General Index

451 general iNDEX I llustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics BA Bronze Age EIA E arly Iron Age ER E arly Roman IA I ron A ge L BA L late Bronze Age LIA L late Iron Age LIA L ate Iron Age MRP Middle Roman period LR B L late Romano-British R B R romano-British A bolition Act (1807) 34 agrarian issues 42-6 agriculture (farming) prehistoric 203-4 medieval 315, 317 17th century 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247-8, 251-2, 253 Wouldham 380 A llen, Tim, ‘Prehistoric settlement patterns on the north Kent coast between Seasalter and the Wantsum’ 189-207 A llens Farm see under Plaxtol allotments 45-6 A lton (Hants), button brooches 55, 62-3, 62 A mboldosherst 299, 307, 308 A mery, Thomas 256n A mherst, Lady 39 A ndrewe, William 316 A ngley, den 299, 307, 308 A nglo-Norman, Fordwich 370 A nglo-Saxon/Saxon button brooches 55-76 Canterbury 366, 367, 368 cemetery 150 charcoal 144 E ddington 363 Fordwich 370 Kingsborough 149-50 plant remains 146 see also Eastry; Kingsborough Farm and Manor; pottery animal bone cat 328, 329 cattle 267, 278, 328 deer (red and roe) 267, 278 dog skeleton 325, 328, 329 frog or toad 325 horse 328, 329 horse burials 351, 352, 367 pig 278, 328-9 sheep 267, 278, 328 sheep skeleton 325, 329 prehistoric 193, 195, 200 R oman 6 sites Canterbury 366, 368 E astry, Anglo-Saxon/medieval 321, 324, 325, 326, 328-9 E ddington 365 Fordwich 370 I ngress Abbey Greenhithe 3 Kingsborough 142 Minster-in-Thanet, Roman 347, 349, 350 Plaxtol 266, 267, 278 A nti-Corn Law League (ACLLll) 43-4 A nti-State Church Association 46-7 A ntonine Itinerary 288, 289, 290, 291 A OC Archaeology Group 1, 22 A rchaeology South-East 129, 380 archaeomagnetic dating, Plaxtol tile kiln 263-4 A rthur, King 281 A shbee, Paul, book review by 399-401 A shford 40 Westhawk Farm 392 A tlantic period 381 A trebates 280 axeheads, Neolithic 193, 195, 199 axes Palaeolithic handaxe 386 Mesolithic 386 A ylesford church 169 Wyatt’s Rebellion 87 GENERAL IN DEX 452 Belgae tribes 280 Belgic language 282, 288, 292 Bellamy, Reynall 41 Beltinge see Beacon Hill; Bogshole Lane A–C Belvedere, Pirelli Works, Crabtree Manor Way 375 Benenden clothing trade 239, 245, 246, 247 L ollardy and rebellion 88, 89 Bennett, Paul et al., At the Great Crossroads: Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval discoveries on the Isle of Thanet 1994-95, reviewed 399-401 Bere, John 10 Beresford, Field Marshal Viscount Lord 298 Beresford-Hope, Sir Alexander 44, 295, 298, 305, 306 Bessborough, Earl of (Viscount Duncannon) 10, 13, 14, 28 Bethersden 88 Bethersden marble 158, 162, 167 Betts, Phil, book review by 411-12 Beult, River 295 Bexley, Hall Place 374 Bexley Hospital 387-8 Biddenden, clothing trade 239, 245, 246, 247, 251, 252-3 Bifrons, brooches 56, 64, 65, 66, 71, 74, 75 Bigg, Smallhope 254n bird bone 140, 142, 267, 278, 328, 329, 370 Bishopsgate, Roman building 264 Blackheath 96 Blacksole Farm, prehistoric settlement 192 Boast, Emma see Parfitt, Keith Boclond, Geoffrey ‘ate’ or ‘de’ 397 Bogshole Lane A, Beltinge, prehistoric settlement 192, 200 Bogshole Lane B, Beltinge, prehistoric settlement 192, 199 Bogshole Lane C, Beltinge, prehistoric settlement 192, 199, 202 Boleyn, Sir Thomas 86 Bolney, Master 213-14 bone and horn working 267, 274 book binding 117 Badeslade, print by 10, 11 Baker, Sir John 298 Baldwin, Archbishop 316 Baldwyns manor house 387 Banks, Mr 47 Bannister, Nicola R., and Debbie Bartlett, ‘An initial investigation of an early routeway and boundary, possibly prehistoric, in Bedgebury Forest’ 295-311 Bardown 307 Baretilt 299, 307, 308 Barham, Lord 35 Barnefield Hundred 297, 305, 306 Barnfield Pit 3 Barrett, John 256n barrows, Romano-British 269, 273 Barry (family) 395, 397 Barthelot family 395 Bartholomew, Elizabeth 171 Bartholomew, Leonard 173 Bartlett, Debbie see Bannister, Nicola R. Bartram, Claire, ‘Reconstructing liter-ary life in the provinces with special reference to the Elizabethan gentry of Kent’ 113-28 Baseden, John 255n Bath, Albert 45 bath-houses, Roman Canterbury 226, 229, 231 Highstead 194, 201 Plaxtol 258, 261-3, 266, 274 see also Minster-in-Thanet Roman villa, Building 3 Bathurst, Richard 256n Battle Abbey 298 Battle, Abbot of 298, 307, 308 Bayley, Thomas 256n Beacon Hill, Beltinge, cliff-top settlement 191 Beaker burials 360 Beal (Beale, Bele) family 98, 100 Becon, Thomas 116 Bedgebury family 298 Bedgebury Forest, prehistoric(?) routeway and boundary 295-311 Bedgebury Park and Wood 97, 295, 296, 298, 306 Beecham, Richard 251 Bele see Beal family GENERAL IN DEX 453 book culture (literary life), Elizabethan provincial gentry 113-28 Borden 87 Boreal Age 381 Borstal Hill, prehistoric 192 Bosenden Woods 37, 43 Boteler family 317 Botting, Jonas and Jeremy 251, 256n Boudicca 281 Boudiccan revolt 27 Boughton Aluph manor 305, 307, 308 Boughton Monchelsea 87, 93 settlement/farmstead 377-8 Bourne, River 261, 263, 267, 274 Bourne valley 155 box, bronze fittings, Roman 267 Boxley 86 Boxley Abbey 98 Boyden Gate, Hoath Road, prehistoric site 194 Boyn Hill/Orsett Heath formation 3, 5 Brasted, rebellions 90, 99, 100 Braun and Hogenburg, map 236, 237 Bredgeland, Samuel 256n Brenchley, Lollardy 88 brick R oman 9, 24-5, 27, 348 yellow 325 brick kiln 373 brickworks, Murston 388 Bridgeland, Samuel 256n British Library, Loan MSS15 79 British People’s Party 41 British Union of Fascists 41 broadcloth industry, 17th century 239-56 Brockhull, Henry 124 Bromley, politics 42, 43 Bronze Age animal bones 193, 200 bronze-working 193 Canterbury 366, 367 Chestfield 383-5 cremation burials 193, 199 E ddington 363-5 enclosures 149, 150 flints 6, 26, 106, 192, 196, 367, 383 fortified farmstead 194, 200-1 Hillborough 389 hoard 192, 202 I sle of Sheppey 360 Kingsborough 147, 149, 150 Margate 383 pottery kilns (LB/EIAeia) 192, 203-4 round barrows 193, 199 Sandwich 377 settlement patterns 191-203 Sittingbourne 388 sunken-floored hut 193, 199 Wouldham 380 see also pottery bronze-working, Bronze Age 193 brooches I ron Age 361 A nglo-Saxon button 55-76 Brooke family 98 Brooke, Sir William 123 Broun family 96 Broun, Sir George 96 Broune, Robert, fruiterer 96 Brown, George, shoemaker 96 Brown, John, iron furnaces 243 Brown, Lancelot (Capability) 10 Browne, Valentine 248 Brythonic language 279, 281, 282, 287, 288, 292 Buck, Charles 239 Buckingham, Duke of (Humphrey Stafford) 90 Buckingham’s Rebellion (1483) 77, 90, 93, 94 Buckland, documentary study 394-8 Buckland (‘de bokelonde’) family 395, 396 Buckland, John 254n, 256n Burghley, Lord (William Cecil) 120, 122 burials L B/EIAeia crouched inhumation 383 R oman 6, 27, 378 inhumation 369 A nglo-Saxon 314 N ew Romney 371 see also cemeteries; human skeletal remains Burnham, Paul The College at Wye: A Historical Guide, reviewed 420-1 Hinxhill: A Historical Guide, reviewed 420-1 Lady Joanna Thornhill: Her Life and Times and Her School, reviewed 420-1 GENERAL IN DEX 454 Buss, James 174 button, brass 25 Cade’s Rebellion (1450) 77, 79-81, 84-5, 86-102 Caesar, Julius 202-3, 257, 280, 281, 287, 288 Calborne, Isle of Wight, button brooches 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 71 Calcraft, John 10, 14, 28 Cambridge (Cambs) 291 Cannon, Mrs S.L. 178 Canterbury A nglo-Saxon/Saxon 366, 367, 368 assizes 124 Barton Court Grammar School 366-7 bath-houses, Roman 226, 229, 231 Black Griffin Lane 229 Boar’s Head 213, 214, 219 Bronze Age 366, 367 Canterbury College 367 castle 235 Cathedral Priory 211 Chequer of Hope inn 210 Christ Church Priory 211, 213, 235, 315, 316 Dean and Chapter of Christ Church 239 Durovernum 289, 291 E astbridge Hospital 213 freedom 209-10 friary 236 Hospital of St Lawrence 369 human remains 367 I ron Age 366, 367 Jewry Lane 211 Kingsmead Sports Stadium site 381 L ondon Gate 229 medieval 209, 366-9, 370 agricultural buildings and features 236, 367 Mercery Lane 210 Middle Saxon 366, 367 motte-and-bailey, Dane John 235 Neolithic flints 367 N ew Drapery 242 N orthgate 209 N os 3-4 Oaten Hill 367-8 N os 20A-21A Palace Street 368 Canterbury (cont.) Parham Close, Sturry Road 370 peat formation 381 pilgrim badges 210 place name 286 Pleistocene 381 The Plough 213, 219 politics 35, 37, 41, 44 population fall 216 post-medieval 236-8 prehistoric ditch 370 rebellions 86-7, 91, 92 R hodaus Town 369 R oman 225-32, 226, 366, 368, 370 R oman cantonal capital 204 R oman population 391, 392 N o 1 Ryde Street, St Dunstans 369 St Andrew’s Church 216-17 St Augustine’s Abbey Church and graveyard 216 St John’s Hospital, Northgate 210 St Lawrence Cricket Ground, Old Dover Road 368-9 St Martin’s Church 213, 213 St Mary Bredman parish 211, 219 St Mildred’s churchyard 235 St Mildred’s Tannery site 225-38 R oman aisled building? 230, 231-2, 233 bath-house? 229, 231 streets 226, 229 town wall and postern 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233 A nglo-Saxon brushwood trackways 232, 233 sanctuary 232-3 Halistane (Holystone?) 228, 233, 236 medieval structures, and pottery 235-6 post-medieval 236-8 re-modelled defences 233-5 St Sepulchre, lime kiln 210 St Sepulchre’s nunnery 368 St Thomas Becket shrine 209, 215-16 St Thomas’ Marching Watch 215 Stour Street 211, 225, 229, 235 Thomas Fokys, publican and mayor 209-24 weir 235 Whitehall Road 366 GENERAL IN DEX 455 Canterbury, archbishops of 155, 394 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 225, 314-73, 383 Canterbury Radical Association 37-8 Cantii (Cantiana) 280 Capel le Ferne, button brooch 74 Capon, Les, ‘Early Roman features, possibly defensive, and the modern development of the parkland land-scape at Ingress Abbey, Greenhithe’ 1-31 Caroline, Queen 36 Catstreet, Christopher 256n cemeteries R oman Canterbury 369 Highstead 194 R omano-British, Plaxtol 267-9, 273 A nglo-Saxon 150, 313 medieval(?), Canterbury 369 G reenwich 376 chalk extraction 284-5 chalk mining 285 chalk quarrying, Greenhithe 9, 10, 28 Chalklin, C.W., Royal Tunbridge Wells: A History, reviewed 417-18 Chambers, Sir William 10, 14 Chapman, Henry 103 charcoal, Kingsborough 143-5 Chart Sutton manor 305, 306 charters 366 Chartham, button brooch 74 Chartism 37-8 Chatham N aval Dockyard 373 place name 282, 286 politics 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 47 Wyatt’s Rebellion 87 Chatham Lines, button brooch 60 Chestfield, prehistoric sites Churchwood Drive 193, 199 Molehill Road 195, 383-5 R adfall Corner 195 R idgeway 195 Chevening 36, 282, 286 Cheyne, Sir John 97 Cheyne (alias ‘Blewbeard’), Thomas 91 Cheyney, Sir Thomas 87, 97 Chiddingstone 48, 90 Chilham, button brooches 56, 71, 74, 75 Chiltenden 308 Chislet, prehistoric sites Chitty Lane 192, 199 Church Lane A 193 Church Lane B 193, 200 Sarre Penn 195 see also Highstead Chittenden, Nathaniel 255n Chittenden, William, sen. and jun. 251, 255n, 256n churches and chapels Cottington, manorial 107 E astry, medieval 315, 316-17, 318, 330 G reenwich, Chapel Royal 374-5 N ew Romney 371 Old Soar Manor 164-6, 164, 165, 167 Cinque Ports 78, 91, 209, 211 cist, chalk 369 Clactonian industry 3 Clare, Richard de 156 clay extraction Boughton Monchelsea 377 medieval 370 R omano-British 261, 261, 263 clay tobacco pipes 26, 369 cliff-top settlement, prehistoric 191 Cliffe 88 Clifford, Dr John 47 cloth industry 89, 99; see also broadcloth industry Cobbett, William 37 cobbler’s scrap leather 236 Cobham, Jeskyns Farm 373 Cobham, Lord (George Brooke) 98 Cobham, William Lord 98, 120, 122, 123 Cobham Hall 14 Cockayne Project 243, 244 Codwell, John 254n coins Belgic contacts 280 Celtic 106 R oman 9, 25, 109, 342 at Plaxtol 265, 266, 267, 274 Colepep(p)er (Culpep(p)er) family 124 Bedgebury branch 97, 298 owned Sore alias Hores 157, 167-71, 182 pardons for rebellion 93, 97 Colepeper, Edward (d.1533) 169 GENERAL IN DEX 456 Colepeper, Edward 170 Colepeper, Elizabeth (m. William Cotton) 169 Colepeper, Geoffrey (d.1389) 156, 167, 169, 179 Colepep(p)er, John and Agnes (nee de Bedgebury) 298 Colepeper, Richard (d.1484) 169 Colepeper, Richard 170 Colepep(p)er, Sir Thomas, of Preston Hall 169, 170 Colepeper, Thomas (d.1587) 97, 169 Colepep(p)er, Thomas, Bedgebury Manor 298 Colepeper, Walter (d.1321) 169 Collier, Roger 99 Colvill, John 256n Colvill, Josias 254-5n Colville, Thomas, sen. 255n Colyare, John 99 Combination Acts 37 Communist Party 41 Conservative Party 39, 47 Cooling 88 Cooling Castle 98 Coombe Bank, Brasted 93 Cooper, Cyril, Maidstone: A History, reviewed 417-18 copper alloy objects 383 Core, John 317 corn-drier, Roman, Minster-in-Thanet 349, 356 corn-drying oven, Roman, Minster-in-Thanet 342, 343, 344, 348-9, 351, 353, 354 Corn Laws 37, 43-4 Corrupt Practices Act (1885) 39 Cottington, manorial chapel 107 Cotton, William 169 Couper, Richard and Robert 99 Courthop, Peter 255n Courthop, Robert 256n Cowper, Thomas 99 Cranbrook dens 299, 305, 307, 308 iron furnace proposed 243 L ollardy 88 politics 37, 38, 44, 47 risings and rebellions 88, 89 textile industry and the poor 239, 241, 244-53 Cranmer, Edmund, archdeacon 216-17 Cranmer, Archbishop 116 Cray, River 282, 284, 286 crayer 284 Crayford place name 282, 286-7 politics 38, 43 cremation burials Bronze Age 193, 199 I ron Age 196 LIA lia and Roman 360, 361 LIA lia /er urned 192 R B, Kingsborough Farm 129, 132-3, 131, 132, 140-2, 145, 149 R oman 193 Crompe, William 213-14 Crompton, Samuel 256n Crowmer, William 93, 96 Culpepper family see Colepeper family Cunningham, John (ed), An Historical Atlas of Tunbridge Wells, reviewed 415-17 Curteis, Edward J. 305, 306 Curteis, Dr Thomas, rector 35-6, 48 Darby, Peter 317 Darbyshire, Sir Edward 10 Darell, Mary 116 Darent, River 282, 285, 287, 392 Darenth Roman villa 264 Darrell, Frances 123 Dartford The Bridge, Bob Dunn Way 378-9 L eigh Technology College 378 place name 282, 287 politics 37, 39, 43 Priory 9 rebellion 90, 91 R oman population 392 Dartford Heath, former Bexley Hospital site 385-8 Davies, Emily 42 Davies, Malcolm, ‘The evidence of settlement at Plaxtol in the Late Iron Age and Romano-British periods’ 257-78 Dee, John 114 Delmonden 299, 307, 308 deneholes 284-5 I ron Age? 5, 6, 27 GENERAL IN DEX 457 dens 298, 299, 305, 306-7 Deptford, politics 36, 40, 43 Dering, Edward 116, 117 Dering family 124 Dierden’s Yard 3 Digges family 97, 124; see also Dygges Digges, Leonard 97, 117, 124 Digges, Thomas 117, 124 Ditchley (Oxon), villa 354 Doidge, W and H, map 237, 238 Domesday Book 281, 285, 393 Dorchester (Durnovaria) 291 Dour, River 282, 285, 288 Dover button brooches 56, 58, 61, 62, 63, 74 place name 284, 288 Portus Dubris 203, 288 R oman population 392 women’s suffrage 41 Dover Archaeological Group 103 Downe Cliffs 9 dress hook, copper-alloy 25 droveway see Kingsborough Farm and Manor Dudley, John 94 Dunstable (Durocobrivis) 291 Dunster, Sandra, book reviews by 418-20 Durham, Anthony see Goormachtigh, Michael Durobrivae (Rochester) 203, 288, 291 Durobrivae (Water Newton) 291 Durolevum (Ospringe) 203, 288-9, 291, 392 Duroliponte (Cambridge) 291 Durovernum (Canterbury) 289, 291 Dux Field see under Plaxtol Dygges, John and Richard 97; see also Digges family E arly Holocene see Holocene earthwork, Bedgebury Forest 295, 297, 299-309 E ast Langdon, Church Farm 371 E ast Peckham 87, 88 E astry 313-32 prehistoric, flint and pottery 319, 321, 326, 327 A nglo-Saxon 313-14, 319, 321, 330 burials 314 button brooches 74 cemeteries 313 field boundary/enclosure (gully) 314 royal ‘palace’ (villa regalis) 313, 314, 330 medieval 314-17, 321-4, 330 church 316-17, 318, 330 market and fair 315-16 late medieval/early post-medieval 324-6 post-medieval 326 animal bone 321, 324, 325, 326, 328-9 marine shell 325, 326 place name 313 plant remains 325 pottery 319, 321, 326-8, 330 Eastry Court 314, 315, 316, 318, 330 E ddington, prehistoric site 193, 199, 363-5 E ducation Act (1870) 42, 47 E ducation Bill (1902) 47 E dward IIIiii 9 E dward IV 214 E dwards, Elizabeth, book reviews by 409-10, 417-18 electoral reform 38-9 E lham, button brooch 74 E lizabeth I 10, 298 E lliot, Gilbert 107 E llis, Martyn, ‘Was Sir Thomas Wyatt able to draw on a culture of rebellion in Kent in 1554?’ 77-102 E mancipation Act (1829) 46 E mpire Paper Mills 1, 22, 29 E nglish Civil War, clothing industry 244, 245-6 E rith 375 politics 40, 47 E scombe, Jane 42 E st, Robert 78, 93 E thelred, King 315 E vans, Mrs 42 Falconbridge 214 Fane family 95, 124 Farleigh 87 Farmers’ Alliance 45 farmsteads BA 195, 200 IA ia 106, 108, 192, 378 GENERAL IN DEX 458 Fauconberg’s Rebellion (1471) 91, 92, 96 Faulding, Mr 47 Faunt, Nicholas, mayor 214 Fellows, Henry 36-7 Female Anti-Suffrage League (FA-SL) 41-2 ferry 9, 10, 28 ffenne, Thomas jnr and snr 171 fibulae, bronze, Roman 267 field boundaries 362-3 field systems Beltinge 192 Blacksole Farm, BA 192 Chestfield, BA 193 Herne Bay 383 Whitstable 385 figurines and statuettes, Minerva 274 Filpott, John 99 Finch, Sir Thomas (Earl of Winchelsea) 298 fish bone 133, 142, 370 fish pond, medieval 380 Fisher (Fissher) family 95, 100 fishing weights, Bronze Age 194 Fissenden 299, 307, 308 flax, for linseed 146, 147 flints E arly Postglacial 363 Palaeolithic waste debitage 5, 26 Mesolithic 5, 194, 386, 388, 389 N eolithic 193, 386, 388 N eolithic/Bronze Age 6, 26, 106, 367 Bronze Age 192, 196, 383 prehistoric 319, 321, 360, 365, 370, 376, 379, 383 Flisher, Lorraine, and Michael Zell, ‘The demise of the Kent broadcloth industry in the 17th century: England’s first de-industrialisation’ 239-56 flowerpots, decorated 20, 20, 24 Fokes (Fokys), Stephen 211, 213, 213, 215, 218 Fokys (Fox), Eleanor (nee Wainfleet) 210, 215 Fokys (Fox), Margaret (nee Knight) 209, 215, 216-17, 219-20 Fokys (Fox), Thomas 209-24 Folkestone 41, 42 follies and grottoes see Ingress Abbey Fordwich 209, 210 Village Hall site 370 foreshore revetment, Bexley 374 Fortescue, Sir John 38 fortified farmstead, Bronze Age 194, 200-1 Fowle, Theophilius 239 Fox (Fokys) family 209-11, 212 Fox, Jean et al., Seal: the history of a parish, reviewed 418-20 Fox, John 213 Fox, Paul A., ‘Striving to succeed in late medieval Canterbury - the life of Thomas Fokys, publican, mayor and alderman c.1460-1535’ 209-24 Fox, William, and Margery 210, 217 France A nglo-Saxon button brooches 55, 57, 63, 64, 65, 68 attacks by 78, 87 Franciscans 236 Franklyn, John 124 freedom admission 209-10 Frend, William 317 Frindsbury 88 Frith Wood 296, 298, 305, 306, 309 Frynde family 317 Fuller, Jonah 256n Furner family 171 Furner, William 171 Furner, William IIii (d.1691) 171, 172, 173, 182-5 Furner, William IIIiii 173 game counter, pottery 263 G ameson, Richard, The Earliest Books of Canterbury Cathedral, Manu-scripts and fragments to c. 1200, reviewed 407-8 G aul and Gaulish language 280, 281 villas 355 gavelkind 78, 96. 241-2 G eary, Sir William 178 geology Bedgebury Forest 295 Hull Place, Sholden 105 I ngress Abbey 1 G erman, James 49 G erman, Robert 211 GENERAL IN DEX 459 G ibbard, John 35 G illingham 38, 87 glass R B vessel 132, 133, 138-9, 139 Plaxtol 265, 267, 278 G lobe Pit 3 G oacher, Deborah, documentary study relating to Buckland 394-8 G odmanchester (Dorovigutum) 291-2 G olding, Lady Elizabeth 116 G ooge, Barnabe 116, 117, 120, 122-3, 124 G oormachtigh, Michael, and Anthony Durham, ‘Kentish place names - were they ever Celtic?’ 279-93 G oudhurst 297, 305, 306 clothiers 245, 246, 247 risings and rebellion 88, 89 granary, 19th century 174, 174 G raveney 288 G ravesend 288 politics 36, 38, 39, 41, 43 rebellions 90 G reat Mongeham, button brooches 58, 59, 64, 74 greenhouses, Ingress Abbey 17, 19, 20-1, 24, 29 G reenwich cemetery 376 Chapel Royal 374-5 Friary 376 Old Royal Naval College sites 374-5, 376 politics 42, 43, 46 G reenwich Wharf 376 G uildford family 86, 89, 94-5, 96, 100, 124 G yles, William 170, 171 Hadleigh Castle (Essex) 9 Hadlow Place 95 Halistane (Holystone?) 228, 233, 236 Hall Place, Bexley 374 Halstow 88 hammerscale 325, 371 handaxe, Palaeolithic 3-4, 386 Harding, William 174 Harmer, James 14, 15, 17, 28, 29 Harnham Hill (Wilts), button brooches 61 Harper, George 93 Harrington, Duncan, and Patricia Hyde, The Early Town Books of Faversham c.1251 to 1581, reviewed 409-10 Harris, Lord 39 Harrison, William 123 Hartsdown Technology College, Margate 382-3 Harvey, Gabriel 114 Hasilden’s Rebellion (1451) 79-80, 87, 88 Hatton, George Finch 298 Havelock, William 14 Hawkhurst boundaries and dens 297, 298, 299, 305, 306, 307, 308 clothiers 245, 246, 247, 251 risings and rebellions 88, 90 Hawte, Jane (m. Sir Thomas Wyatt) 98 Hawte, Sir William 97 Hayes, Sir James 298 Headcorn, rebellions 88, 89 hearths Kingsborough, Neolithic 148-50 prehistoric 193, 194 Whitstable, prehistoric 195, 200 Hedgingford Wood 302, 302, 304 Hendle family 120 Henry VI 214, 315 Henry VIIii 92, 94, 98 Henry VIIIiii 78, 98, 169-70, 215, 216, 298 Henry of Eastry 316 Henxhale, Robert 210 Heresbach, Conrad 117, 118, 120, 124 Herne 189 Herne Bay The Grange, Greenhill Road, med-ieval site 370-1 Hawthorn Corner, May Street 193 High School, prehistoric site 193, 383 LIA lia /Early Roman landscape (High School) 383 Owl’s Hatch Road, prehistoric site 195, 201 Underdown Lane, Eddington 363-5 Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust 382, 383 Higham 88 Highgate, Thomas 49-50 Highstead A 194, 200-1 GENERAL IN DEX 460 Highstead B, Chislet 194, 201 Hillborough Caravan Park, Reculver, prehistoric site 194, 199, 200, 388-9 Hillingdon, Lord 39 hoard, Bronze Age 192, 202 hobnails, iron 369 Hodge, Matthew 256n Hodges, Basil 45 Hodges, T.L. 48 Hodgkinson, Jeremy, The Wealden Iron Industry, reviewed 411-12 Holden, Robert 251, 255n, 256n Hollingbourne 305, 306, 307 Hollis, Elizabeth, The Westwell Chron-icles, reviewed 418-20 hollow ways 302, 307, 373 Wraik Hill 196 Holocene/Early Holocene 375, 381 Holyoak, Rev. W. 47 Hoo 87, 88 hop industry 44 Hore family 156-7, 167, 169, 170 Hore (le Hore), John 156 Hore (le Hore), Walker 157 Hore (le Hore), William 156, 167, 168, 179 horse burials 351, 352, 367 Hospital of St John, New Romney 371 Hospital of St Stephen and St Thomas 371 Hovenden, Robert 255n Hovenden, Samuel 251, 255n, 256n Howletts, button brooches 56, 58, 62, 64, 71, 74, 75 Hubell (Hobul) family 156, 168 Hull Place mansion 103, 105, 107 Hull Place Roman villa, Sholden 103-12 boundary fence(-line) 106 Building A 104, 107, 109-11, 109 Building B 104, 106, 106, 107-9, 108, 110-11 as agricultural barn 108 coins 106, 109 flints, prehistoric 106 Mesolithic microlith 106 native farmstead 106, 108 ovens/hearths, LIAlia/er 105-6 painted wall-plaster 109, 110 pottery 106, 109 roofing-tile, Roman 110 window glass, Roman 110 human skeletal remains Canterbury 367, 369 fossil skull (Swanscombe Skull) 3 Kingsborough, RB urned and unurned 132, 133, 140-2 later prehistoric 5 Hunsdon, Lord (Henry Carey) 298 Hunt, John 99 Hunton 87 huts, prehistoric 193, 194, 195, 196, 200 Hyde, Patricia see Harrington, Duncan Hythe 35, 41 I ghtham, rebellions 90, 91 I ndependent Labour Party 39 I ndian Workers’ Association 41 I nge, Isolde 157 I ngram, Master, baker 214 I ngress Abbey, Greenhithe 1-31 Pleistocene deposits 1, 3, 4-5, 26 Palaeolithic 2, 3-5 Mesolithic 5 Neolithic/Bronze Age flints 6, 26 I ron Age settlement 5-6, 23, 27 R oman boundary, military encamp-ment 6-9, 27 R oman burials in area 6, 27 Roman finds 6, 8, 9, 23-5, 27 medieval 9, 28 post-medieval 10, 24 follies and grottoes 1, 13-14, 22, 28, 29, 30 greenhouses 17, 19, 20-1, 24, 29 Kitchen Garden 14, 17, 19, 28, 29 mansion (old house) 10, 11, 14, 25 N ew Abbey (1833-1903) 14-21, 28 iron, medieval 324 I ron Age animal bones 195, 200 Belvedere 375 Boughton Monchelsea 377-8 brooches 361 Canterbury 366, 367 cremation burials 196, 360, 361 E ddington 363-5 G reenhithe, settlement 5-6 Herne Bay 383 Hillborough 389 I sle of Sheppey settlement 360-1 Kingsborough 147 Margate 382-3 GENERAL IN DEX 461 I ron Age (cont.) plant remains 146 pottery kilns 192, 195, 203-4 round houses 194, 363 settlement patterns 191-202 Whitstable 385 Wouldham 380-1 see also Plaxtol; pottery iron furnaces, Cranbrook 243 iron industry, Weald 243 iron ways, prehistoric 305, 307, 308-9 I sle of Wight, Anglo-Saxon button brooches 55-76 I sley (Isle) family 93-4, 96, 97, 100 I slip, Archbishop 316 James, Demetrius 178 Jeskyns Farm, Cobham 373 Jewish Relief Act (1858) 46 John ate Wealde and Agnes 167, 168 Johnson, Thomas 26 Jones, John Gale 36 Jury Gut 295, 305 Jutish lathes 298, 299, 305, 306, 308 Kent, place name 287 Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit 377 Kent and Sussex Agricultural Labourers Protection Union 44-5 Kentish Ragstone 25, 396 Kett’s Rebellion 91 Killingray, David ‘Grassroots politics in west Kent since the late eighteenth century’ 33-54 book reviews by 412-14, 415-17 kilns, brick 373; see also pottery kilns; tile kilns Kingsborough Farm and Manor, East-church, Isle of Sheppey 129-54 L ate Iron Age/early Romano-British droveway 129-30, 131, 147 plant remains 146 pottery 130, 135, 136, 147, 149 L ate Romano-British cremation burials 129, 132-3, 131, 132, 134-5, 145, 149 ditches and gullies 130, 132-3, 135, 147, 149 field system(s) 132, 149 glass vessels 132, 133, 138-9, 139 pottery 132, 134-5 quern fragments 139-40 trackway 132 A nglo-Saxon 131, 133, 149-50 charcoal 144 oyster shell 133 plant remains 146 pottery 133, 135-6, 149 radiocarbon dating 133, 144, 148-9 rectangular enclosure? 133, 144 sunken-featured building 133, 144, 149-50 medieval 133, 147, 150 charcoal 144-5 field system 133, 144, 147 fishbone 133, 142 lava quern 140 plant-processing waste 133, 147 pottery 133, 136-8, 137 trackway 133 post-medieval 134 animal bone 142 marine molluscs (oysters) 133, 142-3 plant remains 133, 145-7 Knowles family 173, 174 L abour Party 39, 40, 41 L abour Representation League 38 Lactodurum 291, 292 L adysmith Grove, Bronze Age pit 194 L ambarde, William 114, 115-16, 117, 120, 122, 123 land snails 381 languages 279-93 L ate Glacial 381 L ate Pleistocene see Pleistocene lathes (‘Jutish’) 298, 299, 305, 306, 308 L awson, Terence, population size of Romano-British Kent: an initial estimate 391-4 leather, cobbler’s scrap 236 L eeds 87 le Hore see Hore L eigh Technology College, Dartford 378 L enham 87, 99 leper burial 371 leprosy 369 L ewisham 42 L iberal Party 39, 45, 47 L iberation Society 47 GENERAL IN DEX 462 libraries I ngress Abbey 14 provincial Elizabethan gentry 114, 117 lime firing 9, 10, 28 lime kiln 10, 12, 15-16, 29 L imen, River 282, 285, 287; see also Rother, River L inton 87 literary life, in the Elizabethan provinces 113-28 L ittle Cheyne Court Wind Farm, Romney Marsh 379-80 L oddington 87 L ollardy 88 L ondon, place name 287 L ondon Clay 189, 191, 363 L ondon Corresponding Society (LCS) 36-7 L ondon Wall 9 loomweights 267 Bronze Age 194 L oose 87 L ovelace family 124 L ovelace, Sir William 120, 122, 123 L ower Upnor Ordnance Depot 373 L ydd 92 L ydden 315 L ydden Valley marshes 103, 105, 110-11 ‘lydion tiles’, Roman 227, 231; see also brick L yle, Marjorie, Canterbury. History You Can See, reviewed 414-15 L yminge 282, 287 button brooches 55, 61, 62, 63-4, 63, 68, 74 sanctuary 232-3, 235 L ympne 287 R oman population 392 L ynde, John, bailiff 213 L ythe, Rebecca, ‘Excavations at College Road, Ramsgate’ 362-3 Maidstone Buckland 394-8 G rammar School 98 politics 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49 rebellions 77, 86-7, 89, 91 Malling, Lollard groups 88 malt house 172 malting kilns 349 Mantell family 97 Manwood, Peter 114 Manwood, Sir Roger 120 Maplesden, Peter and Gervase 98-9 Mapysden, John and Jacob 98 Marchant (Marchont) family 156, 168 Margate I ron Age site, Hartsdown Technology College 382-3 politics 35, 38, 41, 43 marine shell (molluscs) 193, 195, 347 E astry 324, 325, 326 Kingsborough 142-3 Mark[e]den, den 299, 308 Marlare, Laurence and William 99 Marler, Richard 99 marshland reclamation 111 Mayen lava-stone 195 medieval E ast Langdon 371 Herne Bay 370-1, 383 N ew Romney 371, 372 R omney Marsh 380 Wouldham 380-1 see also Canterbury, St Mildred’s Tannery site; Eastry; Ingress Abbey Greenhithe; Kingsborough Farm and Manor; pottery Medway, River 295, 304, 305, 392 place name 282, 285 Mepham, Lorraine 363-5 Mereworth 87, 90 Meriel, Robert 9 Mesolithic Belvedere 375 Dartford Heath, tranchet axe 386 flint 5, 194, 386, 388, 389 Hillborough 389 Hull Place, Sholden, microlith 106 I ngress Abbey Greenhithe 5 settlement patterns 189, 191, 192, 194, 197-8, 199 Sittingbourne 388 Wouldham 380 metalworking, medieval 371 Miall, Edward 47 Middle Class Union (MCU) 40-1, 49 Middle Saxon Canterbury 366, 367 Fordwich 370 GENERAL IN DEX 463 military encampments, Roman 6, 27 military texts 124 Militia Act (1757) 35 Mill Hill, button brooches 65, 66, 74, 75 Miller, Sir Borlase 171 Miller, Humphrey 171 Miller, John 256n mills, Bexley 374 Minerva statuette 274 Minster-in-Thanet Roman villa animal bone 347, 349, 350 boundary ditches outside villa enclosure 346, 347, 349-53, 355 F.309 351 F.804 335, 348, 350-1 F.3109/4018 and F.3108/4014 343, 351-3 F.5003/5014 353 F.7246/7233 349, 353 F.9032/9045 345, 346, 347, 350 F.9036 346, 350 boundary wall east 338-9 boundary wall foundation (9039) 336 boundary wall north 343-5 boundary wall south 338, 339-42 boundary wall west 342-3 Building 1, principal house 334, 336, 338, 343, 347, 353, 354, 355 Building 2, corn-drying oven 342, 343, 344, 348-9, 351, 353, 354 stoke-pit 344, 348-9, 351 Building 3, bath-suite 334, 338, 342, 343, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354 Building 4 334, 338, 339, 353, 354 Building 5 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 343, 351 Building 6 334, 338, 339, 353 Building 6A 347, 349, 353, 354 Building 7, corn-drier 349, 356 coin 342 drain F.3163 349, 352-3 drain F.7246 349, 353 fence-line, north 337, 345-7, 348 horse burial 351, 352 marine shell 347 painted plaster 347, 349, 350 pit F.9038 346, 347 pottery 336, 342, 347, 349, 350, 351-2, 353 shaft F.821 (well?) 335, 347-8, 350-1 tile 336, 347, 349, 350 villa enclosure 336-56 villa gateway 338, 339, 340, 341, 342 wall 9048 345, 346, 347 moated site, New Romney 371 Moody, Gerald, The Isle of Thanet: from Prehistory to the Norman Conquest, reviewed 401-4; see also Parfitt, Keith Moore, Mr, rector 174 Moraunt, Thomas 169 Morebred, John 256n Morehouse alias Slipmill 298 Morice, Beaumont 47 Morini tribe 280 mound burial, Romano-British see Plaxtol, Dux Field Mun., Thomas 170 Murston, brickworks 388 Museum of London Archaeology Ser-vice, summary reports 374-81 Myller, Nicholas 170-1 nails, Romano-British 271 N ational Farmers Union 45 N ational Union of Agricultural Workers 44 naval ordnance facility 373 N ayler, John, mayor 215 N ayler, Robert 216, 217 N ennius, historian 283, 286-7 N eolithic axeheads 193, 195, 199 causewayed enclosures (Kings-borough) 129, 147, 148-9, 150 flints 106, 193, 367, 386, 388 I sle of Sheppey 360 settlement patterns 191, 192, 193, 195, 197-8, 199 Sittingbourne 388 Wouldham 380 see also pottery N eolithic/Bronze Age flints 6, 26 G reenwich Wharf 376 N eville family 86, 93, 94, 96, 97 N eville, Alexander 114, 117, 120, 122, 123 GENERAL IN DEX 464 N eville, Edward (Lord Abergavenny) 93, 94, 96 N eville, Richard see Warwick, Earl of N ew Romney Sewerage Scheme 371, 372 N ewdigate, Sir John 115 newspapers 34 N icholson, Crest 30 N oakes, Charles 175, 176 N orthamptonshire Archaeology 361 N orthbourne, button brooch 74 Northfleet, rebellion 90 N orthumberland, Duke of 100 N orwood Manor 150 Noviomagus 289-90, 392 N owell, Alexander 120 Oare, John 317 Oare, William 317 Old Soar Manor, Plaxtol 155-87 Bethersden marble 158, 162, 167 chapel and undercroft 160, 164-6, 165, 167, 172 garderobe and undercroft 158, 162-4, 165, 167 manor lands 167-9, 168 medieval 155-87 undercroft/cellars 160-1, 161, 172 Oldbury, Iron Age camp 257 opus signinum 347, 348 ordnance depot 373 Osborne, Alexander 250 Osborne, Stephen 239 Ospringe see Durolevum Otford 49 ovens Iron Age, clay-oven floors 360 LIA lia /er 105-6 medieval 370 Overton (Hants), button brooches 55 Oxenhoath 169 oyster shell 133, 142, 143, 326, 367, 368 Palaeolithic Dartford Heath 385-6 G reenhithe 2, 3-5 handaxe 3-4 Palmer, Rev. W.J. 47 pannage 315 Paramore, William 317 Parfitt, Keith, ‘Preliminary report on excavations at Hull Place Roman villa, Sholden, 2005-7’ 103-12 Parfitt, Keith, Emma Boast and Gerald Moody, ‘The Roman villa at Minster-in-Thanet. Part 6: the villa enclosure; Buildings 2 and 5’ 333-57 Parfitt, Keith, and Sheila Sweetinburgh, ‘Further investigation of Anglo-Saxon and medieval Eastry’ 313-32 Parker, Archbishop 113, 117, 120, 123, 124 Parmynter 90 Parton, William 250 Partrige, Philip 124 Pascall, T 26 Passive Resistance Association 47 Paston, Elizabeth 96 Patterson, John 254n Paveyer, Nicholasn 215 peat formation 381 Pecham, Archbishop 156, 394 Peckham family 156 peg-tile 324, 325, 326 Pek (Peak) family 395 Pell family 99 Penenden Heath 43, 44, 46, 86 Penshurst 42, 90 Peny family 156, 168 Percy, Henry 96 Percy, John 90 Peter’s Village, Wouldham 380-1 Philby, Harry St John 41 Philpot, John and William 99 Pickance, George 35 pilgrim badges 210 pins R omano-British 271 A nglo-Saxon, bronze 233 Pirelli Works, Belvedere 375 place names Brythonic and Germanic 279-93 E astry 313 R oman 288-92 plant remains Chestfield 195 E astry 325 Kingsborough 133, 145-7 Whitstable, prehistoric 195, 200 GENERAL IN DEX 465 plaster, Roman, painted 194, 196, 347, 349, 350 Plautius, Aulus 279-80 Plaxtol, Late Iron Age and Romano-British settlement 257-78 A llens farm, RB site 261-7 clay extraction site 261, 261, 263 R oman bath-house 258, 261-3, 266, 274 R omano-British farm house 155, 261, 264, 265-7, 273, 274, 277-8 bone and horn working 267, 274 tile kiln 261, 263, 263, 265, 265, 266, 274, 275-7 animal bone 266, 267, 278 Cabriabanus voussoir tile 263, 264, 266, 274, 278 church 173 coins 266, 267, 274, 277 Dux Field, RB mound burial 258, 261, 267-74 artefacts 271 glass 267, 273 pottery 267, 269, 271, 272-3 skeleton 267 game counter, pottery 263 High Beeches 258, 258 I ron Age 257-60 Belgic pottery 259-60 sarsen spread (round house) 259-60, 259, 260 track (route) and laid-stone track 257-9, 258, 274 loom weights 267 pottery 266, 267, 273, 277 R omano-British occupation 260-1 see also Sedgebrook Field, Romano-British villa Pleistocene Belvedere 375 Canterbury 381 G reenhithe 1, 3, 4-5, 26 stream channels 5, 26 Pluckley 88, 89 pollarding 148 pollen, Boreal and Atlantic period 381 Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 48 population size, Romano-British 391-4 Portland stone 15 Portus Lemanis 289 pottery prehistoric 365, 370, 376, 379 flint-/grog-tempered 365 flint-tempered 365 sandy fabrics 365 N eolithic 192, 199 Peterborough ware 192 Bronze Age 26-7, 194, 195, 199, 200, 388, 389 A rdleigh-type ‘bucket urn’ 388 Deverel-Rimbury 388, 389 L BA/EIAeia 199, 200 I talian situlate wares 195 LBA/IA, flint-tempered 319, 321, 326, 327 I ron Age 192, 200, 383, 385 L ate Iron Age 23, 27, 134-5, 361 Belgic 259-60 LIA lia /early RB, grog-tempered wares 365 L ate Romano-British 130, 135, 136, 147, 149 R oman/Romano-British 6, 8, 9, 23-4, 24, 27, 106, 132, 134-5, 195, 196, 267, 361, 365, 368, 369, 370, 385 A ylesford/Swarling ware 277 Belgic grog-tempered/Native Coarse ware 134 ‘Castor’ box 23, 277 Central Gaulish Samian 134, 369 chaff/straw-tempered 23 Coarse Sandy ware 277 fine Thameside ware 132, 134 flint tempered ware 277 grog-tempered 23, 273, 277 imported colour-coated ware 277 L ater Alice Holt ware 277 local greyware 133 miniature pots in tile kiln 265, 265, 275-7 N ative Coarse ware 133, 135 N ene Valley colour-coated 277 N orth Kent Fine ware 277 North Kent (Upchurch) fine greyware 134, 135 Oxfordshire red-brown colour-coated ware 276, 277 oxidized Hoo fineware 134 Patchgrove ware 273, 277 red and white-slipped 23 GENERAL IN DEX 466 pottery (cont.) R hineland Mayen ware 277 ‘Romanised’ coarse sandy wares 365 Samian ware 6, 27, 132, 133, 267, 273, 277 sand-tempered 23 Shell tempered ware 277 South Gaulish Samian 9, 23, 27 Thameside greyware 134, 135 Upchurch 9, 23, 273 vegetable-tempered fabric 8 Middle Saxon 366, 370 A nglo-Saxon 321, 326, 327 early-mid Saxon fine sandy ware 326 I pswich ware 370 organic-tempered (Early/Middle Saxon) 133, 135-6, 149, 326 A nglo-Saxon/early Anglo-Norman 366 medieval 133, 136-8, 137, 321, 324, 326-7, 363, 365, 368, 369, 370-1, 380, 381, 385 A ndenne ware 326 Canterbury Sandy wares 138 Canterbury shell-dusted sandy ware 326 early medieval Canterbury sandy ware 326 late medieval fine earthenware 327 late medieval silty-sandy ware 327 late medieval transitional sandy ware 327 L ate Tyler Hill ware 327 N ormandy Gritty ware 326 N orth France-type red-painted ware 324, 326 Saintonge green glazed ware 327 Saintonge ware 371 sand tempered ware 137-8 sandy/shelly wares 365 shell and sand tempered ware 137 shell-tempered 136-7, 367 shelly fabrics 365 Tyler Hill ware 138, 327, 368, 370, 385 Wealden fine sandy ware 368 late medieval/early post-medieval 325-6 post-medieval 24, 134, 326, 327, 385 pottery kilns prehistoric 192, 195, 196, 203-4 R oman wasters 134, 135 R omano-British 385 pottery production, prehistoric 192, 195, 196, 200, 203-4 Poynings family 95-6 Pratt, Simon, ‘Two “new” town gates, Roman buildings and an Anglo-Saxon sanctuary at St Mildred’s Tannery, Canterbury’ 225-38 Pre-Construct Archaeology 362, 383, 385, 388, 389 prehistoric agriculture (farming) 203-4 Bedgebury Forest routeway and boundary 295-311 Belvedere 375 Canterbury 370 Dartford 379 Dartford Heath 385-8 E astry 319, 321 enclosure ditches and pits 363-5 field boundaries 362 Fordwich 370 Hull Place, Sholden 106 iron ways 305, 307, 308-9 salt-working 360 settlement patterns on north coast 189-207 see also pottery Preston Hall, Aylesford 169, 170 Primrose League 39 Proctor, John 117 Propchaunt, Alan 215 Protestant Association 46 pyre debris 361 pyre goods 140, 142 Pysyng, John 316 quarrying Buckland 396 G reenhithe 3, 9, 10, 28 post-medieval 380 R oman 369 sand 387 Queenborough, French attack 87, 92 querns R oman 195 LR lr B , rotary 139-40 medieval, Niedermendig lava 140 GENERAL IN DEX 467 querns (cont.) Kentish Ragstone 25 Quilter, Vincent 256n radiocarbon dating Canterbury 381 Kingsborough 148-50 Whitstable 195, 200 R amsden, John 247, 254n, 255n R amsgate College Road excavations 362-3 politics 35, 42 R attlestile Gate 296, 302, 303-4, 306 R avenna Cosmography 286, 287 R avensbourne, River 392 rebellions and risings 77-102 R eculver Hillborough Caravan Park, prehist-oric site 194, 199, 200, 388-9 place name 283 Regulbium 283 R oman population 392 Saxon Shore Fort 204 R eform Acts 38 R eform League 38 R eid, Mr 47 religious issues 46-7 R epresentation of the People Act (1918) 39 R ichard, the currier 235 R ichardson, Andrew, book review by 405-7 R ichborough place name 283-4 R oman population 392 Rutupiae 203, 283-4, 289 R ingwould/Kingsdown, button brooches 64, 74 riots 35-6; see also rebellions and risings R ipple, button brooches 58, 59, 64, 74 river names 282, 284-6 R ivers family 95 roads, Roman 290, 313, 314 R oberts, J. 305, 306 R ochester Durobrivae 203, 288, 291 L ollard groups 88 place name 287-8 politics 35, 36, 38, 42 R oman population 392 Wyatt’s Rebellion 87 R odmersham 48 R oebuck, John Disney 14 R olvenden 89, 90 R oman and Romano-British Canterbury town wall and postern 227, 228, 229, 230, 233 Cobham 373 cremated human bone 140-2 cremation burials 360, 361 Dartford 378 Dartford Heath 386-7 Fordwich 370 Herne Bay, RB 383 I sle of Sheppey 360-1 languages 279-80 place names 288-92 plant remains, RB 146 population size, RB 391-4 roads 290, 313, 314 salt-working 360, 361 settlement patterns 189-204 tile-making 366 timber building 368 wheel-ruts 366 Whitstable 196, 201, 385 Wouldham 380-1 see also Canterbury; coins; Hull Place Roman villa; Ingress Abbey, Greenhithe; Plaxtol; pottery; tiles; villas R omford (Durolitum) 291 R omney Marsh, Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm 379-80 roof tile R oman 8, 9, 24-5, 27, 110 medieval 368 R other, River 285, 295, 304, 305, 306 round barrows 362, 363 Bronze Age 193, 199 round houses Beltinge 192, 200 Boughton Monchelsea 378 E ddington, IAia 363 Highstead, IAia 194 Plaxtol, IAia sarsen spread 259-60, 259, 260 R ow, John 250 R oydon, Thomas 116 R udstone family 93 Rutupiae (Richborough) 203, 283-4, 289 GENERAL IN DEX 468 Sackville, Lord 36, 49 St Mary Cray 37, 43 Salomons, David 44, 46 salt briquetage 361, 385 saltmaking mounds 150 saltmarshes 3, 377 Saltwood, button brooch 74 salt-working, prehistoric and Roman 360, 361, 385, 393 Salvation Army 47 sanctuary, Anglo-Saxon 232-3, 235 sand quarrying 387 Sandwich 317 Brown and Mason Yard, Ramsgate Road 376-7 N ew Drapery 242 pottery 327 Sarre button brooch 74 place name 282, 284 sarsen stones, Iron Age 259-60, 259, 260 Saxonbury, Iron Age camp 257 Say, Lord 93, 96 Sceales, Thomas 251-2, 254n Schuster, Jorn 363-5 Scot, Reginald 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124 Scot, Richard 99 Scott, Sir Thomas 122 Scryven, Simon 87 sea-level rise 201, 361, 375 Seal 49 Seasalter, Grove House, prehistoric site 193 Seasalter Level 203 Sedgebrook Field, Roman villa, Plaxtol 155, 258, 261, 267, 268, 273, 274 Sellyng, William, prior 316 Semple, Jayne, ‘Old Soar Manor, near Plaxtol: house, land and occupants over seven centuries’ 155-87 Sevenoaks Kippington House 36 politics 35, 36, 38, 41, 47, 49 war memorial 49 Seylyard (Seylyerd), Robert and John 99 Shalfleet, Isle of Wight, button brooches 55, 56, 58-60, 58, 60, 61-2, 61, 63, 64-6, 65, 68, 71 Sharp, John, master cook 211 Sharpe, Peter, sen. 256n Sharpe, Richard 256n Sharpie, Stephen 251, 256n Shear Wood 306 sheepfolds 360 Sheerness, politics 37, 38 shells see land snails; marine shell; oysters Sheppey, Isle of 87 Iron Age settlement 360-1 Shipbourne, rebellions 90 Shirley, Thomas 35 Sholden see Hull Place Roman villa Shoreham 37, 49 Shrubsoles Hill 149, 150 Shur’ (Sore), Thomas de and Alice (dau.) 156, 167 Sidney family 124 Sidney, Sir Henry 117, 120, 122, 123 Sidney, Sir William 95 Siliarde, Nicholas 99 Simmons, Alfred 44 Siseley 299, 307, 308 Sittingbourne Middle Bronze Age site 388 politics 38, 48 Skotte, William and Thomas 99 slag 325, 371 iron 324 slave trade abolition 34-5 Slegge, Stephen 93 Slipmill, alias Morehouse 298, 299, 305, 308 Smale family 156, 168 Smarden 88, 89, 99, 101 Smith, Frank 45 Smith, Jonathan, Sheriff of Kent 10 Smith, William, map 236 Socialist Democratic Federation 40 Society of Antiquaries 120 Soranks, Roger 169 Sore see Shur Soure, Roger le 156 Souter, William 88 Southeven, Thomas 35 Southwell, Sir Robert 94, 97 Speed, John, map 236, 237 spindle-whorl, lead, Romano-British 271 spoon, silver, Roman 267 GENERAL IN DEX 469 Spoonlets, den 299, 305, 306 Springhead 392 cemetery 268, 269 Vagniacae 290 Spylman, Thomas 236 Stanhope, Earl 39, 43, 48 Staple, button brooch 74 Staplehurst 44, 89 clothiers 245, 246, 247, 252-3 L ollardy 88 Stebbing, William 103 Stekefeld see Styckylheld Stevens, Simon, ‘An archaeological investigation at Kingsborough Farm and Kingsborough Manor, Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey’ 129-54 Stone Castle Quarry 5, 6 Stopes, Henry 4 Stour, River 225, 236, 289, 381, 392 place name 282, 285 Stowting, button brooch 74 stream channels, Pleistocene 5, 26 Strood 35, 42, 88 Sturry, lathe 305, 306 Styckylheld (Stekefeld) family 156, 168 Sundridge, rebellions 90, 99, 100 sunken-featured building, Anglo-Saxon 149-50 sunken-floored buildings Bronze Age hut 193, 199 LIA lia /MRP 196 Sunset Caravan Park and Church Lane East site, prehistoric 195, 199, 200, 203 Sutton Valence 87, 93 Sutton, William 317 Suur, John le 156 Suzuki, Seiichi ‘Anglo-Saxon button brooches from east Kent and the Isle of Wight: typological and genealogical perspectives’ 55-76 Anglo-Saxon Button Brooches: Typology, Genealogy, Chronology, reviewed 405-7 Swale, River 201, 202 Swanscombe Skull 3 Sweetinburgh, Sheila, book review by 414-15; see also Parfitt, Keith swine pastures 298, 305, 306, 308, 309 ‘swing’ riots 42-3 Tanner, John 169 Tate, John 251, 256n Taylor, Robert 255n Teise, River 295 Templemore, Lord 48 Tenterden 37, 47, 88 termination offerings 276-7 Thames, River 282, 286 Thames Pick 5 Thanet, place name 282, 283 Thanet Archaeological Society 333 Thynne, Francis 117, 120, 123, 124 Ticehurst 307 Tichbourne family 50 tile kiln, Plaxtol 261, 263-4, 263, 266, 274, 275-7 miniature pots 265, 265, 275-7 tile-making, Roman 366 tiles, Roman 366, 370 Cabriabanus voussoir 263, 264, 266, 274, 278 imbrex 8 ‘lydion’ 227, 231 tegulae 8, 348 tile wasters, Roman 196 timber supply 242-3 Tithe Redemption Act (1836) 43 Toftes, John 216, 217 token, lead 25, 25 Tomlin, Annette, book review by 407-8 Tonbridge I ron Age camp 257 politics 37, 38, 40 rebellions 90 Towcester (Lactodurum) 291 trackways I ron Age 257-60 A nglo-Saxon, brushwood 232, 233 trade unions 34, 37, 40, 43, 44-5 Trenley, den 299, 305, 307, 308 Trust for Thanet Archaeology 333 Tunbridge Wells, politics 33, 38, 40, 41, 42 Twining, Louisa 42 Twyne, John 114, 117, 122 Twyne, Thomas 122 GENERAL IN DEX 470 Umfreville, Samuel and Emma (nee Harmer) 17 Underdown Lane see Eddington Upchurch 87 Utting, William 210 Vagniacae 290 villas, Roman 155, 204, 392 G reenhithe 27 Hull Place, Sholden 103-12 Sedgebrook Field, Plaxtol 155, 258, 261, 267, 268, 273, 274 Whitstable 196, 201 see also Minster-in-Thanet voussoir tile, Roman 263, 264, 266, 274, 278 Waghorn family 177 Wainfleet, Thomas 210, 214, 215 wall-plaster, painted, Roman 109, 110 wall-tile panel, tin-glazed 14, 25 Walter, Isaac 256n Wanborough (Durocornovium) 291, 292 Wandlesworth (Wendelsworthe) 395 Wantsum Channel 110, 189, 191, 202, 283, 313-14, 376-7 Wantsum River 284 war memorials 49-50 Warbeck, Perkin 92, 96 Ward, Dr Gordon 41 Warham, Archbishop 91, 317 warren, Bedgebury 306, 309 Warters, Henry 35 Warwick, Earl of (Richard Neville) 77, 91-2, 94, 96, 101, 214 Water Newton 291 Watling Street 6, 27, 87, 204, 226, 229, 232, 274, 366, 393 Weald, affects of rebellion and war 79, 80, 81, 87, 88-90 Webb, Henry 35 Weller family 245-6, 255n Wemberham, villa 111 Wessex Archaeology 129, 363 West Wickham 41 Westerham 91 wheel-ruts, Roman 366 Whetenhall, Margaret and George 116 Whetenhall, Thomas 116 Whitstable Cade’s Rebellion 92 Community College, prehistoric 196, 200, 385 South Street, prehistoric site 195, 199-200 South Street Roman building 196, 201 Texas Superstore site, prehistoric 196, 200 Underdown Lane, prehistoric 196, 200 Whytefeld, John 317 Wigan, Eleanor 42 Wildash, Charles 174, 176 Wildash, George and Thomas 174 Wilford, Sir James 124 Wilford, Thomas 124 Wilkyns (Wylkins) Rising (1452) 79-80, 88, 90, 91 Willesley (Wyneslesle) 299, 308 Willis, Steven, book review by 401-4 Willow Farm, prehistoric site 196 Wilson, Linda, Marianne Farningham. A Plain Woman Worker, reviewed 412-14 Winchenden, den 299, 308 window glass, Roman 110, 278 Winfield 170, 178 Wingham, button brooch 74 Witheringhope, den 299, 307, 308 Wittersham 88 Wode, John atte 99 Wolverich family 156, 168 Women Guardians Society 42 women’s rights and suffrage 39, 41-2 Wood, Richard 99 Woodchurch 36 woodland Bedgebury Forest 295-311 clearance (deforestation) 192, 193, 195, 199, 200, 203 Kingsborough 145, 147-8 Old Soar Manor 155, 170, 171 R oman period 392 supplies of wood 243 Wooler, Thomas 37 Woolwich 38, 43 Worcester, HMS 1, 17, 22, 22, 29 working-class men, franchise 39-40 Wotton family 124 Wotton, Nicholas 114, 122 Wotton, Thomas 117, 120 GENERAL IN DEX 471 Wouldham, Peter’s Village 380-1 Wouldham Hall 380 Wraik Hill, prehistoric site 196 Wright, James 363-5 Wrotham 91, 94, 96, 174 Wrotham manor 155, 156, 169-70 Wyatt family 98, 396 Wyatt, Sir George 98, 124 Wyatt, Sir Henry 98, 396, 397 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, sen. (d.1542) 98, 117 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, the younger (Wyatt’s rebellion 1554) 77-102, 116, 124 Wye, development project 33 Wye, Royal Manor of 298, 305, 306, 307, 308 Wynker family 395 Yaldham manor 156 Yalding 87, 88 Zell, Michael see Flisher, Lorraine 472


Annual Report of the Council for 2008


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