislehurst: privately printed).
D. Bathurst, Walking the Kent Coast from end to end (Seaford: S.B. Publications).
Bridge & District History Society, A Brief Historical Tour of the Village of Bridge (Canterbury: B&DHS).
A. Byrne, Moods of Kent (Wellington, Somerset: Halsgrove) [photographic views].
CAT, ‘Interim reports on recent work carried out by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust’, AC, 321-32.
Canon D. Carpenter, A Guide to the Parish Church of St James the Great, East Malling (Parochial Church Council).
J. Clancy, Sittingbourne: a history (Chichester: Phillimore).
A. Clinch, A History of Langley in Kent (Maidstone: privately published).
J. Cunningham (ed.), An Historical Atlas of Tunbridge Wells (Tunbridge Wells: The Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society), Local History Monograph No. 7.
C. Edwards, ‘Excavations at Fremlin Walk, Maidstone’, AC, 73-106.
S. Deeves, ‘Excavation of an Iron Age and Saxon site at South Willesborough, Ashford’, AC, 237-248.
J. Fox, D. Williams & P. Mountfield, Seal: the History of a Parish (Chichester: Phillimore).
D.T. Hughes, Queenborough Castle Sheppey’s Lost Fortress (Sheerness: Sea-Sheppey).
M. and M. George, Coast of Conflict: the story of the south Kent coast (Seaford: S.B. Publications, 2004).
Kent Archives & Local History Service, From Kent to Virginia, historic links between county and state (Maidstone).
K. Kersey, The Lost Manor of Ware (Bearsted: privately printed).
Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group, Transactions 2006 (Rochester).
Oxford Archaeology, Knole, Kent: conservation management plan (Oxford, for National Trust) 2 vols.
Oxford Archaeology, Knole, Sevenoaks: an archaeological survey (Oxford, for National Trust).
D. Tuson, The Kent Downs (Stroud: Tempus).
M. Umber, A Saltwood Miscellany, 2007: 800 years in the village and parish of Saltwood (Hythe: Penumbra).
D. Welby, The Kentish village of Eastry (Eastry).
J. Wilks, Walks through history, Kent (Derby: Breedon).
J. H. Williams (ed.), The Archaeology of Kent to AD 800 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press and KCC).
R.M. Worcester, History of Allington Castle, Kent (Allington: privately printed).
P. Bennett, P. Couldrey and N. Macpherson-Grant, Highstead near Chislet Kent, Excavations 1975-1977 (Archaeology of Canterbury New Series Vol. IV).
D. Boden, ‘Ellington School, Ramsgate’, Canterbury’s Archaeology 2005-2006 (CAT 30th Annual Report). (extensive late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age site).
M. Keene, 2007, ‘Flints from Castle Hill, Folkestone’, KAR, 168, 186-187.
A.J. Long, The late Holocene Evolution of the Romney Marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK (Oxford: Oxbow Books).
A.J. Long, Dungeness and Romney Marsh, barrier dynamics and marshland evolution (Oxford: Oxbow Books).
K. Parfitt and S. Needham, 2007, ‘Amber, Gold and a Bronze Age Barrow’ (summary overview of Ringlemere), Current Archaeology 208, 41-46.
B. Philp, 2007, ‘An Important Iron Age Bead from Westerham, KAR, 169, 195-169.
M.P. Waller & J.E. Schofield, ‘Mid to late Holocene vegetation and land use history in the weald of South-Eastern England: multiple pollen profiles from the Rye area’, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 16, 367-384.
D. Applegate, ‘London-Essex stamped ware from Shorne Marshes’, KAR 170, 212-213.
P. Bidwell, Roman Forts in Britain (Stroud: Tempus).
E. Boast, ‘Late Iron Age and Early Roman period features, Seacroft Road, Broadstairs’, AC, 429-430.
CAT, Annual Report: Canterbury’s Archaeology 2005-6. (Canterbury: CAT).
G. Moody, ‘Iron Age and Romano-British settlement at Bishop’s Avenue, North Foreland, Broadstairs’, AC, 197-211.
K. Parfitt, ‘The Roman Villa at Minster-in-Thanet. Part 4: the south west buildings, 6A and 6B’, AC, 261-296.
B.J. Philp, ‘The Lullingstone Excavations’, KAR 170, 216-221.
A. Vincent, Roman Roads of Kent (Midhurst: Middleton Press).
C. Behr, ‘Using bracteates as evidence for long-distance contacts’, in A. Harris (ed.), 15-25.
M. Bennell and D. Stump, ‘Evidence for Middle Saxon occupation at Otford’, AC, 432-434.
S.J. Brookes, Economics and Social Change in Anglo-Saxon Kent AD 400-900: Landscapes, Communities and Exchange (Oxford: BAR British Series 431).
S.J. Brookes, ‘Boat-rivets in graves in pre-Viking Kent’, Medieval Archaeology 51, 1-18.
S.J. Brookes, ‘Walking with Anglo-Saxons: Landscapes of the Living and Land-scapes of the Dead in Early Anglo-Saxon Kent’, in S. Semple and H. Williams (eds), 43-153.
S.J. Brookes and M. Welch, ‘Documenting the dead: creating an on-line census of Anglo-Saxon burials from Kent’, Archaeology International 2005/2006, 28-31.
S. J. Brookes and G. Milne, ‘Towns and trade on an unkind coast: rewriting the history and maritime archaeology of the Cinque Ports’, The Romney Marsh Irregular 28 (2006), 5-13.
B. Brugmann, H. Hamerow and D.K. Harlan, ‘The Novum Inventorium Sepulchrale: Anglo-Saxon graves and goods from Kent in the Sonia Hawkes Archive’, in M. Henig and T.J. Smith (eds), 45-47.
L. Bryan ‘Marriage and morals in the 14th century: the evidence of Bishop Hamo’s Register’, English Historical Review 121, 467-486.
H. Geake, J. Naylor and M. Lewis (eds), ‘Early Medieval Period (AD 410-1066)’, in Portable Antiquities Scheme Annual Report 2006 (London: British Museum)
S. Harrington, ‘Soft furnished burial: an assessment of the role of textiles in early Anglo-Saxon inhumations, with particular reference to East Kent’, in S. Semple and H. Williams (eds), 110-116.
S. Harrington, ‘Cloth in context: the textile fragments from the early Anglo-Saxon inhumation burials of East Kent, England’, in A. Rast-Eicher and R. Windler (eds), 124-128.
S. Harrington, ‘Stirring women, weapons and weaving: aspects of gender identity and symbols of power in Early Anglo-Saxon England’, in S. Hamilston, R.D Whitehouse and K. I. Wright (eds), Archaeology and Women. Ancient and Modern Issues (Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press), 335-352.
A. Harris (ed.), Incipient Globalization? Long-Distance Contacts in the Sixth Century (Oxford: BAR International Series 1644).
M. Henig and T.J. Smith (eds), Collectanea Antiqua: Essays in Memory of Sonia Chadwick Hawkes (Oxford: BAR International Series 1673).
K. Leahy, ‘Soldiers and settlers in Britain, Fourth to Fifth Century – revisited’, in M. Henig and T.J Smith (eds), 133-142.
M. Lewis, ‘A new date for ‘Class A, Type 11A’ stirrup-strap mounts, and some observations on their distribution’, Medieval Archaeology 51, 178-184.
G. Moody, ‘Prehistoric crouched inhumations and an Anglo-Saxon sunken featured building: St Peter’s Road, Margate, AC, 422-423.
K. Parfitt and T.M. Dickinson, ‘The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Old Park, near Dover, revisited’, in M. Henig and T.J. Smith (eds), 111-126.
K. Parfitt and S. Needham, ‘Excavations at Ringlemere Farm, Woodnesborough, 2002-2006’, AC, 39-55.
B.J. Philp, ‘The Saxon Cemetery at Alkham, near Dover’, KAR 170, 213-214.
A. Rast-Eicher and R. Windler (eds), NESAT IX: Archäologische Textilfunde- Archaeological Textiles (Braunwald: Proceedings of the 9th Archaeological Textiles Conference 2005).
A. Richardson, ‘Anglo-Saxon burials at Eastry’, KAS Newsletter 72, 2.
A. Richardson and H. Geake, ‘Medieval Britain and Ireland 2006: Portable Antiquities Scheme: Kent’, Medieval Archaeology 51, 217-218.
S. Semple and H. Williams (eds), Early Medieval Mortuary Practices: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 14 (Oxford: Oxford University, School of Archaeology).
P. Walton Rogers, Cloth and Clothing in Early Anglo-Saxon England: AD 450 - 700 (York: CBA Research Report 145).
middle ages
M. Adams, ‘Westwell – the Establishment of a Village’, AC, 175-195.
K. Brady and E. Biddulph, ‘Feeding the Moat: Excavations near the site of Edenbridge Manor House’, AC, 127-141.
M. Bull, ‘Criticism of Henry II’s Expedition to Ireland in William of Canterbury’s Miracles of St Thomas Becket’, Journal of Medieval History 33.2, 107-129.
M. Connor, ‘The Political Allegiances of Christ Church Priory 1400-1472: the Evidence of John Stone’s Chronicle’, AC, 383-406.
G.M. Draper, ‘Writing English, French and Latin in the 15th century: a regional perspective’, in L. Clark (ed.), The 15th century VII: Conflicts, Consequences and the Crown in the late middle ages (Woodbridge: Boydell Press), 213-235. [Romney Marsh and neighbouring Cinque ports]
M. Gardiner, ‘The Transformation of Marshlands in Anglo-Norman England’, in C.P. Lewis (ed.), 35-50.
D. Harrison, Walking the Castles of Kent (Seaford: S.B. Publications).
M. Heale, ‘Training in Superstition? Monasteries and Popular Religion in Late Medieval and Reformation England’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 85.3, 417- 448.
M. Hicks, ‘Out of Session: Edward Guildford of Halden, Justice of the Peace for Kent, 1426-43’, Southern History 28 (2006), 24-45.
C.P. Lewis (ed.), Anglo-Norman Studies 29 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2006)
M. Lewis, ‘Identity and Status in the Bayeux Tapestry: the Iconographic and Artefactual Evidence’, in C.P. Lewis (ed.), 100-120.
G.R. Owen-Crocker, ‘The Interpretation of Gesture in the Bayeux Tapestry’, in C.P. Lewis (ed.), 145-178.
D. Perkins, ‘The Long Demise of the Wantsum Sea Channel: a Recapitulation Based on the Data’, AC, 249-259.
R. Rosewell, A guide to the medieval wall paintings of St Mary’s church, Brook (Brook: Parochial Church Council).
D. De Saxe, ‘The Hundred of Wye and the Great Revolt of 1381’, AC, 143-161.
J. Semple, ‘The Medieval Tile-Makers of Borough Green’, AC, 297-320.
H. Tsurushima, ‘The Eleventh Century in England through Fish-Eyes: Salmon, Herring and Oysters, and 1066’, in C.P. Lewis (ed.), 183-213.
H. Wagner (compiler) & D. North (ed.), Huguenot Wills and Administrations in England and Ireland 1617-1849 (London: Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland). Quarto series LX .
J. Ward, ‘The Kent Hundred Rolls: Local Government and Corruption in the 13th Century’, AC, 57-72.
early modern
C. Bartram, ‘“Some Tomb for a Remembraunce”: Representations of Piety in Post-Reformation Gentry Funeral Monuments’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 129-144.
G.M. Draper, ‘Educational Provision and Piety in Kent, c.1400-1640’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 75-92.
A. Hope, ‘Martyrs of the Marsh: Elizabeth Barton, Joan Bocher and Trajectories of Martyrdom in Reformation Kent’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 41-58.
R. Lutton, ‘Geographies and Materialities of Piety: Reconciling Competing Narratives of Religious Change in Pre-Reformation and Reformation England’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 11-40.
R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), Pieties in Transition: Religious Practices and Experiences, c. 1400-1640 (Aldershot: Ashgate),
S.J. Rogal, A record of Samuel Pepys’ financial accounts 1660-1669 (New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006). [Many references to Thameside ports.]
E. Salter, ‘Reconstructing Devotional Reading, c.1450-1560’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 145-162.
P. Simpson, ‘The Continuum of Resistance to Tithe, c.1400-1600’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 93-108.
S. Sweetinburgh, ‘The Poor, Hospitals and Charity in Sixteenth-Century Canterbury’, in R. Lutton and E. Salter (eds), 59-73.
S. Sweetinburgh, ‘Strategies of inheritance among Kentish fishing communities in the later middle ages’, History of the Family 11 (2006), 13-20.
J. Thirsk (ed.), Hadlow: Life, Land & People in a Wealden parish, 1460-1600 (Maidstone: KAS).
W.G.G. Alexander, Eynsford Village Hall: the Heart of Village Life 1905-2005 [Sevenoaks]: Farningham & Eynsford Local History Soc.).
F.W.G. Andrews, ‘The road services of Kent in the nineteenth century’, AC, 213-235.
J.J. Ashbury-Bailey, Foundation on a Hill: the history of St Edmund’s School, Canterbury, [and The Clergy Orphan School for Boys] (Canterbury: E.C. Parker & Co.).
P. Baignet & R. Ruegg, ‘Pauperism or emigration? Case studies of publicly-backed emigration schemes in Woolwich, Kent, 1851 to 1869-70’, Family & Community History 10, 1, 19-33.
J. Bakarski, Keeping the faith: History of Coombe Bank School (Oxford: Coombe Bank School and Gresham Books).
M.J. Barber, Scholar Daughter of the Rectory: the life of Caroline Frances Cornwallis 1786-1858 ( [Rye]: G. D. Neame).
N. Barker, Margate’s Seaside Heritage (Swindon: English Heritage).
D. Beaupre, ‘En Route to Flanders Fields: the Canadians at Shorncliffe during the Great War’, London Journal of Canadian Studies 23, 43-65.
S. Buczecki, Churchill and Chartwell: The untold story of Churchill’s houses and gardens (London: Frances Lincoln).
A. Burges, Railways of Kent (Hersham: Ian Allen).
J. Burgess (ed.), A life well spent: memories of Birchington and beyond, 1917-2006 (Birchington: privately printed). [Recollections of Alfred George Bedwell].
Chartham Hatch Village Hall Society, Chartham Hatch: from village school to village hall, the story of a building and life in a small village near Canterbury in Kent (Sandwich: CHVHS).
E. Crawford, The Women’s suffrage movement in Britain and Ireland. A Regional survey (London: Routledge, 2006 [Kent ref. 189-94].
G. Daly, ‘English Smugglers, the Channel, and the Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1814’, Journal of British Studies 46, 1, 30-46.
S. Dunster and E. Edwards, ‘150 Years of Local History: local Kentish practice and national trends’, AC, 21-38.
M. Easdown, Piers of Kent (Stroud: Tempus).
J. Edwards (ed.), Capel Explored: being an account of the history of certain parts of the parish and the memories of its people (Tonbridge: Capel History Society).
N. Evans, Broadstairs Heydays and Nowadays (Whitstable: Bygone Publishing).
D. Gurney, The Posts and Postcards of Plaxtol: the history of the postal service in Plaxtol (Plaxtol: Plaxtol Local History Group).
J.N. Guy, The Story of Gravesham (Stroud: Tempus).
C. Harding, ‘“You can almost smell the flowers” the autochromes of Henry Essenhigh Corke’, Archive 9, May, 4-9. [Photographer based in Sevenoaks c.1920].
D. Hewson, Saved: how an English village fought for its survival… and won (Leicester: Matador). [Recent campaign to prevent development around Wye].
D. Janes, Edwardian Murder. Ightham and the Morpeth train robbery (Stroud: Sutton). [Luard murder, Ightham, 1908].
D. Killingray, ‘Kent and the abolition of the slave trade: a County study’, AC, 107-125.
G. Kraemer-Johnson, The Heyday of East Kent (Hersham: Ian Allen). [East Kent Road Car Co.].
R. LeGear, ‘Underground Ragstone Quarries in Kent: a brief overview’, AC, 407-419.
C. McCarthy, Railways of Britain: Kent and Sussex (Hersham: Ian Allen).
A. Major, The Oasthouses: their life and times (Seaford: S.B. Publications, 2006).
J. Marsh, William Morris’s Red House: a collaboration between architect & owner (Pavilion, 2005). [Red House, Bexleyheath].
R. Martin, East Malling, Larkfield and New Hythe: inns, beerhouses and their keepers (Malling Society).
R. Matthews, Heroes of Fighter Command: Kent (Newbury: Countryside Books).
A.J. Moor, Kent’s forgotten airfield: Throwley, 1917-1919 (Stroud: Tempus).
J. Oates, ‘Responses in London and the Home counties to the Jacobite rebellion of 1745’, Southern History 28 (2006), 46-73.
F. Panton, ‘The KAS and the development of archaeology and historical studies in Kent, 1957-2007: a review’, AC, 1-19.
F. Payne, Stone House: the city of London Asylum (Gravesend: privately printed).
A. Rootes (compiler), Higham in old photographs (Higham: Higham Village History Group).
J.A. Rymill, A Potted History of the Sheerness United Reformed Church from 18th century (Marden: Green Arrow Publishing).
Screen Archive South-East, The Region on Film: exploring the collection of Screen Archive South East 2 DVD’s. [Archival film footage incl. many aspects of Kent 1920s-1970s].
T. Stevens, History of the Romney Marsh and District Sheepdog Society (Lydd: privately printed).
P. Whitbourn, Decimus Burton, Esquire architect and gentleman (1800-1881) 2nd ed. (Tunbridge Wells: Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society, 2006) Local History Monograph No. 1.
E. Wilson (ed.), The Downright Epicure; essays on Edward Bunyard (Totnes: Prospect). [Foremost pomologist and owner of the Maidstone fruit nurseries founded in 1796].
C. Bartram, ‘The reading and writing practices of the Kentish gentry: the emergence of a Protestant identity in Elizabethan Kent’, Kent ph.d. 2005.
A. Davis, ‘History and charters of Higham in the middle ages’, London m.phil. 2006.
E. Eastlake, ‘The obedientiaries of Boxley Abbey 1336-1389’, Winchester m.a. 2006.
The following is a selection of material in the offices of the Kent Archives Service and the Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre which was catalogued in 2006 and 2007. A full list of all accessions received during 2006 and 2007 is available on the National Archives website at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/accessions/.
centre for kentish studies
Charing St Peter and St Paul: ground plan of Charing church, 1879 (P78)
High Halden St Mary the Virgin: baptism register, 1905-1989; banns register, 1823-1990; marriage registers, 1937-1990; burial register, 1880-1993 (P164)
Kemsing St Mary the Virgin: baptism registers, 1876-1989; banns registers, 1960-2001; marriage registers, 1838-1987; burial registers, 1813-1992; confirmation register, 1933-1981; service registers, 1961-1997; PCC accounts, 1951-1965; altered tithe apportion-ments, 1915, 1934 (P205)
Murston All Saints: baptism registers, 1813-1993; banns register, 1973-1988; marriage registers, 1922-1999; service registers, 1946-2000; churchwardens’ accounts, 1957-1982; PCC minutes, 1935-1955, 1982-1993; social committee minutes, 1970-1984 (P259)
Seal St Lawrence: orders of service, 1997-2006; correspondence re churchyard, 1991-1994; PCC accounts, 1972-1992; PCC minutes, 1988-1999; APCM minutes, 1973-1974, 1977-2000; parish magazines 1997-2004; photograph album commemorating 125th anniversary of the church’s consecration, 1993; Millennium scrapbook, 2000 (P326C)
Tenterden St Mildred: burial register, 1903-2001; parish news, 1998-2000 (P364)
Dover borough
Additional records including:
Polls of common assembly in mayoral elections, 1708-1835; appointments of officers, 1556-1958; petitions, for freedom, employment, to suppress St Martin’s Fair etc, 1773-1910, printed notices and bills concerning wartime defence, 1914-1918.
Town Clerk’s administrative files, concerning housing, planning and coastal defence; streets and highways; parliamentary, county council and municipal elections; use of Town Hall; public health; civil defence during World War II, etc, 1855-1974.
Town Clerk’s committee papers, including Maison Dieu restoration, 1848-1861, East Kent Joint Planning Committee, 1934-1949, Kent Coalfield region planning committee, 1922-1932.
Other unfiled papers of the Town Clerk, concerning civil defence and emergency planning, 1938-1948 (including daily incident messages of the air raid wardens and log books of the ARP and First Aid services, 1940-1945); markets and fairs, 1836-1909; streets, highways and miscellaneous sanitary matters, 1836-1953; police and watch committee, 1836-1942; transport, 1850-1922; deposited plans of public undertakings including railways, tramways, street improvements, piers and works to the undercliff and the harbour, 1842-1936.
Financial records, including printed abstracts of accounts; collector of coal dues’ accounts, 1850-1880.
Medical Officer of Health’s records, including survey of housing, 1936; town mortuary logbooks, 1939-1973.
Miscellaneous maps and plans, c.1790-1951.
Charity records, including Papillon’s Charity trustees’ minutes, 1828-1936, apprenticeship indentures, 1781-1859; correspondence, rentals, lease etc relating to the charity’s estate of Oxroad manor, 1742-1920.
Burgess lists, 1866-1878.
Borough Engineer and Surveyor’s papers, including photographic survey of slum properties, 1934-1939; meteorological records, 1926-1965.
Records of the Pavement Commission, including minutes, 1778-1850, financial papers, 1802-1850, correspondence, 1797-1850, and agreements with contractors, 1799-1846 (Do).
records transferred to the east kent archive centre
Birling PC: minute books 1894-1963; financial records 1894-1970; parish clerk’s corres-pondence 1960-1969; allotment rent accounts 1924-1966 (PC253)
Blean Union: plan of workhouse and grounds, 1901 (G/Bl)
Detling School: log books 1926-1993, 1997-2004; staff day book, 1993-1997; managers’ minutes, 1896-1953; admissions registers, 1917-2006; school correspondent’s papers, 1885-1932 (C/ES 117A)
Great Chart Sailors’ and Soldiers’ War Fund: letters from Great Chart men serving in the armed forces during World War I, 1914-1921 (Ch144)
Marden PC: minutes 1905-1911; miscellaneous financial papers, 1890-1904; (PC229)
Preston Hall Hospital: admission and discharge registers, 1934-1975; adm./dis. notes, 1939-1966; war service patients’ locations, 1940-1948; Lenham Sanatorium adm./dis. register, 1957-1972 (MH/Md4)
NADFAS: reports on St Dunstan’s Cranbrook, St Luke’s Matfield, King Charles the Martyr Tunbridge Wells, All Saints Langton Green, St Mary’s Hunton, All Saints Ulcombe, All Saints Biddenden, St Botolph’s Lullingstone (Ch129)
Tonge PC: minutes, 1894-1987; accounts 1895-1985 (PC246A)
Amherst family: additional papers, including title deeds re Montreal Estate, Riverhead, lands at Otford and Seal and other properties, 1559-1921; accounts of 1st Earl Amherst as Governor-General of Bengal, 1823-1828; letters to and from the East India Company, 1823-1828; Mill Hill School masters’ retirement fund members’ ledger, 1904-1920, and old masters’ committee minute book, 1912-1918 (U1350)
Maps of lands in Biddenden, Frittenden and Smarden, 1696, 1803 (U3737)
Definitive sentence of Simon Islip, Archbishop of Canterbury, confirming the right of the abbess and convent of Malling Abbey to lands, churches and vineyards in East Malling, West Malling and Halling, 1351 (U3743)
Beale Poste (1793-1871), Maidstone antiquarian, notebooks; covering family history, history and topography of his property in Tovil area, notes on the history and antiquities of Maidstone and its surrounding villages, 1824-1921 (U3750)
Anna Maria Hussey (1805-1853), mycologist and botanical illustrator: diary of a holiday in Dover, 1836 (U3754)
Horace Grensted’s scrapbooks of family, local and national events, mainly relating to the Sittingbourne and Newington areas, 1936-1953 (U3766)
Scrapbook of Mary Leburn (‘Molly’) Alexander (1891-1940) of Kenward House, Yalding, recording upper class life immediately before World War I, 1909-1914 (U3777)
Map of land in Goudhurst, 1767 (U2627)
Roydon Hall manor: Twysden estate map c.1670 (U1823/2)
Glassenbury estate maps and papers of Thomas Redford, 1615-1960 (U410)
Maps of Glassenbury estate, 1647 and 1748 (U2864, U3012, U3615)
Map of land in Eastry, 1622 (U2083)
Map of land in Smarden by Henry Hogben, 1790 (U2954)
Maps of lands in Elham and Chislet, 1759-1856 (U2915)
Estate maps of Chartham Court and Herne, 1723-1729 (U2899)
Maps of Yalding and Brenchley, 1837-1860, 1900 (U2908, U2912)
canterbury cathedral archives
Adisham PC: accounts and minutes, 1969-2005 (PC22)
Barham St John the Baptist: registers of marriages, 1994-2006; registers of services, 1981-2007; plan of Barham Churchyard Extension, 1932; PCC minute book 1966-1993; school minute book 1896-1900; photographs of church, 1886-c.1990 (U3/163)
Boughton under Blean St Peter and St Paul: register of services, 1981-2003 (U3/221)
Canterbury Christ Church: register of marriages, 2002-2006 (U3/100)
Canterbury St Mary Bredin: service sheets 1956-2000; PCC accounts, 1961-2000; architects’ drawings for new church and church hall 1955-1960; quinquennial inspections 1994-1996; plans relating to church hall 1980-1995; PCC minutes, 1965-2000; minutes of Steering Group and Standing Committee, 1963-2000; electoral rolls, 1972-2002; parish magazines, 1990-2001 (U3/4)
Canterbury St Mildred: church log book, 1993-1999 (U3/89)
Canterbury St Peter: faculties 1995-2001 (U3/90)
Capel le Ferne: papers relating to the churchyard, 1968-1969; fabric and restoration fund account book, 1965-1966; papers relating to the parish hall, 1911, 1944; papers relating to the building of the new church, 1966; papers relating to Capel le Ferne school, 1913, 1933; managers minutes for Capel and Hougham school, 1950-1964 (U3/152)
Chartham St Mary: register of marriages, 1997-2004 (U3/154)
Cheriton St Martin: vestry minutes, 1920-1923; PCC minutes, 1962-1971, 1947-1971 (Seabrook Mission Hall); visitors’ books, 1927-1969; register of banns, 1971-2001; register of graves, 1900-1976; inventory of goods and chattels, 1972x1983; terrier and inventory, 1974-1989; church log books, 1980x2001; vestry minute book and visitors books; PCC minutes, 1947-1971; architects’ plans, photographs and drawings, 1995-2000; guide books 1889-1976 (U3/68)
Doddington St John the Baptist: register of burials, 1905-2004; register of services, 1978-2004; PCC minutes, 1970-1989 (U3/195)
Dover Christ Church in Hougham: licence for the institution of Charles Hollan to the new vicarage, 1951 (U3/203)
Eastry St Mary: vestry book, 1858 (U3/275)
Faversham St Mary: register of banns, 1974-1979; register of services, 1995-2002; faculties, 1999-2000 (U3/146)
Goodnestone next Wingham Holy Cross: register of banns 1894-1984; register of graves (copy), c.1947; service sheets 1938-2000; churchyard plan, 1920; PCC balance sheets, 1991-1999; PCC minutes and annual reports, 1983-1998; PCC minutes, 2000; minutes of trustees of Gabriel Richards Charity, 1996; parish magazines, 1897-1997 (U3/232)
Kingston St Giles: register of marriages, 1993-2003; altered tithe apportionments, 1890-1925 (U3/168)
Lynsted St Peter and St Paul: registers of marriages, 1992-2002; register of services, 1974-2000 (U3/248)
Newnham St Peter and St Paul: register of marriages, 1994-2000 (U3/251)
Norton St Mary: registers of marriages, 1976-1994 (U3/257)
Ospringe St Peter and St Paul: register of banns, 1984-2002; register of marriages, 1985-2005 (U3/123)
Patrixbourne St Mary with Bridge St Peter: PCC minutes, 1954-1999 (U3/129)
Ringwould St Nicholas: PCC minute books, 1989-2006 (U3/104)
Sandgate St Paul: register of banns, 1949-1999; register of burials, 1898-1989; register of interments, 1961-2001; registers of services, 1981-1997; PCC minutes, 1970-1993; electoral roll, 1969-1971 (U3/277)
Wickhambreaux St Andrew: altered tithe apportionments, 1841-20th century (U3/63)
Womenswold St Margaret: register of banns, 1939-2003 (U3/106)
Wychling St Margaret: register of marriages, 1961-1994 (U3/196)
Canterbury City
Notebooks of Cyprian Rondeau Bunce (1752-1807) with extracts from City records and historical notes, and also observations on fullers’ earth and other minerals, late 18th century (CC/SuppMs/21, transfer from Canterbury Local Studies Library)
Court of Summary jurisdiction: conviction notices for various offences, including being drunk and disorderly; obscene language; assault; theft; failure to send children to school; soldiers giving false answers when recruited; begging; desertion; cruelty to animals, 1875- (CCACCJ/V)
Petitions to Burghmote, on miscellaneous matters, including: admission to the freedom; requests for payments during sickness; apprenticeships; admission to city offices; admission to Poor Priests’ Hospital, 1544-1708 (CC-A/P/B/V)
Canterbury Dean and Chapter
Record of arrears for farms, hospitality, bedels, pensions and ‘Canterbury rents’, 1689-1712 (DCc-Arrears/163)
Lease from the cathedral priory to Godfrey Fynegh of land in Seaton in Ickham, 1405 (DCc/ChAnt/I/209A)
Canterbury Diocese
Appointments of diocesan and archidiaconal officers and other office-holders, 1791-1985 (DCb/A/A)
Archbishop Tait Memorial Fund Accounts, and other Accounts and Cash Books, 1835-1954; Diocesan Registry accounts, 1876-1986 (DCb/A/F)
Accounts for administering probate and other business, 1835-1837 (DCb/A/F/8/4)
Papers relating to clergy discipline, 1843-1966 (DCb/F/X)
Order of submission relating to recusancy case of Thomas Povye, brought before the Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes, 1593, thought to be from the collection of John Eliot Hodgkin (1828-1912) (DCb-PRC/44/21)
Papers relating to the Poor Vicars Fund, set up in 1727 (1728-1951), (DCb/R/P)
Vellum-bound order of service for the 1946 service of thanksgiving for the preservation of the cathedral after World War II, and photographs, 1946 (U90/12-15)
Prints and notes relating to London, collected/compiled by L.S.W. Cranfield, 1695-1956 (U99/13)
Four photographs of performance of Dorothy Sayers’ play The Devil to Pay in cathedral Chapter House, 1938 (U167/96)
Photograph of Archbishop Frederick Temple, late 19th cent; illuminated address of welcome to Frederick Temple from the mayor, aldermen and citizens of Canterbury, 1897 (U306/6-7)
Press cuttings albums for Wiltshiers and Co, builders, 1971-1996 (U317/6)
Ration books, 1945-1957; tablecloth embroidered with signatures, produced to raise funds for the production of Spitfire aircraft, c.1940; autographed photograph of George Bernard Shaw, with related papers, mid 20th century (U461/13-18)
Maps of Little Barton Farm Estate, Canterbury, showing development, mid 20th century (U489)
Gardner and Allard: title deeds for properties in Canterbury, Herne Bay, Seasalter, Swalecliffe and Whitstable, 1599-1935 (U7/1)
Amos and Dawton, solicitors: title deeds the Blue Anchor, Dover Street, Canterbury, 1714-1904 (U21)
Furley and Page, solicitors: papers re Chatham to Canterbury Turnpike Road, including assignments and mortgages of tolls, accounts, minutes, correspondence and receipted bills, 1777-1869 (U23/1)
Furley, solicitors: deeds for properties in Eythorne, 1770-1880 (U50/I)
Deeds for lands at Sutton at Hone, Darenth, Swanscombe and Stone next Dartford 1368-1767 (U31)
Deeds for properties in Rainham, Upchurch, Tonge, Borden and Halstow, 1571-1810 (U35)
Deeds relating to Kingston, 1597-1674 (U55)
Deeds for property in Longport, Canterbury, 1660-1874 (U72)
Deeds and other documents relating to a tenement on the corner of High Street and Mercery Lane, Canterbury, formerly part of the Chequers of the Hope Inn, 1790-1842 (U76)
Deeds for the Beer Cart, Beer Cart Lane, Canterbury and related properties, 1757-1826 (U148)
Canterbury and District War Work Depot: records including reports, requisitions, letters of thanks and acknowledgements, and certificates of recognition, 1915-1919 (U236)
Christopher Graham, chorister at Canterbury Cathedral in the early 1960s: personal papers, including correspondence, photographs, Choir School reports, exam papers, concert programmes, orders of service and audio recording, 1959-2004 (U487)
Canon Derek Ingram Hill (1912-2003): “Visiting and Duties” diaries, containing contain brief notes of meetings, appointments, services, and other parochial activities 1936-1951 (U494)
Volume containing notices of Cathedral special services, recitals, choir meetings, schedules of preaching; notices of conferences, church assemblies and other special meetings; newspaper cuttings of events, 1850-1900 (U495)
Broad Oak Village Hall Management Committee: minute books, 1926-1971 (U499/1-3)
John Aucher Charity Account Book, 1703-1971 (U483/F/1)
Ann Wilks Papers: files relating to research on footpaths and village greens, mostly in the Whitstable area, containing correspondence, annotated maps, research notes, aerial photographs and court case papers, 1910-2006 (U500)
Canterbury Cathedral Cricket Club: correspondence and scoring books, 1935-1964 (U501)
Deakins, tailors and gentlemen’s outfitters: records including advertisements, photographs of firm’s outings, celebrations and promotional events, booklets on the history of the firm, and photographs of members of the Deakin family, mid 19th century-1991 (U502)
‘A Canterbury Tale’, an autobiographical account by Miss Lois Lang-Sims, who lived in Canterbury from 1939 to 1981, written 1997 (AddMs/380)
Survey of ledger slabs in Canterbury Cathedral by Captain Tempest Hay, 1991 (AddMs-381)
Reminiscences of Miss Helen Helmore concerning the time spent by her father, Canon F.J.O. Helmore, at Canterbury Cathedral between 1878 and 1938, 1961 (AddMs-382)
Photographic prints of Canterbury Cathedral and the City showing damage caused by bomb blasts, 1940-1942 (Photo/A/24)
Ministry of Works papers relating to Bekesbourne aerodrome, 1942-1962 (MW/2)
east kent archives centre
(The East Kent Archives Centre does not hold parish records)
Dane John Maternity Hostel, Canterbury: registers of cases, 1920-1947 (MH/T12)
Deal: borough minutes, 1982-1996 (De)
Deal, Sandwich and District Teachers’ Association: minutes and accounts, etc, 1887-1969 (EK/Ch21)
New Romney: map of New Romney, 1683 (NR)
Oxroad [Elham]: manorial court book, 1633-1828 (EK/U196)
Preston-next-Wingham: manorial court rolls, 1586-1591 (EK/U195)
Ramsgate School (formerly the Conyngham School), Ramsgate: admission registers, 1962-1998 (C/ES297/11)
Ripple Primary: admission registers and log book, 1899-2001 (C/ES301 (Addl))
Thanet highway board: ledger, 1886-1891 (HB/Th)
Thanet PL Guardians: registers of births, baptisms and boarded-out children; Rural Sanitary Authority minutes; workhouse plan, 1848-1937 (G/Th (Addl))
Dymchurch: family papers amassed by the Beazley family and papers concerning the sale of property at Dymchurch Bay Estate, 1880x1972 (EK/U188)
Deeds for properties in various east Kent parishes and Witham, Essex, 1687-1920 (EK/U190)
Admiralty charts, (1803)-1977 (EK/U192)
Cheriton Electric Hall [cinema]: cash book, ledger and share certificate counterfoils, 1911-1923 (EK/U193)
G M Hinds, architects and valuers of Ramsgate: account books, 1778-1871 and accounts, estate records, correspondence and plans, etc, 1849-1940 (R/U1561)
Conveyancing documents re Redbrick Cottage, Barnsole, Staple [formerly Staple parish workhouse], 1836-1982 (EK/U194)
Correspondence concerning the Isle of Thanet Railway, 1898-1901 (EK/U202)
Deeds: Russell Street, Dover, 1771-1962 (EK/U131 (Addl))
Pridden Manuscripts: historical notes, transcripts and sketches, etc; also, Thanet pedigrees and papers relating to the Royal Sea Bathing Hospital, Margate, 1780x1859 (EK/U203)
Haffenden Family: miscellaneous papers, 1728-1800 (EK/U205)
Deeds: Elmsted, Folkestone, Lydd, Stelling Minnis, 1788-1912 (EK/U207)
Letters received by Cobb and Company of Margate, 1799 (EK/U209)
Sir Moses Montefiore: centenary celebration programme, 1884 (EK/U210)
Deeds: Dray Family, 1853-1869 (EK/U211)
St Nicholas’ School, Broadstairs (preparatory school): programme, prospectus and photo-graphs, 1936x1938 (EK/U212)
Deeds: 19 Godwin Road, Margate, 1864-1951 (EK/U213)
Deeds: properties in New Romney, 1773-1857 (EK/U214)
Fynmore Family Collection: manuscript book of extracts from various documents mainly relating to Sandgate, Cheriton and Folkestone, [1622]-1920 (F1940/1 (Addl))
Brooke Gregory, Chemists of Folkestone: prescription books, 1920-1974 (F1987/4)
Blacksmith’s records, Margate: ledger; unused receipt and printed book, 1798-1937 (R/U120)
Deal Coastguard Station plans, tenders, contracts, etc, 1889-1913 (EH/1)
medway archives and local studies centre
High Halstow PC: including correspondence; minutes of Recreation Hall management committee; financial records of High Halstow Lawn Tennis Club, 1956-1994 (DE1154)
Milton next Gravesend St Peter and St Paul: baptisms registers, 1844-1902 and 1902-1938; marriages registers, 1889-1896 and 1896-1903 (P252 (additional) (DE1107))
High Halstow: plan of graveyard, 1977-1978 (DE1114 [part]/P167)
Other Religious
Jezreelites: including hymn books, tracts, correspondence, business records, and papers relating to Jezreel’s Tower, 1801-1960 (N/JZ/153; DE1122)
Enon Strict Baptist Church, Chatham: including minute books, accounts and retrospective index of church members, 1842-c.1990 (N/B/85; DE1166)
Wycliffe Congregational Church, Northfleet: minute books containing admissions, baptisms, marriages and burials, 1889 – 1983 (DE1127, N/C/270)
Chatham Memorial Synagogue: additional records, including prayers for specific deceased individuals, correspondence and financial papers, 1835, 1933-2003 (N/J/305 (additional) (DE1103))
Certificate of receipt of brass weights and measures by the mayor of Rochester, 1825 (RCA additional (DE1097))
Map of the City of Rochester and Liberties, 1822 (RCA; DE1161)
Sermons by John Lee alias Warner (c.1605-1679), archdeacon of Rochester, c.1654-c.1663 (DRc (additional) (DE1086))
Architectural drawings and surveys of Rochester Cathedral (1903), 1952-1983 (DRc; DE1115)
King’s School, Rochester and Old Roffensian Society: additional records, including photo-graphs, correspondence, handbooks, etc., 1848-2006 (DE1094)
All Saints’ Church of England Primary School, Chatham: additional records, 1893-1981 (C/ES 85/1-; DE1095)
St Peter’s County Infants’ School, Rochester: additional records, 1904-2006 (DE1108-C/ES 304/6)
Gordon Road School, Strood: additional records, 1946-2001, including admissions registers, 1946-2001, and logbook, 1985-1995 (DE1152)
Dickens’ Country Protection Society: additional records re proposed international airport at Cliffe, c.2003 (DE1076)
Strood Working Men’s Club and Institute: list of members subscribing towards testimonial to Charles Roach Smith, their president, c.1900 (DE1114 [part])
Gillingham Women Citizens’ Association: minute book, 1937-1948 (DE1129)
Dunkirk Veterans’ Association, Gillingham: additional records, including wartime reminis-cences, 1944-2006 (DE1148)
Gillingham Recorded Music Society, formerly Gramophone Society: records including minute books, accounts and programmes, 1947-2007 (DE1156)
Cliffe Memorial Hall: minutes, correspondence and accounts, 20th Century (DE1140)
Land Tax redemption register for North Aylesford Division of the Lathe of Aylesford, parishes comprising Ifield, Nursted [cf. Nurstead], Meopham, Luddesdown, Northfleet, Gravesend, Milton next Gravesend, Chalk, Denton, Shorne, Cobham, Cuxton, Halling, Higham, Cliffe, Cooling, Frindsbury, Strood Extra, Hoo St. Werburgh, Oxenheath, High Halstow, Hoo St. Mary, Stoke, Hoo Allhallows, Chatham, Gillingham, Saint James in Grain, Rochester St. Nicholas, Rochester St. Margaret, Eastgate, Rochester and Strood Intra, 1799-1947 (DE1138)
Records of Margaret Elizabeth Lynch (formerly Hardie), teacher, and her son Paul Lynch, a pupil at Rainham Council Mixed School, 1887-1921 (DE1038)
Deeds of the White Lion, the Oar and a tenement in High Street, Strood, 1650-1806; 1875 (DE1047)
Anon. MS poem satirising the military, political and ecclesiastical establishment of the Medway Towns, September 1819 (DE1057)
Deeds of 5 Mansion Row, Brompton, 1765-1955 (DE1058)
Deeds, probate records and personal estate papers of the Peat family of Kensington, London and Tovil, Maidstone and Forrester family of Malmesbury, Wiltshire, 1739-1913 (DE1068)
Deeds of cottages and the Cannon public house or beer house, 1-13 Garden Street, Brompton, with site plans and photographs of the exterior, 1739-1991 (DE1073)
Deeds, plans photographs and other material re Restoration House, 17-19 Cow Lane, Rochester, 1799-1989 (DE1078)
Personal, family, estate and testamentary records of Alfred Rimington (died 1910), his son Charles William Rimington of Rochester, including title deeds to properties in Chatham and Rochester, 1801-1933 (DE1083)
Personal papers of (William) Howard (Lesley) Bell, possibly the first apprentice in the aircraft industry, later sales representative for and chief inspector of Short Brothers, (and of Elliott Automation, Rochester), and publican, 1912-1985 (DE1109)
Volume of pencil architectural drawings and notes by Helen M. Smetham ARCA 1904-1905 (1878-1925), with letters received and historical notes by Henry Smetham, her father, 1904-1945 (DE1111)
Scrapbook on the history of Bredhurst and Bredhurst Church, 1966 (DE1114 [part])
Personal papers of Brigadier Basil Chichester-Cooke of Hammond Place, High Street, Upper Upnor, mainly re the history of Upnor, 20th Century (DE1120)
Scrapbook of Charles G. Miller, 17 Rochester Avenue, Rochester, son of Rev. G. Anderson Miller, relating to his family, their church, Rochester Baptist Church, Maidstone Road (later Crow Lane), Rochester, local Nonconformist Sunday schools and the Kent and Sussex Baptist Association, 1888-1979 (DE1157)
Glass plate negatives of Halling Village taken c.1910 (C/ES/165; DE1123)
Title deeds of Owletts, Cobham, 16th-18th centuries (DE1136)
Lower Medway Navigation Company: register of assignment or transfer of shares, 1802-1952 (S/MN additional/DE1093)
Rogers, Stevens and Chance, Chatham, chartered surveyors, brewery agents and valuers of licensed property: additional records, 1925-1930 (Returned to series DE852) (DE1102) ((additional))
South Eastern Gas Board (SEGAS): records of operations at Rochester Works, Gas House Road, Rochester, Gillingham Works, Pier Road, Gillingham and Isle of Grain Oil Gasification Works, 1923-1981: receipted bills or vouchers of, from their suppliers 1934-1936, 1950 (DE1114 [part])
Directorate of Public Relations, Ministry of Aircraft Production: press release re of Shorts’ Shetland flying boat, 1945 (DE1114 [part])
Medway Divisional Joint Production Consultative and Advisory Committee, Amalgamated Engineering Union: reports, minutes, printed pamphlets, flyers and correspondence with Short Brothers, Seaplane Works, Rochester, 1938-1947 (DE1114 [part])
Alpha Cement Ltd. Cliffe: narrative, progress sheets, notes, photographs and facsimile sectional drawing re renewal of No.2 Rotary Kiln, Cliffe Cement Works, , 1950 (DE1114 [part])
Martin Caroe of Martin Caroe and Partners, London, chartered architects (architect to Rochester Cathedral): architectural drawings, surveys and correspondence files re Rochester Cathedral (1972), 1981-1999 (DE1116)
George Edward Bond and Frank T. Goring of Rochester, architects and surveyors: architectural drawings including Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, High Street, Rochester, late 19th-early 20th (DE1142)
Parker and Son, Cliffe, grocers, drapers, clothiers, provision merchants and ironmongers: ledgers, 1917-1943 (DE1133)
Gaiety Theatre of Varieties, Chatham, and Barnard’s New Palace of Varieties, Street, Chatham: visitors’ book and record of testimonials of performers and artists, with photographs and news cuttings of performers, 1902-1905 (DE1130)