Archaeological Notes and Summaries
1. A late prehistoric enclosure and field system at Haine Road, Ramsgate
2. Neolithic landscape and experience: the Medway Megaliths
3. Preserving the John Wymer Archive
Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports
1. Augustine House, Rhodaus Town, Canterbury
2. Canterbury Christ Church University Sports Centre
3. Longport conduit
4. Kings School, St Augustine’s Abbey
5. St Mary’s Church, Northgate
6. No. 1 Westgate Grove
7. ‘Thanet Earth’, Monkton
8. Ringlemere, Woodnesborough
9. Claxfield Farm, Lynsted
10. Mid Kent College and Lower Lines, Brompton
11. Sally Port, Royal School of Military Engineering, Brompton
12. Lullingstone Roman Villa, Eynsford
Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) Summary Reports
1. Green Level Pumping Station, Mulberry Way, Erith, Belvedere, Bexley
2. South West Wing, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
3. Greenwich Wharf
4. Greenwich Market, Greenwich Church Street
5. Honor Oak Park Sports Ground, Brockley Rise, Lewisham
6. Cobham Park, Cobham
7. East Kent (Thanet) Access Project
8. Peters Village, Wouldham
9. St Peter’s Wharf, Maidstone
10. Newnham Park, Bearsted Road, Weavering, Maidstone
11. Connaught Barracks, Dover
KAS Website Summaries
1. Boys Hall Road, Willesborough, Ashford
2. Swanscombe High School
3. Capitol Cinema, Tonbridge High Street
4. Foster Road, Ashford
5. Orpington Hospital, Sevenoaks Road
6. Puma Power Plant, Ash, Sandwich
7. Holy Trinity School, West Hill, Dartford
archaeological notes
1. a late prehistoric enclosure and field system at haine road, ramsgate
Excavation on the north-western outskirts of Ramsgate revealed a complex of late prehistoric boundary and enclosure ditches, and later features. The 1.7ha excavation area, comprising land proposed for development by the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) and part of a new road corridor, was located at the junction of Haine Road and Stirling Way, centred on NGR 636025 166600 (Fig. 1). The site had been subject to an earlier evaluation (Wessex Archaeology 2007). The excavation was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between December 2007 and February 2008 and was followed by a watching brief (Wessex Archaeology 2008).
The excavation area rises gently to the west from 49m to 52m aod. Drift geology consists variously of younger Head Brickearth and older Head Brickearth over Upper Chalk and Thanet Beds (BGS Sheet 274, Ramsgate).
A pit [10085], measuring c.1m by 1.5m and 0.4m deep with a single homogeneous fill, yielded 17 struck flint flakes of probable Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age date. Residual flints of a possibly similar date were recovered from later features.
An array of ditches forming a complex of field and/or enclosure boundaries is dated to the late prehistoric period on the basis of a small pottery assemblage (84 sherds weighing 599g) (Fig. 1). Seventy-one of the sherds (567g) came from a single flint-tempered vessel of Middle/Late Bronze Age date, but the others are less securely dated, comprising further flint-tempered sherds, a number of grog-tempered sherds and three in a calcareous fabric, all of which could fall anywhere within the later second or first millennium bc. The worked flint assemblage contained only a single retouched tool (a crude scraper), and given this low level of datable finds, the majority of ditches have been assigned to this phase on the basis of their apparent association, and their contrast, in arrangement and orientation, with a later, distinctively rectilinear field system which cuts across them.
The main element, and possibly the earliest, of the late prehistoric layout was a ditch [10029], up to 1.7m wide and 0.5m deep, which zigzagged across the excavation; although it petered out towards the east it was recorded in an evaluation trench on the eastern edge of the excavation. The western and central lengths of the ditch lie at a right angle and appear to partly bound a number of smaller ditches forming a series of irregular subrectangular compartments, some with internal subdivisions. Some of these ditches and gullies connected with, or cut, ditch 10029, while others terminated just short of it.
The few stratigraphic relationships between these features indicate that they represent more than one phase of activity. Ditch 10099, for example, meets the silted-up ditch 10029 at a right-angle then turns south-west along the line of ditch 10029, completely recutting it; ditch 10099 was cut in turn by ditch 10096. However, although many of the ditches appear to have been related spatially they are often unconnected to others and so cannot be phased securely. As a result, it is possible to produce a number of interpretations for their development and association. Their arrangement appears to be matched by a comparable sequence of possible compartments on the north side of ditch 10029.
The placing of the Middle/Late Bronze Age vessel in the northern terminal of ditch 10107 (where it cut ditch 10029) may have had some symbolic significance, rather than simply reflecting nearby domestic activity, and similarly placed deposits have been found on other Bronze Age sites (Brück 1999; 2001), including examples in Kent (McNee 2002; Trevarthen 2006). The possibility of adjacent settlement activity, however, is suggested by a small number of features to its south-east. These include a curved gully [10106], up to 0.6m wide and 0.1m deep, forming the southern arc of a circle with a projected diameter of just under 10m. Although possibly a roundhouse gully, the lack of finds from it may indicate some other function. A few metres to its north, a small pit [10017], 0.55m in diameter and 0.2m deep, contained a large quantity (1,171g) of burnt flint, while a similar pit [10007] to the east of the gully contained two flint flakes and a flint core. An elongated pit (or short ditch segment) [10100] to the west of the gully contained 142 pieces of flint debitage, all in good condition and probably deriving from the reduction of a single nodule. Most of the pieces comprised non-flake shatter, but there were a small number of flakes technologically consistent with a Late Bronze Age date.
The generally low level of late prehistoric finds from the excavation, however, suggests a predominantly non-settlement function for the ditches, gullies and other features. This contrasts with the much richer ceramic assemblage from the Manston Road settlement to the south, where post-built structures, enclosures and other features were recorded (Hutcheson and Andrews 2009). Instead, these features may have comprised agricultural boundaries and ‘infield’ facilities such as pad-docks, stock enclosures and holding pens, although there is equally little direct evidence for farming activity from the excavation. A small group of sheep/goat teeth was recovered from the south-western terminal of ditch 10226 (which lay parallel to and 2m north-west of ditch 10029). A charred grain of emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) and two glume-bases of spelt wheat (T. spelta), both consistent with Bronze Age agriculture in Kent (Pelling 2003), were recovered from a small oval pit [10217] cutting the southern edge of ditch 10029. A number of pairs of closely parallel ditches and gullies may represent lengths of trackway, possibly used for controlling the movement of livestock both between these enclosures, and to and from the more open areas surrounding them.
The excavation adds to the picture of a widely settled and intensively exploited agricultural landscape as indicated by the presence of late prehistoric enclosures and/or field systems at a number of nearby sites including Westwood Cross to the north (Gollup 2004a), west of Haine Road (Egging Dinwiddy and Schuster 2009), Manston Road to the south (Hutcheson and Andrews 2009), and Cliffs End Farm to the south-west (Godden et al. in prep.). In addition, an undated but possibly late prehistoric settlement and field system has been identified from cropmarks south of Red House Farm to the north of the site (Air Photo Services December 1997).
Cutting across the late prehistoric features were a number of ditches, averaging c.1m wide and up to 0.4m deep, forming a rectilinear field system (Fig. 1). One ditch (10046) ran nne-ssw, then turned to the wnw [as 10028] before curving slightly towards the west. Running off ditch 10046, parallel to 10028 and c.48 m to its north, was ditch 10221, part of which had been completely truncated, but which continued westward after a 10m break [as 10224]. Another ditch [10043], running just inside the southern edge of the excavation, may be associated with this field system although its e-w alignment is noticeably different.
Apart from their stratigraphic relationships with the late prehistoric features, the only potential dating evidence for these ditches was provided by two small sherds of Romano-British pottery from ditch 10028, one of coarse greyware and the other from a Dressel 20 amphora. While this hints at a date in the Romano-British period, this is far from secure. There is, however, evidence of extensive Romano-British settlement and farming around the site and several villas are documented on Thanet (Trust for Thanet Archaeology 2003; Millett 2007, 149, 5.9). For example, a rectilinear field system on an e-w axis was recorded at Coldswood Farm to the west, where enclosures, pits and postholes were also recorded as well as an early Romano-British cremation cemetery (Egging Dinwiddy and Schuster 2009). Midden deposits are also reported west of the site, as are field ditches to the south-west at the former Haine Road Garage (Gollup 2004b). To the north, at Westwood, Romano-British artefacts have been found in association with rectilinear cropmarks, suggestive of field systems and possible buildings (Gollup 2004a).
Two short, shallow curvilinear ditches [10222 and 10225] cut ditch 10046, but were otherwise undated, as was an irregular infilled hollow [10047] cutting ditch 10043 on the southern edge of the excavation. However, a shallow oval hollow [10060] cutting the same ditch further to the west produced a fragment of medieval roof tile and a single sherd (14g) of twelfth/thirteenth-century Tyler Hill ware. In the northern part of the excavation area, two lengths of ditch on the same line, neither of them excavated, were clearly of relatively recent date, and may have been World War II anti-glider ditches.
The work was commissioned by CgMs Consulting on behalf of SEEDA and Kent County Council, and Wessex Archaeology is grateful to Paul Chadwick. The assistance of Ross Fisher, Alex Vickary and Allan Dadswell is also gratefully acknowledged. The fieldwork was monitored for Kent County Council by Simon Mason, who also provided background material and much useful comment on the site and its wider context.
The excavation was supervised by Mike Trevarthen and Oliver Good, and managed for Wessex Archaeology by Damian De Rosa. The post-excavation assessment was undertaken by Mike Trevarthen and managed by Damian De Rosa and Caroline Budd, with the finds assessed by Lorraine Mepham and Matt Leivers (flint). The environmental samples were assessed by Ruth Pelling. The illustration is by Will Foster.
The project archive will be held at Wessex Archaeology under project codes 66150-54 until accepted by a Kent museum.
andrew b. powell
Air Photo Services, 1997, Margate to Weatherlees Pipeline, Kent: Preliminary Aerial Photographic Assessment (unpublished client report).
Brück, J., 1999, ‘Houses, lifecycles and deposition on Middle Bronze Age settlements in southern England’, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 65, 145-66.
Brück, J., 2001, ‘Body metaphors and technologies of transformation in the English Middle and Late Bronze Age’, in J. Brück (ed.), Bronze Age Landscapes: Tradition and Transformation, 149-60 (Oxbow, Oxford).
Egging Dinwiddy, K. and Schuster, J., 2009, ‘Thanet’s Longest Excavation: Archaeological investigations along the route of the Weatherlees–Margate–Broadstairs Wastewater Pipeline’, in P. Andrews, K. Egging Dinwiddy, C. Ellis, A. Hutchinson, C. Philpotts, A.B. Powell and J. Schuster, Kentish sites and sites of Kent. A Miscellany of Four Archaeological Excavations (Salisbury, Wessex Archaeology Report 24), 57-174.
Gollup, A., 2004a, ‘Westwood Cross, Broadstairs: Detailed Archaeological Investigation on Land at Westwood Cross, Broadstairs: Integrated Site Report’ (CAT, unpubl. client report)
Gollup 2004b, ‘Archaeological Evaluation at the Site of the Former Haine Road Garage, Haine Road, Ramsgate, Kent’ (CAT, unpubl. client report).
Hutcheson., A. and Andrews, P., 2009, ‘Excavations on a Late Bronze Age, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Settlement at Manston Road, Ramsgate 1995-7’, in P. Andrews, K. Egging Dinwiddy, C. Ellis, A. Hutchinson, C. Philpotts, A.B. Powell and J. Schuster, Kentish Sites and Sites of Kent. A Miscellany of Four Arch-aeological Excavations (Salisbury, Wessex Archaeology Report 24), 199-248.
McNee, B.L., 2002, ‘Assessment of a Bronze Age Ceramic Assemblage from Kemsley, Sittingbourne, Kent’ (unpubl. MA thesis, University of Southampton, Department of Archaeology).
Millett, M., 2007, ‘Roman Kent’, in J.H. Williams (ed.), The Archaeology of Kent to AD 800, 135-84 (Boydell Press & Kent County Council).
Pelling, R., 2003, ‘Charred plant remains’, in P. Hutchings, ‘Ritual and riverside settlement: a multi-period site at Princes Road, Dartford’, Archaeological Cantiana, 123, 41-79.
Trevarthen, M., 2006, The Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Landscape at Sandway Road, Lenham, Kent, CTRL digital archive, Archaeological Data Service, http//
Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 2003, ‘Proposed Redevelopment of the Ramsgate School and Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground for a new Ramsgate Academy’ (unpubl. client report).
Wessex Archaeology, 2007, ‘Land off Haine Road, A256 Thanet, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report’ (unpubl. client report).
Wessex Archaeology, 2008, ‘Land off Haine Road, A256 Thanet, Kent: Post-Excavation Assessment of Archaeological Results’ (unpubl. client report).
2. neolithic landscape and experience: the medway megaliths
The Medway Megaliths are a group of seven megalithic-chambered tombs situated in the Medway valley, close to the North Downs. The group is comprised of Kits Coty House, Little Kits Coty, the Coffin Stone and the White Horse Stone to the east of the River Medway on the slopes of Blue Bell Hill; and Coldrum Long Barrow, Addington Long Barrow and the Chestnuts situated on the west bank. Possibly some of the earliest examples in Britain (Bayliss, A. and Whittle, A. 2007) these tombs are uncharacteristically tall structures with significant internal heights of up to 10ft (Ashbee 1993, 61). Unlike other monument complexes this area experienced only one stage of construction in the earlier Neolithic and there is no later development into a ‘ritual landscape’ as seen at Stonehenge, and no apparent clustering of monuments around causewayed enclosures (Ashbee 1993, 62). The Medway tombs are the only example of their kind known in South East England and the physical and visual connections between these tombs have important implications for our understanding of life, experience and landscape in Neolithic Britain.
Although the significance of the landscape in which the Medway Megaliths are situated has not been discussed in any great detail, Ashbee (1993) has highlighted the importance of the location of the tombs and the likelihood of intervisibility between tombs, particularly in relation to those on Blue Bell Hill (Ashbee 1993, 61). Ashbee has also described the likely significance of this particular landscape in relation to its continued use throughout Prehistory; other discoveries include rich Bronze Age burials, later Bronze Age gold deposits, an Iron Age cemetery with particularly rich ‘bucket burials’ from Aylesford and a possible Roman Temple on Blue Bell Hill (Ashbee 2005). These findings indicate the significance of this particular landscape as an area of continued occupation for over four thousand years.
The most prominent features in the landscape of the Medway Mega-liths are the North Downs and the River Medway. The concepts of orientation/axis, restricted views and ‘asymmetrical landscapes’ as high-lighted by Cummings et al. (2002) have been considered in relation to the location and visibility of the North Downs and the River Medway from the tombs, along with the extent of intervisiblity between tombs. A survey of the tombs and their surrounding landscape was completed by the author during 2007/8 when a detailed account of the topographical features in the immediate area of the tombs, along with the orientation, axis and intervisibility of each tomb was recorded. Fig. 1 highlights the intervisibility between the Medway tombs, along with their axis/orientation and their position in relation to the North Downs. The findings from this investigation have been considered in relation to the Medway tombs and their surrounding landscape from a phenomenological perspective. Although not exclusively linked to the understanding of landscapes, the theory of phenomenology is relevant when considering the positioning of monuments within a landscape as it is a key theory for any situation in which experience is a main factor. Simply, phenomenology is the study of experience and consciousness in everyday life (Tilley (2004).
Champion (2007, 80) indicates that other activity in the Medway area during the Neolithic fails to suggest why the locations of the monuments were chosen or how they affected the human use of the landscape around them. However, by looking at these monuments from a phenomenological perspective, a number of relationships can be determined between the tombs and their surrounding landscape, which may indicate why the tombs were constructed close to the North Downs and the River Medway (Fig. 1).
The Medway Tombs
On the slopes of Blue Bell Hill the megalith of Kits Coty House stands at the south-eastern end of a long barrow which, although rarely visible now is mentioned in accounts by Stukeley (Grinsell 1953). This monument, situated on an east-west alignment, is comprised of 3 upright sarsen stones measuring 3m in height and a large capstone.
Only a few hundred metres away at the foot of Blue Bell Hill is situated Little Kits Coty, a collection of fallen stones with little structure and no determinable alignment. However, early records by Stukeley show the stones in a less confused state, indicating the remains of a burial chamber with some tentative evidence of a barrow possibly 70ft wide, which would therefore indicate a mound of considerable size. A full excavation of this site would be needed to allow any concrete conclusions to be drawn.
The Coffin Stone, situated to the west of Little Kits Coty, is not always included in discussions of the Medway tombs as there is much confusion about the material evidence connected with this site and only a few stones remain with little evidence of any form of barrow. However, it is included here due to its proximity to Kits Coty House and Little Kits Coty and its similar connections to the surrounding landscape. The remains are of a large flat lying stone and some smaller stones situated in close proximity that appear to be on an approximate north-east/south-west alignment.
On the eastern slope of Blue Bell Hill close to the former location of the Warren Farm chamber, is situated the White Horse Stone. As one of two stones formerly known as the Upper and Lower White Horse Stones (the other now destroyed) this Neolithic remain is also not always included under the group term as there is little evidence of a megalithic chambered tomb or long barrow, although there are a few possibly related smaller stones that are situated to the south-west of the larger standing stone.
To the west of the River Medway are situated three more Neolithic mortuary structures. Coldrum is situated on an east-west alignment and is the best preserved structure of the Medway tombs. The rectangular long barrow is 90ft long and 60ft wide with a clearly defined sarsen stone kerb, although some stones have now fallen away to the east. There is a small rectangular chamber towards the eastern end comprising of 4 small upright stones. This tomb underwent significant excavations in 1856 and again between 1910 and 1928. Human remains of at least 22 individuals were discovered in the chamber from 1804 onwards along with a collection of pottery sherds and a flint saw (Ashbee 2005, 108).
Addington long barrow is considered to be of a more conventional form with a length of 200ft and a width of 40ft located on a north-east/south-west alignment. Although initially believed by Colebrooke in 1773 to be the remains of two small stone circles with a large ‘altar stone’ like that of Stonehenge (Ashbee 1993, 89), it was recognised later by Way and Wright (1845) that there was some indication of a long barrow which was later confirmed by Flinders Petrie (1878), and O.G.S Crawford in 1924.
The final tomb in the Medway group is the Chestnuts chamber. The tomb is situated in very close proximity to the Addington long barrow and is located on an east-west alignment. The chamber consists of a large group of standing stones approximately 10ft in height, 7ft wide and 12ft long, reconstructed by archaeologists in 1957 (Alexander 1961). During excavations at this time human remains and cremations were discovered along with flint artefacts and broken pottery (Ashbee 1993, 95).
The physical characteristics and structures of the tombs have been considered in great detail over the last centuries. This information helps to establish a possible function and period of use of the tombs, which can then be used in identifying the significance of the landscape and the experience that Neolithic people would have encountered at each site.
Restricted Views and Asymmetrical Landscapes
The Medway monuments are set within a contrasting landscape of the low-lying Medway valley and the rising slopes of the North Downs. The topographical diagrams (Figs 2 - 8) clearly indicate the consistent element of restriction in the view looking towards and outwards from the tombs. One of the main issues in determining the extent of restricted views is the differences in the landscape between the Neolithic and the modern day. It is probable that most of the tombs would have had mostly unrestricted open views ( i.e. without substantial tree cover) at the time of their construction (although little pollen analysis has been completed in this particular area). This is significant for Kits Coty House, Little Kits Coty and Coldrum, as their position within the landscape would have allowed for a 360° view of the surrounding area. The current situation causes the majority of tombs to have a restricted view of approximately a quarter of the landscape, however, at the Chestnuts, and Addington long barrows, the open view accounts for less than a third of the landscape. The concept of asymmetrical landscapes has been explored elsewhere in Neolithic Britain, particularly in relation to tombs in South Wales, where similar connections between asymmetrical landscapes and Neolithic tombs can be seen (Cummings et al. 2002).
Orientation and Axis of the Medway Tombs
Tilley (1994) has argued that megalithic monuments of this type are often located to point towards features such as mountains or river valleys and the details gathered from the Medway Megaliths appears to favour this argument. Coldrum, the Chestnuts, Addington, Kits Coty House and the Coffin Stone all appear to be orientated towards either the Medway Valley or the North Downs. It could also be argued that at Coldrum, the axis points to both the River Medway and the North Downs; in particular towards the spur now crowned by Crookhorn Wood. The topography of the area means that the North Downs are always located to the north, north-east or north-west of the monuments. It is therefore the orientation of the monuments, and not necessarily the exact position of the North Downs that is important. Only three monuments have a definable orientation, the Chestnuts, Coldrum and Kits Coty House, which are all orientated to the east or south-east. The Chestnuts and Coldrum are orientated towards the course of the River Medway, however the position of Kits Coty House on the east bank means it is orientated away from the River Medway. Kits Coty House appears to be orientated exactly towards the White Horse Stone and a particularly prominent spur of the North Downs. This may be significant as both the White Horse Stone and the destroyed Warren Farm chambered tomb are situated at the foot of this outcrop.
Proximity to the North Downs and Neolithic Settlements
The majority of the Medway tombs are situated at very close proximity to the scarp slopes of the North Downs. It is likely that these slopes were regarded as a sanctuary and may have been situated close to settlements within the area, the majority of which were probably on lower ground close to the Medway flood plain. But as it happens, the only direct evidence of Neolithic settlement in this region is a long house (Denison 1999) situated not on lower ground but on the slopes of Blue Bell Hill (and the Burham causewayed enclosure situated 5km north-west of the White Horse Stone). The close proximity of the White Horse Stone and the destroyed Warren Farm chamber to this occupation site may indicate the particular importance of that area and the reason for the construction of several tombs including Kits Coty House and Little Kits Coty. The settlement here may have been another factor that influenced the orientation of Kits Coty House in the direction of the White Horse Stone.
Intervisibility and Relationships between Tombs
It is probable that Kits Coty House, Little Kits Coty and the Coffin Stone would all have been intervisible in the Neolithic, as would have the Addington long barrow and the Chestnuts, and the White Horse Stone and the Warren Farm chambered tomb (Ashbee 1993) (see Fig. 1). It is therefore clear that intervisibility may have been a desirable feature when constructing the monuments. It is possible that some tombs, particularly the Coldrum long barrow, were situated in a location where they would be visible from the main occupation sites. The construction of monuments within view of the settlement may have been a key factor in the experience of ceremonies and rituals taking place at the tombs and may also have defined a link between the tomb builders and the landscape.
Tilley (1994) has explored in great depth ideas of phenomenology of the landscape and concepts of intervisibility particularly in relation to Cranborne Chase. He concluded that the proximity and relationship between barrows was key in the positioning of tombs, but also that the relationship to topographic features of the landscape played an important role (Tilley 1994, 158). The location of tombs within the Medway valley certainly displays evidence of these characteristics, and clearly there is great value in examining the Medway megaliths in the light of Tilley’s observations.
Activity and Experience
Although the Medway tombs have often been compared to other monu-ment complexes, particularly the Cotswold-Severn tombs and some continental examples, there appear to be few similarities in their activity and use during the Neolithic. In particular, their early date and substantial size sets them apart from most other examples. Ashbee (1993, 60) has indicated that the lack of material culture or remains at these sites may indicate that some tombs were not used for interring bodies as commonly seen elsewhere, and Piggott (1962, 28, 68) highlights the probability of a long period of usage of the tombs in which controlled access to the chamber allowed continued movement and circulation of bones in and out of the tombs before being covered and sealed by occupation debris signifying ritualistic relationship with the ancestors (Ashbee 1999, 278). Animal remains have also been associated with this burial tradition, and as in the case of the Chestnuts, animal bones have been incorporated into the tomb itself (Hodder 1990; Ashbee 1984). The selection of human remains that are deposited in the tombs, notably skulls, long bones and hand bones, have also been noted, and is a common occurrence across Britain, particularly seen in the Cotswold-Severn Tombs (Hodder 1990, 246).
These findings are important as they indicate that the Medway tombs may have been especially significant to the Neolithic population. This is reflected in both the scale of construction and the prominent position of the tombs, particularly Coldrum, within the landscape. It is probable that tombs with the greatest impact on the community, and with the most activity, were situated in locations which dominated the landscape and thus created the most influential experience. However, Coldrum long barrow and the Chestnuts chambered tomb are the only examples in this group which have been excavated to a high standard.
The Medway Megaliths are the only known group of Neolithic mortuary monuments in South-East England and this may reflect the pattern of population movements of the time and indicate a particular importance of this area of Kent. This could be due to the prominent backdrop of the North Downs, the availability of resources from the Medway valley (not least the plentiful supply of sarsens) and the presence of established routeways along which Neolithic populations travelled. The location of the Medway Megaliths within the region of the North Downs and the Medway valley appears to be a significant aspect of this particular monument group, as well as the location of individual monument within the landscape. It is clear that there is a direct relationship between the location of the tombs and the main topographical features of the landscape. Although the North Downs and the River Medway do appear to have played a significant role in the placement of the monuments within the landscape, there may have been additional factors influencing their location such as the presence of settlements, the location of other tombs and their degree of intervisibility, as well as the specific experiences that would be encountered at each site.
The Medway Megaliths are among the outstanding archaeological features of Kent and contribute much to our understanding of life and death during the Neolithic. With further investigation and excavation of sites such as the Burham causewayed enclosure and the Medway tombs it is likely that a clearer picture of Neolithic Kent will emerge. Information gathered has highlighted the North Downs and the Medway valley as an area of ceremonial, symbolic and natural importance for the Neolithic population of Kent, and has emphasised the need for continuing investigation and analysis of the Medway Megaliths.
sian killick
Alexander, J. H., 1961, ‘The excavation of the Chestnuts megalithic tomb at Addington, Kent’, Archaeologia Cantiana, lxxvi, 1-57.
Ashbee, P., 1984, The Earthen Long Barrow in Britain, 2nd ed., Norwich.
Ashbee, P., 1993, ‘The Medway Megaliths in Perspective’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxl, 57-111.
Ashbee, P., 1999, ‘The Medway Megaliths in a European context’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxix, 269-284.
Ashbee, P., 2005, Kent in Prehistoric Times, Stroud, Tempus.
Bayliss, A. and Whittle, A., 2007, ‘Histories of the dead: building chronologies for five southern British long barrows. Journal supplement’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, CUP, 17, 123-147.
Crawford, O.G.S., 1924, Ordnance Survey Professional Papers, New Series, No. 8, Archaeological Information Incorporated in the Ordnance Survey Maps, Part 2, The Long Barrows and Megaliths in the area covered by Sheet 12 of the half-inch Map (Kent, Surrey and Sussex), Southampton.
Cummings, V., Jones, A. and Watson, A., 2002, ‘Divided Places: Phenomenology and Asymmetry in the Monuments of the Black Mountains, Southeast Wales’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, CUP, 12,1, 57-70.
Denison, S., 1999, ‘Neolithic house and Roman Temple on rail link route’, British Archaeology, 44 , 4.
Grinsell, L.V., 1953, The Ancient Burial Mounds of England, 2nd ed. London, Methuen and Co. Ltd.
Hodder, I., 1990, The Domestication of Europe, Oxford.
Piggott, S., 1962, The West Kennet Long Barrow, Excavations 1955-56, London, HMSO.
Tilley, C., 1994, A Phenomenology of the Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments, Oxford, Berg.
Williams, J., 2007, The Archaeology of Kent to AD 800. Suffolk, Boydell Press.
3. preserving the john wymer archive
The label on the cover of the old physics homework book (belonging to J. Wymer Sci: VI) bears the title Archaological [sic] Rec’s, VOL 1 1949 – 1952 (1-1016). At the top of the first page, in neat cursive handwriting, is the entry: ‘W1 Yiewsley, Middx – gravels. Chellean hand-axe 5½” long – abraded (From Father’s collection)’. So begins the unique personal archive of John Wymer’s life’s work in Palaeolithic archaeology, important parts of that work undertaken in Kent.
The first impression is that this is an archive from a past era and, when seen in the light of the accessible, on-line digital resource that has been produced, it probably is, although the scholarship retains its value to this day. The seven hardbound field notebooks that followed on from VOL 1 (in all some 1,600 pages), written in an increasingly neat and precise italic hand, contain dated accounts of excavations, site visits and artefacts, illustrated with small, hand-coloured location maps and section drawings of quaternary stratigraphy (Fig. 1), and accompanied by numerous black-and-white photographs of sites, sections and colleagues.
John Wymer’s parents, from whom he inherited his interest in Palaeo-lithic artefacts, were keen amateur archaeologists, and it was in 1956, during one of their excavations of the Upper Middle Gravels at the Barnfield gravel pit at Swanscombe that he found an in situ fragment of human skull. That the bone should fit with two other fragments found some 20 years earlier was an accident of remarkably good fortune, but the very fact of the find within its precise stratigraphical Middle Palaeolithic context, and Wymer’s appreciation of its full significance (it remains the earliest known human remains in Britain), was down entirely to the patient and systematic approach to observation, excavation and recording which he had brought to the task, and which characterised his work (as evident in the archive) throughout his long career. In addition to the 270 entries relating to Swanscombe in the archive, there are 104 entries relating to over 20 other Kent sites (see Appendix).
While Wymer had no formal training in archaeology, there was nothing amateurish about the work that this archive documents, or the dedication that propelled the young amateur to become the foremost authority in his field – serving variously as President of the Quaternary Research Association, Chair of the Lithic Studies Society and a Vice-President and Honorary Life Member of the Prehistoric Society, receiving an honorary doctorate from Reading University and the Stopes Memorial Medal from the Geologists’ Association and, in 1996, being elected to the British Academy. The archive probably owes its distinct and individual character to the fact that Wymer was largely self-taught and approached his work with an independence of mind which might not have found such ready expression within the academic system. Moreover, the archive’s consistency of approach from that first entry, and its methodical and meticulous attention to detail, suggests that from the beginning, even before his Swanscombe discovery, Wymer appreciated the need for a systematic investigation of Palaeolithic archaeology of Britain. In 1997 he organised a celebration of Suffolk landowner John Frere’s recognition, 200 years earlier, that Palaeolithic artefacts were the tools of people living in the very remote past, but when Wymer started his work there was still no consistent understanding of the geological sequence which could provide a chronological framework for the British Palaeolithic.
Wymer embarked on this ambitious and often solitary task at a time, therefore, when the study of the Palaeolithic in Britain was both un-fashionable and unresourced, something which his lifetime’s work, as documented in this archive, played a major role in reversing. Central to the changing status of the subject was Wymer’s publication of three major synthetic works on the Palaeolithic, covering first the Thames Valley (1968), then East Anglia (1985) and culminating in The English Rivers Project (TERPS), the results of which were published as the two volumes of The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain (1999).
Along with the archaeological and geological record provided by his field notebooks (which are, equally, a fascinating social and historical document) the archive includes a 6,000-card index of every Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefact then known from Britain, many with illustrations in his clear and distinctive style. The index comprised the primary record of TERPS, during the course of which Wymer visited every Palaeolithic findspot and museum collection in Britain to assess its significance and to relate each find to its relevant geological deposit.
However, as a record of Wymer’s career, this archive extends far beyond the Palaeolithic of Britain, and is therefore of much wider arch-aeological interest. In 1956 he took up his first professional post at Reading Museum, from where in addition to his continued investigation of the Thames gravels, he excavated the important Early Mesolithic site at Thatcham (his knowledge of the Mesolithic was brought together in the 1977 Gazetteer of Mesolithic Sites in England and Wales), as well as of the Lambourn Neolithic long barrow and other prehistoric sites in Berkshire. In 1965 Wymer was appointed by Prof. Ronald Singer of the University of Chicago as research field director for a series of excavations in Britain, including Clacton-on-Sea and Hoxne, and South Africa (Klasies River Mouth), and his skills as a field archaeologist helped him to establish new standards for Palaeolithic archaeology, and to create a typology and chronology for Britain and much of South Africa. All these strands of a remarkable career are woven together in his notebooks.
Following John Wymer’s death in February 2006, Wessex Archaeology, with the help of a grant from the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ASLF) through English Heritage, set about securing the long-term curation of this archive of national archaeological importance, and so ensuring its dissemination to public and professional audiences. The complete archive, comprising in addition to the field notebooks and card index numerous photographs, box files, folders and other items, has been sorted and catalogued by Wessex Archaeology, and the bulk of it transferred to the British Museum which has agreed to be its permanent home (apart from artefacts and records relating to Klasies River Mouth which will be returned to South Africa, John’s personal collection of more than 4,000 artefacts, including some fine hand-axes, and any items of little or no academic interest).
To further secure the archive and make it accessible to the public, the field notebooks (which have been indexed by volume and page), the card index and selected photographs of archaeological significance have been digitally scanned and deposited with the Archaeology Data Service (ADS). The notebooks have been turned into digital text by copy-typing into database format, and will have further detailed indexing to enable users to search the archive at various levels (such as by site, artefacts etc.) via the ADS website. In addition, a new Palaeolithic database containing the results of TERPS, as published in The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain, will also be available on the ADS website. This is in the same format as the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archive (PaMela) based on Roger Jacobi’s archive, currently the subject of the Colonisation of Britain project under the aegis of Wessex Archaeology, allowing the two datasets to be merged at a future date.
The wide reach of Wymer’s interest and influence is reflected in the final numbered artefact record in Wymer’s field notebooks – below a photograph of the Namib dunes near Gobabeb is the entry: 4439-4441 Two blade-like flake(s), probably, M.S.A., and one of a coarse textured rock, in varying states of weathering. Typical of material within stone scatters. The notebook ends, a few pages later, with photographs, dated 27th August 2004, of a slightly less exotic location, the village of Churchill near Chipping Norton, showing the monument (and a cul-de-sac) commemorating the life of William ‘Strata’ Smith, the father of British geology, ‘Who’, as Wymer notes in his distinctive script, ‘created “the map that changed the world” ’. There is no doubt that John Wymer held a similarly pivotal role in British Palaeolithic studies, and the preservation of his archive will allow its continued use as an archaeological and geological record, as a social and historical document of considerable public interest, and as a fitting memorial to a life’s dedicated research.
Wessex Archaeology would like to thank Andrew Lawson for his invaluable advice and assistance throughout the project, particularly with regard to liaison with John Wymer’s family. We would like to thank the Wymer family for facilitating this project and English Heritage for funding it. The project was managed by Lorraine Mepham; Christine Butterworth and Helen MacIntyre sorted and catalogued the archive.
andrew b. powell
Wymer, J.J., 1968, Lower Palaeolithic Archaeology in Britain as Represented by the Thames Valley (John Baker, London).
Wymer, J.J. (ed.), 1977, Gazetteer of Mesolithic Sites in England and Wales (CBA Res. Rep. 20).
Wymer, J.J., 1985, The Palaeolithic Sites of East Anglia (Geo Books, Norwich).
Wymer, J.J., 1999, The Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain (Wessex Archaeology, Salisbury).
kent sites in john wymer’s notebooks
The visits are dated between 20 February 1952 and 2 September 2002. There are 374 notebook entries for Kentish sites (of which 270 are at Swanscombe). Wymer does not give map references, although the notes themselves (or any of his accompanying maps) may supply additional location information. All this data is now on ADS:
Allhallows: Shakespeare Pit
Chiddingstone: Stonewall Park
Greenhithe: Stone Castle Pit
Herne Bay
Pegwell Bay
Springhead, Ebbsfleet
Swanscombe: Barnfield Pit
Swanscombe: Milton St. Pit
Swanscombe: Rickson’s Pit
Warden Point, Sheppey
Wye Downs
Fig. 1 Haine Road, Ramsgate: location and all features plan.
Fig. 1 A map of the Medway Megaliths detailing the level of intervisibilty between tombs, and the orientation of tombs where this is identifiable.
Fig. 2 Topographical features in the landscape of Coldrum long barrow.
Fig. 3 Topographical features in the landscape of Addington long barrow.
Fig. 4 Topographical features in the landscape of Chestnuts chambered tomb.
Fig. 5 Topographical features in the landscape of Kits Coty House.
Fig. 6 Topographical features in the landscape of Little Kits Coty.
Fig. 7 Topographical features in the landscape of the White Horse Stone.
Fig. 8 Topographical features in the landscape of the Coffin Stone.
Fig. 1 John Wymer’s Field notebook entry for 10 February 1952: Swanscombe (Volume 2, page 35).
canterbury city sites
1. Augustine House, Rhodaus Town (TR 14991 57352)
Excavations between October 2007 and January 2008 to the rear of the former Clarkson House, in advance of the development of a library and student learning and support services centre, produced important new evidence of one of the town’s extramural areas during the Roman period. While prehistoric activity in the vicinity of the site had resulted in the deposition of a small number of worked flint artefacts, the earliest evidence of on-site occupation dates to the later Iron Age/Roman transition (c.100bc-ad43), intensifying in the early Roman period with pits, post-holes and a gully. During the mid to late first century two parallel ditches, aligned north-west/south-east were dug, indicating a change of use for the land and its division into separate plots, two of which then formed the focus for extensive quarrying. The late Roman period saw the introduction of five inhumation burials, three of which truncated the backfill of a boundary ditch but lay on the same alignment, suggesting that the boundary was still significant. All the burials were of adults, and, where determinable, males. A lack of grave goods makes dating such interments especially problematic, but pottery sherds recovered from grave fills were provisionally dated to the late third century, providing a terminus post quem at least.
Most interestingly, one of the burials aligned on the boundary ditch may have been the focus for a small late Roman polygonal enclosure formed by gullies. The entrance to the enclosure faced north-east, towards the line of Watling Street. Measuring approximately 11m by 11m in extent, the enclosure perhaps represented the foundation cuts of either a shrine or mausoleum. Whatever the case (and it may in fact have combined both functions) this was evidently a place for votive offerings; the gullies forming the enclosure contained significant assemblages of coins dom-inated by fourth-century issues and the House of Constantine (307-361), hobnails (indicating the deposition of footwear) and broken pot. Two contemporary parallel ditches passed the enclosure entrance a little way to the north-east, perhaps symbolically enclosing the area of the building. A series of pits containing later cultural material completed the Roman period sequence on the site.
A few residual mid-late Anglo-Saxon pottery sherds (c.800-1050) and a later medieval (c.1050-1550) ditch and small pits (one containing a horse skeleton) testify to farming activity during these periods. The ditch ran parallel to and about 70m from the Old Dover Road, and probably formed part of a boundary recorded in early property rentals for Christ Church Priory, marking the rear of land holdings fronting onto the road. A number of post-medieval horticultural pits were also identified, along with extensive soil horizons relating to continued farming of the area until recent times.
2. Canterbury Christ Church University Sports Centre (TR 15766 57506)
During autumn 2007 and May-July 2008 the Trust carried out archaeological evaluation and watching briefs associated with the construction of a new sports centre and access roads at Barton Court Grammar School. The earliest evidence from the site comprised late prehistoric flint working waste and heavily abraded pottery from a buried soil. An Anglo-Saxon pit contained eighty-one sherds of pottery (c.750-850), many of which appeared to form a single vessel, and a rare copper alloy feasting utensil, as well as traces of human cess, charred plant and seed remains, marine fish bone and fish scales and domesticated mammal and bird bones. A later medieval refuse pit (c.1250-1550) and post-medieval quarries backfilled with refuse from the farm were also recorded.
3. Longport conduit (TR 15380 57690 centred)
Monitoring of tree removal and new planting along Longport during April 2008 uncovered a length (4.86m) of brick-built vaulted culvert, aligned approximately north-west/south-east, and adjacent to and broadly contemporary with the Hales Conduit (installed in 1733). The works inadvertently damaged the culvert, which lay immediately beneath the road surface, revealing a relatively silt free, unlined internal chamber approximately 0.3m in diameter. The culvert probably served as a waste water drain removing excess water from the public tap at the corner of Longport and Monastery Street.
4. Kings School, St Augustine’s Abbey (TR 15400 57750)
In July 2007, a watching brief on excavation of a 32m-long trench for the construction of a ramped footpath within the former Great Court of St Augustine’s Abbey recorded the remains of six walls, probably associated with Dissolution period modifications of the Great Court in order to form the King’s New Lodgings (1539). A chalk and flint wall recorded at the eastern end of the trench was perhaps part of the foundation for the chapel located immediately to the north of the Ethelbert Tower and incorporated into the Queen’s Lodgings, while other structures more likely relate directly to the two chambers of the Queens Lodgings themselves. Later demolition and partial levelling of the area was evident, although a drain installed during this phase clearly respected one of the earlier walls. Following further demolition, digging of robber pits and a build up of refuse material, the site was sealed by soil horizons that built up after abandonment of the buildings in the later post-medieval period and during redevelopment of the Great Court in the early twentieth century.
5. St Mary’s Church, Northgate (TR 1510 5820)
Archaeological interventions and a watching brief were undertaken within the former church of St Mary Northgate between August 2003 and August 2004. The work exposed 18.34m of the Roman town wall and associated rampart and other material. Remnants of the south and west walls of the medieval church were also extant, and other medieval features including part of a floor and the metalled surface of Church Lane, later encroached upon by post-medieval church developments. The latter, particularly those of the early nineteenth century, were extensive. A number of post-medieval cemetery features, including four graves and a brick-built barrel vault tomb, were identified but not investigated further. The work also confirmed that the eastern end of the Roman wall that would have adjoined the North Gate had been removed during the construction of the 1830s façade.
6. No. 1 Westgate Grove (TR 14525 58053)
Excavation of two areas adjacent to a seventeenth-century probable former mill house produced evidence of a river bridge crossing the Stour and successive phases of buildings on the site from the early fifteenth century onwards. A brick wheel race within the river, dating to the late eighteenth century, would appear to mark the latest phase of construction on the site. It remains unclear when the building was converted to a domestic residence.
sites outside canterbury
7. Thanet Earth, Monkton (TR 289 667 centred)
The building of the UK’s biggest glasshouse complex at Monkton Road Farm led to one of the largest open area excavations ever conducted in Kent. The ‘Thanet Earth’ site covers 90 hectares (about 220 acres), of which about 47 hectares (nearly half a million square metres) have been examined archaeologically. The development involved the construction of eight large ‘plateaus’ (as well as a service road), using a ‘cut and fill’ technique to remould the natural contours of the land. Excavation focussed only in the up- slope areas that would be directly impacted upon by the cutting of the plateaus, while archaeological remains in down-slope areas, filled to the level the surface, were preserved in situ. The field work, commencing with the strip and map phase in mid October 2007, lasted a year and produced an archive pertaining to over 13,000 individual contexts, and amounting to large scale evidence of prehistoric, Roman and medieval landscapes (see Figs 1-3: details of the site); post-excavation analysis was in its early stages at the time of writing, but a summary of the most significant findings follows.
The earliest occupation of the site dates to the fourth millennium bc (early to middle Neolithic), attested by a number of pits and other potentially related features, although some residual Mesolithic flint artefacts may await discovery among later assemblages. Six round barrows and seven typical ‘Beaker burials’, along with two associated burials without beakers probably all date to the final Neolithic and earliest Bronze Age (c.2500-1850 bc), as do three further crouched burials and two inhum-ations within barrows. Two other round barrows, one containing a central cremation burial possibly containing burials dating to the middle Bronze Age (c.1500-1100 bc) were located on Plateau 2, as well as a middle Bronze Age pond which yielded a votive palstave. The late Bronze Age (c.1100-800 bc) saw the imposition of large-scale land management associated with agriculture, with field systems and drove ways extending across much of the site. A rare and therefore especially significant middle Iron Age settlement was discovered on Plateau 8; intensively occupied from c.500-300 bc, this may have originated earlier and was still in use as late as c.100/75 bc. An unusual double interment within a small ring ditch has been radiocarbon dated to about the same period, and a small late Iron Age inhumation cemetery comprising twenty-nine graves (plus one cremation burial) marks another rare and important prehistoric find for the project.
The Roman period landscape uncovered on the site apparently lay in the hinterland of denser occupation somewhere beyond the site margins, probably indicated by the extensive cropmark complex around Monkton Court Farm. Nonetheless, the on-site features included important early Roman funerary evidence (various cremation burials including a high status mortuary enclosure), hollow ways and ditched paddock-like enclosures. The Anglo-Saxon period was also somewhat marginally represented, although at least two and possibly four sunken-featured buildings (one a rare nine post example) were found in a cluster on Plateau 8, and two inhumation burials may be of a similar date.
Probably one of the biggest surprises of the project was the discovery of a proliferation of medieval settlement across the site, including ribbon development represented by a series of enclosures, buildings and ditches along the western edge of the forerunner of Seamark Road, itself identified as a hollow way with a flanking ditch on Plateau 7. The latter occupation in particular all seemed to date to between the eleventh and early fourteenth centuries. Further enclosure complexes were found to respect the Monkton parish boundary, and two north/south alignments probably followed drove roads or trackways. Over thirty enclosures have been identified, along with over sixty potential medieval buildings (although these were probably not all in use at the same time). The nature of many of these buildings is perhaps the most intriguing phenomenon, as most were sunken-featured buildings, often with a circular oven and cobble hot-plates built in. Other buildings preserved internal features, often formed of ‘clunch’ (a cob-like slurry of chalk and clay subsoil), including benches and even cupboards. Remarkably, several underground chamber complexes formed part of this medieval zone of activity, the functions of which are as yet unknown.
Following abandonment of the medieval settlement by the early four-teenth century the entire site generally remained open farmland until the Thanet Earth development. A noteworthy exception, on the northern edge of Plateau 4, was a 1940s subterranean building that probably housed a wartime airfield approach beacon, guiding aircraft to Manston.
8. Ringlemere, Woodnesborough (TR 2933 5697 centred)
Continued work on the Ringlemere site in 2007 focussed attention on ring ditches immediately to the south-west of Monument 1, the find spot of the Bronze Age Ringlemere gold cup, subsequently found to originate as a late Neolithic henge. The features targeted by the 2007 work, dubbed Monuments 2-4, had been previously identified via geophysical survey and aerial photographs. ‘Monument 4’, however, was quickly found to be merely an anomaly created by a combination of geology and a fortuitously aligned gully. Monument 2 could only be partially excavated, a gas main having been cut through its centre in the 1980s. Monument 3 was fully excavated.
The earliest activity represented on the site was in fact Mesolithic, as evidenced by a fresh adze recovered from a large irregular pit to the north of Monument 3. This find adds to a small but growing body of evidence for early hunter gatherers in the vicinity, with the steady accumulation of occasional abraded flakes with a mottled patina including a large Levall-oisian flake, probably dating to the Middle Palaeolithic (c.50,000 bp).
A single trench across the ditch of Monument 2 showed that this had been a substantial feature, 3.3m wide and 1.5m deep. Small quantities of worked flint were recovered from its fills. Monument 3 was found to comprise a continuous ring ditch enclosing an area between 15.25 and 16.25m across. A number of worked flints were found within the filling of the ditch generally, and a cluster of sherds from a single pot was collected from the upper fill on the south-west side. Several post-holes (one almost central and designed to house a substantial split post), a central pit and various hollows (some natural) were found within the enclosed area, but no burial: interpretation continues.
Two boundary ditches dating to the Roman period were also investigated, and six more Anglo-Saxon inhumations added to more than fifty already known to exist on the south-western side of Monument 1. All the graves were aligned approximately east/west, one being the burial of a child. Grave goods were included in four of the burials, with one (Grave 53) containing five brooches and forty-two beads.
9. Claxfield Farm, Lynsted (TQ 947 622)
In the summer of 2007, archaeological monitoring on land designated for annual Brickearth extraction recovered evidence from the periphery of a late Bronze Age settlement (900-600 bc), including a substantial boundary ditch, which produced a large quantity of burnt flint, pottery and a possible loom weight. Two further ditches and a number of pits variously yielded burnt flint, burnt daub and pottery. A 7m wide compacted trackway or foundation and two post-holes were also recorded. Two medieval ditches were noted, a continuation of features observed in an earlier season’s work, and a metal detector survey prior to stripping of the topsoil recovered a silver short cross penny (1189-1247) and a silver long cross quarter penny (1247-1272).
10. Mid Kent College and Lower Lines, Brompton (TQ 7690 6915 centred)
The ongoing construction of the new Mid Kent College campus and a public park in the area of the Lower Lines has involved the Trust in an important programme of archaeological works adjacent to a Scheduled Ancient Monument with Napoleonic as well as more recent military connotations. The Lower Lines were built in 1803 to strengthen already existing landward defences of the Chatham Dockyard, and the recent construction work has generally focussed in the area of the ‘field of fire’, a sloping open area immediately to the east of the Lines designed to trap and kill advancing troops. This same area was used in the nineteenth century for siege exercises and in the early twentieth century for training in trench warfare; it also housed the strategically important Second World War bunker and plotting room known then as Nore Command and later as HMS Wildfire. The archaeological excavations and site walkovers carried out as part of the project have found extensive evidence of all of these phases of activity, including siege trenches, in situ gabions, timber revetted tunnels, trenches and deep bunkers. A particularly significant discovery was a series of hitherto unknown nineteenth-century brick-lined countermine galleries and a brick dome-shaped chamber used for training in tunnelling.
11. Sally Port, Royal School of Military Engineering, Brompton (TQ 76347 68704)
Excavation of two evaluation trenches close to the Inner Lines at Brompton was carried out in advance of the construction of a new community centre. Two relatively substantial ditches, a small gully and a post-hole dating to the late Bronze Age/early Iron Age were exposed, these having been sealed by a buried soil horizon. The work also investigated successive phases of a small brick building, probably a guardhouse associated with the Sally Port gate in the Lines and depicted on the 1879 War Department OS map.
12. Lullingstone Roman Villa, Eynsford (TQ 5301 6506)
Improvements to visitor facilities and the cover building for the villa entailed archaeological watching briefs between December 2007 and July 2008. The construction work was deliberately focussed in areas known to have been previously disturbed, and the only archaeological material encountered was a dump of large Roman tile fragments and brick tesserae deriving from the 1950s excavations.
Jake Weekes
More detailed accounts of these sites and other work carried out by the Trust is published in Canterbury’s Archaeology 2007-2008 (ISBN 978-1-870545-16-7).
Compiled by Vince Gardiner and Karen Thomas
sites in the london boroughs of bexley, bromley, greenwich and lewisham
1. Green Level Pumping Station, Mulberry Way, Erith, Belvedere, Bexley (TQ 50690 79675)
One borehole and four window samples were carried out on site and monitored by MOLA geoarchaeologists. Variably across site Pleistocene gravel was encountered 7-8m below ground surface, above which was 0-2m layer of sandy clay with occasional organic bands representing fluvial and foreshore deposits. Overlying this and encountered 2-5m below ground level was 1-2m of peat/humic clay that indicated a waterlogged marshland environment. 1-4m of alluvial clay, probably relating to mudflats, were sealed by 1-3m of modern made ground and backfill. An additional 8m window sample sequence was taken adjacent to the location of one of the four sampled earlier and the sealed cores were retained for detailed examination and sampling by MOLA at a later point.
(Virgil Yendell, geo-archaeological watching brief March 2008 Jacobs GPG08)
2. South West Wing, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, SE10 (TQ 38575 77581)
A watching brief was carried out on the excavation of six geotechnical test pits and a single bore hole. Natural gravel beneath twentieth-century material was recorded in one test pit, while another contained a red-brick wall of possible eighteenth-century date beneath twentieth century deposits. No other archaeological remains were observed in the other four trenches which revealed only twentieth century material.
During the evaluation four trenches were excavated. Trench 1, in the Regatta Café Courtyard, revealed natural gravels truncated by an undated e-w aligned linear feature containing a clay fill and covered by a thin silt layer. This layer was cut by an e-w aligned brick culvert of probable early nineteenth-century date which was sealed by a clay layer beneath modern silt, rubble, and flagstone paving. A nineteenth-century e-w aligned stone wall was observed in the northern end of the trench cutting the clay layer, and may represent a retaining wall for some unknown feature.
Trench 2, in the Dolphin Sundial Court, contained a sequence of poss-ible natural gravel, sand and clay layers beneath a crushed brick con-solidation deposit. This was covered by modern silt, rubble and flagstone paving. The ‘natural’ deposits were cut by a wall of a basement room constructed from yellow stock brick with a whitewashed inner surface; located at the eastern end of the 1833 swimming pool. The northern wall of the room ran eastwards and included a shute containing a cast iron pipe, perhaps part of a heating system. The room had been backfilled with 1936 demolition rubble, beneath modern deposits.
Trench 3, on the lawn south of the Regatta Café, contained natural gravel and sand beneath subsoil, modern rubble and topsoil. The western end of the 1833 swimming pool, constructed from red and yellow bricks, was recorded cutting the natural deposits. A concrete surface which may have been the base of the pool was also revealed. Debris relating to the demolition of the pool in 1936 was overlain by topsoil, partly truncated by a large 1980s concrete foundation.
In Trench 4, within the Contractors Compound, natural gravel was ob-served beneath silty sand and a series of re-deposited sandy silt layers. Three undated pits had been cut into the subsoil, containing fragments of animal bones. These were sealed by a layer containing nineteenth century material beneath modern topsoil and a concrete path.
No evidence was found for either the medieval Woolwich-Deptford highway or for burials associated with the eighteenth/nineteenth-century Greenwich Hospital Burial Ground. Throughout the site there was extensive evidence of recent re-landscaping and re-deposition. Work continues.
(Agnieszka Bystron, Julian Bowsher watching brief and evaluation April-May, August 2008 National Maritime Museum NAM08)
3. Greenwich Wharf, SE10 (TQ 39120 78635)
Following work in 2007 (see Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxix), five evaluat-ion trenches were excavated. These located further evidence of the prehistoric landscape as well as a revetted channel (speculatively dated to the seventeenth century) towards the south-west corner of the site. From February onwards the site was monitored as a watching brief. As part of the watching brief a section was maintained throughout the prehistoric land-scape from which regular environmental samples were taken. Prehistoric evidence including peat deposits probably dating to the Bronze Age and a small pit filled with prehistoric pottery were recorded. On the west side of the site substantial remains were found of a medieval tide mill dating to the late twelfth century. To the south-west of the site further evidence was found for channels including further remains of the possibly seventeenth century revetment found in the evaluation. Further work on the site is planned.
During April, an archaeological assessment and foreshore survey was carried out on the areas formerly known as Lovell’s Wharf, Dead Dog Bay and Granite Wharf. Cartographic and drawn evidence, together with an examination of the building materials used, suggest that the construction of the central dock within Dead Dog Bay dates to the mid-late nineteenth century during extensive development of the site area for industrial use. This structure was subsequently blocked and partially in-filled during the twentieth century. There is evidence for several phases of repair and consolidation, both to the masonry and working surface of the dock. The structure has been damaged due to the erosive nature of its tidal location and should be considered at risk. The waterfront both up and downstream of the dock area comprises former wharf areas; and the area in front of Granite Wharf has been dredged to an unknown depth. The Lovell’s Wharf foreshore shows some evidence for shipyard activity.
(Andy Daykin, Nathalie Cohen evaluation, foreshore recording and watching brief January, February-October 2008 Greenwich Wharf Ltd GWW07)
4. Greenwich Market, Greenwich Church Street, SE10 (TQ 38340 77715)
Five trial pits and three boreholes were monitored as part of a geotechnical investigation within the footprint of the proposed Greenwich Market Regeneration area. Natural deposits were not revealed in any of the trial pits, although the boreholes showed that the surface of the natural Kempton Park gravel lay at c.3.23-3.32m od. Despite the small size of the trial pits and the proximity of existing foundations, a sequence considered to be medieval and probable sixteenth to eighteenth-century make-up and levelling deposits (predating the existing market building) beneath garden soil and modern material was recorded on the east side of the site. On the west side, a broadly similar sequence was observed, together with a wall footing of probable eighteenth-century date.
(Ian Blair geotechnical investigation July-August 2008 NB Real Estate Limited, on behalf of Greenwich Hospital GEK08)
5. Honor Oak Park Sports Ground, Brockley Rise, Lewisham, SE4 (TQ 36505 74248)
The first phase of work involved the monitoring of geotechnical pits and boreholes prior to redevelopment of the site. The majority of the investigations were made on grassed areas, revealing natural clay beneath a sandy clay topsoil and modern turf. On the Netball court (a raised area to the south of the site), deeper deposits of topsoil containing brick fragments, coal and slag were observed. These may be associated with gardens belonging to houses on Stillness Road, one of which was destroyed by WW2 bombing and is now the location of the court. Around the Pavilion, deposits had been disturbed during its construction and made ground was recorded in several pits, though one pit in this area contained gravel deposits approximately on a predicted alignment of the Roman road from London to Lewes (Margary 14). Evidence was also found for disturbance around a grandstand to the east, probably associated with its construction but possibly related to earlier re-modelling. No other arch-aeological remains were observed.
The geophysical survey concentrated on the west side of the site and the Roman road alignment. Two anomalies, potentially associated with the road, were identified. During the third phase of work, seventeen evaluation trenches were excavated including four to establish whether remains of the Roman road were present and might be affected by the proposed development. Three revealed areas of stiff, dark grey clay on which gravel layers were deposited almost exactly on the predicted road alignment. The fourth, furthest to the south, demonstrated that the road metalling had been truncated by the levelling of sports pitches as the road rose up a natural slope. A section placed where the survival of the road was greatest suggested the presence of a camber on either side. No other archaeological features associated with the road were identified. The other trenches contained only remains relating to the construction and landscaping of the modern sports ground. Three shallow pits were also found, one of which contained fragments of brick and tile, which are likely to be contemporary with the ground reduction and subsequent leveling of the sports ground. Work continues.
(Gabby Rapson, Damion Churchill geophysical survey (Stratascan for MOLA), geotechnical monitoring and evaluation February, April, September 2008 Loates-Taylor Shannon on behalf of King’s College London HKP08)
rest of kent
6. Cobham Park, Cobham DA12 (TQ 68090 68224)
Natural sand and clayey sand was observed in all trenches directly below 0.10-0.35m thick topsoil. Brick walls and possible chalk floors relating to nineteenth-century farm buildings were recorded in the north-east area of excavation.
(Nikki Rahmatova watching brief November-December 2008 EDF Networks Limited KT-CBE08)
7. East Kent (Thanet) Access Project (TR 32311 63665)
Twenty-three window samples drilled on the south of the Isle of Thanet were recorded by a MOLA geoarchaeologist and inspected for evidence of palaeosoils or buried soils that would indicate the presence of stable land surfaces in order to target future archaeological work. Window samples from the two transects (a broad T-shape: west-east from Telegraph Hill to the Lord of the Manor and north-south from Manston International Airport to Ebbsfleet) were drilled by Jacobs to 2m depth below ground surface and core examination carried out at the geotechnical laboratory in Aylesford, Kent.
The cores displayed considerable variability in deposit thickness and type, as they came from a range of different locations in terms of geology and topography. The west-east leg of the transect lies on a plateau of Cretaceous Chalk (at approximately +50m od). On these upper slopes and margins of the chalk plateau, where modern soil was observed in weathered soliflucted chalk or Thanet Sands, net erosion would be the dominant process. Former land surfaces are likely to have been truncated or eroded as a result of Holocene landscape processes but fills of cut features may survive, possibly identifiable immediately below the modern topsoil. The north-south transect crosses the boundary between the Chalk on the Isle of Thanet and Tertiary Thanet Sands to the south (at +20m od). Drift (comprising slope deposits accumulated in the late Devensian and Holocene: Head and wind blown Loess) masks the interface between geologies. On these lower slopes and in the dry valley bottoms, topsoil overlies colluvium that thickens towards the base of the slope. Any artefacts encountered are likely to be ex-situ, having been subject to hillwash, but there is potential for buried land surfaces and in situ occupation (though none was identified in the cores). The depth of such land surfaces will increase downslope. The three southernmost window samples were drilled on an outcrop of Thanet Sands forming a promontory of higher ground extending into the marine and estuarine alluvium of the former Wantsum Channel. The archaeological potential is difficult to assess without od levels, and alternative interpretations are suggested. If the topsoil developed in weathered Thanet Sands, colluvial deposits or beach sands on the promontory, a stable land surface is likely with later archaeology overprinting and disturbing earlier remains and features. In this situation in situ archaeology may be visible immediately below the modern topsoil. Alternatively, land surfaces may be buried by estuarine alluvium.
(Mary Ruddy geoarchaeological report on window samples January 2008 Kent County Council KT-EKT08)
8. Peters Village, Wouldham (TQ 71370 62610)
An evaluation trench was excavated to the east of a north-south running retaining wall at Old Church Road in the belief that it would reveal traces of one or more industrial lime kilns immediately beside the wall. The west face of the wall was also cleared of chalk rubble. No traces of the lime kilns were revealed. The wall itself was constructed of chalk and clunch, up to 2.88m in height with a batter and 0.40m thick at the top. The wall had been backfilled to the east with compacted chalk rubble level to the top of the wall and at about 7.50m distance from the wall the chalk was consolidated with a deposit of brick rubble over which lay a railway track of 3ft 6in. (1.06m) gauge. Two steel bullhead rails and a third just to their west ran across the trench from south-east to north-west.
(Nikki Rahmatova, Andrew Westman evaluation April 2008 Trenport Investments (Peters Village) Limited KT-PVG07)
9. St Peter’s Wharf, Maidstone (TQ 75642 55670)
Work continued following a watching brief in 2006 which had observed a substantial likely medieval ragstone drain. The drain is thought to be part of the structure of the hospital built on the site in 1260 which was funded by Boniface of Savoy. The hospital fell into disuse in the fourteenth century but the chapel still exists today as the Church of St Peter to the west of the site. Four evaluation trenches were excavated. The drain was found in two trenches to the north of the site and seen to continue further west into the unexcavated area. The drain was in relatively good condition, but damaged by a nineteenth-century brick drain. The entire depth of the drain could not be excavated in either trench as a number of heavily horizontally truncated human burials were uncovered. Found in three of the trenches, some of these were disturbed (and bone mixed with nineteenth-century layers) but many featured in situ bones in an east-west alignment. It is assumed that these burials are associated with the hospital and chapel. The rest of the site was made of nineteenth- and twentieth-century building and made ground.
Following the discovery of the human remains during the evaluation, 30 burials were recorded and excavated in part of the surviving cemetery at the western side of the site which also related to the hospital mentioned above. The remainder of the site had been heavily truncated during the building of a gasworks there in the nineteenth century and the rest of the cemetery either disturbed or destroyed. A large quantity of redeposited human bone was recovered from these areas.
The ragstone drain observed in previous phases of work was further excavated and to the north-west of the drain a ragstone well of uncertain date but post-dating the cemetery was also discovered. The well was not backfilled and still contained a 1m depth of water. It had been capped during the ninetenth century with bricks and reused as a pump base, presumably as part of the gasworks. Work continues.
(Nikki Rahmatova evaluation April-May 2008 excavation June-August 2008 Blenheim House Construction Ltd/Citygrove Securities PLC KT-SPW06)
10. Newnham Park, Bearsted Road, Weavering, Maidstone (TQ 78366 57236)
Sixteen geological test pits were monitored in advance of a proposed development on a currently open elevated field. Of the 16 test pits only two contained significant archaeological evidence, though substantial fragments of ceramic building material were observed and recorded in the subsoil of the other test pits. The archaeological evidence in the southern central area of the site consisted of a potential flint surface forming a courtyard or trackway overlaying natural. The approximate location of the flint surface matches a linear feature shown on aerial photographs of the site, and would therefore suggest the flints form a crude trackway In the south of the site a weathered peg tile hearth constructed from re-used Kent peg tiles placed tightly together on edge into a clay bed or floor was observed. The discolouration of the clay and tiles indicates the hearth had been used, but it was not clear if the hearth belonged to a domestic dwelling or workshop.
Despite lack of dating evidence from either of the features it is certain the hearth is evidence of medieval occupation of the site. The possible flint trackway has a potential broader date that may pre-date the hearth or could relate to the former eighteenth-century Newnham Court sand mines. Work continues.
(Bruce Ferguson watching brief, August 2008,
Nome Properties LLP KT-NPB08)
11. Connaught Barracks, Dover (TQ 3235 4250)
Natural ground consisting of Pleistocene Clay-with-Flint deposits over-lying Cretaceous upper chalk was identified where terracing associated with the construction of the barracks had had limited impact. Areas where the ground level had been raised or landscaped were also identified across the site. Differing deposits, consisting of a sequence of clays, were identified in two boreholes in the south-western corner of the site; these possibly related to hill-wash deposits or an underlying geological feature. Six pieces of struck flint, including one end-side scraper, probably dating to the Bronze Age were found in the north of the site and a single, residual, undated, struck flake was retrieved from a made-ground deposit sampled by one of the boreholes in the centre of the site. A single sherd of Roman pottery was located with the flint assemblage but this was the only indication of Roman activity on this site.
(Aaron Birchenough, Geotechnical watching brief October 2008 English Partnerships KT-CON08)
1. boys hall road, willesborough, ashford
In August 2001 Museum of London Archaeology (MoLA) undertook a pro-gramme of archaeological work in advance of the construction of a housing development at Boys Hall Road, Willesborough, Ashford.
The site lay on the southern slope of the valley formed by Old Mill Stream. The archaeological features on the lowest terrace, closest to the stream, were either cut or sealed by various phases of alluvial deposition. These features ranged in date from the Neolithic/early Bronze Age, the pre-Roman Iron Age and the late 12th–early 13th century ad. The prehistoric features included boundary ditches and gullies and a pit. The medieval activity comprised boundary ditches, two phases of a rectangular timber building with an internal hearth, an external hearth (also of two phases) to the south-east of the building, and a series of postholes.
Features higher up the slope cut into colluvium and were sparser than on the alluvial lowest terrace. The processes, probably both natural and caused by human activity, which led to the creation of the colluvium, may have truncated most of the evidence for prehistoric activity. However, a posthole structure of possible late Iron Age date and two medieval ditches defining a trackway leading towards the buildings on the lowest terrace were recorded.
Artefacts recovered from the site ranged in date through all of these periods and some residual worked flints were also found.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Elaine Eastbury and Lynne Blackmore
2. swanscombe high school
In April and May 1997, Museum of London Archaeology (MoLA) excavated a Romano-British site in the grounds of the former Swanscombe High School in advance of the construction of the Swan Valley Community School. The approximate centre of the excavation (site code SSF97) was at NGR 560814 173926.
The principal archaeological features defined on the site were all Roman in date and included a rectangular, walled enclosure, formed by 1.0m wide chalk walls and measuring 37.0m by 34.60m, which surrounded a robbed stone foundation, probably for a shrine or monument. In the late 2nd century the enclosure became part of a farmstead. A corn drier, rubbish pits and a concentration of postholes, probably the remains of several timber buildings, were present within it. The farmstead was part of a wider, rural landscape and several ditches provided evidence of field boundaries outside the enclosure. The enclosure lay to the east of a Roman road, encountered during the evaluation of the site, running north-west from the small town of Vagniacis at Springhead.
The ditches were backfilled in the later 3rd century with dumped material which included debris from ironworking taking place nearby. All the features within the walled enclosure were excavated but the walls themselves were largely preserved beneath the new school building.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Anthony Mackinder
3. capitol cinema, tonbridge high street
Following an archaeological evaluation of the site in 2003, Museum of London Archaeology (MoLA) conducted an excavation in June and July 2005 at the site of the former Capitol Cinema in Tonbridge. The approximate centre of the investigated area lies at NGR 559040 146773.
The first phase of the work, an evaluation of all but the north-east part of the site, found little potential for archaeological survival though a cluster of medieval rubbish pits and a single post-hole were recorded. The second phase in 2005 found coherent evidence for medieval occupation and a controlled excavation was undertaken. Quantities of pottery, arte-facts and animal bone were collected and environmental samples were selected for study.
Activity on the site before the medieval period was represented by a single worked flint and a sherd of possible Roman date. Evidence for occupation of the site fell into three date ranges: 1) mid 11th to mid 13th century; 2) mid 13th to mid 16th century and 3) mid 16th century to c.1700. Dating to the first period was a building fronting the road, numerous pits and post-holes and two linear features. Associated with these features was a large assemblage of pottery and significant evidence for metal working including tap slag, run slag, hearth lining, hammerscale and cinder. Another smaller building was identified as belonging to the second period, also a few small pits and post-holes and quantities of sherds. Dating from period three was a replacement building, possibly an animal stall, as well as numerous pits and occasional post-holes which yielded pottery, a variety of animal bones and a rich charred plant assemblage. An alignment of post-holes is thought to mark a post-medieval boundary.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Dan Swift and Lyn Blackmore
4. foster road, ashford
An excavation in 2006 by Wessex Archaeology at Foster Road, on the south-east side of Ashford (NGR 603110 140891), revealed activity of Middle and Late Bronze Age, Late Iron Age, Romano-British, Early Saxon and medieval date. The site lies within a landscape in which many sites of these periods have been previously recorded (Philp 1991; Stevenson and Johnson 2004; Booth et al. 2008; Wessex Archaeology 2004, 2007).
The archaeology was dominated by a series of ditches (and possible natural run-off gullies) running down the gentle slope from north-east to south-west. These defined droveways, enclosures or fields of different periods, as well as aiding drainage of the ground towards the East Stour river. The earliest feature, at the base of the slope, however, was a large pond or area of localised marsh whose organic-rich sediments produced Middle to Late Bronze Age pottery, animal bone and worked and burnt flint. Environmental evidence indicates that the thickly vegetated pond, probably used by livestock, occupied a landscape of open damp grassland with local stands of mixed woodland and scrub. Oats and barley, both relatively tolerant of damp conditions, had been cultivated nearby.
Two of the earliest ditches cut the upper fills of the hollow, one of which, containing Middle/Late Bronze Age pottery, defined a subrectangular enclosure containing a 7.6m diameter roundhouse with a central hearth. Another focus of activity, represented by a cluster of pits, postholes, slots and a hearth to the north-east of the enclosure, produced further pottery, along with animal bone, fired clay and burnt flint, as well as mixed charcoal whose mineral coating and vitrified surfaces indicate temperatures exceeding 800ºc, possibly from metalworking. All these features towards the south of the site were sealed by a truncated, late prehistoric anthropogenic soil horizon; in the northern part of the site there was a further, irregular arrangement of ditches. Subsequent late prehistoric activity is represented by additional ditches, some cutting the soil horizon, as well as pits and a large hollow on the eastern edge of the site; these contained sherds of probable Late Bronze Age date.
In the Late Iron Age there was a clear arrangement of largely parallel ditches and gullies running down the slope, some splaying outwards at the north-east, with a large shallow hollow between them possibly caused by animal traffic. Environmental evidence indicates the continuation of open grassland through the Late Iron Age and into the Romano-British period – when activity is represented by a further two ditches and a waterhole. Pollen from the waterhole indicates a combination of marshy conditions and rough pasture, meadows or open waste ground, as well as the local cultivation of oats and barley; although wheat, preferring a dryer environment, was absent from the pollen.
In the Saxon period two adjacent oval waterholes were excavated in the northern part of the site, both with alder, hazel and oak stakes supporting horizontal oak planks at the base. The uppermost fill of the northern waterhole contained ten sherds of organic-tempered Saxon pottery, and stakes from the southern and northern waterholes, respectively, produced radiocarbon dates of cal ad 570-650 (1444±25 bp, NZA-28894) and cal ad 580-660 (1427±25 bp, NZA-28893). A large subrectangular hollow on the northern edge of the site, suggestive of a Saxon sunken-featured building, may be associated with the waterholes, although the dearth of finds (a single sherd of organic-tempered Saxon pottery) or other signs of occupation, hamper its interpretation. Environmental evidence shows that the landscape included open woodland (possibly managed), with wet alder carr woodland fringing the floodplain. Charred grains of free-threshing wheat were recovered from one of the waterholes.
The final phase of activity, comprising a rectilinear arrangement of medieval ditches, appears to have formed part of a more extensive 12th/13th-century field system, probably associated with the moated site at Boys Hall, Sevington, to the immediate south-west of the site (Booth and Everson 1994).
The excavation was commissioned by CgMs Consulting (Paul Chadwick) on behalf of PPG (Southern) Limited and Cirrus Properties, and monitored for Kent County Council by Adam Single. The illustration is by Elizabeth James. A full report, including archive finds and environmental reports, is published on the KAS website ( The archive will be held at Wessex Archaeology under the project codes 63461 and 63462 until accepted by a Kent museum.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Andrew B. Powell
Booth, P., Bingham, A.M. and Lawrence, S., 2008, The Roman Roadside Settle-ment at Westhawk Farm, Ashford, Kent: Excavations 1998-9, Oxford: Oxford Archaeology.
Booth, P. and Everson, P., 1994, ‘Earthwork survey and excavation at Boys Hall Moat, Sevington, Ashford’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxiv, 411-34.
Philp, B., 1991, ‘Excavations on the Orbital Park Site, Ashford’, Kent Archaeol-ogical Review 104, 74-7.
Stevenson, J. and Johnson, C., 2004, Brisley Farm, ‘The last Iron Age warriors of Kent?’, Current Archaeology, 191, 490-96.
Wessex Archaeology, 2004, ‘Park Farm East, Ashford, Kent: Post-excavation Assessment Report and Updated Project Design’, unpubl. client report.
Wessex Archaeology, 2007, ‘Waterbrook Park, Ashford: Interim Report for Phase 1 Archaeological Excavation (Site B)’, unpubl. client report.
5. orpington hospital, sevenoaks road
An archaeological evaluation by Pre-Construct Archaeology Limited, carried out at intervals during 1999 and 2000, at Orpington Hospital in the London Borough of Bromley (NGR: TQ 460 647) produced a quantity of struck and burnt flint within a colluvial deposit. Analysis of these artefacts suggested that the area was an important source of flint from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age, with both flint mining and initial stone preparation taking place on the site. The presence of medieval artefacts within the hillwash indicated activity during this period in the area. Early twentieth-century material, possibly relating to a WW1 forerunner of Orpington Hospital, was also found.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Jonathan Butler
6. puma power plant, ash, sandwich
Archaeological work was carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MoLA) in three phases between 2003 and 2004, consisting of evaluation trenches, open area excavation and a watching brief. The natural geology of the site consisted of truncated Thanet Beds, overlain by Holocene brickearth. The site lies on the Sandwich road in the village of Ash at NGR 629285 158345. Two areas of activity were excavated. In the north of the site, close to the Sandwich Road frontage, the earliest feature was a pit of possible late Bronze or Iron Age date. During the early Roman period a series of inter-cutting, east-west, parallel ditches were dug across this part of the site. These are interpreted as the southern boundary of an enclosed agrarian settlement, probably a single farmstead, which extended further north under the Sandwich Road. Other features, including gullies, pits and post-pits provided evidence for one robbed out timber building and associated occupation. A second cluster of features in the western part of the site, consisted of two phases of linear ditches, probably stock pens. The earlier phase of ditches is undated, but the later one is of Roman date. The duration of Roman activity probably spanned from the 1st century until the 3rd century ad.
All the Roman features were sealed by a thick accumulation of post-medieval hillwash and there was no archaeological evidence for reoccupation until 1780 when the new Ash Workhouse was built along the Sandwich Road frontage. In 1836 the workhouse was converted into brewery by John Bushel. In 1840 he sold the premises to William Gardner, who established Gardner’s Brewery, which occupied the central portion of the site until 1968. Excavated remains of the brewery included brick-built cellars, a large circular brick-lined well and a robbed out brick-lined well of 18th- or early 19th-century date. In 1968 the site became industrial premises latterly known as the Puma Power Plant.
Post-medieval features of note included a land drain lined with cattle horn cores, and a saddleback ceramic land drain of late 18th- or early 19th-century date.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Bruce Watson
7. holy trinity school, west hill, dartford
Archaeology South-East was commissioned by McCullochs plc to under-take an archaeological excavation at the site of the former Holy Trinity School, West Hill, Dartford. The site lies to the west of the modern and historic Roman and medieval centre of Dartford, on the south side of Well Hill. The probable alignment of Roman Watling Street forms its northern boundary and the site of a medieval leper hospital is recorded to the east (SMR: TQ 57 SW 48).
Past excavations on the western end of the site by Dartford District Archaeological Group (DDAG) had revealed medieval artefacts and several burials thought to be of medieval date. An archaeological assessment by Archaeology South-East in April 1997 uncovered a number of features and it was decided that full-scale excavation of the most sensitive areas would be undertaken prior to the residential development.
A single, shallow pit dated to the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age was located towards the western boundary of the site. Also present on the site were 25 graves, five of these located by DDAG and the remaining 20 by Archaeology South-East. All the graves were orientated east to west, evenly spaced, and with no evidence of intercutting. In one grave cut was a mature female with the remains of a neonate placed over her chest, thought to be contemporary. Evidence suggests that both shrouds and coffins were used for burial and grave-goods were located in a number of graves. The burials have been dated, by radiometric tests, grave-goods analysis and burial practices, to the seventh to early eighth century, a transitional period between paganism and Christianity.
A concentration of features dating to the Saxo-Norman and later medieval periods was uncovered in another part of the site, consisting of a large pit, post-holes and linear features thought to be beam slots for a small building dating from the eleventh to the early twelfth century.
Large quantities of pottery were produced by the DDAG excavations, mainly from the overburden, dating from the thirteenth to fourteenth century with a little earlier and later material and some intrusive Romano-British sherds. Pottery from the 1997 excavations, more sparse but from secure contexts, was mainly eleventh to twelfth century in date with a few prehistoric (Late Bronze Age to Iron Age) sherds present.
(The full report on this site is published on the KAS website,
Lucy Sibun, with Luke Barber and David Dunkin
Fig. 1 Thanet Earth Plateaus 2-4: prehistoric features.
Fig. 2 Thanet Earth Plateaus 2-4: Roman period features.
Fig. 3 Thanet Earth Plateaus 2-4: medieval features .
Fig. 1 Boys Hall Road, Willesborough, Ashford: site location.
Fig. 2 Swanscombe High School: site location.
Fig. 3 Capitol Cinema, Tonbridge High Street: site location.
Fig. 5 Foster Road, Ashford: site location.
Fig. 6 Orpington Hospital, Sevenoaks Road: site location.
Fig. 7 Puma Power Plant, Ash, Sandwich: site location.
Fig. 8 Holy Trinity School, West Hill, Dartford: site location.